Device Name Type Name Spec. No.
: : :
IGBT Module 6MBI100S-060 MS5F 5327
Fuji Electric Co.,Ltd. Matsumoto Factory
Jan. 27 ’03 Y.Ko b ayash i Jan. 27 ’03 T.Miyasak a
T.Fu j ihira
K .Ya m ad a
MS 5 F 5 3 2 7
1 13
Revised Records
Applied date
T.Miyasak a
Jan.- 27 - ’03
Issued date
T.Fu j ihira
MS 5 F 5 3 2 7
1. Outline Drawing ( Unit : mm )
2. Equiv alent circuit
21(P) 13(P)
1(Gu) 2(Eu)
5(Gv) 6(Ev) 19(U)
9(Gw) 10(Ew) 17(V) 15(W)
3(Gx) 4(Ex) 20(N)
7(Gy) 8(Ey)
11(Gz) 12(Ez) 14(N)
MS 5 F 5 3 2 7
3. Abs olute Max imum Ratings ( at Tc = 25C unless otherwis e spec ified ) Items Collector-Emit ter volt age Gate-Emitter voltage Collector c urrent Sy mbols V CES V GES Ic Ic puls e -Ic -Ic pulse Collector Power Dis sipation Junc tion temperature Storage t emperature Is olation voltage
( * 1) ( * 2)
Max imum Rat ings 600 +-20 100 200 100 200 400 150 -40~ +125
Unit s V V A
Cont inuous 1ms 1ms 1 devic e
Pc Tj Ts tg Vis o
W C C V Nm
AC : 1min.
2500 3.5
Mounting Screw Torque
(*1) All terminals s hould be connec ted together when isolation tes t will be done. (*2) Recommendable Value : 2.5~3.5 Nm (M5)
4. Electrical charact eristics ( at Tj= 25C unles s otherwise s pecified) Items Zero gate volt age Collector c urrent Gate-Emitter leakage c urrent Gate-Emitter thres hold voltage Collector-Emit ter saturation voltage Input capac itanc e Output capacitanc e Reverse transfer c apacit ance Turn-on time Turn-off time Forward on voltage Reverse recovery t ime Symbols ICES IGES VGE = VCE = Conditions 0 V, 0 V, 20 V, 15 V 100 A 0V 10 V 1 MHz 300 V 100 A +-15 V 24 ohm 100 A 100 A Tj = Tj = trr IF = 25 C 125 C VCE = VGE = Ic = Tj = Tj = 600 V +-20 V 100 mA 25 C 125 C Charac terist ics min. t yp. Max. - - 5. 5 - - - - - - - - - - IF = - - - - - 7.8 2.15 2.3 10000 1600 1100 0.45 0.25 0.08 0.40 0.05 1.95 1.8 - 1.0 200 8.5 2.6 - - - - 1.2 0.6 - 1.0 0. 35 2.7 - 0.3 us V us pF Unit s mA nA V V
VGE(th ) VCE = VCE(s at) VGE = Ic = Cies Coes Cres t on tr tr(i) toff tf VF VGE = VCE = f= Vcc = Ic = VGE = RG =
5. Thermal resist ance charac teris tic s Items Thermal resist ance (1 device) Contact Thermal resistanc e Symbols Rth (j-c) Rth (c-f) IGBT FW D Conditions Charac terist ics min. t yp. Max. - - 0. 31 0. 70 - C/W Unit s
- - 0.05 with Thermal Compound (* ) - * This is the value which is defined mounting on the addit ional c ooling fin with thermal compound.
MS 5 F 5 3 2 7
4 13
6 . In dic atio n o n m o d ule
6MBI10 0S-060
100A 600V
Lo t N o .
P l ac e of ma n uf u ct u ri n g
7. Applic able c ategory This s pec ifi cat ion is appli ed t o IGBT Module named 6MBI100S-060.
8. St orage and t rans port at ion notes ・ The module s hould be s tored at a s t andard temperature of 5 t o 35℃ and humidity of 45 to 75% . ・ St ore modules in a plac e wit h few temperat ure c hanges in order to avoid c ondens at ion on t he module s urfac e. ・ Avoid ex pos ure t o c orros ive gas es and dus t . ・ Avoid ex c es s ive ex t ernal forc e on t he module. ・ St ore modules wit h unproc es sed t erminals . ・ Do not drop or ot herwis e shoc k t he modules when t ranport ing.
