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    240128-06-FC-F-ET-ELED-GY - 240 x 128 Dot Graphic LCD Assembly With T6963C Toshiba Graphic LCD Contr...

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240128-06-FC-F-ET-ELED-GY 数据手册
PACIFIC DISPLAY DEVICES LCD Component Data Sheet Model Number: 240128-06 240 x 128 Dot Graphic LCD Assembly With T6963C Toshiba Graphic LCD Controller EL Panel & LED Backlight Assembly CONTENTS 1. GENERAL INFORMATION 1.1 Product Overview 1.2 Part Options and Numbering System 1.3 Absolute Maximum Ratings 1.4 Circuit Block Diagram 1.5 Mechanical Characteristics 1.6 Input Signal Function 1.7 LCM Power, Contrast Control and Bias 1.8 LCD Dimensions ELECTRICAL / OPTICAL CHARACTERISTICS 2.1 DC Electrical Characteristics 2.2 AC Electrical Characteristics 2.3 Optical Characteristics 2.4 LED Backlight Characteristics 2.5 EL Panel Backlight Characteristics LCD CONTROLLER CHARACTERISTICS 3.1 LCD Controller Display and Control Functions (T6963) 3.2 LCD Controller Command List 3.3 LCD Controller Character Code map 3.4 Application Circuits RELIABILITY PRECAUTIONS FOR USING LCD MODULES 139 Avenida Victoria – Suite 100 – San Clemente, CA – 92672 Tel: 949-361-8957 – Fax: 949-361-9158 – Web: www.pacificdisplay.com 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 5 6 7 9 11 12 13 26 27 28 29 30 2. 3. 4. 5. SPECIFICATIONS FOR LIQUID CRYSTAL DISPLAY MODULE MODEL NO: 240128-06 1. GENERAL INFORMATION 1.1 Product Overview • 240 x 128 dot matrix LCD • STN (Super Twisted Nematic) or FSTN (Film compensated Super Twisted Nematic) Technology • T-6963 (or equivalent) Graphics Controller IC w/ 8K SRAM. • Multiplex drive : 1/128 duty, 1/13 bias • LCD Module Service Life: 100,000 hours minimum 1.2 Part Options and Numbering System 240128 -06 -SL -F -ST -LED -GY -6 -V Custom Option Designator: • (-06) T-6963 Controller Option Operating Mode: • (-SL) STN Silver / Gray • (-GR) STN Green • (-BN) STN Blue Negative Image • (-FC) FSTN Black & White Image • (-FN) FSTN Neg White & Black Image Rear Polarizer Options: • (-F) Transflective • (-M) Transmissive • (-R) Reflective (No Backlight) Operating Temperature: • (-ST) Standard (0 to +50 ºC) • (-ET) Extended (-20 to +70 ºC) Backlight Options: • (-LED) Array Lit LED Backlight • (-ELED) Edge Lit LED Backlight • (-ELP) EL Panel Backlight Backlight Coloration Options: • (-WH) LED or ELP – White • (-GY) LED - Green/Yellow • (-AM) LED - Amber • (-BG) ELP – Blue Green (EL Panel) Viewing Angle: • (-6) 6 o’clock • (-12) 12 0’clock Additional options: • (-V) Internal Negative Voltage Generator (VEE-Standard Feature) • (-TC) Built in internal Temperature Compensation circuitry Pacific Display Devices 03.07.2006 2 SPECIFICATIONS FOR LIQUID CRYSTAL DISPLAY MODULE MODEL NO: 240128-06 1.3 Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Supply voltage for logic Supply voltage for LCD Input voltage Standard Operating temperature Standard Storage temperature Extended Operating temperature Extended Storage temperature Soldering Temp Symbol VDD VDD – V0 VI TOP (-ST) TST (-ST) TOP (-ET) TST (-ET) Tsolder Min -0.3 -0.3 -0.3 0 -10 -20 -30 260 Max 7.0 30.0 VDD +0.3 50 60 70 80 Unit V V V ºC ºC ºC ºC ºC 1.4 Circuit Block Diagram D0 – D7 /WR /RD /CE C/D /RST FS MD2 VDD VO Vss Vee Anode Cathode Controller LSI T-6963C (6MHz) 8K SRAM T6A39 x 3 SEG Driver S240 T6A40 x 2 COM. Driver C128 LCD Panel 240 x 128 Dots Bias Circuitry To LSI ELP / LED Backlight 1.5 Mechanical Characteristics Item Module size (W×H×T) Viewing area (W×H) Active area (W×H) Number of dots Dot size (W×H) Dot pitch (W×H) Contents 144.0 x 104.0 x 14.1 Max (LED Backlight) 144.0 x 104.0 x 10.0 Max (Reflective / ELP Backlight) 114.0 x 64.0 107.95 x 57.55 240 x 128 0.40 x 0.40 0.45 x 0.45 Unit mm mm mm mm dots mm mm Pacific Display Devices 03.07.2006 3 SPECIFICATIONS FOR LIQUID CRYSTAL DISPLAY MODULE MODEL NO: 240128-06 1.6 Input Signal Function Pin No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7-14 15 16 17 18 19 20 A K Symbol VSS VDD VO C/D /RD /WR DB0-DB7 /CE /RST VEE MD2 FS1 NC LED A or BL2 LED K or BL1 Level 0V 5.0V Input H/L H/L H/L H/L H/L L -20V -H/L ------- Description Ground Supply voltage for logic LCD Negative Bias Code / Data /Data Read /Data Write Bidirectional Data Bus Lines /Chip Enable /Reset Output voltage for LCD (-V Option only, otherwise N.C.) H=32, L=40 Font Select: H=6x8. L=8x8 No Connection LED Backlight Anode Connection or EL Backlight power LED Backlight Cathode Connection or EL Backlight power 1.7 LCM Power, Contrast Control and Bias VDD VDD VO VEE VSS -22V VR: 20Kohm VDD VO VEE VSS VR: 20Kohm VDD LCM A LED / ELP Backlight K *Note : DC-to-DC Converter Not Built In Backlight Power LCM A LED / ELP Backlight K *Note : DC-to-DC Converter Built In (-V Option) Backlight Power Pacific Display Devices 03.07.2006 4 SPECIFICATIONS FOR LIQUID CRYSTAL DISPLAY MODULE MODEL NO: 240128-06 