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    交流电机 伺服电机 2000 RPM 1.5kW 增量式 400VAC

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ECMA-K11315SS 数据手册
$XWRPDWLRQIRUD&KDQJLQJ:RUOG Delta AC Servo Drive & Motor ASDA-A2 Series More Rapid, More Stable, More Precise Delta Electronics, Inc., a leading manufacturer of industrial automation products, is pleased to announce the launch of its new high-performance ASDA-A2 series servo motors and servo drives with motion control. The current trend for motion control has the control command source close to the drive. In response, Delta has developed the new ASDA-A2 series that of fers excellent motion control so that the external controller is almost eliminated. ASDA-A2 series features a built-in electronic cam (E-CAM) function which provides an excellent solution for flying shear , rotary cut and synchronized motion applications. The all QHZSRVLWLRQUHJLVWHUFRQWURO35PRGHLVDXQLTXHDQGVLJQL¿FDQWIXQFWLRQWKDWSURYLGHVDYDULHW\RIFRQWURO modes to enhance system performance. The ASDA-A2 series also supports various industrial communications protocols, such as CANopen, DMCNET, EtherCAT which of fers higher performance and high speed communications and enable the drive to integrate with other part of the automation more ef ficiently and ef fectively. The full-closed loop control, auto notch filter, vibration suppression and gantry control functions help to perform complex motions that require high precision and smooth operation. The 20-bit superior resolution encoder which is essential for accurate positioning applications is equipped as standard. In addition, the outstanding Capture and Compare functions for high-speed pulses offer the best support for stepless positioning. Other additional functionality, such as up to 1kHz frequency response, innovative editing software, high-speed PC monitoring (similar to a digital oscilloscope), and more, all drastically maximize the performance of the ASDA-A2 series. Delta's new ASDA-A2 series is the ultimate servo system providing a total solution for a wide range of machine tools and industrial applications 1 Table of Contents 2 3 ASDA-A2 Series Features 9 Product Line-up 13 Model Explanation 14 Servo Motor Features 15 6HUYR0RWRU6SHFL¿FDWLRQV 21 Servo Motor Dimensions 29 Part Names and Functions 31 Wiring 39 $6'$6RIW&RQ¿JXUDWLRQ6RIWZDUH 41 Optional Accessories 43 6HUYR'ULYH6SHFL¿FDWLRQV 45 Servo Drive Dimensions 51 Optional Cables and Connectors 61 Servo Drive, Servo Motor and Accessories Combinations 69 Safety Information 70 5HJHQHUDWLYH5HVLVWRU6SHFL¿FDWLRQV ASDA-A2 Series Features DT3 High Positioning Accuracy Ź Ź ECMA series servo motors feature incremental encoders with 20-bit resolution which can eliminate unstable commands at low speed, smooth motor operation and enhance the accuracy of positioning. Absolute encoder supported. 17-bit motor position will not get lost when power is cut off. 20-bit, incremental encoder / 17-bit, absolute encoder ˊ High Responsiveness Ź Up to 1kHz frequency response. Ź Settling time below 1ms. Ź 7ms acceleration time for speeds from -3000 r/min to 3000 r/min with an empty load! 1RWH7KHWHVWUHFRUGRID:PRWRUZLWKPPIUDPHVL]H  !"  $    #                                                       3    Excellent Suppression Functions Without Suppression With Suppression Function When Settling Function When Settling Resonance Suppression (High Frequency) 7ZRDXWRQRWFK¿OWHUVDQG RQHPDQXDOQRWFK¿OWHU are provided to suppress mechanical resonance HI¿FLHQWO\ Notch Filter Starts 30 20 torque (Amp) Ź Vibration Suppression (Low Frequency) 7ZRYLEUDWLRQVXSSUHVVLRQ¿OWHUVDUHSURYLGHGIRUORQJDUPV\VWHPWRPLQLPL]HWKHYLEUDWLRQDW machine edges effectively. 10 0 -10 -20 -30 0 1 2 3 4 Before Suppression 5 6 7 t (sec) 7 t (sec) After Suppression 2000 1500 Speed (rpm) Ź 1000 500 0 -500 -1000 -1500 -2000 0 1 2 4 3 4 5 6 ASDA-A2 Series Features Full-Closed Loop Control Function Ź 5HGXFHVWKHHIIHFWVRIEDFNODVKDQGÀH[LELOLW\IURPWKHPDFKLQHDQG ensures the accuracy of positioning.  Ḣ䷏䢣♏ Motor Encoder  Linear Scale ℰ⭟Ⱑ Electronic CAM (E-CAM) Function Ź 720 points max. for E-CAM outline. Ź 6PRRWKLQWHUSRODWLRQEHWZHHQSRLQWVFDQEHFRPSOHWHGDXWRPDWLFDOO\WR\LHOGDÀH[LEOHSURJUDPPLQJ Ź $6'$6RIWFRQ¿JXUDWLRQVRIWZDUHVXSSRUWHG Ź (DV\WRXVHIRUÀ\LQJVKHDUURWDU\FXWDQGRWKHUFDPDSSOLFDWLRQV  ASDA-A2 E-CAM ⊆僤㖣 ⋬壄㩆ᷱ䙫ㆰ䔏  E-CAM function of ASDA-A2 series for packaging machines  and packaging lines 5 Versatile PR Mode Ź $6'$6RIWFRQ¿JXUDWLRQVRIWZDUHVXSSRUWHG Ź New sub-modes supported, not traditional point-to-point control. Ź 64 procedures can be applied. Ź 0RWLRQSUR¿OHFDQEHFKDQJHGLQVWDQWDQHRXVO\ Ź 35 Homing modes / Jump mode / Write parameter mode / Constant speed mode / Position control mode supported.   Overlap Command Sequential Command P_Command 1 P_Command 2  P_Command 1   A command is executed only when the previous command is completed.  The second command is executed after the delay time or during the deceleration period. Insertion Command P_Command 2 P_Command 1 External command triggered P_Command 2  Insertion changes the command executed at the moment it is inserted. 6 ASDA-A2 Series Features Capture and Compare Functions Capture - Position Latch Function Ź Latches the coordinate value on the reference axis. Ź Response time is less than 5us. Ź It can be used to do mark tracing. Ź Maximum 800 records  Data Array Linear Encoder Pulse Train   Motor Encoder When DI7 is triggered, the latched position is recorded in Data Array. Compare - Position Detection Function Ź Ź Ź Ź Detects the location on the reference axis. Response time is less than 5us. Data Array Linear Encoder Pulse Train Position 383838 It can be used for CCD camera applications. Motor Encoder Position == 383838 Maximum 800 records True ġ DO4 When the record in Data Array is the same as the detected position, DO4 will output. 7 Supports High-Speed DMCNET, EtherCAT, CANopen Protocols for Multi-Axis Synchronous Control DOP-B DVS Ethernet PCI-DMC AH500 CANopen DMCNET MH1-S30D or ASDA-A2-F ASDA-A2-E Integrated Gantry Control Axis 1 Sent From Host Controller Pulse Command Axis 2 Position Monitoring 8 DVP-10MC ASDA-A2-M Product Line-up 220V Series Servo Motors Motor Series Low Inertia Medium Inertia Medium-High Inertia High Inertia NOTE Phase ECMA-C 3000 r/min ECMA-E 2000 r/min ECMA-F 1500 r/min ECMA-C/G 3000 r/min 1-phase / 3-phase 1-phase / 3-phase 1-phase / 3-phase 1-phase / 3-phase Rated Output Power (W) Model Name 50 ECMA-C1040F 100 ECMA-C 0401 S 200 ECMA-C 0602 S 400 ECMA-C 0604 S 400 ECMA-C 0804 7 750 ECMA-C 0807 S 750 ECMA-C 0907 S 1000 ECMA-C 0910 S 1000 ECMA-C 1010 S 2000 ECMA-C 1020 S 3000 ECMA-C 1330 4 500 ECMA-E 1305 S 1000 ECMA-E 1310 S 1500 ECMA-E 1315 S 2000 ECMA-E 1320 S 2000 ECMA-E 1820 S 3000 ECMA-E 1830 S 3500 ECMA-E 1835 S 500 ECMA-F 1305 S 850 ECMA-F 1308 S 1300 ECMA-F 1313 S 1800 ECMA-F 1318 S 3000 ECMA-F 1830 S 4500 ECMA-F 1845 S 5500 ECMA-F 1855 3 7500 ECMA-F 1875 3 11000 ECMA-F1221B 3 15000 ECMA-F1221F S S 400 ECMA-C 0604 H 750 ECMA-C 0807 H 300 ECMA-G 1303 S 600 ECMA-G 1306 S 900 ECMA-G 1309 S 1) The boxes ( 2) The boxes ( DWWKHHQGVRIWKHVHUYRGULYHPRGHOQDPHVDUHIRURSWLRQDOFRQ¿JXUDWLRQV)RUWKHDFWXDOPRGHOQDPHSOHDVHUHIHUWRWKHPRGHOH[SODQDWLRQRIW ) in the model names represent encoder type. =1: Incremental encoder, 20-bit; =2: Incremental encoder, 17-bit; =A: Absolute type 3) The boxes ( ) in the model names represent shaft end/brake or the number of oil seal. 9 Servo Drives Rated current (Arms) Maximum current (A) 0.69 2.05 Model Name Continuous Output Current (Arms) ASD-A2-0121- 0.90 2.70 ASD-A2-0221- 1.55 4.65 ASD-A2-0421- 2.60 7.80 ASD-A2-0721- 5.10 15.30 ASD-A2-1021- 7.30 21.90 ASD-A2-2023- 13.40 40.20 ASD-A2-3023- 19.40 58.20 2.90 8.70 ASD-A2-0421- 2.60 7.80 5.60 16.80 ASD-A2-1021- 7.30 21.90 8.30 24.90 ASD-A2-1521- 8.30 24.90 ASD-A2-2023- 13.40 40.20 ASD-A2-3023- 19.40 58.20 3.90 12.10 ASD-A2-0721- 5.10 15.30 7.10 19.40 ASD-A2-1021- 7.30 21.90 ASD-A2-2023- 13.40 40.20 19.40 58.20 ASD-A2-3023- 19.40 58.20 32.50 81.30 ASD-A2-4523- 32.50 70.7 40.00 100.00 ASD-A2-5523- 40.00 106 ASD-A2-7523- 47.50 141.1 ASD-A2-1B23- 54.40 141.1 67 162 ASD-A2-1F23- 70.00 212.2 2.60 7.80 ASD-A2-0421 2.60 7.80 5.10 15.30 ASD-A2-0721- 5.10 15.30 2.50 7.50 ASD-A2-0421- 2.60 7.80 4.80 14.40 ASD-A2-0721- 5.10 15.30 7.50 22.50 ASD-A2-1021- 7.30 21.90 0.90 2.70 1.55 4.65 2.60 7.80 2.60 7.80 5.10 15.30 3.66 1 1.00 4.25 12.37 7.30 21.90 12.05 36.15 17.2 47.5 11.01 33.03 11.22 33.66 16.10 48.30 19.20 57.60 12.60 38.60 13.00 36.00 47.50 1 51.80 129.50 18.80 WKHVHUYRGULYH 10 Max. Instantaneous Current (A) Product Line-up 400V Series Servo Motors Motor Series Low Inertia Medium Inertia Medium-High Inertia High Inertia NOTE Phase ECMA-J 3000 r/min 3-phase ECMA-K 2000 r/min 3-phase ECMA-L 1500 r/min 3-phase ECMA-G 3000 r/min 1) The boxes ( 3-phase Rated Output Power (W) Model