PTC thermistors as limit temperature sensors
SMD, EIA case sizes 0402, 0603 and 0805 with ±3 °C and ±5 °C tolerance
Series/Type: Date: November 2009
© EPCOS AG 2009. Reproduction, publication and dissemination of this publication, enclosures hereto and the information contained therein without EPCOS' prior express consent is prohibited.
Sensors Limit temperature sensors, EIA sizes 0402, 0603 and 0805
Applications DC/DC converters Home appliances Dimmers Electronic ballasts Temperature management in automotive electronics Over-temperature protection of power transistors and power ICs (e.g. in battery pack, notebook) SMPS Features Thermistor chip with lead-free tinned terminations Small size Fast and reliable response Suitable for reflow soldering only RoHS-compatible Lead-free (total Pb content