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    3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI接收器,集成自适应电缆均衡器,完成SMPTE音频和视频处理

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GS2971AIBE3 数据手册
GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver, with Integrated Adaptive Cable Equalizer complete with SMPTE Audio and Video Processing Key Features Applications • Operation at 2.97Gb/s, 2.97/1.001Gb/s, 1.485Gb/s, 1.485/1.001Gb/s and 270Mb/s • Supports SMPTE ST 425 (Level A and Level B), SMPTE ST 424, SMPTE ST 292, SMPTE ST 259-C and DVB-ASI • Integrated adaptive cable equalizer • Application: Single Link (3G-SDI) to Dual Link (HD-SDI) Converter 10-bit HD-SDI GS2962/72 Link A HV F/PCLK GS2971A 3G-SDI Typical equalized length of Belden 1694A cable: HV F/PCLK 10-bit HD-SDI GS2962/72 Š 150m at 2.97Gb/s Link B Š 250m at 1.485Gb/s Š 480m at 270Mb/s • Integrated Reclocker with low phase noise, integrated VCO • Serial digital reclocked, or non-reclocked output • Integrated audio de-embedder for 8 channels of 48kHz audio Application: 1080p50/60 Monitor AES - OUT Speakers AUDIO 1/2 • Integrated audio clock generator • Ancillary data extraction • Optional conversion from SMPTE ST 425 Level B to Level A for 1080p 50/60 4:2:2 10-bit DAC AUDIO 3/4 Audio Selector AUDIO 5/6 AUDIO 7/8 Audio Clocks 3G-SDI 10-bit • Parallel data bus selectable as either 20-bit or 10-bit • Comprehensive error detection and correction features • Output H, V, F or CEA 861 Timing Signals • 1.2V digital core power supply, 1.2V and 3.3V analog power supplies, and selectable 1.8V or 3.3V I/O power supply • GSPI Host Interface • -20ºC to +85ºC operating temperature range • Low power operation (typically 545mW) DAC GS2971A Video Processor HV F/PCLK CTRL/TIMECODE Application: Multi-format Downconverter 10-bit bit SD Bypass Memory 10-bit 10-bit SD/HD/3G-SDI Video Downconverter & Aspect Ratio Conversion GS2971A HV F/PCLK Small 11mm x 11mm 100-ball BGA package • Pb-free and RoHS compliant GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 AE S 3/4 AE S 5/6 AE S 7/8 Analog Sync SD-SDI Audio Processing & Delay AE S 3/4 AE S 5/6 AE S 7/8 Audio Clocks Sync Seperator www.semtech.com HD/SD Serializer (GS1582, GS1672) AE S 1/2 AE S 1/2 • Display GS4901 HV F/PCLK 1 of 150 The device features an Integrated Reclocker with an internal VCO and a wide Input Jitter Tolerance (IJT) of 0.7UI. Application: Multi-input Video Monitoring System 3G-SDI Input 1 10-bit GS2971A 3G-SDI Input 2 Video Output HV F/PCLK Video Formatter 10-bit DVI/ VGA DAC HV/DE/PCLK GS2971A 3G-SDI Input n HV F/PCLK Video Memory On Screen Display Generator 10-bit GS2971A The device operates in one of four basic modes: SMPTE mode, DVB-ASI mode, Data-Through mode or Standby mode. HV F/PCLK AE S OUT 1/2 AE S BUS Analog Sync Audio Select Audio Processor A serial digital loop-through output is provided, which can be configured to output either reclocked or non-reclocked serial digital data. The serial digital output can be connected to an external cable driver. AE S OUT 3/4 AE S OUT 5/6 AE S OUT 7/8 HV F/PCLK Sync Seperator GS4911 In SMPTE mode (the default operating mode), the GS2971A performs full SMPTE processing, and features a number of data integrity checks and measurement capabilities. Audio Clocks The device also supports ancillary data extraction, and can provide entire ancillary data packets through host-accessible registers. It also provides a variety of other packet detection and error handling features. All of these processing features are optional, and may be individually enabled or disabled through register programming. Application: Multi-format Audio De-embedder Module 10-bit GS2962 SD/HD/3G-SDI P CLK SD/HD/3G-SDI GS2971A AUDIO 1/ 2 AUDIO 3/ 4 AUDIO 5/ 6 AUDIO 7/ 8 Audio Clocks Switch Logic & Drivers AES Audio Outputs DAC Analog Audio Outputs Both SMPTE ST 425 Level A and Level B inputs are supported with optional conversion from Level B to Level A for 1080p 50/59.94/60 4:2:2 10-bit inputs. In DVB-ASI mode, sync word detection, alignment and 8b/10b decoding is applied to the received data stream. Application: Multi-format Digital VTR/Video Server In Data-Through mode all forms of SMPTE and DVB-ASI processing are disabled, and the device can be used as a simple serial to parallel converter. V ideo Output 10-bit HV F /P CLK SD/HD/3G-SDI GS2971A Video Processor The device can also operate in a lower power Standby mode. In this mode, no signal processing is carried out and the parallel output is held static. Storage: Tape/HDD/Solid State AUDIO 1/ 2 AUDIO 3/ 4 AUDIO 5/ 6 AUDIO 7/ 8 Audio Processor Audio Clocks Audio Outputs Description The GS2971A is a multi-rate SDI integrated Receiver which includes complete SMPTE processing, as per SMPTE ST 425, SMPTE ST 292 and SMPTE ST 259-C. The SMPTE processing features can be bypassed to support signals with other coding schemes. The GS2971A integrates Semtech's adaptive cable equalizer technology, achieving unprecedented cable lengths and jitter tolerance. It features DC restoration to compensate for the DC content of SMPTE pathological signals. GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 Parallel data outputs are provided in 20-bit or 10-bit format for 3Gb/s, HD and SD video rates, with a variety of mapping options. As such, this parallel bus can interface directly with video processor ICs, and output data can be multiplexed onto 10 bits for a low pin count interface. Up to eight channels (two audio groups) of serial digital audio may be extracted from the video data stream, in accordance with SMPTE ST 272-C and SMPTE ST 299. The output audio formats supported by the device include AES/EBU and I2S, and two other industry standard serial digital formats. A variety of audio processing features are provided to ease implementation. Audio clocks are internally generated and provided by the device. www.semtech.com 2 of 150 Crystal Buffer/ Oscillator GSPI and JTAG Controller CORE_VDD CORE_GND IO_VDD IO_GND DVB_ASI RESET_TRST STANDBY IOPROC_EN/DIS SMPTE_BYPASS 20BIT/10BIT TIM861 SW_EN AUDIO_EN/DIS AOUT_1/2 AOUT_3/4 AOUT_5/6 AOUT_7/8 ACLK AMCLK WCLK SDIN_TDI SCLK_TCLK CS_TMS SDOUT_TDO JTAG/HOST XTAL_OUT XTAL1 XTAL2 VCO_VDD VCO_GND PLL_VDD PLL_GND Functional Block Diagram Host Interface VBG LB_CONT LF SDI EQ Buffer SDI Reclocker with Integrated VCO Serial to Parallel Converter Descramble, Word Align, Rate Detect Flywheel Video Standard Detect TRS Detect Timing Extraction Audio De-Embedder, Audio Clock Generation ANC/ Checksum /ST 352 Extraction SMPTE ST 425 Level B Level A 1080p 50/60 4:2:2 10-bit Illegal code remap, TRS/ Line Number/ CRS Insertion, EDH Packet Insertion PCLK Output Mux/ Demux DOUT[19:0] Mux AGCP AGCN V/VSync H/HSync LOCKED Error Flags F/De Mux YANC/CANC Buffer Rate_det[1:0] DVB-ASI Decoder SDO SDO LOCKED EQ_VDD EQ_GND A_VDD A_GND BUFF_VDD BUFF_GND RC_BYP SDO_EN/DIS I/O Control GS2971A Functional Block Diagram Revision History Version ECO PCN Date 3 014961 – August 2013 2 158578 – September 2012 1 158083 – June 2012 Updates throughout the document 0 154391 – July 2010 New Document GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 Changes and/or Modifications Clarified IOPROC_EN/DIS register configuration throughout Section 4. Added note to Section 4.20. Updated SMPTE format throughout document. Added back the Typ column in the Table 2-4: AC Electrical Characteristics www.semtech.com 3 of 150 Contents 1. Pin Out...............................................................................................................................................................9 1.1 Pin Assignment ..................................................................................................................................9 1.2 Pin Descriptions ................................................................................................................................9 2. Electrical Characteristics ......................................................................................................................... 16 2.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings ....................................................................................................... 16 2.2 Recommended Operating Conditions .................................................................................... 16 2.3 DC Electrical Characteristics ..................................................................................................... 17 2.4 AC Electrical Characteristics ..................................................................................................... 19 3. Input/Output Circuits ............................................................................................................................... 25 4. Detailed Description.................................................................................................................................. 28 4.1 Functional Overview .................................................................................................................... 28 4.2 SMPTE ST 425 Mapping - 3G Level A and Level B Formats ............................................. 29 4.2.1 Level A Mapping................................................................................................................ 29 4.2.2 Level B Mapping ................................................................................................................ 29 4.3 Serial Digital Input ........................................................................................................................ 30 4.3.1 Integrated Adaptive Cable Equalizer.......................................................................... 30 4.4 Serial Digital Loop-Through Output ........................................................................................ 31 4.5 Serial Digital Reclocker ............................................................................................................... 32 4.5.1 PLL Loop Bandwidth ........................................................................................................ 32 4.6 External Crystal / Reference Clock ......................................................................................... 33 4.7 Lock Detect ...................................................................................................................................... 34 4.7.1 Asynchronous Lock .......................................................................................................... 35 4.7.2 Signal Interruption............................................................................................................ 35 4.8 SMPTE Functionality .................................................................................................................... 35 4.8.1 Descrambling and Word Alignment ........................................................................... 35 4.9 Parallel Data Outputs ................................................................................................................... 36 4.9.1 Parallel Data Bus Buffers................................................................................................. 36 4.9.2 Parallel Output in SMPTE Mode ................................................................................... 39 4.9.3 Parallel Output in DVB-ASI Mode ............................................................................... 39 4.9.4 Parallel Output in Data-Through Mode ..................................................................... 39 4.9.5 Parallel Output Clock (PCLK)......................................................................................... 39 4.9.6 DDR Parallel Clock Timing ............................................................................................. 40 4.10 Timing Signal Generator ........................................................................................................... 42 4.10.1 Manual Switch Line Lock Handling.......................................................................... 43 4.10.2 Automatic Switch Line Lock Handling .................................................................... 44 4.10.3 Switch Line Lock Handling During Level B to Level A Conversion ............... 44 4.11 Programmable Multi-function Outputs ............................................................................... 47 4.12 H:V:F Timing Signal Generation ............................................................................................ 47 4.12.1 CEA-861 Timing Generation ....................................................................................... 49 4.13 Automatic Video Standards Detection ................................................................................ 56 4.13.1 2K Support......................................................................................................................... 60 4.14 Data Format Detection & Indication ..................................................................................... 60 4.15 EDH Detection .............................................................................................................................. 61 GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 4 of 150 4.15.1 EDH Packet Detection ................................................................................................... 61 4.15.2 EDH Flag Detection ........................................................................................................ 62 4.16 Video Signal Error Detection & Indication ......................................................................... 62 4.16.1 TRS Error Detection........................................................................................................ 64 4.16.2 Line Based CRC Error Detection ................................................................................ 64 4.16.3 EDH CRC Error Detection............................................................................................. 65 4.16.4 HD & 3G Line Number Error Detection ................................................................... 65 4.17 Ancillary Data Detection & Indication ................................................................................. 65 4.17.1 Programmable Ancillary Data Detection................................................................ 67 4.17.2 SMPTE ST 352 Payload Identifier............................................................................... 68 4.17.3 Ancillary Data Checksum Error ................................................................................. 69 4.17.4 Video Standard Error..................................................................................................... 70 4.18 Signal Processing ......................................................................................................................... 71 4.18.1 TRS Correction & Insertion........................................................................................... 72 4.18.2 Line Based CRC Correction & Insertion ................................................................... 72 4.18.3 Line Number Error Correction & Insertion ............................................................. 72 4.18.4 ANC Data Checksum Error Correction & Insertion ............................................. 73 4.18.5 EDH CRC Correction & Insertion ............................................................................... 73 4.18.6 Illegal Word Re-mapping ............................................................................................. 73 4.18.7 TRS and Ancillary Data Preamble Remapping...................................................... 73 4.18.8 Ancillary Data Extraction............................................................................................. 74 4.18.9 Level B to Level A Conversion .................................................................................... 78 4.19 Audio De-embedder ................................................................................................................... 79 4.19.1 Serial Audio Data I/O Signals...................................................................................... 79 4.19.2 Serial Audio Data Format Support ............................................................................ 81 4.19.3 Audio Processing............................................................................................................. 85 4.19.4 Error Reporting ................................................................................................................ 92 4.20 GSPI - HOST Interface ................................................................................................................ 93 4.20.1 Command Word Description ...................................................................................... 94 4.20.2 Data Read or Write Access........................................................................................... 94 4.20.3 GSPI Timing....................................................................................................................... 95 4.21 Host Interface Register Maps .................................................................................................. 97 4.21.1 Video Core Registers...................................................................................................... 97 4.21.2 SD Audio Core Registers............................................................................................. 111 4.21.3 HD and 3G Audio Core Registers............................................................................. 126 4.22 JTAG Test Operation ................................................................................................................ 141 4.23 Device Power-up ....................................................................................................................... 143 4.24 Device Reset ................................................................................................................................ 143 4.25 Standby Mode ............................................................................................................................ 143 5. Application Reference Design ............................................................................................................. 