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XR21V1410IL-0C-EB 数据手册
REV. 1.0.0 XR21V1410 EVALUATION BOARD USER’S MANUAL 1.0 INTRODUCTION This user’s manual is for the XR21V1410 evaluation board. It will describe the hardware setup required to operate the part. 2.0 OVERVIEW The XR21V1410 evaluation board has one 16-QFN package on it. Figure 1 shows a top view of XR21V1410 evaluation board layout. FIGURE 1. TOP VIEW OF XR21V1410 EVALUATION BOARD LAYOUT 1 XR21V1410 EVALUATION BOARD USER’S MANUAL REV. 1.0.0 Figure 2 shows a bottom view of XR21V1410 evaluation board layout. FIGURE 2. BOTTOM VIEW OF XR21V1410 EVALUATION BOARD LAYOUT 2.1 Evaluation Board Components On the XR21V1410 evaluation board, some componets are required to install. Some are optional and some are not installed. Table 1 shows the components: TABLE 1: COMPONENTS OF THE XR21V1410 EVALUATION BOARD UNIT LOCATION PART U1 Top U2 U3 Bottom U4 Top XR21V1410IL16-F U5 Bottom NC7SZ14M5X U6 Top AT24C02B U7 Top SP3245EEY-L U8 Bottom SN74LVC2G66DCT U9 Top SP3497EEN-L CON1 Top PJ-002A FUNCTION SP6669AEK-L/TRR3 Exar’s Voltage converter to step down voltage from 5V to 3.3V. SN74LVC2G53DCTR Multiplexer to switch between RS-232 and RS-485 mode. Exar’s USB 1 channel UART. Invert LowPower (suspend) signal. I2C EEPROM. Exar’s RS-232 transceiver. Analog switch. Exar’s RS-485 transceiver. External power input. 2 XR21V1410 EVALUATION BOARD USER’S MANUAL REV. 1.0.0 TABLE 1: COMPONENTS OF THE XR21V1410 EVALUATION BOARD UNIT LOCATION PART FUNCTION CON2 Top 690-004-621-023 USB B-Type connector. Communication with USB host (USBD+, USBD-) and power source for evaluation board (VBus). CON3 Top 182-009-113R161 RS-232 mode DB9 male connector. CON4 Top ED555/4DS RS-485 mode 4X1 terminal block. NOTES:1) An external pull-up is required on the LOWPOWER pin for proper functionality. The external pull-up is not shown in the evaluation board schematics, but has been added on the evaluation board. 2) An external pull-up is required on any GPIO pins that is used as an input. In the suspend mode, the internal pull-up resistor is disabled and the input will be floating if there is no external pull-up resistor. The external pull-ups have not been added to the GPIOs used as inputs on this evaluation board. 2.2 Jumper Settings 2.2.1 Common jumpers Common jumpers are those jumpers which should be set the same for both RS-232 and RS-485 mode. The Table 2 shows the common jumpers setting on the evaluation board: TABLE 2: COMMON JUMPERS SETTINGS JUMPERS LOCATION FUNCTIONS COMMENTS JP1 Top Power select Jumper in 1&2 selects power from external power supply of 5V Jumper in 2&3 selects power from USB VBUS power JP2 Top Selects RS-232 or RS-485 mode Jumper in 1&2 selects RS-485 mode Jumper in 2&3 selects RS-232 mode (default) JP3 Top External loopback or test header Jumper in 1&2 selects external loopback JP4 Top SCL pull-up/pull-down select Jumper in 1&2 selects pull-up resistor Jumper in 2&3 selects pull-down resistor JP5 Top SDA pull-up/pull-down select Jumper in 1&2 selects pull-up resistor Jumper in 2&3 selects pull-down resistor JP6 Top Power supply for XR21V1410 Not installed. Trace between pin 1 & 2 JP7 Top I2C EEPROM header Jumper in 1&2 connects SCL to I2C EEPROM Jumper in 3&4 connects SDA to I2C EEROM NOTE: I2C EEPROM has not been programmed 3 XR21V1410 EVALUATION BOARD USER’S MANUAL 2.2.2 REV. 1.0.0 Remote wakeup and jumper The SDA and SCL are used to specify whether Remote Wakeup and/or Bus Powered configurations are to be supported. These pins are sampled at power-up. The following Table 3 describes how Remote Wakeup and Bus Powered support. TABLE 3: REMOTE WAKEUP AND POWER MODES SDA SCL REMOTE WAKE-UP SUPPORT POWER MODE COMMENTS 1 1 No Self-Powered Default, if no EEPROM is present 1 0 No Bus-Powered 0 1 Yes Self-Powered 0 0 Yes Bus-Powered The following Table 4 shows jumpers related to remote wakeup. TABLE 4: REMOTE WAKEUP JUMPERS SETTINGS JUMPERS LOCATION JP8 Top Select remote control wakeup signal Jumper in 1&2 selects RS-232 (RI#) signal Jumper in 2&3 selects push-button SW1 Top Generate remote wakeup signal Push once to generate one remote wakeup signal 2.2.3 FUNCTIONS COMMENTS RS-232 mode jumpers (Default setting is RS-232) The XR21V1410 evaluation board is set as RS-232 mode by default. The following Table 5 shows the jumper settings apply to the RS-232 mode: TABLE 5: JUMPER SETTINGS FOR RS-232 MODE JUMPERS LOCATION JP9 Top FUNCTIONS COMMENTS Selects power Not installed. Trace between pin 1&2 4 XR21V1410 EVALUATION BOARD USER’S MANUAL REV. 1.0.0 2.2.4 RS-485 mode jumpers The following Table 6 jumper setting applies to the RS-485 mode: TABLE 6: JUMPER SETTINGS FOR RS-485 MODE JUMPERS LOCATION FUNCTIONS COMMENTS JP10 Top Select RTS or DTR direction control for TX Jumper in 1&2 selects RTS based direction control for TX Jumper in 2&3 selects DTR based direction control for TX JP11 Top Select direction control for RX and TX or always for RX Jumper in 1&2 selects common direction control for RX and TX Jumper in 2&3 enables RX always JP12 Top Selects power for RS-485 transceiver Not installed. Trace between pin 1 & 2. JP13 JP14 Top Selects half duplex or full duplex mode. Jumper in 1&2 selects half duplex mode Jumper in 2&3 selects full duplex mode 3.0 DRIVERS AND SUPPORT For any questions about this evaluation board, software drivers or technical support, send an e-mail to uarttechsupport@exar.com. NOTICE EXAR Corporation reserves the right to make changes to the products contained in this publication in order to improve design, performance or reliability. EXAR Corporation assumes no responsibility for the use of any circuits described herein, conveys no license under any patent or other right, and makes no representation that the circuits are free of patent infringement. Charts and schedules contained here in are only for illustration purposes and may vary depending upon a user’s specific application. While the information in this publication has been carefully checked; no responsibility, however, is assumed for inaccuracies. EXAR Corporation does not recommend the use of any of its products in life support applications where the failure or malfunction of the product can reasonably be expected to cause failure of the life support system or to significantly affect its safety or effectiveness. Products are not authorized for use in such applications unless EXAR Corporation receives, in writing, assurances to its satisfaction that: (a) the risk of injury or damage has been minimized; (b) the user assumes all such risks; (c) potential liability of EXAR Corporation is adequately protected under the circumstances. Copyright 2009 EXAR Corporation Datasheet July 2009. Send your UART technical inquiry with technical details to hotline: uarttechsupport@exar.com. Reproduction, in part or whole, without the prior written consent of EXAR Corporation is prohibited. 5
XR21V1410IL-0C-EB 价格&库存