Name 400 ECMA-J 0604 S 750 ECMA-J 0807 S 750 ECMA-J 0907 S 1000 ECMA-J 0910 S 1000 ECMA-J 1010 S 2000 ECMA-J 1020 S 3000 ECMA-J 1330 4 750 ECMA-K 1305 S 1000 ECMA-K 1310 S 1500 ECMA-K 1315 S 2000 ECMA-K 1320 S 2000 ECMA-K 1820 S 750 ECMA-L 1305 S 850 ECMA-L 1308 S 1300 ECMA-L 1313 S 3000 ECMA-L 1830 S 4500 ECMA-L 1845 S 5500 ECMA-L 1855 3 7500 ECMA-L 1875 3 900 ECMA-M 1309 S DWWKHHQGVRIWKHVHUYRGULYHPRGHOQDPHVDUHIRURSWLRQDOFRQ¿JXUDWLRQV)RUWKHDFWXDOPRGHOQDPHSOHDVHUHIHUWRWKHPRGHOH[SODQDWLRQRIW 2) The boxes ( ) in the model names represent encoder type. 3) The boxes ( ) in the model names represent shaft end/brake or the number of oil seal. 11 =1: Incremental encoder, 20-bit ; =2: Incremental encoder, 17-bit; =A: Absolute type Servo Drives Continuous Output Current (Arms) Max. Instantaneous Current (A) ASD-A2-0743- 3.07 9.21 9.5 ASD-A2-0743- 3.07 9.21 2.16 6.37 ASD-A2-0743- 3.07 9.21 2.4 7.17 ASD-A2-1043- 3.52 9.86 4.15 12.46 ASD-A2-1543- 5.02 10.04 7.09 21.28 ASD-A2-2043- 6.66 18.65 9.8 29.99 ASD-A2-3043- 11.9 33.32 1.7 5.2 ASD-A2-0743- 3.07 9.21 3.52 10.56 ASD-A2-1043- 3.52 9.86 5.02 15.06 ASD-A2-1543- 5.02 10.04 6.66 19.98 ASD-A2-2043- 6.66 18.65 6.6 19.88 ASD-A2-2043- 6.66 18.65 2.1 6.1 ASD-A2-0743- 3.07 9.21 3.4 8.85 ASD-A2-1043- 3.52 9.86 5.02 15 ASD-A2-1543- 5.02 10.04 11.53 34.6 ASD-A2-3043- 11.9 33.32 20.8 52 ASD-A2-4543- 20 44 22.37 56 ASD-A2-5543- 22.04 48.49 27.3 68.3 ASD-A2-7543- 28.39 62.46 4.4 13.1 ASD-A2-1543- 5.02 10.04 Rated current (Arms) Maximum current (A) 1.62 4.85 3.07 Model Name WKHVHUYRGULYH 12 Model Explanation ASDA-A2 Series Servo Drives ASD - A2 - 04 21 - M Model Type Product Name: (see the table below) AC Servo Drive Input Voltage and Phase Series: A2 01: 100 W 02: 200 W 04: 400 W 07: 750 W Standard Model Network Model NOTE 21: 220V 1-phase / 3-phase 23: 220V 3-phase 43: 400V 3-phase Rated Output Power 10: 1 kW 15: 1.5 kW 20: 2 kW 30: 3 kW 45: 4.5 kW 55: 5.5 kW 75: 7.5 kW 1B: 11 kW 1F: 15 kW Extension Port for Digital Input (CN7) EtherCAT *4 CANopen DMCNET Analog Voltage Control Pulse Input Port PR Parameters ĉ X X X X ĉ ĉ ĉ X ĉ ĉ X X X ĉ ĉ ĉ ĉ X ĉ ĉ ĉ X X X X ĉ ĉ ĉ ĉ X X X ĉ X X ĉ *2 X ĉ X X ĉ X ĉ ĉ ĉ ĉ Type RS-485 (CN3) Full-Closed Control (CN5) *1 L ĉ U ĉ E F M ĉ E-CAM *3 1. In PR mode, only A2-F supports full-closed control function. 2. When applying communication mode (A2-E, -F, -M models), PR parameters can be read and written through DMCNET only. 3. E-CAM function can only be used in PR mode. 4. For information about ASDA A2-E EtherCAT interface servo drive, please refer to the ASDA A2-E brochure. ECMA Series Servo Motors ECM A - C1 06 02 E S S: Standard Shaft Diameter H: High Inertia Model Product Name ECM: Electrical Commutation Motor W/O Brake With Brake W/O Brake With Brake W/O Oil Seal W/O Oil Seal With Oil Seal With Oil Seal Round Shaft (with screw hole) - - C D Keyway E F - - Keyway (with screw hole) P Q R S Shaft Type and Oil Seal Driving Type A: AC Servo Motor Series Rated Output Power Rated Voltage / Rated Speed C: 220V / 3000 r/min E: 220V / 2000 r/min F: 220V / 1500 r/min G: 220V / 1000 r/min J: 400V / 3000 r/min K: 400V / 2000 r/min L: 400V / 1500 r/min M: 400V / 1000 r/min Motor Frame Size Encoder Type 1: Incremental encoder, 20-bit 2: Incremental encoder, 17-bit 3: 2500 ppr A: Absolute encoder, Single-turn: 17-bit Multi-turn: 16-bit 04: 40 mm 06: 60 mm 08: 80 mm 09: 86 mm 10: 100 mm 13: 130 mm 18: 180 mm 22: 220 mm 13 0F: 50 W 01: 100 W 02: 200 W 03: 300 W 04: 400 W 05: 500 W 06: 600 W 07: 750 W 08: 850 W 09: 900 W 10: 1 kW 13: 1.3 kW 15: 1.5 kW 18: 1.8 kW 20: 2 kW 30: 3 kW 35: 3.5 kW 45: 4.5 kW 50: 5.0 kW 55: 5.5 kW 75: 7.5 kW 1B: 11 kW 1F: 15 kW Servo Motor Features ECMA series servo motors are permanent AC servo motors, capable of combining with 200 to 230V ASDA-A2 220V series AC servo drives from 50 W to 15 kW and 380V to 480V ASDA-A2 400V series AC servo drives from 750 W to 7.5 kW. For the 220V series, there are 40 mm, 60 mm, 80 mm, 86 mm, 100 mm, 130 mm, 180 mm, and 200 mm eight kinds of frame sizes available. The motor speed is from 1000 r/min to 5000 r/min and the torque output is from 0.477 N-m to 224 N-m. For the 400V series, there are 60 mm, 80 mm, 86 mm, 100 mm, 130 mm, 180 mm, six kinds of frame sizes available. The motor speed is from 1500 r/min to 5000 r/min and the torque output is from 3.82 1PWR1P,QWHUPVRIRSWLRQDOFRQ¿JXUDWLRQV(&0$VHULHVSURYLGHVEUDNHDQGRLOVHDOWRIXOO\ support our customers' needs. It also offers two different shaft selections, round shaft and keyway, for various applications. 14 6HUYR0RWRU6SHFL¿FDWLRQV Low Inertia Series- 220V Series C104 ECMA Series 0F 04 C 01 C 02 06 C 04 ː S 04 08 C 07 09 07 C 10 10 10 C 20 13 30 Rated output power (kW) 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.4 0.75 0.75 1.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 Rated torque (N-m)*1 0.159 0.32 0.64 1.27 1.27 2.39 2.39 3.18 3.18 6.37 9.55 Maximum torque (N-m) 0.477 0.96 1.92 3.82 3.82 7.16 7.14 8.78 9.54 19.11 28.65 Rated speed (r/min) 3000 Maximum speed (r/min) 3000 5000 Rated current (A) 0.69 0.90 1.55 Maximum current (A) 2.05 2.70 4.65 Power rating (kW/s) 12.27 27.7 22.4 Rotor moment of inertia (x10-4kg-m2) 0.0206 0.037 0.177 Mechanical time constant (ms) 1.2 0.75 Torque constant-KT (N-m/A) 0.23 Voltage constant-KE (mV/(r/min) 9.8 Armature resistance (Ohm) 12.7 Armature inductance (mH) 26 2.05 Electrical time constant (ms) 3000 3000 2.6 2.6 5.1 7.8 7.8 57.6 24.0 0.277 0.80 0.36 13.6 3000 5000 4500 3.66 4.25 7.3 12.05 17.2 15.3 11 12.37 21.9 36.15 47.5 50.4 29.6 38.6 38.1 90.6 71.8 0.68 1.13 1.93 2.62 2.65 4.45 12.7 0.53 0.74 0.63 1.72 1.20 0.74 0.61 1.11 0.41 0.49 0.49 0.47 0.65 0.75 0.44 0.53 0.557 16 17.4 18.5 17.2 24.2 27.5 16.8 19.2 20.98 9.30 2.79 1.55 0.93 0.42 1.34 0.897 0.20 0.13 0.0976 24.0 12.07 6.71 7.39 3.53 7.55 5.7 1.81 1.50 1.21 2.58 4.3 4.3 7.96 8.36 5.66 6.35 9.3 11.4 12.4 Insulation class Class A (UL), Class B (CE) Insulation resistance 100Mʈ , DC 500V above Insulation strength 1.8k Vac,1 sec Weight (kg)(without brake) 0.42 0.5 1.2 1.6 2.1 3.0 2.9 3.8 4.3 6.2 7.8 -- 0.8 1.5 2.0 2.9 3.8 3.69 5.5 4.7 7.2 9.2 Max. radial shaft load (N) 78.4 78.4 196 196 245 245 245 245 490 490 490 Max. thrust shaft load (N) 39.2 39.2 68 68 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 Power rating (kW/s)(with brake) -- 25.6 21.3 53.8 22.1 48.4 29.3 37.9 30.4 82 65.1 Rotor moment of inertia (x10-4kg-m2)(with brake) -- 0.04 0.19 0.30 0.73 1.18 1.95 2.67 3.33 4.95 14.0 -- 0.81 0.85 0.57 0.78 0.65 1.74 1.22 0.93 0.66 1.22 Weight (kg)(with brake) Mechanical time constant (ms)(with brake) *2 Brake holding torque [Nt-m (min)] -- 0.3 1.3 1.3 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 8 8 10.0 Brake power consumption DWÛ& >:@ -- 7.3 6.5 6.5 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 18.7 18.7 19.0 Brake release time [ms (Max)] -- 5 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Brake pull-in time [ms (Max)] -- 25 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 Vibration grade (ʛm) 15 0ºC to 40ºC 2SHUDWLQJWHPSHUDWXUH Û&) -10ºC to 80ºC 6WRUDJHWHPSHUDWXUH Û&) Operating humidity 20 to 90%RH (non-condensing) Storage humidity 20 to 90%RH (non-condensing) Vibration capacity IP Rating 2.5G ,3 ZKHQZDWHUSURRIFRQQHFWRUVDUHXVHGRUZKHQDQRLOVHDOLVXVHGWREH¿WWHGWR the rotating shaft (an oil seal model is used)) Approvals *1. Rate torque values are continuous permissible values at 0 ~ 40Û& ambient temperature when attaching with the sizes of heatsinks listed below: ECMA-_ _ 04 / 06 / 08: 250 mm x 250 mm x 6 mm ECMA-_ _ 10: 300 mm x 300 mm x 12 mm ECMA-_ _ 13: 400 mm x 400 mm x 20 mm ECMA-_ _ 18: 550 mm x 550 mm x 30 mm ECMA-_ _ 22: 650 mm x 650 mm x 35 mm Material type : Aluminum – F40, F60, F80, F100, F130, F180, F220 *2. The holding brake is used to hold the motor shaft, not for braking the rotation. Never use it for decelerating or stopping the machine. 