GPWV2.E132003 - Fans, Electric - Component
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Fans, Electric - Component
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Fans, Electric - Component
See General Information for Fans, Electric - Component
DC fans, Model AFB followed by 0405, followed by HA, HHA, LA or MA, followed by (Y), where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0
through 9, "-" or blank; Model AUB followed by 0505, followed by HB, LB or MB, followed by (Y), where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A
through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank; Model AUB followed by 0512, followed by HB, HHB, LB or MB, followed by (Y), where (Y) may be xxxxx,
where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank; Model AFB followed by 0605, followed by HH, followed by R00, R05, RR0 or RR05,
followed by (Y), where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank; Model AFB followed by 0805, followed by H, L
or M, followed by (Y); Model AFB followed by 0612, 0624, followed by L, M, H, HH, EH, SH, VH, followed by (Y); Model AFB0612LB followed by
(Y), where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank; Model AFB followed by 0812, 0824, 0912 or 0924, followed
by H, HH, L, M, followed by (Y), where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank; Model ASB followed by 0405,
0412, followed by HA, HHA, LA or MA, followed by (Y), where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank; Model
ASB followed by 0505, followed by HB, LB or MB, followed by (Y), where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or
blank; Model ASB followed by 0512, 0524, followed by HB, HHB, LB or MB, followed by (Y), where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through
Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank; Model ASB0812 followed by L or M, Model ASB0824 followed by L, M, H or HH, followed by (Y), where (Y) may be
xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank; Model ASB followed by 0612 or 0624, followed by H, HH, L or M, followed by (Y),
where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank; Model ASB followed by 0912 or 0924, followed by H, L or M,
followed by (Y), where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank; Model AUB followed by 0505, followed by HB,
LB or MB, AUB followed by 0512 or 0524, followed by HB, HHB, LB or MB, followed by (Y), where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z,
0 through 9, "-" or blank; Model AUB followed by 0612, 0624, followed by H, HH, L or M, followed by (Y), where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may
be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank; Model AUB followed by 0912, 0924, followed by H, HH, L, M or VH, followed by (Y), where (Y) may be
xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank; Model AUB followed by 0812 or 0824, followed by HB, HHB, LB, LLB, MB, SHB or
VHB, followed by (Y), where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank;Model DFB followed by 0405 or 0412,
followed by H, L, LL, M, followed by (Y), where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank; Model DFB followed by
0612, 0812, 0912, 0824 or 0924 followed by H, L or M, followed by (Y), where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-"
or blank; Model DFB followed by 0612, 0812, 0824, 0912 or 0924, followed by HH, followed by (Y), where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A
through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank; Model DFB followed by 0424, followed by H, L, LL, M, followed by (Y), where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x
may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank; Model DFB followed by 0624, followed by H, HH, L or M, followed by (Y), where (Y) may be xxxxx,
where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank; Model DFC followed by 0612, 0812 or 0912, followed by "A" or "B", followed by (Y),
where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank; Model DFD followed by 0612 or 0624, followed by H, HH, L or
M, followed by (Y), where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank; Model SB followed by 0412, followed by H,
L, LL or M, followed by (Y), where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank; Model SB followed by 0612, 0624,
followed by HH, followed by (Y), where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank; Model SB followed by 0612,
0624, 0812, 0824, followed by H, L or M, followed by (Y), where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank;
Model SB followed by 0612, 0624, followed by HD, LD or MD, followed by (Y), where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through
9, "-" or blank; Model SB followed by 0812, 0824, followed by HH, followed by (Y), where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0
through 9, "-" or blank; Model SB followed by 0812, followed by MSA or MSG, followed by (Y), where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A
through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank; Model AFC0612D(Y) where (Y) may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank; Models AFB0612DH-8G33(Y),
E47199(Y), E47159(Y), DTC-CDA(Y), DTC-CDC(Y), FFR1212DHE(Y), FFR0812DHE(Y), KFB0612HD-8K16(Y), BFB0712HB-8A97(Y), KUC1012D(Y)
series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank; Models TFA1424AG(Y), TFA1424AGL(Y), TFA1448(X)G
(Y), TFA1448AGL(Y) series, where (X) may be A, B or C, (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Model AFB followed by 02505, followed by HA, HHA, LA or MA, followed by (Y), where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through
9, "-" or blank; Model AFB followed by 02512, followed by HA, HHA, LA or MA, followed by (Y), where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A
through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank; Model AFB followed by 0305, followed by HA, LA, LLA, MA, followed by (Y), where (Y) may be xxxxx, where
x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank; Model AFB followed by 0312, followed by HA, LA, LLA, MA, followed by (Y), where (Y) may be
xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank; Model AFB followed by 0412, followed by LA, MA, HA, HHA, followed by (Y), where
(Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank; Model AFB followed by 0405 or 03505, followed by HA, LA, MA,
followed by (Y), where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank; Model AFB followed by 03512, followed by LA,
MA or HA, followed by (Y), where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank; Model AFB followed by 0405, 0412
or 0424, followed by HD, HHD, LD, MD, followed by (Y), where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank; Model
AFB followed by 0505, followed by HA, LA, MA LB, MB or HB, followed by (Y), where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9,
"-" or blank; Model AFB followed by 0512, followed by LA, MA, HA, HB, HHB, LB or MB, followed by (Y), where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be
A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank; Model AFB followed by 0524, followed by HB, HHB, LB or MB, followed by (Y), where (Y) may be xxxxx,
where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank; Model AFB followed by 0605, followed by HB, HHB, LB, LLD, MB, followed by (Y), where
(Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank; Model AFB followed by 0605, followed by HA, LA or MA, followed by
(Y), where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank; Model AFB followed by 0612, followed by HA, HB, HHB, LA,
MA or MB, followed by (Y), where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank; Model AFB followed by 0612,
followed by HD, HHD, LB, LD, LLD, MD, VHB or VHD, followed by (Y), where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or
blank; Model AFB followed by 0624, followed by HD, HHD, LD, LLD, MD or VHD, followed by (Y), where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A
through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank; Model AFB followed by 0624, followed by HB, HHB, LB, MB or VHB, followed by (Y), where (Y) may be
xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank; Model AFB followed by 0648, followed by EH, H, HH, L, M, SH or VH, followed by
(Y), where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank; Model AFB followed by 0705, followed by H, L or M, 8/19/2015
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followed by (Y), where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank; Model AFB followed by 0712, followed by HA,
HHA, LA, MA or VHA, followed by (Y), where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank; Model AFB followed by
0748, followed by H, HH, L or M, followed by (Y), where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank; Model AFB
followed by 0812 or 0824, followed by HB, HHB, LB, LLB, MB, SHB or VHB, followed by (Y), where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through
Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank; Model AFB followed by 0848, followed by H, HH, L or M, followed by (Y), where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A
through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank; Model AFB followed by 0912 or 0924, followed by H, HH, L, M or VH, followed by (Y), where (Y) may be
xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank; Model AFB followed by 0948, followed by H, HH, L or M, followed by (Y), where (Y)
may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank;; Model WFB followed by 1212, followed by ME, followed by (Y), where (Y)
may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank; Model WFB followed by 1212, 1224 or 1248, followed by VHE, followed by
(Y), where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank: Model WFB followed by 1248, followed by HHE, followed by
(Y), where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank; Model AFC0812D followed by blank, "-R00" or "-F00" are
suffixed (Y) where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank: Model AFC0812DD, followed by (Y), where (Y) may
be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank; Model AFC0912D followed by blank, "-R00" or "-F00" are suffixed (Y), where
(Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank; Models AFB0512(Z)B-A(Y), AFB04512(Z)B(Y) Series, where (Y) may
be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank, (Z) may be H, M and L; Models AFB02512VHB-5B05(Y), AFB02512MA-A(Y),
AFB02512HA-A(Y), AFB02512HHA-A(Y), AFB0312LA-A(Y), AFB0312MA-A(Y), AFB0312HA-A(Y) , AFB03512LA-A(Y), AFB03512MA-A(Y),
AFB03512HA-A(Y), GFB1412EHT(Y), GFC1412DT(Y), AFB0748SH-SP(Y), BFB1712EHT(Y) Series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A
through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Model EFB followed by 0912 or 0924, followed by H, HH, L, M, SH or VH.
Models WFB1212H(Y), WFB1212HE(Y), WFB1212M(Y), WFB1212ME(Y), WFB1212L(Y), WFB1212LE(Y), WFB1224H(Y), WFB1224HE(Y),
WFB1224M(Y), WFB1224ME(Y), WFB1224L(Y), WFB1224LE(Y), WFB1212HH(Y), WFB1212HHE(Y), WFB1224HH(Y), WFB1224HHE(Y), WFB1248HE
(Y), WFB1248ME(Y), WFB1248LE(Y), WFC1212B(Y), WFC1212BE(Y), KFB2348HHV(Y), KFB2348HHU(Y), KFB2348HV(Y), KFB2348HU(Y),
KHB2348HHV(Y), KHB2348HHU(Y), KFB2324HHV(Y), KFB2324HHU(Y), KFB2524HHU(Y) Series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A
through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Model BFB followed by 1212, 1224 followed by HE.
Model BFB followed by 0305, 03505, followed by HP, LP, MP.
Models AFB or ASB followed by 0505 or 0512, followed by HA, LA or MA.
Model BFB followed by 0712, 0724, followed by H, L, M, suffixed (Y); Model LFB0512HD(Y)Series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A
through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Model BFC followed by 1212, followed by A, B; Models BFC1212C, BFC1224C, BFC1248C.
