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Data sheet No. PD60282 IPS6041(G)(R)(S)PbF INTELLIGENT POWER HIGH SIDE SWITCH Features • • • • • • • • • Product Summary Over temperature shutdown (with auto-restart) Short circuit protection (current limit) Reverse battery protection (turns On the MOSFET) Full diagnostic capability (short circuit to battery) Active clamp Open load detection in On and Off state Ground loss protection Logic ground isolated from power ground ESD protection Rds(on) Vclamp I Limit Open load 130mΩ max. 39V 7A 3V / 0.22A Packages Description The IPS6041(G)(R)(S)PbF is a five terminal Intelligent Power Switch (IPS) for use in a high side configuration. It features short circuit, over-temperature, ESD protection, inductive load capability and diagnostic feedback. The output current is limited to the Ilim value. The current limitation is activated until the thermal protection acts. The over-temperature protection turns off the device if the junction temperature exceeds the Tshutdown value. It will automatically restart after the junction has cooled 7°C below the Tshutdown value. The reverse battery protection turns On the MOSFET. A diagnostic pin provides different voltage levels for each fault condition. The double level shifter circuitry will allow large offsets between the logic and load ground. SO8 IPS6041GPbF TO220 IPS6041PbF D-Pak IPS6041RPbF D2Pak IPS6041SPbF Typical Connection +5V +Bat Vcc(5-6-7-8) Rdgp Dg(3) Pull-up resistors required for open load off and short circuit to Vbat detection Control Rdgs In(2) Gnd(1) Out(4) V Diag Rin Input Signal www.irf.com Load 1 IPS6041(G)(R)(S)PbF Absolute Maximum Ratings Absolute maximum ratings indicate sustained limits beyond which damage to the device may occur. All voltage parameters are referenced to Ground lead. (Tambient=25°C unless otherwise specified). Symbol Parameter Vout Voffset Vin Vcc max. Vcc cont. Iin max. Idg max. Vdg Maximum output voltage Maximum logic ground to load ground offset Maximum input voltage Maximum Vcc voltage Maximum continuous Vcc voltage Maximum IN current Maximum diagnostic output current Maximum diagnostic output voltage Maximum power dissipation (internally limited by thermal protection) Rth=100°C/W IPS6041G Rth=50°C/W IPS6041R 1”sqrt. footprint Electrostatic discharge voltage (Human body) C=100pF, R=1500Ω Between In and Vcc Other combinations Electrostatic discharge voltage (Machine Model) C=200pF,R=0Ω,L=10µH Between In and Vcc Other combinations Max. storage & operating temperature junction temperature Soldering temperature (10 seconds) Pd ESD Tj max. Tsoldering Min. Max. Units Vcc-35 Vcc+0.3 Vcc-35 Vcc+0.3 -0.3 5.5 ⎯ 36 ⎯ 28 -3 10 -3 10 -0.3 5.5 V mA V ⎯ ⎯ 1.25 2.5 ⎯ ⎯ 1500 4000 ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ 100 500 150 300 °C °C Typ. Max. Units 100 70 50 6 ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ °C/W 60 ⎯ 40 ⎯ -40 W V Thermal Characteristics Symbol Parameter Rth1 Rth1 Rth2 Rth3 Thermal resistance junction to ambient IPS6041G Thermal resistance junction to ambient IPS6041R D-Pak std. footprint Thermal resistance junction to ambient IPS6041R D-Pak 1” sqrt. footprint Thermal resistance junction to case IPS6041(R)(S) D-Pak/D2pak/TO220 Thermal resistance junction to ambient IPS6041(S) D2Pak/TO220 std. footprint