15 Medium Series- 220V Series E ECMA Series 05 10 13 E 15 20 20 18 30 35 Rated output power (kW) 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.0 3.0 3.5 Rated torque (N-m)*1 2.39 4.77 7.16 9.55 9.55 14.32 16.71 Maximum torque (N-m) 7.16 14.3 21.48 28.65 28.65 42.97 50.13 16.1 19.2 Rated speed (r/min) 2000 Maximum speed (r/min) 3000 Rated current (A) 2.9 5.6 8.3 11.01 11.22 Maximum current (A) 8.7 16.8 24.9 33.03 33.66 48.3 57.6 Power rating (kW/s) 7.0 27.1 45.9 62.5 26.3 37.3 50.8 Rotor moment of inertia (x10-4kg-m2)(without brake) 8.17 8.41 11.18 14.59 34.68 54.95 54.95 Mechanical time constant (ms) 1.91 1.51 1.10 0.96 1.62 1.06 1.08 Torque constant-KT (N-m/A) 0.83 0.85 0.87 0.87 0.85 0.89 0.87 Voltage constant-KE (mV/(r/min) 30.9 31.9 31.8 31.8 31.4 32.0 32 Armature resistance (Ohm) 0.57 0.47 0.26 0.174 0.119 0.052 0.052 Armature inductance (mH) 7.39 5.99 4.01 2.76 2.84 1.38 1.38 Electrical time constant (ms) 12.96 12.88 15.31 15.86 23.87 26.39 26.39 Insulation class Class A (UL), Class B (CE) Insulation resistance 100Mʈ , DC 500V above Insulation strength 1.8k Vac,1 sec Weight (kg)(without brake) 6.8 7.0 7.5 7.8 13.5 18.5 18.5 Weight (kg)(with brake) 8.2 8.4 8.9 9.2 17.5 22.5 22.5 Max. radial shaft load (N) 490 490 490 490 1176 1470 1470 Max. thrust shaft load (N) 98 98 98 98 490 490 490 Power rating (kW/s)(with brake) 6.4 24.9 43.1 57.4 24.1 35.9 48.9 Rotor moment of inertia (x10-4kg-m2)(with brake) 8.94 9.14 11.90 15.88 37.86 57.06 57.06 2.07 1.64 1.19 1.05 1.77 1.10 1.12 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 25.0 25.0 25.0 19.0 19.0 19.0 19.0 20.4 20.4 20.4 Mechanical time constant (ms)(with brake) Brake holding torque [Nt-m (min)] Brake power consumption DWÛ& >:@ *2 Brake release time [ms (Max)] 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Brake pull-in time [ms (Max)] 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 Vibration grade (ʛm) 15 0ºC to 40ºC 2SHUDWLQJWHPSHUDWXUH Û&) -10ºC to 80ºC 6WRUDJHWHPSHUDWXUH Û&) Operating humidity 20 to 90%RH (non-condensing) Storage humidity 20 to 90%RH (non-condensing) Vibration capacity IP Rating 2.5G ,3 ZKHQZDWHUSURRIFRQQHFWRUVDUHXVHGRUZKHQDQRLOVHDOLVXVHGWREH¿WWHGWR the rotating shaft (an oil seal model is used)) Approvals *1. 5DWHWRUTXHYDOXHVDUHFRQWLQXRXVSHUPLVVLEOHYDOXHVDWaÛ&DPELHQWWHPSHUDWXUHZKHQDWWDFKLQJZLWKWKHVL]HVRIKHDWVLQNVOLVWHGEHORZ ECMA-_ _ 04 / 06 / 08: 250 mm x 250 mm x 6 mm ECMA-_ _ 10: 300 mm x 300 mm x 12 mm ECMA-_ _ 13: 400 mm x 400 mm x 20 mm ECMA-_ _ 18: 550 mm x 550 mm x 30 mm ECMA-_ _ 22: 650 mm x 650 mm x 35 mm Material type : Aluminum – F40, F60, F80, F100, F130, F180, F220 *2. The holding brake is used to hold the motor shaft, not for braking the rotation. Never use it for decelerating or stopping the machine. 16 6HUYR0RWRU6SHFL¿FDWLRQV Medium-High Inertia Series- 220V Series F ECMA Series 05 08 13 F 13 18 30 18 45 F 55 75 22 1B 1F Rated output power (kW) 0.5 0.85 1.3 1.8 3.0 4.5 5.5 7.5 11 15 Rated torque (N-m)*1 3.18 5.41 8.34 11.48 19.10 28.65 35.01 47.74 70 95.4 Maximum torque (N-m) 8.92 13.8 23.3 28.7 57.29 71.62 87.53 119.36 175 224.0 32.5 40.0 47.5 51.8 Rated speed (r/min) 1500 Maximum speed (r/min) 3000 Rated current (A) 3.9 7.1 12.6 13 2000 19.4 67 Maximum current (A) 12.1 19.4 38.6 36 58.2 81.3 100.0 118.8 129.5 162 Power rating (kW/s) 9.8 21.52 34.78 52.93 66.4 105.5 122.9 159.7 144.9 201.8 Rotor moment of inertia (x10-4kg-m2)(without brake) 10.3 13.6 20 24.9 54.95 77.75 99.78 142.7 338 451 Mechanical time constant (ms) 2.8 2.43 1.62 1.7 1.28 0.92 0.96 0.63 1.38 1.23 Torque constant-KT (N-m/A) 0.82 0.76 0.66 0.88 0.98 0.88 0.88 1.01 1.37 1.42 Voltage constant-KE (mV/(r/min) 29.5 29.2 24.2 32.2 35.0 32.0 31.0 35.5 49 50 Armature resistance (Ohm) 0.624 0.38 0.124 0.185 0.077 0.032 0.025 0.015 0.026 0.0184 Armature inductance (mH) 7 4.77 1.7 2.6 1.27 0.89 0.60 0.40 0.65 0.48 11.22 12.55 13.71 14.05 16.5 27.8 24.0 26.7 24.79 26.09 Electrical time constant (ms) Insulation class Class A (UL), Class B (CE) Insulation resistance 100Mʈ , DC 500V above Insulation strength 1.8k Vac,1 sec Weight (kg)(without brake) 6.3 8.6 9.4 10.5 18.5 23.5 30.5 40.5 56.4 75 Weight (kg)(with brake) 7.7 10.0 10.8 11.9 22.5 29 36 46 68.4 87 Max. radial shaft load (N) 490 490 490 490 1470 1470 1764 1764 3300 3300 Max. thrust shaft load (N) 98 98 98 98 490 490 588 588 1100 1100 Power rating (kW/s)(with brake) 8.8 19.78 32.66 50.3 63.9 101.8 119.4 156.6 141.4 197.1 Rotor moment of inertia (x10-4kg-m2)(with brake) 11.5 14.8 21.3 26.2 57.06 80.65 102.70 145.55 346.5 461.8 3.12 2.65 1.73 1.79 1.33 0.96 0.99 0.64 1.41 1.25 10 10.0 10.0 10.0 25.0 55.0 55.0 55.0 115 115 19 19.0 19.0 19.0 20.4 19.9 19.9 19.9 28.8 28.8 Mechanical time constant (ms)(with brake) Brake holding torque[Nt-m(min)] Brake power consumption DWÛ& >:@ *2 Brake release time [ms (Max)] 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Brake pull-in time [ms (Max)] 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 Vibration grade (ʛm) 15 0ºC to 40ºC 2SHUDWLQJWHPSHUDWXUH Û&) -10ºC to 80ºC 6WRUDJHWHPSHUDWXUH Û&) Operating humidity 20 to 90%RH (non-condensing) Storage humidity 20 to 90%RH (non-condensing) Vibration capacity IP Rating 2.5G ,3 ZKHQZDWHUSURRIFRQQHFWRUVDUHXVHGRUZKHQDQRLOVHDOLVXVHGWREH¿WWHGWR the rotating shaft (an oil seal model is used)) Approvals *1. 5DWHWRUTXHYDOXHVDUHFRQWLQXRXVSHUPLVVLEOHYDOXHVDWaÛ&DPELHQWWHPSHUDWXUHZKHQDWWDFKLQJZLWKWKHVL]HVRIKHDWVLQNVOLVWHGEHORZ ECMA-_ _ 04 / 06 / 08: 250 mm x 250 mm x 6 mm ECMA-_ _ 10: 300 mm x 300 mm x 12 mm ECMA-_ _ 13: 400 mm x 400 mm x 20 mm ECMA-_ _ 18: 550 mm x 550 mm x 30 mm ECMA-_ _ 22: 650 mm x 650 mm x 35 mm Material type : Aluminum – F40, F60, F80, F100, F130, F180, F220 *2. The holding brake is used to hold the motor shaft, not for braking the rotation. Never use it for decelerating or stopping the machine. 17 High Inertia Series- 220V Series ECMA Series C 06 C 08 04 H 07 H G 03 13 06 09 Rated output power (kW) 0.4 0.75 0.3 0.6 0.9 Rated torque (N-m)*1 1.27 2.39 2.86 5.73 8.59 Maximum torque (N-m) 3.82 7.16 8.59 17.19 21.48 Rated speed (r/min) 3000 Maximum speed (r/min) 1000 5000 Rated current (A) 2.6 2000 5.1 2.5 4.8 7.5 Maximum current (A) 7.8 15.3 7.5 14.4 22.5 Power rating (kW/s) 21.7 19.63 10.0 39.0 66.0 Rotor moment of inertia (x10-4kg-m2)(without brake) 0.743 2.91 8.17 8.41 11.18 Mechanical time constant (ms) 1.42 1.6 1.84 1.40 1.06 Torque constant-KT (N-m/A) 0.49 0.47 1.15 1.19 1.15 Voltage constant-KE (mV/(r/min) 17.4 17.2 42.5 43.8 41.6 Armature resistance (Ohm) 1.55 0.42 1.06 0.82 0.43 Armature inductance (mH) 6.71 3.53 14.29 11.12 6.97 Electrical time constant (ms) 4.3 8.36 13.5 13.50 16.06 Insulation class Class A (UL), Class B (CE) 100Mʈ , DC 500V above Insulation resistance Insulation strength 1.8k Vac,1 sec Weight (kg)(without brake) 1.8 3.4 6.8 7.0 7.5 Weight (kg)(with brake) 2.2 3.9 8.2 8.4 8.9 Max. radial shaft load (N) 196 245 490 490 490 Max. thrust shaft load (N) 68 98 98 98 98 Power rating (kW/s)(with brake) 21.48 19.3 9.2 35.9 62.1 Rotor moment of inertia (x10-4kg-m2)(with brake) 0.751 2.96 8.94 9.14 11.9 1.43 1.62 2.0 1.51 1.13 Mechanical time constant (ms)(with brake) Brake holding torque [Nt-m (min)] *2 1.3 2.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 Brake power consumption DWÛ& >:@ 6.5 8.2 19.0 19.0 19.0 Brake release time [ms (Max)] 10 10 10 10 10 Brake pull-in time [ms (Max)] 70 70 70 70 70 Vibration grade (ʛm) 15 0ºC to 40ºC 2SHUDWLQJWHPSHUDWXUH Û&) -10ºC to 80ºC 6WRUDJHWHPSHUDWXUH Û&) Operating humidity 20 to 90%RH (non-condensing) Storage humidity 20 to 90%RH (non-condensing) Vibration capacity IP Rating 2.5G ,3 ZKHQZDWHUSURRIFRQQHFWRUVDUHXVHGRUZKHQDQRLOVHDOLVXVHGWREH¿WWHGWR the rotating shaft (an oil seal model is used)) Approvals *1. 5DWHWRUTXHYDOXHVDUHFRQWLQXRXVSHUPLVVLEOHYDOXHVDWaÛ&DPELHQWWHPSHUDWXUHZKHQDWWDFKLQJZLWKWKHVL]HVRIKHDWVLQNVOLVWHGEHORZ ECMA-_ _ 04 / 06 / 08: 250 mm x 250 mm x 6 mm ECMA-_ _ 10: 300 mm x 300 mm x 12 mm ECMA-_ _ 13: 400 mm x 400 mm x 20 mm ECMA-_ _ 18: 550 mm x 550 mm x 30 mm ECMA-_ _ 22: 650 mm x 650 mm x 35 mm Material type : Aluminum – F40, F60, F80, F100, F130, F180, F220 *2. The holding brake is used to hold the motor shaft, not for braking the rotation. Never use it for decelerating or stopping the machine. 18 6HUYR0RWRU6SHFL¿FDWLRQV Low / Medium Series- 400V Series 06 J ECMA Series J 08 J 09 J 10 J 13 K 13 K 18 04 07 07 10 10 20 30 05 10 15 20 20 Rated output power (kW) 0.4 0.75 0.75 1 1.0 2.0 3.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.0 Rated torque (N-m)*1 1.27 2.39 2.39 3.18 3.18 6.37 9.55 2.39 4.77 7.16 9.55 9.55 Maximum torque (N-m) 3.82 7.16 7.14 8.78 9.54 19.1 28.65 7.16 14.32 21.48 28.65 28.65 Rated speed (r/min) 3000 Maximum speed (r/min) 3000 5000 Rated current (A) 1.62 Maximum current (A) Power rating (kW/s) 3000 3000 3000 5000 2000 4500 3.07 2.16 2.4 4.15 7.09 9.8 4.85 9.5 6.37 7.17 12.46 21.28 58.2 50.4 29.6 38.6 38.2 91.2 Rotor moment of inertia (x10-4kg-m2)(without brake) 0.277 1.13 1.93 2.62 2.65 Mechanical time constant (ms) 0.47 0.66 1.56 1.06 Torque constant-KT (N-m/A) 0.79 0.78 1.12 1.29 Voltage constant-KE (mV/(r/min) 30.6 28.24 42 50.9 29.0 Armature resistance (Ohm) 3.95 1.22 3.62 2.58 0.617 Armature inductance (mH) 21.3 10.68 21.2 15.28 6.03 4.62 Electrical time constant (ms) 5.39 8.75 5.85 5.93 9.77 11.9 3000 1.7 3.52 5.02 6.66 6.6 29.99 5.2 10.56 15.06 19.98 19.88 71.8 6.99 27.1 45.9 62.5 26.3 4.45 12.7 8.17 8.41 11.18 14.59 34.68 0.77 0.58 0.99 2.08 1.80 1.24 1.04 1.74 0.77 0.9 0.97 1.41 1.35 1.43 1.43 1.45 34.4 37.3 51.5 53.2 55 55 54.0 0.388 0.269 1.76 1.47 0.83 0.57 0.376 3.55 22.4 17.79 11.67 8.29 7.87 13.2 12.73 12.04 14.04 14.39 20.9 Insulation class Class A (UL), Class B (CE) Insulation resistance 100Mʈ, DC 500V above Insulation strength 2.3k Vac, 1 sec Weight (kg)(without brake) 1.6 3.0 2.9 3.8 4.3 6.2 7.8 6.8 7.0 7.5 7.8 13.5 2 3.8 - - 4.7 7.2 9.2 8.2 8.4 8.9 9.2 17.5 Max. radial shaft load (N) 19.6 245 245 245 490 490 490 490 490 490 490 1176 Max. thrust shaft load (N) 68 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 490 Power rating (kW/s)(with brake) 53.8 48.4 29.3 37.9 30.4 82 65.1 6.39 24.9 43.1 59.7 24.1 Rotor moment of inertia (x10-4kg-m2)(with brake) 0.3 1.18 1.95 2.67 3.33 4.95 14.0 8.94 9.14 11.90 15.88 37.86 0.52 0.65 1.57 1.08 0.96 0.65 1.09 2.28 1.96 1.32 1.13 1.9 Weight (kg)(with brake) Mechanical time constant (ms)(with brake) Brake holding torque [Nt-m (min)] *2 1.3 2.5 2.5 2.5 8.0 8.