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MB3793-30APNF-G-JN-6E1 数据手册
Spansion® Analog and Microcontroller Products The following document contains information on Spansion analog and microcontroller products. Although the document is marked with the name “Fujitsu”, the company that originally developed the specification, Spansion will continue to offer these products to new and existing customers. Continuity of Specifications There is no change to this document as a result of offering the device as a Spansion product. Any changes that have been made are the result of normal document improvements and are noted in the document revision summary, where supported. Future routine revisions will occur when appropriate, and changes will be noted in a revision summary. Continuity of Ordering Part Numbers Spansion continues to support existing part numbers beginning with “MB”. To order these products, please use only the Ordering Part Numbers listed in this document. For More Information Please contact your local sales office for additional information about Spansion memory, analog, and microcontroller products and solutions. FUJITSU MICROELECTRONICS DATA SHEET DS04-27406-5Ea ASSP For Power Supply Applications BIPOLAR Power Voltage Monitoring IC with Watchdog Timer MB3793-30A ■ DESCRIPTION The MB3793 is an integrated circuit to monitor power voltage; it incorporates a watchdog timer. A reset signal is output when the power is cut or falls abruptly. When the power recovers normally after resetting, a power-on reset signal is output to microprocessor units (MPUs). An internal watchdog timer with two inputs for system operation diagnosis can provide a fall-safe function for various application systems. There is also a mask option that can detect voltages of 4.9 V to 2.4 V in 0.1-V steps. ■ FEATURES • • • • • • • Precise detection of power voltage fall: ± 2.5% Detection voltage with hysteresis Low power dispersion: ICC = 31 µA (reference) Internal dual-input watchdog timer Watchdog-timer halt function (by inhibition pin) Independently-set watchdog and reset times Three types of packages (SOP-8pin : 2 types, SSOP-8pin : 1 type) ■ APPLICATION • Arcade Amusement etc. Copyright©2003-2008 FUJITSU MICROELECTRONICS LIMITED All rights reserved 2006.5 MB3793-30A ■ PIN ASSIGNMENTS (TOP VIEW) RESET 1 8 CK1 CTW 2 7 CK2 CTP 3 6 INH GND 4 5 VCC (FPT-8P-M01) (FPT-8P-M02) (FPT-8P-M03) ■ PIN DESCRIPTION 2 Pin no. Symbol 1 RESET 2 Descriptions Pin no. Symbol Descriptions Outputs reset pin 5 VCC Power supply pin CTW Watchdog timer monitor time setting pin 6 INH Inhibit pin 3 CTP Power-on reset hold time setting pin 7 CK2 Inputs clock 2 pin 4 GND Ground pin 8 CK1 Inputs clock 1 pin MB3793-30A ■ BLOCK DIAGRAM To VCC of all blocks . 3 µA I1 = . 5 VCC I2 .=. 30 µA CTP 3 . R1 = . 360 kΩ Logic circuit RESET 1 Output circuit INH 6 Comp.S CTW 2 Watchdog timer Reference voltage generator − VS + Pulse generator 1 . 1.24 V VREF = . CK1 8 R2 .=. 240 kΩ Pulse generator 2 CK2 7 To GND of all blocks 4 GND 3 MB3793-30A ■ BLOCK DESCRIPTION 1. Comp. S Comp. S is a comparator with hysteresis to compare the reference voltage with a voltage (VS) that is the result of dividing the power voltage (VCC) by resistors 1 and 2. When VS falls below 1.24 V, a reset signal is output. This function enables the MB3793 to detect an abnormality when the power is cut or falls abruptly. 2. Output circuit The output circuit contains a RESET output control comparator that compares the voltage at the CTP pin to the threshold voltage to release the RESET output if the CTP pin voltage exceeds the threshold value. Since the reset (RESET) output buffer has CMOS organization, no pull-up resistor is needed. 