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    1MBI800U4B-120 - IGBT MODULE - Fuji Electric

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1MBI800U4B-120 数据手册
SPECIFICATION Device Name Type Name Spec. No. : : : IGBT MODULE 1MBI800U4B-120 MS5F 6041 Feb. 15 ’05 Feb. 15 ’05 S .Miyashita T.Miyasak a Y.Seki K.Yamada MS 5 F 6 0 4 1 1 a 13 H04-004-07b Revised Date Classification Ind. Content Records Applied date Issued date Drawn Checked Checked Approved Feb.- 15 - ’05 Enactment T.Miyasaka K . Yam ad a Y.S eki O ct.-25- ’05 R evis io n a R evis ed c har ac ter is tic s VC E(sat),VF (P 4/13) S .Miyas hita O . I k a wa K . Yamada T.Miyasaka MS 5 F 6 0 4 1 2 13 a H04-004-06b 1MBI800U4B-120 1. Outline Drawing ( Unit : mm ) 2. Equiv alent circuit MS 5 F 6 0 4 1 3 13 a H04-004-03a 3. Ab s o l u t e Max i m u m Rat i n g s ( at T c = 25o C u n l es s o t h er w i s e s p ec i f i ed ) It em s Collector-Em itter voltage Gate-Em itter voltage Sym b o l s VCES VGES Ic Collector current Icp -I c -Ic pulse Pc Tj Tstg Continuous 1m s Tc=25oC Tc=80oC Tc=25oC Tc=80oC Co n d i t i o n s 1m s Collector Power Dissipation 1 device Junction tem perature Storage tem perature Isolation between term inal and copper base (*1) Viso AC : 1m in. voltage Mounting (*2) Screw Term inals (*3) Torque Term inals (*4) (*1) All term inals should be connected together when isolation test will be done. (*2) Recom m endable Value : Mounting 3.5 to 4.5 Nm (M6) (*3) Recom m endable Value : Term inals 10.0 to 11.0 Nm (M8) (*4) Recom m endable Value : Term inals 1.3 to 1.7 Nm (M4) M ax i m u m Un i t s Rat i n g s 1200 V ±20 V 1200 800 2400 A 1600 800 1600 4805 W +150 o C -40 to +125 2500 4.5 11.0 1.7 VAC Nm 4. El ec t r i c al c h ar ac t er i s t i c s ( at T j = 25o C u n l es s o t h er w i s e s p ec i f i ed ) It em s Zero gate voltage collector current Gate-Em itter leakage current Gate-Em itter threshold voltage Collector-Em itter saturation voltage Input capacitance Turn-on tim e Turn-off tim e Sym b o l s ICES IGES VGE(th) VCE(sat) (term inal) VCE(sat) (chip) Cies ton tr t r(i ) toff tf VF (term inal) VF (chip) t rr Co nd i t i o n s VCE=1200V VGE=0V VCE=0V VGE=±20V VCE=20V Ic=800m A Ic=800A VGE=15V m i n. 4.5 o Ch ar ac t er i s t i c s t yp . m ax . 6.5 a a Un i t s mA nA V 8.0 1600 8.5 a Tj=25 C Tj=125oC Tj=25oC Tj=125oC VCE=10V,VGE=0V,f=1MHz Vcc=600V Ic=800A VGE=±15V RG=0.68Ω IF=800A VGE=0V Tj=25oC Tj=125oC Tj=25oC Tj=125oC Forward on voltage Reverse recovery tim e IF=800A Lead resistance, R lead term inal-chip (*5) (*5) Biggest internal term inal resistance am ong arm . - a a 2.30 2.50 1.90 2.10 90 0.32 0.10 0.03 0.41 0.07 2.00 2.10 1.65 1.75 0.30 a 2.45 2.05 1.20 0.60 1.00 0.30 2.15 1.80 0.35 - V nF us V us mΩ MS 5 F 6 0 4 1 4 13 a H04-004-03a 5. T h er m al r es i s t an c e c h ar ac t er i s t i c s It em s Therm al resistance(1device) Sym b o l s Rth(j-c) IGBT FW D Co n d i t i o n s m i n. Ch ar ac t er i s t i c s t yp . m ax . 0.026 0.045 Un i t s o Contact Therm al resistance Rth(c-f) with Therm al Com pound 0.0063 (1 device) (*6) (*6) This is the value which is defined m ounting on the additional cooling fin with therm al com pound. C/W 6. In d i c at i o n o n m o d u l e L o g o o f p ro d u cti o n 1M BI 800U4B-120 800A 1200V L o t .No . 7. Ap p l i c ab l e c at eg o r y Pl ac e o f m an u f ac t u r i n g (c o d e) This specification is applied to IGBT-Module nam ed 1MBI800U4B-120. 8. St o r ag e an d t r an s p o r t at i o n n o t es • The m odule should be stored at a standard tem per ature of 5 to 35oC and hum idity of 45 to 75% . • Store m odules in a place with few tem perature changes in order to avoid condensation on the m odule surface. • Avoid exposure to corrosive gases and dust. • Avoid excessive external force on the m odule. • Store m odules with unprocessed term inals. • Do not drop or otherwise shock the m odules when transporting. 