Models EFB0505LA, EFB0505MA, EFB0505HA, EFB0512LA, EFB0512MA, EFB0512HA and EFB0512HHA. All models may be followed by (Y9);
where the number after Y represents digit, each digit may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Model AFC0912C(Y), AFC0924C(Y), AFC0812C(Y), AFC0824C(Y), AFC0612A(Y), AFC0612B(Y), AFC0712A/B(Y), AFC0812A(Y), AFC0812B(Y),
AFC0912A(Y), AFC0912A-(M)(Y), AFC0912A-(H)(Y), AFC0912A-(HH)(Y), AFC0824A(Y), AFC0824B(Y), AFC0924A(Y), AFC0924B(Y), AFC0912B(Y),
AFC0912B-(M)(Y), AFC0912B-(H)(Y), AFC0912B-(HH)(Y), ASC0612A/B(Y), ASC0812A/B(Y), ASC0912A/B(Y), AFC0612AD(Y), AFC0612BD(Y),
AFC0512AB(Y), AFC0512BB(Y), AFC0612AB(Y), AFC0612BB(Y), AFC0712D(Y), where (Y) may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Model ASB followed by 0605, followed by H, L, M, suffixed (Y); Model ASB followed by 0612, followed by H-SB, L-SB or M-SB, suffixed (Y); Model
ASB followed by 0812 or 0824, followed by H, HH, L, LL or M, suffixed (Y); Model ASB followed by 0912, followed by H, HH, L, L-V, M, suffixed
(Y); Model ASB followed by 0924, followed by H, HH, L or M, suffixed (Y); Model ASB0812L-SB, H-SB or M-SB suffixed (Y); Model ASB0912L-SB,
ASB0912H-SB or ASB0912M-SB suffixed (Y); Model DSB followed by 0812, followed by H, H-N, L, L-N, M, M-N, suffixed (Y); Model DSB followed
by 0612, followed by H, L, M, suffixed (Y); Models DSB0624H-(Y), DSB0624M-(Y), DSB0624L-(Y), DSB0512HHB(Y), DSB0512HB(Y), DSB0512MB
(Y), DSB0512LB(Y), DSB0512MD(Y), DSB0512LD(Y), DSB0612(X)-A(Y), DSB0612(X)D(Y), DSB0612(A)B(Y) Series, where (A) may be HH, H, M
or L, (X) may be H, M or L, (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Model AFB followed by 0612, followed by H, HH, L, M, followed by SB; Model AFB followed by 0812, followed by H, L or M, followed by SB; Model
AFB followed by 0912, followed by H, L or M, followed by SB.
Model AFB followed by 1212, followed by HE(Y), HHE(Y), LE(Y), ME(Y), VHE(Y); Model AFB followed by 1224, followed by HE(Y), HHE(Y), LE(Y),
ME(Y), VHE(Y); Model AFB followed by 1248, followed by HE(Y), HHE(Y), LE(Y), ME(Y), VHE(Y), L(Y), M(Y), H(Y), HH(Y), VH(Y), SH(Y); Model EFB
followed by 1212, followed by HE(Y), HHE(Y), LE(Y), ME(Y), SHE(Y), VHE(Y); Model EFB followed by 1224, followed by HE(Y), HHE(Y), LE(Y), ME
(Y), SHE(Y), VHE(Y); Model EFB followed by 1248, followed by HE(Y), HHE(Y), LE(Y), ME(Y), SHE(Y), VHE(Y); Models AFB1212SHE(Y),
AFB1212EHE(Y), AFB1212GHE(Y), AFB1224SHE(Y), AFB1224EHE(Y), AFB1224GHE(Y), AFB1248SHE(Y), AFB1248EHE(Y), AFB1248GHE(Y); Model
AFB1348 followed by SHE(Y), VHE(Y), HHE(Y), HE(Y), where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank; Model
AFB1348 followed by SHE(Y), VHE(Y), HHE(Y), HE(Y); Models AFB1312SHE(Y), AFB1312VHE(Y), AFB1312HHE(Y), AFB1312HE(Y), AFB1324SHE
(Y), AFB1324VHE(Y), AFB1324HHE(Y), AFB1324HE(Y) Series; Models AFB1248MF(Y), AFB1248HF(Y), AFB1248HHF(Y), AFB1248VHF(Y),
AFB1248SHF(Y), AFB1448HE(Y); Model AFB1212HHE-8C2A series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or
Model BFB followed by 1012, followed by H(Y), HH(Y), VH(Y), SH(Y), EH(Y), L(Y), LL(Y) or M(Y); Model BFB1012M-5J60R; Model BFB followed by
1024, followed by H, HH, L, LL or M, suffixed (Y); Model BFB followed by 1212, followed by H, HH, L, LL, M or VH, suffixed (Y); Model BFB
followed by 1224, followed by H, HH, L, LL or M, suffixed (Y); Model BFB followed by 1248, followed by H, HH, L, LL or M, suffixed (Y); Models
BFC1012D-A(Y), BFB1012VH-3F16(Y), BFB12(X)(Z)-A(Y); Model SFB0412VH/HH/H/M(Y), BFB04512HA-SM(Y) Series; Model BFB04512(X)(Y)
series, where (X) may be MD/HD/HHD/VHD, (Y) may be (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank; Models
KFB2548HHU(Y), KFB2548HU(Y), BFB04512MD-S(Y) Series, where (X) may be 12, 24 or 48, (Z) may be GH, EH, SH or VH, (Y) may be (Y) may
be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank; Model BFC followed by 1012, followed by A, B or C, followed by (Y), where (Y)
may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Model BFB1224HHE-4J97(Y) Series; Model BFB followed by 1212, 1224, followed by HE, HHE, LE, ME or VH; Model BFB followed by 1248,
followed by HE, LE or ME; Model BFB followed by 1612, followed by VH, H, L or M; Model BFB followed by 1624, followed by VH, H, L or M; Model
BFB followed by 1648, followed by VH, H, L or M.
Models BFB0405HE, BFB0405LE, BFB0405ME, BFB0412HE, BFB0412HHE, BFB0412LE, BFB0412ME; Models BFB0412HN(Y), BSB0412HN(Y),
where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Model AUB08(X)(Z)(Y) series, where (X) 12 or 24, (Z) may be VH, HH, H, M or L, (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9,
"-" or blank. 8/19/2015
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Models BSB0712(X)(Y), BSB0724(X)(Y), BSB0712HD(Y), B(A)B0505L(Y), B(A)B0505M(Y), B(A)B0512(B)(Y), BFB0512MA-SM(Y), B(A)B0524(B)
(Y), BSB0705HC(Y), KDB04105HB(Y), AFB0512EHN(Y), BSB04512(X)A(Y), BSB04505(X)K(Y), KFB1224EHS(Y), KFB1224GHS(Y), AFC0912DE8C1P(Y), NFB08512(B)(Y), BUB0812DD-SM00(Y) Series, where (A) may be F or S, (B) may be HH, H, M or L, (X) may be H, M or L, (Y) may be
xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models EFB12(X)SH, EFB12(X)(Y), EFB12(X)(Y)F, where (X) may be 12, 24 or 48, (Y) may be VH, HH, H, M or L.
Models EFB04(W)(Z)D(Y), AFB10(X)VHE(Y), AFB10(X)SHE(Y), AFB10(X)EHE(Y), AFC10(X)DE(Y) Series, where (W) may be 5, 12 or 24, (Z) may
be VH, HH, H, M, L or LL, (X) may be 12 or 24, (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Model BFB03(X)(Y)A, where (X) may be 05 or 12, (Y) may be HH, H, M or L.
Models AFB1512EH(Y), AFC1512D(Y), AFB1712EH(Y), AFC1712D(Y), AFC1524D(Y), AFB1524EH(Y), AFC1724D(Y), AFB1724EH(Y), AFB15(X)(A)
(Y), AFB17(X)(A)(Y), EFB1248(B)F(Y), EFB1548(B)G(Y), EFB1748(B)G(Y), AFB0612GH/UH/DH(Y), AFB0812LD/MD/HD/HHD/VHD(Y) series, where
(X) may be 12, 24 or 48, (A) may be HH, H, M or L, (B) may be VH, HH, H, M or L, (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9,
"-" or blank.
Model AFB0305, followed by LK, MK, HK; Model AFB0405 followed by LK, MK, HK.
Model BFB03505 followed by HR, LR, MR; Model BFB03505 followed by HA, HHA, LA, MA; Model BFB03512 followed by HA, HHA, LA, MA.
Model AFB02505 followed by LB, MB, HB, HHB.
Model EFB0912/24L/M/HH/VH/SH.
Model SFB followed by 0112, followed by H, HH, M or VH; Model SUB followed by 0112, 0212, followed by H, HH, M or VH.
Model EFB followed by 1512, 1712, followed by HG(Y), HHG(Y), LG(Y), MG(Y); Model EFB followed by 1524, 1724, followed by HG(Y), HHG(Y), LG
(Y), MG(Y), SHG(Y) or VHG(Y); Models AFB1524(X)G(Y) , AFB1548(X)G(Y), where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9,
"-" or blank; Models EFB1724GHG(Y), EFB1724EHG(Y) Series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Model EFB followed by 0912, 0924, followed by HE, HHE, LE or ME.
Model FFB followed by 0848, followed by SHE, followed by (Y); Model FFB followed by 0912 or 0924, followed by EHE, HHE, SHE or VHE, followed
by (Y); Model FFB followed by 0948, followed by HHE, SHE or VHE, followed by (Y); Model FFB followed by 1224, followed by EHE, HE, HHE, SHE
or VHE, followed by (Y); Model FFB followed by 1212, followed by VHE, HHE, or HE, followed by (Y); Model FFB followed by 1248, followed by
EHE, SHE or VHE, followed by (Y); Model FFC1212DE followed by (Y); Models FFC1212D(Y), FFB1248EHE-5F92(Y), where (Y) may be xxxxx,
where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Model EFC followed by 1212 or 1224, followed by DE; Model EFC0412 followed by AD or BD.
Model BFB followed by 0405, 0412, 04505, 04512, 0505 or 0512, followed by HA(Y), HHA(Y), LA(Y) or MA(Y), where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x
may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Model EUB followed by 0405, 0412 or 0424, followed by HD, HHD, LD, LLD or MD; Model EUB followed by 0412 or 0424, followed by VHD.
Model ASB followed by 0605, followed by HB, HHB, LB or MB; Model ASB followed by 0612 or 0624, followed by HB, HHB, LB, MB or VHB; Model
AUB followed by 0605, followed by HB, HHB, LB or MB; Model AUB followed by 0612 or 0624, followed by HB, HHB, LB, MB or VHB.
Model EFC followed by 1248, followed by EE(Y); Model FFB followed by 0812, 0824, followed by EHE(Y), HHE(Y), SHE(Y) or VHE(Y); Model
FFB0848 followed by HHE(Y), VHE(Y), EHE(Y) or SHE(Y); Models FFB0812GHE(Y), FFB0812UHE(Y), FFB0824SH(Y), FFB0848SH(Y), FFB0824EHESV09(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank
Model BFB followed by 0405, 0505 or 04505, followed by HP, LP or MP.
Model EFB followed by 0612, followed by HA, HHA, LA or MA.
Model AUB followed by 0612, 0624 or 0648, followed by EH, SH or VH.
Model EFB followed by 0812 or 0824, followed by HE, HHE, LE or ME.
Model ASB followed by 0605, followed by HD, HHD, LD or MD; Model ASB followed by 0612 or 0624, followed by HD, HHD, LD, MD or VHD; Model
AUB followed by 0612 or 0624, followed by HD, HHD, VHD, LD or MD.
Model EFB followed by 0912 or 0924, followed by HF, HHF, LF, MF, SHF or VHF.