3. Pulse generator The pulse generator generates pulses when the voltage at the CK1 and CK2 clock pins changes to High from Low level (positive-edge trigger) and exceeds the threshold voltage; it sends the clock signal to the watchdog timer. 4. Watchdog timer The watchdog timer can monitor two clock pulses. Short-circuit the CK1 and CK2 clock pins to monitor a single clock pulse. 5. Inhibition pin The inhibition (INH) pin forces the watchdog timer on/off. When this pin is High level, the watchdog timer is stopped. 6. Logic circuit The logic circuit contains flip-flops. Flip-flop RSFF1 controls the charging and discharging of the power-on reset hold time setting capacitor (CTP). Flip-flop RSFF2 turns on/off the circuit that accelerates charging of the power-on reset hold time setting capacitor (CTP) at a reset. The RSFF2 operates only at a reset; it does not operate at a power-on reset when the power is turned on. 4 MB3793-30A ■ ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Parameter Symbol Conditions VCC  CK1 VCK1  CK2 VCK2  INH IINH  VOL VOH Reset output current Power dissipation Power supply voltage* Input voltage* Reset output voltage* RESET Storage temperature Rating Unit Min Max −0.3 +7 V −0.3 VCC + 0.3 ( ≤ +7) V  −0.3 VCC + 0.3 ( ≤ +7) V IOL IOH  −10 +10 mA PD Ta ≤ +85 °C  200 mW Tstg  −55 +125 °C * : The voltage is based on the ground voltage (0 V). WARNING: Semiconductor devices can be permanently damaged by application of stress (voltage, current, temperature, etc.) in excess of absolute maximum ratings. Do not exceed these ratings. ■ RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS Parameter Symbol Conditions VCC Value Unit Min Typ Max  1.2 3.3 6.0 IOL  0 — +5 IOH  −5 — 0 Power-on reset hold time setting capacity CTP  0.001 0.1 10 µF Watchdog-timer monitoring time setting capacity* CTW  0.001 0.01 1 µF Operating ambient temperature Ta  −40 +25 +85 °C Power supply voltage Reset (RESET) output current V mA * : The watchdog timer monitor time range depends on the rating of the setting capacitor. WARNING: The recommended operating conditions are required in order to ensure the normal operation of the semiconductor device. All of the device’s electrical characteristics are warranted when the device is operated within these ranges. Always use semiconductor devices within their recommended operating condition ranges. Operation outside these ranges may adversely affect reliability and could result in device failure. No warranty is made with respect to uses, operating conditions, or combinations not represented on the data sheet. Users considering application outside the listed conditions are advised to contact their representatives beforehand. 5 MB3793-30A ■ ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS 1. DC Characteristics Parameter Power supply current Symbol Conditions  31 45 2.93 3.00 3.07 (2.89)* 3.00 (3.11)* 3.00 3.07 3.14 (2.96)* 3.07 (3.18)* VSH – VSL 30 70 110 mV VCIH CK rising (0.7)* 1.3 1.9 V VCIL CK falling 0.5 1.0 (1.5)* V V ICC After exit from reset VSL VCC falling VSH VCC rising VSHYS Detection voltage Detection voltage hysteresis difference Clock-input threshold voltage Clock-input hysteresis Inhibition-input voltage Input current (CK1, CK2, INH) Reset output voltage Reset-output minimum power voltage (VCC = +3.3 V, Ta = +25 °C) Value Unit Min Typ Max Ta = +25 °C Ta = −40 °C to +85 °C Ta = +25 °C Ta = −40 °C to +85 °C VCHYS  (0.1)* 0.3 (0.6)* VIIH  2.2  VCC VIIL  0  0.8 µA V V V IIH VCK = 5 V  0 1.0 µA IIL VCK = 0 V −1.0 0  µA VOH IRESET = −3 mA 2.8 3.10  V VOL IRESET = +3 mA  0.12 0.4 V VCCL IRESET = +50 µA  0.8 1.2 V * : The values enclosed in parentheses ( ) are setting assurance values. 