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MAX20743EPL+ 数据手册
MAX20743 Integrated, Step-Down Switching Regulator with PMBus General Description The MAX20743 is a fully integrated, highly efficient switching regulator with PMBus™ for applications operating from 4.5V to 16V and requiring up to 35A maximum load. This single-chip regulator provides extremely compact, high-efficiency power delivery solutions with high-precision output voltages and excellent transient response for networking, datacom and telecom equipment. The IC offers a broad range of programmable features through either the PMBus or through a capacitor and resistor connected to a dedicated programming pin. Using this feature, the operation can be optimized for a specific application, reducing the component count and/ or setting appropriate trade-offs between the regulator’s performance and system cost. Ease of programming enables using the same design for multiple applications. The IC includes protection and telemetry features. Positive and negative cycle-by-cycle overcurrent protection and overtemperature protection ensure a rugged design. Input undervoltage lockout shuts down the device to prevent operation when the input voltage is out of specification. A status pin provides an output signal to show that the output voltage is within range and the system is regulating. Benefits and Features ●● High-Power Density and Low Component Count • Overall Solution Size 509mm2 Including Inductor and Output Capacitors • 90.8% Peak Efficiency with VDDH = 12V and VOUT = 1V • Fast Transient Response: Supports Up to 300A/μs Load-Step Transients ●● Optimized Component Performance and Efficiency with Reduced Design-In Time • PMBus-Compliant Interface for Telemetry and Power Management • Voltage, Current and Temperature Reporting through Digital Bus ●● Increased Power-Supply Reliability with System and IC Self-Protection Features • Differential Remote Sense with Open-Circuit Detection • Hiccup Overcurrent Protection • Programmable Thermal Shutdown Typical System Efficiency vs. Load Current (VDDH = 12V) Applications 95 Communication Equipment Networking Equipment Servers and Storage Equipment Point-of-Load Voltage Regulators μP Chipset Memory VDDQ I/O DESCRIPTION CURRENT INPUT RATING* VOLTAGE 90 85 EFFICIENCY (%) ●● ●● ●● ●● ●● ●● ●● 100 75 VOUT Vout = 5V= 5V 70 VOUT = 3.3V Vout = 3.3V VOUT = 1.8V Vout = 1.8V 65 OUTPUT VOLTAGE Electrical Rating 35A 4.5V to 16V 0.6V to 5.5V Thermal Rating TA = 55°C, 200LFM 34A 12V 1V Thermal Rating TA = 85°C, 0LFM 22A 12V 1V *For specific operating conditions, refer to the SOA curves in the Typical Operating Characteristics section. 19-8582; Rev 1; 10/16 80 Vout = 1.2V VOUT = 1.2V Vout = 1V= 1V VOUT 60 Vout = 0.8V VOUT = 0.8V Vout = 0.65V VOUT = 0.65V 55 50 0 5 10 15 20 IOUT (A) 25 30 35 Ordering Information appears at end of data sheet. PMBus is a trademark of SMIF, Inc. MAX20743 Integrated, Step-Down Switching Regulator with PMBus Absolute Maximum Ratings Input Pin Voltage (VDDH) (Note 1).........................-0.3V to +18V VCC...........................................................................-0.3V to +2V STAT, OE, CLK, DATA, and SMALERT Pin Voltages........................................-0.3V to +4V PGMA, PGMB, VSENSE+ and VSENSE- Pin Voltages..........................................-0.3V to +2V Switching Node Voltage (VX) DC...........................-0.3V to +18V Switching Node Voltage (VX) 25ns (Note 2)...........-10V to +23V (BST - VX) Pin Differential....................................-0.3V to +2.5V Junction Temperature (TJ)................................................+150°C Storage Temperature Range............................. -65°C to +150°C Peak Reflow Temperature Lead-Free.............................. +260°C Stresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. Operating Ratings Input Voltage (VDDH)................................................. 4.5V to 16V Junction Temperature (TJ)................................. -40°C to +125°C Maximum Average Input Current (IVDDH) (Note 3)..................6A Maximum Average Output Current (IOUT).............................35A Peak Output Current (IPK)......................................................60A Package Information PACKAGE CODE P154A8F+1 Outline Number 21-100031 Land Pattern Number 90-100022 THERMAL RESISTANCE, FOUR-LAYER BOARD Junction to Ambient (θJA) 13°C/W Junction to Case (θJC) (Still Air, No Heatsink; Note 4) 0.47°C/W For the latest package outline information and land patterns (footprints), go to www.maximintegrated.com/packages. Note that a “+”, “#”, or “-” in the package code indicates RoHS status only. Package drawings may show a different suffix character, but the drawing pertains to the package regardless of RoHS status. Note 1: As measured at the VDDH pin referenced to the GND pin immediatly adjacent using a high-frequency scope probe with ILOAD at IMAX. A high-frequency input bypass capacitor must be located less than 60 mils from the VDDH pin per our design guidelines. Note 2: The 25ns rating is the allowable voltage on the VX node in excess of the -0.3V to +18V DC ratings. The VX voltage can exceed the DC rating in either the positive or negative direction for up to 25ns per cycle. Note 3: See the Average Input Current Limit section. Note 4: Data taken using the MAX20743 evaluation kit (MAX20743EVKIT#). The PCB has 4 layers of 2oz copper. www.maximintegrated.com Maxim Integrated │  2 MAX20743 Integrated, Step-Down Switching Regulator with PMBus Electrical Characteristics (Circuit of Figure 6, VDDH = 4.5V to 16V, TA = +32°C, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at TA = +32°C. All devices 100% tested at room temperature. Limits over temperature guaranteed by design.) PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS 16 V 5.5 V SUPPLY VOLTAGE Supply Voltage Range VDDH TJ = -40°C to +125°C 4.5 VOUT (Note 6) 0.6 OUTPUT VOLTAGE (Note 5) Output-Voltage Range 1 Default is 1mV/μs; other values are set through PMBus; measured at VSENSE+/pins Slew Rate when VOUT is Changed through PMBus 2 mV/μs 4 VREF 0.6484 VBOOT Values Selected by C_SELA (Note 7) 0.8984 V 1.0 VREF Tolerance VREF Values Available through PMBus Command Referred to VSENSE+/- pins (Notes 6, 8) 0.6484V VREF -1.2 +1.2 0.8984V VREF -1.0 +1.0 1V VREF -1.0 +1.0 0.6016 1.0 See Table 8 for accuracy vs. VREF (Note 7) % V FEEDBACK LOOP Integrator Recovery Time Constant Gain (see the Control Loop section for details) tREC RGAIN 20 Selected by R_SELB or PMBus (Notes 6, 7, 8, 9) μs 0.72 0.9 1.1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.9 3.6 4.4 mV/A SWITCHING FREQUENCY 400 Switching Frequency fSW 500 400kHz/600kHz/800kHz selected by C_ SELB; other values are set through PMBus (Note 7) 600 kHz 700 800 900 Switching Frequency Accuracy (Notes 6, 8, 9) -15 +15 % INPUT PROTECTION VDDH UVLO Threshold (Rising) VDDH UVLO Threshold (Falling) Hysteresis www.maximintegrated.com VDDH_UVLO (Note 6) 4.25 3.75 3.9 350 4.47 V mV Maxim Integrated │  3 MAX20743 Integrated, Step-Down Switching Regulator with PMBus Electrical Characteristics (continued) (Circuit of Figure 6, VDDH = 4.5V to 16V, TA = +32°C, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at TA = +32°C. All devices 100% tested at room temperature. Limits over temperature guaranteed by design.) PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS 10 13 16 % OUTPUT-VOLTAGE PROTECTION (OVP) Overvoltage-Protection Threshold (Rising) OVP Relative to programmed VOUT OVP Deglitch Filter Time 8 Power-Good Protection Threshold (Falling) Power-Good Protection Threshold (Rising) Relative to programmed VOUT PWRGD µs 6 9 12 % 3 6 9 % Power-Good Deglitch Filter Time 8 µs OVERCURRENT PROTECTION (OCP) Positive OCP Inception Threshold (Inductor Valley Current) OCP Setting 0 11.8 18.9 26.0 Selected by R_SELB OCP Setting 1 or PMBus (Notes 6, 7, 8, 9) OCP Setting 2 16.0 24.1 32.2 19.8 29.2 38.6 OCP