144 5.1 High Gain Adaptive Cable Equalizers .................................................................................. 144 5.2 PCB Layout ..................................................................................................................................... 144 5.3 Typical Application Circuit ......................................................................................................145 6. References & Relevant Standards ....................................................................................................... 146 GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 5 of 150 7. Package & Ordering Information ........................................................................................................ 147 7.1 Package Dimensions ................................................................................................................... 147 7.2 Packaging Data ............................................................................................................................. 148 7.3 Marking Diagram ......................................................................................................................... 148 7.4 Solder Reflow Profiles ................................................................................................................ 149 7.5 Ordering Information ................................................................................................................. 149 List of Figures Figure 3-1: Digital Input Pin with Schmitt Trigger .............................................................................. 25 Figure 3-2: Bidirectional Digital Input/Output Pin ............................................................................. 25 Figure 3-3: Bidirectional Digital Input/Output Pin with programmable drive strength......... 26 Figure 3-4: XTAL1/XTAL2/XTAL-OUT ................................................................................................... 26 Figure 3-5: VBG .............................................................................................................................................. 26 Figure 3-6: LB_CONT .................................................................................................................................... 27 Figure 3-7: Loop Filter .................................................................................................................................. 27 Figure 3-8: SDO/SDO .................................................................................................................................... 27 Figure 3-9: Equalizer Input Equivalent Circuit .................................................................................... 27 Figure 4-1: Level A Mapping ...................................................................................................................... 29 Figure 4-2: Level B Mapping ...................................................................................................................... 29 Figure 4-3: GS2971A Integrated EQ Block Diagram .......................................................................... 31 Figure 4-4: 27MHz Clock Sources ............................................................................................................ 33 Figure 4-5: PCLK to Data and Control Signal Output Timing - SDR Mode 1 .............................. 36 Figure 4-6: PCLK to Data and Control Signal Output Timing - SDR Mode 2 .............................. 37 Figure 4-7: PCLK to Data and Control Signal Output Timing - DDR Mode ................................. 37 Figure 4-8: DDR Video Interface - 3G Level A ..................................................................................... 41 Figure 4-9: DDR Video Interface - 3G Level B ...................................................................................... 41 Figure 4-10: Delay Adjustment Ranges .................................................................................................. 42 Figure 4-11: Switch Line Locking on a Non-Standard Switch Line ............................................... 43 Figure 4-12: H:V:F Output Timing - 3G Level A and HDTV 20-bit Mode .................................... 48 Figure 4-13: H:V:F Output Timing - 3G Level A and HDTV 10-bit Mode 3G Level B 20-bit Mode, each 10-bit stream ......................................................................................... 48 Figure 4-14: H:V:F Output Timing - 3G Level B 10-bit Mode .......................................................... 48 Figure 4-15: H:V:F Output Timing - HD 20-bit Output Mode ......................................................... 48 Figure 4-16: H:V:F Output Timing - HD 10-bit Output Mode ......................................................... 49 Figure 4-17: H:V:F Output Timing - SD 20-bit Output Mode .......................................................... 49 Figure 4-18: H:V:F Output Timing - SD 10-bit Output Mode .......................................................... 49 Figure 4-19: H:V:DE Output Timing 1280 x 720p @ 59.94/60 (Format 4) ................................... 51 Figure 4-20: H:V:DE Output Timing 1920 x 1080i @ 59.94/60 (Format 5) ................................. 51 Figure 4-21: H:V:DE Output Timing 720 (1440) x 480i @ 59.94/60 (Format 6&7) .................... 52 Figure 4-22: H:V:DE Output Timing 1280 x 720p @ 50 (Format 19) ............................................. 52 Figure 4-23: H:V:DE Output Timing 1920 x 1080i @ 50 (Format 20) ........................................... 53 Figure 4-24: H:V:DE Output Timing 720 (1440) x 576 @ 50 (Format 21 & 22) ........................... 54 Figure 4-25: H:V:DE Output Timing 1920 x 1080p @ 59.94/60 (Format 16) .............................. 54 Figure 4-26: H:V:DE Output Timing 1920 x 1080p @ 50 (Format 31) .......................................... 55 Figure 4-27: H:V:DE Output Timing 1920 x 1080p @ 23.94/24 (Format 32) .............................. 55 Figure 4-28: H:V:DE Output Timing 1920 x 1080p @ 25 (Format 33) .......................................... 56 Figure 4-29: H:V:DE Output Timing 1920 x 1080p @ 29.97/30 (Format 34) .............................. 56 Figure 4-30: 2K Feature Enhancement ................................................................................................... 60 Figure 4-31: Y/1ANC and C/2ANC Signal Timing .............................................................................. 67 GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 6 of 150 Figure 4-32: Ancillary Data Extraction - Step A .................................................................................. 75 Figure 4-33: Ancillary Data Extraction - Step B ................................................................................... 76 Figure 4-34: Ancillary Data Extraction - Step C .................................................................................. 76 Figure 4-35: Ancillary Data Extraction - Step D .................................................................................. 77 Figure 4-36: ACLK to Data Signal Output Timing ............................................................................... 80 Figure 4-37: I2S Audio Output Format .................................................................................................... 81 Figure 4-38: AES/EBU Audio Output Format ....................................................................................... 81 Figure 4-39: Serial Audio, Left Justified, MSB First ............................................................................. 82 Figure 4-40: Serial Audio, Left Justified, LSB First .............................................................................. 82 Figure 4-41: Serial Audio, Right Justified, MSB First .......................................................................... 82 Figure 4-42: Serial Audio, Right Justified, LSB First ........................................................................... 82 Figure 4-43: AES/EBU Audio Output to Bit Clock Timing ................................................................ 82 Figure 4-44: ECC 24-bit Array and Examples ...................................................................................... 85 Figure 4-45: Sample Distribution over 5 Video Frames (525-line Systems) ............................... 87 Figure 4-46: Audio Buffer After Initial 26 Sample Write .................................................................. 87 Figure 4-47: Audio Buffer Pointer Boundary Checking .................................................................... 88 Figure 4-48: GSPI Application Interface Connection ........................................................................ 93 Figure 4-49: Command Word Format ..................................................................................................... 94 Figure 4-50: Data Word Format ................................................................................................................ 95 Figure 4-51: Write Mode .............................................................................................................................. 95 Figure 4-52: Read Mode ............................................................................................................................... 95 Figure 4-53: GSPI Time Delay .................................................................................................................... 95 Figure 4-54: In-Circuit JTAG .................................................................................................................... 142 Figure 4-55: System JTAG ......................................................................................................................... 142 Figure 4-56: Reset Pulse ............................................................................................................................. 143 Figure 5-1: Typical Application Circuit ................................................................................................ 145 Figure 7-1: Package Dimensions ............................................................................................................. 147 Figure 7-2: GS2971A Marking Diagram ............................................................................................... 148 Figure 7-3: Pb-free Solder Reflow Profile ............................................................................................ 149 List of Tables Table 1-1: Pin Description ............................................................................................................................. 9 Table 2-1: Absolute Maximum Ratings................................................................................................... 16 Table 2-2: Recommended Operating Conditions................................................................................ 16 Table 2-3: DC Electrical Characteristics ................................................................................................. 17 Table 2-4: AC Electrical Characteristics ................................................................................................. 19 Table 4-1: Serial Digital Output................................................................................................................. 31 Table 4-2: PLL Loop Bandwidth ................................................................................................................ 32 Table 4-3: Input Clock Requirements...................................................................................................... 33 Table 4-4: Lock Detect Conditions............................................................................................................ 34 Table 4-5: GS2971A Output Video Data Format Selections ............................................................ 38 Table 4-6: GS2971A PCLK Output Rates ................................................................................................ 40 Table 4-7: Switch Line Position for Digital Systems ........................................................................... 45 Table 4-8: Output Signals Available on Programmable Multi-Function Pins............................ 47 Table 4-9: Supported CEA-861 Formats................................................................................................. 49 Table 4-10: CEA861 Timing Formats....................................................................................................... 50 Table 4-11: Supported Video Standard Codes ..................................................................................... 57 Table 4-12: Data Format Register Codes ................................................................................................ 61 Table 4-13: Error Status Register and Error Mask Register .............................................................. 63 Table 4-14: SMPTE ST 352 Packet Data................................................................................................... 69 GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 7 of 150 Table 4-15: IOPROC_1 and IOPROC_2 Register Bits.......................................................................... 71 Table 4-16: Serial Audio Pin Descriptions ............................................................................................. 79 Table 4-17: Audio Output Formats........................................................................................................... 81 Table 4-18: Audio Data Packet Detect Register ................................................................................... 83 Table 4-19: Audio Group DID Host Interface Settings....................................................................... 84 Table 4-20: Audio Data and Control Packet DID Setting Register................................................. 84 Table 4-21: Audio Buffer Pointer Offset Settings ................................................................................ 88 Table 4-22: Audio Channel Mapping Codes ......................................................................................... 89 Table 4-23: Audio Sample Word Lengths .............................................................................................. 90 Table 4-24: Audio Channel Status Information Registers ................................................................ 91 Table 4-25: Audio Channel Status Block for Regenerate Mode Default Settings ..................... 91 Table 4-26: Audio Mute Control Bits ....................................................................................................... 92 Table 4-27: GSPI Time Delay...................................................................................................................... 95 Table 4-28: GSPI Timing Parameters (50% levels; 3.3V or 1.8V operation) ................................ 96 Table 4-29: Video Core Configuration and Status Registers............................................................ 97 Table 4-30: SD Audio Core Configuration and Status Registers................................................... 111 Table 4-31: HD and 3G Audio Core Configuration and Status Registers .................................. 126 Table 4-32: ANC Extraction FIFO Access Registers.......................................................................... 141 Table 6-1: SMPTE Standards Reference................................................................................................ 146 Table 7-1: Packaging Data......................................................................................................................... 148 GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 8 of 150 1. Pin Out 1.1 Pin Assignment 1 2 A VBG LF B A_VDD C D E 3 4 5 6 7 8 LB_CONT VCO_ VDD STAT0 STAT1 IO_VDD PCLK PLL_ VDD RSV VCO_ GND STAT2 STAT3 IO_GND DOUT19 DOUT16 DOUT15 SDI A_GND PLL_ VDD PLL_ VDD STAT4 STAT5 RESET DOUT12 DOUT14 DOUT13 _TRST SDI A_GND A_GND PLL_ GND CORE _GND CORE _VDD SW_EN EQ_VDD EQ_GND A_GND PLL_ GND CORE _GND CORE _VDD SDOUT_ SDIN_ TDO TDI A_GND PLL_ GND CORE _GND CORE _VDD CORE _GND CORE _GND CS_ TMS 9 10 DOUT18 DOUT17 JTAG/ IO_GND IO_VDD HOST SCLK_ TCK DOUT10 DOUT11 F AGCP G AGCN A_GND RC_BYP CORE _VDD SMPTE_ DVB_ASI IO_GND IO_VDD BYPASS H BUFF_ VDD XTAL_ BUFF_ AUDIO_ WCLK TIM_861 OUT GND EN/DIS 20bit/ IOPROC_ DOUT6 DOUT7 10bit EN/DIS J SDO SDO_ EN/DIS AOUT _1/2 ACLK AOUT _5/6 XTAL2 IO_GND DOUT1 DOUT4 DOUT5 K SDO STANDBY AOUT _3/4 AMCLK AOUT _7/8 XTAL1 IO_VDD DOUT0 DOUT2 DOUT3 RSV DOUT8 DOUT9 1.2 Pin Descriptions Table 1-1: Pin Description Pin Number Name Type A1 VBG Analog Input Band Gap voltage filter connection. A2 LF Analog Input Loop Filter component connection. A3 LB_CONT Analog Input Connection for loop bandwidth control resistor. Input Power POWER pin for the VCO. Connect to a 1.2V±5% analog supply followed by a RC filter (see 5.3 Typical Application Circuit). A 105Ω 1% resistor must be used in the RC filter circuit. VCO_VDD is nominally 0.7V. A4 VCO_VDD GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 Description www.semtech.com 9 of 150 Table 1-1: Pin Description (Continued) Pin Number Name Type Description MULTI-FUNCTIONAL OUTPUT PORT. Please refer to the Output Logic parameters in the DC Electrical Characteristics table for logic level threshold and compatibility. Each of the STAT [0:5] pins can be configured individually to output one of the following signals: Signal A5, A6, B5, B6, C5, C6 STAT[0:5] Output A7, D10, G10, K7 IO_VDD Input Power H/HSYNC V/VSYNC F/DE LOCKED Y/1ANC C/2ANC DATA ERROR VIDEO ERROR AUDIO ERROR EDH DETECTED CARRIER DETECT RATE_DET0 RATE_DET1 Default STAT0 STAT1 STAT2 STAT3 STAT4 − STAT5 − − − − − − POWER connection for digital I/O. Connect to 3.3V or 1.8V DC digital. PARALLEL DATA BUS CLOCK Please refer to the Output Logic parameters in the DC Electrical Characteristics table for logic level threshold and compatibility. A8 PCLK GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 Output 3G 10-bit or 20-bit mode PCLK @ 148.5 or 148.5/1.001MHz HD 10-bit mode PCLK @ 148.5 or 148.5/1.001MHz HD 20-bit mode PCLK @ 74.25 or 74.25/1.001MHz SD 10-bit mode PCLK @ 27MHz SD 20-bit mode PCLK @ 13.5MHz www.semtech.com 10 of 150 Table 1-1: Pin Description (Continued) Pin Number Name Type Description PARALLEL DATA BUS Please refer to the Output Logic parameters