2. AC Characteristics Parameter Symbol Conditions Power-on reset hold time tPR CTP = 0.1 µF 30 75 120 ms Watchdog timer monitor time tWD CTW = 0.01 µF, CTP = 0.1 µF 8 16 24 ms Watchdog timer reset time tWR CTP = 0.1 µF 2 5.5 9 ms Clock input pulse width tCKW  500   ns Clock input pulse cycle tCKT  20   µs Reset (RESET) output transition Rising time Falling tr* CL = 50 pF   500 ns tf* CL = 50 pF   500 ns * : The voltage range is 10% to 90% at testing the reset output transition time. 6 Min (VCC = +3.3 V, Ta = +25 °C) Value Unit Typ Max MB3793-30A ■ DIAGRAM 1. Basic operation (Positive clock pulse) VSH VSL VCC tCKW CK1 tCKT CK2 INH Vth CTP VH CTW VL RESET tWD tPR (1) (2) (3) (4)(5) (5) tPR tWR (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) 7 MB3793-30A 2. Basic operation (Negative clock pulse) VSH VSL VCC tCKW CK1 tCKT CK2 INH Vth CTP VH CTW VL RESET tPR (1) (2) 8 tWD (3) (4)(5) (5) tPR tWR (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) MB3793-30A 3. Single-clock input monitoring (Positive clock pulse) tCKW CK1 CK2 tCKT Vth CTP VH CTW VL RESET tWD tWR Note : The MB3793 can monitor only one clock. The MB3793 checks the clock signal at every other input pulse. Therefore, set watchdog timer monitor time tWD to the time that allows the MB3793 to monitor the period twice as long as the input clock pulse. 9 MB3793-30A 4. Inhibition operation (Positive clock pulse) VSH VSL VCC tCKW CK1 tCKT CK2 INH Vth CTP VH CTW VL RESET tPR (1) (2) 10 tWD (3) (4)(5) (5) tPR tWR (6) (7) (11) (8) (9) (10) (12) (13) MB3793-30A 5. Clock pulse input supplementation (Positive clock pulse) tCKT tCKW *1 CK1 *2 CK2 VH CTW VL Note : The MB3793 watchdog timer monitors Clock1 (CK1) and Clock2 (CK2) pulses alternately. When a CK2 pulse is detected after detecting a CK1 pulse, the monitoring time setting capacity (CTW) switches to charging from discharging. When two consecutive pulses occur on one side of this alternation before switching, the second pulse is ignored. In the above figure, pulse *1 and *2 are ignored. 11 MB3793-30A ■ OPERATION SEQUENCE 1. Positive clock pulse input Refer to “1. Basic operation (positive clock pulse)” under “■ DIAGRAM.” 2. Negative clock pulse input Refer to “2. Basic operation (negative clock pulse)” under “■ DIAGRAM.” The MB3793 operates in the same way whether it inputs positive or negative pulses. 3. Clock monitoring To use the MB3793 while monitoring only one clock, connect clock pins CK1 and CK2. Although the MB3793 operates basically in the same way as when monitoring two clocks, it monitors the clock signal at every other input pulse. Refer to “3. Single-clock input monitoring (positive clock pulse)” under “■ DIAGRAM.” 4. Description of Operations The numbers given to the following items correspond to numbers (1) to (13) used in “■ DIAGRAM.” (1) The MB3793 outputs a reset signal when the supply voltage (VCC) reaches about 0.8 V (VCCL) (2) If VCC reaches or exceeds the rise-time detected voltage VSH, the MB3793 starts charging the power-on reset hold time setting capacitor CTP. At this time, the output remains in a reset state. The VSH value is 3.07 V (Typ) . (3) When CTP has been charged for a certain period of time TPR (until the CTP pin voltage exceeds the threshold voltage (Vth) after the start of charging), the MB3793 cancels the reset (setting the RESET pin to “H” level from “L” level). The Vth value is about 2.4 V with VCC = 3.3 V The power-on reset hold time tPR is set with the following equation: tPR (ms) .