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MAX17223ELT+T 数据手册
Click here to ask about the production status of specific part numbers. MAX17220–MAX17225 400mV to 5.5V Input, nanoPower Synchronous Boost Converter with True Shutdown General Description Benefits and Features The MAX17220–MAX17225 is a family of ultra-low quiescent current boost (step-up) DC-DC converters with a 225mA/0.5A/1A peak inductor current limit and True Shutdown™. True Shutdown disconnects the output from the input with no forward or reverse current. The output voltage is selectable using a single standard 1% resistor. The 225mA (MAX17220/MAX17221), 500mA (MAX17222/ MAX17223), and 1A (MAX17224/MAX17225) peak inductor current limits allow flexibility when choosing inductors. The MAX17220/MAX17222/MAX17224 versions have post-startup enable transient protection (ETP), allowing the output to remain regulated for input voltages down to 400mV, depending on load current. The MAX17220– MAX17225 offer ultra-low quiescent current, small total solution size, and high efficiency throughout the entire load range. The MAX17220–MAX17225 are ideal for battery applications where long battery life is a must. ● 300nA Quiescent Supply Current into OUT ● True Shutdown Mode • 0.5nA Shutdown Current • Output Disconnects from Input • No Reverse Current with VOUT 0V to 5V ● ● ● ● 95% Peak Efficiency 400mV to 5.5V Input Range 0.88V Minimum Startup Voltage 1.8V to 5V Output Voltage Range • 100mV/Step • Single 1% Resistor-Selectable Output ● 225mA, 500mA, and 1A Peak Inductor Current Limit • MAX17220/MAX17221: 225mA ILIM • MAX17222/MAX17223: 500mA ILIM • MAX17224/MAX17225: 1A ILIM ● MAX17220/MAX17222/MAX17224 Enable Transient Protection (ETP) ● 2mm x 2mm, 6-Pin μDFN ● 0.88mm x 1.4mm, 6-Bump WLP (2 x 3, 0.4mm Pitch) Applications ● Optical Heart-Rate Monitoring (OHRM) LED Drivers ● Supercapacitor Backup for Real-Time Clock (RTC)/ Alarm Buzzers ● Primary-Cell Portable Systems ● Tiny, Low-Power IoT Sensors ● Secondary-Cell Portable Systems ● Wearable Devices ● Battery-Powered Medical Equipment ● Low-Power Wireless Communication Products Ordering Information appears at end of data sheet. Typical Operating Circuit L1 2.2µH IN 400mV TO 5. 5V CIN 10µF OUT LX OUT COUT 10µF SEL RSEL True Shutdown is a trademark of Maxim Integrated Products, Inc. GND MA X 17 22 X GND STARTUP 0.88 (TYP) 19-8753; Rev 6; 10/20 IN EN EN MAX17220–MAX17225 400mV to 5.5V Input, nanoPower Synchronous Boost Converter with True Shutdown Absolute Maximum Ratings OUT, EN, IN to GND ................................................ -0.3V to +6V RSEL to GND ................. -0.3V to Lower of (VOUT + 0.3V) or +6V LX RMS Current WLP ............................... -1.6ARMS to 1.6ARMS LX RMS Current μDFN.................................. -1ARMS to +1ARMS Continuous Power Dissipation (TA = +70°C) WLP (derate 10.5mW/°C above +70°C) ....................... 840mW Continuous Power Dissipation (TA = +70°C) μDFN (derate 4.5mW/°C above +70°C) .....................357.8mW Operating Temperature Range ...........................-40°C to +125°C Junction Temperature ....................................................... +150°C Storage Temperature Range ..............................-40°C to +150°C Soldering Temperature (reflow) ........................................ +260ºC Stresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. Package Information μDFN Package Code L622+1C Outline Number 21-0164 Land Pattern Number 90-0004 THERMAL RESISTANCE, FOUR-LAYER BOARD Junction to Ambient (θJA) 223.6°C/W Junction to Case (θJC) 122°C/W WLP Package Code N60E1+1 Outline Number 21-100128 Land Pattern Number Refer to Application Note 1891 THERMAL RESISTANCE, FOUR-LAYER BOARD Junction to Ambient (θJA) 95.15°C/W Junction to Case (θJC) N/A For the latest package outline information and land patterns (footprints), go to www.maximintegrated.com/packages. Note that a “+”, “#”, or “-” in the package code indicates RoHS status only. Package drawings may show a different suffix character, but the drawing pertains to the package regardless of RoHS status. Package thermal resistances were obtained using the method described in JEDEC specification JESD51-7, using a four-layer board. For detailed information on package thermal considerations, refer to www.maximintegrated.com/ thermal-tutorial. Electrical Characteristics (VIN = VEN = 1.5V, VOUT = 3V, TA = -40°C to +125°C, typical values are at TA = +25°C, unless otherwise noted. (Note 1)) PARAMETER Minimum Input Voltage Input Voltage Range SYMBOL VIN_MIN VIN Guaranteed by LX Maximum On-Time Minimum Startup Input Voltage VIN_STARTUP Output Voltage Range VOUT www.maximintegrated.com CONDITIONS Runs from output after startup, IOUT = 1mA MIN MAX 400 0.95 RL ≥ 3kΩ, Typical Operating Circuit, TA = +25°C See RSEL Selection Table. For VIN < VOUT target (Note 2) TYP 0.88 1.8 UNITS mV 5.5 V 0.95 V 5 V Maxim Integrated | 2 MAX17220–MAX17225 400mV to 5.5V Input, nanoPower Synchronous Boost Converter with True Shutdown Electrical