9 . Defin itio n s of sw itc h in g tim e
~ ~
0V V GE trr Irr
~ ~
0V 0A
tr(i) tr ton toff
~ ~
VCE tf
10. Packing and Labeling
P ac king box
Material : Cardboad
Display on the packing box - Logo of production - Type name - Lot No - Products quantity in a packing box
* E ac h m od u les are p ac k ed with elec tric al static pro tec tion .
MS 5 F 5 3 2 7
11. Reliability test results
Re l ia b il it y Te s t It e m s
Test categories Tes t item s 1 Term inal Strength (Pull test) 2 Mounting Strength 3 Vibration Tes t m ethods and conditions Pull forc e : 20N Test tim e : 10±1 sec. Screw torque : 2.5 ~ 3.5 N・m (M5) Test tim e : 10±1 sec. Range of frequenc y : 10 ~ 500Hz Sweeping tim e : 15 m in. Ac celeration : 10G Sweeping direc tion : Eac h X,Y,Z axis Test tim e : 6 hr. (2hr./direction) Maxim um ac celeration : 1000G Pulse width : 0.5m sec. Direction : Eac h X,Y,Z axis Test tim e : 3 tim es/direction Solder tem p. : 235±5 ℃ Im mers ion tim e : 5±1s ec. Test tim e : 1 tim e Each term inal s hould be Imm ers ed in s older within 1~ 1.5m m from the body. Solder tem p. : 260±5 ℃ Im mers ion tim e : 10±1sec . Test tim e : 1 tim e Each term inal s hould be Imm ers ed in s older within 1~ 1.5m m from the body. Storage tem p. : 125±5 ℃ Test duration : 1000hr. Storage tem p. : -40±5 ℃ Test duration : 1000hr. Storage tem p. : 85±3 ℃ Relative hum idity : 85±5% Test duration : 1000hr. Test tem p. : 121 ℃ Atm ospheric press ure : 2.03× 10 Pa (Reference value) Test duration : 20hr. Test tem p. : Low tem p. -40 High temp. 125
+3 -5 +5 -5 5
Reference Acceptnorm s Num ber ance EIAJ of sam ple num ber ED -4701 A - 111 Method 1 A - 112 Method 2 A - 121 5 5 5 (1:0) (1:0) (1:0)
Mechanical Tests
4 Shoc k
A - 122
5 Solderabitlity
A - 131
6 R esis tance to Soldering Heat
A - 132
1 High Tem perature Storage 2 Low Tem perature Storage 3 Tem perature Hum idity Storage 4 Unsaturated Pres sure Cooker
B - 111 B - 112 B - 121
5 5 5
(1:0) (1:0) (1:0)
B - 123
Environment Tests
5 Tem perature Cycle
B - 131 ℃ ℃
Dwell tim e Num ber of c ycles 6 Therm al Shock Test tem p.
RT 5 ~ 35 ℃ : High ~ RT ~ Low ~ R T 1hr. 0.5hr. 1hr. 0.5hr. : 100 c ycles : High tem p. 100
+0 -5
B - 141 ℃
Low tem p. 0 ℃ Used liquid : W ater w ith ic e and boiling w ater Dipping tim e : 5 min. par each tem p. Transfer tim e : 10 sec. Num ber of c ycles : 10 cycles
+5 -0
MS 5 F 5 3 2 7
Rel ia b i li t y Tes t It em s
Tes t categories Tes t item s 1 High tem perature Revers e Bias Test m ethods and c onditions Referenc e Ac ceptnorm s Num ber ance EIAJ of sample number ED-4701 D - 313 5 (1:0)
Tes t tem p. Bias Voltage Bias Method
Endurance Tests
Tes t duration 2 High tem perature Revers e Bias Tes t tem p. Bias Voltage Bias Method Tes t duration O N tim e O FF tim e Tes t tem p. Num ber of cyc les
: Ta = 125 -5 ℃ (Tj ≦ 150 ℃) : VC = 0.8×VCES : Applied DC voltage to C-E VGE = 0V : 1000hr.
