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IM111X6Q1BAUMA1 数据手册
IM111-X6Q1B CIPOS™ Nano IM111-X6Q1B Description IM111-X6Q1B is an H-bridge integrated power module (IPM) designed for advanced appliance motor drive applications. This advanced low profile IPM offers a combination of Infineon’s low RDS(ON) CoolMOS ™ technology and the industry benchmark high voltage, rugged driver in a small 12x10mm QFN package. Features  Integrated gate drivers and bootstrap           functionality Overcurrent protection & fault reporting Low 0.28Ω RDS(on), 600V CoolMOS™ Under-voltage lockout for both channels Shoot through protection Matched propagation delay for all channels Optimized dv/dt for loss and EMI trade offs Advanced input filter 3.3V input logic compatible Motor power range 80-200W 1500VRMS min isolation Potential Applications Linear refrigerator compressors  High efficiency single-phase motor drives  DC-AC inverters  Product Validation Qualified for industrial applications according to the relevant tests of JEDEC47/20/22. Table 1 Part Ordering Table Base Part Number Package Type IM111-X6Q1B Final Datasheet www.infineon.com QFN 12x10mm Standard Pack Form Tape and Reel Quantity 2000 Orderable Part Number IM111-X6Q1BAUMA1 Please read the Important Notice and Warnings at the end of this document Revision 1.0 2019-12-12 CIPOS™ Nano IM111-X6Q1B Table of contents Description ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..1 Features………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...1 Potential Applications ..................................................................................................................... 1 Product Validation .......................................................................................................................... 1 Table of contents ............................................................................................................................ 2 1 Internal Electrical Schematic .......................................................................................... 3 2 2.1 2.2 Pin Configuration........................................................................................................... 4 Pin Assignment ........................................................................................................................................ 4 Pin Descriptions....................................................................................................................................... 5 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 Absolute Maximum Rating .............................................................................................. 6 Module ..................................................................................................................................................... 6 Inverter .................................................................................................................................................... 6 Control ..................................................................................................................................................... 6 4 Thermal Characteristics ................................................................................................. 7 5 Recommended Operating Conditions ............................................................................... 8 6 6.1 6.2 Static Parameters .......................................................................................................... 9 Inverter .................................................................................................................................................... 9 Control ..................................................................................................................................................... 9 7 7.1 7.2 Dynamic Parameters .....................................................................................................10 Inverter .................................................................................................................................................. 10 Control ................................................................................................................................................... 