Characteristics (continued) (VIN = VEN = 1.5V, VOUT = 3V, TA = -40°C to +125°C, typical values are at TA = +25°C, unless otherwise noted. (Note 1)) PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS MIN MAX UNITS +1.5 % 2.5 4 % TA= +25°C. 300 600 TA = +85°C 470 900 Output Accuracy, LPM ACCLPM VOUT falling, when LX switching frequency is > 1MHz (Note 3) -1.5 Output Accuracy, UltraLow-Power Mode ACCULPM VOUT falling, when LX switching frequency is > 1kHz (Note 4) 1 Quiescent Supply Current Into OUT Quiescent Supply Current Into IN IQ_OUT MAX17220/2/4 EN = open after startup MAX17221/ 3/5 EN = VIN, not switching, RSEL OPEN, VOUT = 104% of 1.8V IQ_IN Total Quiescent Supply Current into IN LX EN IQ_IN_TOTAL Shutdown Current Into IN ISD_IN Total Shutdown Current into IN LX ISD_TOTAL Inductor Peak Current Limit MAX17220/2/4 EN = open after startup, MAX17221/3/5 EN = VIN, not switching, RSEL OPEN, VOUT = 104% of 1.8V IPEAK nA TA = +125°C 1000 TA = +25°C 0.1 MAX17220/2/4 EN = Open after startup. MAX17221/3/5 EN = VIN, not switching, VOUT = 104% of VOUT target, total current includes IN, LX, and EN, TA = +25°C 0.5 MAX17220/1/2/3/4/5, RL = 3kΩ, VOUT = VEN = 0V, TA = +25°C 0.1 MAX17220/1/2/3/4/5, RL= 3kΩ, VEN = VIN = VLX = 3V, includes LX and IN leakage, TA = +25°C 0.5 (Note 5) LX Maximum Duty Cycle DC (Note 6) LX Maximum On-Time tON (Note 6) LX Minimum Off-Time tOFF (Note 6) www.maximintegrated.com TYP 2000 nA 100 nA nA 100 nA mA MAX17220/1 180 225 270 MAX17222/3 0.4 0.5 0.575 MAX17224/5 0.8 1 1.2 70 75 VOUT = 1.8V 280 365 450 VOUT = 3V 270 300 330 VOUT = 1.8V 90 120 150 VOUT = 1.8V 80 100 120 A % ns ns Maxim Integrated | 3 MAX17220–MAX17225 400mV to 5.5V Input, nanoPower Synchronous Boost Converter with True Shutdown Electrical Characteristics (continued) (VIN = VEN = 1.5V, VOUT = 3V, TA = -40°C to +125°C, typical values are at TA = +25°C, unless otherwise noted. (Note 1)) PARAMETER LX Leakage Current SYMBOL ILX_LEAK N-Channel OnResistance RDS(ON) P-Channel OnResistance RDS(ON) Synchronous Rectifier Zero-Crossing as Percent of Peak Current Limit Enable Voltage Threshold IZX VIL VIH CONDITIONS VOUT = VEN = 0V, MAX17220 VOUT = 3.3V VOUT = 3.3V MIN TYP VLX = 1.5V, TA = +25°C 0.3 VLX = 5.5V, TA= +85°C 30 VLX = 5.5V, TA= +125°C 400 MAX17220/1 124 270 MAX17222/3 62 135 MAX17224/5 31 70 MAX17220/1 300 600 MAX17222/3 150 300 MAX17224/5 75 150 7.5 VOUT = 3.3V (Note 7) 2.5 5 When LX switching stops, EN falling, TA = -40°C to +85°C 250 500 When LX switching stops, EN falling, TA = -40°C to +125°C 150 EN rising, TA = -40°C to +85°C 600 EN rising, TA = -40°C to +125°C nA mΩ mΩ % 850 900 0.1 MAX17220/2/4, VEN = 0V, TA= +25°C 0.1 Enable Input Impedance MAX17220/2/4 100 Required Select Resistor Accuracy RSEL Use the nearest ±1% resistor from RSEL Selection Table Select Resistor Detection Time tRSEL VOUT = 1.8V, CRSEL < 2pF (Note 8) IEN_LK UNITS mV MAX17221/3/5, VEN = 5.5V, TA = +25°C Enable Input Leakage MAX -1 360 600 nA 200 kΩ +1 % 1320 μs Note 1: Limits are 100% production tested at TA = +25°C. Limits over the operating temperature range are guaranteed through correlation using statistical quality control (SQC) methods. Note 2: Guaranteed by the Required Select Resistor Accuracy parameter. Note 3: Output Accuracy, Low Power mode is the regulation accuracy window expected when IOUT > IOUT_TRANSITION. See PFM Control Scheme and VOUT ERROR vs ILOAD TOC for more details. This accuracy does not include load, line, or ripple. Note 4: Output Accuracy, Ultra-Low Power mode is the regulation accuracy window expected when IOUT < IOUT_TRANSITION. See PFM Control Scheme and VOUT ERROR vs. ILOAD TOC for more details. This accuracy does not include load, line, or ripple. Note 5: This is a static measurement. See ILIM vs. VIN TOC. The actual peak current limit depends upon VIN and L due to propagation delays. Note 6: Guaranteed by measuring LX frequency and duty cycle. Note 7: This is a static measurement. Note 8: This is the time required to determine RSEL value. This time adds to the startup time. See Output Voltage Selection. www.maximintegrated.com Maxim Integrated | 4 MAX17220–MAX17225 400mV to 5.5V Input, nanoPower Synchronous Boost Converter with True Shutdown Typical Operating Characteristics (MAX17222ELT+, IN = 1.5V, OUT = 3V, L = 2.2μH Coilcraft® XFL4020-222, CIN = 10μF, COUT = 10μF, TA = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.) www.maximintegrated.com Maxim Integrated | 5 MAX17220–MAX17225 400mV to 5.5V Input, nanoPower Synchronous Boost Converter with True Shutdown Typical Operating Characteristics (continued) (MAX17222ELT+, IN = 1.5V, OUT = 3V, L = 2.2μH Coilcraft® XFL4020-222, CIN = 10μF, COUT = 10μF, TA = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.) www.maximintegrated.com Maxim Integrated | 6 MAX17220–MAX17225 400mV to 5.5V Input, nanoPower Synchronous Boost Converter with True Shutdown Pin Configurations TOP VIEW TOP VIEW + MA X172 2x + OUT LX GND 1 6 MAX17 22x 2 5 3 4 EN A OUT LX GND B EN IN SEL 1 2 3 IN SEL µDFN WLP Pin Description PIN NAME FUNCTION OUT Output Pin. Connect a 10μF X5R ceramic capacitor (minimum 2μF capacitance) to ground. 