1.8 LCM Dimensions Pacific Display Devices 03.07.2006 5 SPECIFICATIONS FOR LIQUID CRYSTAL DISPLAY MODULE MODEL NO: 240128-06 2. ELECTRICAL / OPTICAL CHARACTERISTICS 2.1 DC Electrical Characteristics (VDD = +5V±10% , VSS = 0V, Ta = 25°C ) Parameter Symbol Condition Min Typ Supply voltage for logic Supply current for logic Input voltage ' H ' level Input voltage ' L ' level Operating voltage for LCD Supply current for LCD *Vee externally supplied VDD IDD VIH VIL VDD- Vo Io --VDD = 5V -----20°C 25°C 70°C --4.5 --VDD -2.2 0 ----------12 ----22.1 19.3 13.3 --- Max 5.5 15 VDD 0.8 ------5 Unit V mA V V V V V mA ■ TIMING OF POWER SUPPLY VDD GND 4.50V 0~50ms 0~50ms SIGNAL GND ≥ 0ms GND ≥ 0ms Vo POWER ON Note : The missing pixels may occur when the LCM is driven except above power supply timing sequence. POWER OFF Pacific Display Devices 03.07.2006 6 SPECIFICATIONS FOR LIQUID CRYSTAL DISPLAY MODULE MODEL NO: 240128-06 2.2 AC Electrical Characteristics Toshiba T-6963C Graphic Controller IC AC Waveform Interface ■ AC Characteristics (1) Parameter Symbol Operating Frequency SCP Pulse Width SCP Rise/Fall Time LP Set Up Time LP Hold Time Data Set Up Time Data Hold Time FR Delay Time CDATA Set Up Time CDATA Hold Time fSCP tCWH, tCWL tr, tf tLSU tLHD tDSU tDHD td tCSU tCHD Min --150 --150 5 170 80 0 450 450 Max 2.75 --30 290 40 ----90 850 950 Unit MHz ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns Pacific Display Devices 03.07.2006 7 SPECIFICATIONS FOR LIQUID CRYSTAL DISPLAY MODULE MODEL NO: 240128-06 ■ AC Characteristics (2) Parameter C/D Set Up Time C/D Hold Time CE, RD, WR Pulse Width Data Set Up Time Data Hold Time Access Time Output Hold Time Symbol tCDS tCDH tCE, tRD, tWR tDS tDH tACC tOH Min 100 10 80 80 40 --10 Max ----------150 50 Unit ns ns ns ns ns ns ns Pacific Display Devices 03.07.2006 8 SPECIFICATIONS FOR LIQUID CRYSTAL DISPLAY MODULE MODEL NO: 240128-06 2.3 Optical Characteristics (VOP = 4.7V, Ta = 25°C ) Item Contrast ratio Frame Frequency Viewing angle range Response time Symbol Cr fFRM θ1 θ2 Ton Toff Condition θ=0° φ=0° --25°C 25°C Min --32 -35 35 ----- Typ 2.6 64 ----120 250 Max --150 35 -35 ----- Unit --Hz deg deg ms ms Definition of angles ∅ and θ: Pacific Display Devices 03.07.2006 9 SPECIFICATIONS FOR LIQUID CRYSTAL DISPLAY MODULE MODEL NO: 240128-06 Pacific Display Devices 03.07.2006 10 SPECIFICATIONS FOR LIQUID CRYSTAL DISPLAY MODULE MODEL NO: 240128-06 2.4 LED Backlight Characteristics ■ Yellow-Green LED Operating Characteristics (5V - Array Lit) Item Forward Voltage Forward Current Reverse Current Peak Emission Wavelength Symbol Vf IF IR λP Conditions Ta= 25 °C Ta= 25 °C VR = 8V Yel/Grn If=1100mA Yel/Grn Min. 3.9 ------Standard Typ. 4.1 1100 --570 Max. 4.4 1700 11 --Unit VDC mA mA nm Item Life Conditions Ta= 25 °C Standard Min. Max. 100,000 --- Unit hrs ■ Yellow-Green LED Operating Characteristics (12V - Array Lit) Item Forward Voltage Forward Current Reverse Current Peak Emission Wavelength Symbol Vf IR IR λP Conditions Ta= 25 °C Ta= 25 °C VR = 8V Yel/Grn If=440mA Yel/Grn Min. 10.0 ------Standard Typ. 10.5 440 --570 Max. 11.0 700 6 --Unit VDC mA mA nm Item Life Conditions Ta= 25 °C Standard Min. Max. 100,000 --- Unit hrs ■ Yellow-Green LED Operating Characteristics (Edge Lit) Item Forward Voltage Forward Current Reverse Current Symbol Vf IF IR Conditions Ta= 25 °C Ta= 25 °C VR = 8V Yel/Grn Min. 3.9 ----Standard Typ. 4.1 260 --Max. 4.4 440 11 Unit VDC mA mA Item Life Conditions Ta= 25 °C Standard Min. Max. 100,000 --- Unit hrs Pacific Display Devices 03.07.2006 11 SPECIFICATIONS FOR LIQUID CRYSTAL DISPLAY MODULE MODEL NO: 240128-06 ■ White LED Operating Characteristics (Edge Lit) Item Forward Voltage Forward Current Reverse Current Peak Emission Wavelength Item Life Symbol Vf IR IR λP Conditions Ta= 25 °C Ta= 25 °C VR = 5V Wht If=160mA Wht Min. --------Standard Typ. 3.5 160 ----Max. 3.8 350 0.8 --Unit VDC mA mA nm Conditions Ta= 25 °C Standard Min. Max. 20,000 --- Unit hrs ■ Standard Yellow-Green LED Backlight Notes: (1) There are two versions of the LED backlight for this module, 12V and 5V. Both have 220 yellow-green LEDs. The 12V version has them arraigned in 44 branches of 5 diodes and the 5V version has 110 branches of 2 diodes (2) The 5V “array” version operates at 4.1V. Its typical current draw is 1.1A. Current should be limited to 1.7A max. (3) The 12V “array” version actually operates at 10.5V. Typical current draw for this version is 440mA @ 10.5V. Current should be limited to 700mA max. (4) The 12V option can be ordered with a “-12V” at the end of the part number 2.5 EL Panel Backlight Characteristics (Blue-Green) ■ Blue-Green EL Panel Operating Characteristics: Item Current Consumption Conditions Min. Standard Typ. 10 100 400 ----50 --Max. 20 150 1000 +50°C +60°C ----Unit mA VAC RMS Hz °C °C cd/m2 Hrs 100VAC RMS, 400Hz --Ta: 25°C EL Drive Voltage ----EL Drive Frequency ----Operating Temperature ---35°C Storage Temperature ---40°C 100VAC RMS, 400Hz Luminance 40 Ta: 25°C Luminance Half-Life 3500 *Note: half life is defined as Luminance being reduced by 50% Pacific Display Devices 03.07.2006 12 SPECIFICATIONS FOR LIQUID CRYSTAL DISPLAY MODULE MODEL NO: 240128-06 3. OPERATING PRINCIPALS AND METHODS 3.1 LCD Controller Display and Control Functions (T-6963C Controller) ■ Flowchart of Communications with MPU ● Status Read Before sending data (Read/Write) command, it is necessary to check the status. Status check Status of T6963C can be read from data lines. RD L WR H CE L C/D H D0-D7 Status word T6963C status word format is following. MSB STA7 STA6 STA5 STA4 STA3 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 STA0 STA1 STA2 STA3 STA4 STA5 LSB STA0 D0 STA2 D2 STA1 D1 Check capability of command execution Check capability of data read/write Check capability of auto mode data read Check capability of auto mode data write Not use Check capability of controller operation 0 : Disable 1 : Enable 0 : Disable 1 : Enable 0 : Disable 1 : Enable 0 : Disable 1 : Enable 0 : Disable 1 : Enable STA6 Error flag. Using screen peek/copy command 0 : No error 1 : Error STA7 Check the condition blink 0 : Display off 1 : Normal display Note 1 : It is necessary to check STA0 and STA1 at the same time. The error is happened by sending data at executing command. Note 2 : The status check will be enough to check STA0/STA1. Note 3 : STA2/STA3 are valid in auto mode STA0/STA1 are invalid. Status checking flow STATUS STA0=1 STA1=1 YES AUTO MODE STATUS STA2=1 (STA3=1) YES NO NO RETURN RETURN Note 4 : It is impossible to save status check in the case of command of MSB0. To have the delay time cannot be save status check. The interrupt of hardware is happened at the end of lines. If command of MSB0 is sent in this period, the command executing is waited. The state of waiting doesn’t be known without to check status. The sending next command or data is disregarded or rewrites data of waiting command. Pacific Display Devices 03.07.2006 13 SPECIFICATIONS FOR LIQUID CRYSTAL DISPLAY MODULE ● In T6963C, the data have been set and command executes. The order of procedure of command sending 1. The case of 1 data COMMAND SENDING STATUS CHECK DATA WRITE STATUS CHECK COMMAND WRITE END 2. The case of 2 data COMMAND SENDING STATUS CHECK DATA WRITE STATUS CHECK DATA WRITE STATUS CHECK COMMAND WRITE Note : In case of over 2 data sending, the last data (or last 2 data) is valid. END MODEL NO: 240128-06 ■ Description of Command ● Register Set Code 00100001 00100010 00100100 Hex 21H 22H 24H Function Cursor Pointer Set Offset Register Set Address Pointer Set D1 X ADRS Data Low ADRS D2 Y ADRS 00H High ADRS (1) Cursor Pointer Set The position of cursor is specified by X ADRS, Y ADRS. The cursor position is moved only by this command. The cursor pointer doesn’t have the function of increment and decrement. The shift of cursor are set by this command. X ADRS, Y ADRS are specified following. X ADRS 00H~4FH (Lower 7bits are valid) Y ADRS 00H~1FH (Lower 5bits are valid) 1 screen drive X ADRS 00~4FH Y ADRS 00H~0FH 2 screens drive X ADRS 00~4FH Y ADRS 00H~0FH Upper screen Y ADRS 10H~1FH Lower screen Pacific Display Devices 03.07.2006 14 SPECIFICATIONS FOR LIQUID CRYSTAL DISPLAY MODULE (2) Offset Register Set The offset register is used to determine external character generator RAM area. MODEL NO: 240128-06 T6963C has 16 bit address lines as follow. MSB LSB ad15 ad14 ad13 ad12 ad11 ad10 ad9 ad8 ad7 ad6 ad5 ad4 ad3 ad2 ad1 ad0 The upper 5 bit (ad15∼ad11) are determined by offset register. The middle 8 bit (ad10∼ad3) are determined by character code. The lower 3 bit (ad2∼ad0) are determined by vertical counter. The lower 5 bit of D1 (data) are valid. The data format of external character generator RAM. The ralationship of display RAM address and offset register Data of offset register 00000 00001 00010 11100 11101 11110 11111 CG RAM HEX address(start-end) 0000-07FFH 0800-0FFFH 1000-17FFH E000-E7FFH E800-EFFFH F000-F7FFH F800-FFFFH 02H 80H 0001 1 ( Data ) 00H 1FH 04H 04H 04H 04H 04H 00H (Example 1) Offset register Character code Character generator RAM start address ( Address ) 1400H 1401H 1402H 1403H 1404H 1405H 1406H 1407H 0100 4 0000 0 0000 0 H (Example 2) The relationship of display RAM data and display character AB γ DE ζ GH I J KLM ( RAM Data ) 21H 22H 83H 24H 25H 86H ( Character ) A B γ D E ζ Display character Note : γ and ζ are displated by character generator RAM. Pacific Display Devices 03.07.2006 15 SPECIFICATIONS FOR LIQUID CRYSTAL DISPLAY MODULE MODEL NO: 240128-06 (3) Address Pointer Set The address pointer set command is used to indicate the start address for writing (or reading) to external RAM. The flow chart address pointer set command ADDRESS POINTER SET STATUS CHECK LOW ADDRESS DATA SET STATUS CHECK HIGH