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    IBM31T1100 - Integrated Infrared Transceiver Module - List of Unclassifed Manufacturers

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IBM31T1100 数据手册
IBM31T1100A Integrated Infrared Transceiver Module Highlights x IrDA 1.1, HP-SIR and Sharp ASK compliant x Supports IrDA data rates up to 4 Mbps x Low profile (height = 5.6 mm max.) x Minimum external components x On-chip LED protection circuit x Low power consumption x 5 V Supply Voltage x Complete differential receiver design x Ambient light and noise rejection circuitry x Shutdown pin for power management x Programmable bandwidth control x Compatible with all major Super I/Os General Description The IBM31T1100A is a multi-mode integrated infrared (IR) transceiver module for data communication systems. The transceiver supports IrDA speeds up to 4 Mbps, HP-SIR and Sharp ASK modes. Integrated into this tiny package is a photodiode, LED and analog transceiver ASIC to provide a total solution in a single package. A current limiting resistor in series with the LED and a Vcc bypass capacitor are the only external components required to implement a complete transceiver. Package Vcc 3 Noise Rejection Circuit + Amp Comp Driver 2 RX Vcc - 8 SD/BW TX 6 7 Control logic BW SD LEDA Driver 1 LEDC 4 GND Block Diagram IBM31T1100A Pin Assignments and Descriptions LEDA 8 TX 7 SD/BW 6 NC 5 LED Photodiode 1 2 3 4 LEDC RX V CC GND Pin 1 2 Pin Name LEDC RX Description Indicates the state of the internal LED cathode. Normally not connected. Indicates received serial data. It is a push-pull CMOS driver capable of driving a standard CMOS or TTL load. No external pull-up or pull-down resistor is required. May switch indeterminately when the IBM31T1100A is transmitting. Connect to +5 V power supply. Place a 1.0-10 PF ceramic bypass capacitor as close as possible to this pin. Connect to ground of the power supply. A solid ground plane is recommended for proper operation. This pin is reserved for special application use only. No signal should be connected to this pin. This CMOS input is used to put the IBM31T1100A in shutdown mode. Nominal supply current draw in this mode is 35 PA versus 5 mA in normal mode. Together with the TX input, this pin also sets the receiver bandwidth. If TX is low when SD/BW transitions from high to low, the receiver bandwidth is optimized for operation up to 1.2 Mbps. If TX is high when SD/BW transitions from high to low, the receiver bandwidth is optimized for operation at 4 Mbps. Used to transmit serial data when SD/BW is low. This CMOS input controls the LED driver. An on-chip protection circuit disables the LED driver if TX is high for more than 60 Psec. This pin is also used to program the bandwidth of the receiver. See SD/BW pin description. Connect this input to Vcc through a resistor to set the proper LED current. Add an external LED in series to increase output intensity if required. Two through-hole guide pins provide mechanical stability during board mounting. They also improve heat conduction when the part is in operation. I/O O O Active Low Low 3 4 5 6 Vcc GND NC SD/BW I High 7 TX I High 8 LEDA Guide Pins (not shown above) I NOTE: The IBM31T1100A is pin and plug compatible with the Temic TFDS6000D. 2 IBM31T1100A Electrical and Timing Specifications Absolute Maximum Ratings Symbol V CC PD TJ Parameter Supply Voltage Range Power Dissipation Junction Temperature Storage Temperature Range Soldering Temperature Min - 0.5 Typ Max 6 450 125 Unit V mW °C °C °C A V Condition - 25 85 240 0.8 See application notes
物料型号: - 型号为IBM31T1100A。

器件简介: - IBM31T1100A是一款多模式集成红外(IR)收发模块,用于数据通信系统。该收发器支持高达4Mbps的IrDA速率,HP-SIR和Sharp ASK模式。该模块内部集成了光电二极管、LED和模拟收发器ASIC,提供了一个完整的解决方案。

引脚分配: - 1号引脚:LEDC,表示内部LED阴极的状态,通常不连接。 - 2号引脚:Rx,表示接收到的串行数据。 - 3号引脚:Vce,连接到+5V电源。 - 4号引脚:GND,连接到电源地。 - 5号引脚:NC,此引脚仅保留用于特殊应用。 - 6号引脚:SD/BW,此CMOS输入用于将IBM31T1100A置于关闭模式。 - 7号引脚:TX,用于在SD/BW为低时传输串行数据。 - 8号引脚:LEDA,通过电阻连接此输入到Vce以设置合适的LED电流。

参数特性: - 供电电压范围:4.5V至5.5V。 - 工作温度范围:0至70°C。 - 动态供电电流:5至7mA。 - 待机供电电流:35至100μA。

功能详解: - 该模块支持IrDA 1.1、HP-SIR和Sharp ASK,具有低外形设计,仅需最少的外部组件,并且有芯片上的LED保护电路和低功耗特性。

应用信息: - 适用于需要红外数据通信的各种应用,与所有主要的Super I/Os兼容。

封装信息: - 提供了详细的封装尺寸图,具体尺寸以毫米为单位标注。
IBM31T1100 价格&库存