6 WLP μDFN A1 1 A2 2 LX A3 3 GND B1 6 EN Active-High Enable Input. See Supply Current section for recommended connections. B2 5 IN Input Pin. Connect a 10μF X5R ceramic capacitor (minimum 2μF capacitance) to ground. Depending on the application requirements, more capacitance may be needed (i.e., Bluetooth® LE). B3 4 SEL www.maximintegrated.com Switching Node Pin. Connect the inductor from IN to LX. Ground Pin. Output Voltage Select Pin. Connect a resistor from SEL to GND based on the desired output voltage. See the RSEL Selection Table. Maxim Integrated | 7 MAX17220–MAX17225 400mV to 5.5V Input, nanoPower Synchronous Boost Converter with True Shutdown Functional Diagram 2.2µH LX MAX17220/2/3/4/5 IN CIN 10µF TRUE SHUTDOWN STARTUP OUT COUT 10µF CURRENT SENSE MODULATOR REFERENCE EN OPTIONAL ENABLE PIN TRANSIENT PROTECTION OUTPUT VOLTAGE SELECTOR SEL RSEL GND www.maximintegrated.com Maxim Integrated | 8 MAX17220–MAX17225 400mV to 5.5V Input, nanoPower Synchronous Boost Converter with True Shutdown Detailed Description The MAX17220–MAX17225 compact, high-efficiency, step-up DC-DC converters have ultra-low quiescent current, are guaranteed to start up with voltages as low as 0.95V, and operate with an input voltage down to 400mV, depending on load current. True Shutdown disconnects the input from the output, saving precious battery life. Every detail of the MAX17220–MAX17225 was carefully chosen to allow for the lowest power and smallest solution size. Such details as switching frequencies up to 2.5MHz, tiny package options, a single-output setting resistor, 300ns fixed turn-on time, as well as three current limit options, allow the user to minimize the total solution size. Supply Current True Shutdown Current The total system shutdown current (ISD_TOTAL_SYSTEM) is made up of the MAX17220–MAX17225 total shutdown current (ISD_TOTAL) and the current through an external pullup resistor, as shown in Figure 1 ISD_TOTAL is listed in the Electrical Characteristics table and is typically 0.5nA. It is important to note that ISD_TOTAL includes LX and IN leakage currents. (See the Shutdown Supply Current vs. Temperature graph in the Typical Operating Characteristics section.) ISD_TOTAL_SYSTEM current can be calculated using the formula below. For example, for the MAX17220–MAX17225 with EN connected to an open-drain GPIO of a microcontroller, a VIN = 1.5V, VOUT= 3V, and a 33MΩ pullup resistor, ISD_TOTAL_SYSTEM current is 45.9nA. VIN ISD_TOTAL_SYSTEM = ISD_TOTAL + R PULLUP 1.5 = 0.5nA + 33MΩ = 45.9nA(Figure1) Figure 2 shows a typical connection of the MAX17221/MAX17223/MAX17225 to a push-pull microcontroller GPIO. ISD_TOTAL_SYSTEM current can be calculated using the formula below. For example, a MAX17221/MAX17223/ MAX17225 with EN connected to a pushpull microcontroller GPIO, VIN = 1.5V, and VOUT = 3V,ISD_TOTAL_SYSTEM current is 0.5nA. ISD_TOTAL_SYSTEM = ISD_TOTAL = 0.5nA (Figure 2, Figure 3) Figure 3 shows a typical connection of the MAX17220/MAX17222/MAX17224 with a pushbutton switch to minimize the ISD_TOTAL_SYSTEM current. ISD_TOTAL_SYSTEM current can be calculated using the formula above. For example, a MAX17220/MAX17222/MAX17224 with EN connected as shown in Figure 3, with VIN = 1.5V and VOUT = 3V, the ISD_TOTAL_SYSTEM current is 0.5nA. 33MŸ RPULLUP OUT IN GND MAX17220–MAX17225 SEL µC OPEN-DRAIN GPIO LX OUT EN IN Figure 1. For All Versions, EN Pin Can Be Driven by an Open-Drain Microcontroller GPIO. www.maximintegrated.com Maxim Integrated | 9 MAX17220–MAX17225 400mV to 5.5V Input, nanoPower Synchronous Boost Converter with True Shutdown IN SEL OUT IN MAX17221/ MAX17223/ MAX17225 GND VIO µC LX EN OUT Figure 2. Only the MAX17221/MAX17223/MAX17225 EN Pin Can Be Driven by a Push-Pull Microcontroller GPIO. IN µC OUT IN LX MAX17220/ MAX17222/ MAX17224 GND SEL EN OUT 33MΩ GPIO Figure 3. The MAX17220/MAX71222/MAX71224 Total System Shutdown Current Will Only Be Leakage if Able to Use Pushbutton as Shown. Enable Transient Protection (ETP) Current The MAX17220/MAX17222/MAX17224 have internal circuitry that helps protect against accidental shutdown by transients on the EN pin. Once the part is started up, these parts allow the voltage at IN to drop as low as 400mV while still keeping the part enabled, depending on the load current. This feature comes at the cost of slightly higher supply current that is dependent on the pullup resistor resistance. The extra supply current for this protection option can be calculated by the equation below. For example, for the MAX17220/MAX17222/MAX17224 used in the [[For All Versions, EN Pin Can Be Driven by an Open- Drain Microcontroller GPIO.]] connection, a VIN = 1.5V, VOUT = 3V, a 33MΩ pullup resistor and an 85% efficiency, the IQ_ETP is expected to be 61.3nA. (VOUT − VIN) VOUT 1 IQ_ETP = (R × (η × V − 1) PULLUP + 100K) IN (Figure 1) (3V − 1.5V) 1 3V IQ_ETP = (33M + 100K) × ( 0.85 × 1.5 − 1) = 61.3nA (Figure 1) Use the efficiency η