9. Def i n i t i o n s o f s w i t c h i n g t i m e ~ ~ 90% 0V L 0V V GE tr r Ir r 9 0% ~ ~ VCE V cc Ic 9 0% RG V GE V CE Ic 0V 0A tr ( i ) tr to n to f f ~ ~ Ic 10% 10% VCE tf 10% 10. Pac k i n g an d L ab el i n g Display on the packing box - Logo of production - Type name - Lot No - Products quantity in a packing box MS 5 F 6 0 4 1 5 13 a H04-004-03a 11. Reliability test results Rel i ab i l i t y Tes t It em s Test categories Test items 1 Terminal Strength (Pull test) 2 Mounting Strength Pull force Test time Screw torque Test methods and conditions : 40N : 10±1 sec. : 1.3 ~ 1.7 N・m (M4) 3.5 ~ 4.5 N・m (M6) 10.0 ~ 11.0 N・m (M8) Test time : 10±1 sec. Range of f requency : 10 ~ 500Hz Sweeping time : 15 min. Acceleration : 100m/s2 Sweeping direction : Each X,Y,Z axis Test time : 6 hr. (2hr./direction) Maximum acceleration : 5000m/s2 Pulse width : 1.0msec. Direction : Each X,Y,Z axis Test time : 3 times/direction Storage temp. : 125±5 ℃ Test duration : 1000hr. Storage temp. : -40±5 ℃ Test duration : 1000hr. Storage temp. : 85±2 ℃ Relative humidity : 85±5% Test duration : 1000hr. Test temp. : 120±2 ℃ Test humidity : 85±5% Test duration : 96hr. Test temp. : Low temp. -40±5 ℃ High temp. 125 ±5 ℃ RT 5 ~ 35 ℃ : High ~ RT ~ Low ~ RT 1hr. 0.5hr. 1hr. 0.5hr. : 100 cycles : High temp. 100 +0 -5 (Aug.-2001 edit ion) Ref erence Number Acceptnorms of ance EIAJ ED-4701 sample number 5 5 (0:1) (0:1) Test Method 401 MethodⅠ Test Method 402 methodⅡ Mechanical Tests 3 Vibration Test Method 403 Ref erence 1 Condi tion code B 5 (0:1) 4 Shock Test Method 404 Condi tion code B 5 (0:1) 1 High Temperature Storage 2 Low Temperature Storage 3 Temperature Humidity Storage 4 Unsaturated Pressurized Vapor Test Method 201 Test Method 202 Test Method 103 Test code C Test Method 103 Test code E Test Method 105 5 5 5 (0:1) (0:1) (0:1) 5 (0:1) Environment Tests 5 Temperature Cycle 5 (0:1) Dwell time Number of cycles 6 Thermal Shock Test temp. ℃ Low temp. 0 ℃ Used liquid : W ater with ice and boiling water Dipping time : 5 min. par each temp. Transfer time : 10 sec. Number of cycles : 10 cycles +5 -0 Test Method 307 method Ⅰ Condi tion code A 5 (0:1) MS 5 F 6 0 4 1 6 13 a H04-004-03a Rel i ab i l i t y Tes t It em s Test categories Test items 1 High temperature Reverse Bias Test methods and conditions Ref erence Number Acceptnorms of ance EIAJ ED-4701 sample number 5 (0:1) (Aug.-2001 edit ion) Test Method 101 Test temp. Bias Voltage Bias Method Endurance Turas ce Tests En d e s t n Test duration 2 High temperature Bias (f or gate) Test temp. Bias Voltage Bias Method Test duration 3 Temperature Humidity Bias Test temp. Relative humidity Bias Voltage Bias Method Test duration ON time OFF time Test temp. Number of cycles : Ta = 125±5 ℃ (Tj ≦ 150 ℃) : VC = 0.8×VCES : Applied DC voltage to C-E VGE = 0V : 1000hr. Test Method 101 5 (0:1) : Ta = 125±5 ℃ (Tj ≦ 150 ℃) : VC = VGE = +20V or -20V : Applied DC voltage to G-E VCE = 0V : 1000hr. : : : : : : : : : 85±2 oC 85±5% VC = 0.8×VCES Applied DC voltage to C-E VGE = 0V 1000hr. 2 sec. 18 sec. Tj=100±5 deg Tj ≦ 150 ℃, Ta=25±5 ℃ 15000 cycles Test Method 102 Condi tion code C 5 (0:1) 4 Intermitted Operating Lif e (Power cycle) ( for IGBT ) Test Method 106 5 (0:1) Fai l u r e Cr i t er i a Item Characteristic Symbol Failure criteria Unit Lower limit Upper limit LSL×0.8 USL×2 USL×2 USL×1.2 USL×1.2 USL×1.2 USL×1.2 mA A mA V V mV mV Note Electrical Leakage current ICES characteristic ±IGES Gate threshold voltage VGE(th) Saturation voltage VCE(sat) Forward voltage VF Thermal IGBT VGE resistance or VCE FW D VF Isolation voltage Viso Visual Visual inspection inspection Peeling Plating and the others USL×1.2 Broken insulation The visual sample LSL : Lower specified limit. USL : Upper specified limit. Note : Each parameter measurement read-outs shall be made after stabilizing the components at room ambient f or 2 hours minimum, 24 hours maximum after removal from the tests. And in case of the wetting tests, for example, moisture resistance tests, each component shall be made wipe or dry completely before the measurement. MS 5 F 6 0 4 1 7 13 a H04-004-03a Rel i ab i l i t y Tes t Res u l t s Test categorie s Number Reference Number of norms of test failure EIAJ ED-4701 sample (Aug.