in the DC Electrical Characteristics table for logic level threshold and compatibility. SMPTE mode (SMPTE_BYPASS = HIGH and DVB_ASI = LOW): Luma data output for SD and HD data rates; Data Stream 1 for 3G data rate 20-bit mode 20bit/10bit = HIGH A9, A10, B8, B9, B10,C8, C9, C10, E9, E10 DOUT18, 17, 19, 16, 15, 12, 14, 13, 10, 11 DVB-ASI mode (SMPTE_BYPASS = LOW and DVB_ASI = HIGH): Not defined Data-Through mode (SMPTE_BYPASS = LOW and DVB_ASI = LOW): Data output Output 10-bit mode 20bit/10bit = LOW SMPTE mode (SMPTE_BYPASS = HIGH and DVB_ASI = LOW): Multiplexed Luma/Chroma data output for SD and HD data rates; Multiplexed Data Stream 1&2 for 3G data rate DVB-ASI mode (SMPTE_BYPASS = LOW and DVB_ASI = HIGH): 8b/10b decoded DVB-ASI data Data-Through mode (SMPTE_BYPASS = LOW and DVB_ASI = LOW): Data output B1 A_VDD Input Power POWER pin for analog circuitry. Connect to 3.3V DC analog. B2, C3, C4 PLL_VDD Input Power POWER pins for the Reclocker PLL. Connect to 1.2V DC analog. B3, F2 RSV B4 VCO_GND Input Power GND pin for the VCO. Connect to analog GND. B7, D9, G9, J7 IO_GND Input Power GND connection for digital I/O. Connect to digital GND. C1, D1 SDI, SDI Analog Input Serial Digital Differential Input. C2, D2, D3, E3, F3, G2 A_GND Input Power GND pins for sensitive analog circuitry. Connect to analog GND. These pins must be left unconnected. CONTROL SIGNAL INPUT Please refer to the Input Logic parameters in the DC Electrical Characteristics table for logic level threshold and compatibility. Used to reset the internal operating conditions to default settings and to reset the JTAG sequence. Normal mode (JTAG/HOST = LOW): C7 RESET_TRST Input When LOW, all functional blocks are set to default conditions and all digital output signals become high impedance. When HIGH, normal operation of the device resumes. JTAG test mode (JTAG/HOST = HIGH): When LOW, all functional blocks are set to default and the JTAG test sequence is reset. When HIGH, normal operation of the JTAG test sequence resumes after RESET_TRST is de-asserted. GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 11 of 150 Table 1-1: Pin Description (Continued) Pin Number Name Type D4, E4, F4 PLL_GND Input Power GND pins for the Reclocker PLL. Connect to analog GND. D5, E5, F5, G4, G5 CORE_GND Input Power GND connection for device core. Connect to digital GND. D6, E6, F6, G6 CORE_VDD Input Power POWER connection for device core. Connect to 1.2V DC digital. Description CONTROL SIGNAL INPUT D7 SW_EN Input Please refer to the Input Logic parameters in the DC Electrical Characteristics table for logic level threshold and compatibility. Used to enable switch-line locking, as described in Section 4.10.1. CONTROL SIGNAL INPUT Please refer to the Input Logic parameters in the DC Electrical Characteristics table for logic level threshold and compatibility. D8 JTAG/HOST Input Used to select JTAG test mode or host interface mode. When JTAG/HOST is HIGH, the host interface port is configured for JTAG test. When JTAG/HOST is LOW, normal operation of the host interface port resumes. E1 EQ_VDD Input Power POWER pin for SDI buffer. Connect to 3.3V DC analog. E2 EQ_GND Input Power GND pin for SDI buffer. Connect to analog GND. COMMUNICATION SIGNAL OUTPUT Please refer to the Output Logic parameters in the DC Electrical Characteristics table for logic level threshold and compatibility. E7 SDOUT_TDO Output GSPI serial data output/test data out. In JTAG mode (JTAG/HOST = HIGH), this pin is used to shift test results from the device. In host interface mode, this pin is used to read status and configuration data from the device. COMMUNICATION SIGNAL INPUT Please refer to the Input Logic parameters in the DC Electrical Characteristics table for logic level threshold and compatibility. E8 SDIN_TDI Input GSPI serial data in/test data in. In JTAG mode (JTAG/HOST = HIGH), this pin is used to shift test data into the device. In host interface mode, this pin is used to write address and configuration data words into the device. F1, G1 Automatic Gain Control for the equalizer. Attach the AGC capacitor between these pins. AGCP, AGCN COMMUNICATION SIGNAL INPUT Please refer to the Input Logic parameters in the DC Electrical Characteristics table for logic level threshold and compatibility. F7 CS_TMS Input Chip select / test mode start. In JTAG mode (JTAG/HOST = HIGH), this pin is Test Mode Start, used to control the operation of the JTAG test. In host interface mode (JTAG/HOST = LOW), this pin operates as the host interface chip select and is active LOW. GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 12 of 150 Table 1-1: Pin Description (Continued) Pin Number Name Type Description COMMUNICATION SIGNAL INPUT Please refer to the Input Logic parameters in the DC Electrical Characteristics table for logic level threshold and compatibility. Serial data clock signal. F8 SCLK_TCK Input In JTAG mode (JTAG/HOST = HIGH), this pin is the JTAG clock. In host interface mode (JTAG/HOST = LOW), this pin is the host interface serial bit clock. All JTAG/host interface addresses and data are shifted into/out of the device synchronously with this clock. PARALLEL DATA BUS Please refer to the Output Logic parameters in the DC Electrical Characteristics table for logic level threshold and compatibility. F9, F10, H9, H10, J8, J9, J10, K8, K9, K10 DOUT8, 9, 6, 7, 1, 4, 5, 0, 2, 3 Output 20-bit mode 20bit/10bit = HIGH SMPTE mode (SMPTE_BYPASS = HIGH and DVB_ASI = LOW): Chroma data output for SD and HD data rates; Data Stream 2 for 3G data rate DVB-ASI mode (SMPTE_BYPASS = LOW and DVB_ASI = HIGH): Not defined Data-Through mode (SMPTE_BYPASS = LOW and DVB_ASI = LOW): Data output 10-bit mode 20bit/10bit = LOW Forced LOW CONTROL SIGNAL INPUT G3 RC_BYP Input Please refer to the Input Logic parameters in the DC Electrical Characteristics table for logic level threshold and compatibility. When this pin is LOW, the serial digital output is the buffered version of the input serial data. When this pin is HIGH, the serial digital output is the reclocked version of the input serial data. CONTROL SIGNAL INPUT/OUTPUT Please refer to the Input/Output Logic parameters in the DC Electrical Characteristics table for logic level threshold and compatibility. Indicates the presence of valid SMPTE data. G7 SMPTE_BYPASS Input/Output When the AUTO/MAN bit in the host interface register is HIGH (Default), this pin is an OUTPUT. SMPTE_BYPASS is HIGH when the device locks to a SMPTE compliant input. SMPTE_BYPASS is LOW under all other conditions. When the AUTO/MAN bit in the host interface register is LOW, this pin is an INPUT: No SMPTE scrambling takes place, and none of the I/O processing features of the device are available when SMPTE_BYPASS is set LOW. When SMPTE_BYPASS is set HIGH, the device carries out SMPTE scrambling and I/O processing. When SMPTE_BYPASS and DVB_ASI are both set LOW, the device operates in Data-Through mode. GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 13 of 150 Table 1-1: Pin Description (Continued) Pin Number Name Type Description CONTROL SIGNAL INPUT Please refer to the Input/Output Logic parameters in the DC Electrical Characteristics table for logic level threshold and compatibility. Used to enable/disable DVB-ASI data extraction in manual mode. G8 DVB_ASI Input/Output When the AUTO/MAN bit in the host interface is LOW, this pin is an input and when the DVB_ASI pin is set HIGH the device will carry out DVB_ASI data extraction and processing. The SMPTE_BYPASS pin must be set LOW. When SMPTE_BYPASS and DVB_ASI are both set LOW, the device operates in Data-Through mode. When the AUTO/MAN bit in the host interface is HIGH (default), DVB-ASI is configured as a status output (set LOW), and DVB-ASI input streams are not supported or recognized. H1 BUFF_VDD Input Power POWER pin for the serial digital output 50Ω buffer. Connect to 3.3V DC analog. H2 BUFF_GND Input Power GND pin for the cable driver buffer. Connect to analog GND. CONTROL SIGNAL INPUT H3 AUDIO_EN/DIS Input Please refer to the Input Logic parameters in the DC Electrical Characteristics table for logic level threshold and compatibility. Enables or disables audio extraction. 48kHz word clock for Audio. H4 WCLK Output Please refer to the Output Logic parameters in the DC Electrical Characteristics table for logic level threshold and compatibility. CONTROL SIGNAL INPUT H5 TIM_861 Input Please refer to the Input Logic parameters in the DC Electrical Characteristics table for logic level threshold and compatibility. Used to select CEA-861 timing mode. When TIM_861 is HIGH, the device outputs CEA 861 timing signals (HSYNC/VSYNC/DE) instead of H:V:F digital timing signals. H6 XTAL_OUT Digital Output Buffered 27MHz crystal output. Can be used to cascade the crystal signal. CONTROL SIGNAL INPUT H7 20bit/10bit Input Please refer to the Input Logic parameters in the DC Electrical Characteristics table for logic level threshold and compatibility. Used to select the output bus width. HIGH = 20-bit, LOW = 10-bit. CONTROL SIGNAL INPUT Please refer to the Input Logic parameters in the DC Electrical Characteristics table for logic level threshold and compatibility. H8 IOPROC_EN/DIS GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 Input Used to enable or disable audio and video processing features. When IOPROC_EN is HIGH, the audio and video processing features of the device are enabled. When IOPROC_EN is LOW, the processing features of the device are disabled, and the device is in a low-latency operating mode. www.semtech.com 14 of 150 Table 1-1: Pin Description (Continued) Pin Number Name Type Description Serial Data Output Signal. J1, K1 SDO, SDO Output 50Ω CML buffer for interfacing to an external cable driver. Serial digital output signal operating at 2.97Gb/s, 2.97/1.001Gb/s, 1.485Gb/s, 1.485/1.001Gb/s and 270Mb/s. CONTROL SIGNAL INPUT Please refer to the Input Logic parameters in the DC Electrical Characteristics table for logic level threshold and compatibility. J2 SDO_EN/DIS Input Used to enable/disable the serial digital output stage. When SDO_EN/DIS is LOW, the serial digital output signals, SDO and SDO, are both pulled HIGH. When SDO_EN/DIS is HIGH, the serial digital output signals, SDO and SDO, are enabled. Serial Audio Output; Channels 1 and 2. J3 AOUT_1/2 Output J4 ACLK Output J5 AOUT_5/6 Output J6, K6 XTAL2, XTAL1 Analog Input Please refer to the Output Logic parameters in the DC Electrical Characteristics table for logic level threshold and compatibility. 64fs sample clock for audio. Please refer to the Output Logic parameters in the DC Electrical Characteristics table for logic level threshold and compatibility. Serial Audio Output; Channels 5 and 6. Please refer to the Output Logic parameters in the DC Electrical Characteristics table for logic level threshold and compatibility. Input connection for 27MHz crystal. CONTROL SIGNAL INPUT Please refer to the Input Logic parameters in the DC Electrical Characteristics table for logic level threshold and compatibility. K2 STANDBY Input When this pin is set HIGH, the device is placed in a power-saving mode. No data processing occurs, and the digital I/Os are powered down. In this mode, the serial digital output signals, SDO and SDO, are both pulled HIGH. Serial Audio Output; Channels 3 and 4. K3 AOUT_3/4 Output Please refer to the Output Logic parameters in the DC Electrical Characteristics table for logic level threshold and compatibility. K4 AMCLK Output Please refer to the Output Logic parameters in the DC Electrical Characteristics table for logic level threshold and compatibility. K5 AOUT_7/8 Output Oversampled master clock for audio (128fs, 256fs, 512fs selectable). Serial Audio Output; Channels 7 and 8. GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 Please refer to the Output Logic parameters in the DC Electrical Characteristics table for logic level threshold and compatibility. www.semtech.com 15 of 150 2. Electrical Characteristics 2.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings Table 2-1: Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Value/Units Supply Voltage, Digital Core (CORE_VDD) -0.3V to +1.5V Supply Voltage, Digital I/O (IO_VDD) -0.3V to +4.0V Supply Voltage, Analog 1.2V (PD_VDD, VCO_VDD) -0.3V to +1.5V Supply Voltage, Analog 3.3V (EQ_VDD, BUFF_VDD, A_VDD) -0.3V to +4.0V Input Voltage Range (digital inputs) -2.0V to +5.25V Operating Temperature Range -20°C to +85°C Functional Temperature Range -40°C to +85°C Storage Temperature Range -50°C to +125°C Peak Reflow Temperature (JEDEC J-STD-020C) 260°C ESD Sensitivity, HBM (JESD22-A114) 2kV Note: Absolute Maximum Ratings are those values beyond which damage may occur. Functional operation under these conditions or at any other condition beyond those indicated in the AC/DC Electrical Characteristics sections is not implied. 2.2 Recommended Operating Conditions Table 2-2: Recommended Operating Conditions TA = -20°C to +85°C, unless otherwise shown. Parameter Supply Voltage, Digital Core Supply Voltage, Digital I/O Supply Voltage, PLL Supply Voltage, Analog Supply Voltage, Serial Digital Input Supply Voltage, CD Buffer Symbol Conditions Min Typ Max Units Notes CORE_VDD – 1.14 1.2 1.26 V − 1.8V mode 1.71 1.8 1.89 V − 3.3V mode 3.13 3.3 3.47 V − PLL_VDD – 1.14 1.2 1.26 V – A_VDD – 3.13 3.3 3.47 V 1 EQ_VDD – 3.13 3.3 3.47 V 1 BUFF_VDD – 3.13 3.3 3.47 V 1 IO_VDD Note: 1. The 3.3V supplies must track the 3.3V supply of an external CD. GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 16 of 150 2.3 DC Electrical Characteristics Table 2-3: DC Electrical Characteristics Guaranteed over recommended operating conditions unless otherwise noted. Parameter Symbol Conditions Min Typ Max Units Notes 10bit 3G − 220 265 mA − 20bit 3G − 210 265 mA − 10/20bit HD − 170 220 mA − 10/20bit SD − 140 185 mA − DVB_ASI − 130 170 mA − 10bit 3G − 37 45 mA − 20bit 3G − 16 20 mA − 10/20bit HD − 15 21 mA − 10/20bit SD − 4 7 mA − DVB_ASI − 4 6 mA − 10bit 3G − 150 180 mA − 20bit 3G − 115 130 mA − 10/20bit HD − 110 135 mA − 10/20bit SD − 90 100 mA − DVB_ASI − 90 95 mA − 10bit 3G − 560 680 mW − 20bit 3G − 525 640 mW − 10/20bit HD − 480 590 mW − 10/20bit SD − 420 520 mW − DVB_ASI − 410 500 mW − Reset − 390 − mW − Standby − 23 45 mW − 10bit 3G − 750 930 mW − 20bit 3G − 620 760 mW − 10/20bit HD − 570 730 mW − 10/20bit SD − 460 560 mW − DVB_ASI − 440 540 mW − Reset − 410 − mW − Standby − 23 45 mW − System +1.2V Supply Current +1.8V Supply Current +3.3V Supply Current Total Device Power (IO_VDD = 1.8V) Total Device Power (IO_VDD = 3.3V) I1V2 I1V8 I3V3 P1D8 P3D3 Digital I/O Input Logic LOW VIL 3.3V or 1.8V operation IO_VSS -0.3 – 0.3 x IO_VDD V – Input Logic HIGH VIH 3.3V or 1.8V operation 0.7 x IO_VDD – IO_VDD +0.3 V – GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 17 of 150 Table 2-3: DC Electrical Characteristics (Continued) Guaranteed over recommended operating conditions unless otherwise noted. Parameter Symbol Output Logic LOW VOL Output Logic HIGH VOH Conditions Min Typ Max Units Notes IOL = 5mA, 1.8V operation – – 0.2 V – IOL = 8mA, 3.3V operation – – 0.4 V – IOH = 5mA, 1.8V operation 1.4 – – V – IOH = 8mA, 3.3V operation 2.4 – – V – Serial Input Serial Input Common Mode Voltage – 75Ω load – 2.2 – V – − 50Ω load BUFF_VDD -(0.6/2) BUFF_VDD -(0.45/2) BUFF_VDD -(0.35/2) V − Serial Output Serial Output Common Mode Voltage Note: The output drive strength of the digital outputs can be programmed through the host interface. please see Table 4-29: Video Core Configuration and Status Registers, register 06Dh for details. GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 18 of 150 2.4 AC Electrical Characteristics Table 2-4: AC Electrical Characteristics Guaranteed over recommended operating conditions unless otherwise noted. Parameter Symbol Conditions Min Typ Max Units Notes 3G (Level A) 80 – 83 PCLK – 3G (Level B) 143 – 151 PCLK – HD 80 – 83 PCLK – SD 50 – 55 PCLK – 3G (Level A) 44 – 48 PCLK – 3G (Level B) 108 – 116 PCLK – HD 44 – 48 PCLK – SD 44 – 48 PCLK – 3G (Level A) 33 – 36 PCLK – HD 33 – 36 PCLK – SD 32 – 35 PCLK – 3G (Level A) 6 – 9 PCLK – HD 6 – 9 PCLK – SD 5 – 9 PCLK – – SD 12 – 16 PCLK – treset – 1 – – ms – System Device Latency: AUDIO_EN = 1, SMPTE mode, IOPROC_EN = 1 – Device Latency: AUDIO_EN = 0, SMPTE mode, IOPROC_EN = 1 – Device Latency: AUDIO_EN = 0, SMPTE mode, IOPROC_EN = 0 – Device Latency: AUDIO_EN = 0, SMPTE bypass, IOPROC_EN = 0 Device Latency: DVB-ASI Reset Pulse Width – Parallel Output Parallel Clock Frequency fPCLK – 13.5 – 148.5 MHz – Parallel Clock Duty Cycle DCPCLK – 40 – 60 % – GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 19 of 150 Table 2-4: AC Electrical Characteristics (Continued) Guaranteed over recommended operating conditions unless otherwise noted. Parameter Symbol Conditions Min Typ Max Units Notes SPI 1.5 – – ns 1 AUDIO 1.5 – – ns 1 DBUS 0.3 – – ns 1 STAT 0.3 – – ns 1 3G 20-bit 6pF CLOAD DBUS 1.0 – – ns 1 STAT 1.0 – – ns 1 HD 10-bit 6pF CLOAD DBUS 1.0 – – ns 1 STAT 1.0 – – ns 1 HD 20-bit 6pF CLOAD DBUS 1.0 – – ns 1 STAT 1.0 – – ns 1 SD 10-bit 6pF CLOAD DBUS 19.4 – – ns 1 STAT 19.4 – – ns 1 SD 20-bit 6pF CLOAD DBUS 38.0 – – ns 1 STAT 38.0 – – ns 1 SPI 1.5 – – ns 2 AUDIO 1.5 – – ns 2 DBUS 0.3 – – ns 2 STAT 0.3 – – ns 2 3G 20-bit 6pF CLOAD DBUS 1.0 – – ns 2 STAT 1.0 – – ns 2 HD 10-bit 6pF CLOAD DBUS 1.0 – – ns 2 STAT 1.0 – – ns 2 HD 20-bit 6pF CLOAD DBUS 1.0 – – ns 2 STAT 1.0 – – ns 2 SD 10-bit 6pF CLOAD DBUS 19.4 – – ns 2 STAT 19.4 – – ns 2 SD 20-bit 6pF CLOAD DBUS 38.0 – – ns 2 STAT 38.0 – – ns 2 3G 10-bit 6pF CLOAD Output Data Hold Time (1.8V) toh 3G 10-bit 6pF CLOAD Output Data Hold Time (3.3V) GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 toh www.semtech.com 20 of 150 Table 2-4: AC Electrical Characteristics (Continued) Guaranteed over recommended operating conditions unless otherwise noted. Parameter Symbol Conditions Min Typ Max Units Notes SPI – – 14.0 ns 3 AUDIO – – 7.0 ns 3 DBUS – – 1.8 ns 3 STAT – – 2.5 ns 3 3G 20-bit 15pF CLOAD DBUS – – 3.7 ns 3 STAT – – 4.4 ns 3 HD 10-bit 15pF CLOAD DBUS – – 3.7 ns 3 STAT – – 4.4 ns 3 HD 20-bit 15pF CLOAD DBUS – – 3.7 ns 3 STAT – – 4.4 ns 3 SD 10-bit 15pF CLOAD DBUS – – 22.2 ns 3 STAT – – 22.2 ns 3 SD 20-bit 15pF CLOAD DBUS – – 41.0 ns 3 STAT – – 41.0 ns 3 SPI – – 14.0 ns 4 AUDIO – – 7.0 ns 4 DBUS – – 1.9 ns 4 STAT – – 2.2 ns 4 3G 20-bit 15pF CLOAD DBUS – – 3.7 ns 4 STAT – – 4.1 ns 4 HD 10-bit 15pF CLOAD DBUS – – 3.7 ns 4 STAT – – 4.1 ns 4 HD 20-bit 15pF