Stand - Off Voltage - 5.0 to 170 Volts Peak Pulse Power - 400 Watt
● ● ● ● ●
Glass Passivated Die Construction Uni- and Bi-Directional Versions Available Excellent Clamping Capability Fast Response Time Plastic Case Material has UL Flammability Classification Rating 94V-O
.062(1.60) .055(1.40)
.114(2.90) .098(2.50)
● ● ● ● ●
.181(4.60) .157(4.00) .012(.305) .006(.152) .103(2.62) .079(2.00) .060(1.52) .030(0.76) .008(.203) .002(.051)
Case : JEDEC SMA(DO-214AC), Transfer Molded Epoxy Terminals : Solder Plated, Solderable per MIL-STD-750, Method 2026 Polarity : Cathode Band Except Bi-Directional Marking : Device Code Weight : 0.064 grams (approx.)
.208(5.28) .188(4.80)
D imensions in inches and (millimeters)
Maximum Ratings and Electrical Characteristics
Characteristic Peak Pulse Power Dissipation 10/1000µS Waveform (Note 1, 2) Figure 3 Peak Pulse Current on 10/1000µS Waveform (Note 1) Figure 4 Peak Forward Surge Current 8.3ms Single Half Sine-Wave Superimposed on Rated Load (JEDEC Method) (Note 2, 3) Operating and Storage Temperature Range
@TA=25°C unless otherwise specified
Value 400 Minimum See Table 1 40 -55 to +150
Unit W A A °C
Note: 1. Non-repetitive current pulse per Figure 4 and derated above TA = 25°C per Figure 1. 2. Mounted on 5.0mm2 (0.013mm thick) land area. 3. Measured on 8.3ms single half sine-wave or equivalent square wave, duty cycle = 4 pulses per minutes maximum.
Stand - Off Voltage - 5.0 to 170 Volts Peak Pulse Power - 400 Watt
Electrical characteristics
DEVICE REVERSE BREAK DO WN REVERSE TEST MAXIMUM PEAK MARKING STANDVOLTAGE CURRE CLAMPING PULSE LEAKAGE PART NUMBER OFF CODE NT VOLTAGE CURRENT @ VRWM VBR(V)(2) VOLTAGE VBR(V)(1) IT (mA) @Ipp Vc(V) Ipp (A) IR(µA)(3) UNI- POLAR BI-POLAR(1) UNI BI VRWM(V) MIN.@IT MAX.@IT SMAJ5.0A SMAJ5.0CA AE WE 5.0 6.40 7.00 10 9.2 43.5 800 SMAJ6.0A SMAJ6.0CA AG WG 6.0 6.67 7.37 10 10.3 38.8 800 SMAJ6.5A SMAJ6.5CA AK WK 6.5 7.22 7.98 10 11.2 35.7 500 SMAJ7.0A SMAJ7.0CA AM WM 7.0 7.78 8.60 10 12.0 33.3 200 SMAJ7.5A SMAJ7.5CA AP WP 7.5 8.33 9.21 1 12.9 31.0 100 SMAJ8.0A SMAJ8.0CA AR WR 8.0 8.89 9.83 1 13.6 29.4 50 SMAJ8.5A SMAJ8.5CA AT WT 8.5 9.44 10.40 1 14.4 27.8 20 SMAJ9.0A SMAJ9.0CA AV WV 9.0 10.00 11.10 1 15.4 26.0 10 SMAJ10A SMAJ10CA AX WX 10.0 11.10 12.30 1 17.0 23.5 5 SMAJ11A