Model EFB followed by 1312 or 1324, followed by HE(Y), HHE(Y), LE(Y), ME(Y), SHE(Y) or VHE(Y); Model EFB followed by 1348, followed by HE
(Y), HHE(Y), LE(Y), ME(Y) or VHE(Y); Model PFC0912DE-A(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or
Model ASB followed by 0712 or 0724, followed by H(Y), HH(Y), L(Y), M(Y) or VH(Y); Model AUB followed by 0712, followed by H(Y), L(Y), M(Y) or
VH(Y), AUB0712HH(Z); Model AUB followed by 0724, followed by H(Y), L(Y), M(Y), HH(Y) or VH(Y); Model AUB0712 followed by VHD(Y), HHD(Y),
HD(Y), MD(Y) or LD(Y); where (Z) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank, except 5B22 and 5G85; where (Y) may
be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Model EFB08(X)(Z)(Y) series, where (X) may be 12 or 24, (Z) may be LF, MF, HF, HHF, VHF, SHF, EHF, (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A
through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Model EFC followed by 0912, followed by AE or BE.
Model HFB followed by 0605, followed by HB, LB, LD, MB or MD; Model HFB followed by 0612, followed by LB, LD, MB, MD, HB, HD, HHB or HHD;
Model HFB followed by 0624, followed by LB, LD, MB, MD, HB or HD.
Model AFB followed by 1212 or 1224, followed by H, HH, L, M, SH or VH, followed by (Y); Model AFB1212SH-SV15(Y); Models EFC0412DD-4M2M
(Y), FFB0612EHE-SP06(Y), FFB0612EHE-SP05(Y), FFB0612EHE-4M04(Y), FFB0612EHE-6A46(Y), GFC0812DW(Y), GFB0812DHW(Y),
GFB0812UHW(Y), GFB0812GHW(Y), KFC1948DT(Y), KFB1948EHT(Y), KFB1948SHT(Y), KFB2248HT(Y), KFB2248HHT(Y), KFC2248DT(Y),
PFR0812UHE(Y), PFR0812DHE(Y), PFR0812XHE(Y) Series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Model KFB followed by 03205, followed by HP, LP or MP; Model KFB followed by 03205, followed by HA, LA or MA. 8/19/2015
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Model FFB followed by 1312, 1324, 1348, followed by EHE(Y), SHE(Y) or VHE(Y), where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0
through 9, "-" or blank; Model FFC followed by 1312, 1324, 1348, followed by DE(Y); Model FFC1424DG(Y), where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x
may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Model AFB followed by 0505, followed by HD, LD or MD; Model AFB followed by 0512, 0524, followed by HD, HHD, LD, MD or VHD; Models
AFC1212D-8B30(Y), AFB1212M-8B42(Y), TFA0948AE(Y) Series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Model FUB followed by 0412, 0424, followed by HN, HHN, MN or VHN.
Model KFB followed by 1712, 1724, 1748, followed by HT, LT or MT; Models KFB1024MS, KFB1024HS, KFB1024HHS, KFB1024VHS(Y),
KFB1748SHT(Y), KFB1748VHT(Y), KFB1012MS, KFB1012HS, KFB1012HHS, KFB1048MS, KFB1048HS, KFB1048HHS, KFC1012DS, KFC1024DS,
KFC1048DS, KFB1724VHT(Y), KFB1724SHT(Y), KFC1724DT(Y) , NFC0812D(Y), where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through
9, "-" or blank.
Model EFB followed by 0805, followed by H, HH, L, LL or M, followed by (Y), where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9,
"-" or blank; Model EFB followed by 0812 or 0824, followed by EH, H, HH, L, LL, M, SH or VH, followed by (Y), where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x
may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank; Model EFB followed by 0848, followed by EH, H, HH, L, M, SH or VH, followed by (Y), where (Y)
may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models AFB08(W)(Z)(Y), AUB0824(Z)(Y), AUB0812SHD(Y), AUB0812LLD(Y), AUB0812(X)(Y) Series, where (W) may be 12 or 24, (Z) may be
SHD, VHD, HHD, HD, MD, LD or LLD, (X) may be VHD, HHD, HD, MD or LD, (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or
Model EFC followed by 0812 or 0912, followed by A or B.
Models EFB, EUB followed by 0605, followed by HB, HHB, LB or MB; Models EFB, EUB followed by 0612 or 0624, followed by HB, HHB, LB, MB or
Models FFC1224DE(Y), FFC1248CE(Y), FFC1248DE(Y), FFC0812DE(Y), FFB1248XHE-M(Y), FFC1248DE-M(Y), FFB1448GHE-M(Y), FFB1448UHE-M
(Y), FFB1424GHE-M(Y), FFB1424UHE-M(Y), where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models FFC0912, FFC0924DE.
Models FFB0412(X)(Y), FFB0424(X)(Y) Series, where (X) may be MN, HN, HHN or VHN,(Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0
through 9, "-" or blank.
Models FFB0612GHE(Y), FFB0612(X)E(Y), FFB0624(X)E(Y), FFB0648SHE(Y), where (X) may be HH, VH, SH or EH, (Y) may be xxxxx, where x
may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Model FFB0624EHE-SV61.
Model FFB followed by 0412 or 0424, followed by HHN, HN, MN or VHN, may be followed by FOO, ROO or STD.
Models ASB or AUB followed by 0505, followed by HD, LD or MD; Model ASB or AUB followed by 0512 or 0524, followed by HD, HHD, LD, MD or
Model EFC followed by 0612BA, 0612AA.
Model AFB followed by 0612 or 0624, followed by LC, MC, HC, HHC, VHC; Model AFB followed by 0605, followed by LC, MC, HC; Model AUB or
ASB followed by 1212 or 1224, followed by L, M, H, HH, VH, SH; Model EUB or ESB followed by 0912 or 0924, followed by L, M, H, HH, VH.
Models X0405Y(Y), X0412Q(Y), ASB0405Y(Y), ASB0412Y(Y), EFB0412MA-SM(Y), EFB0405HA-T6AC(Y), where X may be EFB, ESB or EUB, Y may
be HA, HHA, LA or MA, Q may be HA, HHA, LA, MA or VHA, (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models (T)0405(X)B(Y), (T)04(V)(U)B(Y), (T)04505LA(Y), (T)04505MA(Y), (T)04512LA(Y), (T)04512MA(Y), (T)04512HA(Y), (Z)0512(X)(Y),
ADB0612(X)(Y), BUB0524(W)D(Y), ASB02505LLA(Y), ASB02505(W)A(Y), ASB0424(A)A-A(Y) Series, where (T) may be AFB, AUB or ASB, (A) may
be H, HH or VH, (T) may be AFB, AUB or ASB, (V) may be 12 or 24, (U) may be L, M, H, HH, VH, SH, (X) may be L, M, H or HH, (Z) may be ADB
or AUB, (W) may be L, M, H, HH or VH, (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models AFB0712(Z)C(Y), AFB0724(Z)C(Y), (X)0712(W)B(Y), (X)0724(W)B(Y) series, where (X) may be AFB, AUB or ASB, (Z) may be L, M, H or
HH, (W) may be LL, L, M, H or HH, (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models HUB0705Y, HUB0712Q, HUB0724Q, HUB0805Y, HUB0812Q, HUB0824Q, where Y may be H, L or M, Q may be H, HH, L or M.
Models AFC12(X)(W)E(Y), AFC1212DE-SP(Y) Series, where (X) may be 12, 24, 48, (W) may be A, B or D, (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A
through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models AFB0605(X)C, AFB06(Y)(Z)C Series, where(X) may be L, M, H, (Y) may be 12, 24, (Z) may be L, M, H, HH, VH.
Models AUB12(X)(Y), ASB12(X)(Y) Series, where (X) may be 12 or 24, (Y) may be L, M, H, HH, VH, SH; Models EUB09(X)(Z), ESB09(X)(Z)
Series, where (X) may be 12 or 24; where (Z) may be L, M, H, HH, VH.
Models GFB0405Y, GSB0405Y, GUB0405Y, GFB0412Q, GSB0412Q, GUB0412Q, GFB0424Q, GSB0424Q, GUB0424Q, where Y may be HF, HHF or
MF, Q may be HF, HHF, MF or VHF, may be suffixed with alphanumeric characters.
Models AFB1248(W)E-M(Y), GFC0412DS-C(Y), GFB0412(X)S-C(Y), QFR0412(X)N(Y), ASB0305(C)P(Y), FFB1212(B)E(Y), AFB0824LF-7G66(Y),
GFB0812HHG(Y), GUB0812HHG(Y), GSB0812HHG(Y), GFB0812VHG(Y), GUB0812VHG(Y)GSB0812VHG(Y), GFB0812SHG(Y), GUB0812SHG(Y),
GSB0812SHG(Y), GFB0824HHG(Y), GUB0824HHG(Y), GSB0824HHG(Y), GFB0824VHG(Y), GUB0824VHG(Y), GSB0824VHG(Y), GFB0824SHG(Y),
GUB0824SHG(Y), GSB0824SHG(Y), GFC0812CG(Y), GUC0812CG(Y), GSC0812CG(Y), GFC0824CG(Y), GUC0824CG(Y), GSC0824CG(Y),
GFB0612UHW(Y), GFC0612DW(Y), GFB0412GHS(Y), GFC0412DS(Y), GFB0912UHE(Y), GFC0912DE(Y), GFB0912DHU(Y), FFB0412VHN-6J41R(Y),
GFB0812SHS(Y) Series, (B) may be GH, UH or DH, (C) may be HH or H, where (W) may be DH, UH or GH, (X) may be GH, EH or SH, (Y) may be
xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Model KFB0112H.
Models FFC0912D(Y), FFC0924A (Y), FFC0924B (Y), FFB0912HH (Y), FFB0912VH (Y), FFB0912SH (Y), FFB0924HH (Y), FFB0924VH (Y), FFC0948B
(Y), FFB0948HH (Y), FFB0948VH (Y) Series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models EFC0912BF, EFC0924AE, EFC0924BE. 8/19/2015
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Model BFC0848D.
Model (X)09(Y)(Z), where (X) may be AFB, AUB or ASB, (Y) may be 12 or 24,(Z) may be LD, MD, HD, HHD or VHD.
Model EFC1748DG-S41P.
Models EFC1548DG-S82U(Y), EFC1748DG(Y), where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models LFB0612VHD(Y), LFB0612HHD(Y), LFB0612HD(Y), LFB0612MD(Y), LFB0612LD(Y), BCB0812EHN(Y), BCB0812GHN(Y), BCB0812UHN(Y),
BCB1012UH(Y), BCB1012GH(Y), BCB1012EH(Y), BCB1012UHF(Y), BCB1012GHF(Y), BCB1012EHF(Y), LFB0712H(Y), LFB0712M(Y), LFB0712L(Y),
LFC0712D(Y), FFB1724SHG(Y), FFB1724VHG(Y), FFB1724HHG(Y), FFB1748(Z)HG(Y), FFB0812(Z)H, FFB1212(X)H(Y), FFB1224(X)H(Y),
FFB1224XHE-M(Y) , FFB1248(X)H(Y) Series, where (X) may be H, V, S or E, (Z) may be S, V or H, (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through
Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models AFB0705(Z)(Y), AFB0712(X)D(Y), AFB0724(X)D(Y) Series, where (X) may be L, M, H, HH or VH, (Z) may be H, M or L, (Y) may be xxxxx,
where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models FFB1424(X)HG, FFB1448(X)HG Series, where (X) may be H, V or S.