from the flat portion of the efficiency typical operating curves while the device is in ultra-lowpower mode (ULPM). See the PFM Control Scheme section for more info on ULPM. Do not use the efficiency for your actual load current. If you are using the versions of the part without enable input transient protection (using MAX17221/ MAX17223/MAX17225), or if you are using any part version and the electrical path from the EN pin is opened after startup, then there is no IQ_ETP current and it will be zero. IQ_ETP = N/A = 0 (Figure 2) (VOUT) 1 VOUT IQ_ETP = (R × (η × V ) PULLUP + 100K) IN (Figure 3) (3V) 1 3V IQ_ETP = (33M + 100K) × ( 0.85 × 1.5V ) = 213.2nA www.maximintegrated.com Maxim Integrated | 10 MAX17220–MAX17225 400mV to 5.5V Input, nanoPower Synchronous Boost Converter with True Shutdown (Figure 3) Quiescent Current The MAX17221–MAX17225 has ultra-low quiescent current and was designed to operate at low input voltages by bootstrapping itself from its output by drawing current from the output. Use the equation below to calculate the total system quiescent current IQ_TOTAL_SYSTEM using the efficiency η from the flat portion of the efficiency graph in the Typical Operating Characteristics section while the device is in ULPM. See the PFM control scheme section for more info on ULPM. Do not use the efficiency for your actual load current. To calculate the IQ_ETP for the MAX17220/MAX17222/ MAX17224, see the Enable Transient Protection (ETP) Current section. If you are using the versions of the part without enable input transient protection (using the MAX17221/MAX17223/MAX17225) or if you are using any part version and the electrical path from the EN pin is opened after startup, then the IQ_ETP current will be zero. For example, for the MAX17221/MAX17223/MAX17225, a VIN = 1.5V, VOUT = 3V, and an 85% efficiency, the IQ_TOTAL_SYSTEM is 706.4nA. IQ_TOTAL_SYSTEM = IQ_IN_TOTAL + IQ_OUT VIN η×( ) VOUT (MAX17221/3/5) IQ_TOTAL_SYSTEM = 0.5nA + 300nA = 706.4nA 1.5V ) 3V 0.85 × ( (MAX17221/3/5) IQ_TOTAL_SYSTEM = IQ_IN_TOTAL + IQ_OUT + IQ_ETP VIN η×( ) VOUT (MAX17220/2/4) (MAX17220/2/4) IQ_TOTAL_SYSTEM = 0.5nA + 300nA + 61.3nA = 767.7nA 1.5V ) 3V 0.85 × ( (MAX17220/2/4) PFM Control Scheme The MAX17221–MAX17225 utilizes a fixed on-time, current-limited, pulse-frequency-modulation (PFM) control scheme that allows ultra-low quiescent current and high efficiency over a wide output current range. The inductor current is limited by the 0.225A/0.5A/1A N-channel current limit or by the 300ns switch maximum on-time. During each on cycle, either the maximum on-time or the maximum current limit is reached before the off-time of the cycle begins. The MAX17221–MAX17225 PFM control scheme allows for both continuous conduction mode (CCM) or discontinuous conduction mode (DCM). When the error comparator senses that the output has fallen below the regulation threshold, another cycle begins. See the MAX17221–MAX17225 simplified Functional Diagram. The MAX17221–MAX17225 automatically switches between the ULPM, low-power mode (LPM) and high-power mode (HPM), depending on the load current. Figure 4 and Figure 5 show typical waveforms while in each mode. The output voltage, by design, is biased 2.5% higher while in ULPM so that it can more easily weather a future large load transient. ULPM is used when the system is in standby or an ultra-low-power state. LPM and HPM are useful for sensitive sensor measurements or during wireless communications for medium output currents and large output currents respectively. The user can calculate the value of the load current where ULPM transitions to LPM using the equation below. For example, for VIN = 1.5V, VOUT = 3V, and L = 2.2μH, the UPLM to LPM transition current happens at approximately 1.49mA and a no-load frequency of 11.5Hz. The MAX17221–MAX17225 enters HPM when the inductor current transitions from DCM to CCM. www.maximintegrated.com Maxim Integrated | 11 MAX17220–MAX17225 400mV to 5.5V Input, nanoPower Synchronous Boost Converter with True Shutdown VOUT ULTRA-LOW POWER MODE (UPLM): LIGHT LOADS DCM VOUT TARGET + 2.5% LOW POWER MODE (LPM): MEDIUM LOADS DCM VOUT TARGETVOUT TARGET - LOAD REG 17.5µs 5µs CCM LOAD DEPENDENT 750ns HIGH POWER MODE (HPM): HEAVY LOADS TIME Figure 4. ULPM, LPM, and HPM Waveforms (Part 1) VOUT ULTRA LOW POWER MODE (UPLM): LIGHT LOADS DCM 100ms VOUT TARGET + 2.5% LOW POWER MODE (LPM): MEDIUM LOADS 17.5µs DCM VOUT TARGETVOUT TARGET - LOAD REG 7µs CCM 650ns LOAD DEPENDENT HIGH POWER MODE (HPM): HEAVY LOADS TIME Figure 5. ULPM, LPM, and HPM Waveforms (Part 2) IOUT_TRANSITION = ( VIN 300ns2 ) × (V 2L OUT VIN 300ns2 1, 5V η −1 ) × ( 17.5μs ) 0.85 = ( 2 × 2.2μH ) × ( 3V ) × ( 17.5μs ) = 1.49mA −1 1.5V The minimum switching frequency can be calculated by the following equation: 1 IQ fSW(MIN) = 17.5μs × IOUT_TRANSITION 1 300nA fSW(MIN) = 17.5μs × 1.49mA = 11.5Hz Operation with VIN > VOUT If the input voltage (VIN) is greater than the output voltage (VOUT) by a diode drop (VDIODE varies from ~0.2V at light www.maximintegrated.com