SMAJ11CA AZ WZ 11.0 12.20 13.50 1 18.2 22.0 5 SMAJ12A SMAJ12CA BE XE 12.0 13.30 14.70 1 19.9 20.1 5 SMAJ13A SMAJ13CA BG XG 13.0 14.40 15.90 1 21.5 18.6 5 SMAJ14A SMAJ14CA BK XK 14.0 15.60 17.20 1 23.2 17.2 5 SMAJ15A SMAJ15CA BM XM 15.0 16.70 18.50 1 24.4 16.4 5 SMAJ16A SMAJ16CA BP XP 16.0 17.80 19.70 1 26.0 15.4 5 SMAJ17A SMAJ17CA BR XR 17.0 18.90 20.90 1 27.6 14.5 5 SMAJ18A SMAJ18CA BT XT 18.0 20.00 22.10 1 29.2 13.7 5 SMAJ20A SMAJ20CA BV XV 20.0 22.20 24.50 1 32.4 12.3 5 SMAJ22A SMAJ22CA BX XX 22.0 24.40 26.90 1 35.5 11.3 5 SMAJ24A SMAJ24CA BZ XZ 24.0 26.70 29.50 1 38.9 10.3 5 SMAJ26A SMAJ26CA CE YE 26.0 28.90 31.90 1 42.1 9.5 5 SMAJ28A SMAJ28CA CG YG 28.0 31.10 34.40 1 45.4 8.8 5 SMAJ30A SMAJ30CA CK YK 30.0 33.30 36.80 1 48.4 8.3 5 SMAJ33A SMAJ33CA CM YM 33.0 36.70 40.60 1 53.3 7.5 5 SMAJ36A SMAJ36CA CP YP 36.0 40.00 44.20 1 58.1 6.9 5 SMAJ40A SMAJ40CA CR YR 40.0 44.40 49.10 1 64.5 6.2 5 SMAJ43A SMAJ43CA CT YT 43.0 47.80 52.80 1 69.4 5.8 5 SMAJ45A SMAJ45CA CV YV 45.0 50.00 55.30 1 72.7 5.5 5 SMAJ48A SMAJ48CA CX YX 48.0 53.30 58.90 1 77.4 5.2 5 SMAJ51A SMAJ51CA CZ YZ 51.0 56.70 62.70 1 82.4 4.9 5 SMAJ54A SMAJ54CA RE ZE 54.0 60.00 66.30 1 87.1 4.6 5 SMAJ58A SMAJ58CA RG ZG 58.0 64.40 71.20 1 93.6 4.3 5 SMAJ60A SMAJ60CA RK ZK 60.0 66.70 73.70 1 96.8 4.1 5 SMAJ64A SMAJ64CA RM ZM 64.0 71.10 78.60 1 103.0 3.9 5 SMAJ70A SMAJ70CA RP ZP 70.0 77.80 86.00 1 113.0 3.5 5 SMAJ75A SMAJ75CA RR ZR 75.0 83.30 92.10 1 121.0 3.3 5 SMAJ78A SMAJ78CA RT ZT 78.0 86.70 95.80 1 126.0 3.2 5 SMAJ85A SMAJ85CA RV ZV 85.0 94.40 104.00 1 137.0 2.9 5 SMAJ90A SMAJ90CA RX ZX 90.0 100.00 111.00 1 146.0 2.7 5 SMAJ100A SMAJ100CA RZ ZZ 100.0 111.00 123.00 1 162.0 2.5 5 VE SMAJ110A SMAJ110CA SE 110.0 122.00 135.00 1 177.0 2.3 5 VG SMAJ120A SMAJ120CA SG 120.0 133.00 147.00 1 193.0 2.1 5 VK SMAJ130A SMAJ130CA SK 130.0 144.00 159.00 1 209.0 1.9 5 SMAJ150A SMAJ150CA SM VM 150.0 167.00 185.00 1 243.0 1.6 5 SMAJ160A SMAJ160CA SP 160.0 178.00 197.00 1 259.0 1.5 5 VP VR SMAJ170A SMAJ170CA SR 170.0 189.00 209.00 1 275.0 1.5 5 NOTE: 1. Suffix C denotes Bi-direction device, Suffix A denotes the VBRis + 5% for parts without A , the VBR is + 10%. 2. VBR messured with I T Current pulse=300us. 3. For bidirectional type having Vrwm of 10 volts and less, the IR limit is double.