Models PFB0412EHN(Y), PFB0412SHN(Y), PFB0412VHN(Y), PFB0412HHN(Y), FFB0412SHN-SE03(Y), GFB0412EHS-A(Y), GFB0412SHS-A(Y),
GFB0412SHE(Y), GFB0612(X)HG(Y), GFB0624(W)HG(Y), GFB0912(X)HG(Y), GFB0912EHG(Y), GFB0924(W)HG(Y), GFB0948(W)HG(Y),
GFB1224SHG(Y), GFB1212VHG(Y), GFB1248SHG(Y) Series, where (X) may be H, V or S, (W) may be H or V, (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be
A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models BFB05512(X)A, KFB0412HA(Y) Series, where (X) may be HH, H or M, (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or
Models BFB1048LL, BFB1048L, BFB1048M, BFB1048H.
Models GFB12(Z)(X)W, GFC12(Z)(X)CW Series, where (Z) may be 12, 24 or 48, (X) may be VH, HH, H or M, (Z) may be 12, 24 or 48.
Models FFC0848CE, FFC0912CE.
Models EFC12(X)DF, EFC12(X)D, AFC12(X)D Series, where (X) may be 12, 24 or 48.
Models EFB08(X)(Z)B(Y), EFC0812DB(Y) Series, where (X) may be 12 or 24, (Z) may be HH, H, M or L, (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A
through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models KHB1048MS(Y), KHB1048HS(Y), KHB1048HHS(Y), KHB1048VHS(Y), KFB0505HHA(Y), KFB1348HE(Y), KFC1348DE(Y), KHB1348(X)W(Y),
KFB1348(X)T(Y), KFB1748HHT, KFB1748EHS(Y), KFB1748SHS(Y), KFB1724EHS(Y), KFB1724SHS(Y), KHB1748HHT-A(Y), KHB1748HT-A(Y),
KHB1748MT-A(Y), KHB1748HHT(Y), KHB1748HT(Y), KHB1748MT(Y), KHB1748VHS(Y), KHB1748HHS(Y), KHB1748HS(Y) Series, where (Y) may
be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank, where (X) may be H, M or L.
Models FFC0848CE, FFC0912CE.
Models EFC12(X)DF, EFC12(X)D, AFC12(X)D Series, where (X) may be 12, 24 or 48.
Models EFB08(X)(Z)B(Y), EFC0812DB(Y) Series, where (X) may be 12 or 24, (Z) may be HH, H, M or L, (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A
through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models FFB0412SHN, FFB03812VHN(Y), FFB03812HHN(Y), FFB03812HN(Y), FFB03812MN(Y), FFB03812LN(Y), FFB0412VHN-A(Y), FFB0412SHN-A
(Y), AFB08512LD(Y), AFB08512MD(Y), AFB08512HD(Y), AFB08512HHD(Y), AFB08512VHD(Y), AFC08512DD(Y) Series, where (Y) may be xxxxx,
where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models AFC1548D, AFB1548EH, AFC1748D, AFB1748EH, AFB0712VHB, AFB0712HHB-P117; Models AHB1348(Z)E(Y), AHB1548(Z)G(Y), AHB1748
(Z)G(Y), EHB1548(X)G(Y), EHB1748(X)G(Y), AHB1548EH/SH/VH(Y), AHB1748EH/SH/VH(Y), AFC1512DG-5C34(Y) Series, where (X) may be EH,
SH, VH or HH, (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank, (Z) may be VH, SH, EH or GH.
Models AFC0948DE-SP08(Y), AFC0912DE(Y), AFB0912EHE(Y), AFB0912GHE(Y), AFB0912UHE(Y), AFC0912DF(Y), FFC0612DE(Y), Series, where
(Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models BUB0512(X)D(Y), BFB0612MB, BFB0605HA(Y), BFB0705HA(Y), BFB0612HB, BFB0612MB-N(Y), BFB0612HB-N(Y), BFB1112L(Y),
BFB1112M(Y), BFB1112H(Y), KSB0405HHA(Y), KSB0405HA(Y) , KSB0505HHA(Y), BFB0712HD-A(Y), BFB0712L-A(Y), BFB0712M-A(Y),
BFB0712H-A(Y), BFB0712HH-A(Y), BUB0524MB(Y), BUB0524HB(Y), BUB0524HHB(Y) Series, where (X) may be VH, HH, H, M or L, (Y) may be
xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Model AFB07(X)(Y)(Z) Series, where (X) may be 12 or 24; (Y) may be SH, VH, HH, H, M or L; (Z) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0
through 9, "-" or blank.
Models FHB1748HHG(Y), FHB1748HG(Y), FHB1748MG(Y), FHB1448EHE(Y), FHB1448SHE(Y), FHB1448VHE(Y), FHB1448HHE(Y), FHB1248DHE(Y),
FHB1248UHE(Y), FHB1248GHE(Y), TFB1248(Z)E, TFC1248DE, TFB1212(X)E, TFB1224(Z)E, TFC1212DE, TFC1224DE Series, where (X) may be
UH, GH or EH, (Z) may be GH or EH, (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models NFB10512HF(Y), NFB0612(X), NFB0812(X), NFB0912(Y) Series, where (X) may be L, M, H or HH, (Y) may be L, M or H.
Models AFB0605HHD, AFB0605(X)D, AFB0605HHD-F00, AFB0605(X)D-F00, AUB0605HHD, AUB0605(X)D, AUB0605HHD-F00, AUB0605(X)D-F00,
AFB0605(X) Series, where (X) may be H, M or L.
Models DSB0412(X)D(Y), DSB0412(Z)A(Y), DSB0912VH(Y), DSB0912HH(Y), DSB0912(X)(Y), DSB0924(Z)(Y), DSB0812VH(Y), DSB0812HH(Y),
DSB0812HHD(Y), DSB0812(X)D(Y), DSB0824VH(Y), DSB0824HH(Y), DSB0824(X)(Y), DSB1212(X)(Y), PFC1212DE-SP13(Y) Series, where (X)
may be H, M or L, (Z) may be HH, H, M or L, (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models SFB0212VH(Y), SFB0212HH(Y), SFB0212H(Y), SFB0212M, SFB0212L, SFB0312VH(Y), SFB0312HH(Y), SFB0312H(Y), SFB0312M,
SFB0312L Series, (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Model FFB0612EHE-SZ64.
Models EFB0524MA-S62W, EFB0524(X)A Series, where (X) may be M, H or HH. 8/19/2015
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Models GFB0412SHS(Y), GFB0412EHS(Y), GFB0412EHG(Y), GFB0412SHG(Y), GFB0412SHG-A(Y), AFC0712DD(Y), AFC0712DB(Y), AFC0712DE
(Y), AFB0712VHE(Y), TFB0412VHN(Y), TFB0412SHN(Y), TFB0412EHN(Y), TFB0512SHF(Y), GFB0412SHG-C(Y), GFB0412EHG-C(Y),
GFB0412GHG-C(Y), GFC0412DG-C(Y), GFB0912GHG(Y), GFC0912DG(Y), AFB0912HF-A(Y), AFB0912HHF-A(Y), AFB0912VHF-A(Y),
AFB0912SHF-A(Y), AFB0912EHF-A(Y), AFC0712DE-A(Y), AFC0712DE-6B1FR(Y) Series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0
through 9, "-" or blank.
Models AFB0612(X)E(Y), AFB0612VHE(Y), AFB0612SHE(Y), AFB0612EHE(Y), AFB0624(X)E(Y), EFB0624HHA(Y), EFB0612HHA-S42X, where (X)
may be HH, H, M or L, (Y) may be blank, "-F00" or "-R00"; Models AFB0612GHE(Y), AFB0612VHD(Y), AFB0612SHD(Y), AFB0612EHD(Y),
AFC0612DD(Y), AFC0612DE(Y), AFB0612VHF(Y), AFB0612SHF(Y), AFB0612EHF(Y), AFB0612GHF(Y) Series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x
may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models TFB0612EHE(Y), TFB0612GHE(Y), TFB0812UHE(Y), TFB0912(W)HE(Y) Series, where (W) may be E, G or U, (Y) may be xxxxx, where x
may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models PFC0512DF(Y), PFB0512EHF(Y), AFC0612DB(Y), AFB0912SH(Y), AFB0912SHF(Y), AFB0912SH-SP16(Y), AFB0912SH-SP20(Y),
AFB0912VH-7A31(Y), AFB0912VH-6K44(Y), DTC-AAMXX(Y), AFB0912VH-4J1X, AFB0912VH-7A21(Y), AFC0912D-7H89, AFC0912D-7H63,
AFC0912D-6C1P(Y), DTC-AAF(Y), DTC-AAA(Y), AFC0912D-6D60(Y), AFC0912D-6G75(Y), DTC-AARXX(Y), DTC-AAL(Y), AFC0912D-6C77(Y),
FFB0948EHE-SV62(Y), AUB0912VH-A(Y), AUB0912HH-A(Y), AUB0912H-A(Y), AUB0912M-A(Y), AUB0912L-A(Y), AFB0912VH-A(Y), AFB0912HH-A
(Y), AFB0912H-A(Y), AFB0912M-A(Y), AFB0912L-A(Y), AFB0912SH-A(Y), AUB0912SH-A(Y) , AFB0924L-A(Y), AFB0924M-A(Y), AFB0924H-A(Y),
AFB0924HH-A(Y), AFB0924VH-A(Y) , AFB0924SH-A(Y), AUB0924L-A(Y), AUB0924M-A(Y), AUB0924H-A(Y), AUB0924HH-A(Y), AUB0924VH-A(Y),
AUB0924SH-A(Y), PFC1548DG(Y), FFC0612DE-5C2K(Y), AFB0912M-7H33(Y), AFB0912M-7H40(Y), ASB0412LA-6H54(Y), NFB0712H(Y),
NUB0712H(Y), AUB0912H-8A29(Y), AFC0912D-8D26(Y), DTC-CAX(Y), E31964(Y), BUB0712HH-BF00(Y), BFB1012H-8G53(Y), AUB0912M-8J29
(Y), DTC-AAM(Y), AUC0912D-8H79(Y), DTC-AATXX(Y), DTC-AAUXX(Y) Series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through
9, "-" or blank.
