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ISO1H816G 数据手册
ISOFACE™ ISO1H816G Galvanic Isolated 8 Channel High-Side Switch Datasheet Revision 2.4, 2014-10-20 Power Management & Multimarket Edition 2014-10-20 Published by Infineon Technologies AG 81726 Munich, Germany © 2014 Infineon Technologies AG All Rights Reserved. Legal Disclaimer The information given in this document shall in no event be regarded as a guarantee of conditions or characteristics. With respect to any examples or hints given herein, any typical values stated herein and/or any information regarding the application of the device, Infineon Technologies hereby disclaims any and all warranties and liabilities of any kind, including without limitation, warranties of non-infringement of intellectual property rights of any third party. Information For further information on technology, delivery terms and conditions and prices, please contact the nearest Infineon Technologies Office (www.infineon.com). Warnings Due to technical requirements, components may contain dangerous substances. For information on the types in question, please contact the nearest Infineon Technologies Office. Infineon Technologies components may be used in life-support devices or systems only with the express written approval of Infineon Technologies, if a failure of such components can reasonably be expected to cause the failure of that life-support device or system or to affect the safety or effectiveness of that device or system. Life support devices or systems are intended to be implanted in the human body or to support and/or maintain and sustain and/or protect human life. If they fail, it is reasonable to assume that the health of the user or other persons may be endangered. ISOFACE™ ISO1H816G Revision History Page or Item Subjects (major changes since previous revision) Revision 2.4, 2014-10-20 Page 4 Feature list updated, Vbb Monitoring included Page 7 Page 7 Chapter 2 Block diagram updated Page 9 Page 9 Chapter 3.3.3 Description for repetitive short circuit corrected Page 9 Page 9 Chapter 3.4 Vbb Monitoring included in common diagnostic output description Page 16 Page 16 Chapter 4.5 Footnotes corrected Page 18 Page 18 Chapter 4.8 Timing parameter for CS delay split into tCSD and tCSDMD Page 19 Page 19 Chapter 4.10 Parameter Minimum Internal Gap removed all Correction of formats and typos Revision 2.3 Page 13 Page 13, Table 4.1 Extended operating temperature footnote removed Revision 2.0 all Final Datasheet Trademarks of Infineon Technologies AG AURIX™, C166™, CanPAK™, CIPOS™, CIPURSE™, EconoPACK™, CoolMOS™, CoolSET™, CORECONTROL™, CROSSAVE™, DAVE™, DI-POL™, EasyPIM™, EconoBRIDGE™, EconoDUAL™, EconoPIM™, EconoPACK™, EiceDRIVER™, eupec™, FCOS™, HITFET™, HybridPACK™, I²RF™, ISOFACE™, IsoPACK™, MIPAQ™, ModSTACK™, my-d™, NovalithIC™, OptiMOS™, ORIGA™, POWERCODE™; PRIMARION™, PrimePACK™, PrimeSTACK™, PRO-SIL™, PROFET™, RASIC™, ReverSave™, SatRIC™, SIEGET™, SINDRION™, SIPMOS™, SmartLEWIS™, SOLID FLASH™, TEMPFET™, thinQ!™, TRENCHSTOP™, TriCore™. Other Trademarks Advance Design System™ (ADS) of Agilent Technologies, AMBA™, ARM™, MULTI-ICE™, KEIL™, PRIMECELL™, REALVIEW™, THUMB™, µVision™ of ARM Limited, UK. AUTOSAR™ is licensed by AUTOSAR development partnership. Bluetooth™ of Bluetooth SIG Inc. CAT-iq™ of DECT Forum. COLOSSUS™, FirstGPS™ of Trimble Navigation Ltd. EMV™ of EMVCo, LLC (Visa Holdings Inc.). EPCOS™ of Epcos AG. FLEXGO™ of Microsoft Corporation. FlexRay™ is licensed by FlexRay Consortium. HYPERTERMINAL™ of Hilgraeve Incorporated. IEC™ of Commission Electrotechnique Internationale. IrDA™ of Infrared Data Association Corporation. ISO™ of INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR STANDARDIZATION. MATLAB™ of MathWorks, Inc. MAXIM™ of Maxim Integrated Products, Inc. MICROTEC™, NUCLEUS™ of Mentor Graphics Corporation. MIPI™ of MIPI Alliance, Inc. MIPS™ of MIPS Technologies, Inc., USA. muRata™ of MURATA MANUFACTURING CO., MICROWAVE OFFICE™ (MWO) of Applied Wave Research Inc., OmniVision™ of OmniVision Technologies, Inc. Openwave™ Openwave Systems Inc. RED HAT™ Red Hat, Inc. RFMD™ RF Micro Devices, Inc. SIRIUS™ of Sirius Satellite