Setting 3 24.5 34.1 43.8 OCP Negative OCP Inception Threshold (Inductor Valley Current) Hysteresis A OCP Setting 0 -26.4 OCP Setting 1 Selected by R_SELB or PMBus OCP Setting 2 -31.3 OCP Setting 3 -40.8 A -36.0 Hysteresis applies only to positive OCP 20 % OVERTEMPERATURE PROTECTION (OTP) OTP Inception Threshold OTP Default is 150°C; 130°C is set through PMBus (Notes 7, 8, 9) 120 130 140 140 150 160 Hysteresis °C 10 OE MAXIMUM VOLTAGE OE Maximum Voltage Rising Threshold Hysteresis OE Full VCC supply range; measured at the OE pin; keep OE ≤ VDDH – 2.5V and ≤ 3.6V (Note 6) OE Pin Input Resistance OE Deglitch Filter Time www.maximintegrated.com 3.6 0.83 0.97 V 350 kΩ 2.2 µs 0.2 200 (Note 9) 0.9 0.9 275 Maxim Integrated │  4 MAX20743 Integrated, Step-Down Switching Regulator with PMBus Electrical Characteristics (continued) (Circuit of Figure 6, VDDH = 4.5V to 16V, TA = +32°C, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at TA = +32°C. All devices 100% tested at room temperature. Limits over temperature guaranteed by design.) PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS STARTUP TIMING Enable Time from OE Rise to Start of BST Charge tOE After tINIT 16 µs 0.75 Soft-Start Ramp Time tSS BST Charging Time tBST 1.5 3ms or 1.5ms can be bet by R_SELA; any value can be set by PMBus (Note 7) ms 3 6 8 µs STAT PIN Pullup Voltage Status Output Low VOHSTAT VOLSTAT 3.6 ISTAT = 2.5mA 0.4 ISTAT = 0.2mA, 0V < VCC < UVLO and 0V < VDDH < UVLO (Note 6) 0.65 ISTAT = 1.3mA, 0V < VCC < UVLO and 0V < VDDH < UVLO (Note 6) 0.75 Status Output High Leakage Current ISTAT STAT pulled up to 3.3V through 20kΩ (Note 6) Time from VOUT Ramp Completion to STAT Pin Released tSTAT STAT output low to high, default is 125; 2000 can be set through PMBus (Note 7) 7 125 V V µA µs 2000 PGMA AND PGMB PINS (see Tables 2–5) Allowable R_SEL Resistor Range 12 resistor values detected R_SEL Resistor Required Accuracy EIA standard resistor values only Allowable C_SEL Capacitor Range 3 options (0pF, 220pF, or 1000pF) C_SEL Capacitor Required Accuracy Use X7R or better Allowable External Capacitance Load and stray capacitance in addition to C_SELA/B 1.78 162 ±1 0 kΩ % 1000 ±20 pF % 20 pF PMBus TELEMETRY Reading Range Reading Update Interval Reading Averaging Interval Reading Error Reading Resolution www.maximintegrated.com 4.5 VDDH Readback TA = -40°C to TJ = 125°C (Notes 8, 9, 10) 16 V 5 ms 1 ms -3 +3 28 % mV Maxim Integrated │  5 MAX20743 Integrated, Step-Down Switching Regulator with PMBus Electrical Characteristics (continued) (Circuit of Figure 6, VDDH = 4.5V to 16V, TA = +32°C, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at TA = +32°C. All devices 100% tested at room temperature. Limits over temperature guaranteed by design.) PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS Reading Range MIN Reading Update Interval Reading Averaging Interval Reading Error Referred to SENSE Pins (VOUT can be scaled by divider in feedback) Reading Error TA = -40°C to TJ = +125°C (Notes 8, 9, 10) Reading Error ms 1 ms +25 1.95 0 IOUT Readback TA = -40°C to TJ = +125°C (Notes 8, 9, 10) Reading Range Reading Averaging Interval V 5 -25 Reading Resolution Reading Update Interval UNITS 1.25 mV Reading Range Reading Averaging Interval MAX VSENSE Readback Reading Resolution Reading Update Interval TYP 0 35 (Notes 6, 8, 9) Reading Resolution A 5 ms 1 ms ±3 A 0.07 A -40 Temperature Readback mV +125 °C 5 ms 1 ms ±8 °C 0.52 °C PMBus PINS (CLK, DATA, SMALERT) Input Rising Threshold VT_RISE 0.83 0.9 0.97 V Input Falling Threshold VT_FALL 0.62 0.7 0.79 V Hysteresis VHYS Output Low Voltage PMBus Clock Frequency VOL 0.2 Sinking 4mA fPM_CLK V 0.4 V 400 kHz SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS (Note 11) Line Regulation Load Regulation (Static) Efficiency (VDDH = 12V, VOUT = 1V) VOUT η ±0.2 IOUT = 0 - IMAX ±0.7 Peak 90.8 Full load (35A) 84 % % Note 5: For proper regulation, it is required that VDDH > (VOUT + 2V). If VOUT is set > (UVLO - 2V), the IC can come out of UVLO, but regulation is not guaranteed while VDDH is below (VOUT + 2V). To avoid this condition, OE can be held low until VDDH > (VOUT + 2V). Note 6: Denotes specifications that apply over the temperature range of TJ = -40°C to +125°C. Note 7: Denotes parameters that are programmable. Note 8: Min/max limits are ≥ 4σ about the mean. Note 9: Guaranteed by design; not production tested. Note 10: A -40°C test condition is specified at a TA test condition, instead of TJ, to allow for self heating. Note 11: These specifications refer to the operation of the system and are based on the circuit shown in the reference schematic. Tolerance of external components can affect these parameters. System performance numbers are measured using the Maxim evaluation board for this product with BOM as shown in the MAX20743 EV kit data sheet. If a different PCB layout and different external components are used, these values can change. www.maximintegrated.com Maxim Integrated │  6 MAX20743 Integrated, Step-Down Switching Regulator with PMBus Typical Operating Characteristics (Unless otherwise stated: Tested on the MAX20743EVKIT# EV kit with component values per Table 7, VDDH = 12V, VOUT = 1V, fSW = 400kHz, TA = +25°C, Still Air, and No Heatsink.) STARTUP RESPONSE TRANSIENT RESPONSE toc01 toc02 IOUT (10A/div) VX (20V/div) VOUT (20mV/div) STAT(2V/div) VX (10V/div) OE (2V/div) VOUT (200mV/div) TIME: 100µs/div CONDITIONS: IOUT = 20A to 30A STEP at 1A/µs TIME: 500µs/div TYPICAL VOUT RIPPLE toc03 VOUT (20mV/div) VX (10V/div) TIME: 2µs/div CONDITIONS: IOUT = 35A www.maximintegrated.com Maxim Integrated │  7 MAX20743 Integrated, Step-Down Switching Regulator with PMBus Typical Operating Characteristics (continued) (Unless otherwise stated: Tested on the MAX20743EVKIT# EV kit with component values per Table 7, VDDH = 12V, VOUT = 1V, fSW = 400kHz, TA = +25°C, Still Air, and No Heatsink.) SYSTEM EFFICIENCY vs. OUTPUT LOAD 100 LOAD REGULATION toc04 VOUT = 5.5V 5.5V 95 VOUT = 1.8V 1.8V 0.2 LOAD REGULATION (%) 85 EFFICIENCY (%) VOUT = 3.3V 3.3V 0.3 90 80 75 VOUT Vout = 5V= 5V Vout = 3.3V VOUT = 3.3V 70 60 -0.4 50 5 10 15 20 IOUT (A) 25 30 JUNCTION TEMPERATURE vs. SYSTEM POWER DISSIPATION 0.0 -0.3 Vout = 0.65V VOUT = 0.65V 0 VOUT = 0.65V .65V 0.1 -0.2 Vout = 1V= 1V VOUT Vout = 0.8V VOUT = 0.8V 55 1VVOUT = 1V -0.1 VOUT = 1.8V Vout = 1.8V Vout = 1.2V VOUT = 1.2V 65 0 35 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 IOUT (A) SYSTEM POWER DISSIPATION toc06 120 toc07 9 8 SYSTEM POWER DISSIPATION (W) 100 JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C) toc05 0.4 SLOPE = 13°C/W 80 60 40 20 VOUT Vout = 5V= 5V Vout = 3.3V VOUT = 3.3V 7 Vout = 1.8V VOUT = 1.8V Vout = 1.2V VOUT = 1.2V 6 Vout = 1V= 1V VOUT Vout = 0.8V VOUT = 0.8V 5 Vout = 0.65V VOUT = 0.65V 4 3 2 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 SYSTEM POWER DISSIPATION (W) www.maximintegrated.com 6 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 IOUT (A) Maxim Integrated │  8 MAX20743 Integrated, Step-Down Switching Regulator with PMBus Typical Operating Characteristics (continued) (Unless otherwise stated: Tested on the MAX20743EVKIT# EV kit with component values per Table 7, VDDH = 12V, VOUT = 1V, fSW = 400kHz, TA = +25°C, Still Air, and No Heatsink.) SAFE OPERATING AREA (SOA) 35 35 30 30 25 25 20 20 15 15 Vout=0.8V VOUT = 0.8V Vout=1.2V VOUT = 1.2V 10 5 VOUT = 5.0V Vout=5.0V 0 30 40 30 60 70 80 90 100 TA (°C) CONDITIONS: 200LFM CURVE INDICATES TJ = 125°C, IOUT = IMAX, or IVDDH = IVDDH_MAX, WHICHEVER HAPPENS FIRST 60 70 80 90 100 TA (°C) CONDITIONS: 400LFM CURVE INDICATES TJ = 125°C, IOUT = IMAX, or IVDDH = IVDDH_MAX, WHICHEVER HAPPENS FIRST 40 VOUT = 5.0V Vout=5.0V 0 50 SAFE OPERATING AREA (SOA) Vout=0.8V VOUT = 0.8V Vout=1.2V VOUT = 1.2V Vout=3.3V VOUT = 3.3V 10 VOUT = 3.3V Vout=3.3V 5 toc10 40 50 SYSTEM EFFICIENCY vs. OUTPUT LOAD (VDDH = 5V) 100 toc11 95 35 90 30 20 15 Vout=0.8V VOUT = 0.8V Vout=1.2V VOUT = 1.2V Vout=3.3V