=. A × CTP (µF) The value of A is about 750 with VCC = 3.3 V. The MB3793 also starts charging the watchdog timer monitor time setting capacitor (CTW). (4) When the voltage at the watchdog timer monitor time setting pin CTW reaches the “H” level threshold voltage VH, the CTW switches from the charge state to the discharge state. The value of VH is always about 1.24 V regardless of the detected voltage. (5) If the CK2 pin inputs a clock pulse (positive edge trigger) when the CTW is being discharged in the CK1-CK2 order or simultaneously, the CTW switches from the discharge state to the charge state. The MB3793 repeats operations (4) and (5) as long as the CK1/CK2 pin inputs clock pulses with the system logic circuit operating normally. (6) If no clock pulse is fed to the CK1 or CK2 pin within the watchdog timer monitor time tWD due to some problem with the system logic circuit, the CTW pin is set to the “L” level threshold voltage VL or less and the MB3793 outputs a reset signal (setting the RESET pin to “L” level from “H” level). The value of VL is always about 0.24 V regardless of the detected voltage. The watchdog timer monitor time tWD is set with the following equation: tWD (ms) .=. B × CTW (µF) The value of B is hardly affected by the power supply voltage; it is about 1600 with VCC = 3.3 V. (Continued) 12 MB3793-30A (Continued) (7) When a certain period of time tWR has passed (until the CTP pin voltage reaches or exceeds Vth again after recharging the CTP), the MB3793 cancels the reset signal and starts operating the watchdog timer. The watchdog timer monitor reset time tWR is set with the following equation: tWR (ms) .=. D x CTP (µF) The value of D is 55 with VCC = 3.3 V. The MB3793 repeats operations (4) and (5) as long as the CK1/CK2 pin inputs clock pulses. If no clock pulse is input, the MB3793 repeats operations (6) and (7). (8) If VCC is lowered to the fall-time detected voltage (VSL) or less, the CTP pin voltage decreases and the MB3793 outputs a reset signal (setting the RESET pin to “L” level from “H” level). The value of VSL is 3.0 V (Typ) . (9) When VCC reaches or exceeds VSH again, the MB3793 starts charging the CTP. (10) When the CTP pin voltage reaches or exceeds Vth, the MB3793 cancels the reset and restarts operating the watchdog timer. It repeats operations (4) and (5) as long as the CK1/CK2 pin inputs clock pulses. (11) Making the inhibit pin active (setting the INH pin to “H” from “L”) forces the watchdog timer to stop operation. This stops only the watchdog timer, leaving the MB3793 monitoring VCC (operations (8) to (10)). The watchdog timer remains inactive unless the inhibit input is canceled. The inhibition (INH) pin must be connecting a voltage of more low impedance, to evade of the noise. (12) Canceling the inhibit input (setting the INH pin to “L” from “H”) restarts the watchdog timer. (13) The reset signal is output when the power supply is turned off to set VCC to VSL or less. 1. Equation of time-setting capacitances (CTP and CTW) and set time . tPR [ms] =. A × CTP [µF] . tWD [ms] =. B × CTW [µF] . tWR [ms] =. D × CTP [µF] Values of A, B, C, and D A B C D Remark 750 1600 0 55 VCC = 3.3 V 1300 1500 0 100 VCC = 5.0 V 2. Example (when CTP = 0.1 µF and CTW = 0.01 µF) time (ms) Symbol VCC = 3.3 V VCC = 5.0 V tPR 75 130 tWD 16 15 tWR 5.5 10 13 MB3793-30A ■ TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS Power supply current vs. Power supply voltage Detection voltage vs. Operating ambient temperature 50 3.12 Watchdog timer monitoring (VINH = 0 V) 3.10 40 Detection voltage VSH, VSL (V) Power