10 8 Thermistor Characteristics ............................................................................................11 9 Qualification Information ..............................................................................................12 10 10.1 10.2 Diagrams & Tables ........................................................................................................13 Input-Output Logic Table ...................................................................................................................... 13 Switching Time Definitions ................................................................................................................... 13 11 11.1 11.2 11.3 Application Guide .........................................................................................................14 Typical Application Schematic ............................................................................................................. 14 Performance Charts .............................................................................................................................. 14 –Vs Immunity ......................................................................................................................................... 15 12 Package Outline ...........................................................................................................16 Revision History ............................................................................................................................18 Final Datasheet 2 Revision 1.0 2019-12-12 CIPOS™ Nano IM111-X6Q1B 1 Internal Electrical Schematic 6~8, 32~35 V+ Integrated in HVIC 9 VB1 10 11 12 13 VDD1 HIN1 LIN1 ITRIP1 Half-Bridge HVIC 19~25 VS1 14 RFE1 15, 39 COM1 16 NTC 17~18 VR1 36 VB2 37 1 2 3 4 5, 38 Figure 1 Final Datasheet VDD2 HIN2 LIN2 ITRIP2 RFE2 COM2 Half-Bridge HVIC 26~28, 31 VS2 29~30 VR2 Internal electrical schematic. 3 Revision 1.0 2019-12-12 CIPOS™ Nano IM111-X6Q1B 2 Pin Configuration 2.1 Pin Assignment 19 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 11 39 10 20 21 22 23 24 25 9 8 26 7 27 6 28 5 4 3 38 29 30 2 1 37 Figure 2 Module pinout Table 2 Pin Assignment Pin 1 2 3 4 5 6-8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17-18 19-25 26-28 29-30 31 32-35 36 37 38 39 Final Datasheet Name HIN2 LIN2 ITRIP2 RFE2 COM2 V+ VB1 VDD1 HIN1 LIN1 ITRIP1 RFE1 COM1 NTC VR1 VS1 VS2 VR2 VS2 V+ VB2 VDD2 COM2 COM1 36 35 34 33 32 31 Description Logic Input for High Side Gate Driver (Active High) Logic Input for Low Side Gate Driver (Active High) Over Current Protection Fault Clear, Fault Reporting & Enable Logic Ground DC Bus Voltage Positive High Side Floating Supply (Bootstrap Cap Connection +) Low Side Control Supply Logic Input for High Side Gate Driver (Active High) Logic Input for Low Side Gate Driver (Active High) Over Current Protection Fault Clear, Fault Reporting & Enable Logic Ground Negative Temperature Coeffient Thermistor Low Side Source Phase Output Phase Output Low Side Source Phase Output (Bootstrap Cap Connection -) DC Bus Voltage Positive High Side Floating Supply (Bootstrap Cap Connection +) Low Side Control Supply Logic Ground Logic Ground 4 Revision 1.0 2019-12-12 CIPOS™ Nano IM111-X6Q1B 2.2 Pin Descriptions = 7.7V. This prevents the external power switches from critically low gate voltage levels during onstate and therefore from excessive power dissipation. LIN and HIN (Low side and high side control pins) These pins are positive logic and they are responsible for the control of the integrated CoolMOS. The Schmitt-trigger input thresholds of them are such to guarantee LSTTL and CMOS compatibility down to 3.3V controller outputs. Pulldown resistor of about 800k is internally provided to pre-bias inputs during supply start-up and an ESD diode is provided for pin protection purposes. Input Schmitt-trigger and noise filter provide beneficial noise rejection to short input pulses. VB and VS (High side supplies) VB to VS is the high side supply voltage. The high side circuit can float with respect to COM following the external high side power device source voltage. Due to the low power consumption, the floating driver stage is supplied by integrated bootstrap circuit. The noise filter suppresses control pulses which are below the filter time tFILIN. The filter acts according to Figure 4. The under-voltage detection operates with a