VOUT = 3.3V 10 5 Vout=5.0V VOUT = 5.0V 0 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 TA (°C) CONDITIONS: STILL AIR / NO HEATSINK CURVE INDICATES TJ = 125°C, IOUT = IMAX, or IVDDH = IVDDH_MAX, WHICHEVER HAPPENS FIRST www.maximintegrated.com EFFICIENCY (%) 85 25 IOUT (A) toc09 40 IOUT (A) IOUT (A) 40 SAFE OPERATING AREA (SOA) toc08 80 75 70 Vout = 1.8V VOUT = 1.8V Vout = 1.2V VOUT = 1.2V Vout = 1V= 1V VOUT Vout = 0.8V VOUT = 0.8V Vout = 0.65V VOUT = 0.65V 65 60 55 50 0 5 10 15 20 IOUT (A) 25 30 35 Maxim Integrated │  9 MAX20743 Integrated, Step-Down Switching Regulator with PMBus Typical Operating Characteristics (continued) (Unless otherwise stated: Tested on the MAX20743EVKIT# EV kit with component values per Table 7, VDDH = 12V, VOUT = 1V, fSW = 400kHz, TA = +25°C, Still Air, and No Heatsink.) SYSTEM POWER DISSIPATION (VDDH = 5V) 7 toc13 40 35 6 Vout = 1.8V VOUT = 1.8V Vout = 1.2V VOUT = 1.2V Vout = 1V VOUT = 1V 5 30 25 Vout = 0.8V VOUT = 0.8V Vout = 0.65V VOUT = 0.65V 4 IOUT (A) SYSTEM POWER DISSIPATION (W) SAFE OPERATING AREA (SOA) (VDDH = 5V) toc12 20 15 3 Vout=0.8V VOUT = 0.8V Vout=1.0V VOUT = 1.0V VOUT = 1.2V Vout=1.2V 10 2 5 1 0 30 60 70 80 90 100 TA (°C) CONDITIONS: 400LFM CURVE INDICATES TJ = 125°C, IOUT = IMAX, or IVDDH = IVDDH_MAX, WHICHEVER HAPPENS FIRST 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 IOUT (A) SAFE OPERATING AREA (SOA) (VDDH = 5V) 50 SAFE OPERATING AREA (SOA) (VDDH = 5V) toc14 40 35 35 30 30 25 25 IOUT (A) IOUT (A) 40 40 20 15 Vout=0.8V VOUT = 0.8V Vout=1.0V VOUT = 1.0V VOUT = 1.2V Vout=1.2V 10 5 toc15 20 15 Vout=0.8V VOUT = 0.8V Vout=1.0V VOUT = 1.0V VOUT = 1.2V Vout=1.2V 10 5 0 0 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 TA (°C) CONDITIONS: 200LFM CURVE INDICATES TJ = 125°C, IOUT = IMAX, or IVDDH = IVDDH_MAX, WHICHEVER HAPPENS FIRST www.maximintegrated.com 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 TA (°C) CONDITIONS: STILL AIR / NO HEATSINK CURVE INDICATES TJ = 125°C, IOUT = IMAX, or IVDDH = IVDDH_MAX, WHICHEVER HAPPENS FIRST Maxim Integrated │  10 MAX20743 Integrated, Step-Down Switching Regulator with PMBus PGMB DATA STAT Pin Configuration 15 14 13 VSENSE+ 1 12 CLK VSENSE- 2 11 AGND SMALERT 3 10 VCC PGMA 4 9 OE VDDH 5 8 BST 7 VX GND 6 (TOP VIEW) www.maximintegrated.com Maxim Integrated │  11 MAX20743 Integrated, Step-Down Switching Regulator with PMBus Pin Description PIN NAME FUNCTION 1 VSENSE+ Remote-Sense Positive Node. Connect this node to VOUT at the load. A resistive voltage divider can be used to regulate the output above the reference voltage. 2 VSENSE- Remote-Sense Negative Node. Connect this node to ground at the load using a Kelvin connection. 3 SMALERT 4 PGMA Program Node. Connect this node to ground through a programming resistor and capacitor. 5 VDDH Power Input Voltage. The high-side MOSFET switch is connected to this node. See the Input Capacitor section for decoupling requirements. 6 GND Power Ground Node. The low-side MOSFET switch is connected to this node. 7 VX Power Switching Node. Connect this node to the inductor. 8 BST Bootstrap for High-Side Switch. Connect a 0.22μF ceramic capacitor between BST and VX. 9 OE Output-Enable Node. This node is used to enable the regulator and has a precise threshold to allow sequencing of multiple regulators. There is an internal 275kΩ (typ) pulldown on this pin. 10 VCC Analog/Gate-Drive Supply for the IC from Internal 1.85V (typ) LDO. This node must be connected to three 10µF X5R or better decoupling capacitors with a very short, wide trace. VCC can be connected to 20kΩ pullups for STAT and OE as shown in Figure 6. Do not connect VCC to other external loads. Do not overdrive VCC from an external source. 11 AGND SMALERT Pin Analog/Signal Ground. See the PCB Layout section for layout information. 12 CLK PMBus Clock 13 STAT Open-Drain Power-Good/Fault-Status Indication. Connect a pullup resistor to 1.8V or 3.3V. 14 DATA PMBus Data 15 PGMB Program Node. Connect this node to ground through a programming resistor and capacitor. www.maximintegrated.com Maxim Integrated │  12 MAX20743 Integrated, Step-Down Switching Regulator with PMBus Block Diagram VCC tON TIMER STAT LDO VDDH BST R OE S DIGITAL CONTROL POWER SWITCHING Q VX PGMA CURRENT SENSE OCP PGMB GND CLK PMBus INTERFACE DATA PWM ERROR AMP VSENSE+ SMALERT VCC TELEMETRY VCC VCC CURRENT DAC VSENSE- AGND Operation Control Architecture The MAX20743 provides an extremely compact, highefficiency regulator solution with minimal external components and circuit design required. The monolithic solution includes the top and bottom power switches, gate drives, precision DAC reference, PWM controller, fault protections, and PMBus interface (see the Block Diagram). An external bootstrap capacitor is used to provide the drive voltage for the top switch. Other external components include the input and output filter capacitors, buck inductor, and a few resistors and capacitors to set the operating mode. The IC implements an advanced valley currentmode control algorithm that supports all multi-layer ceramic chip (MLCC) output capacitors and fast transient response. In steady-state, it operates at a fixed switching frequency. When a positive load step is applied to the output, the switching frequency speeds up to minimize the output voltage undershoot. Similarly, when the load step is removed, the switching frequency slows down to minimize the output voltage overshoot. www.maximintegrated.com REFERENCE VOLTAGE AND SOFT-START The switching frequency can be set to 400kHz, 600kHz, or 800kHz through C_SELB and can be overridden through PMBus to 400kHz, 500kHz, 600kHz, 700kHz, 800kHz, or 900kHz. Voltage regulation is achieved by modulating the low-side on-time, comparing the difference between the feedback and reference voltages with the low-side current-sense signal using Maxim’s proprietary integrated current-sense technology. Once the PWM modulator forces a low-tohigh transition, the high-side switch is enabled for a fixed time, after which the low-side switch is turned on again. An error amplifier with an integrator is used to maintain zero-droop operation. The integrator has a transient recovery time constant of 20µs (typ). During regulation, the differential voltage between the VSENSE+ and VSENSE- pins tracks the reference voltage, which is set by the DAC and can be set from 0.6016V to 1V. The sense pins can be connected to the output voltage through a voltage-divider, so VOUT can be higher than 1V. Maxim Integrated │  13 MAX20743 Integrated, Step-Down Switching Regulator with PMBus The switching frequency is determined by the high-side on-time, as shown in Equation 1. Equation 1: V f SW = x OUT t H_ON VDDH 1 where: fSW = Switching frequency (MHz) tH_ON = On-period for high-side switch (μs) VOUT = Output voltage (V) VDDH = Input voltage (V). The tH_ON high-side on-time is controlled by the IC to be proportional to the duty cycle so that the resulting switching frequency is independent of supply voltage and output voltage. Equation 2: t H_ON ∝ VOUT VDDH The tH_ON pulse width is clamped to a minimum of 50ns (after tSS) and a maximum of 2µs to prevent any unexpected operation during extreme VOUT conditions. Voltage-Regulator Enable and Turn-On Sequencing The startup timing is shown in Figure 1. After VDDH is applied, the IC goes through an initialization time (tINIT) that takes up to 308μs. After initialization, OE is read. Once OE is high for more than the 16μs OE filter time (tOE), BST charging starts and is performed for 8μs (tBST), after which the soft-start ramp begins. The soft-start ramp time (tSS) can be 0.75ms, 1.5ms, 3ms, or 6ms depending on the user’s programmed value. VOUT ramps up linearly during the soft-start ramp time. If there are no faults, the STAT pin can transition high after the completion of the soft-start ramp time, plus the STAT blanking time (tSTAT). tSTAT is programmable with options of 125µs and 2ms. If OE is pulled