D - 323
3 Interm itted Operating Life (Pow er cyc le) ( for IGBT )
: Ta = 125 -5 ℃ (Tj ≦ 150 ℃) : VC = VGE = + 20V or -20V : Applied DC voltage to G-E VC E = 0V : 1000hr. : 2 s ec. : 18 sec . : Tj= 100±5 deg Tj ≦ 150 ℃ , Ta=25±5 ℃ : 15000 cyc les
D - 322
Fai l u r e Cr i t er i a
Failure criteria Lower limit Upper limit Electrical Leakage current ICES USL×2 characteristic ±IGES USL×2 Gate threshold voltage VGE(th) LSL×0.8 USL×1.2 Saturation voltage VCE(sat) USL×1.2 Forward voltage VF USL×1.2 VGE Thermal IGBT USL×1.2 or VCE resistance VF FWD USL×1.2 Visual inspection Isolation voltage Visual inspection Peeling Plating and the others Viso Broken insulation The visual sample Ite m Characteristic Symbol Unit mA A mA V V mV mV Note
LSL : Lower specified limit. USL : Upper specified limit. Note : Each parameter measurement read-outs shall be made after stabilizing the components at room ambient for 2 hours minimum, 24 hours maximum after removal from the tests. And in case of the wetting tests, for example, moisture resistance tests, each component shall be made wipe or dry completely before the measurement.
MS 5 F 5 3 2 7
7 13
Re l i a b i l i t y T e s t Re s u l t s
Tes t c ategories Referenc e Num ber Num ber norm s of tes t of failure EIAJ ED -4701 s am ple s am ple A - 111 Method 1 A - 112 Method 2 3 Vibration 4 Shoc k 5 Solderabitlity 6 R es is tanc e to Soldering Heat 1 High Tem perature Storage 2 Low Tem perature Storage 3 Tem perature Hum idity Storage 4 Uns aturated Pres s ure C ooker 5 Tem perature Cyc le 6 Therm al Shoc k 1 High tem perature R evers e Bias 2 High tem perature R evers e Bias ( for gate ) 3 Interm itted Operating Life (Power c yc ling) ( for IGBT ) D - 322 5 0 B - 131 B - 141 D - 313 D - 323 5 5 5 5 0 0 0 0 B - 123 5 0 A - 121 A - 122 A - 131 A - 132 B - 111 B - 112 B - 121 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 5 0
Tes t item s
1 Term inal Strength (Pull tes t) 2 Mounting Strength
Endurance Tests
Environment Tests
Mechanical Tests
MS 5 F 5 3 2 7
[ I nv er te r ] C ol le ct or c ur re nt vs . C ol le ct or -E mit te r vo lt ag e Tj = 2 5℃ ( ty p. )
[ I nv er te r ] C ol le ct or c ur re nt vs . C ol le ct or -E mit te r vo lt ag e T j= 12 5℃ ( ty p. )
VGE = 2 V 0
1V 5
1V 2
VG E= 2 V 0
1V 5
1V 2
[ A] [ A]
Ic Coll ecto r cu rren t :
Coll ecto r cu rren t :
1V 0
1V 0
0 0 1 2 3 : VCE 4 [ V] 5 Col lect or - Emi tter vol tage
0 0 1 2 3 : VCE 4 [ V] 5 Col lect or - Emi tter vol tage
[ I nv er te r ] C ol le ct or c ur re nt vs . C ol le ct or -E mit te r vo lt ag e V GE= 15 V ( ty p. )
250 10
[ I nv er te r ] C ol le ct or -E mi tt er v ol ta ge vs . Ga te -E mit te r vo lt ag e Tj = 2 5℃ ( ty p. )
Tj= 2 5 ℃
T j= 12 5 ℃
[ A]
[ V] : VCE Col lect or - Emi tter vol tage
Coll ecto r cu rren t :
Ic =20 A 0
Ic =10 A 0 Ic= 5 A 0
0 0 1 2 : 3 VCE [ V] 4 Col lect or - Emi tter vol tage
0 5 10 15 : VGE 20 [ V] 25 Ga te - Emi tter vol tage
C ap ac it an ce
50 000
[ I nv er te r ] vs . C ol le ct or -E mi tt er v olt ag e ( ty p. ) V GE =0 V, f= 1 MHz , T j= 2 5℃
[ I nv er te r ] D yn am ic G at e cha rg e ( ty p. ) V cc =3 00 V, I c= 100 A, T j= 2 5℃
[ pF ]
[ V]
: C ies, Coe s, C res
10 000
Ci s e
Col lect or - Emi tter vol tage
5 000
C apac itan ce
1 000
Co s e Cr s e
500 0 5 10 15 20 : 25 VCE 30 [ V] 35 Col lect or - Emi tter vol tage
0 0 100 200 Gat e ch arge 300 : Qg 400 [ nC ] 500
0 600
MS 5 F 5 3 2 7
9 13
Ga te - Emi tter vol tage
[ V]
100 0
[ I nve rt er ] Swi tc hi ng t im e v s. Co ll ec to r cu rr en t (t yp .) V cc =3 00 V, V GE =±1 5V , Rg =2 4Ω, Tj = 25 ℃