Models AFB0912HHB(Y), AFB0912HB(Y), AFB0912MB(Y), AFB0912LB(Y), AFC0912DB(Y), AFB0924HB(Y), AFB0924MB(Y), AFB0924LB(Y),
AFB0948(Z)F(Y), AFB0924(Z)F(Y), AFB0912(Z)F(Y), FFC1012DE(Y), FFB1012EHE(Y), BFC1112D(Y), AFB1212EHF(Y), AFB1212SHF(Y),
AFB1212VHF(Y), AFB1212HHF(Y), AFB1212HF(Y), AFB1212MF(Y), AFB1224SHF(Y), AFB1224VHF(Y), AFB1224HHF(Y), AFB1224HF(Y),
AFB1224MF(Y) Series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank, (Z) may be VH, HH, H, M or L.
Models BFB0412HB(Y), BFB0412HA-5C19(Y), BFB0412HHA-5D1G(Y), BFB0612H(Y), BFB0612HH(Y), BFB0812H-SM00(Y), BFB0812H-SM01(Y)
Series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models BFB0612HB-SM, BFB0712VHD-SM, BFB0812H-SM03; Models BFB0412HHA-4D49(Y), BFB0412HHA-4G1D(Y), BFB0712HHD-SM(Y) Series,
where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models PFC1212DE(Y), PFB1212GHE(Y), PFB1212EHE(Y), PFB1212UHE(Y), PFC1224DE(Y), PFB1224UHE(Y), PFB1224GHE(Y), PFB1224EHE(Y),
PFC1248DE(Y), PFB1248UHE(Y), PFB1248GHE(Y), PFB1248EHE(Y), EFB0924SHF-4G55(Y), PFB2024LT(Y), PFB2024MT(Y), PFB2048LT(Y),
PFB2048MT(Y), PFB2048HT(Y), PFC1212DE-6C1M(Y) Series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Model FFB2024LT-4K1T(Y) Series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models PFC0612DE(Y), PFB0612UHE(Y), PFB0612GHE(Y), PFB0612EHE(Y) , PFB0612SHE(Y), PFB0624GHE(Y), PFB0624EHE(Y), PFB0624SHE(Y),
PFC08(X)DE(Y), PFB08(X)(Z)E(Y), PFB0812SHE/VHE(Y), PFB0812SVHE(Y), PFC0848DE(Y), PFB0848UHE(Y), PFB0848GHE(Y), PFB0848EHE(Y),
PFB0648(W)E(Y), PFC0612DE-M(Y), AFC0812D-A(Y) Series, where (W) may be SH, EH or GH, (X) may be 12 or 24, (Z) may be DH, UH, GH or
EH, (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models PFC09(X)DE(Y), PFB09(X)(Z)E(Y), PFB0912SHE/VHE/HHE(Y), PFC0948DE(Y), PFB0948EHE(Y), PFB0948GHE(Y), PFB0948UHE(Y) Series,
where (X) may be 12 or 24, (Z) may be DH, UH, GH or EH, (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models BUB0512HHB(Y), BUB0512HB(Y), BUB0512MB(Y), BUB0512LB(Y) Series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, x may be A through Z, 0 through 9,
"-" or blank.
Model AFB02512VHB-5B05(Y) Series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Model AFC0912D-A(X) Series, AUB0712HH-5B22, AUB0712HH-5G85, AUB0712HH-T6L1, where (X) may be blank, F00 or R00.
Models AUC0812DD(Y), AFB0405HHA-8A44(Y), AUC0812D-A(Y) Series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-"
or blank.
Models DSB1212HH(Y), AFB0805H-T6A9(Y) Series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Model KDB04505HA(Y) Series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models KFB1248EHS(X), KFB1248GHS(X) Series, where (X) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Model KDB0505HB(Y) Series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Model KDB04505HA(Y) Series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Model BFB0712HB-SM.
Models PHB2048MT(Y), PHB2048LT(Y), PHB1548MG(Y), PHB1548HG(Y), PHB1548HHG(Y), PHC1548DG(Y), PHB1748MG(Y), PHB1748HG(Y),
PHB1748HHG(Y), PHC1748DG(Y) Series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models KDB0505HB-5K86(Y), KDB0505HC-WA12(Y), KDB0605HB(Y) Series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9,
"-" or blank.
Models DSB0624(A)(Y), KHB1248(B)S(Y) Series, where (A) may be VH or HH, (B) may be EH, SH or VH, (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A
through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models TFB0512EHF-4M56, EFB0412LA-SE.
Model QFB1212(A)E(Y), Series, where (A) may be EH or GH, (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Model AFB0412HB-5F45(Y) Series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Model NFB0612(A)-A(Y) Series, where (A) may be L, M, H or HH, (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank. 8/19/2015
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Model AFB1212HE-RD0(Y), where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models AFC1248D-6A28(Y), AFC1248DE-6H58R(Y) Series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Model AFB1248EHE-5K82(Y), where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models QFR0812(X)HE(Y), QFR0812DE(Y), BCB1212SH(Y), QFR0812SH(Y), QFR0812HH(Y), QFR0812VH(Y) Series, where (X) may be U, G, E, S
or V, (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Model BFB1012(A)-C(Y) Series, where (A) may be HH, H, M or L, (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models BUB04512MD(Y), BUB04512HD(Y) Series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models QFR0912(X)HE(Y), QFR0912VH(Y), QFR0912H(Y), QFR0912HH(Y), QFR0924(X)HE(Y), QFR0948(X)HE(Y) , QFR1224GHE(Y), QFR1224EHE
(Y), QFR1248GHE(Y), QFR1248EHE(Y) Series, where (X) may be U, G or E, (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or
Models BUB0505MB(Y), BUB0505LB(Y), NFB0712VHD(Y), NFB0712HHD(Y), NFB0712HD(Y), NFB0712MD(Y), NFB0712LD(Y), EFC1548DG-5K06(Y)
Series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models BDB05405HB(Y), NUB0712M(Y), NFB0712M-SM(Y) Series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or
Models AFB0812(X)HE(Y), AFC0812DE(Y), AFB0824(X)HE(Y) Series, where (X) may be G, E and S,(Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through
Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models BFB0712HHD-SM06(Y), BFB0812H-SM05(Y), BFB0612HB-SM06(Y), BFB0612HB-SM07(Y), BFB0812H-SM06(Y), BFB0712HHD-SM08(Y),
BFB0712HHD-SM09(Y), BFB1012M-SM18(Y), BFB0712HHD-SX00(Y), GFB0912DHW(Y), GFB0912UHW(Y), GFB0912GHW(Y) Series, where (Y)
may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models KSB0505HA(Y), KSB0505HA-A(Y) Series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Model KFB0505HA(X) Series, where (X) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models KHB2548HHU(Y), BFB04505(X)-A(Y), BFB03505(X)-A(Y), BFB0405(X)-A(Y), BFB0305(X)-A(Y), BFB0505(X)-A(Y), BFB0512(X)-A(Y),
BFB0312(X)A-A(Y), BFB03512(X)A-A(Y), BFB0412(X)A-A(Y), BFB04512(X)A A(Y), BFB0512(X)-C(Y), BFB0505(X)-C(Y), PFB0712DHE(Y),
PFC0712DE(Y) Series, where (X) may be LA, MA, HA or HHA, (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Model AFC0712DE-5J76(Y) Series; Models D27550-001, NFB1212(X)(Y) Series, where (X) may be L, M or H, (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be
A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models BSB0412HA-SM02(Y), QFR0612UHE(Y), BSB0412HA-SM(Y) Series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9,
"-" or blank.
Model AFB0648VH-5C2C(Y) Series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models ASB0305(X)A-C(Y), ASB0312(X)A-C(Y), BUB0312HB-A(Y), ASB03505LB-6C18(Y), ASB03505(X)A(Y), FFB0412UHN-C(Y), FFB0412UHN(Y),
FFB0412EHN-C(Y), FFB0412GHN-C(Y), ASB02512(Z)A(Y) Series, where (X) may be L, M or H, (Z) may be M or H, (Y) may be xxxxx, where x
may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Model PFB0848GHE-6E22(Y) Series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models AFB02505LB-A(Y), AFB02505MB-A(Y), AFB02505HB-A(Y) and AFB02505HHB-A(Y) Series; where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A
through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Model DSB0612(X)A(Y) Series, where (X) may be L or M, (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Model N(Z)B0612(X)B(Y) Series, where (X) may be H, M or L, (Z) may be U or F, (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9,
"-" or blank.
Models AUB0812(X)E(Y), AUB0812DE(Y), AUB0824(X)E(Y) Series, where (X) may be H, HH or VH, (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through
Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Model FFB03612EHN(Y) Series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models BSB04505HA(Y), BFB0605LB-SX(Y) Series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Model KDB0705HC-WA10(Y) Series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models KDB0505HA(Y), KDB05105HB(Y), BSB0412HHA-SP(Y), BSB0412HHA 7C83(Y), KDB04112HB(Y), KDB0412HB(Y) Series, where (Y) may be
xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models GFB0612UHE(Y), GFC0612DE(Y), GFB0612UHU(Y), GFC0612DU(Y), BFB0512(W)-A(Y), AFB09512(X)(Y), AFC09512D(Y), NFB0812(W)B
(Y), DTC AAS10(Y), AFC1212D-7H71(Y) Series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank, (W) may be L,
M or H, (X) may be H, HH or VH.
Model AUC0512DB(Y) Series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Model FFB1548(X)G-A(Y) Series, where (X) may be UH or GH, (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Model QFR0412UHN(Y) Series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models NFB0812H-A(Y), NFB0812M-A(Y) Series where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Model KSB03505HB(Y) Series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models ASB0412MA-6K12(Y), ASB04(X)(Z)A-A(Y), AFB04(X)(Z)A A(Y) Series , where (X) may be 05 or 12, (Z) may be VH, HH, H, M or L, (Y)
may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank. 8/19/2015
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Model AFB0812(X)F(Y) Series, where (X) may be L, M, H, HH, VH or SH, (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or
Models QFR0612DH(Y), QFR0612EH(Y), QFR0612GH(Y), QFR0612UH(Y), AUB0512(X)B-A(Y), PFB1248XHE(Y) Series, where (X) may be L, M, H
or HH, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models AFB(V)(Z)(X)G(Y), AFC(V)(Z)DG(Y) Series, where (V) may be 15 or 17, (Z) may be 24 or 48, (X) may be VH, SH, EH or GH, (Y) may be
xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Model GFB0812DHU(Y) Series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models KSB05105HA(Y), KSB05105HB(Y), FFB1224EHE-7H64(Y), KSB06105HB(Y) Series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z,
0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Model FFB0612UHE(Y) Series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models BFB04512(X)A-C(Y), BFB04505(X)A-C(Y) Series, where (X) may be HH, H, M or L, (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0
through 9, "-" or blank.
Models ASB03512HA(Y), ASB03512MA(Y), KDB0705HA(Y), AFB1312M SM02(Y) Series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0
through 9, "-" or blank.