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 25.0 Brake power consumption DWÛ& >:@ 6.5 8.5 8.2 8.2 18.5 18.5 19.0 19.0 19.0 19.0 19.0 20.4 Brake release time [ms (Max)] 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Brake pull-in time [ms (Max)] 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 Vibration grade (ʛm) 15 0ºC to 40ºC 2SHUDWLQJWHPSHUDWXUH Û&) -10ºC to 80ºC 6WRUDJHWHPSHUDWXUH Û&) Operating humidity 20 to 90%RH (non-condensing) Storage humidity 20 to 90%RH (non-condensing) Vibration capacity IP Rating 2.5G ,3 ZKHQZDWHUSURRIFRQQHFWRUVDUHXVHGRUZKHQDQRLOVHDOLVXVHGWREH¿WWHGWR the rotating shaft (an oil seal model is used)) Approvals *1. 5DWHWRUTXHYDOXHVDUHFRQWLQXRXVSHUPLVVLEOHYDOXHVDWaÛ&DPELHQWWHPSHUDWXUHZKHQDWWDFKLQJZLWKWKHVL]HVRIKHDWVLQNVOLVWHGEHORZ ECMA-_ _ 08: 250 mm x 250 mm x 6 mm ECMA-_ _ 13: 400 mm x 400 mm x 20 mm ECMA-_ _ 18: 550 mm x 550 mm x 30 mm Material type : Aluminum – F80, F130, F180, F220 *2. The holding brake is used to hold the motor shaft, not for braking the rotation. Never use it for decelerating or stopping the machine. 19 Medium-High / High Inertia Series- 400V Series L ECMA Series 13 L 18 M 13 05 08 13 30 45 55 75 09 Rated output power (kW) 0.5 0.85 1.3 3.0 4.5 5.5 7.5 0.9 Rated torque (N-m)*1 3.18 5.39 8.34 19.10 28.65 35.0 47.74 8.59 Maximum torque (N-m) 8.92 13.8 23.3 57.29 71.62 87.53 119.36 21.48 Rated speed (r/min) 1500 Maximum speed (r/min) 1000 3000 Rated current (A) 2.1 3.4 Maximum current (A) 6.1 Power rating (kW/s) 7.72 Rotor moment of inertia (x10-4kg-m2)(without brake) 2000 5.02 11.53 8.85 15 34.6 52 17.0 29.47 66.4 105.5 13.1 17.1 23.6 54.95 77.75 Mechanical time constant (ms) 2.3 1.76 1.44 1.11 Torque constant-KT (N-m/A) 1.5 1.59 1.66 1.66 Voltage constant-KE (mV/(r/min) 55.5 58.9 61.1 Armature resistance (Ohm) 1.41 0.92 0.59 Armature inductance (mH) Electrical time constant (ms) 20.8 22.37 27.3 4.4 56 68.3 13.1 122.9 159.7 66 99.78 142.7 11.18 0.94 0.88 0.77 1.21 1.38 1.56 1.75 1.95 64.4 53 58.9 66.4 71.7 0.21 0.09 0.07 0.06 1.45 20 14.1 9.54 4.94 2.36 2.2 1.7 23.3 14.1 15.33 16.17 23.97 28.07 27.6 28.29 16.07 Insulation class Class A (UL), Class B (CE) Insulation resistance 100Mʈ, DC 500V above Insulation strength 2.3k Vac,1 sec Weight (kg)(without brake) 6.8 8.6 10.7 18.5 23.5 30.5 40.5 7.5 - 10 -- 22.5 29 36 46 8.9 Max. radial shaft load (N) 490 490 490 1470 1470 1764 1764 490 Max. thrust shaft load (N) 98 98 98 490 490 588 588 98 Power rating (kW/s)(with brake) 7.02 14.82 27.82 63.9 101.8 119.4 156.6 62 Rotor moment of inertia (x10-4kg-m2)(with brake) 14.4 19.6 25 57.06 80.65 102.70 145.5 11.9 2.54 2.02 1.52 1.16 0.95 0.91 0.79 1.29 10.0 10.0 10.0 25.0 55.0 55.0 55.0 10.0 19.0 19.0 19.0 20.4 19.9 19.9 19.9 19.0 Brake release time [ms (Max)] 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Brake pull-in time [ms (Max)] 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 Weight (kg)(with brake) Mechanical time constant (ms)(with brake) Brake holding torque [Nt-m (min)] Brake power consumption DWÛ& >:@ *2 Vibration grade (ʛm) 15 0ºC to 40ºC 2SHUDWLQJWHPSHUDWXUH Û&) -10ºC to 80ºC 6WRUDJHWHPSHUDWXUH Û&) Operating humidity 20 to 90%RH (non-condensing) Storage humidity 20 to 90%RH (non-condensing) Vibration capacity IP Rating 2.5G ,3 ZKHQZDWHUSURRIFRQQHFWRUVDUHXVHGRUZKHQDQRLOVHDOLVXVHGWREH¿WWHGWR the rotating shaft (an oil seal model is used)) Approvals *1. 5DWHWRUTXHYDOXHVDUHFRQWLQXRXVSHUPLVVLEOHYDOXHVDWaÛ&DPELHQWWHPSHUDWXUHZKHQDWWDFKLQJZLWKWKHVL]HVRIKHDWVLQNVOLVWHGEHORZ ECMA-_ _ 08: 250 mm x 250 mm x 6 mm ECMA-_ _ 13: 400 mm x 400 mm x 20 mm ECMA-_ _ 18: 550 mm x 550 mm x 30 mm ECMA-_ _ 22: 650 mm x 650 mm x 35 mm Material type : Aluminum – F80, F130, F180, F220 *2. The holding brake is used to hold the motor shaft, not for braking the rotation. Never use it for decelerating or stopping the machine. 20 Servo Motor Dimensions 220V Series Frame Size 86mm and below Units: mm Model C1040F LC LZ LA S  S C 0401 LL濑with brake濒 LS LR LE LG LW RH WK W T TP 0602  S C 0604  SC 0604  H C 0804  7 C  0807 SC 0807  HC  0907 S C 60 60 60 80 80 80 4.5 4.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 6.6 6.6 6.6 6.6 6.6 46 46 70 70 70 90 90 90 100 100 +0 +0 19 ( - 0.013 ) +0 - 0.030 +0 - 0.030 +0 +0 8 - (0.009 +0 - 0.021 +0 - 0.021 ) 30 ( ) +0 14 ( - 0.011 ) ) 0 +0 5 - (0.025 ) +0 14 ( - 0.011 ) 50 ( +0 - 0.025 ) +0 14 ( - 0.011 ) 50 ( +0 - 0.025 ) 14 ( - 0.011 ) 19 ( - 0.013 ) 70 ( ) 70 ( ) 86 0910 40 30 ( LL濑without brake濒 S C 40 8 ( - 0.009 ) LB  +0 70 ( +0 - 0.030 ) +0 +0 - 0.030 +0 16 ( - 0.011 ) +0 ) 80 ( - 0.030 ) 79.1 100.6 105.5 130.7 145.8 112.3 138.3 154.8 130.2 153.2 -- 136.8 141.6 166.8 176.37 152.8 178 187.8 161.3 184.3 20 20 27 27 27 27 32 32 30 30 25 25 30 30 30 30 35 35 35 35 2.5 2.5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 5 7.5 7.5 7.5 8 8 8 8 8 16 16 20 20 20 20 25 25 20 20 6.2 6.2 11 11 11 11 15.5 15.5 13 13 3 3 5 5 5 5 6 6 5 5 3 3 5 5 5 5 6 6 5 5 3 3 5 5 5 5 6 6 5 5 M3 Depth 8 M3 Depth 8 M4 Depth 15 M4 Depth 15 M4 Depth 15 M4 Depth 15 M6 Depth 20 M6 Depth 20 M5 Depth 15 M5 Depth 15 1) Dimensions are in millimeters. 2) Dimensions of the servo motors may be revised without prior notice. 3) The boxes (  LQWKHPRGHOQDPHVDUHIRURSWLRQDOFRQ¿JXUDWLRQV NH\ZD\EUDNHDQGRLOVHDO  4) The boxes ( ) in the model names are for encoder resolution types. ( =1: Incremental encoder, 20-bit; S 86 16 ( - 0.011 ) 80 (  =2: Incremental encoder, 17-bit; =A: Absolute type) Speed-Torque Curves (T-N Curves) Torque (N-m) Torque (N-m) Intermittent Duty Zone Continuous Duty Zone Intermittent Duty Zone Continuous Duty Zone Speed (r/min) ECMA-C Torque (N-m) Torque (N-m) Intermittent Duty Zone Speed (r/min) ECMA-C1040F ː S 0401 ː S Continuous Duty Zone ECMA-C 0602 ː S Torque (N-m) 8.78 (276%) 7.14 (298%) 6.00 (251%) Torque (N-m) 5.85 (184%) Intermittent Duty Zone Intermittent Duty Zone 2.38 (100%) 3.18 (100%) Continuous Duty Zone Continuous Duty Zone Speed (r/min) 2,000 ECMA-C 0907 ː S ECMA-C 3,000 Speed (r/min) 0910 ː S 21 Torque (N-m) Intermittent Duty Zone Speed (r/min) Continuous Duty Zone ECMA-C ECMA-C ECMA-C 0604 ː S 0604 ː H 0804 ː 7 Intermittent Duty Zone Continuous Duty Zone Speed (r/min) Speed (r/min) ECMA-C ECMA-C 0807 ː S 0807 ː H 220V Series Frame Size 100mm and 130mm T W -0.036 LG 0 LR LE LS LW 0 -0.036 Sh6 LBh7 LC KEY DETAILS TP RH LL 4-ØZ PCD-A SHAFT END DETAILS Units: mm Model C 1010 S  LC LZ LA 100 9 115 S 22 ( - 0.013 ) LB 95 ( LL濑with brake濒 LS LR LE LG LW RH WK W T TP 1020 S  100 9 115 +0 - 0.035 22 ( - 0.013 ) ) 95 ( 153.3 192.5 37 45 5 12 32 18 8 8 7 M6 Depth 20 C 1330 4  E 130 9 145 +0 +0 LL濑without brake濒 C +0 - 0.035 ) 199 226 37 45 5 12 32 18 8 8 7 M6 Depth 20 +0 110 ( S  E 130 9 145 ) 110 ( 187.5 216 47 55 6 11.5 36 20 8 8 7 M6 Depth 20  S E 1315 ) 22 ( - 0.013 ) 110 ( 147.5 183.5 47 55 6 11.5 36 18 8 8 7 M6 Depth 20 +0 - 0.035 147.5 183.5 47 55 6 11.5 36 18 8 8 7 M6 Depth 20 1) Dimensions are in millimeters. 2) Dimensions of the servo motors may be revised without prior notice. 3) The boxes (  LQWKHPRGHOQDPHVDUHIRURSWLRQDOFRQ¿JXUDWLRQV NH\ZD\EUDNHDQGRLOVHDO  4) The boxes ( ) in the model names are for encoder resolution types. ( =1: Incremental encoder, 20-bit;  S E 1320 130 9 145 +0 22 ( - 0.013 ) +0 - 0.035 1310 130 9 145 +0 24 ( - 0.013 ) +0 - 0.035 1305 ) S 130 9 145 +0 22 ( - 0.013 ) 110 (  +0 - 0.035 ) 167.5 202 47 55 6 11.5 36 18 8 8 7 M6 Depth 20 +0 22 ( - 0.013 ) 110 ( +0 - 0.035 ) 187.5 216 47 55 6 11.5 36 18 8 8 7 M6 Depth 20 =2: Incremental encoder, 17-bit; =A: Absolute type) Speed-Torque Curves (T-N Curves) Torque (N-m) Torque (N-m) Intermittent Duty Zone Torque (N-m) Speed (r/min) ECMA-C 1010 ː S Torque (N-m) Torque (N-m) Intermittent Duty Zone Intermittent Duty Zone Continuous Duty Zone ECMA-E 1330 ː 4 1315 ː S Speed (r/min) Continuous Duty Zone ECMA-E Speed (r/min) 1320 ː S 22 Intermittent Duty Zone Continuous Duty Zone Speed (r/min) ECMA-C 1020 ː S Torque (N-m) Intermittent Duty Zone Continuous Duty Zone Continuous Duty Zone Speed (r/min) ECMA-C Intermittent Duty Zone Intermittent Duty Zone Continuous Duty Zone Torque (N-m) Continuous Duty Zone Speed (r/min) Speed (r/min) ECMA-E 1305 ː S ECMA-E 1310 ː S Servo Motor Dimensions 220V Series Frame Size 100mm and 130mm T W -0.036 LG 0 LR LE LS LW 0 -0.036 LC LBh7 Sh6 KEY DETAILS TP RH LL 4-ØZ PCD-A SHAFT END DETAILS Units: mm Model F 1305 S  LC LZ LA 130 9 145 S 22 ( - 0.013 ) LB 110 ( TP 1308  S 130 9 145 +0 LL濑without brake濒 LL濑with brake濒 LS LR LE LG LW RH WK W T F +0 - 0.035 ) 139.5 168 47 55 6 11.5 36 18 8 8 7 M6 Depth 20 1313 S  130 9 145 +0 22 ( - 0.013 ) 110 ( F +0 - 0.035 ) 147.5 183.5 47 55 6 11.5 36 18 8 8 7 M6 Depth 20 1318  S G 1303 130 9 145 +0 22 ( - 0.013 ) 110 ( F +0 - 0.035 ) 187.5 216 47 55 6 11.5 36 18 8 8 7 M6 Depth 20 +0 110 ( S G 1306 130 9 145 ) 22 ( - 0.013 ) 110 ( 202 230.7 47 55 6 11.5 36 18 8 8 7 M6 Depth 20 +0 - 0.035 147.5 183.5 47 55 6 11.5 36 18 8 8 7 M6 Depth 20 1) Dimensions are in millimeters. 