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MAX17532ATBEVKIT# 数据手册
MAX17532 5V Output Evaluation Kit (TDFN) General Description The MAX17532 5V evaluation kit (EV kit) (TDFN) is a fully assembled and tested circuit board that demonstrates the performance of the MAX17532 42V, 100mA ultra-small, high-efficiency, synchronous step-down DC-DC converter in a 10-pin TDFN package. The EV kit operates over a wide input-voltage range of 6V to 42V and provides up to 100mA load current at 5V output. It draws only 26µA supply current under no-load conditions (EN/UVLO connected to VIN). The EV kit is programmed to switch at a frequency of 220kHz. The device is simple to use and easily configurable with minimal external components. It features cycle-by-cycle peak current limit protection, undervoltage lockout, and thermal shutdown. The EV kit comes installed with the MAX17532ATB+ in an 10-pin (3mm x 2mm) lead(Pb)-free/RoHS-compliant TDFN package. Evaluates: MAX17532 (TDFN) in 5V Output Voltage Applications Procedure The EV kit is fully assembled and tested. Follow the steps below to verify board operation. Caution: Do not turn on the power supply until all connections are completed. 1) Verify that shunts are installed on jumpers JU1, JU2 (EN/UVLO). 2) Verify that JU3 (MODE-PFM operation) is open. 3) Set the electronic load to constant-current mode, 100mA, and disable the electronic load. 4) Connect the electronic load’s positive terminal to the VOUT PCB pad. Connect the negative terminal to the GND PCB pad. 5) Connect the voltmeter across the VOUT and GND PCB pads. 6) Set the power-supply output to 24V. Disable the power supply. Features ●● 6V to 42V Input Voltage Range 7) Connect the power-supply output to the VIN PCB pad. Connect the supply ground to the GND PCB pad. ●● 5V Output, 100mA Continuous Current 8) Turn on the power supply. ●● 26µA No-Load Supply Current ●● EN/UVLO for On/Off Control and Programmable Input Undervoltage Lockout 9) Enable the electronic load and verify that output voltage is 5V with respect to GND. ●● Programmable Switching Frequency ●● Internal or Programmable Soft-Start ●● PFM or Forced-PWM Mode of Operation ●● Open-Drain RESET Output ●● Peak Current Limit Protection ●● Thermal Shutdown ●● Proven PCB Layout ●● Fully Assembled and Tested Quick Start Recommended Equipment ●● MAX17532 5V EV kit (TDFN) ●● 42V adjustable, 0.5A DC power supply ●● Electronic load up to 100mA ●● Voltmeter TDFN is a registered trademark of Maxim Integrated Products, Inc. 19-7711; Rev 0; 7/15 10) Vary the input voltage from 6V to 42V. 11) Vary the load current from 1mA to 100mA and verify that output voltage is 5V with respect to GND. Note: While performing an output short-circuit test, it is possible for the ceramic output capacitor to oscillate with the wiring inductance between the capacitor and shortcircuited load, and thereby cause the absolute maximum rating of the VOUT pin (-0.3V) to be exceeded. The resistor (R7) and the capacitor (C5) are included on this evaluation kit to protect against unintentional violation of the above mentioned rating. In the actual system design, parasitic board or wiring inductance should be minimized and the output-voltage waveform under short-circuit operation should be verified to ensure that the absolute maximum rating of the VOUT pin is not exceeded. Ordering Information appears at end of data sheet. Evaluates: MAX17532 (TDFN) in 5V Output Voltage Applications MAX17532 5V Output Evaluation Kit (TDFN) Detailed Description The MAX17532 5V EV kit (TDFN) is a fully assembled and tested circuit board that demonstrates the performance of the MAX17532 42V, 100mA ultra-small, high-efficiency, synchronous step-down DC-DC converter in a 10-pin TDFN package. The EV kit operates over a wide input voltage range of 6V to 42V and provides up to 100mA load current at 5V output. It draws only 26µA supply current under no-load