ELP 43/10/28 with I 43/4/28 Core (With Clamp Recess)
Core set EILP 43 Combination: ELP 43/10/28 with I 43/4/28
I In accordance
ELP 43/10/28
5,4±0,15 9,5±0,15
I 43/4/28
with IEC 61860 Magnetic characteristics (per set)
35,4±0,7 8,1±0,2
Σl/A le Ae A min Ve
= 0,22 mm–1 = 50,4 mm = 229 mm2 = 225 mm2 = 11500 mm3
Approx. weight 60 g/set
Ungapped Material N49 N87 A L value nH 5900 ± 25 % 8500 ± 25 %
A L1min PV nH W/set
Ordering code (per piece)
1030 3430 1480 5150
< 3,00 B66291-G-X149 (ELP core) (50 mT, 500 kHz, 100 °C) B66291-P-X149 (I core) < 7,00 B66291-G-X187 (ELP core) (200 mT, 100 kHz, 100 °C) B66291-P-X187 (I core)
Calculation factors (for formulas, see “ E cores: general information”, page 382) ELP 43/10/28 + I 43/4/28: Material Relationship between air gap – A L value K1 (25 °C) N87 Validity range: 390 K2 (25 °C) – 0,784 Calculation of saturation current K3 (25 °C) 621 K4 (25 °C) – 0,796 K3 (100 °C) K4 (100 °C) 553 – 0,873
K1, K2 : 0,10 mm < s < 2,00 mm K3, K4 : 200 nH < A L < 2200 nH
456 08/01
0,3 max.
35,4±0,7 8,1±0,2
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Published by EPCOS AG Marketing Communications, P.O. Box 80 17 09, 81617 Munich, GERMANY EPCOS AG 2000. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction, publication and dissemination of this brochure and the information contained therein without EPCOS’ prior express consent is prohibited. The information contained in this brochure describes the type of component and shall not be considered as guaranteed characteristics. Purchase orders are subject to the General Conditions for the Supply of Products and Services of the Electrical and Electronics Industry recommended by the ZVEI (German Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers’ Association), unless otherwise agreed. This brochure replaces the previous edition. For questions on technology, prices and delivery please contact the Sales Offices of EPCOS AG or the international Representatives. Due to technical requirements components may contain dangerous substances. For information on the type in question please also contact one of our Sales Offices.