rising supply threshold of typical VBSUV+ = 8.9V and a falling threshold of VBSUV- = 7.7V. CIPOSTM VS provide a high robustness against negative voltage in respect of COM. This ensures very stable designs even under rough conditions. Schmitt-Trigger HINx LINx INPUT NOISE FILTER  0.8M SWITCH LEVEL VIH; VIL COM Figure 3 VR (Low side source) Input pin structure a) tFILIN b) The low side source is available for current measurements of each phase leg. It is recommended to keep the connection to pin COM as short as possible in order to avoid unnecessary inductive voltage drops. tFILIN HIN LIN HIN LIN HO LO HO LO high Figure 4 low VS (High side source and low side drain) Input filter timing diagram This pin is motor input pin. The integrated gate drive provides additionally a shoot through prevention capability which avoids the simultaneous on-state of the high-side and lowside switch of the same inverter phase. A minimum deadtime insertion of typically 300ns is also provided by driver IC, in order to reduce crossconduction of the external power switches. V+ (Positive bus input voltage) The high side CoolMOS devices are connected to the bus voltage. It is noted that the bus voltage does not exceed 450V. ITRIP (Over current protection) Analog input for over-current shutdown. When active, ITRIP shuts down outputs and activates RFE low. VDD, COM (Low side control supply and reference) VDD is the control supply and it provides power both to input logic and to output power stage. Input logic is referenced to COM ground. RFE (Fault clear, fault reporting and enable) Integrated fault reporting function, fault clear timer and external enable pin. This pin has negative logic and an open-drain output. The under-voltage circuit enables the device to operate at power on when a supply voltage of at least a typical voltage of VDDUV+ = 8.9V is present. The IC shuts down all the gate drivers power outputs, when the VDD supply voltage is below VDDUVFinal Datasheet 5 Revision 1.0 2019-12-12 CIPOS™ Nano IM111-X6Q1B 3 Absolute Maximum Ratings 3.1 Module Table 3 Parameter Symbol Condition Units Storage temperature TSTG -40 ~ 150 °C Operating case temperature TC -40 ~ 125 °C Operating junction temperature TJ -40 ~ 150 °C Isolation voltage VISO 1500 V 1 1min, RMS, f = 60Hz 1. Characterized, not tested at production 3.2 Inverter Table 4 Parameter Symbol Max. blocking voltage Output current based on RTH(J-C)B Condition VDSS/VRRM Units 600 V IO TC = 25°C, DC 12 A Peak output current IOP TC = 25°C, pulsed current 20 A Output current based on RTH(J-A) IOA TA = 25°C, DC 2 A Peak power dissipation per MOSFET P TC = 25°C 175 W 1 1. Limited by wire bonding current capability inside the package 3.3 Control Table 5 Parameter Symbol Condition Units Low side control supply voltage VDD -0.3 ~ 20 V Input voltage LIN, HIN VIN -0.3 ~ VDD V High side floating supply voltage (VB reference to VS) VBS -0.3 ~ 20 V Final Datasheet 6 Revision 1.0 2019-12-12 CIPOS™ Nano IM111-X6Q1B 4 Thermal Characteristics Table 6 Parameter Single MOSFET thermal resistance, junction-case (bottom) Symbol Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Units RTH(J-C)B Measures either high side or low side device - 0.6 - °C/W Thermal resistance, RTH(J-A) 12 °C/W junction-ambient(1) (1) The junction to ambient thermal resistance is simulated based on standard JESD51-5/7 using a FR4 2s2p board with device mounted and power evenly distributed to four power MOSFETs. Final Datasheet 7 Revision 1.0 2019-12-12 CIPOS™ Nano IM111-X6Q1B 5 Recommended Operating Conditions Table 7 Parameter Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Units Positive DC bus input voltage V+ - - 450 V Low side control supply voltage VDD 13.5 - 16.5 V High side floating supply voltage VBS 12.5 - 17.5 V Input voltage VIN 0 - 5 V PWM carrier frequency FPWM - 6 - kHz External dead time between HIN & LIN DT 1 - - µs Voltage between COM and VR VCOMR -5 - 5 V Minimum input pulse width PWIN(ON), PWIN(OFF) 0.5 - - µs Final Datasheet 8 Revision 1.0 2019-12-12 CIPOS™ Nano IM111-X6Q1B 6 Static Parameters 6.1 Inverter (VDD-COM) = (VB - VS) = 15 V. TC = 25°C unless otherwise specified. Table 8 Parameter Drain to Source ON Resistance Drain source leakage current Diode forward voltage 6.2 Symbol Conditions Min. Typ. Max. RDS(on) ID = 0.5A - 0.28 0.31 Units Ω ID= 0.5A, TJ = 150℃ - 0.59 - Ω VIN = 