low, the IC shuts down. Alternatively, the IC can be enabled by sending a PMBus Operate command. This raises the internal Operate signal that is OR’d with the OE pin to create an internal OE signal. Therefore, when either the OE pin or the internal Operate signal goes high, startup is initiated, but it takes both to be low to shut the part down. t INIT VCC SHUTDOWN t OE OE or OPERATE t BST VOUT t SS STAT t STAT t INIT : Initialization, 308µs t OE : OE enable f ilter time, 16µs. If OE enabled earlier than tINIT completion, it is ignored until tINIT completes. t BST : BST charging time, 8µs t SS : Sof t-start time per user selection, u 0.75ms – 6ms t STAT : STAT blanking time, 2ms or 125µs through user selection Figure 1. Startup Timing www.maximintegrated.com Maxim Integrated │  14 MAX20743 Integrated, Step-Down Switching Regulator with PMBus Soft-Start Control The initial output voltage behavior is determined by a linear ramp of the internal reference voltage from zero to the final value (tSS in Figure 1). The ramp time (tSS) is programmable from 0.75ms to 6ms. If the regulator is enabled when the output voltage has a residual voltage, the system does not regulate until the reference voltage ramps above this residual value. In this case, the tOE (OE valid to onset of regulation) specification is extended by the time required for the desired voltage startup ramp to reach the actual residual output voltage, but the time to reach the steady-state output voltage is unchanged. If the residual voltage is higher than the set output voltage, neither the high-side or low-side switch is turned on by the end of tSS. Under these conditions, switching begins after tSS. The MAX20743 exhibits a 400mV (typ) non-linearity during startup when RGAIN is set to 1.8mV/A or 3.6mV/A. This behavior is normal and does not have an adverse effect on system operation. For best startup linearity, an RGAIN of 0.9mV/A is recommended. See Startup Response in Typical Operating Characteristics. Remote Output-Voltage Sensing To ensure accurate sensing of the output voltage, a differential voltage-sense topology is used, with a negative remote-sense pin provided. Point-of-load (PoL) sensing compensates for voltage drops between the output of the regulator and its load and provides the highest regulation accuracy. The voltage-sensing circuit features excellent common-mode rejection to further improve load voltage regulation. Protection and Status Operation Output-Voltage Protection The feedback voltage is continuously monitored for both undervoltage and overvoltage conditions. The typical fault-detection threshold is 13% above and 9% below the reference voltage (see the Electrical Characteristics table). If the output voltage falls below the power-good protection (PWRGD) threshold beyond the filter time, the STAT output goes low but the system continues to operate, attempting to maintain regulation. If the output voltage rises above the overvoltageprotection (OVP) threshold beyond the filter time, the STAT pin is lowered and the system shuts down until the output voltage falls within the valid range. Current-Limiting and Short-Circuit Protection The regulator’s valley current-mode control architecture provides inherent current limiting and short-circuit protection. The bottom switch’s instantaneous current is monitored using integrated current sensing and is controlled on a cycle-by-cycle basis within the control block. Current clamping occurs when the minimum instantaneous (“valley”) low-side switch current level exceeds the OCP threshold current, as shown in Figure 2. In this situation, turn-on of the high-side switch is prevented until the current falls below the threshold level. Since the inductor valley current is the controlled parameter, the average current delivered during positive current clamping remains a function of several system-level parameters. Note that IOCP has hysteresis and the value drops down to IOCP2 once it has been triggered, as shown in Figure 2. IOCP(AVG) IOCP IOCP2 I L IOCP(AVG) = IOCP2 + 1 2 ( VDDH VOUT ) x tH_ON LOUT where: IOCP2 = IOCP - Hysteresis Figure 2. Inductor Current During Current Limiting www.maximintegrated.com Maxim Integrated │  15 MAX20743 Integrated, Step-Down Switching Regulator with PMBus Undervoltage Lockout (UVLO) Regulator Status (STAT) Overtemperature Protection (OTP) The STAT pin is low while the regulator is disabled and goes high after the startup ramp is completed, plus the programmed tSTAT blanking interval if the output voltage is within the PWRGD/OVP regulation window. The STAT pin is an open-drain output and is 3.3V tolerant. The pin remains low when VDDH is not present. Table 1. Summary of Fault Actions Table 3. PGMA Pin C_SELA Capacitor Values The regulator internally monitors VDDH with a UVLO circuit. When the input supply voltage is below the UVLO threshold, the regulator stops switching, and the STAT pin is driven low. For UVLO levels, see the Electrical Characteristics table. The OTP-level default is 150°C and can be set to 130°C over PMBus. If the die temperature reaches the OTP level during operation, the regulator is disabled and the STAT pin is driven low. Overtemperature is a nonlatching fault, with the hysteresis shown in the Electrical Characteristics table. FAULT ACTION Power good (output undervoltage) STAT low Output OVP STAT low, shut down and restart Overtemperature STAT low, shut down and restart Supply fault (VDDH_UVLO; VCC_UVLO) STAT low, shut down and restart BST fault STAT low, shut down and restart Table 2. PGMA Pin R_SELA Values The STAT signal provides an open-drain output, consistent with CMOS logic levels, which indicates whether the regulator is functioning properly. An external pullup resistor is required for connecting STAT to VCC or another 1.8V or 3.3V supply. NO. C (pF) ±20% V BOOT (V) 1 Open 0.6484 2 220 0.8984 3 1000 1 Table 4. PGMB Pin R_SELB Values NO. R (kΩ) ±1% R GAIN (mΩ) OCP (A) 1 1.78 3.6 20 2 2.67 3.6 25 3 4.02 3.6 30 4 6.04 3.6 35 NO. R (kΩ) ±1% SOFT-START TIME (mS) PMBus SLAVE ADDRESS (1010_xxx) 5 9.09 1.8 20 6 13.3 1.8 25 1 1.78 3 1010 000b 7 20 1.8 30 2 2.67 3 1010 001b 8 30.9 1.8 35 3 4.02 3 1010 010b 9 46.4 0.9 20 4 6.04 3 1010 011b 10 71.5 0.9 25 5 9.09 3 1010 100b 11 107 0.9 30 6 13.3 3 1010 101b 12 162 0.9 35 7 20 3 1010 110b 8 30.9 3 1010 111b 9 46.4 1.5 1010 000b 10 71.5 1.5 1010 001b 11 107 1.5 1010 010b 12 162 1.5 1010 011b www.maximintegrated.com Table 5. PGMB Pin C_SELB Capacitor Values NO. C (pF) ±20% fSW FREQUENCY (kHz) 1 Open 400 2 220 600 3 1000 800 Maxim Integrated │  16 MAX20743 Integrated, Step-Down Switching Regulator with PMBus The STAT pin is driven low when one or more of the following conditions exists: ●● ●● ●● PWRGD fault (see the Output-Voltage Protection section). VSENSE- pin is left unconnected or shorted to VDDH. Die temperature exceeds the temperature shutdown threshold shown in the Electrical Characteristics table. ●● OVP circuit detects that the output voltage is above the tolerance limit. ●● Supply voltage drops below the UVLO threshold. ●● Fault is detected on the BST node, such as a shorted or open bootstrap capacitor. The ensuing startup follows the same timing shown in Figure 1. PGMA and PGMB Pin Functionality The PGMA and PGMB pins are used to set up some of the key programmable features of the regulator IC. A resistor and capacitor are connected to the PGMA/B pins and their values are read during power-up initialization. Power must be cycled to re-read the values. PMBus Commands A summary of PMBus commands is shown in Table 6. For more information, refer to AN6042: MAX20743 PMBus Application Note. PMBus Telemetry The IC provides input voltage, output voltage, output current, and junction temperature telemetry. Output voltage is measured at the VSENSE+/- pins; therefore, if there is a divider in the feedback, the measurement is scaled by the divide ratio. For range and accuracy