-2001 edition) sample Test Method 401 MethodⅠ Test Method 402 methodⅡ Test Method 403 Condition code B Test Method 404 Condition code B Test Method 201 Test Method 202 Test Method 103 Test code C Test Method 103 Test code E Test Method 105 Test Method 307 method Ⅰ Condition code A Test items Mechanical Tests 1 Terminal Strength (Pull test) 2 Mounting Strength 3 Vibration 4 Shock 1 High Temperature Storage 2 Low Temperature Storage 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 Environment Tests 3 Temperature Humidity Storage 4 Unsaturated Pressurized Vapor 5 Temperature Cycle 6 Thermal Shock 1 High temperature Reverse Bias Test Method 101 5 5 5 5 * 0 * 0 Endurance Tests 2 High temperature Bias ( f o r g a te ) 3 Temperature Humidity Bias 4 Intermitted Operating Life (Power cycling) ( for IGBT ) Test Method 101 Test Method 102 Condition code C Test Method 106 * under confirm ation MS 5 F 6 0 4 1 8 13 a H04-004-03a Collector current vs. Collector-Emitter voltage (typ.) Tj=25oC / chip 2000 VGE=20V 15V 12V 2000 Collector current vs. Collector-Emitter voltage (typ.) Tj=125oC / chip Collector current : Ic [ A ] 1200 10V 800 Collector current : Ic [A ] 1600 1600 VGE=20V 15V 12V 1200 10V 800 400 8V 0 0 1 2 3 4 Collector-Emitter voltage : VCE [ V ] 5 400 8V 0 0 1 2 3 4 Collector-Emitter voltage : VCE [ V ] 5 Collector current vs. Collector-Emitter voltage (typ.) VGE=15V / chip 2000 Tj=25oC Tj=125 C 1200 o Collector-Emitter voltage vs. Gate-Emitter voltage (typ.) Tj=25oC / chip 10 Collector-Emitter voltage : VCE [ V ] Collector current : Ic [ A ] 1600 8 6 800 4 Ic=1600A Ic=800A Ic=400A 400 2 0 0 1 2 3 4 Collector-Emitter voltage : VCE [ V ] 5 0 5 10 15 20 Gate-Emitter voltage : VGE [ V ] 25 Capacitance vs. Collector-Emitter voltage (typ.) VGE=0V, f=1MHz, Tj=25 C 1000.0 o Dynamic Gate charge (typ.) Vcc=600V, Ic=800A, Tj=25oC Collector- Emitter voltage : VCE[ 200V/div ] Gate-Emitter voltage : VGE [ 5V/div ] Capacitance : Cies, Coes, Cres [ nF ] 100.0 Cies VG E 10.0 Cres Coes VC E 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 Gate charge : Qg [ nC ] 1.0 0 10 20 Collector-Emitter voltage : VCE [ V ] 30 MS 5 F 6 0 4 1 9 a 13 H04-004-03a Switching time vs. Collector current (typ.) Vcc=600V, VGE=±15V, RG=0.68Ω, Tj=25oC 10000 Switching time vs. Collector current (typ.) Vcc=600V, VGE=±15V, RG=0.68Ω, Tj=125oC 10000 Switching time : ton, tr, toff, tf [ nsec ] 1000 toff ton 100 Switching time : ton, tr, toff, tf [ nsec ] 1000 ton toff tr 100 tf tr tf 10 0 400 800 1200 Collector current : Ic [ A ] 1600 10 0 400 800 1200 Collector current : Ic [ A ] 1600 Switching time vs. Gate resistance (typ.) Vcc=600V, Ic=800A, VGE=±15V, Tj=25oC 10000 160 Switching loss vs. Collector current (typ.) Vcc=600V, VGE=±15V, RG=0.68Ω Eoff(125oC) Switching loss : Eon, Eoff, Err [ mJ/pulse ] Switching time : ton, tr, toff, tf [ nsec ] 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 200 ton 1000 toff tr Eoff(25oC) Err(125oC) 100 tf Eon(125oC) Err(25oC) Eon(25oC) 10 0.10 1.00 10.00 Gate resistance : RG [ Ω ] 100.00 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 Collector current : Ic [ A ] Switching loss vs. Gate resistance (typ.) Vcc=600V, Ic=800A, VGE=±15V, Tj=125oC 160 Reverse bias safe operating area (max.) +VGE=15V, -VGE = 0.68Ω, Tj
1MBI800U4B-120 价格&库存