P e a k P uls e P owe r ( P P P ) or C urre nt ( I P P M) D e ra ting in P e rc e nta ge , %
100 100 N on-re pe titive P uls e W a ve form s hown in F I G . 3 T A = 2 5 oC 10
P P P M — P e a k P uls e P owe r ( k W )
S MA J 8 5 -S MA J 1 7 0 1
S MA J 5 . 0 -S MA J 7 8
25 0 . 2 x 0 . 2 " ( 5 . 0 x 5 . 0 mm) C oppe r P a d A re a s 0 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200
0 . 2 x 0 . 2 " ( 5 . 0 x 5 . 0 mm) C oppe r P a d A re a s 0. 1 0 .1 m s 1 . 0 ms 1 0 ms 1 0 0 ms 1 . 0 ms 1 0 ms
td — P uls e W idth ( s e c . )
FIG.1 – Peak Pulse Po wer Rating Cur ve
150 10, 000
T A — A mbie nt Te mpe ra ture ( oC )
FIG. 2 –Pulse Derating Curve
T J = 2 5 oC f = 1 . 0 MH z V s ig = 5 0 mV p-p 1, 000 M e a s ure d a t S ta nd-O ff V olta ge , V W M U ni-D ire c tiona l 100
I P P M — P e a k P uls e C urre nt, % I R S M
P e a k V a lue IP P M
H a lf V a lue — I P P 2 IP P M 50 1 0 /1 0 0 0 s e c . W a ve form a s de fine d by R . E . A . td 0 0 1. 0 2. 0 3. 0 4. 0
C J — J unc tion C a pa c ita nc e ( pF )
tr = 1 0 u s e c .
T J = 2 5 oC P uls e W idth ( td) is de fine d a s the point whe re the pe a k c urre nt de c a ys to 5 0 % of I P P M
B i-D ire c tiona l
t — T ime ( ms )
V W M — R e ve rs e S ta nd-off V olta ge ( V )
FIG. 3 – Pulse Wa vef orm
I F S M — P e a k F orwa rd S urge C urre nt ( A )
1000 200
FIG. 4 – Typical Junction Capacitance
T J = T J ma x . 8 . 3 ms S ingle H a lf S ine -W a ve ( J E D E C Me thod)
T ra ns ie nt T he rma l I mpe da nc e ( oC /W )
1 0. 001
0. 01
0. 1
10 1 5 10 50 100
tp — P uls e D ura tion ( s e c )
N umbe r of C yc le s a t 6 0 H z
FIG.5 – Typical Transient Thermal Impedance
FIG.6 - Maximum Non-Repetitive Forwar d Surge Current Uni-Directional Onl y
免费人工找货- 国内价格
- 1+0.16799
- 30+0.16199
- 100+0.15599
- 500+0.14399
- 1000+0.13799
- 2000+0.13439
- 国内价格
- 1+0.1725
- 100+0.161
- 300+0.1495
- 500+0.138
- 2000+0.13225
- 5000+0.1288
- 国内价格
- 5+0.25159
- 20+0.22939
- 100+0.20719
- 500+0.18499
- 1000+0.17464
- 2000+0.16724
- 国内价格
- 5+0.5385
- 20+0.48975
- 100+0.441
- 500+0.39225
- 1000+0.3695
- 2000+0.35325
- 国内价格
- 20+0.19532
- 100+0.17922
- 500+0.16849
- 1000+0.15775
- 5000+0.14487
- 10000+0.1395
- 国内价格
- 20+0.26655
- 200+0.24765
- 600+0.22875
- 3000+0.20985
- 国内价格
- 5000+0.08136
- 10000+0.0792
- 国内价格
- 10+0.14505
- 50+0.13329
- 200+0.12349
- 600+0.11369
- 1500+0.10585
- 3000+0.10095
- 国内价格
- 20+0.11881
- 100+0.10801
- 500+0.10081
- 1000+0.09361
- 5000+0.08496
- 10000+0.08136
- 国内价格
- 20+0.12746
- 200+0.11944
- 500+0.11143
- 1000+0.10341
- 3000+0.0994
- 6000+0.09379