0V, V+ = 600V - 20 - µA VIN = 0V, V+ = 600V, TJ = 150°C - 40 - µA IF = 0.5A - 0.69 - V IF = 0.5A, TJ = 150℃ - 0.48 - V IDSS VF Control (VDD-COM) = (VB - VS) = 15 V. TC = 25°C unless otherwise specified. The VIN and IIN are referenced to COM and are applicable to all six channels. The VDDUV is referenced to COM. The VBSUV is referenced to VS. Table 9 Parameter Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Units Logic “1” input voltage (LIN, HIN) VIN,TH+ 2.2 - - V Logic “0” input voltage (LIN, HIN) VIN,TH- - - 0.8 V RFE positive going threshold VRFE+ - - 2.5 V RFE negative going threshold VRFE- 0.8 - - V VDD/VBS supply undervoltage, positive going threshold VDD,UV+, VBS,UV+ 8 8.9 9.8 V VDD/VBS supply undervoltage, negative going threshold VDD,UV-, VBS,UV- 6.9 7.7 8.5 V VDD/VBS supply undervoltage lock-out hysteresis VDDUVH, VBSUVH - 1.2 - V Quiescent VBS supply current IQBS - 45 70 µA Quiescent VDD supply current IQCC 1.0 1.7 3.0 mA Input bias current VIN=4V for LIN,HIN IIN+ - 5 20 µA Input bias current VIN=0V for LIN, HIN IIN- - - 2 µA Input bias current VIN = 4V for RFE IIN,RFE+ - 0 1 µA Input bias current VIN = 4V for ITRIP ITRIP+ - 5 20 µA ITRIP positive going threshold VIT,TH+ 0.475 0.500 0.525 V ITRIP negative going threshold VIT,TH- - 0.43 - V ITRIP input hysteresis VIT,HYS - 0.07 - V Bootstrap resistance RBS - 200 - Ω RFE low on resistance RRFE - 50 100 Ω Final Datasheet 9 Revision 1.0 2019-12-12 CIPOS™ Nano IM111-X6Q1B 7 Dynamic Parameters 7.1 Inverter (VDD-COM) = (VB - VS) = 15 V. TC = 25°C unless otherwise specified. Table 10 Parameter Symbol Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Units - 0.88 - µs - 37 - ns Input to output turn-on propagation delay TON Turn-on rise time TR Turn-on switching time TC(on) - 167 - ns Input to output turn-off propagation delay TOFF - 0.92 - µs Turn-off fall time TF - 186 - ns Turn-off switching time TC(off) - 192 - ns RFE low to six switch turn-off propagation delay TEN - 0.52 - µs ITRIP to six switch turn-off propagation delay TITRIP - 900 - ns Turn-on switching energy EON - 54 - µJ Turn-off switching energy EOFF - 11 - Diode reverse recovery energy EREC - 7 - Diode reverse recovery time TRR - 121 - ns Turn-on switching energy EON - 126 - µJ Turn-off switching energy EOFF - - Diode reverse recovery energy EREC - 12 10 Diode reverse recovery time TRR - 203 - ns 7.2 ID = 0.5A, V+ = 300V ID = 0.5A, V+ = 300V VIN = 0 or VIN = 5V, VEN = 5V ID = 0.5A, V+ = 300V, VDD = 15V, L = 9mH ID = 0.5A, V+ = 300V, VDD = 15V, L = 9mH, TJ = 150°C - Control (VDD-COM) = (VB - VS) = 15V. TC = 25°C unless otherwise specified. Table 11 Parameter Symbol Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Units Input filter time (HIN, LIN, ITRIP) TFIL,IN VIN = 0 or VIN = 5V - 300 - ns Input filter time (RFE) TFIL,EN VRFE = 0 or VRFE = 5V - 500 - ns ITRIP to Fault propagation delay TFLT VIN = 0 or VIN = 5V, VITRIP = 5V - 660 - ns Internal injected dead time TDT,GD VIN = 0 or VIN = 5V - 300 - ns Matching propagation delay time (on and off) for same phase high-side and low-side MT External dead time > 1µs - - 50 ns Final Datasheet 10 Revision 1.0 2019-12-12 CIPOS™ Nano IM111-X6Q1B 8 Thermistor Characteristics Table 12 Parameter Symbol Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Units Resistance R25 TC = 25°C, ±5% tolerance 44.65 47 49.35 kΩ Resistance R125 TC = 125°C 1.27 1.39 1.51 kΩ B-constant (25/100) B ±1% tolerance - 4006 - K -20 - 150 °C Temperature Range +3.3V 4.0 Thermistor Pin Readout Voltage VTH (V) REX T VTH 3.5 R 3.0 2.5 max typ min 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0 Figure 5 Final Datasheet TTH [℃] Rmin [kΩ] Rtyp [kΩ] Rmax [kΩ] 50 15.448 16.432 17.436 60 10.483 11.194 11.924 70 7.245 7.765 8.302 80 5.092 5.477 5.876 90 3.648 3.937 4.237 100 2.653 2.872 3.101 110 1.957 2.125 2.301 120 1.462 1.592 1.729 125 1.269 1.384 1.505 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 Thermistor Temperature TTH (°C) Thermistor resistance – temperature curve, for REXT=9.76kΩ, and thermistor resistance variation with temperature. 