Maxim Integrated | 12 MAX17220–MAX17225 400mV to 5.5V Input, nanoPower Synchronous Boost Converter with True Shutdown load to ~0.7V at heavy load), then the output voltage is clamped to a diode drop below the input voltage (i.e., VOUT = VIN - VDIODE). When the input voltage is closer to the output voltage target (i.e., VOUT target + VDIODE > VIN > VOUT target) the MAX17220–MAX17225 operate like a buck converter. Hot Plugging The MAX17221–MAX17225 will initiate a controlled soft-start in the event that a supply voltage is reapplied at a high dV/dt rate; for example, during installation of a fresh battery. While in regulation, if VIN steps abruptly above VOUT for more than 1V (typ), the device will reset. Output voltage droop in this case will be a function of the load current, output capacitance, and time required for soft-start to complete, which is 1.5ms (typ). Design Procedure Output Voltage Selection The MAX17221–MAX17225 has a unique single-resistor output selection method known as RSEL, as shown in Figure 6. At startup, the MAX17221–MAX17225 uses up to 200μA only during the select resistor detection time, typically for 600μs, to read the RSEL value. RSEL has many benefits, which include lower cost and smaller size, since only one resistor is needed versus the two resistors needed in typical feedback connections. Another benefit is RSEL allows our customers to stock just one part in their inventory system and use it in multiple projects with different output voltages just by changing a single standard 1% resistor. Lastly, RSEL eliminates wasting current continuously through feedback resistors for ultralow-power battery-operated products. Select the RSEL resistor value by choosing the desired output voltage in the RSEL Selection Table. IN OUT OUT LX IN EN EN SEL GND MAX1722X GND RSEL Figure 6. Single RSEL Resistor Sets the Output Voltage RSEL Selection Table VOUT (V) STD RES 1% (kΩ) 1.8 OPEN 1.9 909 2.0 768 2.1 634 2.2 536 2.3 452 2.4 383 2.5 324 2.6 267 2.7 226 www.maximintegrated.com Maxim Integrated | 13 MAX17220–MAX17225 400mV to 5.5V Input, nanoPower Synchronous Boost Converter with True Shutdown VOUT (V) STD RES 1% (kΩ) 2.8 191 2.9 162 3.0 133 3.1 113 3.2 95.3 3.3 80.6 3.4 66.5 3.5 56.2 3.6 47.5 3.7 40.2 3.8 34 3.9 28 4.0 23.7 4.1 20 4.2 16.9 4.3 14 4.4 11.8 4.5 10 4.6 8.45 4.7 7.15 4.8 5.9 4.9 4.99 5.0 SHORT Inductor Selection A 2.2μH inductor value provides the best size and efficiency tradeoff in most applications. Smaller inductance values typically allow for the smallest physical size and larger inductance values allow for more output current assuming CCM is achieved. Most applications are expected to use 2.2μH, as shown in the example circuits. For low input voltages, 1μH will work best. If one of the example application circuits does not provide enough output current, use the equations below to calculate a larger inductance value that meets the output current requirements, assuming it is possible to achieve. For the equations below, choose an IIN between 0.9 x ILIM and half ILIM. It is not recommended to use an inductor value smaller than 1μH or larger than 4.7μH. See the Typical Operating Characteristics section for choosing the value of efficiency η using the closest conditions for your application. An example calculation has been provided for the MAX17222 that has an ILIM = 500mA, a VIN (min) = 1.8V, a VOUT = 3V, and a desired IOUT of 205mA, which is beyond one of the 2.2μH example circuits. The result shows that the inductor value can be changed to 3.3μH to achieve a little more output current. IIN = VOUT × IOUT η × VIN ILIM 2 3V × 205mA = 0.85 × 1.8V = 402mA < IIN < 0.9 × ILIM ΔI=(ILIM - IIN)× 2 = (500mA - 402mA)× 2 = 196mA LMIN = VIN × tON(MAX) Δl = 1.8V × 300ns = 2.76μH 196mA = > 3.3µH closest standard value www.maximintegrated.com Maxim Integrated | 14 MAX17220–MAX17225 400mV to 5.5V Input, nanoPower Synchronous Boost Converter with True Shutdown Capacitor Selection Input capacitors reduce current peaks from the battery and increase efficiency. For the input capacitor, choose a ceramic capacitor because they have the lowest equivalent series resistance (ESR), smallest size, and lowest cost. Choose an acceptable dielectric such as X5R or X7R. Other capacitor types can be used as well but will have larger ESR. The biggest downside of ceramic capacitors is their capacitance drop with higher DC bias and, because of this, at minimum a standard 10μF ceramic capacitor is recommended at the input for most applications. The minimum recommended capacitance (not capacitor) at the input is 2μF for most applications. For applications that use batteries that have a high source impedance greater than 1Ω, more capacitance may be needed. A good starting point is to use the same capacitance value at the input as for the output. The minimum output capacitance that ensures stability is 2μF. At minimum, a standard 10μF X5R (or X7R) ceramic capacitor is recommended for most applications. Due to DC bias effects, the actual capacitance can