Motor Starting Metallized Disks
I Time delay in turning off the auxiliary winding of single-phase AC motors
B59*** A 19*, A 314, A 5**
(e.g. refrigerator compressors)
I Type A 314 suitable for airconditioning systems applications
Metallization: CrNi (sputtered) + Ag (screen-printed), except A 314 (screen-printed Ag) Excellent long-term reliability Suitable for clamp contacting UL approval to UL 1434 (file number E69802), except A 502 and A 196 VDE approval (license number 87406 E), except A 524 and A 314 CSA approval for A 506 (certificate No. 1109600)
I Other dimensions and ratings on request
Delivery mode
I Bulk
Dimensional drawing A 19*, A 5**
Cr/Ni Ag
A 314
0,9±0,6 b
b Kontaktierung Termination Termination
Dimensions (mm) V N = 230 Vrms Type b A 502 19,5 + 0,5 A 501 19,5 + 0,5 A 550 16,0 ± 0,5 A 524 19,5 ± 0,5 A 549 16,0 ± 0,5 A 544 17,5 ± 0,5 A 192 19,5 ± 0,5 s 2,5 ± 0,2 2,5 ± 0,2 2,5 ± 0,2 2,5 ± 0,2 2,5 ± 0,2 2,5 ± 0,2 2,5 ± 0,2 V N = 230 Vrms Type b A 196 19,5 ± 0,5 A 197 19,5 ± 0,5 A 314 20,0 + 0,2/– 0,8 V N = 120 Vrms Type b A 508 17,5 ± 0,5 A 506 17,5 ± 0,5 s 3,2 ± 0,2 3,2 ± 0,2 5,0 ± 0,25 s 2,5 ± 0,2 2,5 ± 0,2
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Motor Starting Metallized Disks
General technical data Switching cycles Operating temperature range (V = 0) (V = Vmax) N Top Top > 100000 + 5/+ 80 + 5/+ 80
B59*** A 19*, A 314, A 5**
°C °C
Electrical specifications and ordering codes Type Imax V max V 400 355 355 300 300 320 325 350 350 400 180 180 TRef Tsurf tS1) s 0,55 0,45 0,30 0,55 0,35 0,35 0,35 0,50 0,30 0,35 0,55 0,45 VBD V > 750 > 700 > 700 > 600 > 650 > 650 > 650 > 700 > 700 > 800 > 360 > 360 R N ± ∆R N Ir2) (VPTC ≤ 2,5 V) Ω mA 47 ± 30 % 33 ± 20 % 33 ± 20 % 22 ± 20 % 22 ± 20 % 20 ± 20 % 25 + 15/– 20 % 15 ± 30 % 33 ± 30 % 38 ± 30 % 4,7 ± 20 % 4,7 ± 20 % 8 8 7 10 8 12 10 10 8 10 17 16 Ordering code
A V N = 230 Vrms A 502 4 A 501 6 A 550 6 A 524 7 A 549 7 A 544 8 A 192 8 A 196 8 A 197 9 A 314 9 V N = 120 Vrms A 508 10 A 506 12
120 135 135 135 135 120 120 120 120 120 135 120
180 190 190 190 190 180 180 180 180 190 190 180
B59502A0120A020 B59501A0135A020 B59550A0135A020 B59524A0135A020 B59549A0135A020 B59544A0120A020 B59192A0120A020 B59196A0120A020 B59197A0120B020 B59314A0120B0103) B59508A0135A020 B59506A0120A020
1) Measured at V = Vmax and I = 0 ,8 · Imax 2) Measured with PTC thermistor mounted in standard EPCOS motor start housing 3) Type A 314 suitable for airconditioning systems applications
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Motor Starting Metallized Disks
Reliability data Test 1) Switching test at room temperature Life test at V max / Top Damp heat Standard IEC 60738-1 Test conditions V max; R S Room temperature Number of cycles: 10000 Storage at V max / Top for t : 1000 h Storage at 40 °C Relative humidity: 93% Duration: 56 days – 25 °C, 125 °C Number of cycles: 5 t : 30 min f = 10–55–10 Hz h = 0,75 mm (respectively 10 g) t: 3 · 2 h Pulse shape: half-sine a : = 40 g Pulse duration: 6 ms; 6 · 4000 pulses Dry heat: T = 125 °C, t : 16 h Damp heat first cycle Cold: T = – 25 °C, t : 2 h Damp heat 5 cycles
B59*** A 19*, A 314, A 5**
| ∆R25 / R25 | < 25%
IEC 60738-1 IEC 60068-2-3
< 25% < 20%
Rapid change of temperature in air Vibration
IEC 60068-2-14, Test N a IEC 60068-2-6, Test FC IEC 60068-2-27
< 20%
< 20%
< 20%
Climatic sequence
IEC 60068-2-30
< 25%
1) All tests with PTC disk mounted in EPCOS housing
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Herausgegeben von EPCOS AG Unternehmenskommunikation, Postfach 80 17 09, 81617 München, DEUTSCHLAND ++49 89 636 09, FAX (0 89) 636-2 26 89
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EPCOS AG 2002. Reproduction, publication and dissemination of this brochure and the information contained therein without EPCOS’ prior express consent is prohibited.
Purchase orders are subject to the General Conditions for the Supply of Products and Services of the Electrical and Electronics Industry recommended by the ZVEI (German Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers’ Association), unless otherwise agreed. This brochure replaces the previous edition. For questions on technology, prices and delivery please contact the Sales Offices of EPCOS AG or the international Representatives. Due to technical requirements components may contain dangerous substances. For information on the type in question please also contact one of our Sales Offices.