2) Dimensions of the servo motors may be revised without prior notice. 3) The boxes (  LQWKHPRGHOQDPHVDUHIRURSWLRQDOFRQ¿JXUDWLRQV NH\ZD\EUDNHDQGRLOVHDO  4) The boxes ( ) in the model names are for encoder resolution types. ( =1: Incremental encoder, 20-bit;  S G 1309 130 9 145 +0 22 ( - 0.013 ) +0 - 0.035  ) S 130 9 145 +0 22 ( - 0.013 ) 110 (  +0 - 0.035 ) 147.5 183.5 47 55 6 11.5 36 18 8 8 7 M6 Depth 20 +0 22 ( - 0.013 ) 110 ( +0 - 0.035 ) 163.5 198 47 55 6 11.5 36 18 8 8 7 M6 Depth 20 =2: Incremental encoder, 17-bit; =A: Absolute type) Speed-Torque Curves (T-N Curves) Torque (N-m) Torque (N-m) Torque (N-m) Torque (N-m) Torque (N-m) 8.92 (280%) 5.1 (160%) 3.18 (100%) 1.59 (50%) Intermittent Duty Zone Intermittent Duty Zone Continuous Duty Zone 1,500 ECMA-F 2,300 3,000 Speed (r/min) 1305 ː S Continuous Duty Zone ECMA-F Torque (N-m) Speed (r/min) 1308 ː S Continuous Duty Zone ECMA-F 1313 ː S Torque (N-m) Intermittent Duty Zone Intermittent Duty Zone Continuous Duty Zone Continuous Duty Zone Speed (r/min) ECMA-G Intermittent Duty Zone 1306 ː S Speed (r/min) ECMA-G 1309 ː S 23 Intermittent Duty Zone Intermittent Duty Zone Speed (r/min) Continuous Duty Zone ECMA-F 1318 ː S Speed (r/min) Continuous Duty Zone ECMA-G 1303 ː S Speed (r/min) 220V Series Frame Size 180mm LE T LR W LG LS LW Sh6 Lbh7 LC KEY DETAILS TP RH 4-ØLZ PCD -LA LL SHAFT END DETAILS Units: mm Model E LC LZ LA 1820  S E 180 13.5 200 114.3 ( LL濑without brake濒 LL濑with brake濒 LS LR LE LG LW RH WK W T TP E 1835 +0 - 0.035 114.3 ( 169 203.1 73 79 4 20 63 30 10 10 8 M12 Depth 25 S F 1845 +0 - 0.035 35 ( - 0.016 ) ) 114.3 ( 202.1 235.3 73 79 4 20 63 30 10 10 8 M12 Depth 25 +0 - 0.035  S F 180 13.5 200 +0 35 ( - 0.016 ) )  180 13.5 200 +0 35 ( - 0.016 ) LB S  180 13.5 200 +0 S 1830 ) 202.1 235.3 73 79 4 20 63 30 10 10 8 M12 Depth 25 +0 114.3 (  3 F 1875 180 13.5 200 +0 42 ( - 0.016 ) ) 114.3 ( 235.3 279.3 73 79 4 20 63 30 10 10 8 M12 Depth 25 +0 - 0.035 42 ( - 0.016 ) +0 ) 114.3 ( - 0.035 ) 279.7 311.7 108.5 113 4 20 90 37 12 12 8 M16 Depth 32 1) Dimensions are in millimeters. 2) Dimensions of the servo motors may be revised without prior notice. 3) The boxes (  LQWKHPRGHOQDPHVDUHIRURSWLRQDOFRQ¿JXUDWLRQV NH\ZD\EUDNHDQGRLOVHDO  4) The boxes ( ) in the model names are for encoder resolution types. ( =1: Incremental encoder, 20-bit; 3  180 13.5 200 +0 35 ( - 0.016 ) +0 - 0.035 1855 342.0 376.1 108.5 113 4 20 90 37 12 12 8 M12 Depth 32 =2: Incremental encoder, 17-bit; =A: Absolute type) Speed-Torque Curves (T-N Curves) orque (N-m) 28.65 (300%) orque (N-m) orque (N-m) orque (N-m) 42.97 (300%) 57.29 (300%) 50.13 (300%) Intermittent Duty Zone 9.55 (100%) 6.40 (67%) Intermittent Duty Zone 9.59 (67%) Continuous Duty Zone 2,000 ECMA-E 3,000 Continuous Duty Zone Speed (r/min) 2,000 1820 ː S ECMA-E orque (N-m) 3,000 16.71 (100%) 9.55 (50%) 11.20 (67%) Continuous Duty Zone Speed (r/min) 1830 ː S 1,500 ECMA-F Intermittent Duty Zone 47.74 (100%) 23.87 (50%) Continuous Duty Zone 1,500 ECMA-F 3,000 1855 ː 3 Speed (r/min) Intermittent Duty Zone Continuous Duty Zone 1,500 ECMA-F 3,000 3,000 1830 ː S 119.36 (250%) 35.01 (100%) Intermittent Duty Zone 19.10 (100%) orque (N-m) 87.53 (300%) 17.51 (50%) Intermittent Duty Zone 14.32 (100%) Speed (r/min) 1875 ː 3 24 orque (N-m) 71.62 (300%) Intermittent Duty Zone 28.65 (100%) 14.33 (50%) Continuous Duty Zone Speed (r/min) 2,000 ECMA-E 1835 ː S 3,000 Speed (r/min) Continuous Duty Zone 1,500 ECMA-F 3,000 1845 ː S Speed (r/min) Servo Motor Dimensions 220V Series Frame Size 220mm and above B Units: mm Model F1221B LC LZ LA  3 F1221F 220 13.5 235 +0.03 42 ( - 0.016 ) LB 200 ( LL濑without brake濒 LL濑with brake濒 LS LR LE LG LW RH WK W T +0 - 0.046 55 ( - 0.011 ) +0 ) 200 ( - 0.046 ) 371.4 434.4 108 116 4 20 90 37 12 12 8 M16 Depth 32 TP 453.4 513.4 108 116 4 20 90 49 16 16 10 M20 Depth 40 1) Dimensions are in millimeters. 2) Dimensions of the servo motors may be revised without prior notice. 3) The boxes (  LQWKHPRGHOQDPHVDUHIRURSWLRQDOFRQ¿JXUDWLRQV NH\ZD\EUDNHDQGRLOVHDO  Speed-Torque Curves (T-N Curves) Torque (N-m) Torque (N-m) 175 (250%) 224 (240%) Intermittent Duty Zone 70 (100%) 52.5 (75%) Intermittent Duty Zone 95.4 (100%) 71.6 (75%) Continuous Duty Zone Continuous Duty Zone Speed (r/min) 1,500 ECMA-F1221B ː 3 2,000 Speed (r/min) 1,500 S 220 13.5 235 +0 S  2,000 ECMA-F1221F ː S 25 400V Series Frame Size 80mm and below Units: mm Model J 0604  S J 0807  S J 0907  S J 0910  LC LZ LA 60 5.5 70 80 6.6 90 86 6.6 100 86 6.6 100 S 14( - 0.011 ) +0 19( - 0.013 ) +0 16( - 0.011 ) +0 16( - 0.011 ) LB 50( - 0.025 ) +0 70( - 0.030 ) +0 80( - 0.030 ) +0 80( - 0.030 ) LL濑without brake濒 LL濑with brake濒 LS 濑without oil seal濒 LS 濑with oil seal濒 LR LE LG LW RH WK W T 130.7 166.8 27 -30 3 7.5 20 11 5 5 5 M4 Depth 15 138.3 178 32 29.5 35 3 8 25 15.5 6 6 6 M6 Depth 20 130.2 161.3 30 30 35 3 8 20 13 5 5 5 M5 Depth 15 153.2 184.3 30 30 35 3 8 20 13 5 5 5 M5 Depth 15 TP 1) Dimensions are in millimeters. 2) Dimensions of the servo motors may be revised without prior notice. 3) The boxes (  LQWKHPRGHOQDPHVDUHIRURSWLRQDOFRQ¿JXUDWLRQV NH\ZD\EUDNHDQGRLOVHDO  4) The boxes ( ) in the model names are for encoder resolution types ( =1: Incremental encoder, 20-bit; +0 +0 =2: Incremental encoder, 17-bit); Speed-Torque Curves (T-N Curves) Torque (N-m) 3.82 (300%) Torque (N-m) Torque (N-m) 7.16 (300%) 7.14 (298%) Intermittent Duty Zone 1.27 (100%) 0.762 (60%) Intermittent Duty Zone 2.39 (100%) 1.43 (60%) Continuous Duty Zone 3,000 ECMA-J 0604 ː S 5,000 Speed (r/min) Torque (N-m) 8.78 (276%) 6.00 (251%) Intermittent Duty Zone 2.38 (100%) Continuous Duty Zone 3,000 ECMA-J 5,000 0807 ː S 5.85 (184%) Intermittent Duty Zone 3.18 (100%) Continuous Duty Zone Speed (r/min) 2,000 ECMA-J 0907 ː S 26 Continuous Duty Zone 3,000 Speed (r/min) 2,000 ECMA-J S 3,000 0910 ː S Speed (r/min) =A: Absolute type Servo Motor Dimensions 400V Series Frame Size 100mm and 130mm T W -0.036 LG 0 LR LE LS LW LC LBh7 Sh6 0 -0.036 KEY DETAILS TP RH LL 4-ØLZ PCD-LA SHAFT END DETAILS Units: mm Model LC J LZ LA S 1010 1305 1310 SK   1315 SK  1320 SK  1305 SL 1308 SL  SL  1313 130 9 145 130 9 145 130 9 145 130 9 145 130 9 145 130 9 145 +0 22 ( - 0.013 ) +0 24 ( - 0.013 ) +0 22 ( - 0.013 ) +0 22 ( - 0.013 ) +0 22 ( - 0.013 ) +0 22 ( - 0.013 ) +0 22 ( - 0.013 ) +0 22 ( - 0.013 ) +0 22 ( - 0.013 ) +0 - 0.035 ) 95 ( +0 - 0.035 ) 110 ( 199 226 37 45 5 12 32 18 8 8 7 MP6 Depth 20 +0 - 0.035 ) 110 ( 187.5 216.0 47 55 6 11.5 36 20 8 8 7 MP6 Depth 20 +0 - 0.035 ) 110 ( 139.5 168 47 55 6 11.5 36 18 8 8 7 MP6 Depth 20 +0 - 0.035 ) 110 ( 147.5 183.5 47 55 6 11.5 36 18 8 8 7 MP6 Depth 20 +0 - 0.035 +0 - 0.035 ) 110 ( 167.5 202 47 55 6 11.5 36 18 8 8 7 MP6 Depth 20 187.5 216 47 55 6 11.5 36 18 8 8 7 MP6 Depth 20 ) 110 ( +0 - 0.035 147.5 168.0 47 55 6 11.5 36 18 8 8 7 M8 Depth 25 ) 110 ( +0 - 0.035 +0 +0 ) 110 ( - 0.035 ) 163.5 181 47 55 6 11.5 36 18 8 8 7 MP6 Depth 20 =2: Incremental encoder, 17-bit); 194.5 223 47 55 6 11.5 36 18 8 8 7 MP6 Depth 20 =A: Absolute type Speed-Torque Curves (T-N Curves) Torque (N-m) Torque (N-m) 9.54 (300%) Intermittent Duty Zone 3,000 ECMA-J 5,000 Speed (r/min) Intermittent Duty Zone 6.4 (67%) Continuous Duty Zone 3,000 ECMA-J 5,000 Intermittent Duty Zone 9.55 (100%) 6.4 (67%) Continuous Duty Zone Speed (r/min) 2,000 ECMA-K 3,000 1315 ː S Continuous Duty Zone 3000 1020 ː S ECMA-J Speed (r/min) 4500 2,000 ECMA-K 3,000 1320 ː S 1.59 (50%) 3,000 3.5 (110%) Continuous Duty Zone 1,500 ECMA-L 2,300 1305 ː S 27 3,000 Speed (r/min) 5.39 (100%) Continuous Duty Zone 2,000 ECMA-K 1305 ː S Speed (r/min) 3,000 1310 ː S Torque (N-m) 23.3 (280%) Intermittent Duty Zone 4.5 (83%) 2.70 (50%) Intermittent Duty Zone Speed (r/min) 13.80 (255%) Intermittent Duty Zone Speed (r/min) 2,000 Torque (N-m) 3.18 (100%) Continuous Duty Zone Continuous Duty Zone ECMA-K 8.92 (284%) ⊇怆柿 Intermittent Duty Zone 1.6 (67%) 1330 ː 4 Torque (N-m) Torque (N-m) 4.77 (100%) 3.2 (67%) 2.39 (100%) Speed (r/min) 28.65 (300%) Torque (N-m) 14.32 (300%) Intermittent Duty Zone 9.55 (100%) 1010 ː S Torque (N-m) Torque (N-m) 7.16 (300%) 28.65 (300%) Intermittent Duty Zone 6.37 (100%) 3.82 (60%) 21.5 (300%) 7.16 (100%) 4.8 (67%) Torque (N-m) 19.11 (300%) Continuous Duty Zone S 130 9 145 1) Dimensions are in millimeters. 