Models KSB06105HA(Y), KSB0705HA(Y) Series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models AFC1212DE-SP02(Y), EFC0912BF-SP(Y) Series, where (Y) stands for 30 variables, each variable may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-",
"(", ")", ".", "/" or blank
Model KDB0705HB(Y) Series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models AFC0712DE-7A42(Y), FFB0612UHE-A(Y), FFB0612DHE-A(Y), FFC0612DE-A(Y), AFC0712DE-7H55(Y), DTC BCE(Y), AUB0712HHE(Y),
AUC0712DE(Y) Series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models BUB1405L(Y), BUB0724L(Y), BUB0724M(Y), BUB0724H(Y), BUB0724HH(Y), KUB04512LA(Y), KUB04512MA(Y), KUB04512HA(Y) Series,
where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Model KSB06205HA(Y) Series, where (Y) may be XXXXX, each X may be 0 to 9, A to Z, Blank, or "-".
Model PFB1248GHE-6L29(Y) Series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Model BDB05405HHB(Y) Series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Model AFB1548(X)-C(Y) Series, where (X) may be VH, SH or EH, (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Model BFB1012M-7M2B(Y) Series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Model GFC0612DS(Y) Series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Model PFB0812XHE(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Model KSB0505HB(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Model DSB0405LD(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Model BFB1024(Y)H-A(X) series, where (Y) may be V, or H, (X) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Model AUB0412(X)D(Y) series, where (X) may be H, M or L, (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Model TAA0412(X)D(Y) series, where (X) may be A, B or C, (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models GFC0612DW-A(Y), BUB1012L-8S29(Y), FFR0612DHE(Y), FFR0912DHE(Y), BSB0412HA-SM05(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x
may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models EFB1248HHF-6C94(Y), EFB1248HHF-SE(Y), BUB0712HHD-HM(Y) series, where (Y) may be XXXXX, where X may be A through Z, 0
through 9, "-" or blank.
Models AUC0912DF(Y), QUR0912VH(Y), series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models KSB0605HC(Y), KSB05105HC(Y), EFB1248HF-8H55(Y), EFB1248HF-SX(Y), FFB0848SH-SX(Y), FFB0848HH-SX(Y), FFB0848HH-7L58(Y),
FFB0812VH-HM(Y), AFB0912EHE-SX(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models QUR0812HH(Y), QUR0812VH(Y), QUR0812SH(Y), GFB0412SHS-D(Y), GFB0412EHS-D(Y), GFC0412DS-D(Y), FFB1212SHE(Y),
FFB1212EHE(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models BUB0412(X)HD(Y), BFB0712HB-HM(Y), BFB0712HF-8A72(Y), ASB04505(Z)A-A(Y), ASB04512(Z)A-A(Y) series, where (X) may be S or V,
(Y) may be XXXXX, where X may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank, (Z) may be H, M or L.
Models KSB0705HA-8J02(Y), KSB0705HA-8J04(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models FFB0818UHE-8V2E(Y), 141373-1(Y), 141074-2(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or
Models QFR0824SH(Y), KSB0505HB-8K1C(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models KSB0405HB, KSB0405HB(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9 or "-".
Models PFC1212DE-8H85(Y), PFC1212DE-SM(Y) series, where (X) may be L, M, H, HH or VH, (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0
through 9, "-" or blank.
Models FFB0612DHE-8F58(Y), FFB0612DHE-SM(Y), KSB0305HA(Y), EFB0412(X)D-C(Y) series, where (X) may be L, M, H, HH or VH, (Y) may be
xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank. 8/19/2015
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Model KFB0405HA-SE(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models KDB0712HB(Y), GFB1212(X)W-A(Y), GFC1212DW-A(Y), AUB0812VH-C(Y), AUB0812VH-8G76(Y), AUB0812HH-C(Y) series, where (X) may
be SH, EH or GH, (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models GFB0412EHG-D(Y), GFB0412GHG-D(Y), GFC0412DG-D(Y), KSB0505HA-9D1H(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A
through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models AFB2848VHW(Y), AFC2848DW(Y), AUC0912D-8L2V(Y), E97378(Y), E97379(Y), DTC-DAA(Y), DTC-DAB(Y), KSB06305HA(Y) series, where
(Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models AFB0648EHE(Y), AFC0612D-9B24(Y), AFC0612D-SM00(Y), PFR0912(X)HE(Y), PFR1212(Z)HE(Y) series, where (X) may be D or X, (Y) may
be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank, (Z) may be U or D.
Models AUB0405(X)D(Y), TDA1348AE(Y), TDA1348AE-8D31(Y), BUB0512(Z)D-A(Y), BFB0512(Z)D-A(Y) series, where (X) may be L, M or H, (Z)
may be H, HH, VH or SH, (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models TDA1548AG(Y), TDA1748AG(Y), AFB1248DHE-6D21(Y), ASB02512(A)HA-A(Y), FFC0412DN-D(Y), FFB0412(B)HN-D(Y) series, where (A)
may be V or H, (B) may be U or E, (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models BFB1012UH(Y), BFB1012GH(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, each x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models AUC1212DE(Y), AUB1212HHE(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models BFB0612HB-HM00(Y), BFB0612HB-HM01(Y), BFB0712HHD-HM01(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0
through 9, "-" or blank.
Models BFB0812H-HM00(Y), BFB0812HD-HM01(Y), BFB1012M-HM00(Y), BFB1012MD-HM00(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be
A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models PFC0812DE-9C48(Y), BUB0712HH-9F47(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models PFR0612UHE(Y), PFR0612(A)E(Y), PFB0612DHE-A(Y), PFC0612DE-A(Y) series, where (A) may be DH or XH, (Y) may be xxxxx, where x
may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models BHB2512UHV-SP00(Y), KSB0505HA-SM(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models BSB0412HA-SM06(Y), BFB1012M-8M66R(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models AFC0948DE-8L25(Y), QFR0624UH-SM02(Y), AFB03505UHA-8F05(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0
through 9, "-" or blank.
Models TEA1748CT(Y), AFB0648EHE-SE(Y), FFB0848EH(Y), FFB0848GH(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0
through 9, "-" or blank.
Models BFB1012(A)-C(Y), AUB0612(B)B-A(Y), AUC0612DB-A(Y), AUC0912D-9B37(Y), DTC-CAA(Y), E29477(Y) and E97380 series, where (A) may
be VH, SH or EH, (B) may be H, HH or VH, (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models PFB0812DHE-A(Y), PFC0812DE-A(Y), PFB1248UHE-9D59(Y), THB1448AE(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through
Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Model BFB0712HF(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models BUB0812HD-HM00(Y), THA1248AE(Y), THA1248BE(Y), BSB05505HP-SM(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z,
0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models BFB1212H-SP(Y), AUB0912HH-9F15(Y), AUB0912HH-SP66(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9,
"-" or blank.
Models KSB0505HB-A(Y), KSB0505HA-C(Y), KSB06305HA-A(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or
Model AFB0912DH-A(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Model ASB03512(X)B(Y) series, where (X) may be H, M or L, (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models ASB0312(X)B(Y), QFR0648HH-9F57(Y) series, where (X) may be H, M or L, (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9,
"-" or blank.
Model KDB0712HB-9L75(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Model EFC1553DG-AB60(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models AFB0824LD-A(Y), AFB0824MD-A(Y), AFB0824HD-A(Y), AFB0824HHD-A(Y), AFB0624VHD-A(Y), AFB0624SHD-A(Y), AFB1448HHE-9E93(Y),
TFA1448AE(Y), PFR0848XHE(Y), KFB1348HU(Y), KFB1348HHU(Y), KFC1348DU(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z,
0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models AFB0624L-Q(Y), AFB0624M-Q(Y), AFB0624H-Q(Y), AFB0624HH-Q(Y), AFB0624HH-9U65(Y), AFB0624VH-Q(Y), AFB0624VH-9U90(Y),
AFB0624SH-Q(Y), AFB0624SH-9U64(Y), AFB0624EH-Q(Y), PFC1548DG-SP(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0
through 9, "-" or blank.
Models THB0948AE(Y), BFB1012L-AA56(Y), BFB1012L-Q(Y),
through 9, "-" or blank.
series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0
Models GFM0412SS(Y), BUB0712HC-HM01(Y), GFC0624DW(Y), series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or
Models GFM0412SS-D(Y7), GFM0412SS-CH53(Y4), GFM0412SS-DE72(Y4), GFM0412SSA02(Y6), GFC0848DW-A(Y7), GFC0848DW-CM03(Y4),
GFM0812DW-DG69(Y4), GFM0812DW-A, GFM0412SS-DE1P(Y4), GFM0412SS-C(Y7), GFM0412SS-DJ74(Y4), GFM0412SS-A(Y7), GFC0812DWDJ23(Y4), TGA0812DS(Y9), GFC0612DSA01(Y6), GFC0412DSA01(Y6), GFC0812DW-A(Y7), GFC0812DW-DA1A(Y4), GFC0612DWA01(Y6), 8/19/2015
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GFB0612DW-01(Y6) series, GFM0412SS-01(Y6), GFM0812DU(Y9) series,the number after Y represents digit, each digit may be A through Z, 0
through 9, "-" or blank, unless otherwise described.
Model AFB0812SH-SM26(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models BUB0712(A)(Y), AUB0812(B)-Q(Y), AUB0812M-9M22(Y), BUB0512(C)-Q(Y), BUB0512HHD-AB54(Y), EHB1548SHG-SX(Y), EHB1548SHG8L04(Y) series, where (A) may be HH, H or M, (B) may be HH, H, M or L, (C) may be VHD, HHD or HD, (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A
through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Model KSB0605HB(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-", or blank.
Model VFB37AC(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models GFC0412DS-SM06(Y), GFC0412DS-CD60(Y) and KSB0412LB(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through
9, "-" or blank.
Model QFR0812UHE-SP09(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models ASB0305LA-AE07(Y), THB0648BE(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models EUB1212(X)E(Y), AUB04512(X)(Y), THA0412BN(Y), THA0948BE(Y) series, where (X) may be H, M or L, (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may
be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models KSB0705HA-A(Y), EFB0412VHA-A(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Model FFB0812EH(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models EUB1312(X)E(Y), THB2048CT(Y), KDB05105HC-HM(Z)(Y), FFC1248DE-SE(Y), FFC1248DE-8J14(Y), FFC1248DE-4C87(Y), EFB0412SHD-C
(Y), GFB0848DHU-9L96(Y) series, where (X) may be H, M or L, (Z) may be 02, 03, 04, 05, 09 or 10, (Y) may be xxxxx, each x may be A through
Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models ND55C04(Y11) series, the number after Y represents digit, Y rmay be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models TCA1948BT(Y), KFB1948BT(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models TCB3548M15(Y8) series, the number after Y represents digit, each digit may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models KSB0805HC(Y), FFB03812(X)N-A(Y) series, where (X) may be M, H, V or VH, (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through
9, "-" or blank.