supply current ICC (µA) 45 35 30 Watchdog timer stopping (VINH = VCC) 25 20 15 10 f = 1 kHz Duty = 10 % CK1 = CK2 5 VSH 3.08 3.06 3.04 3.02 3.00 VSL 2.98 0 2.96 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 −40 8 Reset output voltage vs. Reset output current (P-MOS side) 0 +20 +40 +60 +80 +100 +120 Reset output voltage vs. Reset output current (N-MOS side) 3.3 600 at VCC = 3.3 V at VCC = 3.3 V 3.1 3.0 2.9 Ta = −40 ˚C 2.8 Ta = +25 ˚C 2.7 2.6 Ta = +85 ˚C 2.5 Reset output voltage VRESET (mV) 3.2 Reset output voltage VRESET (V) −20 Operating ambient temperature Ta ( °C) Power supply voltage VCC (V) Ta = +85 ˚C 500 Ta = +25 ˚C 400 Ta = −40 ˚C 300 200 100 2.4 0 2.3 0 −1 −2 −3 −4 −5 −6 −7 −8 −9 −10 Reset output current IRESET (mA) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Reset output current IRESET (mA) Note : Without writing the value clearly, VCC = 3.3 (V), CTP = 0.1 (µF), CTW = 0.01 (µF). (Continued) 14 MB3793-30A Reset output voltage vs. Power supply voltage Power-on reset hold time vs. Operating ambient temperature (When VCC rising) 200 7 at VCC = 3.3 V 180 6 Power-on reset hold time tPR (ms) Reset output voltage VRESET (V) Pull-up resistance 100 kΩ 5 4 3 Ta = +85 ˚C 2 Ta = +25 ˚C 1 Ta = −40 ˚C 1 2 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 160 3 4 5 6 0 −40 −20 7 0 +20 +40 +60 +80 +100 +120 Power supply voltage VCC (V) Operating ambient temperature Ta ( °C) Watchdog timer reset time vs. Operating ambient temperature (When monitoring) Watchdog timer monitoring time vs. Operating ambient temperature 26 26 at VCC = 3.3 V at VCC = 3.3 V 24 Watchdog timer monitoring time tWD (ms) Watchdog timer reset time tWR (ms) 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 −40 −20 0 +20 +40 +60 +80 +100 +120 Operating ambient temperature Ta ( °C) 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 −40 −20 0 +20 +40 +60 +80 +100 +120 Operating ambient temperature Ta ( °C) (Continued) 15 MB3793-30A (Continued) Watchdog timer reset time vs. CTP capacitance 104 103 Ta = −40 °C 102 101 Ta = +25 °C Ta = +85 °C 1 10 −1 10−4 10−3 10−2 10−1 1 101 102 Watchdog timer monitoring time tWD (ms) Watchdog timer monitoring time vs. CTW capacitance Ta = −40 °C 102 Ta = +25 °C 101 1 Ta = +85 °C 10−1 10−5 10−4 10−3 10−2 10−1 1 101 Watchdog timer monitoring time setting capacitance CTW (µF) 16 103 102 Ta = −40 °C 101 1 Ta = +25 °C Ta = +85 °C 10−1 10−2 10−4 10−3 10−2 10−1 1 101 Power-on reset hold time setting capacitance CTP (µF) Power-on reset hold time setting capacitance CTP (µF) 103 Watchdog timer reset time tWR (ms) Power-on reset hold time tPR (ms) Power-on reset hold time vs. CTP capacitance 102 MB3793-30A ■ APPLICATION EXAMPLE 1. (1) Supply voltage monitor and watchdog timer (1-clock monitor) VCC 5 VCC 2 CTW RESET 1 MB3793 RESET CTW* 3 CTP CTP* CK1 8 VCC Microprocessor CK 6 INH GND 4 CK2 7 GND GND * : Use a capacitor with less leakage current. The MB3793 monitors the clock (CK1, CK2) at every other input pulse. (2) Supply voltage monitor and watching timer (2-clock monitor) VCC 5 VCC 2 CTW RESET 1 RESET MB3793 CTW* CTP* 3 CTP CK1 8 Microprocessor 1 GND RESET VCC Microprocessor 2 CK CK GND 6 INH VCC GND CK2 7 4 GND * : Use a capacitor with less leakage current. 