Thermal resistance junction to ambient IPS6041S D2Pak 1” sqrt. footprint Rth1 Rth2 Recommended Operating Conditions These values are given for a quick design. For operation outside these conditions, please consult the application notes. Symbol Parameter VIH VIL Iout High level input voltage Low level input voltage Continuous drain current, Tambient=85°C, Tj=125°C, Vin=5V Rth=100°C/W IPS6041G Rth=50°C/W IPS6041R 1” sqrt. footprint Recommended resistor in series with IN pin Recommended resistor in series with DG pin for reverse battery protection Recommended pull-up resistor for DG Recommended pull-up resistor for open load detection Max. switching frequency Rin Rdgs Rdgp Rol F max. www.irf.com Min. Max. 4 0 5.5 0.9 ⎯ ⎯ 1.6 2.3 10 20 20 100 3.5 4 4 4 5 ⎯ Units A kΩ kHz 2 IPS6041(G)(R)(S)PbF Static Electrical Characteristics Tj=25°C, Vcc=14V (unless otherwise specified) Symbol Parameter Rds(on) ON state resistance Tj=25°C ON state resistance Tj=150°C ON state resistance Tj=25°C, Vcc=6V ON state resistance during reverse battery Operating voltage range Vcc to Out clamp voltage 1 Vcc to Out clamp voltage 2 Supply current when Off Supply current when On Input high threshold voltage Input low threshold voltage Input hysteresis Input current when device is On Dg leakage current Low level DG voltage Vcc op. V clamp 1 V clamp 2 Icc Off Icc On Vih Vil In hyst. Iin On Idg Vdg Min. Typ. Max. ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ 110 190 125 140 130 230 155 180 28 6 37 ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ 1.5 0.2 ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ 39 40 4 2.2 2.5 2 0.5 45 0.1 0.25 Units Test Conditions mΩ Vin=5V, Iout=2.5A Vin=5V, Iout=2.5A Vin=5V, Iout=1.5A Vcc-Gnd=14V ⎯ V 42 9 5 2.9 µA mA ⎯ V 1 100 10 0.4 µA V Iout=20mA Iout=2.5A (see Fig. 1) Vin=0V, Vout=0V Vin=5V Vin=5V Vdg=5V Idg=1.6mA Switching Electrical Characteristics Vcc=14V, Resistive load=6Ω, Vin=5V, Tj=25°C Symbol Parameter Tdon Tr1 Tr2 dV/dt (On) EOn Tdoff Tf dV/dt (Off) EOff Turn-on delay time Rise time to Vout=Vcc-5V Rise time to Vout=0.9 x Vcc Turn On dV/dt Turn On energy Turn-off delay time Fall time to Vout=0.1 x Vcc Turn Off dV/dt Turn Off energy www.irf.com Min. Typ. Max. ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ 5 3 4 2.5 100 10 3 6.5 50 15 10 20 5 ⎯ 20 10 20 ⎯ Units Test Conditions µs V/µs µJ see Fig. 3 µs V/µs µJ 3 IPS6041(G)(R)(S)PbF Protection Characteristics Symbol Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Units 4 150(1) 7 165 158 3 5 10 A Vout=0V ⎯ ⎯ °C See fig. 2 Ilim Tsd+ TsdVsc UV UV hyst. VOL Off Internal current limit Over temperature high threshold Over temperature low threshold Short-circuit detection voltage(2) 0.25 2 ⎯ Open load detection threshold 3 4 5.9 1.6 4 I OL On Open load detection threshold 0.05 0.15 0.22 ⎯ 2 ⎯ Test Conditions V A (1) Guaranteed by design (2) Reference to Vcc True Table Operating Conditions IN OUT DG Normal H H H Normal L L H Open Load H H L Open Load (3) L H L Short circuit to Gnd H L L Short circuit to Gnd L L H Short circuit to Vcc H H L (4) Short circuit to Vcc (5) L H L Over-temperature H L L Over-temperature L L H (3) With a pull-up resistor connected between the output and Vcc. (4) Vds lower than 10mV. (5) Without a pull-up resistor connected between the output and Vcc. Lead