Radio Inc. SOLARIS™ of Sun Microsystems, Inc. SPANSION™ of Spansion LLC Ltd. Symbian™ of Symbian Software Limited. TAIYO YUDEN™ of Taiyo Yuden Co. TEAKLITE™ of CEVA, Inc. TEKTRONIX™ of Tektronix Inc. TOKO™ of TOKO KABUSHIKI KAISHA TA. UNIX™ of X/Open Company Limited. VERILOG™, PALLADIUM™ of Cadence Design Systems, Inc. VLYNQ™ of Texas Instruments Incorporated. VXWORKS™, WIND RIVER™ of WIND RIVER SYSTEMS, INC. ZETEX™ of Diodes Zetex Limited. Last Trademarks Update 2011-11-11 Datasheet 3 Revision 2.4, 2014-10-20 ISOFACE™ ISO1H816G Coreless Transformer Isolated Digital Output 8 Channel 1.2 A High-Side Switch Product Highlights • • • • Coreless transformer isolated data interface Galvanic isolation 8 High-side output switches 1.2A µC compatible 8-bit serial peripheral Features Typical Application • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Interface CMOS 3.3/5V operation compatible Serial Interface High common mode transient immunity Short circuit protection Maximum current internally limited Overload protection Overvoltage protection (including load dump) Undervoltage shutdown with autorestart hysteresis Switching inductive loads Common output disable pin Thermal shutdown with restart Thermal independence of separate channels Common diagnostic output ESD protection Loss of GNDbb and loss of Vbb protection Very low standby current Reverse battery protection Isolated return path for DIAG signal Vbb monitoring RoHS compliant • Isolated switch for industrial applications (PLC) All types of resistive, inductive and capacitive loads µC compatible power switch for 24V DC applications Driver for solenoid, relays and resistive loads Description and The ISO1H816G is a galvanically isolated 8 bit data interface in PG-DSO-36 package that provides 8 fully protected high-side power switches that are able to handle currents up to 1.2 A. A serial µC compatible interface allows to connect the IC directly to a µC system. The input interface is designed to operate with 3.3/5V CMOS compatible levels. The data transfer from input to output side is realized by the integrated Coreless Transformer Technology. Typical Application VCC VCC Vbb DIS VCC P1.x AD0 CS P0.0 SCLK Control Unit DIAG SI P0.1 Vbb CT OUT0 Control & Protectio n Unit OUT1 Serial Interface for daisy chain SO DIAG OUT7 µC (i.e C166) GND ISO1H816G GNDCC GNDbb Type On-state Resistance Package ISO1H816G 200mΩ PG-DSO36 Datasheet 4 Revision 2.4, 2014-10-20 ISOFACE™ ISO1H816G Pin Configuration and Functionality 1 Pin Configuration and Functionality 1.1 Pin Configuration Vbb Pin Symbol 1 N.C. Not connected 2 VCC Positive 3.3/5V logic supply 3 DIS Output disable 4 CS Chip select 5 SCLK Serial Clock 6 SI 7 N.C. Not connected 8 N.C. Not connected 9 N.C. Not connected 10 N.C. Not connected 11 N.C. Not connected 12 N.C. Not connected 13 SO Serial Data Output 14 DIAG 15 GNDCC 16 N.C. Not connected 17 N.C. Not connected 18 N.C. Not connected Figure 1 19 GNDbb Output driver ground . 20 N.C 21 OUT7 High-side output of channel 7 22 OUT7 High-side output of channel 7 23 OUT6 High-side output of channel 6 24 OUT6 High-side output of channel 6 25 OUT5 High-side output of channel 5 26 OUT5 High-side output of channel 5 27 OUT4 High-side output of channel 4 28 OUT4 High-side output of channel 4 29 OUT3 High-side output of channel 3 30 OUT3 High-side output of channel 3 31 OUT2 High-side output of channel 2 32 OUT2 High-side output of channel 2 33 OUT1 High-side output of channel 1 34 OUT1 High-side output of channel 1 35 OUT0 High-side output of channel 0 36 OUT0 High-side output of channel 0 TAB Vbb Datasheet Function N.C. VCC DIS CS SCLK SI N.C. N.C. N.C. N.C. N.C. N.C. SO DIAG GNDCC N.C. N.C. N.C. Serial Data input Common diagnostic output Input logic ground 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 TAB TAB 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 OUT0 OUT0 OUT1 OUT1 OUT2 OUT2 OUT3 OUT3 OUT4 OUT4 OUT5 OUT5 OUT6 OUT6 OUT7 OUT7 N.C. GNDbb Vbb Power SO-36 (430mil) Not connected Positive driver power supply voltage 5 Revision 2.4, 2014-10-20 ISOFACE™ ISO1H816G Pin Configuration and Functionality 1.2 Pin Functionality GNDCC (Ground for VCC