CLOAD DBUS – – 3.7 ns 4 STAT – – 4.1 ns 4 SD 10-bit 15pF CLOAD DBUS – – 22.2 ns 4 STAT – – 22.2 ns 4 SD 20-bit 15pF CLOAD DBUS – – 41.0 ns 4 STAT – – 41.0 ns 4 3G 10-bit 15pF CLOAD Output Data Delay Time (1.8V) tod 3G 10-bit 15pF CLOAD Output Data Delay Time (3.3V) GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 tod www.semtech.com 21 of 150 Table 2-4: AC Electrical Characteristics (Continued) Guaranteed over recommended operating conditions unless otherwise noted. Parameter Symbol Conditions Min Typ Max Units Notes STAT – – 0.4 ns 1 DBUS – – 0.3 ns 1 AUDIO – – 0.6 ns 1 STAT – – 0.4 ns 1 DBUS – – 0.4 ns 1 AUDIO – – 0.6 ns 1 STAT – – 1.5 ns 3 DBUS – – 1.1 ns 3 AUDIO – – 2.3 ns 3 STAT – – 1.5 ns 3 DBUS – – 1.4 ns 3 AUDIO – – 2.3 ns 3 STAT – – 0.5 ns 2 DBUS – – 0.4 ns 2 AUDIO – – 0.6 ns 2 STAT – – 0.5 ns 2 DBUS – – 0.4 ns 2 AUDIO – – 0.6 ns 2 STAT – – 1.6 ns 4 DBUS – – 1.5 ns 4 AUDIO – – 2.2 ns 4 STAT – – 1.6 ns 4 DBUS – – 1.4 ns 4 AUDIO – – 2.2 ns 4 – 0.27 – 2.97 Gb/s – TA =25°C, differential, 270Mb/s & 1.485Gb/s 720 800 950 mVp-p 6 TA =25°C, differential, 2.97Gb/s 720 800 880 mVp-p 6 Belden 1694A cable, 3G – 150 – m – Belden 1694A cable, HD – 230 – m – Belden 1694A cable, SD – 460 – m – 3G 10-bit 6pF CLOAD All other modes 6pF CLOAD Output Data Rise/Fall Time (1.8V) tr/tf 3G 10-bit 15pF CLOAD All other modes 15pF CLOAD 3G 10-bit 6pF CLOAD Output Data Rise/Fall Time (3.3V) tr/tf All other modes 6pF CLOAD 3G 10-bit 15pF CLOAD Output Data Rise/Fall Time (3.3V) tr/tf All other modes 15pF CLOAD Serial Digital Input Serial Input Data Rate Serial Input Voltage Swing Achievable Cable Length GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 DRSDI ΔVSDI – www.semtech.com 22 of 150 Table 2-4: AC Electrical Characteristics (Continued) Guaranteed over recommended operating conditions unless otherwise noted. Parameter Symbol Conditions Min Typ Max Units Notes Input Return Loss – single ended 15 21 – dB 7 Input Resistance – single ended – 1.52 – kΩ – Input Capacitance – single ended – 1 – pF – Serial Output Data Rate DRSDO – 0.27 – 2.97 Gb/s – Serial Output Swing ΔVSDO Differential with 100Ω load 320 – 600 mVp-p – Serial Output Rise Time 20% ~ 80% trSDO – – – 180 ps – Serial Output Fall Time 20% ~ 80% tfSDO – – – 180 ps – 3G, PRBS23, Belden 1694A cable, 140m – – 100 ps – HD, PRBS23, Belden 1694A cable, 210m – – 100 ps – SD, PRBS23, Belden 1694A cable, 440m – – 470 ps – 3G – 10 – ps – HD – 10 – ps – SD – 20 – ps – Serial Digital Output Serial Output Jitter with loop-through mode Serial Output Duty Cycle Distortion tOJ DCDSDD Synchronous lock time – – – – 25 μs – Asynchronous lock time – – 0.1 – 20 ms – Lock time from power-up – After 20 minutes at -20°C – – 5 s – – – 60 MHz 5 40 50 60 % 5 1.5 – – ns 5 1.5 – – ns 5 1.5 – – ns 5 GSPI GSPI Input Clock Frequency fSCLK GSPI Input Clock Duty Cycle DCSCLK GSPI Input Data Setup Time – GSPI Input Data Hold Time – 50% levels 3.3V or 1.8V operation GSPI Output Data Hold Time – CS low before SCLK rising edge – 1.5 – – ns 5 Time between end of command word (or data in Auto-Increment mode) and the first SCLK of the following data word - write cycle – 37.1 – – ns 5 GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 23 of 150 Table 2-4: AC Electrical Characteristics (Continued) Guaranteed over recommended operating conditions unless otherwise noted. Parameter Symbol Time between end of command word (or data in Auto-Increment mode) and the first SCLK of the following data word - read cycle – CS high after SCLK falling edge – Conditions 50% levels 3.3V or 1.8V operation Min Typ Max Units Notes 148.4 – – ns 5 37.1 – – ns 5 Notes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 1.89V and 0ºC. 3.47V and 0ºC. 1.71V and 85ºC 3.13V and 85ºC Timing parameters defined in Section 4.20.3 0m cable length Tested on a 2971 board from 5MHz to 3GHz. GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 24 of 150 3. Input/Output Circuits IO_VDD 200Ω Input Pin Figure 3-1: Digital Input Pin with Schmitt Trigger (20BIT/10BIT, AUDIO_EN/DIS, CS_TMS, SW_EN, IOPROC_EN/DIS, JTAG/HOST, RC_BYP, RESET_TRST, SCLK_TCK, SDIN_TDI, SDO_EN/DIS, STANDBY, TIM_861) IO_VDD 200Ω Output Pin Figure 3-2: Bidirectional Digital Input/Output Pin - Configured to Output unless in Reset Mode. (ACLK, AMCLK, AOUT_1/2, AOUT_3/4, AOUT_5/6, AOUT_7/8, DVB_ASI, SMPTE_BYPASS, WCLK) GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 25 of 150 IO_VDD 200Ω Output Pin Figure 3-3: Bidirectional Digital Input/Output Pin with programmable drive strength. These pins are configured to output unless in Reset Mode; in which case they are high-impedance. The drive strength can be set by writing to address 06Dh in the host interface register. (DOUT0, DOUT1, DOUT2, DOUT3, DOUT4, DOUT5, DOUT6, DOUT7, DOUT8, DOUT9, SDOUT_TDO, STAT0, STAT1, STAT2, STAT3, STAT4, STAT5, XTAL_OUT, DOUT10, DOUT11, DOUT12, DOUT13, DOUT14, DOUT15, DOUT16, DOUT17, DOUT18, DOUT19, PCLK) XTAL1 XTAL2 XTAL_OUT Figure 3-4: XTAL1/XTAL2/XTAL_OUT A_VDD 2kΩ VBG 50Ω Figure 3-5: VBG GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 26 of 150 EQ_VDD Out LB_CONT Out Figure 3-6: LB_CONT PLL_VDD 25Ω LF 25Ω Figure 3-7: Loop Filter BUFF_VDD 50Ω 50Ω SDO SDO Figure 3-8: SDO/SDO 4k 4k SDI SDI RC 6k 6k Figure 3-9: Equalizer Input Equivalent Circuit GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 27 of 150 4. Detailed Description 4.1 Functional Overview The GS2971A is a multi-rate SDI integrated Receiver which includes complete SMPTE processing, as per SMPTE ST 425, SMPTE ST 292 and SMPTE ST 259-C. The SMPTE processing features can be bypassed to support signals with other coding schemes. The GS2971A integrates Semtech's adaptive cable equalizer technology, achieving unprecedented cable lengths and jitter tolerance. It features DC restoration to compensate for the DC content of SMPTE pathological signals. The device features an Integrated Reclocker with an internal VCO and a wide Input Jitter Tolerance (IJT) of 0.7UI. A serial digital loop through output is provided, which can be configured to output either reclocked or non-reclocked serial digital data. The Serial Digital Output can be connected to an external Cable Driver. The device operates in one of four basic modes: SMPTE mode, DVB-ASI mode, Data-Through mode or Standby mode. In SMPTE mode, the GS2971A performs SMPTE de-scrambling and NRZI to NRZ decoding and word alignment. Line-based CRC errors, line number errors, TRS errors and ancillary data check sum errors can all be detected. The GS2971A also provides ancillary data extraction. The entire ancillary data packet is extracted, and written to host-accessible registers. Other processing functions include H:V:F timing extraction, Luma and Chroma ancillary data indication, video standard detection, and SMPTE ST 352 packet detection and decoding. All of the processing features are optional, and may be enabled or disabled via the Host Interface. Both SMPTE ST 425 Level A and Level B inputs are supported. The GS2971A also provides user-selectable conversion from Level B to Level A for 1080p 50/60 4:2:2 10-bit formats only. In DVB-ASI mode, 8b/10b decoding is applied to the received data stream. In Data-Through mode, all forms of SMPTE and DVB-ASI decoding are disabled, and the device can be used as a simple serial to parallel converter. The device can also be placed in a lower power Standby mode. In this mode, no signal processing is carried out and the parallel output is held static. Placing the Receiver in Standby mode will automatically place the integrated equalizer in power down mode as well. Parallel data outputs are provided in 20-bit or 10-bit multiplexed format for 3Gb/s, HD and SD video rates. For 1080p 50/60 4:2:2 10-bit, the parallel data is output on the 20-bit parallel bus as Y on 10 bits and Cb/Cr on the other 10 bits. As such, this parallel bus can interface directly with video processor ICs. For other SMPTE ST 425 mapping structures, the video data is mapped to a 20-bit virtual interface as described in SMPTE ST 425. In all cases this 20-bit parallel bus can be multiplexed onto 10 bits for a low pin count interface with downstream devices. The associated Parallel Clock input signal operates at 148.5 or 148.5/1.001MHz (for all 3Gb/s HD 10-bit multiplexed modes), 74.25 or 74.25/1.001MHz (for HD 20-bit mode), 27MHz (for SD 10-bit mode) and 13.5MHz (for SD 20-bit mode). GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 28 of 150 Data Stream 2 (”Link 2”) HANC GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 3FF 3FF 000 000 000 000 XYZ XYZ C b[1] 0 Y[1] 0 C r[1] 0 Y[1] 1 C b[1] 1 Y[1] 2 C r[1] 1 Y[1] 3 C b[1] 2 Y[1] 4 C r[1] 2 Y[1] 5 C b[1] 3 Y[1] 6 C r[1] 3 Y[1] 7 C b[1] 4 Y[1] 8 C r[1] 4 Y[1] 9 C b[1] 5 Y[1] 10 C r[1] 5 Y[1] 11 C b[1] 6 Y[1] 12 C r[1] 6 Y[1] 13 C b[1] 7 Y[1] 14 C r[1] 7 Y[1] 15 C b[1] 8 Y[1] 16 C r[1] 8 Y[1] 17 EAV 3FF 3FF 000 000 000 000 XYZ XYZ C b[2] 0 Y[2] 0 C r[2] 0 Y[2] 1 C b[2] 1 Y[2] 2 C r[2] 1 Y[2] 3 C b[2] 2 Y[2] 4 C r[2] 2 Y[2] 5 C b[2] 3 Y[2] 6 C r[2] 3 Y[2] 7 C b[2] 4 Y[2] 8 C r[2] 4 Y[2] 9 C b[2] 5 Y[2] 10 C r[2] 5 Y[2] 11 C b[2] 6 Y[2] 12 C r[2] 6 Y[2] 13 C b[2] 7 Y[2] 14 C r[2] 7 Y[2] 15 C b[2] 8 Y[2] 16 C r[2] 8 Y[2] 17 Audio data[1] Audio Ctl[1] Audio data[1] Audio Ctl[1] Audio data[1] Audio Ctl[1] Audio data[1] Audio Ctl[1] Audio data[1] YANC data[1] Audio data[1] YANC data[1] Audio data[1] YANC data[1] Audio data[1] YANC data[1] EAV Audio data[2] Audio Ctl[2] Audio data[2] Audio Ctl[2] Audio data[2] Audio Ctl[2] Audio data[2] Audio Ctl[2] Audio data[2] YANC data[2] Audio data[2] YANC data[2] Audio data[2] YANC data[2] Audio data[2] YANC data[2] Data Stream 1 (”Link A”) 3FF 000 000 XYZ LN0 LN1 C RC 0 C RC 1 Audio data Audio data Audio data Audio data Audio data Audio data Audio data Audio data Audio data Audio data Audio data Audio data CANC data CANC data CANC data CANC data HBLANK HBLANK HBLANK HBLANK HBLANK HBLANK HBLANK HBLANK HBLANK HBLANK HBLANK HBLANK 3FF 000 000 XYZ Cb0 C r0 Cb1 C r1 Cb2 C r2 Cb3 C r3 Cb4 C r4 Cb5 C r5 Cb6 C r6 Cb7 C r7 Cb8 C r8 Cb9 C r9 Cb10 C r10 Cb11 C r11 Cb12 C r12 Cb13 C r13 Cb14 C r14 Cb15 C r15 Cb16 C r16 Cb17 C r17 Data Stream 2 3FF 3FF 000 000 000 000 XYZ XYZ LN0 LN0 LN1 LN1 C RC 0 C RC 0 C RC 1 C RC 1 3FF 000 000 XYZ LN0 LN1 C RC 0 C RC 1 Audio Ctl Audio Ctl Audio Ctl Audio Ctl YANC data YANC data YANC data YANC data YANC data YANC data YANC data YANC data YANC data YANC data YANC data YANC data YANC data YANC data YANC data YANC data YANC data YANC data YANC data YANC data YANC data YANC data YANC data YANC data 3FF 000 000 XYZ Y0 Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6 Y7 Y8 Y9 Y10 Y11 Y12 Y13 Y14 Y15 Y16 Y17 Y18 Y19 Y20 Y21 Y22 Y23 Y24 Y25 Y26 Y27 Y28 Y29 Y30 Y31 Y32 Y33 Y34 Y35 Data Stream 1 3FF 3FF 000 000 000 000 XYZ XYZ LN0 LN0 LN1 LN1 C RC 0 C RC 0 C RC 1 C RC 1 Note: for 3Gb/s 10-bit mode the device operates in Dual Data Rate (DDR) mode, where the data is sampled at both the rising and falling edges of the clock. This reduces the I/O speed requirements of the downstream devices. Up to eight channels, in two groups, of serial digital audio may be extracted from the video data stream, in accordance with SMPTE ST 272 and SMPTE ST 299. The output signal formats supported by the device include AES/EBU and three other industry standard serial digital formats. 16, 20 and 24-bit audio formats are supported at 48kHz synchronous for SD modes and 48kHz synchronous or asynchronous in HD/3G mode. Additional audio processing features include group selection, channel swapping, ECC error detection and correction (HD mode only), and audio channel status extraction. Audio clock and control signals provided by the device include Word Clock (fs), Serial Clock (64fs), and Audio Master Clock at user-selectable rates of 128fs, 256fs or 512fs. 4.2 SMPTE ST 425 Mapping - 3G Level A and Level B Formats 4.2.1 Level A Mapping Direct image format mapping - the mapping structure used to define 1080p/50/59.94/60 4:2:2 YCbCr 10 bit data, as supported by the GS2971A. See Figure 4-1: HANC SAV SAV www.semtech.com Active Video Figure 4-1: Level A Mapping 4.2.2 Level B Mapping The 2 x 292 HD SDI interface - this can be two distinct links running at 1.5Gb/s or one 3Gb/s link formatted according to SMPTE ST 292 on two 10-bit links (Y/C interleaved). For 1080p/50/59.94/60 4:2:2 video formats, each link should be line-interleaved as per SMPTE ST 372. See Figure 4-2: multiplexed Y/C data Active Video “double” TRS headers from interleaved HD-SDI; Figure 4-2: Level B Mapping 29 of 150 The GS2971A distinguishes between Level A and Level B mappings at 3Gb/s. When Level B data is detected, each 10-bit link is demultiplexed into its individual component streams, and most video processing features, including error detection and correction are enabled separately for Data Stream 1 and Data Stream 2 (Link A and Link B, respectively). Note that audio demultiplexing and ancillary data extraction can only be enabled for one link for 3Gb/s Level B data. Data Stream 1 or Data Stream 2 can be selected via the host interface. 4.3 Serial Digital Input The GS2971A can accept serial digital inputs compliant with SMPTE ST 424, SMPTE ST 292 and SMPTE ST 259-C. 4.3.1 Integrated Adaptive Cable Equalizer The GS2971A integrates Semtech's adaptive cable equalizer technology. The integrated adaptive equalizer can equalize 3Gb/s, HD and SD serial digital signals, and will typically equalize 150m of Belden 1694A cable at 2.97Gb/s, 250m at 1.485Gb/s and 480m at 270Mb/s.The integrated adaptive equalizer is powered from a single +3.3V power supply and consumes approximately 195mW of power. The equalizer can be bypassed by programming register 073h through the GSPI interface. Serial Digital Inputs The Serial Data Signal may be connected to the input pins (SDI/SDI) in either a differential or single ended configuration. AC coupling of the inputs is recommended, as the SDI and SDI inputs are internally biased at approximately 1.8V. Cable Equalization The input signal passes through a variable gain equalizing stage whose frequency response closely matches the inverse of the cable loss characteristic. In addition, the variation of the frequency response with control voltage imitates the variation of the inverse cable loss characteristic with cable length. The edge energy of the equalized signal is monitored by a detector circuit which produces an error signal corresponding to the difference between the desired edge energy and the actual edge energy. This error signal is integrated by both an internal and an external AGC filter capacitor providing a steady control voltage for the gain stage. As the frequency response of the gain stage is automatically varied by the application of negative feedback, the edge energy of the equalized signal is kept at a constant level which is representative of the original edge energy at the transmitter. The equalized signal is also DC restored, effectively restoring the logic threshold of the equalized signal to its correct level independent of shifts due to AC coupling. GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 30 of 150 CORE_VDD CORE_GND IO_VDD IO_GND DVB_ASI RESET_TRST STANDBY IOPROC_EN/DIS SMPTE_BYPASS 20BIT/10BIT TIM861 SW_EN AUDIO_EN/DIS AOUT_1/2 AOUT_3/4 AOUT_5/6 AOUT_7/8 ACLK AMCLK WCLK SDIN_TDI SCLK_TCLK CS_TMS SDOUT_TDO JTAG/HOST XTAL_OUT XTAL1 XTAL2 VCO_VDD VCO_GND PLL_VDD PLL_GND Crystal Buffer/ Oscillator Host Interface GSPI and JTAG Controller VBG LB_CONT LF SDI EQ Buffer SDI Reclocker with Integrated VCO Serial to Parallel Converter Descramble, Word Align, Rate Detect Flywheel Video Standard Detect TRS Detect Timing Extraction Audio De-Embedder, Audio Clock Generation SMPTE ST 425 Level B Level A ANC/ Checksum /ST 352 Extraction 1080p 50/60 4:2:2 10-bit Illegal code remap, TRS/ Line Number/ CRS Insertion, EDH Packet Insertion PCLK Output Mux/ Demux DOUT[19:0] Mux AGCP AGCN V/VSync H/HSync LOCKED Error Flags F/De Mux YANC/CANC Buffer Rate_det[1:0] DVB-ASI Decoder SDO SDO LOCKED EQ_VDD EQ_GND A_VDD A_GND BUFF_VDD BUFF_GND RC_BYP SDO_EN/DIS I/O Control Figure 4-3: GS2971A Integrated EQ Block Diagram 4.4 Serial Digital Loop-Through Output The GS2971A contains a 100Ω differential serial output buffer which can be configured to output either a retimed or a buffered version of the serial digital input. The SDO and SDO outputs of this buffer can interface directly to a 3Gb/s-capable, SMPTE compliant Semtech cable driver. See 5.3 Typical Application Circuit on page 145. When the RC_BYP pin is set HIGH, the serial digital output is the re-timed version of the serial input. When the RC_BYP pin is set LOW, the serial digital output is simply the buffered version of the serial input, bypassing the internal reclocker. The output can be disabled by setting the SDO_EN/DIS pin LOW. The output is also disabled when the STANDBY pin is asserted HIGH. When the output is disabled, both SDO and SDO pins are set to VDD and remain static. The SDO output is muted when the RC_BYP pin is set HIGH and the PLL is unlocked (LOCKED pin is LOW). When muted, the output is held static at logic ‘0’ or logic ‘1’. Table 4-1: Serial Digital Output SDO_EN/DIS RC_BYP SDO/SDO 0 X Disabled 1 1 Re-timed 1 0 Buffered (not re-timed) Note: The serial digital output is muted when the GS2971A is unlocked. GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 31 of 150 4.5 Serial Digital Reclocker The GS2971A includes both a PLL stage and a sampling stage. The PLL is comprised of two distinct loops: • A coarse frequency acquisition loop sets the centre frequency of the integrated Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO) using an external 27MHz reference clock • A fine frequency and phase locked loop aligns the VCO’s phase and frequency to the input serial digital stream The frequency lock loop results in a very fast lock time. The sampling stage re-times the serial digital input with the locked VCO clock. This generates a clean serial digital stream, which may be output on the SDO/SDO output pins and converted to parallel data for further processing. Parallel data is not affected by RC_BYP. Only the SDO is affected by this pin. 4.5.1 PLL Loop Bandwidth The fine frequency and phase lock loop in the GS2971A reclocker is non-linear. The PLL loop bandwidth scales with the jitter amplitude of the input data stream; automatically reduces bandwidth in response to higher jitter. This allows the PLL to reject more of the jitter in the input data stream and produce a very clean reclocked output. The loop bandwidth of the GS2971A PLL is defined with 0.2UI input jitter. The bandwidth is controlled by the LB_CONT pin. Under nominal conditions, with the LB_CONT pin floating and 0.2UI input jitter applied, the loop bandwidth is set to 1/1000 of the frequency of the input data stream. Connecting the LB_CONT pin to 3.3V reduces the bandwidth to half of the nominal setting. Connecting the LB_CONT pin to GND increases the bandwidth to double the nominal setting. Table 4-2 below summarizes this information. Table 4-2: PLL Loop Bandwidth Input Data Rate LB_CONT Pin Connection Loop Bandwidth (MHz)1 3.3V 0.135 Floating 0.27 0V 0.54 3.3V 0.75 Floating 1.5 0V 3.0 3.3V 1.5 Floating 3.0 0V 6.0 SD HD 3G 1 Measured with 0.2UI input jitter applied GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 32 of 150 4.6 External Crystal / Reference Clock The GS2971A requires an external 27MHz reference clock for correct operation. This reference clock is generated by connecting a crystal to the XTAL1 and XTAL2 pins of the device. See Application Reference Design on page 144. Table 4-3 shows XTAL characteristics. Alternately, a 27MHz external clock source can be connected to the XTAL1 pin of the device, as shown in Figure 4-4. The frequency variation of the crystal including aging, supply and temperature variation, should be less than +/-100ppm. The equivalent series resistance (or motional resistance) should be a maximum of 50Ω. The external crystal is used in the frequency acquisition process. It has no impact on the output jitter performance of the part when the part is locked to incoming data. Because of this, the only key parameter is the frequency variation of the crystal that is stated above. External Crystal Connection External Clock Source Connection 16pF K6 K6 XTAL1 XTAL1 External Clock J6 NC XTAL2 J6 XTAL2 16pF Notes: 1. Capacitor values listed represent the total capacitance, including discrete capacitance and parasitic board capacitance. 