ADDRESS DATA SET STATUS CHECK COMMAND 24H SEND END ● Control Word Set Code Hex Function D1 01000000 40H Text home address set Low address 01000001 41H Text area set Columns 01000010 42H Graphic home address set Low address 01000011 43H Graphic area set Columns The home address and column size are defined by this command. D2 High address 00H High address 00H Address pointer set command send (1) Text Home Address Set The starting address of external display RAM for Text display is defined by this command. The text home address shows the left end and most upper position. The relationship of external display RAM address and display position TH TH+TA (TH+TA)+TA (TH+2TA)+TA TH+CL TH+TA+CL TH+2TA+CL TH+3TA+CL TH+(n-1)TA TH+(n-1)TA+CL TH : Text home address TA : Text area number (columns) CL : Columns are fixed by hardware. (pin-programmable) Pacific Display Devices 03.07.2006 16 SPECIFICATIONS FOR LIQUID CRYSTAL DISPLAY MODULE (Example) Text home address Text area MD2=H, MD3=H DUAL=H, MDS=L, MD0=L, MD1=L 0000H 0001H …… 0020H 0021H …… 0040H 0041H …… 0060H 0061H …… 0080H 0081H …… 00A0H 00A1H …… 00C0H 00C1H …… 00E0H 00E1H …… 0100H 0101H …… 0120H 0121H …… 0140H 0141H …… 0160H 0161H …… 0180H 0181H …… 01A0H 01A1H …… 01C0H 01C1H …… 01E0H 01E1H …… : : : : 0000H 0020H 32 columns 16 lines 001EH 003EH 005EH 007EH 009EH 00BEH 00DEH 00FEH 011EH 013EH 015EH 017EH 019EH 01BEH 01DEH 01FEH MODEL NO: 240128-06 001FH 003FH 005FH 007FH 009FH 00BFH 00DFH 00FFH 011FH 013FH 015FH 017FH 019FH 01BFH 01DFH 01FFH (2) Graphic Home Address Set The starting address of external display RAM for Graphic display is defined by this command. The graphic home address shows the left end most upper line. The relationship of external display RAM address and display position GH GH+GA (GH+GA)+GA (GH+2GA)+GA GH+(n-1)GA GH : Graphic home address GA : Graphic area number (colums) CL : Columns are fixed by hardware. (pin-programmable) (Example) Graphic home address Graphic area MD2=H, MD3=H DUAL=H, MDS=L, MD0=L, MD1=L 0000H 0001H 0020H 0021H 0040H 0041H 0060H 0061H : : : : …… …… …… …… GH+CL GH+GA+CL GH+2GA+CL GH+3GA+CL GH+(n-1)GA+CL 0000H 0020H 32 columns 16 lines 001EH 003EH 005EH 007EH 001FH 003FH 005FH 007FH 0F80H 0FA0H 0FC0H 0FE0H 0F81H 0FA1H 0FC1H 0FE1H …… …… …… …… 0F9EH 0FBEH 0FDEH 0FFEH 0F9FH 0FBFH 0FDFH 0FFFH Pacific Display Devices 03.07.2006 17 SPECIFICATIONS FOR LIQUID CRYSTAL DISPLAY MODULE MODEL NO: 240128-06 (3) Text Area Set The columns of display are defined by the hardware setting. This command can be used to adjust columns of display. (Example) Text home address Text area MD2=H, MD3=H DUAL=H, MDS=L, MD0=L, MD1=L 0000H 0001H …… 001EH 001FH …… 003CH 003DH …… 005AH 005BH …… 0078H 0079H …… 0096H 0097H …… 00B4H 00B5H …… 00D2H 00D3H …… 00F0H 00F1H …… 010EH 010FH …… 012CH 012DH …… 014AH 014BH …… 0168H 0169H …… 0186H 0187H …… 01A4H 01A5H …… 01C2H 01C3H …… ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯→ LCD : : : : 0000H 001EH 32 columns 16 lines 001DH 003BH 0059H 0077H 0095H 00B3H 00D1H 00EFH 010DH 012BH 0149H 0167H 0185H 01A3H 01C1H 01DFH 001EH 003CH 005AH 0078H 0096H 00B4H 00D2H 00F0H 010EH 012CH 014AH 0168H 0186H 01A4H 01C2H 01E0H 001FH 003DH 005BH 0079H 0097H 00B5H 00D3H 00F1H 010FH 012DH 014BH 0169H 0187H 01A5H 01C3H 01E1H ←⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ (4) Graphic Area Set The columns of display are defined by the hardware setting. This command can be used to adjust columns of graphic display. (Example) Text home address : 0000H Text area : 001EH MD2=H, MD3=H : 32 columns DUAL=H, MDS=L, MD0=L, MD1=L : 16 lines 0000H 0001H …… 001DH 001EH 001FH 001EH 001FH …… 003BH 003CH 003DH 003CH 003DH …… 0059H 005AH 005BH 005AH 005BH …… 0077H 0078H 0079H 0E88H 0EA6H 0EC4H 0EE2H 0E89H 0FA7H 0FC5H 0FE3H LCD …… …… …… …… 0EA5H 0EC3H 0EE1H 0EFFH 0EA6H 0EC4H 0EE2H 0F00H 0EA7H 0EC5H 0EE3H 0F01H ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯→ ←⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ The address in graphic area can be continuous and RAM area can be used without ineffective area, if graphic area is defined the same number as the actual column number of LCD display. Pacific Display Devices 03.07.2006 18 SPECIFICATIONS FOR LIQUID CRYSTAL DISPLAY MODULE ● Mode Set Code 1000x000 1000x001 1000x011 1000x100 10000xxx 10001xxx x : Don’t care Function "OR" Mode "EXOR" Mode "AND" Mode "TEXT ATTRIBUTE" Mode Internal Character Generator Mode External Character Generator Mode Operand ------------- MODEL NO: 240128-06 The display mode is defined by this command. The display mode don’t have changed until to send next this command. Logically "OR" , "EXOR", "AND" of text and graphic dispaly can be displayed. When internal character generator mode is selected, character code 00H~7FH are selected from built-in character generator ROM. The character code 80H~FFH are automatically selected external character generator RAM. (Example) Graphic