domain) This pin acts as the ground reference for the input interface that is supplied by VCC. VCC (Positive 3.3/5V logic supply) The VCC supplies the input interface that is galvanically isolated from the output driver stage. The input interface can be supplied with 3.3V / 5V. GNDbb (Output driver ground domain) This pin acts as the ground reference for the output driver that is supplied by Vbb. DIS (Output disable) The high-side outputs OUT0...OUT7 can be immediately switched off by means of the low active pin DIS that is an asynchronous signal. The input registers are also reset by the DIS signal. The output remains switched off after low-high transient of DIS, till new data is written into the input interface. Current Sink to GNDCC OUT0 ... OUT7 (High side output channel 0 ... 7) The output high side channels are internally connected to Vbb and controlled by the corresponding data input. TAB (Vbb, Positive supply for output driver) The heatslug is connected to the positive supply port of the output interface. CS (Chip select) The system microcontroller selects the ISO1H816G by means of the low active pin CS to activate the interface. Current Source to VCC SCLK (Serial shift clock) SCLK (serial clock) is used to synchronize the data transfer between the master and the ISO1H816G. Data present at the SI pin are latched on the rising edge of the serial clock input, while data at the SO pin is updated after the falling edge of SCLK. Current Source to VCC SI (Serial data input) This pin is used to transfer data into the device. Data is latched on the rising edge of the serial clock. Current Sink to GNDCC SO (Serial data output) SO can be connected to a serial input of a further IC to build a daisy-chain configuration. It is only actvated if CS is in low state, otherwise this output is in high impedance state. DIAG (Common diagnostic output) The low active DIAG signal contains the OR-wired information of the separated overtemperature detection units for each channel.The output pin DIAG provides an open drain functionality. A current source is also connected to the pin DIAG. In normal operation the signal DIAG is high. When overtemperature or Vbb below ON-Limit is detected the signal DIAG changes to low. Datasheet 6 Revision 2.4, 2014-10-20 Datasheet 7 DIAG SO SI SCLK CS ISO1H816G Serial Input Interface VCC 100µA High-side Channel 7 Logic Undervoltage Charge Pump Level shifter Rectifier Charge Pump Level Shifter Rectifier Common Diagnostic Output High-side Channel 0 Logic to Logic Channel 1 - 6 Undervoltage Shutdown with Restart Overvoltage Protection Temperature Sensor Overload Protection Current Limitation Limitation of Unclamped Inductive Load Vbb Channel 1 ... 6 Gate Protection from Temperature Sensor Channel 1 - 6 Temperature Sensor Overload Protection Current Limitation Limitation of Unclamped Inductive Load Gate Protection Voltage Source OUT7 OUT6 OUT5 OUT4 OUT3 OUT2 OUT1 OUT0 GNDbb Vbb Blockdiagram to Logic Channel 1 - 6 Serial to Parallel Figure 2 DIS Logic CT Blockdiagram GNDCC Undervoltage Shutdown with Restart 2 Galvanic Isolation VCC ISOFACE™ ISO1H816G Blockdiagram Revision 2.4, 2014-10-20 ISOFACE™ ISO1H816G Functional Description 3 Functional Description 3.1 Introduction 3.3.2 The ISOFACE ISO1H816G includes 8 high-side power switches that are controlled by means of the integrated µC compatible SPI interface. The outputs OUT0...OUT7 are controlled by the data of the serial input SI. The IC can replace 8 optocouplers and the 8 high-side switches in conventional I/O-Applications as a galvanic isolation is implemented by means of the integrated coreless transformer technology. The µC compatible interface allows a direct connection to the ports of a microcontroller without the need for other components. Each of the 8 high-side power switches is protected against short to Vbb, overload, overtemperature and against overvoltage by an active zener clamp. Each of the eight output stages has its own zener clamp that causes a voltage limitation at the power transistor when solenoid loads are switched off. VON is then clamped to 47V (min.). Vbb VON OUTx GNDbb Figure 3 Power Supply Inductive and overvoltage output clamp (each channel) Energy is stored in the load inductance during an inductive load switch-off. The IC contains 2 galvanic isolated voltage domains that are independent from each other. The input interface is supplied at VCC and the output stage is supplied at Vbb. The different voltage domains can be switched on at different time. The output stage is only enabled once the input stage enters a stable state. 