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    PSoC® 6 BLE PSoC® 6 BLE 收发器; Bluetooth® 5 2.4GHz 评估板

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CY8CKIT-062-BLE 数据手册
CY8CKIT-062-BLE QUICK START GUIDE PSOC® 6 BLE PIONEER KIT Kit Contents: 1 PSoC® 6 BLE Pioneer Board 2 CY8CKIT-028-EPD E-INK Display Shield 3 CY5677 CySmartTM BLE 4.2 USB Dongle 4 USB Type-A to Type-C cable 5 Four jumper wires (4 inches each) 6 Two proximity sensor wires (5 inches each) 7 Quick Start Guide (this document) www.cypress.com/CY8CKIT-062-BLE 2 • Power the board by connecting it to your PC using the provided USB cable through USB connector (J10) • The E-INK display will now refresh and show the instructions to evaluate the pre-programmed code example: CE220167 - PSoC 6 BLE with User Interface 1 • Install the CySmart mobile application on your iOS or Android device from App StoreSM or Google Play™ store respectively CY8CKIT-062-BLE QUICK START GUIDE PSOC® 6 BLE PIONEER KIT 3 • 4 • After power up, BLE will advertise for 20 seconds. The orange LED (LED8) remains on during this Turn on Bluetooth on your mobile device and then open the CySmart application • CySmart will list the “PSoC 6 BLE UI” Peripheral. Connect period to indicate the BLE advertising state • If the BLE advertisement has timed out (LED8 is off), to the “PSoC 6 BLE UI” Peripheral • A successful connection is indicated by orange LED press SW2 to restart advertisement (LED8) continuously blinking at half second intervals 5 • When connected, the CySmart mobile application will list the services supported by the Peripheral. Scroll and select the CapSense Slider service • Swipe your finger on the CapSense slider on the board and see a similar response on the CapSense Slider page in the CySmart application 6 • Press the back button to return to the service selection page. Scroll and select the RGB LED service • On the RGB LED service page, select a color on the color gamut to see a similar color response from the on-board RGB LED (LED5) • For instructions to evaluate the additional features of this example, install the PSoC 6 BLE Pioneer Kit software and refer to the code example: CE220167 - PSoC 6 BLE with User Interface CY8CKIT-062-BLE QUICK START GUIDE PSoC 6 BLE Pioneer Board Details 37 36 18 15 18 35 34 33 15 32 31 30 29 28 1 2 27 3 26 4 5 25 24 23 22 6 21 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1. Battery charging indicator (LED6) 20. KitProg2 programming target selection switch (SW6)2 2. USB PD output voltage availability indicator (LED7) 21. CapSense slider and buttons 3. KitProg2 USB connector (J10) 22. CapSense proximity header (J13) 4. Cypress EZ-PD™ CCG3 Type-C Port Controller 23. PSoC 6 BLE VDD selection switch (SW5) with PD (CYPD3125-40LQXI, U3) 24. PSoC 6 BLE power monitoring jumper (J8)2 5. KitProg2 programming mode selection button (SW3) 25. ArduinoTM Uno R3 compatible ICSP header (J5)1 6. KitProg2 I/O header (J6)1 26. PSoC 6 BLE user LEDs (LED8 and LED9) 7. KitProg2 programming/custom application header (J7)1 27. RGB LED (LED5) 8. External power supply connector (J9) 28. Cypress 512-Mbit serial NOR flash memory (S25FL512S, U4) 9. PSoC 6 BLE user button (SW2) 29. Cypress serial Ferroelectric RAM (U5)1 10. KitProg2 application selection button (SW4) 30. Vbackup and PMIC control selection switch (SW7) 11. Digilent® Pmod™ compatible I/O header (J14)1 31. Cypress PSoC 6 BLE (CY8C6347BZI-BLD53, U1) 12. Power LED (LED4) 32. BLE antenna 13. KitProg2 status LEDs (LED1, LED2, and LED3) 33. U.FL connector for external antenna (J17)1 14. PSoC 6 BLE reset button (SW1) 34. Cypress main voltage regulator (MB39C022G, U6) 15. PSoC 6 BLE I/O header (J18, J19 and J20) 16. ArduinoTM Uno R3 compatible power header (J1) 35. KitProg2 (PSoC 5LP) programmer and debugger (CY8C5868LTI-LP039, U2) 17. PSoC 6 BLE debug and trace header (J12) 36. Battery connector (J15)1,2 18. ArduinoTM Uno R3 compatible PSoC 6 BLE 37. USB PD output voltage (9V/12V) connector (J16)1 I/O header (J2, J3 and J4) 19. PSoC 6 BLE program and debug header (J11) Footprints only, not populated on the board 1 Components at the bottom side of the board 2 CY8CKIT-062-BLE QUICK START GUIDE PSoC 6 BLE Pioneer Board Pinout Details SWDIO SWDCLK RESET GND P5LP_VDD P15_4 P1_6 P0_7 P0_3 P0_2 VCC/P6_VDD GND/GND SCK/P12_2 MISO/P12_1 MOSI/P12_0 SS/P12_5 P11_0 P11_2 P7_0 P7_3 P7_4 P7_5 P7_6 P7_7 P10_0/A0 P10_1/A1 P10_2/A2 P10_3/A3 P10_4/A4 P10_5/A5 P10_6 P6_2 P6_3 P13_6 NC P6_VDD/IOREF RESET/RESET V 3.3/3.3 V V 5.0/5 V GND/GND GND/GND VIN/Vin P9_0 P9_1 P9_2 P9_3 P9_4 P9_5 GND P9_6 P9_7 P13_7 P5LP_VDD P15_1 P15_2 P15_3 P12_5 P3_4 P12_7 P3_6 NC P0_1 P12_0 P3_0 P12_1 P3_5 P12_6 GND P6_0/SCL P6_1/SDA VREF/AREF GND/GND P12_2/D13 P12_1/D12 P12_0/D11 P12_3/D10 P13_1/D9 P13_0/D8 P12_4 P12_5 P12_6 GND P12_7 P1_0 P1_2 P1_3 P1_4 P1_5 P0_2/D7 P5_6/D6 P5_5/D5 P5_4/D4 P5_3/D3 P5_2/D2 P5_1/D1 P5_0/D0 LEGEND Arduino Uno R3 PSoC 6 BLE Pioneer Board KitProg2 I/Os Digilent Pmod For the latest information about this kit, visit www.cypress.com/CY8CKIT-062-BLE © 2016 - 2017 Cypress Semiconductor Corporation. All rights reserved. All trademarks or registered trademarks referenced herein are the property of their respective owners. 002-18023 Rev*C P8_7 P8_6 P8_5 P8_4 P8_3 P8_2 P8_1 P8_0
CY8CKIT-062-BLE 价格&库存


    •  国内价格
    • 1+1109.04626


    •  国内价格 香港价格
    • 1+1118.038501+142.39660


    •  国内价格 香港价格
    • 1+1155.270101+139.48317