2.XTAL1 serves as an input, which may alternatively accept a 27MHz clock source. Figure 4-4: 27MHz Clock Sources Table 4-3: Input Clock Requirements Parameter Min Typ Max Units − − 20% of VDD_IO V XTAL1 High Level Input Voltage (Vih) 80% of VDDIO − − V XTAL1 Input Slew Rate 2 − − V/ns XTAL1 Low Level Input Voltage (Vil) GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 33 of 150 Table 4-3: Input Clock Requirements (Continued) Parameter Min Typ Max Units XTAL1 to XOUT Prop. Delay (High to Low) 1.3 1.5 2.3 ns XTAL1 to XOUT Prop. Delay (Low to High) 1.3 1.6 2.3 ns Note: Valid when the cell is used to buffer an external clock source which is connected to the XTAL1 pin, then nothing should be connected to the XTAL2 pin. 4.7 Lock Detect The LOCKED output signal is available by default on the STAT3 output pin, but may be programmed to be output through any one of the six programmable multi-functional pins of the device: STAT[5:0]. The LOCKED output signal is set HIGH by the Lock Detect block under the following conditions: Table 4-4: Lock Detect Conditions Mode of Operation Mode Setting Condition for Locked Data-Through Mode SMPTE_BYPASS = LOW DVB_ASI = LOW Reclocker PLL is locked. SMPTE Mode SMPTE_BYPASS = HIGH DVB_ASI = LOW Reclocker PLL is locked. Two consecutive TRS words are detected in a two-line window. SMPTE Mode with Lock Noise-Immunity Enabled DVB_ASI Mode SMPTE_BYPASS = HIGH DVB_ASI = LOW Bit 0x085[10] set to 1 AUTO/MAN = HIGH SMPTE_BYPASS = LOW DVB_ASI = HIGH Bit AUTO/MAN = LOW Reclocker PLL is locked. Two consecutive TRS words are detected in a two-line window. The last two detected TRS words must have the same alignment. Note: Auto mode only. Not supported in Manual mode. Reclocker PLL is locked. 32 consecutive DVB_ASI words with no errors are detected within a 128-word window. Note 1: The GS2971A will lock to ASI in auto mode, but could falsely unlock for some ASI input patterns. Note 2: In Standby mode, the reclocker PLL unlocks. However, the LOCKED signal retains whatever state it previously held. So, if before Standby assertion, the LOCKED signal is HIGH, then during standby, it remains HIGH regardless of the status of the PLL. GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 34 of 150 4.7.1 Asynchronous Lock The lock detection algorithm is a continuous process, beginning at device power-up or after a system reset. It continues until the device is powered down or held in reset. The device first determines if a valid serial digital input signal has been presented to the device. If no valid serial data stream has been detected, the serial data into the device is considered invalid, and the LOCKED signal is LOW. Once a valid input signal has been detected, the asynchronous lock algorithm enters a “hunt” phase, in which the device attempts to detect the presence of either TRS words or DVB-ASI sync words. By default, the device powers up in auto mode (the AUTO/MAN bit in the host interface is set HIGH). In this mode, the device operating frequency toggles between 3G, HD and SD rates as it attempts to lock to the incoming data rate. The PCLK output continues to operate, and the frequency may switch between 148.5MHz, 74.25MHz, 27MHz and 13.5MHz. When the device is operating in manual mode (AUTO/MAN bit in the host interface is LOW), the operating frequency needs to be set through the host interface using the RATE_DET[1:0] bits. In this mode, the asynchronous lock algorithm does not toggle the operating rate of the device and attempts to lock within a single standard. Lock is achieved within three lines of the selected standard. 4.7.2 Signal Interruption The device tolerates a signal interruption of up to 10μs without unlocking, as long as no TRS words are deleted by this interruption. If a signal interruption of greater than 10μs is detected, the lock detection algorithm may lose the current data rate, and LOCKED will de-assert until the data rate is re-acquired by the lock detection block. 4.8 SMPTE Functionality 4.8.1 Descrambling and Word Alignment The GS2971A performs NRZI to NRZ decoding and data descrambling according to SMPTE ST 424/SMPTE ST 292/SMPTE ST 259-C and word aligns the data to TRS sync words. When operating in manual mode (AUTO/MAN = LOW), the device only carries out SMPTE decoding, descrambling and word alignment when the SMPTE_BYPASS pin is set HIGH and the DVB_ASI pin is set LOW. When operating in Auto mode (AUTO/MAN = HIGH), the GS2971A carries out descrambling and word alignment to enable the detection of TRS sync words. When two consecutive valid TRS words (SAV and EAV), with the same bit alignment have been detected, the device word-aligns the data to the TRS ID words. TRS ID word detection is a continuous process. The device remains in SMPTE mode until TRS ID words fail to be detected. Note 1: Both 8-bit and 10-bit TRS headers are identified by the device. GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 35 of 150 Note 2: In 3G Level B mode, the device only supports Data Stream 1 and Data Stream 2 having the same bit width (i.e. both data streams contain 8-bit data, or both data streams contain 10-bit data). If the bit widths between the two data streams are different, the GS2971A cannot word align the input stream, and switches in Data-Through mode. 4.9 Parallel Data Outputs The parallel data outputs are aligned to the rising edge of the PCLK. 4.9.1 Parallel Data Bus Buffers The parallel data bus, status signal outputs and control signal input pins are all connected to high-impedance buffers. The device supports 1.8 or 3.3V (LVTTL and LVCMOS levels) supplied at the IO_VDD and IO_GND pins. All output buffers (including the PCLK output), are set to high-impedance in Reset mode (RESET_TRST = LOW). I/O Timing Specs: 10-bit SDR Mode: 6.734ns (HD 10-bit) 37.037ns (SD 10-bit) DBUS[19:10] Y0 Cr0 80% Y1 Cb1 80% PCLK_OUT 20% toh 20% tr tf tod 10bHD Mode 3.3V dbus stat toh 1.000ns 1.000ns tr/tf (min) 0.400ns 0.500ns Cload 6 pF 1.8V tod tr/tf (max) 3.700ns 1.400ns 4.100ns 1.600ns Cload 15 pF toh 1.000ns 1.000ns tr/tf (min) 0.400ns 0.400ns Cload 6 pF tod tr/tf (max) 3.700ns 1.400ns 4.400ns 1.500ns Cload 15 pF 10bSD Mode dbus stat toh tr/tf (min) 19.400ns 0.400ns 19.400ns 0.500ns Cload 6 pF 3.3V tod tr/tf (max) 22.200ns 1.400ns 22.200ns 1.600ns Cload 15 pF toh tr/tf (min) 19.400ns 0.400ns 19.400ns 0.400ns Cload 6 pF 1.8V tod tr/tf (max) 22.200ns 1.400ns 22.200ns 1.500ns Cload 15 pF Figure 4-5: PCLK to Data and Control Signal Output Timing - SDR Mode 1 GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 36 of 150 I/O Timing Specs: 20-bit SDR Mode: 6.734ns (3G 20-bit) 13.468ns (HD 20-bit) 74.074ns (SD 20-bit) DBUS[19:10] Y0 Y1 Y2 Y3 DBUS[9:0] Cb0 Cr0 Cb1 Cr1 80% 80% PCLK_OUT 20% toh 20% tr tf tod 20b3G and 20bHD Modes toh 1.000ns 1.000ns dbus stat tr/tf (min) 0.400ns 0.500ns Cload 3.3V Cload tod tr/tf (max) 3.700ns 1.400ns 4.100ns 1.600ns 6 pF 15 pF toh 1.000ns 1.000ns Cload tr/tf (min) 0.400ns 0.400ns 1.8V tod tr/tf (max) 3.700ns 1.400ns 4.400ns 1.500ns 6 pF Cload 15 pF 20bSD Mode dbus stat toh tr/tf (min) 38.000ns 0.400ns 38.000ns 0.500ns Cload 6 pF 3.3V Cload tod tr/tf (max) 41.000ns 1.400ns 41.000ns 1.600ns 15 pF Cload toh tr/tf (min) 38.000ns 0.400ns 38.000ns 0.400ns 1.8V tod tr/tf (max) 41.000ns 1.400ns 41.000ns 1.500ns 6 pF Cload 15 pF Figure 4-6: PCLK to Data and Control Signal Output Timing - SDR Mode 2 I/O Timing Specs: DDR Mode: 6.734ns 3.367ns Cb0 DBUS[19:10] Y0 Cr0 80% Y1 Cb1 Y2 Cr1 80% PCLK_OUT 20% toh toh tod tod 20% tr tf 10b3G Mode dbus stat toh 0.450ns 0.450ns tr/tf (min) 0.400ns 0.500ns Cload 6 pF 3.3V tod tr/tf (max) 1.900ns 1.500ns 2.200ns 1.600ns Cload 15 pF toh 0.400ns 0.450ns tr/tf (min) 0.300ns 0.400ns Cload 6 pF 1.8V tod 1.800ns 2.500ns tr/tf (max) 1.100ns 1.500ns Cload 15 pF Figure 4-7: PCLK to Data and Control Signal Output Timing - DDR Mode GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 37 of 150 The GS2971A has a 20-bit output parallel bus, which can be configured for different output formats as shown in Table 4-5. Table 4-5: GS2971A Output Video Data Format Selections Pin/Register Bit Settings Output Data Format DOUT[9:0] DOUT[19:10] LOW Chroma Luma LOW LOW DATA DATA X HIGH LOW Chroma Luma HIGH X LOW LOW DATA DATA LOW LOW HIGH HIGH LOW Driven LOW Data Stream One/ Data Stream Two* 10-bit multiplexed HD format LOW LOW LOW HIGH LOW Driven LOW Luma/Chroma 10-bit data output HD format LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW Driven LOW DATA 10-bit multiplexed SD format LOW HIGH X HIGH LOW Driven LOW Luma/Chroma 10-bit data output SD format LOW HIGH X LOW LOW Driven LOW DATA 20-bit demultiplexed 3G format HIGH LOW HIGH HIGH LOW Data Stream Two* Data Stream One* 20BIT /10BIT RATE_ SEL0 RATE_ SEL1 SMPTE_ BYPASS DVB-ASI 20-bit demultiplexed HD format HIGH LOW LOW HIGH 20-bit data output HD format HIGH LOW LOW 20-bit demultiplexed SD format HIGH HIGH 20-bit data output SD format HIGH 10-bit multiplexed 3G DDR format DVB-ASI format LOW HIGH − X HIGH DOUT19 = WORD_ERR DOUT18 = SYNC_OUT DOUT17 = H_OUT DOUT16 = G_OUT DOUT15 = F_OUT DOUT14 = E_OUT DOUT13 = D_OUT DOUT12 = C_OUT DOUT11 = B_OUT DOUT10 = A_OUT *In 3G Mode, the data streams can be swapped at the output through the host interface. Note: When in Auto Mode, swap RATE_SEL with RATE_DET. GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 38 of 150 4.9.2 Parallel Output in SMPTE Mode When the device is operating in SMPTE mode (SMPTE_BYPASS = HIGH and DVB_ASI = LOW), data is output in either Multiplexed or Demultiplexed form depending on the setting of the 20bit/10bit pin. When operating in 20-bit mode (20bit/10bit = HIGH), the output data is demultiplexed Luma and Chroma data for SD and HD data rates, and Data Stream 1 and Data Stream 2 for the 3G data. When operating in 10-bit mode (20bit/10bit = LOW), the output data is multiplexed Luma and Chroma data for SD and HD data rates, and multiplexed Data Stream 1 and Data Stream 2 for the 3G data. In this mode, the data is presented on the DOUT[19:10] pins, with DOUT[9:0] being forced LOW. 4.9.3 Parallel Output in DVB-ASI Mode In DVB-ASI mode, the 20bit/10bit pin must be set LOW to configure the output parallel bus for 10-bit operation. DVB-ASI mode is enabled when the AUTO/MAN bit is LOW, SMPTE_BYPASS pin is LOW and the DVB_ASI pin is HIGH. The extracted 8-bit data is presented on DOUT[17:10] such that DOUT[17:10] = HOUT ~ AOUT, where AOUT is the least significant bit of the decoded transport stream data. In addition, the DOUT19 and DOUT18 pins are configured as DVB-ASI status signals WORDERR and SYNCOUT respectively. SYNCOUT is HIGH whenever a K28.5 sync character is output from the device. WORDERR is HIGH whenever the device has detected a running disparity error or illegal code word. 4.9.4 Parallel Output in Data-Through Mode This mode is enabled when the SMPTE_BYPASS and DVB_ASI pins are LOW. In this mode, data is passed to the output bus without any decoding, descrambling or word-alignment. The output data width (10-bit or 20-bit) is controlled by the setting of the 20bit/10bit pin. Note: In order to use Data-Through Mode, a 3G-B input signal must not be connected at the input of the device when the switch is made from Auto Mode to Data Through Mode. 4.9.5 Parallel Output Clock (PCLK) The frequency of the PCLK output signal of the GS2971A is determined by the output data rate and the 20bit/10bit pin setting. Table 4-6 lists the output signal formats according to the data format selected in Manual mode (AUTO/MAN bit in the host interface is set LOW), or detected in Auto mode (AUTO/MAN bit in the host interface is set HIGH). GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 39 of 150 Table 4-6: GS2971A PCLK Output Rates Pin/Control Bit Settings Output Data Format PCLK Rate 20bit/ 10bit RATE_DET0 RATE_DET1 SMPTE_ BYPASS DVB-ASI 20-bit demultiplexed HD format HIGH LOW LOW HIGH LOW 74.25 or 74.25/1.001MHz 20-bit data output HD format HIGH LOW LOW LOW LOW 74.25 or 74.25/1.001MHz 20-bit demultiplexed SD format HIGH HIGH X HIGH LOW 13.5MHz 20-bit data output SD format HIGH HIGH X LOW LOW 13.5MHz 20-bit demultiplexed 3G format HIGH LOW HIGH HIGH LOW 148.5 or 148.5/1.001MHz 10-bit multiplexed 3G DDR format LOW LOW HIGH HIGH LOW 148.5 or 148.5/1.001MHz 10-bit multiplexed HD format LOW LOW LOW HIGH LOW 148.5 or 148.5/1.001MHz 10-bit data output HD format LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW 148.5 or 148.5/1.001MHz 10-bit multiplexed SD format LOW HIGH X HIGH LOW 27MHz 10-bit data output SD format LOW HIGH X LOW LOW 27MHz 10-bit ASI output SD format LOW HIGH X LOW HIGH 27MHz 4.9.6 DDR Parallel Clock Timing The GS2971A has the ability to transmit 10-bit parallel video data with a DDR (Dual Data Rate) pixel clock over a single-ended interface. DDR Mode can be enabled when the SDI data bandwidth is 3Gb/s. In this case, the 10-bit parallel data rate is 297Mb/s, and the frequency of the DDR clock is 148.5MHz (10-bit output in 3G mode). The DDR pixel clock avoids the need to operate a high-drive pixel clock at 297MHz. This reduces power consumption, clock drive strength, and noise generation. It precludes from generating excessive EMI if PCLK on the board has to run at 297MHz. It also enables easier board routing and avoids the need to use the higher-speed I/Os on FPGAs, which may require more expensive speed grades. Figure 4-8 and Figure 4-9 show how the DDR interface operates. The pixel clock is transmitted at half the data rate, and the interleaved data is sampled at the receiver on both clock edges. GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 40 of 150 20-bit bus (transition rate = 74.25MHz) 10-bit bus (transition rate = 148.5MHz) Y0 Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6 Y7 Y8 Y9 Cb0 Cr0 Cb1 Cr1 Cb2 Cr2 Cb3 Cr3 Cb4 Cr4 Cb0 Y0 Cr0 Y1 Cb1 Y2 Cr1 Y3 Cb2 Y4 Cr2 Y5 Cb3 Y6 Cr3 Y7 Cb4 Y8 Cr4 Y9 PCLK (148.5MHz) Figure 4-8: DDR Video Interface - 3G Level A Y[2] 2 Cr[2] 1 Y[3] 2 Cr[3] 1 Y[2] 4 C b[2] 1 C b[3] 1 Y[3] 4 Y[2] 1 Y[3] 1 Y[2] 3 Cr[2] 0 Cr[3] 0 C b[2] 2 Y[2] 0 Y[3] 0 Y[3] 3 C b[2] 0 DOUT1[9:0] Data Stream 2 DOUT0[9:0] C b[3] 2 Data Stream 1 C b[3] 0 20-bit bus (transition rate = 74.25MHz) DOUT1[9:0] C b[3] 0 C b[2] 0 Y[3] 0 Y[2] 0 C r[3] 0 C r[2] 0 Y[3] 1 Y[2] 1 C b[3] 1 C b[2] 1 Y[3] 2 Y[2] 2 C r[3] 1 C r[2] 1 Y[3] 3 Y[2] 3 C b[3] 2 C b[2] 2 Y[3] 4 Y[2] 4 10-bit bus (transition rate = 148.5MHz) PCLK (148.5MHz) Figure 4-9: DDR Video Interface - 3G Level B The GS2971A has the ability to shift the Setup/Hold window on the receive interface, by using an on-chip delay line to shift the phase of PCLK with respect to the data bus. The timing of the PCLK output, relative to the data, can be adjusted through the host interface registers. Address 06Ch contains the delay line controls: Bit[5] (DEL_LINE_CLK_SEL) is a coarse delay adjustment that selects between the default (nominal) PCLK phase and a quadrature phase, for a 90º phase shift. Bits[4:0] (DEL_LINE_OFFSET) comprise a fine delay adjustment to shift the PCLK in 40ps increments (typical conditions). The maximum fine delay adjustment is approximately 1.2ns under nominal conditions. An example delay adjustment over min/typ/max conditions is illustrated in Figure 4-10. The target delay is 0.84 ns under typical conditions (approximately 45º PCLK phase shift), and requires a control word setting of 0x0014 for address 0x006C. GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 41 of 150 90º phase shift 6.734ns 3.367ns 1.684ns PCLK 0.842ns offset [5] = 1 (90º phase shift) Typical 45º phase shift 6.734ns 3.367ns Ranges: 1.684ns PCLK (MIN) 0.58ns delay PCLK (TYP) 0.84ns delay PCLK (MAX) 1.38ns delay Figure 4-10: Delay Adjustment Ranges 4.10 Timing Signal Generator The GS2971A has an internal timing signal generator which is used to generate digital FVH timing reference signals, to detect and correct certain error conditions and automatic video standard detection. The timing signal generator is only operational in SMPTE mode (SMPTE_BYPASS = HIGH). The timing signal generator consists of a number of counters and comparators operating at video pixel and video line rates. These counters maintain information about the total line length, active line length, total number of lines per field/frame and total active lines per field/frame for the received video standard. It takes one video frame to obtain full synchronization to the received video standard. Note: Both 8-bit and 10-bit TRS words are identified by