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    GM66150-3.0TB3T - 1.5A ULTRA LOW-DROPOUT REGULATOR - Gamma Microelectronics Inc.

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GM66150-3.0TB3T 数据手册
Description The GM66150 series of positive fixed and adjustable regulators is designed to provide up to 1.5A output with high current, high accuracy, and extremely low dropout voltage performance. These regulators feature 300 to 350mV (full load) dropout voltages, and very low ground current. Although designed for high current loads, these devices are also useful in lower current, extremely low dropoutcritical systems, where their minimal dropout voltage and ground current values are important characteristics. The GM66150 is fully protected against overcurrent, reversed input polarity (or reversed battery connection), reversed lead insertion, over-temperature operation, and transient voltage spikes (positive or negative). Five pin fixed voltage versions feature logic level ON/OFF control and an error flag which signals whenever the output falls out of regulation. On the GM66151 and GM66152, the ENABLE pin may be tied to VIN if it is not required for ON/OFF control. The GM66150 is available in 3-pin and 5-pin TO-220 and surface mount TO-263 packages. Features Fixed and Adjustable Voltage Versions Output Current up to 1.5A Low Dropout Voltage 350mV @ 1.5A Low Ground Current Accurate 1% Guaranteed Tolerance Extremely Fast Transient Response Reverse-battery Protection "Load Dump" Protection Zero-Current shutdown mode(5-pin versions) Error flag signals output out-of-regulation (5-pin versions) Application High Efficiency Linear Regulators Post Regulators for Switching Supplies High Efficiency "Green" Computer Systems Battery Powered Equipment Automotive Electronics 5 V ± 5% GM66150 - 3.3 + 3.3 V ± 1% @1.5A VOUT= 1.24V X [1 + (R1 /R2)] 47µF VIN R1 10µF + + VOUT 22µF R2 Figure 1. Fixed Voltage Version Figure 2. Adjustable Voltage Version www.gammamicro.com GM66150 SERIES V0.1 1 TYPICAL APPLICATION CIRCUITS GM 431 MARKING INFORMATION & PIN CONFIGURATIONS (TOP VIEW) 2 SOT-223 GM66150 VVAYWW TO-220- 5 TO-263-5(D PAK) GM66151 VVAYWW GM66151 VVAYWW VOUT GND VIN 1 1 Pinout On all devices, the Tab is grounded. TO-220- 5 TO-263-5(D PAK) 2 GM66150/ Three Terminal Pin 1 = Input, 2 = Ground, 3 = Output GM66151/ Five Terminal (Fixed Voltage Devices) GM6615X AYWW GM6615X AYWW 1 (For GM66152 and GM66153) 1 V V,VVV = Output Voltage (33=3.3V , 120=12V) A = Assembly Location Y = Year WW = Weekly Pin 1 = Enable, 2 = Input, 3 = Ground, 4 = Output, 5 = Flag GM66152/ Adjustable with ON/ OFF Control Pin 1 = Enable, 2 = Input, 3 = Ground, 4 = Output, 5 = Adjust GM66153/ Adjustable with Flag Pin 1 = Flag, 2 = Input, 3 = Ground, 4 = Output, 5 = Adjust ORDERING INFORMATION O rdering Number Output Voltage Package Shipping GM66150 GM66150-1.5TA3T GM66150-1.5TA3R GM66150-1.5TB3T GM66150-1.8TA3T GM66150-1.8TA3R GM66150-1.8TB3T 1.5V 1.5V 1.5V 1.8V 1.8V 1.8V 2.5V 2.5V 2.5V 2.5V 2.5V 3.0V 3.0V 3.0V 3.0V 3.0V 3.0V 3.0V TO-263-2 TO-263-2 TO-220 T O-263-2 TO-263-2 TO-220 TO-263-2 TO-263-2 TO-220 TO-252 TO-252 TO-263-2 TO-263-2 TO-220 TO-223 TO-223 TO-252 TO-252 50 Units/ Tube 800 Units/ Tape & Reel 50 Units/ Tube 50 Units/ Tube 800 Units/ Tape & Reel 50 Units/ Tube 50 Units/ Tube 800 Units/ Tape &Reel 50 Units/ Tube 80 Units/ Tube 2,500 Units/ Tape & Reel 50 Units/ Tube 800 Units/ Tape &Reel 50 Units/ Tube 80 Units/ Tube 2,500 Units/ Tape & Reel 80 Units/ Tube 2,500 Units/ Tape & Reel GM66150 SERIES 2 GM66150-2.5TA3T GM66150-2.5TA3R GM66150-2.5TB3T GM66150-2.5TC3T GM66150-2.5TC3R GM66150-3.0TA3T GM66150-3.0TA3R GM66150-3.0TB3T GM66150-3.0ST3T GM66150-3.0ST3R GM66150-3.0TC3T GM66150-3.0TC3R ORDERING INFORMATION O rdering Number Output Voltage Package Shipping GM66150 GM66150-3.3TA3T GM66150-3.3TA3R GM66150-3.3TB3T GM66150-5.0TA3T GM66150-5.0TA3R GM66150-5.0TB3T GM66150-12TA3T GM66150-12TA3R GM66150-12TB3T 3.3V 3.3V 3.3V 5.0V 5.0V 5.0V 12V 12V 12V T O-263-2 TO-263-2 TO-220 TO-263-2 TO-263-2 TO-220 TO-263-2 TO-263-2 TO-220 50 Units/ Tube 800 Units/ Tape & Reel 50 Units/ Tube 50 Units/ Tube 800 