11 Revision 1.0 2019-12-12 CIPOS™ Nano IM111-X6Q1B 9 Qualification Information Table 13 Moisture sensitivity level MSL3 RoHS Compliant Yes ESD CDM ±2kV, Class C3, per ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-002 standard HBM ±2kV, Class 2, per ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JESD22-A114F standard Final Datasheet 12 Revision 1.0 2019-12-12 CIPOS™ Nano IM111-X6Q1B 10 Diagrams & Tables 10.1 Input-Output Logic Table V+ Ho HIN Gate Driver IC U/V/W Lo LIN Figure 6 Module block diagram Table 14 RFE ITRIP HIN LIN U,V,W 1 0 1 0 V+ 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 ‡ 1 0 1 1 ‡ 1 1 x x ‡ 0 x x x ‡ ‡ Voltage depends on direction of phase current 10.2 Switching Time Definitions HIN LIN 2.1V 0.9V trr toff ton 10% iD 90% 90% tf 10% tr 10% 10% 10% vDS tc(on) tc(off) Figure 7 Final Datasheet Switching times definition 13 Revision 1.0 2019-12-12 CIPOS™ Nano IM111-X6Q1B 11 Application Guide 11.1 Typical Application Schematic IM111-X6Q1B VBUS VDD1 VB1 XTAL0 XTAL1 PWMUL LIN1 PWMUH HIN1 PWMWL VDD2 VB2 HO HIN2 RFE1 RFE2 PWMWH + Fault/ Shutdown U VS1 - VS2 V NTC Vtemp uP HO LIN2 ITRIP1 ITRIP2 AIN1 Power Supply VDD IFB+ LO IFB- VDDCAP LO COM1 COM2 IFBO VSS Figure 8 Application schematic 11.2 Performance Charts Max Motor Current [Arms] 2.5 V+ = 300V, VDD=VBS=15V, TJ≤150°C, MI=0.8, PF=0.8, Bipolar SPWM, RTH(J-A)=12°C/W 2 FPWM=6kHz 1.5 1 FPWM=16kHz 0.5 0 0 Figure 9 Final Datasheet 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 PCB Ambient Temperature [℃] Max current SOA 14 Revision 1.0 2019-12-12 CIPOS™ Nano IM111-X6Q1B 11.3 –Vs Immunity Figure 10 –Vs immunity Final Datasheet 15 Revision 1.0 2019-12-12 CIPOS™ Nano IM111-X6Q1B 12 Package Outline Dimensions in mm Final Datasheet 16 Revision 1.0 2019-12-12 CIPOS™ Nano IM111-X6Q1B Note: Exposed tie bars on side of the module. T1 is internally connected to pin 37 T2 is internally connected to pin 15 T3 is internally connected to pin 12 T4 is internally connected to pin 31 T5 is internally connected to pin 5 Final Datasheet 17 Revision 1.0 2019-12-12 CIPOS™ Nano IM111-X6Q1B Revision History Major changes since the last revision Page or Reference Final Datasheet Description of change 18 Revision 1.0 2019-12-12 Trademarks All referenced product or service names and trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Edition 2019-12-12 Published by Infineon Technologies AG 81726 München, Germany © 2019 Infineon Technologies AG. All Rights Reserved. Do you have a question about this document? Email: erratum@infineon.com Document reference IMPORTANT NOTICE The information given in this document shall in no event be regarded as a guarantee of conditions or characteristics (“Beschaffenheitsgarantie”) . With respect to any examples, hints or any typical values stated herein and/or any information regarding the application of the product, Infineon Technologies hereby disclaims any and all warranties and liabilities of any kind, including without limitation warranties of non-infringement of intellectual property rights of any third party. In addition, any information given in this document is subject to customer’s compliance with its obligations stated in this document and any applicable legal requirements, norms and standards concerning customer’s products and any use of the product of Infineon Technologies in customer’s applications. The data contained in this document is exclusively intended for technically trained staff. It is the responsibility of customer’s technical departments to evaluate the suitability of the product for the intended application and the completeness of the product information given in this document with respect to such application. For further information on the product, technology, delivery terms and conditions and prices please contact your nearest Infineon Technologies office (www.infineon.com). Please note that this product is not qualified according to the AEC Q100 or AEC Q101 documents of the Automotive Electronics Council. WARNINGS Due to technical requirements products may contain dangerous substances. For information on the types in question please contact your nearest Infineon Technologies office. Except as otherwise explicitly approved by Infineon Technologies in a written document signed by authorized representatives of Infineon Technologies, Infineon Technologies’ products may not be used in any applications where a failure of the product or any consequences of the use thereof can reasonably be expected to result in personal injury.
IM111X6Q1BAUMA1 价格&库存


  •  国内价格 香港价格
  • 49+69.6289449+8.42875
  • 100+66.78926100+8.08500
  • 500+63.94958500+7.74125
  • 1000+60.314791000+7.30125