100 0
[ I nve rt er ] Swi tc hi ng t im e v s. Co ll ec to r cu rr en t (t yp .) V cc =3 00 V, V GE =±1 5V , Rg = 24 Ω, Tj= 1 25 ℃
[ n sec ]
[ n sec ]
to n to ff tr
ton toff tr
: t on, t r, t off, tf
10 0
: t on, t r, t off, tf
10 0
Swit chin g ti me
10 0 50 10 0 : Ic 15 0 [A ] 20 0 C olle ctor curr ent
Swit chin g ti me
10 0 50 10 0 : Ic 15 0 [A ] 20 0 C olle ctor curr ent
[ I nve rt er ] S wi tc hi ng t im e v s. Ga te r es is ta nc e (t yp .) V cc =3 00 V, I c= 10 0A , VG E= ±15 V, Tj = 25 ℃
500 0 10
[ I nve rt er ] Swi tc hi ng l os s v s. Co ll ec to r cu rr en t (t yp .) V cc =3 00 V, V GE =±1 5V , R g= 24 Ω
to n toff tr
[ m J/pu lse ]
[ n sec ]
1 Eon( 2 5℃ )
100 0
1 Eo ff( 25℃ )
: t on, t r, t off, tf
Eo n, Eo ff, Err
Eon( 5℃ ) 2
S witc hing los s :
10 0
2 Eo ff( 5℃ )
Swit chin g ti me
1 Er r( 25℃ )
Err( 5℃ ) 2
10 10 Gate resi stan ce
0 10 0 : Rg [ Ω ] 30 0 0 50 10 0 : Ic 15 0 [A ] 20 0 C olle ctor curr ent
[ I nve rt er ] Sw it ch in g lo ss vs . G at e re si st an ce (t yp .) Vc c= 30 0V , Ic =1 00 A, V GE =±1 5V , Tj= 1 25 ℃
20 25 0
[ I nve rt er ] R ev er se b ia s sa fe o pe ra tin g ar ea + VG E= 15 V, - VG E≦1 5V , Rg ≧24 Ω, Tj≦1 25 ℃
[ m J/pu lse ]
20 0
Eo n, Eo ff, Err
: Ic
[A ]
15 0
Coll ector cur rent
30 0
10 0
S witc hing los s :
Er r
0 10 Gate resi stan ce 10 0 : Rg [ Ω ]
0 0 20 0 40 0 60 0 : V CE [V ] 80 0 Coll ecto r - Emit ter v olta ge
MS 5 F 5 3 2 7
10 13
[ Inv er te r ] Fo rw ar d cu rr en t v s. Fo rw ar d on v ol ta ge ( ty p. )
250 300
[ Inv er te r ] Re ve rs e re co ve ry c ha ra ct er is ti cs ( ty p. ) Vc c= 30 0V , VG E= ±15 V, Rg =2 4Ω
: Irr [ A ] tr r [ nse c ]
Tj =125℃ Tj=2 5℃
[ A]
trr( 12 5℃ )
Irr( 12 5℃ ) tr r( 25℃ ) I rr( 25℃ )
Fo rwar d cu rren t :
0 0 1 F orwa rd o n vo ltag e : 2 VF [ V] 3
Reve rse reco very cur rent Reve rse reco very tim e :
10 0 50 100 IF
150 [ A]
Fo rwar d cu rren t :
Tr an si en t th er ma l res is ta nc e
Rth (j-c ) [ ℃/ W ]
T herma l re sist anse
0.1 0 .01 0. 001
0 .01 Puls e wi dth : Pw
0.1 [ se c ]
MS 5 F 5 3 2 7
W ar ni ng s
- This product shall be used within its absolute max imum rating (v oltage, current, and temperature). This product may be broken in case of using beyond the ratings. 製品の絶対最大定格(電圧,電流,温度等)の範囲内で御使用下さい。 絶対最大定格を超えて使用すると、素子が破壊する場合があります。 - Connect adequate fuse or protector of circuit between three-phase line and this product to prev ent the equipment from causing secondary destruction. 万一の不慮の事故で素子が破壊した場合を考慮し、商用電源と本製品の間に適切な容量のヒューズ 又はブレーカーを必ず付けて2次破壊を防いでください。 - Use this product after realizing enough working on env ironment and considering of product's reliability life. This product may be broken before target life of the system in case of using beyond the product's reliability l ife. 製品の使用環境を十分に把握し、製品の信頼性寿命が満足できるか検討の上、本製品を適用して下さい。 製品の信頼性寿命を超えて使用した場合、装置の目標寿命より前に素子が破壊する場合があります。 - If the product had been used in the env ironment with acid, organic matter, and corrosiv e gas ( hydrogen sulfide, sulf urous acid gas), the product's performance and appearance can not be ensured easily. 酸・有機物・腐食性ガス(硫化水素,亜硫酸ガス等)を含む環境下で使用された場合、製品機能・外観などの保証は 致しかねます。 - Use this product within the power cycle curv e (Technical Rep.No. : MT6M3947) 本製品は、パワーサイクル寿命カーブ以下で使用下さい(技術資料No.: MT6M3947) - Nev er add mechanical stress to def orm the main or control terminal. The deformed terminal may cause poor contact problem. 主端子及び制御端子に応力を与えて変形させないで下さい。 端子の変形により、接触不良などを引き起こす場合 があります。
- According to the outline drawing, select proper length of screw f or main terminal.