Text "OR" "AND" "EXOR" Note : Only text display is attributed, because attribute data is located in graphic RAM area. Attribute function "Reverse display", "Character blink" and "Inhibit" are called "Attribute". The attribute data is written in the graphic area defined by control word set command. The mode set command selects text display only and graphic display cannot be displayed. The attribute data of the lst character in text area is written at the lst byte in graphic area, and attribute data of n-th character is written at the n-th byte in graphic area. Attribute function is defined as follow. Attribute RAM byte d3 0 0 0 1 1 1 d2 0 1 0 0 1 0 d1 0 0 1 0 0 1 d0 0 1 1 0 1 1 x x x x d3 d2 d1 d0 Function Normal display Reverse display Inhibit display Blink of normal display Blink of reverse display Blink of inhibit display Pacific Display Devices 03.07.2006 19 SPECIFICATIONS FOR LIQUID CRYSTAL DISPLAY MODULE ● Display Mode Code Function 10010000 Display off 1001xx10 Cursor on, blink off 1001xx11 Cursor on, blink on 100101xx Text on, graphic off 100110xx Text off, graphic on 100111xx Text on, graphic on 1 0 0 1 d3 d2 d1 d0 Cursor blink Cursor display Text display Graphic display on : 1, off : 0 on : 1, off : 0 on : 1, off : 0 on : 1, off : 0 MODEL NO: 240128-06 Operand ------------- Note : It is necessary to turn on "Text display" and "Graphic display" in following case. 1) Combination of text/graphic display 2) Attribute function ● Cursor Pattern Select Code 10100000 10100001 10100010 10100011 10100100 10100101 10100110 10100111 Function 1 line cursor 2 lines cursor 3 lines cursor 4 lines cursor 5 lines cursor 6 lines cursor 7 lines cursor 8 lines cursor Operand ----------------- When cursor display is ON, this command selects the cursor pattern from 1 line to 8 lines. The cursor address is defined by cursor pointer set command. 1 line cursor 2 lines cursor 8 lines cursor Pacific Display Devices 03.07.2006 20 SPECIFICATIONS FOR LIQUID CRYSTAL DISPLAY MODULE ● Data Auto Read/Write Code 10110000 10110001 10110010 Hex B0H B1H B2H Function Data auto write set Data auto read set Auto reset Operand ------- MODEL NO: 240128-06 This command is convenient to send full screen data from external display RAM. After setting auto mode, "Data write (or read)" command is not necessary between each data. "Data auto write (or read)" command should follow the "Address pointer set" and address pointer is automatically increment by + 1 after each data. After sending (or receiving) all data "Auto reset" is necessary to return normal operation because all data is regarded "Display data" and no command can be accepted in the auto mode. Note : Status check for auto mode (STA2,STA3) should be checked between each data. Auto reset should be performed after checking STA3=1 (STA2=1). Please refer following flow chart. AUTO MODE STATUS CHECK 1 LOWER ADDRESS DATA STATUS CHECK 1 UPPER ADDRESS DATA STATUS CHECK 1 ADDRESS POINTER SET 24H STATUS CHECK 1 DATA AUTO WRITE B0H STATUS CHECK 2 DISPLAY DATA SEND STATUS CHECK 2 DISPLAY DATA SEND STATUS CHECK 2 STA2=1, (STA3=1)? YES STATUS CHECK 1 STA0=1, STA2=1? YES NO RETURN NO RETURN STATUS CHECK 2 AUTO RESET B2H END Pacific Display Devices 03.07.2006 21 SPECIFICATIONS FOR LIQUID CRYSTAL DISPLAY MODULE ● Data Read Write Code 11000000 11000001 11000010 11000011 11000100 11000101 Hex C0H C1H C2H C3H C4H C5H Function Data write and ADP increment Data read and ADP increment Data write and ADP decrement Data read and ADP decrement Data write and ADP non-variable Data read and ADP non-variable Operand Data --Data --Data --- MODEL NO: 240128-06 This command is used for data write from MPU to external display RAM, and data read from external display RAM to MPU. Data write/data read should be executed after setting address by address pointer set command. Address pointer can be automatically increment or decrement by setting this command. Note : This command is necessary for each 1 byte data. Please refer following flow chart. DATA WRITE START STATUS CHECK 1 LOWER ADDRESS DATA STATUS CHECK 1 UPPER ADDRESS DATA STATUS CHECK 1 ADDRESS POINTER SET 24H STATUS CHECK 1 WRITE DATA SET STATUS CHECK 1 DATA WRITE C0H END DATA READ ADDRESS POINTER SET STATUS CHECK 1 DATA READ C1H END Pacific Display Devices 03.07.2006 22 SPECIFICATIONS FOR LIQUID CRYSTAL DISPLAY MODULE ● Screen Peek Code 11100000 Hex E0H Function Screen Peek Operand --- MODEL NO: 240128-06 This command is used to transfer displayed 1 byte data to data stack, and this 1 byte data can be read from MPU by data access. The logical combination data of text and graphic display on LCD screen can be read by this command. The status (STA6) should be checked just after "Screen peek" command. If the address determined by "Address pointer Set" command is not in graphic area, this command ignored and status flag (STA6) is set. Please refer following