specifications, see the Electrical Characteristics table. For data format, refer to AN6042: MAX20743 PMBus Application Note. Table 6. PMBus Command List COMMAND CODE COMMAND NAME TYPE NO. OF DATA BYTES COMMAND CODE COMMAND NAME TYPE NO. OF DATA BYTES 01h OPERATION RW 1 7Dh STATUS_TEMPERATURE RO 1 02h ON_OFF_CONFIG RO 1 7Eh STATUS_CML RO 1 03h CLEAR_FAULTS WO 0 80h STATUS_MFR_SPECIFIC RO 1 10h WRITE_PROTECT RW 1 88h READ_VIN RO 2 1Bh PMBALERT_MASK RW 2 8Bh READ_VOUT RO 2 20h VOUT_MODE RO 1 8Ch READ_IOUT RO 2 21h VOUT_COMMAND RW 2 8Dh READ_TEMPERATURE_1 RO 2 24h VOUT_MAX RW 2 99h MFR_ID BLK 4 78h STATUS_BYTE RO 1 9Bh MFR_REVISION BLK 1 79h STATUS_WORD RO 2 D1h MFR_VOUT_MIN RW 2 7Ah STATUS_VOUT RO 1 D2h MFR_DEVSET1 RW 2 7Bh STATUS_IOUT RO 1 D3h MFR_DEVSET2 RW 2 7Ch STATUS_INPUT RO 1 www.maximintegrated.com Note: RW = Read/Write, WO = Write Only, RO = Read Only, and BLK = Block. Maxim Integrated │  17 MAX20743 Integrated, Step-Down Switching Regulator with PMBus Reference Design Equation 3: A typical application schematic is shown in Figure 3, while Table 7 shows optimum component values for common output voltages. I VDDH = VOUT × I OUT VDDH × η where: Average Input Current Limit VOUT = Output Voltage The input current of VDDH is given by Equation 3. VOUT, IOUT, and VDDH should be properly chosen so that the IOUT = Output Current VDDH = Input Voltage average input current does not exceed 6A (IVDDH_MAX). η = Efficiency (refer to the Typical Operating Characteristics section.) VDDH CVCC CIN VCC 1.8V or 3.3V U1 MAX20743 RSTAT CBST BST STAT 1.8V or 3.3V COMPLIANT I/O VDDH OE STAT OE CLK DATA CLK DATA SMALERT LOUT VOUT VX SMALERT RFB1 VSENSE+ VSENSE- PGMA PGMB GND AGND R_SELA C_SELA COUT RFB2 C_SELB R_SELB Figure 3: Typical Application Circuit Table 7. Reference Design Component Values VOUT (V) RFB1 (kΩ) RFB2 R_SELA C_SELA R_SELB (kΩ) (kΩ) (pF) (kΩ) C_SELB (pF) RGAIN (mΩ) VREF (V) fSW (kHz) LOUT (nH) COUT 0.6484 1 Open 1.78 Open 162 Open 0.9 0.6484 400 170 6 x 100μF + 2 x 470μF 0.8 1.37 5.9 1.78 Open 162 Open 0.9 0.6484 400 170 6 x 100μF + 2 x 470μF 1 1.87 3.48 1.78 Open 162 Open 0.9 0.6484 400 170 6 x 100μF + 2 x 470μF 1.2 1.74 2.05 1.78 Open 162 Open 0.9 0.6484 400 170 6 x 100μF + 2 x 470μF 1.8 3.09 1.74 1.78 Open 162 220 0.9 0.6484 600 170 6 x 100μF + 2 x 470μF 3.3 5.62 1.37 1.78 Open 71.5 220 0.9 0.6484 600 210 6 x 100μF + 2 x 470μF 5.0 7.15 1.07 1.78 Open 71.5 220 0.9 0.6484 600 210 6 x 100μF + 2 x 470μF www.maximintegrated.com Maxim Integrated │  18 MAX20743 Integrated, Step-Down Switching Regulator with PMBus Output-Voltage Setting Equation 4: If an output voltage not listed in Table 7 is required, calculate new values for RFB1 and RFB2 (as discussed below) and use the other circuit values of the closest output voltage in Table 7, or calculate them as shown below. The output voltage is set by the VREF DAC and divider ratio of resistors RFB1 and RFB2 per Equation 4. The IC regulates the VSENSE+ pin to the reference voltage (VREF), which is set by the DAC. Upon power-up, the DAC voltage initializes to one of the user-selectable VBOOT voltages. Using PMBus, the DAC can also be set to any voltage from 0.6016V to 1V with 3.9mV resolution, as shown in Table 8. The divider resistors are chosen to give the correct output voltage and to have an approximate parallel resistance of RPAR = 1kΩ for best commonmode rejection of the error amplifier. In applications requiring less than 10mV peak-to-peak output voltage ripple, setting a lower DAC reference voltage such as 0.6484V or less is recommended because the part will have less DAC voltage noise.   R VOUT VREF x 1 + FB1  = R FB2   where VREF = 0.6016V to 1V (set by DAC). The divider resistors are then given by Equation 5. Equation 5: R  R FB1 = VOUT x  PAR   VREF    R PAR R FB2 = R FB1 x    R FB1 − R PAR  where: RFB1 = Top divider resistor RFB2 = Bottom divider resistor RPAR = Desired parallel resistance of RFB1 and RFB2 VOUT = Output voltage VREF = Reference voltage = 0.6016V to 1V (set by DAC). Table 8. Voltage vs. PMBus VOUT_COMMAND VOUT COMMAND [9:0] (decimal) VOLTAGE (V) ACCURACY (+/-) VOUT COMMAND [9:0] (decimal) VOLTAGE (V) ACCURACY (+/-) VOUT COMMAND [9:0] (decimal) VOLTAGE (V) ACCURACY (+/-) 307 0.6016 1.3% 324 0.6328 1.2% 341 0.6680 1.2% 308 0.6016 1.3% 325 0.6367 1.2% 342 0.6680 1.2% 309 0.6055 1.3% 326 0.6367 1.2% 343 0.6719 1.2% 0.6406 1.2% 310 0.6055 1.3% 327 344 0.6719 1.2% 311 0.6094 1.3% 328 0.6406 1.2% 345 0.6758 1.2% 312 0.6094 1.3% 329 0.6445 1.2% 346 0.6758 1.2% 313 0.6133 1.3% 330 0.6445 1.2% 347 0.6797 1.2% 314 0.6133 1.3% 331 0.6484 1.2% 348 0.6797 1.2% 0.6484 1.2% 315 0.6172 1.3% 332 349 0.6836 1.2% 316 0.6172 1.3% 333 0.6523 1.2% 350 0.6836 1.2% 317 0.6211 1.3% 334 0.6523 1.2% 351 0.6875 1.1% 318 0.6211 1.3% 335 0.6563 1.2% 352 0.6875 1.1% 319 0.6250 1.3% 336 0.6563 1.2% 353 0.6914 1.1% 0.6602 1.2% 320 0.6250 1.3% 337 354 0.6914 1.1% 321 0.6289 1.2% 338 0.6602 1.2% 355 0.6953 1.1% 322 0.6289 1.2% 339 0.6641 1.2% 356 0.6953 1.1% 323 0.6328 1.2% 340 0.6641 1.2% 357 0.6992 1.1% www.maximintegrated.com Maxim Integrated │  19 MAX20743 Integrated, Step-Down Switching Regulator with PMBus Table 8. Voltage vs. PMBus VOUT_COMMAND (continued) VOUT COMMAND [9:0] (decimal) VOLTAGE (V) ACCURACY (+/-) VOUT COMMAND [9:0] (decimal) VOLTAGE (V) ACCURACY (+/-) VOUT COMMAND [9:0] (decimal) VOLTAGE (V) ACCURACY (+/-) 358 0.6992 1.1% 393 0.7695 1.0% 428 0.8359 1.0% 359 0.7031 1.1% 394 0.7695 1.0% 429 0.8398 1.0% 360 0.7031 1.1% 395 0.7734 1.0% 430 0.8398 1.0% 361 0.7070 1.1% 396 0.7734 1.0% 431 0.8438 1.0% 362 0.7070 1.1% 397 0.7773 1.0% 432 0.8438 1.0% 363 0.7109 1.1% 398 0.7773 1.0% 433 0.8477 1.0% 364 0.7109 1.1% 399 0.7813 1.0% 434 0.8477 1.0% 365 0.7148 1.1% 400 0.7813 1.0% 435 0.8516 1.0% 366 0.7148 1.1% 401 0.7852 1.0% 436 0.8516 1.0% 367 0.7188 1.1% 402 0.7852 1.0% 437 0.8555 1.0% 368 0.7188 1.1% 403 0.7891 1.0% 438 0.8555 1.0% 369 0.7227 1.1% 404 0.7891 1.0% 439 0.8594 1.0% 370 0.7227 1.1% 405 0.7930 1.0% 440 0.8594 1.0% 371 0.7266 1.1% 406 0.7930 1.0% 441 0.8633 1.0% 372 0.7266 1.1% 407 0.7969 1.0% 442 0.8633 1.0% 373 0.7305 1.1% 408 0.7969 1.0% 443 0.8672 1.0% 374 0.7305 1.1% 409 0.8008 1.0% 444 0.8672 1.0% 375 0.7344 1.1% 410 0.8008 1.0% 445 0.8711 1.0% 376 0.7344 1.1% 411 0.8047 1.0% 446 0.8711 1.0% 377 0.7383 1.1% 412 0.8047 1.0% 447 0.8750 1.0% 378 0.7383 1.1% 413 0.8086 1.0% 448 0.8750 1.0% 379 0.7422 1.1% 414 0.8086 1.0% 449 0.8789 1.0% 380 0.7422 1.1% 415 0.8125 1.0% 450 0.8789 1.0% 381 0.7461 1.1% 416 0.8125 1.0% 451 0.8828 1.0% 382 0.7461 1.1% 417 0.8164 1.0% 452 0.8828 1.0% 383 0.7500 1.1% 418 0.8164 1.0% 453 0.8867 1.0% 384 0.7500 1.1% 419 0.8203 1.0% 454 0.8867 1.0% 385 0.7539 1.1% 420 0.8203 1.0% 455 0.8906 1.0% 386 0.7539 1.1% 421 0.8242 1.0% 456 0.8906 1.0% 387 0.7578 1.1% 422 0.8242 1.0% 457 0.8945 1.0% 388 0.7578 1.1% 423 0.8281 1.0% 458 0.8945 1.0% 389 0.7617 1.1% 424 0.8281 1.0% 459 0.8984 1.0% 390 0.7617 1.1% 425 0.8320 1.0% 460 0.8984 1.0% 391 0.7656 1.0% 426 0.8320 1.0% 461 0.9023 1.0% 392 0.7656 1.0% 427 0.8359 1.0% 462 0.9023 1.0% www.maximintegrated.com Maxim Integrated │  20 MAX20743 Integrated, Step-Down Switching Regulator with PMBus Table 8. Voltage vs. PMBus VOUT_COMMAND (continued) VOUT COMMAND [9:0] (decimal) VOLTAGE (V) ACCURACY (+/-) VOUT COMMAND [9:0] (decimal) VOLTAGE (V) ACCURACY (+/-) VOUT COMMAND [9:0] (decimal) VOLTAGE (V) ACCURACY (+/-) 463 0.9063 1.0% 480 0.9375 1.0% 497 0.9727 1.0% 464 0.9063 1.0% 481 0.9414 1.0% 498 0.9727 1.0% 465 0.9102 1.0% 482 0.9414 1.0% 499 0.9766 1.0% 466 0.9102 1.0% 483 0.9453 1.0% 500 0.9766 1.0% 467 0.9141 1.0% 484 0.9453 1.0% 501 0.9805 1.0% 468 0.9141 1.0% 485 0.9492 1.0% 502 0.9805 1.0% 469 0.9180 1.0% 486 0.9492 1.0% 503 0.9844 1.0% 470 0.9180 1.0% 487 0.9531 1.0% 504 0.9844 1.0% 471 0.9219 1.0% 488 0.9531 1.0% 505 0.9883 1.0% 472 0.9219 1.0% 489 0.9570 1.0% 506 0.9883 1.0% 473 0.9258 1.0% 490 0.9570 1.0% 507 0.9922 1.0% 474 0.9258 1.0% 491 0.9609 1.0% 508 0.9922 1.0% 475 0.9297 