17 MB3793-30A 2. Supply voltage monitor and watchdog timer stop VCC 6 INH 5 VCC RESET 1 RESET MB3793 2 CTW VCC Microprocessor 1 CK1 8 CK HALT GND CTW* RESET VCC Microprocessor 2 CK HALT GND CTP* 3 CTP GND CK2 7 4 GND * : Use a capacitor with less leakage current. ■ NOTES ON USE • Take account of common impedance when designing the earth line on a printed wiring board. • Take measures against static electricity. - For semiconductors, use antistatic or conductive containers. - When storing or carrying a printed circuit board after chip mounting, put it in a conductive bag or container. - The work table, tools and measuring instruments must be grounded. - The worker must put on a grounding device containing 250 kΩ to 1 MΩ resistors in series. • Do not apply a negative voltage. - Applying a negative voltage of −0.3 V or less to an LSI may generate a parasitic transistor, resulting in malfunction. 18 MB3793-30A ■ ORDERING INFORMATION Part number Package Marking Remarks MB3793-30APF-❏❏❏ 8-pin Plastic SOP (FPT-8P-M01) 3793AN conventional version MB3793-30APNF-❏❏❏ 8-pin Plastic SOP (FPT-8P-M02) 3793AN conventional version MB3793-30APFV-❏❏❏ 8-pin Plastic SSOP (FPT-8P-M03) 93AN conventional version MB3793-30APF-❏❏❏E1 8-pin Plastic SOP (FPT-8P-M01) 3793AN Lead Free version MB3793-30APNF-❏❏❏E1 8-pin Plastic SOP (FPT-8P-M02) 3793AN Lead Free version MB3793-30APFV-❏❏❏E1 8-pin Plastic SSOP (FPT-8P-M03) 93AN Lead Free version ■ RoHS Compliance Information of Lead (Pb) Free version The LSI products of Fujitsu Microelectronics with “E1” are compliant with RoHS Directive , and has observed the standard of lead, cadmium, mercury, Hexavalent chromium, polybrominated biphenyls (PBB) , and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE) . The product that conforms to this standard is added “E1” at the end of the part number. 19 MB3793-30A ■ MARKING FORMAT (Lead Free version) Lead Free version 3793AN E1XXXX XXX INDEX Lead Free version Lead Free version 3793AN XXXX E1 XXX 20 SOP-8 (FPT-8P-M02) 93AN 1 XXX XXX INDEX SOP-8 (FPT-8P-M01) SSOP-8 (FPT-8P-M03) MB3793-30A ■ LABELING SAMPLE (Lead free version) lead-free mark JEITA logo MB123456P - 789 - GE1 (3N) 1MB123456P-789-GE1 1000 (3N)2 1561190005 107210 JEDEC logo G Pb QC PASS PCS 1,000 MB123456P - 789 - GE1 2006/03/01 ASSEMBLED IN JAPAN MB123456P - 789 - GE1 1/1 0605 - Z01A 1000 1561190005 Lead Free version 21 MB3793-30A ■ MB3793-30APF-❏❏❏E1, MB3793-30APNF-❏❏❏E1, MB3793-30APFV-❏❏❏ Recommended Conditions of Moisture Sensitivity Level Item Condition Mounting Method IR (infrared reflow) , Manual soldering (partial heating method) Mounting times 2 times Storage period Storage conditions Before opening Please use it within two years after Manufacture. From opening to the 2nd reflow Less than 8 days When the storage period after opening was exceeded Please processes within 8 days after baking (125 °C, 24h) 5 °C to 30 °C, 70%RH or less (the lowest possible humidity) [Temperature Profile for FJ Standard IR Reflow] (1) IR (infrared reflow) H rank : 260 °C Max. 260 °C 255 °C 170 °C to 190 °C (b) RT (a) (a) Temperature Increase gradient (b) Preliminary heating (c) Temperature Increase gradient (d) Actual heating (d’) (e) Cooling (2) Manual soldering (partial heating method) Times : 5 s max/pin 22 (d) (e) (d') : Average 1 °C/s to 4 °C/s : Temperature 170 °C to 190 °C, 60s to 180s : Average 1 °C/s to 4 °C/s : Temperature 260 °C MAX; 255 °C or more, 10s or less : Temperature 230 °C or more, 40s or less or Temperature 225 °C or more, 60s or less or Temperature 220 °C or more, 80s or less : Natural cooling or forced cooling Note : Temperature : the top of the package body Conditions : Temperature 400 °C MAX (c) MB3793-30A ■ PACKAGE DIMENSIONS 8-pin plastic SOP (FPT-8P-M01) 8-pin plastic SOP (FPT-8P-M01) Lead pitch 1.27 mm Package width × package length 5.3 × 6.35 mm Lead shape Gullwing Sealing method Plastic mold Mounting height 2.25 mm MAX Weight 0.10 g Code (Reference) P-SOP8-5.3×6.35-1.27 Note 1) *1 : These dimensions include resin