flow chart. SCREEN PEEK START STATUS CHECK 1 LOWER ADDRESS DATA STATUS CHECK 1 UPPER ADDRESS DATA STATUS CHECK 1 ADDRESS POINTER SET 24H STATUS CHECK 1 SCREEN PEEK E0H STATUS CHECK STA6=0? YES NO STATUS CHECK 1 DATA ACCESS END Pacific Display Devices 03.07.2006 23 SPECIFICATIONS FOR LIQUID CRYSTAL DISPLAY MODULE ● Screen Copy Code 11101000 Hex E8H Function Screen copy Operand --- MODEL NO: 240128-06 This command is used to copy displayed 1 line data to graphic area. The start point of 1 line data in the screen is determined by the address pointer. Please refer following flow chart. Note 1 : In attribute function, this command is invalid. (Because attribute data is in the graphic area.) Note 2 : In case of 2 screen drive, this command is invalid. (Because T6963C cannot separate upper screen data and lower screen data.) SCREEN COPY START STATUS CHECK 1 LOWER ADDRESS DATA STATUS CHECK 1 UPPER ADDRESS DATA STATUS CHECK 1 ADDRESS POINTER SET 24H STATUS CHECK 1 SCREEN COPY E8H STATUS CHECK STA6=0? NO NO YES STATUS CHECK STA0/1=1? YES END Pacific Display Devices 03.07.2006 24 SPECIFICATIONS FOR LIQUID CRYSTAL DISPLAY MODULE Bit Set/Reset Code 11110xxx 11111xxx 1111x000 1111x001 1111x010 1111x011 1111x100 1111x101 1111x110 1111x111 Function bit reset bit set bit 0 (LSB) bit 1 bit 2 bit 3 bit 4 bit 5 bit 6 bit 7 (MSB) Operand --------------------- MODEL NO: 240128-06 This command is used to set or reset a bit of 1 byte is specified by address pointer. Plural bits in the 1 byte data cannot be set/reset at a time. Please refer following flow chart. BIT SET/RESET STATUS CHECK 1 LOWER ADDRESS DATA STATUS CHECK 1 UPPER ADDRESS DATA STATUS CHECK 1 ADDRESS POINTER SET 24H STATUS CHECK 1 WRITE DATA SET STATUS CHECK 1 BIT SET (RESET) END Pacific Display Devices 03.07.2006 25 SPECIFICATIONS FOR LIQUID CRYSTAL DISPLAY MODULE MODEL NO: 240128-06 3.2 LCD Controller Command List Command Register Set Control Word Set Code 00100001 00100010 00100100 01000000 01000001 01000010 01000011 1000x000 1000x001 1000x011 1000x100 10000xxx 10001xxx 10010000 1001xx10 1001xx11 100101xx 100110xx 100111xx 10100000 10100001 10100010 10100011 10100100 10100101 10100110 10100111 10110000 10110001 10110010 11000000 11000001 11000010 11000011 11000100 11000101 11100000 11101000 11110xxx 11111xxx 1111x000 1111x001 1111x010 1111x011 1111x100 1111x101 1111x110 1111x111 D1 X address Data Low address Low address Columns Low address Columns ----------------------------------------------Data --Data --Data --------------------------D2 Y address 00H High address High address 00H High address 00H ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Function Cursor pointer set Offset register set Address pointer set Text home address set Text area set Graphic home address set Graphic area set "OR" mode "EXOR" mode "AND" mode "Text attribute" mode Internal CG ROM mode External CG RAM mode Display off Cursor on, blink off Cursor on, blink on Text on, graphic off Text off, graphic on Text on, graphic on 1 line cursor 2 lines cursor 3 lines cursor 4 lines cursor 5 lines cursor 6 lines cursor 7 lines cursor 8 lines cursor Data auto write set Data auto read set Auto reset Data write and ADP increment Data read and ADP increment Data write and ADP decrement Data read and ADP decrement Data write and ADP nonvariable Data read and ADP nonvariable Screen peek Screen copy bit reset bit set bit 0 (LSB) bit 1 bit 2 bit 3 bit 4 bit 5 bit 6 bit 7 (MSB) Mode Set Display Mode Cursor Pattern Select Data Auto Read/Write Data Read Write Screen Peek Screen Copy Bit Set/Reset Pacific Display Devices 03.07.2006 26 SPECIFICATIONS FOR LIQUID CRYSTAL DISPLAY MODULE MODEL NO: 240128-06 3.3 LCD Controller Character Code Map Pacific Display Devices 03.07.2006 27 SPECIFICATIONS FOR LIQUID CRYSTAL DISPLAY MODULE MODEL NO: 240128-06 3.4 Application Circuits Pacific Display Devices 03.07.2006 28 SPECIFICATIONS FOR LIQUID CRYSTAL DISPLAY MODULE MODEL NO: 240128-06 4. RELIABILITY No . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Test Item High temperature storage Low temperature storage High temperature operation Low temperature operation High temperature / Humidity storage High temperature / Humidity operation Temperature cycle Environmental Test Content of Test Endurance test applying the high storage temperature for a long time. Endurance test applying the low storage temperature for a long time. Endurance test applying the electric stress (Voltage & Current) and the thermal stress to the element for a long time. Endurance test applying the electric stress under low temperature for a long time. Endurance test applying the high temperature and high humidity storage for a long time. Endurance test applying the electric stress (Voltage & Current) and temperature / humidity stress to the element for a long time. Endurance test applying the low and high temperature cycle. -20°C 