3.3 EL = 1 ⁄ 2 × L × IL 2 Ebb EAS ELoad Vbb Output Stage Dx OUTx L Each channel contains a high-side vertical power FET that is protected by embedded protection functions. Vbb GNDbb RL Output Stage Control Figure 4 Each output is independently controlled by an output latch and a common reset line via the pin DIS that disables all eight outputs and resets the latches. Serial data input (SI) is read on the rising edge of the serial clock SCLK. A logic high input data bit turns the respective output channel ON, a logic low data bit turns it OFF. CS must be low whilst shifting all the serial data into the device. A low-to-high transition of CS transfers the serial data input bits to the output buffer. Datasheet EL ZL The continuous current for each channel is 1.2A (all channels ON). 3.3.1 Vbb Vz The diagnostic logic on the power chip recognizes the overtemperature information of each power transistor The information is send via the internal coreless transformer to the pin DIAG at the input interface. 3.2 Power Transistor Overvoltage Protection ER Inductive load switch-off energy dissipation (each channel) While demagnetizing the load inductance, the energy dissipation in the DMOS is E AS = E bb + E L – E R = V ON ( CL ) × i L ( t )dt with an approximate solution for RL > 0Ω:: IL × L IL × RL ⎞ E AS = ---------------- × ( V bb + V ON ( CL ) ) × ln ⎛⎝ 1 + -----------------------2 × RL V ON ( CL ) ⎠ 8 Revision 2.4, 2014-10-20 ISOFACE™ ISO1H816G Functional Description 3.3.3 Power Transistor Overcurrent Protection IN The outputs are provided with a current limitation that enters a repetitive switched mode after an initial peak current has been exceeded. The initial peak short circuit current limit is set to IL(SCp) at Tj = 125°C. During the repetitive short circuit the current limit is set to IL(SCr). If this operation leads to an overtemperature condition, a second protection level (Tj > 135°C) will change the output into a low duty cycle PWM (selective thermal shutdown with restart) to prevent critical chip temperatures. t VOUT Normal operation IL Output short to GND IL(SCp) t IL(SCr) t DIAG IN t VOUT t TJ t DIAG t Short circuit in on-state, shut down down by overtemperature, restart by cooling 3.4 Common Diagnostic Output The overtemperature detection information are ORwired in the common diagnostic output block. The information is send via the integrated coreless transformer to the input interface. In addition Vbb undervoltage is indicated at the DIAG output. t Figure 5 Figure 7 The output stage at pin DIAG has an open drain functionality combined with a current source. Overtemperature detection The following figures show the timing for a turn on into short circuit and a short circuit in on-state. Heating up of the chip may require several milliseconds, depending on external conditions. VCC 100µA DIAG IN CT Common Diagnostic Output t VOUT Output short to GND IL IL(SCp) t IL(SCr) Figure 8 DIAG Common diagnostic output t t Figure 6 Datasheet Turn on into short circuit, shut down by overtemperature, restart by cooling 9 Revision 2.4, 2014-10-20 ISOFACE™ ISO1H816G Functional Description 3.5 Serial Interface SI - Serial input. Serial data bits are shifted in at this pin, the most significant bit first. SI information is read in on the rising edge of the SCLK. Input data is latched in the shift register and then transferred to the control buffer of the output stages. The ISO1H816G contains a serial interface that can be directly controlled by the microcontroller output ports. 