be 80% lower than the nominal capacitor value. The output ripple can be calculated with the following equation. For example, for the MAX17220 and MAX17222–MAX17225 with a VIN = 1.5V, VOUT = 3V, an effective capacitance of 5μF, and a capacitor ESR of 4mΩ, the expected ripple is 7mV. V_RIPPLE = IL_PEAK × ESR_COUT 1 1 + 2 IL_PEAK × tOFF × COUT(effective) Where, VIN 1.5V IL_PEAK = L × tON = 2.2μH × 300ns = 204mA tOFF = tON[ V VIN OUT − VIN 1.5V ] = 300ns × [ 3V − 1.5V ] = 300ns COUT (effective) = 5μF, ESR_COUT for Murata GRM155R61A106ME44 is 4mΩ from 200kHz to 2MHz. 1 1 V_RIPPLE = 204mA × 4mΩ + 2 × 204mA × 300ns × 5μF = 7mV PCB Layout Guidelines Careful PC board layout is especially important in a nanocurrent DC-DC converters. In general, minimize trace lengths to reduce parasitic capacitance, parasitic resistance and radiated noise. Remember that every square of 1oz copper will result in 0.5mΩ of parasitic resistance. The connection from the bottom of the output capacitor and the ground pin of the device must be extremely short as should be that of the input capacitor. Keep the main power path from IN, LX, OUT, and GND as tight and short as possible. Minimize the surface area used for LX since this is the noisiest node. Lastly, the trace used for RSEL should not be too long nor produce a capacitance of more than a few picofarads. www.maximintegrated.com Maxim Integrated | 15 MAX17220–MAX17225 400mV to 5.5V Input, nanoPower Synchronous Boost Converter with True Shutdown Applications Information Primary Cell Bluetooth Low Energy (Bluetooth LE) Temperature Sensor Wearable OPTIONAL LDO 400mV* TO 1.6V 2.75V 3V MAX1725 MAX30205 LDO MAX1722X MEDICAL GRADE TEMP SENSOR BOOST BATTERY SILVER OXIDE ZINC AIR AAAA AAA AA I2C PORT BLUETOOTH LE RADIO ARM® CORTEX® M4 *LOAD CURRENT DEPENDENT FLASH LP BLUETOOTH LE/NFC µC WITH INTERNAL BUCK RAM 3V DC-DC BUCK 1.3V NFC GND Figure 7. MAX1722x/MAX30205 Temperature Sensor Wearable Solution www.maximintegrated.com Maxim Integrated | 16 MAX17220–MAX17225 400mV to 5.5V Input, nanoPower Synchronous Boost Converter with True Shutdown Primary Cell Bluetooth LE Optical Heart Rate Monitoring (OHRM) Sensor Wearable 0.8V TO 1.6V 3.3V LED SUPPLY (OR ADJ TO 5V) BATTERY SILVER OXIDE ZINC AIR AAAA AAA AA I2C PORT BLUETOOTH LE RADIO ARM CORTEX M4 FLASH LP BLUETOOTH LE/NFC µC WITH INTERNAL BUCK RAM 3.3V 3.6V MAX DC-DC BUCK 1.3V NFC GND Figure 8. MAX1722x/MAX30110/MAX30101/MAX30102 Optical Heart Rate Monitor (OHRM) Sensor Wearable Solution for Primary Cells Secondary Rechargeable Lithium Cell Bluetooth LE Optical Heart Rate Monitor (OHRM) Sensor Wearable OPTIONAL LDO 2.7V TO 4.2V LED SUPPLY 4.5V 5V OR ADJ BATTERY Li+ MAX32625/26 MAX32620/21 I2C µC Figure 9. MAX1722x/MAX30110/MAX30101/MAX30102 Optical Heart Rate Monitor (OHRM) Sensor Wearable Solution for Secondary Cells www.maximintegrated.com Maxim Integrated | 17 MAX17220–MAX17225 400mV to 5.5V Input, nanoPower Synchronous Boost Converter with True Shutdown Supercapacitor Backup Solution for RTC Preservation REGULATE WITH SUPERCAP DOWN TO 400mV VCAP = 400mV TO 5.5V 2.3V TO 5.5V SOURCE 3.3V SUPERCAP REVERSE CURRENT BLOCKING VCAP = 5V TO 3.8V • VOUT = V CAP - VDIODE VCAP = 3.8V TO 400mV • VOUT = 3.3V Figure 10. MAX1722x/MAX14575/DS1341 RTC Backup Solution Supercapacitor Backup Solution to Maintain Uniform Sound for Alarm Beeper Buzzers UNIFORM ALARM WITH SUPERCAP DOWN TO 400mV* VCAP = 400mV TO 5.5V 2.3V TO 5.5V SOURCE 5V SUPERCAP REVERSE CURRENT BLOCKING VCAP = 5.5V TO 400mV* • VOUT = 5V *LOAD DEPENDENT Figure 11. MAX1722x/MAX14575 Solution for Alarm Beeper Buzzers www.maximintegrated.com Maxim Integrated | 18 MAX17220–MAX17225 400mV to 5.5V Input, nanoPower Synchronous Boost Converter with True Shutdown Zero Reverse Current in True Shutdown for Multisource Applications ZERO REVERSE CURRENT IN SHUTDOWN 2.7V TO 4.2V 0μA ILOAD 5V SOLAR CELLS 0μA SUPERCAP BATTERY Li+ 0μA Figure 12. MAX1722x Has Zero Reverse Current in True Shutdown Typical Application Circuits Smallest Solution Size—0603 Inductor—MAX17222/MAX17223 500mA ILIM (Part 1) IN 1.8V TO 3V RSEL L1 1µH/0603 MURATA DFE160808S -1R0M CIN 10µF/0402/X5R/6.3V MURATA GRM155R60J106ME44 COUT 10µF/0402/X5R/10V MURATA GRM155R61A106ME44 3.3V OUTPUT R SEL 80.6kΩ ±1% 3V OUTPUT R SEL 133kΩ ±1% www.maximintegrated.com OUT MAX17222 MAX17223 GND GND SEL STARTUP 0.88 (TYP) COUT 10µF EN OUT 3.3V, 160mA 3V, 185mA COUT 10µF GND MAX17222 MAX17223 GND 3.3V, 16mA 3V, 20mA L1 2.2µH CIN 10µF IN LX OUT IN EN EN LX OUT CIN 10µF EN L1 1µH SEL IN 0.8V TO 3V RSEL L1 2.2µH/0603 MURATA DFM18PAN2R2MG0L CIN 10µF/0402/X5R/6.3V MURATA GRM155R60J106ME44 COUT 10µF/0402/X5R/10V MURATA GRM155R61A106ME44 3.3V OUTPUT R SEL 80.6kΩ ±1% 3V OUTPUT R SEL 133kΩ ±1% Maxim Integrated | 19 MAX17220–MAX17225 400mV to 5.5V Input, nanoPower Synchronous Boost Converter with True Shutdown Typical Application Circuits (continued) Smallest Solution Size—0603 Inductor—MAX17222/MAX17223 500mA ILIM (Part 2) IN 2.7V TO 4.2V L1 2.2µH OUT MAX17222 MAX17223 GND SEL GND SEL STARTUP 0.88 (TYP) COUT 10µF 