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    OTC-236-22 - THERMOPILE INFRARED SENSOR - List of Unclassifed Manufacturers

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OTC-236-22 数据手册
OTC-236 THERMOPILE INFRARED SENSOR ▓ Features The thermopile sensor consists of a series of 44 thermoelements, forming a sensitive area of 0.5*0.5 mm2. The sensor is hermetically sealed into a TO-5 metal housing, with an optical filter. This standard filter allows measurements to be made in the spectral range above 5 µm wavelength. The thermosensor exhibits an almost white noise, comparable to an ohmic resistance. It has a constant signal versus frequency up to its frequency limit, and is directly proportional to incident radiation. ▓ Applications * Ear thermometers; clinic thermometers * Infrared thermometers * Consumer applications: hair dryer, micro-wave oven, air conditioner, refrigerator * Continuous temperature control of manufacturing * Security system * Radiation monitor switch system * Absorbing measurement for gas analysis * Thermoelectric converter * Heat flux flowmeter ▓ Electrical Characteristics Parameter Thermopile Number of thermojunctions Chip size Active area Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit ----Interference layer Siliconsubstrate 25 °C With 5-14µm filter --- 44 1920*1725 500*500 ------µm2 µm2 Thickness of substrate Resistance of thermopile Sensitivity Detecctivity Time constant Noise voltage NEP Temperature range 600 60 40 4*107 ------- 625 70 55 7*107 30 34 0.8 --- 650 80 70 9*107 ------100 µm KOhm V/W cm*Hz1/2/W Ms nV/Hz1/2 nW/Hz1/2 °C Operation -20 Measured at 1 Hz chopper frequency, within spectral range 5-14 µm, using a blackbody radiator of 500K temperature. ▓ Thermopile voltage vs. blackbody temperature ▓ Frequency response ▓ Field of view ▓ Pin assignment & description 1 3 thermopile output pin (+) thermopile output pin (-) Thermopile 2(R) 3(V-) 1(V+) 4(GND) BACKSIDE VIEW SIDE VIEW ▓ Order information : OTC-236-AB A : 1 2 : : standard filter (5-14 µm) silicon filter with flat band transmission B : 1 2 : : window size = 2.57mm (diameter) window size = 3.80mm (diameter) ▓ Transmission of filter Transmission of optical filter is measured by FTIR from 2 µm ▓ Package The sensor is hermetically sealed into a TO-5 metal housing, with an optical filter. This standard filter allows measurements to be made in the spectral range above 5 µm wavelength. The dimensions of header and cap are shown below. OTC-236-11 Unit: mm ψ8.15 ψ5.4 ψ2.57 2.00 4.6 0.43 Window Window IR IR Filter filter Chip Cap Header OTC-236-12 Unit: mm 8.17 2.00 ψ3.8 WIindow Windo filter IR 0.43 4.6 Chip Cap Header ▓ Application circuit Circuit 1 : +5V C1 R1 Thermopile 1 3 C3 R5 C4 C5 + OP R6 Vout C6 R4 + R2 2 4 Reference Resistor R3 C2 Circuit 2 : Pre-Amplification Circuit Ambient Temperature Compensation Circuit +5V R10 + A2 Thermopile (+) R7 Adder C1 C3 R13 R11 2 4 + A3 R8 C2 R9 reference resistor Vout C4 +5V R1 + A1 R2 1+ 3Thermopile (-) R12
1. 物料型号: - 型号为OTC-236。

2. 器件简介: - OTC-236是一个热电堆传感器,由44个热电元件组成,形成一个敏感区域为0.5mm x 0.5mm。传感器被密封在一个TO-5金属外壳内,并配有一个光学滤波器。该标准滤波器允许在5微米以上的光谱范围内进行测量。

3. 引脚分配: - 1(V+):热电堆输出引脚(正) - 2(R):可能为电阻或参考电压引脚 - 3(V-):热电堆输出引脚(负) - 4(GND):地线

4. 参数特性: - 热电堆结数:44 - 芯片尺寸:19201725微米² - 有效面积层干涉:500500微米² - 基板厚度:硅基板,600-650微米 - 热电堆电阻(25°C):60-80千欧姆 - 灵敏度(带5-14微米滤波器):40-70V/W - 探测率:410^7至910^7 cmHz^(1/2)/W - 时间常数:30毫秒 - 噪声电压:34纳伏/Hz^(1/2) - NEP(噪声等效功率):0.8纳瓦/Hz^(1/2) - 温度范围:-20至100°C

5. 功能详解: - 该传感器主要用于测量红外辐射,具有几乎白噪声的特性,与欧姆电阻相当。它具有恒定的信号与频率比,直到其频率限制,并且直接与入射辐射成比例。

6. 应用信息: - 耳温计、临床温度计、红外温度计、消费应用(如吹风机、微波炉、空调、冰箱)、连续温度控制制造、安全系统、辐射监测开关系统、气体分析吸收测量、热电转换器、热流流量计。

7. 封装信息: - 传感器被密封在一个TO-5金属外壳内,该外壳允许在5微米以上的光谱范围内进行测量。封装的尺寸和细节在文档中有图示说明。
OTC-236-22 价格&库存