2) Dimensions of the servo motors may be revised without prior notice. 3) The boxes (  LQWKHPRGHOQDPHVDUHIRURSWLRQDOFRQ¿JXUDWLRQV NH\ZD\EUDNHDQGRLOVHDO  4) The boxes ( ) in the model names are for encoder resolution types ( =1: Incremental encoder, 20-bit; 3.18 (100%) 1.91 (60%)  130 9 145 153.3 192.5 37 45 5 12 32 18 8 8 7 MP6 Depth 20 TP 4K  100 9 115 95 ( LL濑without brake濒 LL濑with brake濒 LS LR LE LG LW RH WK W T 1330 SJ  100 9 115 22 ( - 0.013 ) LB 1020 SJ  Continuous Duty Zone 1,500 ECMA-L 2,200 3,000 1308 ː S Speed (r/min) 8.34 (100%) 4.17 (50%) Intermittent Duty Zone 6 (72%) Continuous Duty Zone 1,500 ECMA-L 2,200 3,000 1313 ː S Speed (r/min) 400V Series Frame Size 180mm and above LE T LR W LG LS LW Sh6 Lbh7 LC KEY DETAILS TP RH 4-ØLZ PCD -LA LL SHAFT END DETAILS Units: mm Model LC LZ LA S LB K 1820 180 TP L 1830 180 S  L 1845 180  S L 1855 180 3  L 1875 180  S M 1309 ü S 130 13.5 200 13.5 200 13.5 200 13.5 200 13.5 200 9 145 35 ( - 0.016 ) +0 35 ( - 0.016 ) +0 35 ( - 0.016 ) +0 42 ( - 0.016 ) +0 42 ( - 0.016 ) +0 22 ( - 0.013 ) +0 - 0.035 +0 - 0.035 +0 - 0.035 +0 - 0.035 +0 - 0.035 114.3( LL濑without brake濒 LL濑with brake濒 LS LR LE LG LW RH WK W T S  ) 114.3( 169 203.1 73 79 4 20 63 30 10 10 8 M12 Depth 25 ) 114.3( 202.1 235.3 73 79 4 20 63 30 10 10 8 M12 Depth 25 ) 114.3( 235.3 279.3 73 79 4 20 63 30 10 10 8 M12 Depth 25 ) 114.3( 279.7 311.7 108.5 113 4 20 90 37 12 12 8 M16 Depth 32 +0 +0 ) 110( - 0.035 ) 342.0 376.1 108.5 113 4 20 90 37 12 12 8 M16 Depth 32 1) Dimensions are in millimeters. 2) Dimensions of the servo motors may be revised without prior notice. 3) The boxes (  LQWKHPRGHOQDPHVDUHIRURSWLRQDOFRQ¿JXUDWLRQV NH\ZD\EUDNHDQGRLOVHDO  4) The boxes ( ) in the model names are for encoder resolution types ( =1: Incremental encoder, 20-bit; 163.5 198 47 55 6 11.5 36 18 8 8 7 M6 Depth 20 =2: Incremental encoder, 17-bit); =A: Absolute type Speed-Torque Curves (T-N Curves) Torque (N-m) Torque (N-m) Intermittent Duty Zone 19.10 (100%) 9.55 (100%) 6.4 (67%) Torque (N-m) 57.29 (300%) 28.66 (300%) 9.55 (50%) Continuous Duty Zone Continuous Duty Zone 2,000 ECMA-K 3,000 Speed (r/min) 1820 ː S Torque (N-m) 71.62 (300%) Intermittent Duty Zone 28.65 (100%) 14.33 (50%) Continuous Duty Zone 1,500 ECMA-L 3,000 1830 ː S Speed (r/min) Intermittent Duty Zone Continuous Duty Zone 1,500 ECMA-L 3,000 1845 ː S Torque (N-m) 21.48 (250%) 8.59 (100%) 4.3 (50%) Intermittent Duty Zone Continuous Duty Zone ECMA-M 1,000 1309 ː S 2,000 Torque (N-m) 119.36 (250%) 87.53 (300%) Speed (r/min) 28 35.01 (100%) 17.51 (50%) Speed (r/min) Intermittent Duty Zone 47.74 (100%) 23.87 (50%) Continuous Duty Zone 1,500 ECMA-L 3,000 1855 ː 3 Intermittent Duty Zone Continuous Duty Zone Speed (r/min) 1,500 ECMA-L 3,000 1875 ː S Speed (r/min) Part Names and Functions ą LED Display / Operation Panel / Charge LED Operation Panel • LED Display The 5 digit, 7 segment LED displays the servo status or fault codes. Charge LED • Operation Panel Function keys used to perform status display, monitor and diagnostic, function and parameter setting. Function Keys: MODE : Press this key to select/change mode SHIFT : Press this key to shift cursor to the left UP : Press this key to increase values on the display DOWN : Press this key to decrease values on the display SET : Press this key to store data • Charge LED A lit LED indicates that either power is connected to the servo drive or a residual charge is present in the drive's internal power components. ą Full-Closed Loop Control Interface • Used to connect linear scale and encoder for controlling A, B, Z phase signals. ą I/O Interface • Used to connect Delta's DVP series PLC or other external controllers for controlling I/O signals. ą High-speed Communication Port • 1-in/1-out communication ports offer easy serial connection. ą Motor Encoder Interface • Used to connect the encoder of the servo motor ą Extension Digital Input Connection Port • Used to connect a removable digital input terminal block. Max. 6 digital inputs can be added. ą Serial Communication Port • Used to connect PLC, HMI, and other controllers for RS-485 / RS-232 serial communication. ą USB Connection Port • Used to connect personal computers or notebooks. • Ver 1.1 USB is equipped as standard. • Direct connectivity to personal computers or notebooks, capable of accessing data WKURXJK$6'$6RIWFRQ¿JXUDWLRQVRIWZDUH • Monitor speed upon software is up to 1Mbps. 29 LED Display ą Internal & External Regenerative Resistor Terminal / Control Circuit Terminal / Main Circuit Terminal • Internal & External Regenerative Resistor Terminal 1. When using an external resistor, connect it to P ž and C , and ensure an open circuit between P ž and D. 2. When using an internal resistor, ensure the circuit is closed between P ž and D, and the circuit is open between P ž and C. (Note: Please refer to the table of regenerative UHVLVWRUVSHFL¿FDWLRQVIRUWKHPRGHOVZLWKDEXLOWLQUHJHQHUDWLYHUHVLVWRU 3. When using an external braking unit, connect it to P ž and, and ensure an open circuit between P ž and D, and P ž and C. • When using an external braking unit, connect it to P ¦ and • Control Circuit Terminal (L1C, L2C or DC24V, DC0V) - 220V Series: L1C, L2C are used to connect 200 ~ 230Vac, 50/60Hz single-phase or three-phase power supply. - 400V Series: DC24V, DC0V are used to connect 24Vdc ›10% power supply. • Main Circuit Terminal (R, S, T) - 220V Series: Used to connect 200~230Vac, 50/60Hz commercial power supply. - 400V Series: Used to connect 380~480Vac, 50/60Hz commercial power supply. ą Servo Motor Output (U, V, W) • Used to connect servo motor. Never connect the output terminal to main circuit power as the AC drive may be damaged beyond repair if incorrect cables are connected to the output terminals. ą Ground Terminal • Used to connect grounding wire of power supply and servo motor. ą Heatsink • Used to secure servo drive and for heat dissipation. 1RWH7KH¿JXUHVDUHIRULOOXVWUDWLRQSXUSRVHVRQO\$FWXDOPRGHOVPD\GLIIHUVOLJKWO\ in appearance to illustrations provided. 30 Wiring 200V Series Position (PT) Control Mode (for Pulse Command Input) Pulse input (Open-collector NPN), for the use of internal power supply Controller Servo Drive DC24V VDD 17 Approx. Input pulse frequency is 1K˖ 200Kpps 51ȍ 51ȍ /SIGN 37 Approx.1K˖ 51ȍ 41 /PULSE COM- MCCB Max. Pull-hi_S 35 51ȍ 45 AC 200/230V Single-phase or Three-phase 50/60 Hz *3 Servo Drive DC24V Max. PULSE 43 51ȍ /PULSE 41 51ȍ 1K˖ SIGN 36 /SIGN 37 1K˖ SG Input pulse frequency is 200Kpps 51ȍ 51ȍ Max. Input pulse frequency is 200Kpps COM- 45 Pulse input (Open-collector NPN), for the use of external power supply Controller  Approx. 1K˖ 51ȍ DC 24V  s10 V /HSIGN HSIGN /HPULSE HPULSE 40 46 29 38 CN3 MON1 16 6 RS485- GND 12, 13, 19 5 RS485+ MON2 15 4 RS232_RX VDD 17 COM+ 11 COM- 45,47,49 SON DI1 9 CCLR DI2 10 10K˖ High-speed Pulse Input (Line Driver) Twisted-pair or twisted-shield cable V 10K˖ 10K˖ V SG Max. Input pulse frequency is 200Kpps SG Pulse input (Open-collector PNP), for the use of external power supply PULSE 43 51ȍ /PULSE 41 51ȍ SIGN 36 51ȍ /SIGN 37 51ȍ 1Kȍ 1Kȍ Max. Input pulse frequency is 200Kpps 24V SIGN 36 51ȍ /SIGN 37 51ȍ 43 51ȍ /PULSE 41 51ȍ PULSE SG DC24V 2Kȍ /HSIGN 40 100͖ 2Kȍ HPULSE 38 2Kȍ /HPULSE 29 100͖ 2Kȍ GND 13 +5V Red/Red & Whit 13,15 GND Black/Black & Whit - 2 RS232_TX 1 GND CN7 4.7K˖ 1 4.7K˖ COM+ 2 4.7K˖ EDI9- 4.7K˖ 3 EDI10- 4.7K˖ 4 EDI11- 4.7K˖ 4.7K˖ 5 EDI12- 4.7K˖ 4.7K˖ 6 EDI13- 4.7K˖ 7 EDI14- 4.7K˖ 4.7K˖ - 14,16 3 DI6 32 PL DI7 31 4.7K˖ EMGS DI8 30 4.7K˖ 1 +5V DC DO1+ 7 2 Data- DO1- 6 3 Data+ DO2+ 5 4 Ground DO2- 4 CN5 DO3+ 3 8 +5V DO3- 2 4 Opt A DO4+ 1 5 Opt /A DO4- 26 3 Opt B DO5+ 28 2 Opt /B DO5- 27 9 Opt Z OA 21 1 Opt /Z /OA 22 6 GND OB 25 7 GND /OB 23 OZ 50 CN6 /OZ 24 1,9 CAN H OCZ 48 2,10 CAN L GND 13 3,11 CAN GND Z Phase Pulse Z Phase Open Collector Max. Output Current 50mA Voltage 30V CN4 - 5,13 - 6,14 8,16 Please note: *1. 400W ~ 4.5kW servo drives provide a built-in regenerative resistor. *2. The brake oil has no polarity. *3. Single-phase connections are for servo drives 1.5kW and below only. 31 CANopen 4,12 7,15 Servo Drive HSIGN 46 SG GND 9 NL HOME 1.5K˖ BRKR *2 Brake CAN GND - Encoder - 33 High-speed pulse input (Line driver). It requires 5V power supply only. Never apply a 24V power supply. Controller - DI5 B Phase Pulse Max. Input pulse frequency is 500Kpps 7 ARST A Phase Pulse Encoder Pulse Output Blue/Black 8 ALRM 1.5K˖ Max. Input pulse frequency is 500Kpps Blue T- 34 Servo Drive Controller T+ 4 DI4 TPOS 1.5K˖ Pulse input (Line driver). It requires 5V power supply only. Never apply a 24V power supply. 