3.5.1 SPI Signal Description SO - Serial output. SO is in a high impedance state until the CS pin goes to a logic low state. The data of the internal shift register are shifted out serially at this pin. The most significant bit will appear at first. The further bits will appear following the falling edge of SCLK. CS - Chip select. The system microcontroller selects the ISO1H816G by means of the CS pin. Whenever the pin is in a logic low state, data can be transferred from the µC. CS High to low transition: •Serial input data can be clocked in from then on 3.5.2 SPI Bus Concepts Independent Individual Control Each IC with a SPI is controlled individually and independently by an SPI master, as in a directional point-to-point communication.The port requirements for this topology are the greatest, because for each controlled IC an individual SPI at the µC is needed (SCLK, CS, SI). All ICs can be addressed simultaneously with the full SPI bandwidth. •SO changes from high impendance state to logic high or low state corresponding to the SO bit-state CS Low to high transition: •Transfer of SI bits from shift register into output buffers, if number of clock signals was an integer multiple of 8 SPI 1 •SO changes from the SO bit-state to high impendance state CLK Tx a1 Tx a2 SCLK CS SI Output lines SO SPI - Interface IC1 To avoid any false clocking the serial input pin SCLK should be logic high state during high-to-low transition of CS. When CS is in a logic high state, any signals at the SCLK and SI pins are ignored and SO is forced into a high impedance state. The integrated modulo counter that counts the number of clocks avoids the take over of invalid commands caused by a spike on the clock line or wrong number of clock cycles. A command is only taken over, if after the low-to-high transition of the CS signal the number of counted clock cycles is recognized as a multiple of 8. SPI n SCLK CS SI Output lines SO SPI - Interface µC SCLK - Serial clock. The system clock pin clocks the internal shift register of the ISO1H816G. The serial input (SI) accepts data into the input shift register on the rising edge of SCLK while the serial output (SO) shifts the output information out of the shift register on the falling edge of the serial clock. It is essential that the SCLK pin is in a logic high state whenever chip select CS makes any transition. The number of clock pulses will be counted during a chip select cycle. The received data will only be accepted, if exactly an integer multiple of 8 clock pulses were counted during CS is active. Datasheet CLK Tx n1 Tx n2 ICn Number of adressed ICs = n Number of necessary control and data ports = 3 n Individual ICs are adressed by the chip select Figure 9 10 Individual independent control of each IC with SPI Revision 2.4, 2014-10-20 ISOFACE™ ISO1H816G Functional Description Daisy-chain Configuration 3.6 The connection of different ICs and a µC as shown in Fig. 10 is called a daisy-chain. For this type of bustopology only one SPI interface of the µC for two or more ICs is needed. All ICs share the same clock and chip select port of the SPI master. That is all ICs are active and addressed simultaneously. The data out of the µC is connected to the SI of the first IC in the line. Each SO of an IC is connected to the SI of the next IC in the line. SPI 1 CLK Tx a1 Tx a2 SCLK CS SI SO Transmission Failure Detection There is a failure detection unit integrated to ensure also a stable functionality during the integrated coreless transformer transmission. This unit decides whether the transmitted data is valid or not. If four times serial data coming from the internal registers is not accepted the output stages are switched off until the next valid data is received. Output lines SPI - Interface IC1 SCLK CS SI Output lines SPI - Interface µC ICn Number of adressed ICs = n Number of necessary control and data ports = 3 All ICs are adressed by the common chip select Figure 10 SPI bus all ICs in a “daisy chain” configuration The µC feeds the data bits into the SI of IC1 (first IC in the chain). The bits coming from the SO of IC1 are directly shifted into the SI of the next IC. As long as the chip select is inactive (logic high) all the IC SPIs ignore the clock (SCLK) and input signals (SI) and all outputs (SO) are in tristate. As long as the chip select is active the SPI register