5V, 160mA 3.3V*, 250mA COUT 10µF GND MAX17222 MAX17223 GND EN IN LX 2V, 90mA 1.8V, 100mA OUT IN EN EN CIN 10µF LX CIN 10µF L1 2.2µH OUT OUT EN IN 0.8V TO 1.8V RSEL RSEL * = IN < OUT L1 2.2µH/0603 MURATA MFD160810 -2R2M CIN 10µF/0402/X5R/6.3V MURATA GRM155R60J106ME44 COUT 10µF/0402/X5R/10V MURATA GRM155R61A106ME44 2V OUTPUT R SEL 768kΩ ±1% 1.8V OUTPUT R SEL OPEN (NO RESISTOR) L1 2.2µH/0603 MURATA MFD160810 -2R2M CIN 10µF/0402/X5R/6.3V MURATA GRM155R60J106ME44 COUT 10µF/0402/X5R/10V MURATA GRM155R61A106ME44 5V OUTPUT R SEL SHORT TO GND (NO RESISTOR) 3.3V OUTPUT R SEL 80.6kΩ ±1% Highest Efficiency Solution—4mm x 4mm Inductor—MAX17222/MAX17223 500mA ILIM (Part 1) IN 1.8V TO 3V MAX17222 MAX17223 3.3V, 185mA 3V, 200mA MAX17222 MAX17223 GND SEL SEL STARTUP 0.88 (TYP) COUT 10µF GND GND OUT EN OUT 3.3V,18mA 3V, 22mA OUT LX IN EN EN COUT 10µF GND CIN 10µF L1 2.2µH CIN 10µF LX OUT IN L1 1µH EN IN 0.8V TO 3V RSEL RSEL L1 1µH/4X4X2.1MM COILCRAFT XFL4020-102 CIN 10µF/0402/X5R/6.3V MURATA GRM155R60J106ME44 COUT 10µF/0402/X5R/10V MURATA GRM155R61A106ME44 3.3V OUTPUT RSEL 80.6kΩ ±1% 3V OUTPUT RSEL 133kΩ ±1% L1 2.2µH/4X4X2.1MM COILCRAFT XFL4020-222 CIN 10µF/0402/X5R/6.3V MURATA GRM155R60J106ME44 COUT 10µF/0402/X5R/10V MURATA GRM155R61A106ME44 3.3V OUTPUT RSEL 80.6kΩ ±1% 3V OUTPUT RSEL 133kΩ ±1% Highest Efficiency Solution—4mm x 4mm Inductor—MAX17222/MAX17223 500mA ILIM (Part 2) IN 2.7V TO 4.2V MAX17222 MAX17223 SEL STARTUP 0.88 (TYP) COUT 10µF RSEL OUT EN MAX17222 MAX17223 GND GND GND 2V, 115mA 1.8V,120mA OUT CIN 10µF 5V, 185mA 3.3V*, 285mA COUT 10µF GND LX OUT IN EN EN IN CIN 10µF L1 2.2µH LX OUT EN L1 2.2µH SEL IN 0.8V TO 1.8V RSEL * = IN < OUT L1 2.2µH/4X4X2.1MM COILCRAFT XFL4020 -222 CIN 10µF/0402/X5R/6.3V MURATA GRM155R60J106ME44 COUT 10µF/0402/X5R/10V MURATA GRM155R61A106ME44 2V OUTPUT R SEL 768kΩ ±1% 1.8V OUTPUT R SEL OPEN (NO RESISTOR) www.maximintegrated.com L1 2.2µH/4X4X3MM WURTH 74438357022CIN CIN 10µF/0402/X5R/6.3V MURATA GRM155R60J106ME44 COUT 10µF/0402/X5R/10V MURATA GRM155R61A106ME44 5V OUTPUT R SEL SHORT TO GND (NO RESISTOR) 3.3V OUTPUT R SEL 80.6kΩ ±1% Maxim Integrated | 20 MAX17220–MAX17225 400mV to 5.5V Input, nanoPower Synchronous Boost Converter with True Shutdown Ordering Information PART NUMBER TEMPERATURE RANGE PINPACKAGE INPUT PEAK CURRENT IPEAK TRUE SHUTDOWN ENABLE TRANSIENT PROTECTION (ETP) MAX17220ENT+ -40°C to +85°C 6 WLP 225mA Yes Yes MAX17221ENT+ -40°C to +85°C 6 WLP 225mA Yes No MAX17222ENT+ -40°C to +85°C 6 WLP 0.5A Yes Yes MAX17223ENT+ -40°C to +85°C 6 WLP 0.5A Yes No MAX17224ENT+ -40°C to +85°C 6 WLP 1A Yes Yes MAX17225ENT+ -40°C to +85°C 6 WLP 1A Yes No MAX17220ELT+ -40°C to +85°C 6 μDFN 225mA Yes Yes MAX17221ELT+T -40°C to +85°C 6 μDFN 225mA Yes No MAX17221ELT+ -40°C to +85°C 6 μDFN 225mA Yes No MAX17222ELT+ -40°C to +85°C 6 μDFN 0.5A Yes Yes MAX17223ELT+ -40°C to +85°C 6 μDFN 0.5A Yes No MAX17224ELT+ -40°C to +85°C 6 μDFN 1A Yes Yes MAX17225ELT+ -40°C to +85°C 6 μDFN 1A Yes No MAX17220ALT+ -40°C to +125°C 6 μDFN 225mA Yes Yes MAX17222ALT+ -40°C to +125°C 6 μDFN 500mA Yes Yes MAX17223ALT+ -40°C to +125°C 6 μDFN 500mA Yes No MAX17224ALT+ -40°C to +125°C 6 μDFN 1A Yes Yes MAX17225ALT+ -40°C to +125°C 6 μDFN 1A Yes No +Denotes a lead(Pb)-free/RoHS-compliant package. T = Tape and reel. www.maximintegrated.com Maxim Integrated | 21 MAX17220–MAX17225 400mV to 5.5V Input, nanoPower Synchronous Boost Converter with True Shutdown Revision History REVISION NUMBER REVISION DATE PAGES CHANGED 0 2/17 Initial release 1 4/17 Updated Electrical Characteristics and Ordering Information tables and added Operation with VIN > VOUT section 2 5/17 Removed MAX17221 part number, general data sheet updates DESCRIPTION — 3, 8, 13, 19, 21 1–23 Updated Shutdown Current into IN and Total Shutdown Current into IN LX conditions, Note 5, TOC 5, True Shutdown Current section, Figure 10, added TOC 18, removed future product references (MAX17220ENT+, MAX17224ENT+, MAX17220ELT+, MAX17223ELT+, and MAX17224ELT+) 3–5, 7, 10, 18, 22 2–4, 13, 22 3 7/17 4 2/19 Updated Abolute Maximum Ratings, Electrical Characteristics, Detailed Description, and Ordering Information 5 12/19 Added MAX17221 part number to data sheet 6 10/20 Updated Detailed Description, Ordering Information 1–23 14, 15, 22 For pricing, delivery, and ordering information, please visit Maxim Integrated’s online storefront at https://www.maximintegrated.com/en/storefront/storefront.html. Maxim Integrated cannot assume responsibility for use of any circuitry other than circuitry entirely embodied in a Maxim Integrated product. No circuit patent licenses are implied. Maxim Integrated reserves the right to change the circuitry and specifications without notice at any time. The parametric values (min and max limits) shown in the Electrical Characteristics table are guaranteed. Other parametric values quoted in this data sheet are provided for guidance. Maxim Integrated and the Maxim Integrated logo are trademarks of Maxim Integrated Products, Inc. © 2020 Maxim Integrated Products, Inc.
MAX17223ELT+T 价格&库存