10K˖ 5 DI3 ZSPD 1.5K˖ Max. Input pulse frequ ency is 200Kpps SG 10K˖ TCM1 SRDY 1.5K˖ EMGS 24V CN2 TCM0 Servo Drive DC24V . Power Supply Green 18 13 Max. Input pulse frequency is 200Kpps , Red White Black T-REF GND 51ȍ Controller Regenerative Resistor 37 36 41 43 51ȍ 41 *1 /SIGN SIGN /PULSE PULSE Approx.1K˖ /PULSE P+ D C U V W Pulse Input (Line Driver) 51ȍ /SIGN 37 ASDA-A2 Series - Servo Drive Pull-hi_S 35 R S T ( Pulse input (Open-collector PNP), for the use of internal power supply VDD 17 Servo Drive L 1C L 2C CN1 Max. Input pulse frequency is 200Kpps SG Controller MC SG Twisted-pair or twisted-shield cable 200V Series Position (PR) Control Mode (for Internal Procedure Control) MCCB AC 200/230V Single-phase or Three-phase 50/60 Hz *3 MC Servo Drive R S T ASDA-A2 Series - L 1C L 2C T-REF GND 18 13 MON1 GND MON2 16 12, 13, 19 VDD 17 COM+ 11 COM- 45,47,49 SON DI1 9 CTRG DI2 10 POS0 DI3 34 POS1 DI4 8 ARST DI5 33 s10 V Twisted-pair or twisted-shield cable 10K˖ V 10K˖ 10K˖ V SG 7 - 14,16 +5V 13,15 GND Red/Red & Whit Black/Black & Whit RS485+ 4 RS232_RX 4.7K˖ 3 4.7K˖ 2 RS232_TX 4.7K˖ 1 GND 4.7K˖ CN7 DO1+ 7 DO1- 6 DO2+ 5 DO2- 4 DO3+ 3 DO3- 2 DO4+ 1 DO4- 26 DO5+ 28 DO5- 27 OA 21 /OA 22 OB 25 /OB 23 OZ 50 /OZ 24 OCZ 48 GND 13 1 COM+ 2 EDI9- 4.7K˖ 3 EDI10- 4.7K˖ 4 EDI11- 4.7K˖ 5 EDI12- 4.7K˖ 6 EDI13- 4.7K˖ 7 EDI14- CN4 1 +5V DC 2 Data- 3 Data+ 4 Ground 8 +5V CN5 Max. Output Current 3A Voltage 50V - 4.7K˖ 4 Opt A 5 Opt /A 3 Opt B 2 Opt /B 9 Opt Z 1 Opt /Z 6 GND 7 GND CN6 CANopen 1,9 CAN H 2,10 CAN L 3,11 CAN GND 4,12 - 5,13 - 6,14 7,15 8,16 Please note: *1. 400W ~ 4.5kW servo drives provide a built-in regenerative resistor. *2. The brake oil has no polarity. *3. Single-phase connections are for servo drives 1.5kW and below only. 32 CAN GND - BRKR *2 Brake Encoder - 4.7K˖ 4.7K˖ Z Phase Open Collector Blue/Black RS485- 30 Z Phase Pulse Blue T- 5 DI8 B Phase Pulse T+ 4 6 4.7K˖ A Phase Pulse EMGS 24V 5 4.7K˖ 31 ALRM 1.5K˖ Power Supply Green CN3 32 HOME 1.5K˖ Red White Black 9 DC24V 15 DI7 TPOS 1.5K˖ Encoder Pulse Output 10K ˖ DI6 ZSPD 1.5K˖ 24V CN2 PL SRDY 1.5K˖ Regenerative Resistor 10K˖ NL EMGS *1 ( CN1 P+ D C U V W SG Twisted-pair or twisted-shield cable Wiring 200V Series Speed (S), T orque (T) Control Mode (for Analog Voltage Input and Internal Parameter Setting) MCCB AC 200/230V Single-phase or Three-phase 50/60 Hz *3 MC Servo Drive R S T ASDA-A2 Series - L 1C L 2C s10 V 10K˖ V-REF GND 42 44 s10 V 10K˖ T-REF GND 18 13 10K˖ 10K˖ 16 GND 12, 13, 19 MON2 15 VDD 17 COM+ 11 COM- 45,47,49 SON DI1 9 TRQLM / SPDLM DI2 10 SPD0 / TCM0 DI3 34 SPD1 / TCM1 DI4 8 ARST DI5 33 CWL DI6 32 CCWL DI7 31 4.7K˖ DI8 30 4.7K˖ DO1+ V 10K˖ 10K˖ V SG EMGS SRDY 1.5K˖ ZSPD 1.5K˖ 24V TSPD 1.5K˖ BRKR 1.5K˖ ALRM 1.5K˖ A Phase Pulse B Phase Pulse Encoder Pulse Output Z Phase Pulse Z Phase Open Collector 10K˖ 10K˖ MON1 Twisted-pair or twisted-shield cable CN2 *1 Regenerative Resistor Red White Black Green EMGS T+ Blue 4 T- Blue/Black 7 - 9 - Red/Red & Whit CN3 6 RS485- 5 RS485+ 4 RS232_RX 3 4.7K˖ 4.7K˖ 4.7K˖ - 2 RS232_TX 1 GND CN7 4.7K˖ 4.7K˖ 4.7K˖ 4.7K˖ 1 COM+ 2 EDI9- 3 EDI10- 4.7K˖ 4 EDI11- 4.7K˖ 7 5 EDI12- 4.7K˖ DO1- 6 6 EDI13- 4.7K˖ DO2+ 5 7 EDI14- DO2- 4 DO3+ 3 DO3- CN4 1 +5V DC 2 2 Data- 3 Data+ DO4+ 1 4 Ground DO4- 26 DO5+ 28 8 +5V DO5- 27 4 Opt A OA 21 5 Opt /A /OA 22 3 Opt B OB 25 2 Opt /B /OB 23 9 Opt Z OZ 50 /OZ 24 1 Opt /Z 6 GND OCZ GND 48 13 7 GND CN5 CN6 Max. Output Current 50mA Voltage 30V CAN H 2,10 CAN L 3,11 CAN GND 4,12 - 5,13 - 6,14 7,15 8,16 Please note: *1. 400W ~ 4.5kW servo drives provide a built-in regenerative resistor. *2. The brake oil has no polarity. *3. Single-phase connections are for servo drives 1.5kW and below only. 33 CANopen 1,9 CAN GND - *2 Brake Encoder 13,15 GND Black/Black & Whit 4.7K˖ BRKR 24V 5 14,16 +5V DC24V Power Supply ( CN1 P+ D C U V W SG Twisted-pair or twisted-shield cable 200V Series CANopen Communication Mode MCCB Servo Drive MC R S T AC 200/230V Three-phase 50/60 Hz *3 ASDA-A2 series P+ D C U V W L 1C L 2C CN2 CN1 DC24V Reserved Reserved Reserved ORGP NL PL EMGS SRDY ZSPD 24V HOME TPOS ALRM 1.5K˖ 1.5K˖ 1.5K˖ 1.5K˖ 1.5K˖ A P hase P ulse B Phase Pulse Encoder Pulse Output Z Phase Pulse Z Phase Open Collector *1 R egenerative Resistor Blue 4 T- Blue/Black 7 - 9 - COM+ 11 COM- 45,47,49 DI1 9 4.7K˖ DI2 10 4.7K˖ DI3 34 4.7K˖ DI4 8 4.7K˖ 1 +5V DC DI5 33 4.7K˖ 2 Data- DI6 32 4.7K˖ 3 Data+ DI7 31 4.7K˖ 4 GND DI8 30 DO1+ 7 DO1- 6 DO2+ 5 DO2- 4 DO3+ 3 DO3- 2 DO4+ 1 DO4- 26 DO5+ 28 DO5- 27 OA 21 /OA 22 25 /OB 23 OZ 50 /OZ 24 OCZ 48 GND 13 Brake Encoder T+ 17 OB 24V EMGS BRKR *2 5 VDD 4.7K˖ Power Supply Red White Black Green Twisted-pair or twisted-shield cable - SG 14,16 +5V Red/Red & Whit 13,15 GND Black/Black & Whit CN4 CN5 8 +5V 4 Opt A 5 Opt /A 3 Opt B 2 Opt /B 9 Opt Z 1 Opt /Z 6 GND 7 GND CN6 CANopen (Applicable to ASDA-A2-M) CAN H 1 DMCNET_1A 2 CAN L 2 DMCNET_1B 3 CAN GND 3 DMCNET_2A 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 Max. Output Current 50mA Voltage 30V CN6 DMCNET (Applicable to ASDA-A2-F) 1 8 Data Input 4 5 6 CAN GND - - 7 - 8 - 9 CAN H 9 DMCNET_1A 10 CAN L 10 DMCNET_1B RS485- 6 11 CAN GND 11 DMCNET_2A RS485+ 5 12 - RS232_RX 4 13 - - 3 14 RS232_TX 2 15 GND 1 16 CN3 Data Output 12 13 14 CAN GND - Please note: *1. 400W ~ 4.5kW servo drives provide a built-in regenerative resistor. *2. The brake oil has no polarity. *3. Single-phase connections are for servo drives 1.5kW and below only. 34 Data Input DMCNET_2B DMCNET_2B 15 - 16 - Data Output Wiring 400V Series Position (PT) Control Mode (for Pulse Command Input) Pulse input (Open-collector NPN), for the use of internal power supply Controller Servo Drive DC24V VDD 17 MCCB Max. Pull-hi_S 35 Approx. Input pulse frequency is 1K˖ 200Kpps 51͖ 51ȍ /SIGN 37 MC AC 380/480V Three-phase Approx.1K& DC 24V Power Supply 51ȍ 41 /PULSE COM- 51ȍ 45 Max. Input pulse frequ ency is 200Kpps SG Controller Pulse Input (Line Driver) Servo Drive DC24V Max. VDD 17 PULSE 43 51ȍ /PULSE 41 51ȍ 1Kȍ SIGN 36 /SIGN 37 1Kȍ SG Input pulse frequency is 200Kpps 51ȍ 51ȍ Max. Input pulse frequ ency is 200Kpps COM- 45 Pulse input (Open-collector NPN), for the use of external power supply Controller 10K͖ Ʋ10V High-speed Pulse Input (Line Driver) Twisted-pair or twisted-shield cable V 10K͖ 10K͖ V SG Servo Drive Pull-hi_S 35  Approx. 1Kȍ 51ȍ DC 24V  Max. Input pulse frequency is 200Kpps 51ȍ /SIGN 37 Approx.1Kȍ 51ȍ /PULSE 51ȍ 41 Max. Input pulse frequ ency is 200Kpps SG , . DC24V T-REF GND 18 13 /HSIGN HSIGN /HPULSE HPULSE 40 46 29 38 MON1 GND MON2 16 15 VDD 17 COM+ 11 COM- 45,47,49 9 DI2 10 TCM0 DI3 34 TCM1 DI4 8 ARST DI5 33 CWL DI6 32 DI7 31 SRDY 1.5K͖ DI8 30 DO1+ 7 10K͖ 10K͖ DO1- 6 DO2+ 5 36 51ȍ DO2- 4 /SIGN 37 51ȍ DO3+ 3 DO3- 2 DO4+ 1 DO4- 26 DO5+ 28 DO5- 27 OA /OA OB /OB OZ /OZ 21 22 25 23 50 24 OCZ 48 GND 13 24V TPOS 1.5K͖ Pulse input (Line driver). It requires 5V power supply only. Never apply a 24V power supply. ALRM 1.5K͖ Servo Drive Controller SIGN 36 51ȍ /SIGN 37 51ȍ PULSE 43 51ȍ /PULSE 41 51ȍ A Phase Pulse Max. Input pulse frequency is 500Kpps Max. Input pulse frequ ency is 500Kpps SG HOME 1.5K͖ B Phase Pulse Encoder Pulse Output Z Phase Pulse Z Phase Open Collector /HSIGN 40 4.7K͖ 100ȍ SG GND 13 Red/Red & White Black/Black & White RS485- 5 RS485+ 4 RS232_RX 3 - 2 RS232_TX 1 GND 1 COM+ 2 EDI9- 3 EDI10- 4 EDI11- 5 EDI12- 4.7K͖ 4.7K͖ 6 EDI13- 4.7K͖ 7 EDI14- CN4 1 +5V DC 2 Data- 3 Data+ 4 Ground 8 Max. Output Current 50mA Voltage 30V Please note: *1 400W ~ 4.5kW servo drives provide a built-in regenerative resistor. *2 The brake oil has no polarity. 35 +5V 4 Opt A 5 Opt /A 3 Opt B 2 Opt /B 9 Opt Z 1 Opt /Z 6 GND 7 GND CN6 2Kȍ 2Kȍ - 4.7K͖ 2Kȍ 100ȍ BRKR *2 Brake Encoder - 4.7K͖ 2Kȍ HPULSE 38 /HPULSE 29 GND 4.7K͖ Servo Drive HSIGN 46 EMGS 24V Blue/Black 6 CN5 High-speed pulse input (Line driver). It requires 5V power supply only. Never apply a 24V power supply. Controller Power Supply Blue 4.7K͖ 4.7K͖ SIGN Max. Input pulse frequ ency is 200Kpps T+ T+5V GND 4.7K͖ 4.7K͖ 51ȍ SG Green CN7 4.7K͖ 4.7K͖ /PULSE 41 1Kȍ 5 4 Reserved Reserved 14,16 13,15 DC24V 4.7K͖ 51ȍ ZSPD 1.5K͖ Red White Black CN3 PULSE 43 1Kȍ Regenerative Resistor CN2 12,13,19 DI1 EMGS Max. Input pulse frequency is 200Kpps 37 36 41 43 SON Servo Drive Controller 24V 0V CN1 /SIGN SIGN /PULSE PULSE *1 P+ D C U V W - CCLR CCWL Pulse input (Open-collector PNP), for the use of external power supply ASDA-A2 Series ( Pulse input (Open-collector PNP), for the use of internal power supply Servo Drive R S T CANopen 1,9 CAN H 2,10 CAN L 3,11 CAN GND 4,12 - 5,13 - 6,14 - 7,15 CAN GND 8,16 - SG Twisted-pair or twisted-shield cable 400V Series Position (PR) Control Mode (for Internal Procedure Control) MCCB Servo Drive MC R S T AC 380/480V Three-phase ASDA-A2 Series - 24V 0V CN1 10K͖ Ʋ10V Pulse Input (Line Driver) 10K͖ 10K͖ V V SG 16 15 VDD 17 12,13,19 COM+ 11 45,47,49 SON DI1 9 CTRG DI2 10 POS0 DI3 34 POS1 DI4 8 DI5 33 DI6 32 DI7 31 NL PL EMGS SRDY 1.5K͖ ZSPD 1.5K͖ HOME 1.5K͖ TPOS 1.5K͖ ALRM 1.5K͖ A Phase Pulse Encoder Pulse Output MON1 GND MON2 COM- ARST 24V T-REF GND 18 13 B Phase Pulse Z Phase Pulse Z Phase Open Collector DI8 30 DO1+ 7 DO1- 6 DO2+ 5 DO2- 4 DO3+ 3 DO3- 2 DO4+ 1 DO4- 26 DO5+ 28 DO5- 27 OA /OA OB /OB OZ /OZ 21 22 25 23 50 24 OCZ 48 GND 13 Regenerative Resistor Red White Black Green 10K͖ 5 10K͖ CN2 T+ TReserved Reserved 14,16 +5V 13,15 GND 4 DC24V Red/Red & White Black/Black & White RS485RS485+ 4.7K͖ 4 RS232_RX 4.7K͖ 3 - 4.7K͖ 2 RS232_TX 4.7K͖ 1 GND 4.7K͖ CN7 1 COM+ 2 EDI9- 3 EDI10- 4 EDI11- 4.7K͖ 5 EDI12- 4.7K͖ 6 EDI13- 4.7K͖ 7 EDI14- 4.7K͖ 4.7K͖ 4.7K͖ CN4 1 +5V DC 2 Data- 3 Data+ 4 Ground CN5 8 Max. Output Current 3A Voltage 50V +5V 4 Opt A 5 Opt /A 3 Opt B 2 Opt /B 9 Opt Z 1 Opt /Z 6 GND 7 GND CN6 CANopen 1,9 CAN H 2,10 CAN L 3,11 CAN GND 4,12 - 5,13 - 6,14 - 7,15 CAN GND 8,16 - Please note: *1 400W ~ 4.5kW servo drives provide a built-in regenerative resistor. *2 The brake oil has no polarity. 