70°C 25°C 30min 30min 5min. 1 cycle Test Condition 60 °C 200 hrs -10 °C 200 hrs 50 °C 200 hrs 0 °C 200 hrs 60 °C , 90 %RH 96 hrs 40 °C , 90 %RH 96 hrs -10°C / 60°C 10 cycles Applicable Standard --------------------MIL-202E-103B JIS-C5023 MIL-202E-103B JIS-C5023 ------ Mechanical Test 8 Vibration test Endurance test applying the vibration during transportation and using. Constructional and mechanical endurance test applying the shock during transportation. Endurance test applying the atmospheric pressure during transportation by air. 10∼22Hz → 1.5mmp-p 22∼500Hz → 1.5G Total 0.5hrs 50G Half sign wave 1l msedc 3 times of each direction 115 mbar 40 hrs MIL-202E-201A JIS-C5025 JIS-C7022-A-10 MIL-202E-213B MIL-202E-105C 9 10 Shock test Atmospheric pressure test Static electricity test Others Endurance test applying the electric stress to the VS=800V , RS=1.5 kΩ terminal. CS=100 pF 1 time ∗∗∗ Supply voltage for logic system = VDD. Supply voltage for LCD system = Operating voltage at 25°C 11 MIL-883B3015.1 ■ LCD Panel Service Life Definition of panel service life • • • • • 100,000 hours minimum at 25° C ±10% Contrast becomes 30% of initial value Current consumption becomes three times higher than initial value Remarkable alignment deterioration occurs in LCD cell layer Unusual operation occurs in display functions Pacific Display Devices 03.07.2006 29 SPECIFICATIONS FOR LIQUID CRYSTAL DISPLAY MODULE MODEL NO: 240128-06 5. PRECAUTIONS FOR USING LCD MODULES Installing LCD Modules The hole in the printed circuit board is used to fix LCM as shown in the picture below. Attend to the following items when installing the LCM. 1) Cover the surface with a transparent protective plate to protect the polarizer and LC cell. 2) When assembling the LCM into other equipment, the spacer to the bit between the LCM and the fitting plate should have enough height to avoid causing stress to the module surface, refer to the individual specifications for measurements. The measurement tolerance should be ±0.1mm. Precaution for Handing LCD Modules Since LCM has been assembled and adjusted with a high degree of precision, avoid applying excessive shocks to the module or making any alterations or modifications to it. 1) Cover the surface with a transparent protective plate to protect the polarizer and LC cell. 2) Do not alter, modify or change the shape of the tab on the metal frame. 3) Do not make extra holes on the printed circuit board, modify its shape or change the positions of components to be attached. 4) Do not damage or modify the pattern writing on the printed circuit board. 5) Absolutely do not modify the zebra rubber strip (conductive rubber) or heat seal connector. 6) Except for soldering the interface, do not make any alterations or modifications with a soldering iron. 7) Do not drop, bend or twist LCM. Electro-Static Discharge Control Since this module uses a CMOS LSI, the same careful attention should be paid to electrostatic discharge as for an ordinary CMOS IC. 1) Make certain that you are grounded when handing LCM. 2) Before remove LCM from its packing case or incorporating it into a set, be sure the module and your body have the same electric potential. 3) When soldering the terminal of LCM, make certain the AC power source for the soldering iron does not leak. 4) When using an electric screwdriver to attach LCM, the screwdriver should be of ground potentiality to minimize as much as possible any transmission of electromagnetic waves produced sparks coming from the commutator of the motor. 5) As far as possible make the electric potential of your work clothes and that of the work bench the ground potential. 6) To reduce the generation of static electricity be careful that the air in the work is not too dried. A relative humidity of 50%-60% is recommended. Precaution for soldering to the LCM 1) Observe the following when soldering lead wire, connector cable and etc. to the LCM. a) Soldering iron temperature : 280°C ± 10°C. b) Soldering time : 3-4 sec. 2) Solder : eutectic solder. Pacific Display Devices 03.07.2006 30 SPECIFICATIONS FOR LIQUID CRYSTAL DISPLAY MODULE MODEL NO: 240128-06 3) If soldering flux is used, be sure to remove any remaining flux after finishing to soldering operation. (This does not apply in the case of a non-halogen type of flux.) It is recommended that you protect the LCD surface with a cover during soldering to prevent any damage due to flux spatters. 4) When soldering the electroluminescent panel and PC board, the panel and board should not be detached more than three times. This maximum number is determined by the temperature and time conditions mentioned above, though there may be some variance depending on the temperature of the soldering iron. 5) When remove the electroluminescent panel from the PC board, be sure the solder has completely melted, the soldered pad on the PC board could be damaged. Precautions for Operation 1) Viewing angle varies with the change of liquid crystal driving voltage (VO). Adjust VO to show the best contrast. 