conditions (EN/UVLO connected to VIN). The EV kit is programmed to switch at a frequency of 220kHz. The device is simple to use and easily configurable with minimal external components. It features cycle-by-cycle peak current limit protection, undervoltage lockout, and thermal shutdown. The EV kit includes an EN/UVLO PCB pad and JU1 and JU2 to enable control of the converter output. The MODE PCB pad and JU3 are provided for selecting the mode of operation of the converter. A RESET PCB pad is available for monitoring the RESET output. The RT/SYNC PCB pad can be used to synchronize the EV kit switching frequency to an external clock frequency. Enable Control (JU1, JU2) The EN/UVLO pin on the EV kit serves as an on/off control while also allowing the user to program the input undervoltage lockout (UVLO) threshold. JU1 and JU2 configure the EV kit’s output for turn-on/turn-off control. See Table 1 for proper JU1, JU2 jumper configurations. Additionally, resistors R1 and R2 are included to set the UVLO to a desired turn-on voltage. Refer to the Setting the Input Undervoltage-Lockout Level section in the MAX17532 IC data sheet for additional information on setting the UVLO threshold voltage. The EV kit provides a PCB pad to monitor the status of the RESET output. RESET goes high and when the output voltage rises above 95% (typ) of its nominal regulated output voltage. RESET goes low when output voltage falls below 92% (typ) of its nominal regulated voltage. PFM or Forced-PWM Mode (MODE) The EV kit includes a jumper (JU3) to select the mode of operation of the converter. Install a shunt across JU3 before powering up the EV kit to enable the forced-PWM operation. Keep JU3 open to enable the light-load PFM operation. See Table 2 for proper JU3 settings. Soft-Start The EV kit offers a fixed 5ms soft-start time. Connect the capacitor C4 to adjust the soft-start time (tSS). The minimum soft-start time is related to the output capacitance (COUT) and the output voltage (VOUT) by the following equation: tSS > 0.05 x COUT x VOUT where tSS is in milliseconds and COUT is in µF. Use the following equation to determine the soft-start capacitance value (CSS). CSS = 6.25 x tSS where tSS is in milliseconds and CSS is in nanofarads. External Synchronization (RT/SYNC) The EV kit provides a PCB pad to synchronize the EV kit switching frequency to an external clock frequency. Refer to the External Synchronization section in the MAX17532 IC data sheet for additional information on configuring the external clock. RESET Output Table 1. Enable Control (EN/UVLO) (JU1, JU2) SHUNT POSITION JU1 JU2 EN/UVLO PIN VOUT OUTPUT 1-2 Open Connected to VIN Enabled Open 1-2 Connected to GND Disabled 1-2* 1-2 Connected to midpoint of R1, R2 resistor-divider Enabled at VIN ≥ 6V *Default position. Table 2. MODE Control (JU3) SHUNT POSITION MODE PIN MODE OF OPERATION 1-2 Connected to GND Forced PWM Open* Unconnected PFM *Default position. www.maximintegrated.com Maxim Integrated │  2 Evaluates: MAX17532 (TDFN) in 5V Output Voltage Applications MAX17532 5V Output Evaluation Kit (TDFN) EV Kit Performance Report EFFICIENCY vs. LOAD CURRENT toc1 95 EFFICIENCY vs. LOAD CURRENT 100 toc2 90 80 VIN = 24V 75 VIN = 36V 70 60 40 VIN = 36V VIN = 12V 30 VIN = 12V 20 70 10 PFM MODE 65 1 10 0 100 OUTPUT VOLTAGE vs. LOAD CURRENT 20 40 60 80 5.01 VIN = 36V VIN = 12V 4.98 VIN = 24V 4.95 4.92 PWM MODE 0 5.04 0 20 40 60 80 100 LOAD CURRENT (mA) 100 LOAD CURRENT (mA) LOAD CURRENT (mA) LOAD TRANSIENT RESPONSE, PFM MODE (LOAD CURRENT STEPPED FROM 5mA to 50mA) toc5 toc4 LOAD TRANSIENT RESPONSE PFM OR PWM MODE (LOAD CURRENT STEPPED FROM 50mA TO 100mA) toc6 PWM MODE 4.946 4.945 OUTPUT VOLTAGE (V) VIN = 24V 50 OUTPUT VOLTAGE (V) 85 toc3 PFM MODE 5.07 80 EFFICIENCY (%) EFFICIENCY (%) 90 OUTPUT VOLTAGE vs. LOAD CURRENT 5.10 VOUT (AC) 4.944 4.944 100mV/div VIN = 12V VIN = 24V VIN = 36V 4.943 VOUT (AC) 100mV/div 4.942 4.941 IOUT 