the device. Once synchronization has been achieved, the timing signal generator continues to monitor the received TRS timing information to maintain synchronization. The timing signal generator re-synchronizes all pixel and line based counters on every received TRS ID. Note that for correct operation of the timing signal generator, the SW_EN input pin must be set LOW, unless manual synchronous switching is enabled (Section 4.10.1). GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 42 of 150 4.10.1 Manual Switch Line Lock Handling The principle of switch line lock handling is that the switching of synchronous video sources will only disturb the horizontal timing and alignment, whereas the vertical timing remains in synchronization - i.e. switching between video sources of the same format. To account for the horizontal disturbance caused by a synchronous switch, the word alignment block and timing signal generator automatically re-synchronizes to the new timing immediately if the synchronous switch happens during the designated switch line, as defined in SMPTE recommended practice RP168-2002. The device samples the SW_EN pin on every PCLK cycle. When a Logic LOW to HIGH transition on this pin is detected anywhere within the active line, the word alignment block and timing signal generator re-synchronize immediately to the next TRS word. This allows the system to force immediate lock on any line, if the switch point is non-standard. To ensure proper switch line lock handling, the SW_EN signal should be asserted HIGH anywhere within the active portion of the line on which the switch has taken place, and should be held HIGH for approximately one video line. After this time period, SW_EN should be de-asserted. SW_EN should be held LOW during normal device operation. Note: It is the rising edge of the SW_EN signal, which generates the switch line lock re-synchronization. This edge must be in the active portion of the line containing the video switch point. Switch point V ideo source 1 Video source 2 EAV EAV ANC ANC SAV AC TIVE PICTU RE SAV AC TIVE PICTU RE E AV EAV ANC ANC S AV EA V ACTIVE P ANC ICTUR E SAV E AV ACTIVE PICTUR ANC E EAV ANC EAV SA V ACTIVE PICTURE EAV A NC SAV ANC S AV ACTIVE PICTURE EAV ANC SAV sw itch video source 1 to 2 DA TA IN EAV ANC SAV AC TIVE PICTU RE E AV ANC S AV ACTIVE PICTURE ANC EAV ANC S AV ACTIVE PICTURE EAV ANC SAV D ATA O U T EAV ANC SAV AC TIVE PICTU RE E AV ANC S AV ACTIVE PICTURE ANC EAV ANC S AV ACTIVE PICTURE EAV ANC SAV TRS position SW _EN Re-synchronization Switch point Video source 1 Video source 2 EAV EAV ANC ANC SAV AC TIVE PICTU RE SAV AC TIVE PICTU RE E AV EAV ANC ANC S AV EA V ACTIVE P ANC ICTUR E SAV E AV ACTIVE PICTUR ANC E EAV ANC EAV ANC SA V S AV ACTIVE PICTURE ACTIVE PICTURE EAV EAV A NC ANC SAV SAV sw itch video source 2 to 1 DA TA IN EAV ANC SAV AC TIVE PICTU RE EAV ANC SAV ACTIVE PICTURE EAV ANC SA V ACTIVE PICTURE EAV A NC SAV D ATA O U T EAV ANC SAV AC TIVE PICTU RE EAV ANC SAV ACTIVE PICTURE EAV ANC SA V ACTIVE PICTURE EAV A NC SAV TRS position SW _EN Re-synchronization Figure 4-11: Switch Line Locking on a Non-Standard Switch Line GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 43 of 150 4.10.2 Automatic Switch Line Lock Handling The synchronous switch point is defined for all major video standards in SMPTE RP168-2002. The device automatically re-synchronizes the word alignment block and timing signal generator at the switch point, based on the detected video standard. The device, as described in Section 4.10.1 and Figure 4-11 above, implements the re-synchronization process automatically, every field/frame. The switch line is defined as follows: • For 525 line interlaced systems: resynchronization takes place at then end of lines 10 & 273 • For 525 line progressive systems: resynchronization takes place at then end of line 10 • For 625 line interlaced systems: resynchronization takes place at then end of lines 6 & 319 • For 625 line progressive systems: resynchronization takes place at then end of line 6 • For 750 line progressive systems: resynchronization takes place at then end of line 7 • For 1125 line interlaced systems: resynchronization takes place at then end of lines 7 & 568 • For 1125 line progressive systems: resynchronization takes place at then end of line 7 Note: Unless indicated by SMPTE ST 352 payload identifier packets, the GS2971A does not distinguish between 1125-line progressive segmented-frame (PsF) video and 1125-line interlaced video operating at 25 or 30fps. However. PsF video operating at 24fps is detected by the device. A full list of all major video standards and switching lines is shown in Table 4-7. 4.10.3 Switch Line Lock Handling During Level B to Level A Conversion When 3G data is detected by the GS2971A, and Level B to Level A conversion is enabled, the device only supports a limited phase offset between two synchronous video sources if a synchronous switch is implemented. If the synchronous switch point results in an “extended” active video period, the GS2971A only re-synchronizes to the following TRS ID if the phase difference between the two sources is less than or equal to 10μs. If the phase difference is greater than 10μs, the GS2971A takes one additional line to re-synchronize. In this case, the user may observe a missing H pulse on the line following the switch line, on the H timing output. Note: This 10μs constraint is only valid when Level B to Level A conversion is enabled, and only when the synchronous switch point results in an extended active video area. GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 44 of 150 Table 4-7: Switch Line Position for Digital Systems System Frame Rate & Structure Pixel Structure Signal Standard Parallel Interface 60/P ST 274 + RP211 50/P ST 274 + RP211 60/I ST 274 + RP211 50/I ST 274 + RP211 Serial Interface Line No. 7 7/569 30/P 1125 ST 274 + RP211 1920x1080 4:2:2 ST 292 25/P ST 274 + RP211 24/P ST 274 + RP211 30/PsF ST 274 + RP211 25/PsF ST 274 + RP211 24/PsF ST 274 + RP211 60/P ST 296 50/P ST 296 7 750 30/P 1280x720 4:2:2 ST 296 25/P ST 296 24/P ST 296 4:2:2 50/P 720x576 ST 292 BT.1358 ST 349 ST 292 BT.1358 ST 347 ST 344 BT.1358 BT.1358 BT.1362 BT.1358 ST 349 ST 292 BT.1358 BT.1358 BT.1362 BT.601 ST 349 ST 292 BT.601 BT.656 ST 259 BT.799 ST 349 ST 292 BT.799 ST 347 ST 344 BT.799 BT.799 ST 344 BT.799 BT.799 − BT.601 ST 349 ST 292 BT.601 ST 125 ST 259 7 6 4:2:0 960x576 4:2:2 625 50/I 4:4:4:4 6/319 720x576 4:2:2 GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 45 of 150 Table 4-7: Switch Line Position for Digital Systems (Continued) System Frame Rate & Structure Pixel Structure 4:2:2 59.94/P 720x483 Signal Standard Parallel Interface Serial Interface ST 293 ST 349 ST 292 ST 293 ST 347 ST 344 ST 293 ST 293 ST 294 ST 293 ST 349 ST 292 ST 293 ST 293 ST 294 ST 267 ST 349 ST 292 ST 267 ST 267 ST 259 ST 267 ST 349 ST 292 ST 267 ST 347 ST 344 ST 267 RP174 ST 344 ST 267 RP 175 RP 175 ST 125 ST 349 ST 292 ST 125 ST 125 ST 259 ST 274 ST 274 + ST 348 Line No. 10 4:2:0 960x483 4:2:2 525 59.94/I 4:4:4 10/273 720x483 4:2:2 P or PsF structure HD-SDTI 1920x1080 I structure 4:2:2 ST 274 ST 292 P structure 1280x720 ST 296 ST 296 + ST 348 50/I 720x576 BT.656 BT.656 + ST 305 SDTI GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 720x483 7/569 7 6/319 ST 259 4:2:2 59.94/I 7 ST 125 www.semtech.com ST 125 + ST 305 10/273 46 of 150 4.11 Programmable Multi-function Outputs The GS2971A has six multi-function output pins, STAT[5:0], which are programmable via the host interface to output one of the following signals: Table 4-8: Output Signals Available on Programmable Multi-Function Pins Status Signal Selection Code Default Output Pin H/HSYNC (according to TIM_861 Pin) Section 4.12 0000 STAT 0 V/VSYNC (according to TIM_861 Pin) Section 4.12 0001 STAT 1 F/DE (according to TIM_861 Pin) Section 4.12 0010 STAT 2 LOCKED Section 4.7 0011 STAT 3 Y/1ANC Section 4.17 0100 STAT 4 C/2ANC Section 4.17 0101 − DATA ERROR Section 4.16 0110 STAT 5 VIDEO ERROR 0111 − AUDIO ERROR 1000 − EDH DETECTED 1001 − CARRIER DETECT 1010 − RATE_DET0 1011 − RATE_DET1 1100 − Note: Each of the STAT[5:0] pins are configurable individually using the register bits in the host interface; STAT[5:0]_CONFIG (008h/009h). 4.12 H:V:F Timing Signal Generation The GS2971A extracts critical timing parameters from the received TRS words. Horizontal blanking (H), Vertical blanking (V), and Field odd/even (F) timing are output on the STAT[2:0] pins by default. Using the H_CONFIG bit in the host interface, the H signal timing can be selected as one of the following: 1. Active line blanking (H_CONFIG = LOW) - the H output is HIGH for the horizontal blanking period, including the EAV TRS words. 2. TRS based blanking (H_CONFIG = HIGH) - the H output is set HIGH for the entire horizontal blanking period as indicated by the H bit in the received TRS signals. The timing of these signals is shown in Figure 4-12, Figure 4-13, Figure 4-14, Figure 4-15, Figure 4-16, Figure 4-17 and Figure 4-18 below. Note: Both 8-bit and 10-bit TRS words are identified by the device. GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 47 of 150 PCLK LUMA DATA CHROMA DATA H V F 3FF 000 000 XYZ (EAV) 3FF 000 000 XYZ (SAV) 3FF 000 000 XYZ (EAV) 3FF 000 000 XYZ (SAV) Figure 4-12: H:V:F Output Timing - 3G Level A and HDTV 20-bit Mode PCLK (3G DDR) PCLK (HD) MULTIPLEXED Y’CbCr DATA (HD) MULTIPLEXED DS1/DS2 DATA (3G) H V F 3FF 3FF 000 000 000 000 XYZ (EAV) XYZ (EAV) H VF T IM IN G A T E A V PCLK (3G DDR) PCLK (HD) MULTIPLEXED Y’CbCr DATA (HD) MULTIPLEXED DS1/DS2 DATA (3G) 3FF 3FF 000 000 000 000 XYZ (SAV) XYZ (SAV) H V F H VF T IM IN G A T S A V H S IG N A L T IM IN G : H _ C O N F IG = L O W H _ C O N F IG = H IG H Figure 4-13: H:V:F Output Timing - 3G Level A and HDTV 10-bit Mode 3G Level B 20-bit Mode, each 10-bit stream PCLK (DDR) MULTIPLEXED LINKA/LINKB DATA H V F 3FF 3FF 3FF 3FF 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 XYZ (eav) XYZ (eav) XYZ (eav) XYZ (eav) H VF T IM IN G A T E A V PCLK (DDR) MULTIPLEXED LINKA/LINKB DATA H V 3FF 3FF 3FF 3FF 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 XYZ (sav) XYZ (sav ) XYZ (sav ) XYZ (sav ) F H VF T IM IN G A T S A V H S IG N A L T IM IN G : H _ C O N F IG = L O W H _ C O N F IG = H IG H Figure 4-14: H:V:F Output Timing - 3G Level B 10-bit Mode PC LK L U M A D A T A IN P U T C H R O M A D A T A IN P U T H V F 3FF 000 000 X Y Z (EAV) 3FF 000 000 X Y Z (SAV) 3FF 000 000 X Y Z (EAV) 3FF 000 000 X Y Z (SAV) H S IG N A L T IM IN G : H _ C O N F IG = L O W H _ C O N F IG = H IG H Figure 4-15: H:V:F Output Timing - HD 20-bit Output Mode GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 48 of 150 PC LK M U L T IP L E X E D Y 'C b C r D A T A IN P U T 3FF 3FF 000 000 000 000 X Y Z (EAV) X Y Z (EAV) H V F H V F T IM IN G A T E A V PC LK M U L T IP L E X E D Y 'C b C r D A T A IN P U T 3FF 3FF 000 000 000 000 X Y Z (SAV) X Y Z (SAV) H V F H V F T IM IN G A T S A V Figure 4-16: H:V:F Output Timing - HD 10-bit Output Mode P C LK C H R O M A D A T A IN P U T L U M A D A T A IN P U T H V F 3FF 000 3FF 000 000 X Y Z (EAV) 000 X Y Z (SAV) H S IG N A L T IM IN G : H _ C O N F IG = L O W H _ C O N F IG = H IG H Figure 4-17: H:V:F Output Timing - SD 20-bit Output Mode PC LK M U L T IP L E X E D Y 'C b C r D A T A IN P U T H V F 3FF 000 H S IG N A L T IM IN G : 000 X Y Z (EAV) H _ C O N F IG = L O W 3FF 000 000 X Y Z (SAV) H _ C O N F IG = H IG H Figure 4-18: H:V:F Output Timing - SD 10-bit Output Mode 4.12.1 CEA-861 Timing Generation The GS2971A is capable of generating CEA 861 timing instead of SMPTE HVF timing for all of the supported video formats. This mode is selected when the TIM_861 pin is HIGH. Horizontal sync (HSYNC), Vertical sync (VSYNC), and Data Enable (DE) timing are output on the STAT[2:0] pins by default. Table 4-9 shows the CEA-861 formats supported by the GS2971A: Table 4-9: Supported CEA-861 Formats Format CEA-861 Format VD_STD[5:0] 720(1440) x 480i @ 59.94/60Hz 6&7 16h, 17h, 19h, 1Bh 720(1440) x 576i @ 50Hz 21 & 22 18h, 1Ah 1280 x 720p @ 59.94/60Hz 4 20h, 00h 1280 x 720p @ 50Hz 19 24h, 04h 1920 x 1080i @ 59.94/60Hz 5 2Ah, 0Ah 1920 x 1080i @ 50Hz 20 2Ch, 0Ch GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 49 of 150 Table 4-9: Supported CEA-861 Formats (Continued) Format CEA-861 Format VD_STD[5:0] 1920 x 1080p @ 29.97/30Hz 341 2Bh, 0Bh 1920 x 1080p @ 25Hz 332 2Dh, 0Dh 1920 x 1080p @ 23.98/24Hz 32 30h, 10h 1920 x 1080p @ 59.94/60Hz 161 2Bh 1920 x 1080p @ 50Hz 312 2Dh Notes: 1,2: Timing is identical for the corresponding formats. Vertical Timing When CEA861 timing is selected, the device outputs standards compliant CEA861 timing signals as shown in the figures below; for example 240 active lines per field for SMPTE ST 125. The register bit TRS_861 is used to select DFP timing generator mode which follows the vertical blanking timing as defined by the embedded TRS code words. This setting is helpful for 525i. When TRS_861 is set LOW, DE will go HIGH for 480 lines out of 525. When TRS_861 is set HIGH, DE will go HIGH for 487 lines out of 525. The timing of the CEA 861 timing reference signals can be found in the CEA 861 specifications. For information, they are included in the following diagrams. These diagrams may not be comprehensive. Table 4-10: CEA861 Timing Formats Format Parameters 4 H:V:DE Input Timing 1280 x 720p @ 59.94/60Hz 5 H:V:DE Input Timing 1920 x 1080i @ 59.94/60Hz 6&7 H:V:DE Input Timing 720 (1440) x 480i @ 59.94/60Hz 19 H:V:DE Input Timing 1280 x 720p @ 50Hz 20 H:V:DE Input Timing 1920 x 1080i @ 50Hz 21&22 H:V:DE Input Timing 720 (1440) x 576 @ 50Hz 16 H:V:DE Input Timing 1920 x 1080p @ 59.94/60Hz 31 H:V:DE Input Timing 1920 x 1080p @ 50Hz 32 H:V:DE Input Timing 1920 x 1080p @ 23.94/24Hz 33 H:V:DE Input Timing 1920 x 1080p @ 25Hz 34 H:V:DE Input Timing 1920 x 1080p @ 29.97/30Hz GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 50 of 150 1660 Total Horizontal Clocks per line Data Enable 370 1280 Clocks for Active Video 40 110 220 clocks HSYNC ~ ~ ~ 720 Active Vertical Lines ~ Progressive Frame: 30 Vertical Blanking Lines ~ ~ ~ ~ Data Enable 1650 clocks 110 260 745 746 747 748 749 750 1 2 3 4 5 6 25 7 ~ ~ ~ ~ HSYNC 745 746 26 750 VSYNC Figure 4-19: H:V:DE Output Timing 1280 x 720p @ 59.94/60 (Format 4) 2200 Total Horizontal Clocks per line Data Enable 280 44 88 1920 Clocks for Active Video 148 clocks HSYNC ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Data Enable ~ 540 Active Vertical Lines per field Field 1: 22 Vertical Blanking Lines 2200 clocks 88 192 ~ ~ HSYNC 1123 1124 1125 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 19 20 21 560 561 562 VSYNC ~ ~ 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 ~ 192 HSYNC 560 ~ 2200 clocks 1100 88 ~ ~ ~ Data Enable ~ 540 Active Vertical Lines per field Field 2: 23 Vertical Blanking Lines 569 570 582 583 584 1123 1124 1125 VSYNC Figure 4-20: H:V:DE Output Timing 1920 x 1080i @ 59.94/60 (Format 5) GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 51 of 150 1716 Total Horizontal Clocks per line Data Enable 276 124 38 1440 Clocks for Active Video 114 clocks HSYNC ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Data Enable 240 Active Vertical Lines per field ~ Field 1: 22 Vertical Blanking Lines 1716 clocks 38 238 HSYNC 524 525 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 21 22 261 262 263 VSYNC ~ ~ 240 Active Vertical Lines per field Field 2: 23 Vertical Blanking Lines ~ ~ Data Enable 1716 clocks 38 238 858 HSYNC 284 285 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 524 525 1 VSYNC Figure 4-21: H:V:DE Output Timing 720 (1440) x 480i @ 59.94/60 (Format 6&7) 1980 Total Horizontal Clocks per line Data Enable 700 40 440 1280 Clocks for Active Video 220 clocks HSYNC ~ 1980 clocks 260 745 746 747 748 749 750 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ~ ~ ~ HSYNC ~ ~ 440 ~ ~ ~ ~ Data Enable ~ 720 Active Vertical Lines Progressive Frame: 30 Vertical Blanking Lines 25 26 745 746 750 VSYNC Figure 4-22: H:V:DE Output Timing 1280 x 720p @ 50 (Format 19) GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 52 of 150 2640 Total Horizontal Clocks per line Data Enable 720 44 1920 Clocks for Active Video 148 clocks 528 HSYNC ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Data Enable ~ 540 Active Vertical Lines per field Field 1: 22 Vertical Blanking Lines 2640 clocks 528 192 ~ ~ HSYNC 1123 1124 1125 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 19 20 21 560 561 562 VSYNC ~ ~ 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 ~ 192 HSYNC 560 ~ 2640 clocks 1320 528 ~ ~ ~ Data Enable ~ 540 Active Vertical Lines per field Field 2: 23 Vertical Blanking Lines 569 570 582 583 584 1123 1124 1125 VSYNC Figure 4-23: H:V:DE Output Timing 1920 x 1080i @ 50 (Format 20) GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 53 of 150 1728 Total Horizontal Clocks per line Data Enable 288 126 24 1440 Clocks for Active Video 138 clocks HSYNC ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Data Enable ~ 288 Active Vertical Lines per field Field 1: 24 Vertical Blanking Lines 1728 clocks 264 ~~ 24 HSYNC 623 624 625 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 22 23 310 311 312 VSYNC ~ ~ 288 Active Vertical Lines per field Field 2: 25 Vertical Blanking Lines ~ ~ Data Enable 24 1728 clocks 864 264 HSYNC 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 335 336 623 624 625 VSYNC Figure 4-24: H:V:DE Output Timing 720 (1440) x 576 @ 50 (Format 21 & 22) 2200 Total Horizontal Clocks per line Data Enable 88 280 1920 Clocks for Active Video 44 148 clocks HSYNC Progressive Frame: 45 Vertical Blanking Lines ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Data Enable 1080 Active Vertical Lines 2200 clocks 192 ~ HSYNC 1121 1122 1123 1124 1125 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 41 42 ~ ~ 88 1121 1122 1123 1124 1125 VSYNC Figure 4-25: H:V:DE Output Timing 1920 x 1080p @ 59.94/60 (Format 16) GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 54 of 150 2640 Total Horizontal Clocks per line Data Enable 720 44 528 1920 Clocks for Active Video 148 clocks HSYNC ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Data Enable ~ 1080 Active Vertical Lines Progressive Frame: 45 Vertical Blanking Lines 2640 clocks 192 ~ HSYNC 1121 1122 1123 1124 1125 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 41 42 ~ ~ 528 1121 1122 1123 1124 1125 VSYNC Figure 4-26: H:V:DE Output Timing 1920 x 1080p @ 50 (Format 31) 2750 Total Horizontal Clocks per line Data Enable 830 44 638 1920 Clocks for Active Video 148 clocks HSYNC Progressive Frame: 45 Vertical Blanking Lines ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Data Enable 1080 Active Vertical Lines 2750 clocks 192 ~ HSYNC 1121 1122 1123 1124 1125 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 41 42 ~ ~ 638 1121 1122 1123 1124 1125 VSYNC Figure 4-27: H:V:DE Output Timing 1920 x 1080p @ 23.94/24 (Format 32) GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 55 of 150 2640 Total Horizontal Clocks per line Data Enable 720 44 528 1920 Clocks for Active Video 148 clocks HSYNC Progressive Frame: 45 Vertical Blanking Lines ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Data Enable 1080 Active Vertical Lines 2640 clocks 192 ~ HSYNC 1121 1122 1123 1124 1125 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 41 42 ~ ~ 528 1121 1122 1123 1124 1125 VSYNC Figure 4-28: H:V:DE Output Timing 1920 x 1080p @ 25 (Format 33) 2200 Total Horizontal Clocks per line Data Enable 280 44 88 1920 Clocks for Active Video 148 clocks HSYNC Progressive Frame: 45 Vertical Blanking Lines ~ ~ ~ 2220 clocks ~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 41 42 ~ ~ 192 HSYNC 1121 1122 1123 1124 1125 ~ 88 ~ ~ Data Enable 1080 Active Vertical Lines 1121 1122 1123 1124 1125 VSYNC Figure 4-29: H:V:DE Output Timing 1920 x 1080p @ 29.97/30 (Format 34) 4.13 Automatic Video Standards Detection Using the timing extracted from the received TRS signals, the GS2971A is able to identify the received video standard. In 3G input mode, the GS2971A measures the timing parameters of one of the two identical data streams. The Rate Selection/Indication bits and the VD_STD code may be used in combination to determine the video standard. The total samples per line, active samples per line, total lines per field/frame and active lines per field/frame are all measured. Four registers are provided to allow the system to read the video standard information from the device. These raster structure registers are provided in addition to the GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 56 of 150 VIDEO_FORMAT_352_A_X and VIDEO_FORMAT_352_B_X registers, and are updated once per frame at the end of line 12. The raster structure registers also contain three status bits: STD_LOCK, INT/PROG and M. The STD_LOCK bit is set HIGH whenever the timing signal generator is fully synchronized to the incoming standard, and detects it as one of the supported formats. The INT/PROG bit is set HIGH if the detected video standard is interlaced and LOW if the detected video standard is progressive. M is set HIGH if the clock frequency includes the “1000/1001” factor denoting a 23.98, 29.97 or 59.94Hz frame rate. The video standard code is reported in the VD_STD bits of the host interface register. Table 4-11 describes the 5-bit codes for the recognized video standards. Table 4-11: Supported Video Standard Codes Active Video Area RATE_ DET[1] HD/3G RATE_ DET[0] SD/HD Lines per Frame Active Lines per Frame Words per Active Line Words per Line VD_STD [5:0] ST 425 (3G Level A) 4:2:2 1920x1080/60 (1:1) 1 0 1125 1080 1920 2200 2Bh 1920x1080/50 (1:1) 1 0 1125 1080 1920 2640 2Dh ST 425 (3G Level B DS1 and DS2) 4:2:2 1920x1080/60 (2:1) 1 0 1125 540* 1920 2200 0Ah 1920x1080/50 (2:1) 1 0 1125 540* 1920 2640 0Ch 1920x1080/60 (2:1) or 1920x1080/30 (PsF) 1 0 1125 1080 3840 4400 2Ah 1920x1080/50 (2:1) or 1920x1080/25 (PsF) 1 0 1125 1080 3840 5280 2Ch 1280x720/60 (1:1) 1 0 750 720 2560 3300 20h 1280x720/50 (1:1) 1 0 750 720 2560 3960 24h 1920x1080/30 (1:1) 1 0 1125 1080 3840 4400 2Bh 1920x1080/25 (1:1) 1 0 1125 1080 3840 5280 2Dh 1280x720/25 (1:1) 1 0 750 720 2560 7920 26h 1920x1080/24 (1:1) 1 0 1125 1080 3840 5500 30h 1280x720/24 (1:1) 1 0 750 720 2560 8250 28h ST 260 (HD) 1920x1035/60 (2:1) 0 0 1125 1035 1920 2200 15h ST 295 (HD) 1920x1080/50 (2:1) 0 0 1250 1080 1920 2376 14h SMPTE Standard ST 425 (3G) 4:4:4 GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 57 of 150 Table 4-11: Supported Video Standard Codes (Continued) SMPTE Standard ST 274 (HD) ST 296 (HD) ST 296 (HD) ST 125 (SD) Active Video Area RATE_ DET[1] HD/3G RATE_ DET[0] SD/HD Lines per Frame Active Lines per Frame Words per Active Line Words per Line VD_STD [5:0] 1920x1080/60 (2:1) or 1920x1080/30 (PsF) 0 0 1125 1080 1920 2200 0Ah 1920x1080/50 (2:1) or 1920x1080/25 (PsF) 0 0 1125 1080 1920 2640 0Ch 1920x1080/30 (1:1) 0 0 1125 1080 1920 2200 0Bh 1920x1080/25 (1:1) 0 0 1125 1080 1920 2640 0Dh 1920x1080/24 (1:1) 0 0 1125 1080 1920 2750 10h 1920x1080/24 (PsF) 0 0 1125 1080 1920 2750 11h 1920x1080/25 (1:1) – EM 0 0 1125 1080 2304 2640 0Eh 1920x1080/25 (PsF) – EM 0 0 1125 1080 2304 2640 0Fh 1920x1080/24 (1:1) – EM 0 0 1125 1080 2400 2750 12h 1920x1080/24 (PsF) – EM 0 0 1125 1080 2400 2750 13h 1280x720/30 (1:1) –EM 0 0 750 720 1280 3300 02h 1280x720/30 (1:1) – EM 0 0 750 720 2880 3300 03h 1280x720/50 (1:1) 0 0 750 720 1280 1980 04h 1280x720/50 (1:1) – EM 0 0 750 720 1728 1980 05h 1280x720/25 (1:1) 0 0 750 720 1280 3960 06h 1280x720/25 (1:1) – EM 0 0 750 720 3456 3960 07h 1280x720/24 (1:1) 0 0 750 720 1280 4125 08h 1280x720/24 (1:1) – EM 0 0 750 720 3600 4125 09h 1280x720/60 (1:1) 0 0 750 720 1280 1650 00h 1280x720/60 (1:1) – EM 0 0 750 720 1440 1650 01h 1440x487/60 (2:1) x 1 525 244 or 243* 1440 1716 16h 1440x507/60 x 1 525 254 or 253* 1440 1716 17h 525-line 487 generic x 1 525 − − 1716 19h 525-line 507 generic x 1 525 − − 1716 1Bh GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 58 of 150 Table 4-11: Supported Video Standard Codes (Continued) Active Video Area RATE_ DET[1] HD/3G RATE_ DET[0] SD/HD Lines per Frame Active Lines per Frame Words per Active Line Words per Line VD_STD [5:0] 1440x576/50 (2:1) Or dual link progressive) x 1 625 − 1440 1728 18h 625-line generic x 1 625 − − 1728 1Ah Unknown HD SD/HD = 0 0 0 − − − − 1Dh Unknown SD SD/HD = 1 x 1 − − − − 1Eh Unknown 3G SD/HD = 0 1 0 − − − − 3Ch 2048x1080/30 (1:1) 0 0 1125 1080 2048 2200 31h 2048x1080/25 (1:1) 0 0 1125 1080 2048 2640 32h 2048x1080/24 (1:1) 0 0 1125 1080 2048 2750 33h 2048x1080/60 (1:1) 1 0 1125 1080 2048 2200 37h 2048x1080/50 (1:1) 1 0 1125 1080 2048 2640 38h 2048x1080/48 (1:1) 1 0 1125 1080 2048 2750 39h 2048x1080/30 (1:1) 1 0 1125 1080 2048 2200 34h 2048x1080/25 (1:1) 1 0 1125 1080 2048 2640 35h 2048x1080/24 (1:1) 1 0 1125 1080 2048 2750 36h 2048x1080/60 (2:1) 0 (1) 0 1125 540* 2048 2200 3Dh 2048x1080/50 (2:1) 0 (1) 0 1125 540* 2048 2640 3Eh 2048x1080/48 (2:1) 0 (1) 0 1125 540* 2048 2750 3Fh Unknown 2K x 0 − − 2048 − 3Ah SMPTE Standard ITU-R BT.656 (SD) 2K Standards (see 4.13.1 2K Support) 2048-2200xX (4:2:2) 2048-2200X (4:4:4) Non SMPTE or 2048-2200xX (4:2:2) Level B DS1 and DS2 Non SMPTE Notes: 1. The Line Numbers in brackets refer to version zero SMPTE ST 352 packet locations, if they are different from version 1. 2. The part may provide full or limited functionality with standards that are not included in this table. Please consult a Semtech technical representative. 3. *For SD-SDI streams, the device can report an incorrect M value when SMPTE ST 352 packets are present Note: In certain systems, due to greater ppm offsets in the crystal, the ‘M’ bit may not assert properly. In such cases, bits 3:0 in Register 06Fh can be increased to a maximum value of 4. GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 59 of 150 By default (after power up or after systems reset), the four RASTER_STRUCTURE, VD_STD, STD_LOCK and INT/PROG registers are set to zero. These registers are also cleared when the SMPTE_BYPASS pin is LOW. 4.13.1 2K Support In order to fully support 2K standards without customer intervention, Semtech provides FPGA code for enhancing the GS2971A's 2K capability. The features of the 2K FPGA enhancement are: • Automatic video standard detection for 2K standards • 1/1.001 rate detection for 2K standards • CEA-861 timing generation for 2K standards • Automatic enabling of audio extraction This enhancement is an interface between the GS2971A and the customer system. The behaviour of the GS2971A with or without the additional 2K enhancement FPGA code is identical from a user-perspective. FPGA Level_B PLL ÷1 ÷2 0 1 GIb_MUX GIb_Buf GS2971A Pclk_div2 Pclk Host_GSPI_CS GS2971A_GSPI_SDI Host_GSPI_SCLK GS2971A_GSPI_CS Host_GSPI_SDI GS2971A_GSPI_SCLK Host_GSPI_SDOUT GS2971A_GSPI_SDOUT Host_GSPI_busy STAT3 Level_B STAT4 STAT5 rate_m_o WO_2K clk_27M_ref std_2K_det_o reset dy_out_o[9:0] smpte_bypass_i dc_out_o[9:0] tim_861 fvh_o[2:0] dy_in_i[9:0] dc_in_i[9:0] fvh_i[2:0] Host Interface Control Level_B Vid_Out[19:0] HVF[2:0] Figure 4-30: 2K Feature Enhancement 4.14 Data Format Detection & Indication In addition to detecting the video standard, the GS2971A detects the data format, i.e. SDTI, SDI, TDM data (SMPTE ST 346), etc. This information is represented by bits in the DATA_FORMAT_DSX register accessible through the host interface. Data format detection is only carried out when the LOCKED signal is HIGH. By default (at power up or after system reset), the DATA_FORMAT_DSX register is set to Fh (undefined). This register is also set as undefined when the LOCKED signal is LOW and/or the SMPTE_BYPASS pin is LOW. GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 60 of 150 Table 4-12: Data Format Register Codes YDATA_FORMAT[3:0] or CDATA_FORMAT[3:0] Data Format Remarks 0h ~ 05h SDTI SMPTE ST 321, SMPTE ST 322, SMPTE ST 326 6h SDI − 7h Reserved − 8h TDM SMPTE ST 346 9h HD-SDTI − Ah ~ Eh Reserved − Fh Non-SMPTE data format Detected data format is not SMPTE. LOCKED = LOW. Note: This Data Format register is invalid in SMPTE_BYPASS mode. The data format is determined using the following criteria: • If TRS ID words are detected but no SDTI header or TDM header is detected, then the data format is SDI • If TRS ID words are detected and the SDTI header is available then the format is SDTI • If TRS ID words are detected and the TDM data header is detected then the format is TDM video • No TRS words are detected, but the PLL is locked, then the data format is unknown Note: Two data format sets are provided for HD video rates. This is because the Y and Cr/Cb channels can be used separately to carry SDTI data streams of different data formats. In SD video mode, only the Y data format register contains the data, and the C register is set to Fh (undefined format). 4.15 EDH Detection 4.15.1 EDH Packet Detection The GS2971A determines if EDH packets are present in the incoming video data and asserts the EDH_DETECT status according to the SMPTE standard. EDH_DETECT is set HIGH when EDH packets have been detected and remains HIGH until EDH packets are no longer present. It is set LOW at the end of the vertical blanking (falling edge of V) if an EDH packet has not been detected during vertical blanking. EDH_DETECT can be programmed to be output on the multi-function output port pins. The EDH_DETECT bit is also available in the host interface. GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 61 of 150 4.15.2 EDH Flag Detection The EDH flags for ancillary data, active picture, and full field regions are extracted from the detected EDH packets and placed in the EDH_FLAG_IN register. When the EDH_FLAG_UPDATE_MASK bit in the host interface is set HIGH, the GS2971A updates the Ancillary Data, Full Field, and Active Picture EDH flags according to SMPTE RP165. The updated EDH flags are available in the EDH_FLAG_OUT register. The EDH packet output from the device contains these updated flags. One set of flags is provided for both fields 1 and 2. The field 1 flag data is overwritten by the field 2 flag data. When EDH packets are not detected, the UES flags in the EDH_FLAG_OUT register are set HIGH to signify that the received signal does not support Error Detection and Handling. In addition, the EDH_DETECT bit is set LOW. These flags are set regardless of the setting of the EDH_FLAG_UPDATE_MASK bit. EDH_FLAG_OUT and EDH_FLAG_IN may be read via the host interface at any time during the received frame except on the lines defined in SMPTE RP165, when these flags are updated. The GS2971A indicates the CRC validity for both active picture and full field CRCs. The AP_CRC_V bit in the host interface indicates the active picture CRC validity, and the FF_CRC_V bit indicates the full field CRC validity. When EDH_DETECT = LOW, these bits are cleared. The EDH_FLAG_OUT and EDH_FLAG_IN register values remain set until overwritten by the decoded flags in the next received EDH packet. When an EDH packet is not detected during vertical blanking, the flag registers are cleared at the end of the vertical blanking period. 4.16 Video Signal Error Detection & Indication The GS2971A includes a number of video signal error detection functions. These are provided to enhance operation of the device when operating in SMPTE mode (SMPTE_BYPASS = HIGH). These features are not available in the other operating modes of the device (i.e. when SMPTE_BYPASS = LOW). Signal errors that can be detected include: 1. TRS errors. 2. HD line based CRC errors. 3. EDH errors. 4. HD line number errors. 5. Video standard errors. The device maintains an ERROR_STAT_X register. Each error condition has a specific flag in the ERROR_STAT_X register, which is set HIGH whenever an error condition is detected. An ERROR_MASK register is also provided, allowing the user to select which error conditions are reported. Each bit of the ERROR_MASK register corresponds to a unique error type. GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 62 of 150 Separate SD_AUDIO_ERROR_MASK and HD_AUDIO_ERROR_MASK registers for SD and HD audio cores are also provided, allowing select error conditions to be reported. Each bit of each ERROR_MASK register corresponds to a unique error type. By default (at power up or after system reset), all bits of the ERROR_MASK registers are zero, enabling all errors to be reported. Individual error detection may be disabled by setting the corresponding bit HIGH in the mask registers. Error conditions are indicated by a VIDEO _ERROR signal and an AUDIO_ERROR signal, which are available for output on the multifunction I/O output pins. The two signals are also combined into a summary DATA_ERROR signal, which is also available on the multifunction I/O pins. These signals are normally HIGH, but are set LOW by the device when an error condition has been detected. These signals are a logical 'NOR' of the appropriate error status flags stored in the ERROR_STAT_X register, which are gated by the bit settings in the ERROR_MASK registers. When an error status bit is HIGH and the corresponding error mask bit is LOW, the corresponding DATA_ERROR signal is set LOW by the device. The ERROR_STAT_X registers, and correspondingly the DATA_ERROR, VIDEO_ERROR, and AUDIO_ERROR signals, are cleared at the start of the next video field or when read via the host interface, which ever condition occurs first. Note that any AUDIO_ERROR condition will cause DATA_ERROR to assert. Use the SD_AUDIO_ERROR_MASK and HD_AUDIO_ERROR_MASK registers if masking these events is desired. All bits of the ERROR_STAT_X registers are also cleared under any of the following conditions: 1. LOCKED signal = LOW. 2. SMPTE_BYPASS = LOW. 3. When a change in video standard has been detected. 4. RESET_TRST = LOW Table 4-13 shows the ERROR_STAT_X register and ERROR_MASK_X register. Note: Since the error indication registers are cleared once per field, if an external host micro is polling the error registers periodically, an error flag may be missed if it is intermittent, and the polling frequency is less than the field rate. Table 4-13: Error Status Register and Error Mask Register Video Error Status Register Video Error Mask Register SAV_ERR (02h, 03h) SAV_ERR_MASK (037h, 038h) EAV_ERR (02h, 03h) EAV_ERR_MASK (037h, 038h) YCRC_ERR (02h, 03h) YCRC_ERR_MASK (037h, 038h) CCRC_ERR (02h, 03h) CCRC_ERR_MASK (037h, 038h) LNUM_ERR (02h, 03h) LNUM_ERR_MASK (037h, 038h) YCS_ERR (02h, 03h) YCS_ERR_MASK (037h, 038h) CCS_ERR (02h, 03h) CCS_ERR_MASK (037h, 038h) AP_CRC_ERR (02h) AP_CRC_ERR_MASK (037h) GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 63 of 150 Table 4-13: Error Status Register and Error Mask Register (Continued) Video Error Status Register Video Error Mask Register FF_CRC_ERR (02h) FF_CRC_ERR_MASK (037h) VD_STD_ERR (02h, 03h) VD_STD_ERR_MASK (037h) Note 1: See Section 4.19 for Audio Error Status. Note 2: In 3G Level B mode, separate Video Error Mask registers exist for Link A and Link B. The GS2971A distinguishes between Level A and Level B mappings at 3Gb/s. When Level B data is detected, error detection is enabled separately for Data Stream 1 and Data Stream 2 (Link A and Link B, respectively). Therefore, a second set of error status and mask registers is available for Data Stream 2, and is only valid when 3Gb/s Level B data is detected by the device. 4.16.1 TRS Error Detection TRS error flags are generated by the GS2971A under the following two conditions: 1. A phase shift in received TRS timing is observed on a non-switching line. 2. The received TRS Hamming codes are incorrect. Both SAV and EAV TRS words are checked for timing and data integrity errors. For HD mode, only the Y channel TRS codes are checked for errors. For 3G mode Level A signals, only data stream one TRS codes are checked for errors. For 3G Level B signals, the Y channel TRS codes of both Link A and Link B are checked for errors. Both 8-bit and 10-bit TRS code words are checked for errors. The SAV_ERR bit of the ERROR_STAT_X register is set HIGH when an SAV TRS error is detected. The EAV_ERR bit of the ERROR_STAT_X register is set HIGH when an EAV TRS error is detected. 4.16.2 Line Based CRC Error Detection The GS2971A calculates line based CRCs for HD and 3G video signals. CRC calculations are done for each 10-bit channel (Y and C for HD video, DS1 and DS2 for 3G video). These calculated CRC values are compared with the received CRC values. If a mismatch in the calculated and received CRC values is detected for Y channel data (Data Stream 1 for 3G video), the YCRC_ERR bit in the ERROR_STAT_X register is set HIGH. If a mismatch in the calculated and received CRC values is detected for C channel data (Data Stream 2 for 3G video), the CCRC_ERR bit in the ERROR_STAT_X register is set HIGH. Y or C CRC errors are also generated if CRC values are not embedded. GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 64 of 150 Line based CRC errors are only generated when the device is operating in HD and 3G modes. Note: By default, 8-bit to 10-bit TRS remapping is enabled. If an 8-bit input is used, the HD CRC check is based on the 10-bit remapped value, not the 8-bit value, so the CRC Error Flag is incorrectly asserted and should be ignored. If 8-bit to 10-bit remapping is enabled, then CRC correction and insertion should be enabled by setting the CRC_INS_MASK bit LOW in the IOPROC_1 or IOPROC_2 register. This ensures that the CRC values are updated. 