Units/ Tape & Reel 50 Units/ Tube 50 Units/ Tube 800 Units/ Tape & Reel 50 Units/ Tube GM66151 GM66151-1.5TA5T GM66151-1.5TA5R GM66151-1.5TB5T GM66151-1.8TA5T GM66151-1.8TA5R GM66151-1.8TB5T GM66151-2.5TA5T GM66151-2.5TA5R GM66151-2.5TB5T GM66151-3.0TA5T GM66151-3.0TA5R GM66151-3.0TB5T GM66151-3.3TA5T GM66151-3.3TA5R GM66151-3.3TB5T GM66151-5.0TA5T GM66151-5.0TA5R GM66151-5.0TB5T GM66151-12TA5T GM66151-12TA5R GM66151-12TB5T 1.5V 1.5V 1.5V 1.8V 1.8V 1.8V 2.5V 2.5V 2.5V 3.0V 3.0V 3.0V 3.3V 3.3V 3.3V 5.0V 5.0V 5.0V 12V 12V 12V TO-263-5 TO-263-5 TO-220-5 TO-263-5 TO-263-5 TO-220-5 TO-263-5 TO-263-5 TO-220-5 TO-263-5 TO-263-5 TO-220-5 TO-263-5 TO-263-5 TO-220-5 TO-263-5 TO-263-5 TO-220-5 TO-263-5 TO-263-5 TO-220-5 50 Units/ Tube 800 Units/ Tape & Reel 50 Units/ Tube 50 Units/ Tube 800 Units/ Tape & Reel 50 Units/ Tube 50 Units/ Tube 800 Units/ Tape & Reel 50 Units/ Tube 50 Units/ Tube 800 Units/ Tape & Reel 50 Units/ Tube 50 Units/ Tube 800 Units/ Tape & Reel 50 Units/ Tube 50 Units/ Tube 800 Units/ Tape & Reel 50 Units/ Tube 50 Units/ Tube 800 Units/ Tape & Reel 50 Units/ Tube * For detail Ordering Number identification, please see last page. GM66150 SERIES 3 ORDERING INFORMATION O rdering Number Output Voltage Package Shipping GM66152 GM66152TA5T GM66152TA5R GM66152TB5T Adj Adj Adj T O-263-5 TO-263-5 TO-220-5 50 Units/ Tube 800 Units/ Tape & Reel 50 Units/ Tube GM66153 GM66153TA5T GM66153TA5R GM66153TB5T Adj Adj Adj TO-263-5 TO-263-5 TO-220-5 50 Units/ Tube 800 Units/ Tape & Reel 50 Units/ Tube * For detail Ordering Number identification, please see last page. GM66150 SERIES 4 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS PARAMETER Power Dissipation Input Supply Voltage (Note 1) Lead Temperature (Soldering, 5 sec ) Storage Temperature Range SYMBOL PD VIN TLEAD TSTG VALUE Internally limited -20 to +60 260 -65 to +150 UNIT W V °C °C OPERATING RATINGS PARAMETER Maximum Operating Input Voltage Operating junction Temperature Range SYMBOL VIN TJ VALUE 26 -40 to +125 UNIT V °C BLOCK DIAGRAM IN O.V. ILimit 28V FLAG OUT + - 1.18V Ref. 1.24V + - R1* ADJ** EN Thermal Shut-down R2* GND * Feedback network in fixed version only ** Adjustable version only GM66150 SERIES 5 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TA = 25°C unless otherwise noted) Unless otherwise specified: TJ = 25°C; Bold values are guaranteed across the operating temperature range. Adjustable versions are programmed to 5.0V. Parameter Output Voltage (Note2) Line Regulation Load Regulation (Note 2, 6) Output Voltage change with Temperature Coef. (Note 6) Dropout Voltage Conditions IO = 10 mA 10mA IO IFL,(VOUT + 1V) VIN 26V Min -1 -2 Typ Max 1 2 Unit % % % % IO = 10mA, (VOUT + 1V) VIN 26V VIN = VOUT + 5V, 10mA IOUT IFL DVOUT/ DT DVOUT = -1% (Note 3) IO = 100mA IO = 750mA IO = 1.5A IO = 750mA, VIN = VOUT + 1V IO = 1.5A 0.06 0.20 20 0.5 1.0 100 ppm/°C 80 220 350 8 22 2.0 2.1 400 260 200 600 20 mV Ground Current mA mA Ground Pin Current at Dropout IGNDDO VIN = 0.5V less than specified VOUT, IOUT = 10mA Current Limit Output Noise Voltage en, (10Hz to 100Hz) IO = 100mA VOUT,= 0V (Note 4) CL = 10µF CL = 33µF 3.5 A µV (rms) Reference GM66152 Reference Voltage Reference Voltage Adjust Pin Bias Current Reference Voltage change with Temperature Coef. Adjust Pin Bias Current change with Temperature 1.228 1.215 (Note 8) 1.203 1.240 1.252 1.265 1.277 V V V nA ppm/°C nA/°C 40 (Note 7) 20 0.1 80 120 Flag Output (Error Comparator) GM66151/ GM66153 Output Leakage Current Output Low Voltage VOH = 26V Device set for 5V, VIN = 4.5V IOL = 250µA Device set for 5V(Note 9) Device set for 5V(Note 9) Device set for 5V(Note 9) 40 25 0.01 220 60 75 15 1 2 300 400 µA mV mV GM66150 SERIES Upper Treshold Voltage Lower Treshold Voltage Hysteresis 95 140 mV mV Enable Input GM66151 / GM66152 Input Logic Voltage Low (OFF) High (ON) 0.8 2.4 VEN = 26V 100 600 750 2.5 5.0 500 V µA µA µA Enable Pin Input Current VEN = 0.8V Regulator Output Current In Shutdown (Note10) 10 6 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued) Note 1: Maximum positive supply voltage of 60V must be of limited duration (
GM66150-3.0TB3T 价格&库存