2) Driving the LCD in the voltage above the limit shortens its life. 3) Response time is greatly delayed at temperature below the operating temperature range. However, this does not mean the LCD will be out of the order. It will recover when it returns to the specified temperature range. 4) If the display area is pushed hard during operation, the display will become abnormal. However, it will return to normal if it is turned off and then back on. 5) Condensation on terminals can cause an electrochemical reaction disrupting the terminal circuit. Therefore, it must be used under the relative condition of 40°C , 50% RH. 6) When turning the power on, input each signal after the positive/negative voltage becomes stable. Safety • If the LCD panel breaks, be careful not to get the liquid crystal in your mouth. If the liquid crystal touches your skin or clothes, wash it off immediately using soap and plenty of water. Handling • • • • • The display panel is made of glass. Do not subject it to a mechanical shock by dropping it or impact. If the display panel is damaged and the liquid crystal substance leaks out, be sure not to get any in your mouth. If the substance contacts your skin or clothes, wash it off using soap and water. Do not apply excessive force to the display surface or the adjoining areas since this may cause the color tone to vary. The polarizer covering the display surface of the LCD module is soft and easily scratched. Handle this polarizer carefully. If the display surface becomes contaminated, breathe on the surface and gently wipe it with a soft dry cloth. If it is heavily contaminated, moisten cloth with one of the following solvents : o Isopropyl alcohol o Ethyl alcohol Solvents other than those above-mentioned may damage the polarizer. Especially, do not use the following. o Water o Ketone o Aromatic solvents Exercise care to minimize corrosion of the electrode. Corrosion of the electrodes is accelerated by water droplets, moisture condensation or a current flow in a high-humidity environment. Install the LCD Module by using the mounting holes. When mounting the LCD module make sure it is free of twisting, warping and distortion. In particular, do not forcibly pull or bend the I/O cable or the backlight cable. Do not attempt to disassemble or process the LCD module. NC terminal should be open. Do not connect anything. If the logic circuit power is off, do not apply the input signals. • • • • • • Pacific Display Devices 03.07.2006 31 SPECIFICATIONS FOR LIQUID CRYSTAL DISPLAY MODULE MODEL NO: 240128-06 • To prevent destruction of the elements by static electricity, be careful to maintain an optimum work environment. o Be sure to ground the body when handling the LCD modules. o Tools required for assembling, such as soldering irons, must be properly grounded. o To reduce the amount of static electricity generated, do not conduct assembling and other work under dry conditions. o The LCD module is coated with a film to protect the display surface. Exercise care when peeling off this protective film since static electricity may be generated. Storage • • • • When storing the LCD modules, avoid exposure to direct sunlight or to the light of fluorescent lamps Store the module in a dark place where the temperature is 25 oC ±10 oC and the humidity below 65% RH. Do not store the module near organic solvents or corrosive gases. Do not crush, shake, or jolt the module (including accessories). Cleaning • • • Do not wipe the polarizing plate with a dry cloth, as it may scratch the surface. Wipe the module gently with soft cloth soaked with a petroleum benzene. Do not use ketonic solvents (ketone and acetone) or aromatic solvents (toluene and xylene), as they may damage the polarizing plate. Others: • Liquid crystals solidify under low temperature (below the storage temperature range) leading to defective orientation or the generation of air bubbles (black or white). Air bubbles may also be generated if the module is subject to a low temperature. If the LCD modules have been operating for a long time showing the same display patterns, the display patterns may remain on the screen as ghost images and a slight contrast irregularity may also appear. A normal operating status can be regained by suspending use for some time. It should be noted that this phenomenon does not adversely affect performance reliability. To minimize the performance degradation of the LCD modules resulting from destruction caused by static electricity etc., exercise care to avoid holding the following sections when handling the modules. - Exposed area of the printed circuit board. - Terminal electrode sections. • • Pacific Display Devices 03.07.2006 32
240128-06-FC-F-ET-ELED-GY 价格&库存