36 *2 Brake Encoder - 5 4.7K͖ BRKR Blue/Black 6 4.7K͖ EMGS 24V Blue CN3 4.7K͖ Power Supply ( DC 24V Power Supply *1 P+ D C U V W SG Twisted-pair or twisted-shield cable Wiring 400V Series Speed (S), T orque (T) Control Mode (for Analog Voltage Input and Internal Parameter Setting) MCCB MC AC 380/480V Three-phase Servo Drive ASDA-A2 Series R S T 24V 0V CN1 Ʋ10 V 10K͖ Ʋ10 V Pulse Input (Line Driver) 10K͖ 10K͖ 10K͖ V V SG 42 44 10K͖ T-REF GND 18 13 10K͖ 16 GND 12,13,19 MON2 15 VDD 17 11 TRQLM/SPDLM DI1 9 SPD0/TCM0 DI2 SPD1/TCM1 DI3 34 ARST DI4 8 CWL DI5 33 CCWL DI6 32 EMGS DI7 31 4.7K͖ DI8 30 4.7K͖ DO1+ ZSPD 1.5K͖ 24V TSPD 1.5K͖ BRKR 1.5K͖ ALRM 1.5K͖ A Phase Pulse B Phase Pulse Encoder Pulse Output Z Phase Pulse Z Phase Open Collector T+ T+5V GND EMGS 24V BRKR *2 Blue Brake 4.7K͖ 4.7K͖ 4.7K͖ 4.7K͖ Red/Red & White Black/Black & White 6 RS485- 5 RS485+ 4 RS232_RX 3 - 2 RS232_TX 1 GND CN7 4.7K͖ 1 COM+ 2 EDI9- 3 EDI10- 4 EDI11- 4.7K͖ 7 5 EDI12- 4.7K͖ DO1- 6 EDI13- 6 4.7K͖ DO2+ 7 EDI14- 5 DO2- 4 DO3+ 3 DO3DO4+ DO4- 26 DO5+ 28 DO5- 27 4 Opt A OA /OA OB /OB OZ /OZ 21 22 25 23 50 24 5 Opt /A 3 Opt B 2 Opt /B 9 Opt Z 1 Opt /Z 6 GND OCZ 48 7 GND GND 13 4.7K͖ 4.7K͖ 4.7K͖ 4.7K͖ CN4 1 +5V DC 2 2 Data- 3 1 Data+ 4 Ground CN5 8 CN6 Max. Output Current 50mA Voltage 30V Please note: *1 400W ~ 4.5kW servo drives provide a built-in regenerative resistor. *2 The brake oil has no polarity. 37 Encoder Blue/Black CN3 45,47,49 SRDY 1.5K͖ 5 4 Reserved Reserved 14,16 13,15 DC24V COM- 10 Green Power Supply CN2 10K͖ COM+ SON Red White Black 10K͖ V-REF GND MON1 Regenerative Resistor ( DC 24V Power Supply *1 P+ D C U V W +5V CANopen 1,9 CAN H 2,10 CAN L 3,11 CAN GND 4,12 - 5,13 - 6,14 - 7,15 CAN GND 8,16 - SG Twisted-pair or twisted-shield cable 400V Series CANopen Communication Mode 濑for ASDA-A2-M Series濒 MCCB Servo Drive MC ASDA-A2 series R S T AC 380/480V Three-phase - DC 24V Power Supply 24V 0V P+ D C U V W CN2 CN1 Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved ORGP NL PL EMGS 24V SRDY 1.5K͖ ZSPD 1.5K͖ HOME 1.5K͖ TPOS 1.5K͖ ALRM 1.5K͖ A Phase Pulse B Phase Pulse Encoder Pulse Output Z Phase Pulse Z Phase Open Collector VDD COM+ COMDI1 DI2 DI3 DI4 DI5 DI6 DI7 DI8 DO1+ DO1DO2+ DO2DO3+ DO3DO4+ DO4DO5+ DO5OA /OA OB /OB OZ /OZ OCZ GND 17 11 45,47,49 9 10 34 8 33 32 31 30 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 26 28 27 21 22 25 23 50 24 DC24V 4.7K͖ 4.7K͖ Regenerative Resistor T+ T+5V GND 4.7K͖ CN4 1 +5V DC 4.7K͖ 2 Data- 4.7K͖ 3 Data+ 4 GND 4.7K͖ 4.7K͖ 48 13 Power Supply Red White Black Green 4.7K͖ 24V EMGS BRKR *2 Brake Encoder Blue Twisted-pair or twisted-shield cable Blue/Black Red/Red & White SG Black/Black & White CN5 8 4 5 3 2 9 1 6 7 +5V Opt A Opt /A Opt B Opt /B Opt Z Opt /Z GND GND CN6 CANopen (Applicable to ASDA-A2-M) CN6 DMCNET (Applicable to ASDA-A2-F) 1 CAN H 1 DMCNET_1A 2 CAN L 2 DMCNET_1B 3 CAN GND 3 DMCNET_2A 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 Max. Output Current 50mA Voltage 30V RS485RS485+ RS232_RX RS232_TX GND 5 4 7 9 14,16 13,15 *1 8 Data Input 4 5 6 CAN GND - - 7 - 8 - CN3 9 CAN H 9 DMCNET_1A 10 CAN L 10 DMCNET_1B 6 5 4 3 2 1 11 CAN GND 11 DMCNET_2A 12 - 13 - 14 15 16 CAN GND - Please note: *1 400W ~ 4.5kW servo drives provide a built-in regenerative resistor. *2 The brake oil has no polarity. 38 Data Output 12 13 14 Data Input DMCNET_2B DMCNET_2B 15 - 16 - Data Output $6'$6RIW&RQ¿JXUDWLRQ6RIWZDUH • Strong CAPTURE and COMPARE functions for position ODWFKDQGGHWHFWLRQKHOS\RXFRPSOHWHV\VWHPFRQ¿JXUDWLRQ quickly. • User-friendly E-CAM editing interface is provided for designing E-CAM outlines and curves freely. In addition, TXLFNVHWWLQJVIRUÀ\LQJVKHDUDQGURWDU\FXWDSSOLFDWLRQV are offered. 39 • Versatile on-line monitoring function, similar to a digital oscilloscope is able to quickly record the status and data of each axis. Real-time monitoring is easy. • Convenient alarm display function is capable of troubleshooting the system easily and recommending timely corrective actions. • Easy-to-use editing interface is designed for new and enhanced PR control mode. Homing, point-to-point and other motion control functions for multi-axis positioning control are easily achieved. 40 Optional Accessories ą Quick Connectors • Used for 100W to 300W servo drives. • One operating lever is provided for wire to terminal block insertion. n. ą Power Cables • 3m and 5m standard cables bles are available. • Customized service is offered to meet the needs of customers. electable: with brake • Two types are selectable: ke. and without brake. ą Encoder Cables • 3m and 5m standard cables are available. • Customized service is offered to meet the needs of customers. ą RS-232 Communication Cables es • Connects ASDA-A2 to PLC, HMI and other controllers via RS-232 2 communication. • Standard cable length is 3m 41 ą CN1 I/O connector ą Terminal • Delta Part Number: ASD-IF-SC5020 Block Modules • Easy installation and wiring. • 0.5m connection cable is provided. Easy to reduce the space required. • Easy to expand system's I/O FRQ¿JXUDWLRQ ą Regenerative Resistors • For selecting a regenerative resistor, please refer to e table of regenerative resistor VSHFL¿FDWLRQVRQSDJH ą USB Communication Cables (for PC) • USB Communication Cables (for PC) • USB1.1 is equipped as standard. ą CANopen Accessories • Delta's TAP-CN03 distribution box connects ASDA-A2 to Delta's PLC CAN Master • CANopen communication cable is provided ą RS-485 Connectors • Used to connect multiple ASDA-A2 series products by RS-485 interface through Modbus serial communication. 1RWH7KH¿JXUHVDUHIRULOOXVWUDWLRQSXUSRVHVRQO\$FWXDOPRGHOVPD\GLIIHUVOLJKWO\ in appearance to illustrations provided. 42 6HUYR'ULYH6SHFL¿FDWLRQV 220V Series ASDA-A2 Series Speed Control Mode Position Control Mode Power supply Phase / Voltage Permissible Voltage Range Input Current(3PH) (Units: Arms) Input Current(1PH) (Units: Arms) Continuous Output Current (Units: Arms) Cooling System Encoder Resolution / Feedback Resolution Control of Main Circuit Tuning Modes Regenerative Resistor Max. Input Pulse Frequency (Only for Non-DMCNET mode) Pulse Type (Only for Non-DMCNET mode) Command Source Smoothing Strategy Electronic Gear Torque Limit Operation Feed Forward Compensation Voltage Range Analog Input Command Input Resistance (Only for Non-DMCNET Time Constant mode) Speed Control Range *1 Command Source Smoothing Strategy Torque Limit Operation Frequency Response Characteristic 100 W 200 W 400 W 750 W 1 kW 1.5 kW 2 kW 01 02 04 07 10 15 20 3 kW 4.5 kW 5.5 kW 7.5 kW 11 kW 15kW 30 45 55 75 1B 1F Three-phase / Single-phase 220VAC 3-phase 220VAC 1-phase / 3-phase 200 ~ 230VAC, -15% ~ 10% 3-phase 200 ~ 230VAC, -15% ~ 10% 0.39 1.11 1.86 3.66 4.68 5.9 8.76 9.83 17.5 19.4 26.3 48 0.69 1.92 3.22 6.78 8.88 10.3 - - - - - - - 0.9 1.55 2.6 5.1 7.3 8.3 13.4 19.4 32.5 40 47.5 54.4 70 Natural Air Circulation 63 Fan Cooling Incremental encoder: 20-bit ƞAbsolute encoder: 17-bit SVPWM(Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation) Control Auto / Manual None Built-in External Max. 500Kpps / 4Mpps (Line driver), Max. 200Kpps (Open collector) Pulse + Direction, A phase + B phase, CCW pulse + CW pulse External pulse train (PT mode) (Only for Non-DMCNET mode) / Internal parameters (PR mode) /RZSDVVDQG3FXUYH¿OWHU Electronic gear N/M multiple N: 1~32767, M: 1:32767 (1/50
物料型号: - ASDA-A2系列伺服驱动器和电机

器件简介: - ASDA-A2系列是台达电子推出的高性能伺服电机和伺服驱动器,具备优异的运动控制性能,几乎可以消除外部控制器的需求。

引脚分配: - 文档中未提供具体的引脚分配图,但提到了多种接口,如CANopen、DMCNET、EtherCAT等,用于实现工业通信协议。

参数特性: - 20位增量式编码器和17位绝对式编码器,提供高精度定位。 - 高达1kHz的频率响应,空载时从-3000 r/min加速到3000 r/min的加速时间仅为7ms。 - 具备优秀的振动抑制功能和全闭环控制功能。

功能详解: - 内置电子凸轮(E-CAM)功能,适用于飞剪、旋转切割和同步运动应用。 - 支持多达64个程序的PR模式,可实现即时运动轮廓变更。 - 具备捕获和比较功能,适用于高速脉冲的无级定位。

应用信息: - ASDA-A2系列适用于广泛的机床和工业应用,提供全面的解决方案。

封装信息: - 提供多种功率和尺寸的伺服电机,以满足不同应用需求。
ECMA-K11315SS 价格&库存


  •  国内价格 香港价格
  • 1+9233.968981+1118.25624