works as a simple shift register. With each clock signal one input is shifted into the SPI register (SI), each bit in the shift register moves one position further within the register, and the last bit in the SPI shift register is shifted out of SO. This is continued as long as the chip select is active (logic low) and clock signals are applied. The data is then only taken over to the output buffers of each IC when the CS signal changes to high from low and recognized as valid data by the internal modulo counter. Datasheet 11 Revision 2.4, 2014-10-20 ISOFACE™ ISO1H816G Functional Description 3.7 Serial Interface Timing Chipselect active CS SCLK n+7 SI SO Figure 11 n+5 n+4 n+3 n+2 n+1 n n-1 n-2 n-3 n-4 n-5 n-6 n-7 Serial interface tp(SCLK) tCSS tCSH ≈ CS n n+6 tCSD tSU SI Figure 12 ≈ ≈ ≈ SCLK tHD MSB In LSB In Serial input timing diagram ≈≈ CS SCLK t SODIS SO Figure 13 Datasheet ≈ ≈ tVALID MSB Out LSB Out Serial output timing diagram 12 Revision 2.4, 2014-10-20 ISOFACE™ ISO1H816G Electrical Characteristics 4 Electrical Characteristics Note: All voltages at pins 2 to 14 are measured with respect to ground GNDCC (pin 15). All voltages at pin 20 to pin 36 and TAB are measured with respect to ground GNDbb (pin 19). The voltage levels are valid if other ratings are not violated. The two voltage domains VCC ,GNDCC and Vbb ,GNDbb are internally galvanically isolated. 4.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings Note: Absolute maximum ratings are defined as ratings, which when being exceeded may lead to destruction of the integrated circuit. For the same reason make sure, that any capacitor that will be connected to pin 2 (VCC) and TAB (Vbb) is discharged before assembling the application circuit. Supply voltages higher than Vbb(AZ) require an external current limit for the GNDbb pin, e.g. with a 15Ω resistor in GNDbb connection. Operating at absolute maximum ratings can lead to a reduced lifetime. Parameter at Tj = -40 ... 135°C, unless otherwise specified Symbol Supply voltage input interface (VCC) VCC Limit Values Unit min. max. -0.5 6.5 1) 45 V Supply voltage output interface (Vbb) Vbb -1 Continuos voltage at pin SI VSI -0.5 6.5 Continuos voltage at pin CS VCS -0.5 6.5 Continuos voltage at pin SCLK VSCLK -0.5 6.5 Continuos voltage at pin DIS VDIS -0.5 6.5 Continuos voltage at pin SO VSO -0.5 6.5 Continuos voltage at pin DIAG VDIAG -0.5 6.5 Load current (short-circuit current) IL --- self limited IGNDbb -1.6 --- Operating Temperature Tj -25 internal limited °C Extended Operation Temperature Tj -40 internal limited Storage Temperature Tstg -50 150 Ptot --- 3.3 Reverse current through GNDbb Power Dissipation 1) 2) 3) Inductive load switch-off energy dissipation single pulse, Tj = 125°C, IL = 1.2A one channel active all channel simultaneously active (each channel) EAS Load dump protection3) VloadDump4)=VA + VS VIN = low or high td = 400ms, RI = 2W, RL = 27W, VA = 13.5V td = 350ms, RI = 2W, RL = 57W, VA = 27V VLoaddump Electrostatic discharge voltage (Human Body Model) according to JESD22-A114-B VESD Electrostatic discharge voltage (Charge Device Model) according to ESD STM5.3.1 - 1999 VESD Continuos reverse drain current1)3), each channel IS A W J --- 10 1 V ----- 90 117 kV 2 kV 1 --- 4 A 1) defined by Ptot 2) Device on 50mm*50mm*1.5mm epoxy PCB FR4 with 6cm² (one layer, 70µm thick) copper area for drain connection. PCB is vertical without blown air. 3) not subject to production test, specified by design 4) VLoaddump is setup without the DUT connected to the generator per ISO7637-1 and DIN40839 Datasheet 13 Revision 2.4, 2014-10-20 ISOFACE™ ISO1H816G Electrical Characteristics 4.2 Thermal Characteristics Parameter Symbol at Tj = -25 ... 125°C, Vbb=15...30V, VCC= 3.0...5.5V, unless otherwise specified Limit Values min. Unit Test Condition typ. max. Thermal resistance junction - case RthJC --- --- 1.5 Thermal resistance @ min. footprint Rth(JA) --- --- 50 Thermal resistance @ 6cm² cooling area1) Rth(JA) --- --- 38 K/W 1) Device on 50mm*50mm*1.5mm epoxy PCB FR4 with 6cm² (one layer, 70µm thick) copper area for drain connection. PCB is vertical without blown air. 4.3 Load Switching Capabilities and Characteristics Parameter Symbol at Tj = -25 ... 