Longer screws may break the case. 本製品に使用する主端子用のネジの長さは、外形図に従い正しく選定下さい。 ネジが長いとケースが破損する場合があります。 - Use this product with keeping the cooling fin's flatness between screw holes within 100um at 100mm and the roughness within 10um. Also keep the tightening torque within the limits of this specif ication. Improper handling may cause isolation breakdown and this may lead to a critical accident. 冷却フィンはネジ取り付け位置間で平坦度を100mmで100um以下、表面の粗さは10um以下にして下さい。 誤った 取り扱 いをすると絶縁破壊を起こし、重大事故に発展する場合があります。 - It shall be conf irmed that IGBT's operating locus of the turn-off v oltage and current are within the RBSOA specif ication. This product may be broken if the locus is out of the RBSOA. ターンオフ電圧・電流の動作軌跡がRBSOA仕様内にあることを確認して下さい。 RBSOAの範囲を超えて使用すると素子が破壊する可能性があります。 - If excessiv e static electricity is applied to the control terminals, the dev ices can be broken. Implement some countermeasures against static electricity. 制御端子に過大な静電気が印加された場合、素子が破壊する場合があります。 取り扱い時は静電気対策を実施して下さい。
MS 5 F 5 3 2 7
C au t i o n s
- Fuji Electric is constantly m aking ev ery endeav or to im prov e the product quality and reliability. Howev er, sem iconductor products may rarely happen to f ail or m alfunction. To prev ent accidents causing injury or death, damage to property like by f ire, and other social damage resulted f rom a f ailure or m alf unction of the Fuji Electric semiconductor products, take som e measures to keep saf ety such as redundant design, spread-fire-prev entiv e design, and malfunction-protectiv e design. 富士電機は絶えず製品の品質と信頼性の向上に努めています。しかし、半導体製品は故障が発生したり、 誤動作する場合があります。富士電機製半導体製品の故障または誤動作が、結果として人身事故・火災 等による財産に対する損害や社会的な損害を起こさないように冗長設計・延焼防止設計・誤動作防止設計 など安全確保のための手段を講じて下さい。 - The application examples described in this specif ication only explain typical ones that used the Fuji Electric products. This specif ication nev er ensure to enforce the industrial property and other rights, nor license the enforcem ent rights. 本仕様書に記載してある応用例は、富士電機製品を使用した代表的な応用例を説明するものであり、本仕様書 によって工業所有権、そ の他権利の実施に対する保障または実施権の許諾を行うものではありません。 - The product described in this specif ication is not designed nor m ade for being applied to the equipm ent or systems used under life-threatening situations. W hen you consider applying the product of this specification to particular used, such as v ehicle-m ounted units, shipboard equipment, aerospace equipm ent, m edical dev ices, atom ic control system s and subm arine relaying equipm ent or systems, please apply af ter conf irm ation of this product to be satisfied about system construction and required reliability. 本仕様書に記載された 製品は、人命にかかわるような状況下で使用される機器あるいはシステムに用いられることを 目的として設計・製造されたものではありません。本仕様書の製品を車両機器、船舶、航空宇宙、医療機器、原子力 制御、海底中継機器あるいはシステムなど、特殊用途へのご利用をご検討の際は、システム構成及び要求品質に 満足することをご確認の上、ご利用下さい。
If there is any unclear m atter in this specification, please contact Fuji Electric Co.,Ltd.
MS 5 F 5 3 2 7