4.941 4.940 0 20 40 60 80 100 IOUT 50mA/div 50mA/div LOAD CURRENT (mA) 200µs/div LOAD TRANSIENT RESPONSE PWM MODE (LOAD CURRENT STEPPED FROM NO LOAD TO 50mA) toc7 SOFT START 100µs/div BODE PLOT toc8 toc9 VEN/UVLO 2V/div VOUT 50mA/div 50mA/div 100µs/div www.maximintegrated.com GAIN fCR = 8.5KHz, PHASE MARGIN = 64° IOUT IOUT PHASE GAIN (dB) 100mV/div PHASE (°) 5V/div VOUT (AC) VRESET 5V/div 1ms/div FREQUENCY (Hz) Maxim Integrated │  3 MAX17532 5V Output Evaluation Kit (TDFN) Evaluates: MAX17532 (TDFN) in 5V Output Voltage Applications Component Suppliers SUPPLIER WEBSITE Coilcraft, Inc. www.coilcraft.com Murata Americas www.murata.com Panasonic Corp. www.panasonic.com Note: Indicate that you are using the MAX17532ATB when contacting these component suppliers. Component List and Schematic See the following links for component information and schematic: ●● MAX17532EV TDFN BOM ●● MAX17532EV TDFN Schematic www.maximintegrated.com Maxim Integrated │  4 MAX17532 5V Output Evaluation Kit (TDFN) Figure 1. MAX17532 5V EV Kit (TDFN) Component Placement Guide—Component Side Evaluates: MAX17532 (TDFN) in 5V Output Voltage Applications Figure 2. MAX17532 5V EV Kit (TDFN) PCB Layout— Component Side Figure 3. MAX17532 5V EV Kit (TDFN) PCB Layout—Solder Side www.maximintegrated.com Maxim Integrated │  5 Evaluates: MAX17532 (TDFN) in 5V Output Voltage Applications MAX17532 5V Output Evaluation Kit (TDFN) Ordering Information PART MAX17532ATBEVKIT# TYPE EV Kit #Denotes RoHS compliant. www.maximintegrated.com Maxim Integrated │  6 MAX17532 5V Output Evaluation Kit (TDFN) Evaluates: MAX17532 (TDFN) in 5V Output Voltage Applications Revision History REVISION NUMBER REVISION DATE 0 7/15 DESCRIPTION Initial release PAGES CHANGED — For pricing, delivery, and ordering information, please contact Maxim Direct at 1-888-629-4642, or visit Maxim Integrated’s website at www.maximintegrated.com. Maxim Integrated cannot assume responsibility for use of any circuitry other than circuitry entirely embodied in a Maxim Integrated product. No circuit patent licenses are implied. Maxim Integrated reserves the right to change the circuitry and specifications without notice at any time. Maxim Integrated and the Maxim Integrated logo are trademarks of Maxim Integrated Products, Inc. © 2015 Maxim Integrated Products, Inc. │  7 U1 MAX17532ATB+ VIN 6V TO 42V IN LX 10 1 + 1UF 50V R1 GND 3.01M 10UF 6.3V 9 GND R7 2 2 RT/SYNC JU1 EN/UVLO VOUT 6 22.1 C5 C6 47PF 0.22UF R4 261K 3 4 R3 1 EN/UVLO 1 191K RT/SYNC SS FB 5 R5 49.9K C4 OPEN MODE JU2 RESET 1 8 MODE EP RESET 7 VOUT 11 2 R2 R6 JU3 787K 100K 2 GND 5V,100MA C3 C2 2 GND C1 22UF 50V VOUT 2 1 1 VOUT L1 220UH BILL OF MATERIALS (BOM) Revision 5/15 Serial No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Description 22μF, 50V electrolytic capacitor (6.3mm x 6.3mm) 1μF ±10%, 50V X7R ceramic capacitor (0805) 10μF ±10%, 6.3V X7R ceramic capacitor (1206) Not installed, OPEN (0402) 0.22µF ±10%, 16V X7R ceramic capacitor (0402) 47pF ±5% 50V COG ceramic capacitor (0402) 2-pin headers 220µH, 235mA inductor 3.01M ohm ±1%, resistor (0402) 787k ohm ±1%, resistor (0402) 191k ohm ±1%, resistor (0402) 261k ohm ±1%, resistor (0402) 49.9k ohm ±1%, resistor (0402) 100k ohm ±1%, resistor (0402) 22.1 ohm ±1%, resistor (0402) 42V, 100mA, ultra-small, highefficiency, synchronous stepdown DC-DC converter with 22μA noload supply current (10 TDFN-EP*) Maxim MAX17532ATB+ Quantity 1 1 1 0 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Designator C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 JU1-JU3 L1 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 Part Number PANASONIC EEEFK1H220P MURATA GRM21BR71H105K Murata GRM31CR70J106K 1 U1 MAX17532ATB+ Shunt 3 See Jumper Table SULLINS STC02SYAN Murata GRM155R71C224K MURATA GRM1555C1E470J Sullins: PTC36SAAN Coilcraft LPS5030-224M Jumper Table JUMPER JU1 JU2 JU3 SHUNT POSITION 1-2 1-2 OPEN
MAX17532ATBEVKIT# 价格&库存