1.0% 492 0.9609 1.0% 509 0.9961 1.0% 476 0.9297 1.0% 493 0.9648 1.0% 510 0.9961 1.0% 477 0.9336 1.0% 494 0.9648 1.0% 511 1.0000 1.0% 478 0.9336 1.0% 495 0.9688 1.0% 512 1.0000 1.0% 479 0.9375 1.0% 496 0.9688 1.0% — — — Note: The repeated voltage values in the table are due to ignoring the LSB in hardware. The available VBOOT values are highlighted in gray. Voltages shown are referenced to the sense pins. Actual VOUT can be scaled by a voltage-divider in the feedback. www.maximintegrated.com Maxim Integrated │  21 MAX20743 Integrated, Step-Down Switching Regulator with PMBus Control-Loop Stability The IC uses valley current-mode control which is stabilized by selecting appropriate values of COUT and RGAIN. No compensation network is required. For stability, the loop bandwidth (BW) should be 100kHz or less. Consider the case of using MLCC output capacitors that have nearly ideal impedance characteristics in the frequency range of interest with negligible ESR and ESL. The loop bandwidth can be approximated by breaking the loop into gain terms as outlined below. The voltage-loop gain consists of the following terms: 1) The IC’s valley current-mode control scheme has an effective transconductance gain of 1/RGAIN. 2) For MLCC capacitors, the output capacitors contribute an impedance gain of 1/(2 x π x COUT x f). 3) The feedback-divider contributes an attenuation of KDIV = RFB2/(RFB1 + RFB2). 4) An inherent high-frequency pole located at 150kHz independent of switching frequency. When the BW is 100kHz or less, the high-frequency pole can be ignored and the approximate loop gain and BW are given by Equation 6. Equation 6: K DIV 2 x π x R GAIN x C OUT x f K DIV BW = 2 x π x R GAIN x C OUT LOOP_GAIN(f ) = OR BW = significantly affect the loop BW calculation. The purpose of the integrator is to improve load regulation. The integrator adds a factor of (1/tREC + s)/s to the loop gain. Step Response RGAIN_EFF is important since it determines the smallsignal transient response of the regulator. When a load step is applied that does not exceed the slew-rate capability of the inductor current, the regulator responds linearly and VOUT temporarily changes by the amount of VOUT_ERROR (Equation 7). Equation 7: VOUT_ERROR = I STEP x R GAIN_EFF The integrator causes VOUT to recover to the nominal value with a time constant of tREC = 20μs. The regulator can be modeled to a first-order by the averaged smallsignal equivalent circuit shown in Figure 4. Here, VEQ is an ideal voltage source, REQ is an equivalent lossless resistance created by the control-loop action, and LEQ is an equivalent inductance. Note that LEQ is not the same as the actual LOUT inductor that has been absorbed into the model. COUT is the actual output capacitance. Output-Capacitor ESR The preceding control-loop discussion considered the use of MLCC output capacitors. Another application worth mentioning is the use of output tREC RGAIN_EFF 1 2 x π x R GAIN_EFF x C OUT LEQ where: RGAIN_EFF RGAIN_EFF = RGAIN/KDIV. For stability, RGAIN and COUT should be chosen so that BW < 100kHz. The available RGAIN settings are shown in Table 4. When choosing which RGAIN setting to use, one should consider that while higher RGAIN allows the loop to be stabilized with less COUT; less COUT generally results in higher ripple and larger transient overshoot and undershoot, so there needs to be a balance. Integrator The IC has an integrator included in its error amplifier that was ignored in the above equations for simplicity. The integrator only adds gain at low frequencies, so it does not www.maximintegrated.com VOUT REQ COUT VOUT VEQ GND Figure 4. Averaged Small-Signal Equivalent Circuit of Regulator Note: The large-signal transient response is approximately the larger between the VOUT_ERROR and the Unloading Transient (see Equation 16). Maxim Integrated │  22 MAX20743 Integrated, Step-Down Switching Regulator with PMBus capacitors with more significant ESR. This can be considered as long as the capacitors are rated to handle the inductor current ripple and expected surge currents. Thus far, it has been assumed that COUT is comprised of MLCCs and the net ESR is negligible compared to RGAIN/KDIV. If the net ESR of the COUT bank is not negligible compared to RGAIN/KDIV, the inductor current ripple is effectively sensed by the ESR and adds to the RGAIN_EFF, as shown in Equation 8. Equation 8: R GAIN_EFF = R GAIN + ESR K DIV The capacitor’s ESR also introduces a zero into the loop gain. The inherent high-frequency pole helps to compensate this zero. For a more in-depth view of the effect of circuit values on regulator performance, the Maxim Simplis model and the MAX20743 evaluation kit can be used. It is recommended to simulate and/or test regulator performance when using values other than the recommended component values. The performance data shown in the Typical Operating Characteristics section was taken using the MAX20743 evaluation kit and component values in Table 7. For most applications, these are the optimum values to use. Table 9, Table 10, and Table 11 show suitable part numbers for input and output capacitors and the inductor. Table 9. Recommended Inductors COMPANY VALUE (nH) I SAT (A) R DC (mΩ) FOOTPRINT (mm) HEIGHT (mm) PART NUMBER WEBSITE Cooper 170 60 0.29 10.4 x 8.0 7.5 FP1007R3-R17-R www.cooperindustries.com Pulse 210 64 0.32 13.5 x 13.0 8.0 PA0513.211NLT www.pulseelectronics.com Pulse 260 55 0.32 13.5 x 13.0 8.0 PA0513.261NLT www.pulseelectronics.com Pulse 320 45 0.32 13.5 x 13.0 8.0 PA0513.321NLT www.pulseelectronics.com Pulse 440 30 0.32 13.5 x 13.0 8.0 PA0513.441NLT www.pulseelectronics.com Table 10. MLCC Input Capacitors CASE SIZE VALUE (µF) TEMPERATURE RATING VOLTAGE RATING Τ (Note 1) (mm) 0603 1 X7S X7R 16V 0.8 (Note 2) Murata TDK GRM188C71C105KA12D C1608X7R1C105K 0805 2.2 X7R 25V 16V 16V 1.25 1.25 1.25 Murata TDK AVX GRM21BR71E225KA73L C2012X7R1C225M 0805YC225MAT 0805 4.7 X7R 16V 1.25 Murata GRM21BR71C475K 1206 4.7 X7R 16V 1.65 AVX Murata 1206YC475MAT GRM31CR71C475KA01L 1206 10 X7R 16V 1.65 Murata TDK AVX GRM31CR71C106KAC7L C3216X7R1C106M 1206YC106MAT 1210 10 X7R 16V 25V 2.0 2.5 Murata TDK GRM32DR71C106KA01L C3225X7R1E106M 1210 22 X7R 16V 2.45 2.5 2.5 AVX Murata TDK 1210YC226MAT GRM32ER71A476K C3225X7R1C226M COMPANY PART NUMBER Note 1: Τ indicates nominal thickness. Note 2: Indicates capacitors with nominal thickness smaller than the minimum FCQFN package thickness. www.maximintegrated.com Maxim Integrated │  23 MAX20743 Integrated, Step-Down Switching Regulator with PMBus Table 11. Recommended Output Capacitors COMPANY VALUE (ΜF) PART NUMBER TEMP. VOLT. CASE RATING RATING SIZE Τ (NOTE 1) (mm) WEBSITE AVX 22 22 08054D226MAT2A 12066D226MAT2A X5R X5R 4V 6.3V 0805 1206 1.3 1.65 www.avxcorp.com Murata 22 22 22 GRM21BR60J226ME39L GRM31CR60J226KE19L GRM32DR60J226KA01L X5R X5R X5R 6.3V 6.3V 6.3V 0805 1206 1210 1.25 1.6 2.0 www.murata.co.jp Panasonic 22 22 22 ECJ3YB0J226M ECJHVB0J226M ECJ3Y70J226M X5R X5R X7R 6.3V 6.3V 6.3V 1206 1206 1206 1.6 0.85 1.65 www.panasonic.com Taiyo Yuden 22 22 22 AMK212BJ226MG JMK316BJ226ML JMK325BJ226MY X5R X5R X5R 4V 6.3V 6.3V 0805 1206 1210 1.25 1.6 1.9 www.taiyo-yuden.com TDK 22 22 22 22 C2012X5R0J226M C3216X5R0J226M C3225X5R0J226M C3216X6S0J226M X5R X5R X5R X6S 6.3V 6.3V 6.3V 6.3V 0805 1206 1210 1206 1.25 1.6 1.6 1.6 www.component.tdk.com Note 1: Τ indicates nominal thickness. Inductor Selection The output inductor has an important influence on the overall size, cost, and efficiency of the voltage regulator. Since the inductor is typically one of the larger components in the system, a minimum inductor value is particularly important in space-constrained applications. Smaller inductor values also permit faster transient response, reducing the amount of output cap needed to maintain transient tolerances. sufficient charge to maintain regulation while the inductor current ramps up to supply the load. In contrast, smaller inductor