protrusion. Note 2) *2 : These dimensions do not include resin protrusion. Note 3) Pins width and pins thickness include plating thickness. Note 4) Pins width do not include tie bar cutting remainder. +0.25 +.010 +0.03 *1 6.35 –0.20 .250 –.008 0.17 –0.04 +.001 8 .007 –.002 5 *2 5.30±0.30 7.80±0.40 (.209±.012) (.307±.016) INDEX Details of "A" part +0.25 2.00 –0.15 +.010 .079 –.006 1 1.27(.050) "A" 4 0.47±0.08 (.019±.003) 0.13(.005) (Mounting height) 0.25(.010) 0~8˚ M 0.50±0.20 (.020±.008) 0.60±0.15 (.024±.006) +0.10 0.10 –0.05 +.004 .004 –.002 (Stand off) 0.10(.004) C 2002 FUJITSU LIMITED F08002S-c-6-7 Dimensions in mm (inches). Note: The values in parentheses are reference values. (Continued) 23 MB3793-30A 8-pin plastic SOP Lead pitch 1.27 mm Package width × package length 3.9 × 5.05 mm Lead shape Gullwing Sealing method Plastic mold Mounting height 1.75 mm MAX Weight 0.06 g (FPT-8P-M02) 8-pin plastic SOP (FPT-8P-M02) +0.25 Note 1) *1 : These dimensions include resin protrusion. Note 2) *2 : These dimensions do not include resin protrusion. Note 3) Pins width and pins thickness include plating thickness. Note 4) Pins width do not include tie bar cutting remainder. +.010 +0.03 *1 5.05 –0.20 .199 –.008 0.22 –0.07 +.001 .009 –.003 8 5 *2 3.90±0.30 6.00±0.40 (.154±.012) (.236±.016) Details of "A" part 45˚ 1.55±0.20 (Mounting height) (.061±.008) 0.25(.010) 0.40(.016) 1 "A" 4 1.27(.050) 0.44±0.08 (.017±.003) 0.13(.005) 0~8˚ M 0.50±0.20 (.020±.008) 0.60±0.15 (.024±.006) 0.15±0.10 (.006±.004) (Stand off) 0.10(.004) C 2002 FUJITSU LIMITED F08004S-c-4-7 Dimensions in mm (inches). Note: The values in parentheses are reference values. (Continued) 24 MB3793-30A (Continued) 8-pin plastic SSOP (FPT-8P-M03) 8-pin plastic SSOP (FPT-8P-M03) Lead pitch 0.80 mm Package width × package length 4.2 × 3.5 mm Lead shape Gullwing Sealing method Plastic mold Mounting height 1.45 mm MAX Weight 0.04 g Code (Reference) P-SSOP8-4.2×3.5-0.80 Note 1) *1 : Resin protrusion. (Each side : +0.15 (.006) Max). Note 2) *2 : These dimensions do not include resin protrusion. Note 3) Pins width and pins thickness include plating thickness. Note 4) Pins width do not include tie bar cutting remainder. +0.03 *1 3.50±0.10(.138±.004) 0.17 –0.04 +.001 8 .007 –.002 5 *2 4.20±0.10 6.20±0.20 (.165±.004) (.244±.008) INDEX Details of "A" part +0.20 1.25 –0.10 +.008 .049 –.004 (Mounting height) 0.25(.010) 1 "A" 4 0.80(.031) 0.37±0.08 (.015±.003) 0.10(.004) 0~8˚ M 0.50±0.20 (.020±.008) 0.60±0.15 (.024±.006) 0.10±0.10 (.004±.004) (Stand off) 0.10(.004) C 2002 FUJITSU LIMITED F08005S-c-3-5 Dimensions in mm (inches). Note: The values in parentheses are reference values. 25 MB3793-30A MEMO 26 MB3793-30A MEMO 27 FUJITSU MICROELECTRONICS LIMITED Shinjuku Dai-Ichi Seimei Bldg. 7-1, Nishishinjuku 2-chome, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 163-0722, Japan Tel: +81-3-5322-3347 Fax: +81-3-5322-3387 http://jp.fujitsu.com/fml/en/ For further information please contact: North and South America FUJITSU MICROELECTRONICS AMERICA, INC. 1250 E. Arques Avenue, M/S 333 Sunnyvale, CA 94085-5401, U.S.A. Tel: +1-408-737-5600 Fax: +1-408-737-5999 http://www.fma.fujitsu.com/ Asia Pacific FUJITSU MICROELECTRONICS ASIA PTE LTD. 151 Lorong Chuan, #05-08 New Tech Park, Singapore 556741 Tel: +65-6281-0770 Fax: +65-6281-0220 http://www.fujitsu.com/sg/services/micro/semiconductor/ Europe FUJITSU MICROELECTRONICS EUROPE GmbH Pittlerstrasse 47, 63225 Langen, Germany Tel: +49-6103-690-0 Fax: +49-6103-690-122 http://emea.fujitsu.com/microelectronics/ FUJITSU MICROELECTRONICS SHANGHAI CO., LTD. Rm.3102, Bund Center, No.222 Yan An