Models QFR0812UH(Y), THA0412AD(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Model THB1248CE(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models KDB0405HA(Y), AFB0948SH-A(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Model ASB0305LA-AE04(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models ASB03512(X)A-A(Y), PFM1412DE(Y) series, where (X) may be H or M, (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or
Models BFB0712HF-SM(Y), BFB1012H-SM(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models AFB0912HHB-SM(Y), THB1748BG(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models AUC0912D-AF1F(Y), E98290(Y), DTC-DAD(Y), AUC0912D-AD82(Y), E88216(Y), DTC-DA(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may
be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models FFR0648DHE-SX(Y), FFR0648DHE -AD21(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Model AUC0912DF-SM(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models THB1548AG(Y), THB1548DG(Y), THB1224B(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Model BKV301216/94.
Models ASB0412HHC-SM(Y), ASB0412MA-SM(Y), AFB0412VHB-SP06(Y), QFR0948XHE(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A
through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models GFC0412DS-9G27R(Y), GFC0812DW-SM00(Y), KSB0505HA-D(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through
9, "-" or blank.
Models THB1212B-A(Y), KSB0805HB(Y) Series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Model THB1248B-A(Y) Series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Model KDB0505HC(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank, expect for -WA12.
Models AFB0512LB-8Y12(Y) and KSB0605HA(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models AUB0812(X)-E(Y), NFB0624(X)B(Y) series, where (X) may be H, M or L; (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-"
or blank.
Models KSB0505HA-SM-AJ1F(Y), KSB0505HA-AJ1F(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models TDA1724AG(Y), and GFM0412SS-SM(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models EFB0424LD-C(Y), TFA0412AN(Y), and TFA0412BN(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or
Models NUB0605LB(Y) and NUB0605MB(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-", or blank. 8/19/2015
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Model BSB1012ME(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models THB2048DT(Y) and TEA1248CS-AE59(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models BFB1012UH-BA40(Y), BFB1012VH-7J56(Y), where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank. BFB1012HN
(Y9), BFB1012MN(Y9), BFB1212VHA01(Y6) series, the number after Y represents digit, each digit may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Model AFB0848GHE(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models TCA1748AT(Y), and KDB0712HA(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models EFB0812HBALA(Y5), EFB0812HB-CC1R(Y4), EFB0812HB-01(Y6), the number after Y represents digit, each digit may be A through Z, 0
through 9, "-" or blank.
Models BFB1012SH-D(Y), KDB04512LA(Y), and BFB0524SB(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or
Models AFB0612DH-HM01(Y), AFB0612DH-BC01(Y), E62476-(A)(Y), DTC-EDC(B)(Y), and AUB0612H-C(Y) Series, where (A) may be xxx; (B) may
be xx; (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models ASB0305LA-BD16(Y), TCA1048A(Y), and TCA1048B(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or
Models TCA1748ATAGP(Y6) series, the number after Y represents digit, each digit may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models BUB0705H(Y), GFB0412EHS-SM07(Y), GFC0412DS-SM07(Y), GFB0812EHS-SM00(Y), and GFC0812DS-SM00(Y) series, where (Y) may be
xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models BSB0812HN(Y), BKV301216/94 R(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models BUB0712HD(Y), BUB0712HN(Y), BUB0612H(Y), BUB0612M(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9,
"-" or blank.
Models FFB0412UHN-BC2E(Y), FFB0412HNA01(Y), BFB0712HD-SP(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9,
"-" or blank.
Models EFB1548XHG(Y), TFA0948BE(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models ASB0412(A)C(Y), AUB0412(B)(Y) series, where (A) may be H, M or L; (B) may be HH or M; and (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A
through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models BUB0712HF(Y), AFB0405VHB-AE63(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models AFB0648DH-A(Y), TFA0412CN(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models PFC0612DE-9G2L(Y) and THB1212B(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Model BKV106094/1 R1F.
Models GFM0812DU-SM00(Y) and GFM0812DU-AK99(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models BKV301216/166 R1B(Y) and TCA1948AT(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models PFB0648UHE(Y) and PFR0612DHE-A(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models TAA0405ED(Y) and QFR0812UHE-SM03(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models KSB0705HB(Y) and QFR0648DH(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Model TCA1748BT(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models GFC0812DS-SM02(Y) and GFB0812GHS-SM02(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Model TEA1248CS(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Model THB1712BG(Y) Series and Model KSB0705HC(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-", or blank.
Model BFB0712(X)D(Y) series, where (X) may be H or L; (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models FFB0412HN-E(Y), KDB06105HC-HM00(Y), KDB06105HC-HM01(Y), FFB0624DHE-A(Y), FFC0624DE-A (Y) and FFB0624UHE-A(Y) series,
where(Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models GFC0848DW(Y), TFA0648H(Y) and TFA0648H-BK1P(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or
Models FFB0424GHN-C(Y) and FFB0424EHN-C(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models BFB1212H-SM14(Y), FFB0812XH(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models BFB0712HB(Y), and GFC03812HG(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models THB1548AG-A(Y) and ASB0312(X)A-A(Y) series, where (X) may be H or M, (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9,
"-" or blank.
Models BFB0712HB-SM06(Y), BFB0712HB-SM-8B77(Y), KDB0405HC-HM02(Y) and KDB0405HC-HM03(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where
x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models NS55A00(Y11), NS85B01(Y11), ND55C02(Y11), ND55C02-14J10(Y5), NS75C02(Y11) and NS75B01(Y11) series, the number after Y
represents digit, each digit may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Model FFB0648UHE-BJ90(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank. 8/19/2015
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Models PFB0948DHE(Y), FFB0848XH(Y), BSB0912H-HM01(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or
Models GFC0612DS-CA81(Y), BKV301216/166 (Y), TCA1948AT-CF66(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through
9, "-" or blank.
Models BFB1012SH-CB06(Y), FHSB9025B-1380(X)(Y), FHSB9025B-1411(X)(Y), FHSB9025B-1469(X)(Y), G68333-(X)(X)(X)(Y), G85214-(X)(X)
(X)(Y) series, where (X) may be 0 through 9, A through Z, (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models FFC0648DE-A(Y), BUB0812DD(X), BUB0812DD-BA1C(X), KSB06105HB-BM74(Y), KSB06105HB-A(Y) series, where (X) may be xxxxx,
where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank except for "-SM00"; (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or
Models BUB1012HN(Y), BUB1012MN(Y) and BUB1012LN(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or
Model KDB05105HC(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models KDP0505HA(Y), PFM0412HS(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Model BSB1012HE-HM00(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models AFB1212SH CG74(Y), THA1248BE-A(Y) and THB2048HG-A(Y) series, where(Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9,
"-" or blank.
Model AFB1248EHF(Y), where (Y) may be xxxxx where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models BFB1024L-BM81(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models AFB04512HB-CN24(Y), AUB04512HB(Y), PFM0612XHE(Y), where (Y) may be XXXXX where X may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or
Models FFB03812VN SPC(Y), KUC2012D(Y), KUC1012D BK63(Y), KUC1012D-AK19(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through
Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Model BFB1012HH-8J79R(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models BFB1012HA01(Y7), BFB1012HJ(Y9), BFB1012MJ(Y9), BFB1012LJ(Y9), BFB1012L-CA01(Y5), BCB1012UH-A(Y7), TCA1024A(Y10),
BFB1012L-01(Y7), BFB1012L-02(Y7), BFB1012L-DQ25(Y5), BFB1012M-01(Y7), BFB1012M-SM25(Y5), BFB1012MA01(Y7), BKV301216/166(Y5),
TCA1948ATA01(Y6), BCB1012UH-AA91(Y4), AUC0912VB-00(Y6), BSB1012HE(Y9), BFB1012SHA01(Y6), BUB1112HH-01(Y6), BUB1012HH(Y9),
BSM0912HJ-00(Y6), BSM1012HF-00(Y6), BFB0812HHBX01(Y5), BFB1212VF-00(Y7), BFB1212HF-00(Y6), BFB1212MF-00(Y6), BFB1212LF-00(Y6),
BFB1212M-CL1V(Y5) series, the number after Y represents digit, each digit may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Model BSB02512HHA-CB1W(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-"or blank.
Models KSB0612HB(Y), KSB06105HB-BJ1U(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Model KSB0805HBA04(Y6) series, the number after Y represents digit, each digit may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models BSB0712HC-HM01(Y), FFB0412UHN-SM36(Y), GFC0412DS(BC2CR)(Y), BKV106094/1(Y) and FA482B12-C72(Y) series, where (Y) may be
xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Model KUC1012D-BH11(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Model BKV 106 161/1(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Model KFB0524HHA(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models GFC0812DW-SM01(Y), GFC0812DS-CH14(Y), GFC0812DS-SM04(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0
through 9, "-" or blank.
Models AUB08512H(Y), AUB08512M(Y), AUB08512L(Y) series, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models BUB0812DD-HM03(Y), BUB0812DD-AM53(Y), BUB0812DD-HM04(Y), BUB0812DD-BK20(Y), KSB0812HE-CA05(Y) series, where (Y) may
be XXXXX where X may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models KSB0805HA-DC37(Y), KSB0705HB-DD24(Y), KSB0705HB-DH02(Y), KSB06105HA-DC28(Y), THA1212BE-A(Y) Series, where (Y) may be
xxxxx where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models KDB0505HC-DC34(Y), KDB0505HC-DC35(Y) Series, where (Y) may be xxxxx where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models KDB0505HC-DG38(Y4), KSB05105HCA06(Y5), KSB05105HA701(Y5), KSB0805HBA01(Y6), KSB0805HBA03(Y6), KDB0605HCA02(Y6),
KSB0605HCA03(Y6), KFB0512HAA01(Y6), KDB0705HCA03(Y6), KDB0705HCA04(Y6), KDB0505HCA05(Y6), KSB0605HBA03(Y6), KSB0705HB701
(Y6), KSB0505HCA01(Y6), KSB0405HBA01(Y6), KSB0705HAA04(Y6), KSB0605HC-01(Y6), KSB0605HCA04(Y6), KSB0705HCA04(Y6),
KDB0505HCA02(Y6), KSB0705HB-01(Y6), KSB0705HAA06(Y6), KSB0405HBA04(Y6), KDB0505HCA10(Y6), KSB0612HBA02(Y6), KSB0612HBA03
(Y6), BFB1005MD(Y9), BSB0712HDA01(Y6), KDB0705HCA06(Y6), KDB06105HCA02(Y5), NS65C00(Y11), NS75B00(Y11), ND75C01(Y11),
ND75C03(Y11), NS75A01(Y11), NS65B00(Y11), NS65B02(Y11), NS75B03(Y11), NS55A01(Y11), ND75C04(Y11), NS75C07(Y11), ND55C10(Y11),
ND55C00(Y11), ND65C01(Y11), ND65C01-15A26(Y5), ND55C05(Y11), ND75C02(Y11), NS45B00(Y11), ND55C06(Y11), NS55C00(Y11), NS75C00
(Y11) series, the number after Y represents digit, each digit may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank. For Models ND65C01(Y11) series, the
model combination excludes ND65C01-15A26(Y5) series.