values increase the regulator’s maximum achievable slew rate and decrease the necessary capacitance, at the expense of higher ripple current. The peak-to-peak ripple current is given by Equation 10. Equation 10: For any buck regulator, the maximum current slew rate through the output inductor is given by Equation 9. Equation 9: dIL VL SlewRate = = dt L OUT where: IL = Inductor current LOUT = Output inductance VL = VDDH - VOUT during high-side FET conduction and -VOUT during low-side FET conduction. Equation 9 shows that larger inductor values limit the regulator’s ability to slew current through the output inductor in response to step-load transients. Consequently, more output capacitors are required to supply (or store) www.maximintegrated.com I OUTRIPPLE = t H_ON x ( VIN − VOUT ) L OUT where: tH_ON = High-side switch on-time (based on nominal VOUT) (see Equation 1) LOUT = Output inductance VDDH = Input voltage VOUT = Output voltage. From Equation 10, for the same switching frequency, ripple current increases as L decreases. This increased ripple current results in increased AC losses, larger peak current, and for the same output capacitance, results in increased output voltage ripple. Maxim Integrated │  24 MAX20743 Integrated, Step-Down Switching Regulator with PMBus IOUTRIPPLE should be set to 25% to 50% of the IC’s rated output current. A suitable inductor value can then be found by solving Equation 10 for inductance as in Equation 11 and Equation 12. Equation 11: LOUT = VOUT × ( VDDH − VOUT ) VDDH ×IOUTRIPPLE × fSW And assuming IOUTRIPPLE = 0.25 x IOUT for a typical inductor value (Equation 12). Equation 12: L OUT = VOUT x (VDDH − VOUT ) VDDH x (0.25 x I OUT ) x f SW So, for a 35A regulator running at 400kHz with VDDH = 12V and VOUT = 1V, Equation 13 shows the target value for the inductor. Equation 13: 1 x (12 − 1) 12 x 0.25 x 35 x 400000 = 262nH L OUT = The saturation current rating of the inductor is another important consideration. At current limit, the peak inductor current is given Equation 14 Equation 14: = IPK I OCP + I OUTRIPPLE where: IOCP = Overcurrent-protection trip point (see the Electrical Characteristics table and the Current-Limiting and ShortCircuit Protection section). Also, note that during a hard VOUT short circuit, IOUTRIPPLE increases due to VOUT going to zero in Equation 10. Finally, the power dissipation of the inductor influences the regulation efficiency. Losses in the inductor include core loss, DC resistance loss, and AC resistance loss. For the best efficiency, use inductors with core material exhibiting low loss in the range of 0.5MHz to 2MHz and low-winding resistance. Table 9 provides a summary of recommended inductor suppliers and part numbers. Output Capacitor Selection The minimum recommended output capacitance forstability is described in the Control-Loop Stability section and is normally implemented using several 100μF 1206 (or similar) MLCCs. For low slew-rate transient loads, RGAIN_EFF determines the VOUT_ERROR for a given load step per the small-signal model, as discussed above. In this case, COUT has no effect on the VOUT_ERROR. However, in the event that the slew rate of the load transient greatly exceeds the slew rate of the inductor current, the transient VOUT_ERROR can be larger than predicted by the small-signal model. In this case, the VOUT loading and unloading transients can be approximated by taking the larger result between Equation 7 and Equation 16. Equation 16: I   L OUT × I STEP + OUTRIPPLE  2   VSAG = 2× C OUT × (VDDH - VOUT ) 2 2 I   L OUT × I STEP + OUTRIPPLE  t H_ON IOUTRIPPLE = Peak-to-peak inductor current ripple, 2   +I = VSOAR STEP × defined above 2× C OUT × VOUT C OUT For proper OCP operation of the regulator, it is important that IPK never exceeds the saturation current rating of where: the inductor (ISAT). It is recommended that a margin of at least 20% is included between IPK and ISAT, as shown in VSAG = Loading transient Equation 15. V = Unloading transient. Equation 15: SOAR I SAT > 1.2 x IPK www.maximintegrated.com In order to meet an aggressive transient specification, COUT may have to be increased and/or LOUT decreased. However, note that decreasing LOUT results in larger inductor ripple current; thus, decreased efficiency and increased output voltage ripple. Maxim Integrated │  25 MAX20743 Output voltage ripple is another important consideration in the selection of output capacitors. For a buck regulator operating in CCM, the total voltage ripple across the output capacitor bank can be approximated as the sum of three voltage waveforms: 1) the triangle wave that results from multiplying the AC ripple current by the ESR, 2) the square wave that results from multiplying the ripple current slew rate by the ESL, and 3) the piecewise quadratic waveform that results from charging and discharging the output capacitor. In a typical MAX20743 application with a bank of 0805 X5R, 6.3V, 22µF output capacitors, these three voltage waveform components are roughly equal. Although the phasing of these three components impacts the total output voltage ripple, a common approximation is to ignore the phasing and to find the upper bound of the peak-to-peak ripple by summing all three components, as shown in Equation 17. Equation 17: V  VPP ESR (I OUTRIPPLE ) + ESL  DDH  = L  OUT   I OUTRIPPLE  +    8 x f SW x C OUT  where: ESR = Equivalent series resistance at the output IOUTRIPPLE = Peak-to-peak inductor current ripple ESL = High-frequency equivalent series inductance at output VDDH = Input voltage LOUT = Output inductance fSW = Switching frequency COUT = Output capacitance. The ESL effect of an output capacitor on output voltage ripple cannot be easily estimated from the resonant frequency; the high-frequency (10MHz or above) impedance of that capacitor should be used instead. PCB traces and vias in the VOUT/GND loop contribute additional parasitic inductance. The final considerations in the selection of output capacitors are ripple-current rating and power dissipation. Using a conservative design approach, the output capacitors should be designed to handle the maximum peak-topeak AC ripple current experienced in the worst-case scenario. Because the recommended output capacitors have extremely low ESR values, they are typically rated well above the current and power stresses seen here. www.maximintegrated.com Integrated, Step-Down Switching Regulator with PMBus For the triangular AC ripple current at the output, the total RMS current and power is given by Equation 18 and Equation 19. Equation 18: I IRMS _ COUT = OUTRIPPLE 12 where: IOUTRIPPLE = Peak-to peak ripple current value. Equation 19: = PCOUT IRMS _ COUT 2 × ESR where: ESR = Equivalent series resistance of the entire output capacitor bank. Input Capacitor Selection The selection and placement of input capacitors are important considerations. High-frequency input capacitors serve to control switching noise. Bulk input capacitors are designed to filter the pulsed DC current that is drawn by the regulator. For the best performance, lowest cost and smallest size of the MAX20743 systems, MLCC capacitors with 1210 or smaller case sizes, capacitance values of 47µF or smaller, 16V or 25V voltage ratings, and X5R or better temperature characteristics are recommended as bulk. The minimum recommended value of capacitance is 2 x 47µF (bulk) and 1.0µF + 0.1µF (high frequency). Smaller values of bulk capacitance can be used in direct proportion to the maximum load current. It is recommended to choose the main MLCC input capacitance to control the peak-to-peak input voltage ripple to 2% to 3% of its DC value in accordance with Equation 20. Equation 20: C IN = IMAX x VOUT x (VDDH − VOUT ) ( f SW x VDDH 2 x VINPP ) where: CIN = Input capacitance (MLCC) IMAX = Maximum load current VDDH = DC input voltage VOUT = DC output voltage fSW = Switching frequency (CCM) VDDHPP = Target peak-to-peak