Road(E), Shanghai 200002, China Tel: +86-21-6335-1560 Fax: +86-21-6335-1605 http://cn.fujitsu.com/fmc/ Korea FUJITSU MICROELECTRONICS KOREA LTD. 206 KOSMO TOWER, 1002 Daechi-Dong, Kangnam-Gu,Seoul 135-280 Korea Tel: +82-2-3484-7100 Fax: +82-2-3484-7111 http://www.fmk.fujitsu.com/ FUJITSU MICROELECTRONICS PACIFIC ASIA LTD. 10/F., World Commerce Centre, 11 Canton Road Tsimshatsui, Kowloon Hong Kong Tel: +852-2377-0226 Fax: +852-2376-3269 http://cn.fujitsu.com/fmc/tw All Rights Reserved. The contents of this document are subject to change without notice. Customers are advised to consult with sales representatives before ordering. The information, such as descriptions of function and application circuit examples, in this document are presented solely for the purpose of reference to show examples of operations and uses of FUJITSU MICROELECTRONICS device; FUJITSU MICROELECTRONICS does not warrant proper operation of the device with respect to use based on such information. When you develop equipment incorporating the device based on such information, you must assume any responsibility arising out of such use of the information. FUJITSU MICROELECTRONICS assumes no liability for any damages whatsoever arising out of the use of the information. Any information in this document, including descriptions of function and schematic diagrams, shall not be construed as license of the use or exercise of any intellectual property right, such as patent right or copyright, or any other right of FUJITSU MICROELECTRONICS or any third party or does FUJITSU MICROELECTRONICS warrant non-infringement of any third-party's intellectual property right or other right by using such information. FUJITSU MICROELECTRONICS assumes no liability for any infringement of the intellectual property rights or other rights of third parties which would result from the use of information contained herein. The products described in this document are designed, developed and manufactured as contemplated for general use, including without limitation, ordinary industrial use, general office use, personal use, and household use, but are not designed, developed and manufactured as contemplated (1) for use accompanying fatal risks or dangers that, unless extremely high safety is secured, could have a serious effect to the public, and could lead directly to death, personal injury, severe physical damage or other loss (i.e., nuclear reaction control in nuclear facility, aircraft flight control, air traffic control, mass transport control, medical life support system, missile launch control in weapon system), or (2) for use requiring extremely high reliability (i.e., submersible repeater and artificial satellite). Please note that FUJITSU MICROELECTRONICS will not be liable against you and/or any third party for any claims or damages arising in connection with above-mentioned uses of the products. Any semiconductor devices have an inherent chance of failure. You must protect against injury, damage or loss from such failures by incorporating safety design measures into your facility and equipment such as redundancy, fire protection, and prevention of over-current levels and other abnormal operating conditions. Exportation/release of any products described in this document may require necessary procedures in accordance with the regulations of the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Law of Japan and/or US export control laws. The company names and brand names herein are the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. Edited Strategic Business Development Dept.
MB3793-30APNF-G-JN-6E1 价格&库存