125°C, Vbb=15...30V, VCC= 3.0...5.5V, unless otherwise specified On-state resistance, IL = 0.5A, each channel Tj = 25°C Tj = 125°C two parallel channels, Tj = 25°C:1) four parallel channels, Tj = 25°C:1) Nominal load current Device on PCB 38K/W, Ta = 85°C, Tj < 125°C one channel:1) two parallel channels:1) four parallel channels:1) Limit Values Unit min. typ. max. ----- 150 270 75 38 200 320 100 50 Test Condition mΩ RON A IL(NOM) 1.4 2.2 4.4 Turn-on time to 90% VOUT2) RL = 47Ω, VDx = 0 to 5V ton --- 64 120 Turn-off time to 10% VOUT1) RL = 47Ω, VDx = 5 to 0V toff --- 89 170 Slew rate on 10 to 30% VOUT RL = 47Ω, Vbb = 15V dV/dton --- 1 2 Slew rate off 70 to 40% VOUT RL = 47Ω, Vbb = 15V -dV/dtoff --- 1 2 µs V/µs 1) not subject to production test, specified by design 2) The turn-on and turn-off time includes the switching time of the high-side switch and the transmission time via the coreless transformer in normal operating mode. During a failure on the coreless transformer transmission turn-on or turn-off time can increase by up to 50µs. Datasheet 14 Revision 2.4, 2014-10-20 ISOFACE™ ISO1H816G Electrical Characteristics 4.4 Operating Parameters Parameter at Tj = -25 ... 125°C, Vbb=15...30V, VCC= 3.0...5.5V, unless otherwise specified Symbol Common mode transient immunity1) Magnetic field immunity1) Voltage domain Vbb (Output interface) Limit Values Unit Test Condition min. typ. max. ΔVISO/dt -25 - 25 HIM 100 Operating voltage Vbb 11 --- 35 Undervoltage shutdown Vbb(under) 7 --- 10.5 Undervoltage restart Vbb(u_rst) --- --- 11 Undervoltage hysteresis ΔVbb(under) --- 0.5 --- Undervoltage current Ibb(uvlo) --- 1 2.5 mA Vbb < 7V Operating current IGNDL --- 10 14 mA All Channels ON - no load Leakage output current (included in Ibb(off)) VDx = low, each channel IL(off) --- 5 30 µA Voltage domain VCC Operating voltage (Input interface) Undervoltage shutdown VCC 3.0 --- 5.5 V VCC(under) 2.5 --- 2.9 Undervoltage restart VCC(u_rst) --- --- 3 Undervoltage hysteresis ΔVCC(under) --- 0.1 --- Undervoltage current ICC(uvlo) --- 1 2 mA Operating current ICC(on) --- 4.5 6 mA kV/µs ΔVISO = 500V A/m IEC61000-4-8 V Vcc < 2.5V 1) not subject to production test Datasheet 15 Revision 2.4, 2014-10-20 ISOFACE™ ISO1H816G Electrical Characteristics 4.5 Output Protection Functions Parameter1) Symbol at Tj = -25 ... 125°C, Vbb=15...30V, VCC=3.0...5.5V, unless otherwise specified Initial peak short circuit current limit, each channel IL(SCp) Tj = -25°C, Vbb = 30V, tm = 700µs Tj = 25°C Tj = 125°C two parallel channels:2) four parallel channels:2) Limit Values Unit Test Condition min. typ. max. ----1.4 --3.0 --- 4.5 ----- A twice the current of one channel four times the current of one channel --- Repetitive short circuit current limit Tj = Tjt (see timing diagrams) each channel:2) IL(SCr) two parallel channels:2) four parallel channels:2) --- Output clamp (inductive load switch off)3) at VOUT = Vbb - VON(CL) VON(CL) 47 53 60 Overvoltage protection Vbb(AZ) 47 --- --- Tjt 135 --- --- °C --- 10 --- K 2) 4) Thermal overload trip temperature Thermal hysteresis 2) ΔTjt 2.2 2.2 2.2 V 1) Integrated protection functions are designed to prevent IC destruction under fault conditions described in the data sheet. Fault conditions are considered as “outside” normal operating range. Protection functions are not designed for continuos repetitive operation. 2) not subject to production test, specified by design 3) If channels are connected in parallel, output clamp is usually accomplished by the channel with the lowest VON(CL) 4) Higher operating temperature at normal function for each channel available 4.6 Diagnostic Characteristics at pin DIAG Symbol Parameter at Tj = -25 ... 125°C, Vbb=15...30V, VCC=3.0...5.5V, unless otherwise specified Common diagnostic sink current (overtemperature of any channel) Tj = 135°C Idiagsink Common diagnostic source current Idiagsource Datasheet 16 Limit Values min. typ. Unit Test Condition max. 5 100 mA VDIAGON < 0.25 x VCC µA Revision 2.4, 2014-10-20 ISOFACE™ ISO1H816G Electrical Characteristics 4.7 Input Interface Parameter Symbol at Tj = -25 ... 