input-voltage ripple. Maxim Integrated │  26 MAX20743 Integrated, Step-Down Switching Regulator with PMBus Because the bulk input capacitors must source the pulsed DC input current of the regulator, the power dissipation, and ripple-current rating for these capacitors are far more important than that for the output capacitors. The RMS current that the input capacitor must withstand can be approximated using Equation 21. accuracy of the set output voltage. Due to the form of Equation 4, the effect is higher at higher output voltages. Figure 5 shows the effect of 0.1% tolerance resistors over a range of output voltages. For different tolerance resistors, multiply the output voltage error by the resistors’ tolerances divided by 0.1%. For example, for 0.5% tolerance resistors, multiply the output error shown by 5. To obtain accuracy over temperature, for a worst-case scenario, the temperature coefficients multiplied by the temperature range should be added to the tolerance (i.e., for 25ppm/°C resistors over a 50°C excursion, add 0.125% to the 25°C tolerance). Equation 21: IRMS_CIN = ILOAD VOUT x (VDDH − VOUT ) VDDH where: The error due to the voltage-feedback resistors’ tolerance (RFB1 and RFB2) should be added to the output voltage tolerance due to the IC’s feedback-voltage accuracy shown in the Electrical Characteristics table. ILOAD = Output DC load current. With an equivalent series resistance of the bulk input capacitor bank (ESRCIN), the total power dissipation in the input capacitors is given by Equation 22. Voltage Margining Equation 22: Voltage margining can be achieved by changing the VOUT setting through PMBus. VOUT changes occur with a default linear slew rate of 1V/ms. The slew rate can be set to 1, 2, or 4mV/μs using the VRATE bits. See AN6042: MAX20743 PMBus Application Note for details. If a voltage-divider is present in the feedback loop, the VOUT slew rate is scaled accordingly. = PCIN IRMS _ CIN2 × ESRCIN Resistor Selection and its Effect on DC Output-Voltage Accuracy RFB1 and RFB2 set the output voltage, as described in Equation 4. The tolerance of these resistors affects the 0.18% 0.16% ERROR (%) 0.14% 0.12% 0.10% 0.08% εVOUT = 2εR (VOUT - VREP) / VOUT 0.06% 0.04% 0.02% 0.00% 0 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 VOUT/VREF RATIO Figure 5. DC Accuracy Impact Showing Effect of 0.1% Tolerance for RFB1 and RFB2 www.maximintegrated.com Maxim Integrated │  27 MAX20743 PCB Layout PCB layout can dramatically affect the performance of the regulator. A poorly designed board can degrade efficiency, noise performance, and even control-loop stability. At higher switching frequencies, layout issues are especially critical. As a general guideline, the input capacitors and the output inductor should be placed in close proximity to the regulator IC, while the output capacitors should be lumped together as close as possible to the load. Traces to these components should be kept as short and wide as possible to minimize parasitic inductance and resistance. Traces connecting the input capacitors and VDDH (power input node) on the IC require particular attention since they carry currents with the largest RMS values and fastest slew rates. According to best practice, the input capacitors should be placed as close as possible to the input supply pins, with the smallest package high-frequency capacitor being the closest to the IC and no more than 60 mils from the IC pins. Preferably, there should be an uninterrupted ground plane located immediately underneath these high-frequency current paths, with the ground plane located no more than 8 mils below the top layer. By keeping the flow of this highfrequency AC current localized to a tight loop at the regulator, electromagnetic interference (EMI) can be minimized. Voltage-sense lines should be routed differentially directly from the load points. The ground plane can be used as a shield for these or other sensitive signals to protect them from capacitive or magnetic coupling of high-frequency noise. www.maximintegrated.com Integrated, Step-Down Switching Regulator with PMBus For remote-sense applications where the load and regulator IC are separated by a significant distance or impedance, it is important to place the majority of the output capacitors directly at the load. Ideally, for system stability, all of the output capacitors should be placed as close as possible to the load. In remote-sense applications, common-mode filtering is necessary to filter high-frequency noise in the sense lines. The following layout recommendations should be used for optimal performance: ●● It is essential to have a low-impedance and uninterrupted ground plane under the IC and extended out underneath the inductor and output capacitor bank. ●● Multiple vias are recommended for all paths that carry high currents (i.e., GND, VDDH, VX). Vias should be placed close to the chip to create the shortest possible current loops. Via placement must not obstruct the flow of currents or mirror currents in the ground plane. ●● A single via in close proximity to the chip should be used to tie the top layer AGND trace to the second layer ground plane, it must not be connected to the top power ground area. ●● The feedback-divider and compensation network should be close to the IC to minimize the noise on the IC side of the divider. Gerber files with layout information and complete reference designs can be obtained by contacting a Maxim account representative. Maxim Integrated │  28 C4 DNS 0402 Vboot = 0.6484V PMBus Addr = 1010 000b Soft Start Time = 3ms R1 1.78K 0402 SMALERT DATA CLK OE STAT 20K R2 162K 0402 C23 DNS 0402 PGMB PGMA Fsw = 400kHz OCP = 35A Valley Rgain = 0.9 m-ohms C32 1000pF 0402 DNS = Do Not Stuff PGMB PGMA VX BST U1 VSENSE- VSENSE+ MAX20743 SMALERT DATA CLK OE STAT AGND R8 0402 C36 10uF X5R 0402 VCC VCC VDDH VDDH 20K C51 10uF X5R 0402 GND www.maximintegrated.com R5 0402 C9 10uF X5R 0402 C7 1uF X7R 0603 C8 0.22uF X7R 0402 SENSE- SENSE+ VX BST C3 0.1uF X7R 0402 Diff Pair C5 47uF X5R 1206 170nH L1 C6 47uF X5R 1206 VDDH C11 47uF X5R 1206 R9 3.48K 0402 R6 1.87K 0402 SENSE_VOUT C10 47uF X5R 1206 Diff Pair INPUT SUPPLY 0 0402 R11 0 R4 0402 C24 0.01uF 0402 C12-17 6x100uf 1206 + C28-29 2x470uF 5 m-ohms VOUT = 1V VOUT MAX20743 Integrated, Step-Down Switching Regulator with PMBus Figure 6. MAX20743 Reference Schematic (VOUT = 1V, VDDH = 4.5V to 16V) Maxim Integrated │  29 MAX20743 Integrated, Step-Down Switching Regulator with PMBus Ordering Information PART TEMP RANGE PIN-PACKAGE MAX20743EPL+ -40°C to +125°C 15 FCQFN MAX20743EPL+T -40°C to +125°C 15 FCQFN +Denotes a lead(Pb)-free/RoHS-compliant package. T = Tape and reel. www.maximintegrated.com Maxim Integrated │  30 MAX20743 Integrated, Step-Down Switching Regulator with PMBus Revision History REVISION NUMBER REVISION DATE PAGES CHANGED 0 6/16 Initial release 1 10/16 Updated the Typical Operating Characteristics, and Absolute Maximum Ratings sections; Added the Input Current Limit section and updated numbering for Equations 3-22. DESCRIPTION — 1–7, 9–10, 18–19, 22–27 For pricing, delivery, and ordering information, please contact Maxim Direct at 1-888-629-4642, or visit Maxim Integrated’s website at www.maximintegrated.com. Maxim Integrated cannot assume responsibility for use of any circuitry other than circuitry entirely embodied in a Maxim Integrated product. No circuit patent licenses are implied. Maxim Integrated reserves the right to change the circuitry and specifications without notice at any time. The parametric values (min and max limits) shown in the Electrical Characteristics table are guaranteed. Other parametric values quoted in this data sheet are provided for guidance. Maxim Integrated and the Maxim Integrated logo are trademarks of Maxim Integrated Products, Inc. ©  2016 Maxim Integrated Products, Inc. │  31
MAX20743EPL+ 价格&库存


  •  国内价格
  • 1+ 46.6992 1+ 0
  • 10+ 45.6192 10+ 0
  • 30+ 44.8848 30+ 0
