Technical Specification
A1833 A, B ________________________________________________________________ 140-170 /440-470 Hz HIGH PERFORMANCE DUAL BAND ANTENNA
High Performance: This antenna provides 2.5dB gain on VHF and 4dB gain on UHF. It provides 10MHz of bandwidth at both VHF and UHF with less than 2:1 VSWR. It is available in 3 frequency ranges. Stylish and Durable: This antenna is manufactured using the finest corrosion resistant materials and finishes available. The base is triple plated chrome brass with an insert molded low loss coil form and a spring loaded, gold plated contact. The silver plated phasing coil is fully enclosed to insure years of dependable service. It is available in both brite and black finish. Weatherproof: O ring seals and overlap construction keep moisture out of the antenna. Standard Mounting: The 1833 series antennas mate with the standard TAD/NMO type mount, which provides an excellent moisture seal even when the antenna is removed.
FREQUENCY RANGE: GAIN: IMPEDANCE: POWER RATING: VSWR: RADIATION PATTERN: 140-170MHz 440-470MHz 2.5dB @ 140-170MHz 4.0dB @ 440-470MHz 50 ohms 200 watts