125°C, Vbb=15...30V, VCC= 3.0...5.5V, unless otherwise specified Limit Values Unit Test Condition min. typ. max. Input low state voltage (SI, DIS, CS, SCLK) VIL -0.3 --- 0.3 x VCC Input high state voltage (SI, DIS, CS, SCLK) VIH 0.7 x VCC --- VCC+ 0.3 Input voltage hysteresis (SI, DIS, CS, SCLK) VIHys Output low state voltage (SO) VOL -0.3 --- 0.25 x V VCC Output high state voltage (SO) VOH 0.75 x VCC --- VCC+ 0.3 Input pull down current (SI , DIS) IIdown 100 Input pull up current (CS, SCLK) -IIup 100 100 V mV CL < 50pF, RL > 10kΩ µA Output disable time (transition DIS to logic low)1)2) tDIS Normal operation Turn-off time to 10% VOUT RL = 47Ω --- 85 170 Output disable time (transition DIS to logic low)1)2)3) tDIS Disturbed operation Turn-off time to 10% VOUT RL = 47Ω --- --- 230 µs 1) The time includes the turn-on/off time of the high-side switch and the transmission time via the coreless transformer. 2) If Pin DIS is set to low the outputs are set to low; after DIS set to high a new write cycle is necessary to set the output again. 3) The parameter is not subject to production test - verified by design/characterization Datasheet 17 Revision 2.4, 2014-10-20 ISOFACE™ ISO1H816G Electrical Characteristics 4.8 SPI Timing Parameter Symbol at Tj = -25 ... 125°C, Vbb=15...30V, VCC= 3.0...5.5V, unless otherwise specified Limit Values min. Unit Test Condition typ. max. Serial clock frequency fSCLK DC --- 20 MHz Serial clock period (1/fclk) tp(SLCK) 50 --- --- ns CS Setup time (falling edge of CS to falling edge of tCSS SCLK) 5 --- --- CS Hold time (rising edge of SCLK to rising edge tCSH of CS) 10 --- --- CS Disable time (CS high time between two accesses) 10 --- --- Data setup time (required time SI to rising edge of tSU SCLK) 6 --- --- Data hold time (falling edge of SCLK to SI) tHD 6 --- --- SO Output valid time CL = 50pF tVALID --- --- 20 tCSD SO Output disable time tSODIS Delay to next CS cycle for multiple device synchronization1) tCSDMD 20 Input to output data transmission jitter tIOJ 8 20 ns µs 2) 2) 20 1) necessary CS delay time to ensure a proper data update for multiple devices 2) not subject to production test, specified by design 4.9 Reverse Voltage Parameter Symbol at Tj = -25 ... 125°C, Vbb=15...30V, VCC= 3.0...5.5V, unless otherwise specified Reverse voltage1)2)RGND = 0 Ω RGND = 150 Ω -Vbb Diode forward on voltage IF = 1.25A, VDx = low, each channel -VON Limit Values Unit Test Condition min. typ. max. ----- ----- 1 45 --- --- 1.2 V 1) defined by Ptot 2) not subject to production test, specified by design Datasheet 18 Revision 2.4, 2014-10-20 ISOFACE™ ISO1H816G Electrical Characteristics 4.10 Isolation and Safety-Related Specification Parameter Value Unit Conditions Rated dielectric isolation voltage VISO 500 VAC 1 - minute duration1) Short term temporary overvoltage 1250 V 5s acc. DIN EN60664-1 1) Minimum external air gap (clearance) 2.6 mm shortest distance through air. Minimum external tracking (creepage) 2.6 mm shortest distance path along body. 1) not subject to production test, verified by characterization; Production Test with 1100V, 100ms duration 4.11 Reliability For Qualification Report please contact your local Infineon Technologies office! Datasheet 19 Revision 2.4, 2014-10-20 ISOFACE™ ISO1H816G Electrical Characteristics Datasheet 20 Revision 2.4, 2014-10-20 ISOFACE™ ISO1H816G Electrical Characteristics Datasheet 21 Revision 2.4, 2014-10-20 ISOFACE™ ISO1H816G Package Outlines Package Outlines 0.65 0.25 +0.13 15.74 ±0.1 (Heatslug) +0.07 -0.02 B 2.8 6.3 0.1 C (Mold) 5˚ ±3˚ 0.25 0 +0.1 1.1 ±0.1 11 ±0.15 1) 1.3 (Plastic Dual Small Outline Package) 3.25 ±0.1 PG-DSO-36 3.5 MAX. 5 Heatslug 0.95 ±0.15 36x 0.25 M A B C 14.2 ±0.3 0.25 B 19 19 1 18 10 36 5.9 ±0.1 (Metal) 36 3.2 ±0.1 (Metal) Bottom View Index Marking 1 x 45˚ 15.9 ±0.1 1) (Mold) 1) Figure 14 Datasheet A 13.7 -0.2 (Metal) Does not include plastic or metal protrusion of 0.15 max. per side 1 Heatslug gps09181_1 PG-DSO36 22 Revision 2.4, 2014-10-20 w w w . i n f i n e o n . c o m Published by Infineon Technologies AG
ISO1H816G 价格&库存


  •  国内价格
  • 1+64.13611
  • 200+62.78939


  •  国内价格
  • 1+64.13611
  • 200+62.78939