Models BUB1012DD(Y), KDB0405HC-DF(X)(Y) and KSB0405HB-DD33(Y) series, where (X) may be 43, 44 or 45; (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may
be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models BUB1112HB(Y9), KUC1012DA01(Y7), KSB0505HBA02(Y6), BUB0712HHDA01(Y5), KSB0705HAA03(Y6), KSB0505HBA01(Y6),
KSB0705HB-A(Y7), KDB0705HCA01(Y6), KDB0705HCA02(Y6), KDB0705HCA05(Y6), KSB05105HCA01(Y5), KSB05105HAA03(Y5), BSB0512LAA01
(Y6), KSB0505HB-DH1P(Y4), BSB0705HCA04(Y6), BSB0705HCA05(Y6), KSB06105HAA02(Y5), KDB0505HCA07(Y6), KDB05105HBA04(Y5),
KSB0705HCA02(Y6), KSB0605HBA04(Y6), KDB05105HBA05(Y5), KSB06105HBA08(Y5), NS65A00(Y11), NS75A00(Y11), NS85A00(Y11),
NS85A00-14K17(Y5), NS85B00(Y11), NS85B01-14M03(Y5), KUC2012DA60(Y7), NS75C01(Y11), ND75C00(Y11), NS55B00(Y11), NS75C03(Y11), 8/19/2015
GPWV2.E132003 - Fans, Electric - Component
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NS75C04(Y11), NS75C05(Y11), NS75C06(Y11), NS75B02(Y11), NS75B02-15A04(Y5), NC55C01(Y11), NS65B01(Y11), NS65B03(Y11), NS65C01
(Y11), NS65B03-15A16(Y5), NS65C01-15A18(Y5), ND55C09(Y11), ND65C00(Y11), ND65C02(Y11), NS75C08(Y11), NS85B03(Y11), ND55C09
(Y11), ND65C00(Y11), ND65C02(Y11), NS75C08(Y11), NS85B03(Y11), NS55B01(Y11), NS85B02(Y11), NS65C02(Y11), ND55C07(Y11),
ND55C08(Y11), ND55C12(Y11), NS85A01(Y11), NS85A02(Y11), NS85B04(Y11) series, the number after Y represents digit, each digit may be A
through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models AFB1212H-BE1F(Y), G31457-(X)(X)(X)(Y), DTC-EAB(X)(X)(Y) series, where (X) may be 0 through 9, A through Z, (Y) may be xxxxx,
where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, - or blank.
Models ASB02512HHB(Y) and ASB02505(S)(Y) series, where (S) may be MB, HB or HHB; (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0
through 9, "-" or blank.
Models TAA0412DDX01(Y6), THB1548DG-C(Y7), AFB0648EH-BH2R(Y4), QFR0824UHE(Y8), QFR0824GHE(Y8), QFR0824EHE(Y8), QFR0824SHE
(Y8), QFR0824VHE(Y8), THB0812BE(Y9), THB1348BE(Y9), FA123A08(Y10), THB0948MS(Y9), THD1248HE(Y9), QFR1212UHE(Y8),
AFB1224VHEA04(Y5), QFR0624SH(Y9), THB0848BE(Y9), AUB0812VJ-00(Y6), THC1248ME(Y9), QFR0848EH(Y9), THB0612BE(Y9), TFA0412DN-A
(Y7) series, the number after Y represents digits, each digit may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models GFB0812DS-DA65(Y), GFB0812DS-SM(Y) and AFB03512UHA-SM(Y) series, (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9,
"-" or blank.
Models TFB0948CE-SX00(Y) and TFB0948CE-CM52(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models AUB0712L-C(Y), AUB0712M-C(Y), AUB0712H-C(Y), AUB0712HH-C(Y) and AFB0848SH(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx where x may be
A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models TFB0948CE-SP03(Y4), TFB0948CE-DC3E(Y4), THD0912HE(Y9), THB1548DE(Y9), AFB1248SHF-BL2Z(Y3), AFC0948DE-4F53R(Y3),
EFB1224SHE-T8SB(Y3), PFM1412DE-SP02(Y4), PFM1412DE-01(Y6), AUC0912VBA01(Y6), AUC0912VBA02(Y6), THA1248BEA02(Y6),
PFB0648UHE-A(Y6), AFC0912DE-C(Y7), AFB0912GHE-C(Y6), AFB1548EH-CA02(Y4), AFB1548EH-CA02(Y4), BKV 301 216/178(Y4),
THB1448AEA03(Y6), PFR1224UHE(Y8), EHB1524VHG(Y8), PFR0612DHE-C(Y6) , PFR0612DHE-DG1D(Y3), PFM0812HE-01(Y6), THA0412AD-01
(Y6), THA0412ADA04(Y6), THA0412ADA06(Y6) , THA0412ADA11(Y6), AFB1212(A)E-01(Y6), AFB1212EE-01(Y6), AFB1224(A)E-01(Y6),
AFB1224EE-01(Y6), THB0848HJ-00(Y6), PFM0912HE(Y9), series, where (A) may be S, V, H, M or L; the number after Y represents digit, each
digit may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models THD0912DE-DE1Z(Y4), THD0912DE-01(Y6), PFB1248UHE-01(Y5), QFR0624DH(Y9), QFR0624UH(Y9), QFR0624GH(Y9), QFR0624EH(Y9),
NFB1224LX01(Y7), THC1748MG(Y9), THC1548MG(Y9), THD2048HT(Y9), AFB0612HH-DE19(Y4), FFB0412EN-00(Y6), FFB0412SN-00(Y6),
FFB0412VN-00(Y6), PFR0612XHE-01(Y5), THB0948HE-00(Y6), THD0948HE(Y9), ASB0505HA-01 series, the number after Y represents digit, each
digit may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models AFB06(X)(a)J-01(Y), AFB06(X)(b)J-01(Y); where (X) may be 12 or 24; (a) may be L, M, H or V; (b) may be S, E or G; the number after Y
represents digit, each digit may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models KDB06105HC-HM02(Y), KDB06105HC-HM03(Y), KDB06105HC-HM04(Y), KDB06105HCA03(Y5), KDB06105HCA04(Y5), BUB0512MD-C(Y)
and BUB0512HD-C(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models AUC0912D-CG03(Y), E94315-(X)(X)(X)(Y), DTC-EAR(X)(X)(Y), GFM0812DW(Y), BUB0512L(Y), BUB0512H(Y) series, where (X) may be 0
through 9, A through Z, "-" or blank, (Y) may be XXXXX where X may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models DTC-EAD(Y11), AUC0912HN-00(Y6), DTC-DAK(Y11), H50095-(Y11), the number after Y represents digit, each digit may be A through Z,
0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models BUB0712LD-SM(Y), BUB0712MD-SM(Y), BUB0712HD-SM(Y), KSB0605HB-DG16(Y), KSB05105HA-DF34(Y), QFR0812UHE-DD37(Y) series,
where (Y) may be XXXXX where X may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models KSB0705HB-DF26(Y), AUC0912D-BH28(Y), AUC0912D-DB55(Y), AUC0912D-HE01(Y) series, (Y) may be xxxxx where x may be A through
Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models AUC0912DA01(Y7) series, where the number after Y represents digit, each digit may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models PFM0612XHE-SM02(Y) and ASB0405LB-DD95(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models KSB05105HAA01A01(Y2) and KSB05105HAA01A02(Y2) series, where the number after Y represents digit, each digit may be A through Z,
0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models AFB0812SH-9N07(Y), BUB1112DD(Y), PFB1248XHE-CA59(Y3), FFC0612DE-DA1M(Y4) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, (Y3) may be xxx,
(Y4) may be xxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models KSB0712HB(X)(Y), PFR0624UHE(X), PFR0624DHE(X), PFR0624XHE(X), FFB0824VH(Y1), FFB0824HH(Y1), KDB0605HB-DA2N(Y4),
KSB0705HAA02(Y6), KSB0605HCA01(Y6), THA1248BE-D(Y7), PFB1248THE(Y8), KSB06105HB-DG1H(Y3), KSB06105HBA01(Y5), (Y1) may be
xxxxxxxxx, (Y3) may be xxx, (Y4) may be xxxx, (Y5) may be xxxxx, (Y6) may be xxxxxx, (Y7) may be xxxxxxx, (Y8) may be xxxxxxxx, series,
where (X) may be xxxxxxxx, (Y) may be x, x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models THB1248DE(Y), PFR0648XHE(Y), GFC0612DW-C(Y), KSB05105HB-DG1S(Y1), KFB0712HB(Y2), BFB1224M-DH2B(Y3), GFB1248DW-SE01
(Y4) series, where (Y) may be XXXXX, (Y1) may be xxx; (Y2) may be xxxxxxxxx; (Y3) may be xxxxx, (Y4) may be xxxx, where X may be A
through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models BUB0512HB-6T19(Y4), FFB0412UHN-E(Y6), KSB0705HC701(Y6), KSB08505HC(Y8), and PFB0848DHE-(Y7) series, the number after Y
represents digit, each digit may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models KDB0605HDA02(Y6), KSB0805HAA01(Y6), THA1248CE-A(Y7) and THD0948HE-A(Y7) series, where the number after Y represents digit,
each digit may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models KSB05105HCA02(Y), KSB05105HCA04(Y), KSB05105HAA01(Y) and KSB05105HAA01A03(Y1) series, where (Y) may be XXXXX and (Y1)
may be XX, where X may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Damp location DC fans, Models EHB1748EHG-8A99(Y), BKV301216/130(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, where x may be A through Z, 0
through 9, "-" or blank.
AC fans, Models GTW020EUB12(Y) series, where (Y) may be xxxxx, x may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank. 8/19/2015
GPWV2.E132003 - Fans, Electric - Component
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Model GTB036FUC21XXXXXXX series, where each X may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
each X may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
where each X may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Models GTW040FUC15(Y1)EXXXXX and GTW040FUC15(Y1)SXXXXX series, where each X may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank; (Y1)
may be A through Z, 0 through 9.
Models GTB040EUD24XXXXXXX, GTB036EUD25XXXXXXX and GTB040EUD26XXXXXXX series, where each X may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-"
or blank.
Models AFL28A2LU-BRA00Y1, AFL28A2LU-BRA01Y1, and AFL28A2LU-BRA02Y1. Note: Y1 can be XXX, each X may be A-Z, 0-9, - or blank.
Models EHB1748EHGA7Q(Y5), BKV30126/156(Y5). Note: The number after Y represents digit, each digit may be A through Z, 0 through 9, "-" or
AC fans for industrial use, Models GTB036PUD25XXXXXXX, GTB040PUD26XXXXXXX, GTB040PUD27XXXXXXX, where each X may be A through
Z, 0 through 9, "-" or blank.
Marking: Company name or tradename "E132003", "DELTA" or trademark
and model
Last Updated on 2015-08-14
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