    •  国内价格
    • 1+ 4.873 1+ 0
    • 100+ 4.07 100+ 0
    • 1250+ 3.696 1250+ 0
    • 2500+ 3.421 2500+ 0


      •  国内价格
      • 1+ 6.3115 1+ 0


      •  国内价格 香港价格
      • 1+ 71.2568 1+ 8.627
      • 10+ 47.6885 10+ 5.7736
      • 25+ 41.5424 25+ 5.0295
      • 100+ 34.5936 100+ 4.1883
      • 250+ 31.2446 250+ 3.7828
      • 500+ 30.0781 500+ 3.6416
      • 2500+ 29.9778 2500+ 3.6294


      •  国内价格 香港价格
      • 1+ 73.2386 1+ 8.867
      • 10+ 49.1309 10+ 5.9483
      • 50+ 38.8331 50+ 4.7015
      • 100+ 35.5845 100+ 4.3082
      • 250+ 32.1477 250+ 3.8921
      • 2500+ 31.1568 2500+ 3.7722


        •  国内价格
        • 1+ 7.1658 1+ 0
        • 10+ 6.6146 10+ 0
        • 100+ 6.0634 100+ 0
        • 1000+ 5.5122 1000+ 0


          •  国内价格
          • 1+ 11.3537 1+ 0
          • 10+ 9.5634 10+ 0
          • 30+ 8.5816 30+ 0
          • 100+ 7.4729 100+ 0
          • 500+ 6.4333 500+ 0
          • 1000+ 6.2024 1000+ 0


            •  国内价格
            • 1036+ 6.03366 1036+ 0


            •  国内价格
            • 1+ 12.43316 1+ 0
            • 10+ 11.21141 10+ 0
            • 100+ 10.34899 100+ 0
            • 250+ 9.90581 250+ 0
            • 500+ 8.86372 500+ 0
            • 1000+ 8.25284 1000+ 0
            • 2500+ 8.0013 2500+ 0


            •  国内价格
            • 1+ 44.4264 1+ 0
            • 10+ 40.68927 10+ 0
            • 50+ 36.4251 50+ 0
            • 100+ 34.42477 100+ 0
            • 250+ 31.72972 250+ 0
            • 500+ 29.7294 500+ 0
            • 1000+ 27.64522 1000+ 0
            • 2500+ 24.95017 2500+ 0


              •  国内价格
              • 5+ 0.8963 5+ 0
              • 50+ 0.87664 50+ 0
              • 150+ 0.86357 150+ 0
              • 500+ 0.8505 500+ 0


                •  国内价格
                • 5+ 2.34252 5+ 0
                • 50+ 1.8468 50+ 0
                • 150+ 1.64268 150+ 0
                • 500+ 1.38024 500+ 0
                • 2500+ 1.2636 2500+ 0
                • 5000+ 1.18584 5000+ 0


                •  国内价格
                • 1+ 2.7 1+ 0
                • 10+ 2.1168 10+ 0
                • 30+ 1.8684 30+ 0
                • 100+ 1.5552 100+ 0
                • 500+ 1.4148 500+ 0
                • 1000+ 1.3392 1000+ 0


                •  国内价格
                • 1+ 10.6164 1+ 0
                • 10+ 8.9424 10+ 0
                • 30+ 8.0244 30+ 0
                • 100+ 6.9876 100+ 0
                • 500+ 6.0156 500+ 0
                • 1000+ 5.7996 1000+ 0


                  •  国内价格
                  • 1+ 64.724 1+ 0
                  • 10+ 45.925 10+ 0
                  • 50+ 45.826 50+ 0
                  • 100+ 39.028 100+ 0


                    •  国内价格
                    • 1+ 69.905 1+ 0
                    • 10+ 47.267 10+ 0
                    • 25+ 41.184 25+ 0
                    • 100+ 34.298 100+ 0
