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    FYL-55A3SRD1A - LED LAMP - Ningbo Foryard Optoelectronics Co., Ltd.

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FYL-55A3SRD1A 数据手册
L ED LAMP FYLFYL FYL- 55A3SRD1A Features: General purpose leads RoHs complant. Package configuration 4.75(.187) 4.75(.187) 4.85(.19) 4.75(.187) 9.6(.378) 25.4(1.0) 1.0(.04) Descriptions: Dice material: GaP Emitting Color: Red Device Outline: 5*5mm Square Type. Lens Type: Red diffused Radiation pattern. Max1.0(.04) CATHODE 0.5(.02) 2.54(.1) Relative Lumionous Intensity(LOP @max=1) All dimensions are millimeters (inches) Tolerance is ±0.25mm(.010”) unless otherwise noted.`` MAX. Unit Absolute Absolute maximun ratings(Ta=25゜с) Parameter Parameter Power Dissipation Peak Forward Current (1/10 Duty Cycle, 0.1ms Pulse Width) Continuous Forward Current Derating Linear From 50℃ Reverse Voltage Operating Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range Lead Soldering Temperature[4mm(.157”) From Body] 50 100 20 0.4 5 mW mA mA mA/℃ V -30℃ to +80℃ -40℃ to +100℃ 260℃ for 5 Seconds Electrical and optical characteristics(Ta=25゜с) Electrical Parameter Symbol Min. Luminous Intensity IV -Viewing Angle 2θ1/2 100 Peak Emission λp Dominant Wavelength λd 638 Spectral Line Half-Width △λ 10 Forward Voltage VF 1.9 Reverse Current IR Typ. 100 110 660 643 15 2.2 Max. -120 648 20 2.5 50 Unit mcd Deg nm nm nm nm Test Condition IF=20mA V A VR=5V 115 QiXin Road, NingBo, Zhejiang, TEL:86-574-87927870, 87933652 E-mail:sales@foryard.com China 315051 FAX:86-574-87927917 http:/www.foryard.com L ED LAMP Typical Typical Electrical Characteristics Curves (25゜с Ambient Temperature Unless Otherwise Noted) Spectral Reduance (1) (2) (3) (4) Normalized Response (1 (2 (3 (4 )A )G )A )G lGaIn aAsP/ lGaAs aP pe P p GaP /GaA ak@7 eak@ peak s p 00nm 630/ @640 eak@ / Re d Red nm /Red 660nm/Super Red Wave Length(nm) Forward Current Vs Forward Voltage 50 Relative Luminous intensity vs Forward current 3.0 Relative Intensity (Lop@20mA=1) Forward Current(mA) 40 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0 50 30 20 10 0 1.5 1.7 1.9 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.5 2.7 2.9 3.1 3.3 0 10 Forward 20 Current 30 IF(mA) 40 Forward Voltage(V) Forward Current Derating Curve 60 Forward Current(mA) 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 AlGaAs or AlGaInP GaP Relative Luminous Intensity Luminous Intensity Vs. Ambient Temperature 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0 -40 -20 0 20 40 80 100 Ambient Temperature TA( C) Ambient Temperature TA( C ) 115 QiXin Road, NingBo, Zhejiang, TEL:86-574-87927870, 87933652 E-mail:sales@foryard.com China 315051 FAX:86-574-87927917 http:/www.foryard.com L ED LAMP LAMP PACKING. LAMP Label 1 FORYARD OPTOELECTRONICS Pb Part No: Quanlity: Date: Q.A: QC1 PASSED 3mm.5mm.10mm Polybag Box Dimension(cm):30*19*11.5 . NO ) cs (p TY Q' RT PA Label 2 FORYARD OPTOELECTRONICS Pb Part No: Quanlity: Date: Q.A: QC1 PASSED Anti-electrostatic bag DEVICE 5mm(T-1 3mm(T-1 ) 10mm(T-1) Blue/Green/White 3/4) QTY/polybag(pcs) 1000 1000 250 500pcs Polybag/box A 8 bags 10 bags 8 bags 8 bags Fig Label Label Label Label 1 1 1 2 CARTON Dimension(cm):39*32*38 ) cs (p TY Q' RT PA ER MB NU S KG W G. 38 W 1* N. *3 38 S: A S KG CM C/NO ME 6 Boxes/Carton 5mm:48,000pcs 3mm:60,000pcs 10mm:12,000pcs Blue/Pure Green/bluish Green /White:24,000pcs 115 QiXin Road, NingBo, Zhejiang, TEL:86-574-87927870, 87933652 E-mail:sales@foryard.com China 315051 FAX:86-574-87927917 http:/www.foryard.com
FYL-55A3SRD1A 价格&库存