Assignments 3- Vcc 8765 1234 3- Vcc 1- Gnd 2- In 3- Vcc 4- Dg 5- Out 1- Gnd 2- In 3- DG 4- Out 5-6-7-8 Vcc 12345 SO8 D²Pak – D Pak 1 2 3 4 5 TO220 www.irf.com 4 IPS6041(G)(R)(S)PbF Functional Block Diagram All values are typical VCC 165°C Tj 37V Charge Pump 158°C 43V Vcc-gnd >UV 2.5V 6V 150kΩ IN Level Shifter 43V Driver 2.0V Over-temp + I sense I Limit Open load off + DG 6V Short circuit 3V + 3V Open load on Ground Disconnect + 20mV GND www.irf.com OUT 5 IPS6041(G)(R)(S)PbF T clamp Vin Vin Iout limiting Thermal cycling Ilim Ids Tj Vcc Tsd+ Tsd- Vds DG Vds clamp See Application Notes to evaluate power dissipation Figure 1 – Active clamp waveforms Figure 2 – Protection timing diagram 90% Vin Vcc Dg 10% Tr-in In Gnd Vclamp Out + 14V - L Vcc 90% Vcc-5V 5V Vin Vout 0V 10% Td on Td off Tf Tr1 Vout Rem : During active clamp, Vload is negative R Iout Tr2 Figure 3 – Switching times definitions www.irf.com Figure 4 – Active clamp test circuit 6 IPS6041(G)(R)(S)PbF 200% 250 200 Eon 150 100 Eoff 50 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 Rds(on), Drain-to-Source On Resistance (Normalized) Eon, Eoff, switching energy (µJ) 300 150% 100% 50% -50 Iout, Output current (A) 0 50 150 Tj, junction temperature (°C) Figure 5 – Switching energy (µJ) Vs Output current (A) Figure 6 - Normalized Rds(on) (%) Vs Tj (°C) 10 3 Ids, cont. Output current (A) 2.5 Iout, Output current (A) 100 1 100°C/W 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0.1 0.1 1 10 100 Load inductance (mH) Figure 7 – Max. Output current (A) Vs Load inductance (mH) www.irf.com 1000 -50 0 50 100 150 Tamb, Ambient temperature (°C) Figure 8 – Max. ouput current (A) Vs Ambient temperature (°C) 7 100 8 10 6 I limit (A) Zth, transient thermal impedance (°C/W) IPS6041(G)(R)(S)PbF 1 4 2 0.1 0 0.01 1E-5 1E-4 1E-3 1E-2 1E-1 1E+0 1E+1 1E+2 1E+3 -50 0 Time (s) Figure 10 –I limit (A) Vs junction temperature (°C) 1.E+4 Icc on/ Icc off, supply current (µA) 1.E+4 Icc on/ Icc off, supply current (µA) 100 Tj, junction temperature (°C) Figure 9 – Transient thermal impedance (°C/W) Vs time (s) 1.E+3 Icc on Icc off 1.E+2 1.E+1 1.E+0 0 5 10 15 20 25 Vcc, power supply voltage (V) Figure 11 – Icc on/ Icc off (µA) Vs Vcc (V) www.irf.com 50 30 1.E+3 Icc on Icc off 1.E+2 1.E+1 1.E+0 -50 0 50 100 150 Tj, junction temperature (°C) Figure 12 – Icc on/ Icc off (µA) Vs Tj (°C) 8 IPS6041(G)(R)(S)PbF Case Outline – SO8 - Automotive Q100 PbF MSL2 qualified www.irf.com 9 IPS6041(G)(R)(S)PbF Tape & Reel www.irf.com SO8 10 IPS6041(G)(R)(S)PbF Case Outline - TO220 (5 lead) - Automotive Q100 PbF qualified www.irf.com 11 IPS6041(G)(R)(S)PbF Case Outline 5 Lead - D2PAK - Automotive Q100 PbF MSL1 qualified www.irf.com 12 IPS6041(G)(R)(S)PbF Tape & Reel www.irf.com 5 Lead - D2PAK 13 IPS6041(G)(R)(S)PbF Case Outline 5 Lead – DPAK - Automotive Q100 PbF MSL1 qualified www.irf.com 14 IPS6041(G)(R)(S)PbF Tape & Reel 5 Lead – DPAK IR WORLD HEADQUARTERS: 233 Kansas St., El Segundo, California 90245 Tel: (310) 252-7105 Data and specifications subject to change without notice. TO220, D2Pak and Dpak is MSL1 qualified This product has been designed and qualified for the Automotive [Q100] market. 11/25/2006 www.irf.com 15 Note: For the most current drawings please refer to the IR website at: http://www.irf.com/package/
IPS6041STRLPBF 价格&库存