4.16.3 EDH CRC Error Detection The GS2971A also calculates Full Field (FF) and Active Picture (AP) CRC's according to SMPTE RP 165 in support of Error Detection and Handling packets in SD signals. These calculated CRC values are compared with the received CRC values. Error flags for AP and FF CRC errors are provided and each error flag is a logical OR of field 1 and field 2 error conditions. The AP_CRC_ERR bit in the VIDEO_ERROR_STAT_X register is set HIGH when an Active Picture CRC mismatch has been detected in field 1 or 2. The FF_CRC_ERR bit in the VIDEO_ERROR_STAT_X register is set HIGH when a Full Field CRC mismatch has been detected in field 1 or 2. EDH CRC errors are only indicated when the device is operating in SD mode and when the device has correctly received EDH packets. 4.16.4 HD & 3G Line Number Error Detection If a mismatch in the calculated and received line numbers is detected, the LNUM_ERR bit in the VIDEO_ERROR_STAT_X register is set HIGH. 4.17 Ancillary Data Detection & Indication The GS2971A detects ancillary data in both the vertical and horizontal ancillary data spaces. Status signal outputs Y/1ANC and C/2ANC are provided to indicate the position of ancillary data in the output data streams. These signals may be selected for output on the multi-function I/O port pins (STAT[5:0]). The GS2971A indicates the presence of all types of ancillary data by detecting the 000h, 3FFh, 3FFh (00h, FFh, FFh for 8-bit video) ancillary data preamble. Note 1: Both 8 and 10-bit ancillary data preambles are detected by the device. By default (at power up or after system reset) the GS2971A indicates all types of ancillary data. Up to 5 types of ancillary data can be specifically programmed for recognition. For HD video signals, ancillary data may be placed in both the Y and Cb/Cr video data streams separately. For SD video signals, the ancillary data is multiplexed and combined into the YCbCr data space. For 3G signals, ancillary data may be placed in either or both of the virtual interface data streams. Both data streams are examined for ancillary data. GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 65 of 150 For a 3G data stream formatted as per Level A mapping: • The ancillary data is placed in Data Stream 1 first, with overflow into Data Stream 2 • SMPTE ST 352 packets are duplicated in both data streams For a 3G data stream formatted as per Level B mapping: • Each multiplexed data stream forming the 3G signal contains ancillary data embedded according to SMPTE ST 291 • Each multiplexed data stream forming the 3G signal contains SMPTE ST 352 packets embedded according to SMPTE ST 425 When operating in HD mode, the Y/1ANC signal is HIGH whenever ancillary data is detected in the Luma data stream, and C/2ANC is HIGH whenever ancillary data is detected in the Chroma data stream. The signals are asserted HIGH at the start of the ancillary data preamble, and remain HIGH until after the ancillary data checksum. When detecting ancillary data in 3G Level A data, the Y/1ANC status output is HIGH whenever Data Stream 1 ancillary data is detected and the C/2ANC status output is HIGH whenever Data Stream 2 ancillary data is detected. When detecting ancillary data in 3G Level B data, the Y/1ANC status output is HIGH whenever Data Stream 1 ancillary data is detected on either Y or C channels and the C/2ANC status output is HIGH whenever Data Stream 2 ancillary data is detected on either Y or C channels. When operating in SD mode, the Y/1ANC and C/2ANC signals depend on the output data format. For 20-bit demultiplexed data, the Y/1ANC and C/2ANC signals operate independently to indicate the first and last ancillary Data Word position in the Luma and/or Chroma data streams. For 10-bit multiplexed data, the Y/1ANC signal is HIGH whenever ancillary data is detected, and the C/2ANC signal is always LOW. When operating in 3G modes, the Y/1ANC and C/2ANC flags are both zero if the 10-bit multiplexed output format is selected. These status signal outputs are synchronous with PCLK and may be used as clock-enables for external logic, or as write-enables for an external FIFO or other memory devices. The operation of the Y/1ANC and C/2ANC signals is shown below in Figure 4-31. Note 2: When I/O processing is disabled, the Y/1ANC and C/2ANC flags may toggle, but they are invalid and should be ignored. Note 3: In 3G Level B mode, if the ANC_EXT_SEL_DS2_DS1 bit is HIGH and the ANC_DATA_DELETE bit is HIGH, the Y/1ANC and C/2ANC flags are not valid. Note 4: For 3G Level B data, the Y/1ANC flag identifies all ANC data on Data Stream 1 (Link A), whether it is embedded in the Y or C component – ANC data is not identified separately for each component. Similarly, the C/2ANC flag identifies all ANC data on Data Stream 2 (Link B), whether it is embedded in the Y or C component. GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 66 of 150 m PC LK LU M A D ATA O U T 000 3FF 3FF D ID DBN DC ANC DATA CSUM BLANK BLAN K CHRO M A DATA O UT 000 3FF 3FF D ID DBN DC ANC DATA ANC DATA ANC DATA CSUM Y/1ANC C/2ANC A N C D A T A D E T E C T IO N - H D T V 2 0 B IT O U T P U T M O D E PC LK M U L T IP L E X E D Y 'C b C r 000 000 3FF 3FF 3FF 3FF Y D ID CANC YCSUM CCSUM Y/1ANC C/2ANC A N C D A T A D E T E C T IO N - H D T V 1 0 B IT O U T P U T M O D E PC LK LU M A D ATA O U T CHRO M A DATA O UT BLAN K 3FF D ID DC ANC DATA ANC DATA ANC DATA CSUM BLAN K 000 3FF DBN ANC DATA ANC DATA ANC DATA ANC DATA BLAN K BLAN K Y/1ANC C/2ANC A N C D A T A D E T E C T IO N - S D T V 2 0 B IT O U T P U T M O D E PC LK M U L T IP L E X E D Y 'C b C r 000 3FF 3FF D ID DBN DC ANC DATA ANC DATA CSUM BLANK Y/1ANC A N C D A T A D E T E C T IO N - S D T V 1 0 B IT O U T P U T M O D E Figure 4-31: Y/1ANC and C/2ANC Signal Timing 4.17.1 Programmable Ancillary Data Detection As described above in Section 4.17, the GS2971A detects and indicates all ancillary data types by default. It is possible to program which ancillary data types are to be detected and indicated. Up to five different ancillary data types may be programmed for detection by the GS2971A in the ANC_TYPE_DS1 registers for SD, HD and 3G Level A data. When so programmed, the GS2971A only indicates the presence of the specified ancillary data types, ignoring all other ancillary data. For each data type to be detected, the user must program the DID and/or SDID of that ancillary data type. In the case where no DID or SDID values are programmed, the GS2971A indicates the presence of all ancillary data. In the case where one or more, DID and/or SDID values have been programmed, then only those matching data types are detected and indicated. The timing of the Y/1ANC and C/2ANC signals in this case is as shown in Figure 4-31. The GS2971A compares the received DID and/or SDID with the programmed values. If a match is found, ancillary data is indicated. For any DID or SDID value set to zero, no comparison or match is made. For example, if the DID is programmed and the SDID is not programmed, the GS2971A only detects a match to the DID value. If both DID and SDID values are non-zero, then the received ancillary data type must match both the DID and SDID before Y/1ANC and/or C/2ANC is set HIGH. GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 67 of 150 Note 1: For 3G Level B data, the ANC_TYPE_DS1 registers are valid for Data Stream 1, and a second set of five ANC_TYPE registers (ANC_TYPE_DS2) is provided for detection of specific ancillary data in Data Stream 2. Note 2: SMPTE ST 352 Payload Identifier packets and Error Detection and Handling (EDH) Packets are always detected by the GS2971A, irrespective of the settings of the ANC_TYPE registers. 4.17.2 SMPTE ST 352 Payload Identifier The GS2971A automatically extracts the SMPTE ST 352 payload identifier present in the input data stream for SD, HD, and 3G Level A signals. The four word payload identifier packets are written to VIDEO_FORMAT_X_DS1 and VIDEO_FORMAT_X_DS2 bits accessible through the host interface. The device also indicates the version of the payload packet in the VERSION_352M bit of the DATA_FORMAT_DSX register. When the SMPTE ST 352 packet is formatted as a “version 1” packet, the VERSION_352M bit is set HIGH, when the packet is formatted as a “version 2” packet, this bit is set LOW. The VIDEO_FORMAT_352_A_X and VIDEO_FORMAT_352_B_X registers are only updated if there are no checksum errors in the received SMPTE ST 352 packets. By default (at power up or after system reset), the VIDEO_FORMAT_X_DS1 and VIDEO_FORMAT_X_DS2 bits are set to 0, indicating an undefined format. Note 1: When 3G Level B data is detected by the device, the user needs to extract the SMPTE ST 352 Payload Identifier packets by using the ANC packet extraction block they are not detected and extracted automatically. In this case: • The VD_STD_ERR bit is not valid • ST 352 extraction is only done on one data stream or the other, not both simultaneously (Link A or Link B selected via the host interface) • Previously embedded ST 352 packets can be deleted on one data stream only (using the ANC_DATA_DELETE bit, see Section 4.18.8), but these packets are replaced with 10-bit Y/C blanking values only • It is necessary to manually extract the SMPTE ST 352 data by programming the DID, SDID and line number information into the ANC data extraction block Note 2: SMPTE ST 352 packet regeneration is enabled by default for 3G Level B inputs, and should be disabled through the host interface if Level B to Level A conversion is not enabled. GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 68 of 150 SMPTE ST 352 Payload Identifier Usage The SMPTE ST 352 Payload Identifier is used to confirm the video format identified by the Automatic Video Standards Detection block (see Section 4.17.4) Table 4-14: SMPTE ST 352 Packet Data Bit Name VIDEO_FORMAT_4_DS1 Address: 01Ah VIDEO_FORMAT_3_DS1 Address: 01Ah VIDEO_FORMAT_2_DS1 Address: 019h VIDEO_FORMAT_2_DS1 Address: 019h Bit Name 15-8 SMPTE ST 352 Byte 4 7-0 SMPTE ST 352 Byte 3 15-8 SMPTE ST 352 Byte 2 7-0 SMPTE ST 352 Byte 1 Description Data is available in this register when Video Payload Identification Packets are detected in the data stream. R/W Default R 0 R 0 R 0 R 0 3G SMPTE ST 352 Packets Following Level B to Level A Conversion After Level B to Level A conversion, modified payload data must be programmed via the host interface into the VIDEO_FORMAT_352_X_X registers and automatically inserted by the GS2971A on the correct SMPTE ST 352 Line Number. SMPTE ST 352 Packets are embedded in both data streams. Previously embedded ST 352 packets may be deleted from one data stream only (using the ANC_DATA_DELETE bit, see Section 4.18.8), but these packets are replaced with 10-bit Y/C blanking values. Note: Pre-existing SMPTE ST 352 Packets that are not deleted are re-mapped to different line numbers during conversion to Level A formatting. These packets should be ignored by the system, since they are on non-standard SMPTE ST 352 lines. 4.17.3 Ancillary Data Checksum Error The GS2971A calculates checksums for all received ancillary data. These calculated checksums are compared with the received ancillary data checksum words. If a mismatch in the calculated and received checksums is detected, then a checksum error is indicated. When operating in HD mode, the device makes comparisons on both the Y and C channels separately. If an error condition in the Y channel is detected, the YCS_ERR bit in the VIDEO_ERROR_STAT_X register is set HIGH. If an error condition in the C channel is detected, the CCS_ERR bit in the VIDEO_ERROR_STAT_X register is set HIGH. When operating in 3G Level A mode, the device makes comparisons on both the Y (Data Stream 1) and C (Data Stream 2) channels separately. If an error condition in the Y channel is detected, the YCS_ERR bit in the VIDEO_ERROR_STAT_X register is set HIGH. GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 69 of 150 If an error condition in the C channel is detected, the CCS_ERR bit in the VIDEO_ERROR_STAT_X register is set HIGH. When operating in 3G Level B mode, the device makes comparisons on both the Y channel and the C channel of both Link A and Link B. When operating in SD mode, only the YCS_ERR bit is set HIGH when checksum errors are detected. Programmable Ancillary Data Checksum Calculation As described above, the GS2971A calculates and compares checksum values for all ancillary data types by default. It is possible to program which ancillary data types are checked as described in Section 4.17.1. When so programmed, the GS2971A only checks ancillary data checksums for the specified data types, ignoring all other ancillary data. The YCS_ERR and/or CCS_ERR bits in the VIDEO_ERROR_STAT_X register are only set HIGH if an error condition is detected for the programmed ancillary data types. 4.17.4 Video Standard Error If a mismatch between the received SMPTE ST 352 packets and the calculated video standard occurs, the GS2971A indicates a video standard error by setting the VD_STD_ERR bit of the VIDEO_ERROR_STAT_X register HIGH. The device detects the SMPTE ST 352 Packet version as defined in the SMPTE ST 352 standard. If the incoming packet is Version Zero, then no comparison is made with the internally generated payload information and the VD_STD_ERR bit is not set HIGH. Note 1: If the received SMPTE ST 352 packet indicates 25, 30 or 29.97PsF formats, the device only indicates an error when the video format is actually progressive. The device detects 24 and 23.98PsF video standards and perform error checking at these rates. Note 2: The VD_STD_ERR bit should be ignored in all 3G modes. Note 3: VD_STD_ERR_DS1 is set incorrectly for a 1920x1080/PsF/24 payload ID. To resolve this issue, choose one of the two methods. • Set the VD_STD_ERR_DS1 mask bit high in the ERROR_MASK_1 register to avoid having incorrect assertion of the DATA_ERROR pin. • Monitor the received SMPTE ST 352 packet in the VIDEO_FORMAT_352_A_1 and VIDEO_FORMAT_352_B_1 registers and compare that to the video format identified in the VD_STD_DS1 bits in the DATA_FORMAT_DS1 register. Then, make the determination of whether or not there is a mismatch on their own. GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 70 of 150 4.18 Signal Processing In addition to error detection and indication, the GS2971A can also correct errors, inserting corrected code words, checksums and CRC values into the data stream. The following processing can be performed by the GS2971A: 1. TRS error correction and insertion. 2. HD line based CRC correction and insertion. 3. EDH CRC error correction and insertion. 4. HD line number error correction and insertion. 5. Illegal code re-mapping. 6. Ancillary data checksum error correction and insertion. 7. Audio extraction. 8. SMPTE ST 372 (Level B to Level A) Conversion. All of the above features are only available in SMPTE mode (SMPTE_BYPASS = HIGH). To enable these features, the IOPROC_EN/DIS pin must be set HIGH, and the individual feature must be enabled via bits in the IOPROC_1 and/or IOPROC_2 (depending on the data stream) register(s). The IOPROC_1 and IOPROC_2 registers contains one bit for each processing feature allowing each one to be enabled/disabled individually. By default (at power up or after device reset), all of the IOPROC_1 and IOPROC_2 register bits described in Table 4-15 below are set to zero (0), which enables all of the processing features. To disable an individual processing feature, set the corresponding bit to one (1) in the IOPROC_1 and/or IOPROC_2 register(s). Table 4-15: IOPROC_1 and IOPROC_2 Register Bits Processing Feature IOPROC_1 Register Bit IOPROC_2 Register Bit TRS error correction and insertion TRS_INS_DS1_MASK TRS_INS_DS2_MASK Y and C line based CRC error correction CRC_INS_DS1_MASK CRC_INS_DS2_MASK Y and C line number error correction LNUM_INS_DS1_MASK LNUM_INS_DS2_MASK Ancillary data check sum correction ANC_CHECKSUM_INSERTION_DS1_MASK ANC_CHECKSUM_INSERTION_DS2_MASK EDH CRC error correction EDH_CRC_INS_MASK N/A Illegal code re-mapping ILLEGAL_WORD_REMAP_DS1_MASK ILLEGAL_WORD_REMAP_DS2_MASK H timing signal configuration H_CONFIG N/A Update EDH Flags EDH_FLAG_UPDATE_MASK N/A Audio Data Extraction N/A AUDIO_SEL_DS2_DS1 Ancillary Data Extraction ANC_DATA_EXT_MASK ANC_EXT_SEL_DS2_DS1 GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 71 of 150 Table 4-15: IOPROC_1 and IOPROC_2 Register Bits (Continued) Processing Feature IOPROC_1 Register Bit IOPROC_2 Register Bit Audio Extraction AUD_EXT_MASK N/A Regeneration of ST 352 packets N/A REGEN_352M_MASK 4.18.1 TRS Correction & Insertion When TRS Error Correction and Insertion is enabled, the GS2971A generates and overwrites TRS code words as required. TRS Word Generation and Insertion is performed using the timing generated by the Timing Signal Generator, providing an element of noise immunity over using just the received TRS information. This feature is enabled when the IOPROC_EN/DIS pin is HIGH and the TRS_INS_DS1_MASK or TRS_INS_DS2_MASK bits in the IOPROC_1 or IOPROC_2 registers are set LOW. The TRS_INS_DS1_MASK bit is in the IOPROC_1 register and is used to enable/disable TRS correction and insertion for SD, HD, and 3G-A data streams. The TRS_INS_DS2_MASK bit is in the IOPROC_2 register and is used to enable/disable TRS correction and insertion for 3G-B data streams only. Note: Inserted TRS code words are always 10-bit compliant, irrespective of the bit depth of the incoming video stream. 4.18.2 Line Based CRC Correction & Insertion When CRC Error Correction and Insertion is enabled, the GS2971A generates and inserts line based CRC words into both the Y and C channels of the data stream. Line based CRC word generation and insertion only occurs in HD and 3G modes, and is enabled in when the IOPROC_EN/DIS pin is HIGH and the CRC_INS_DSX_MASK bit in the IOPROC_X register is set LOW. 4.18.3 Line Number Error Correction & Insertion When Line Number Error Correction and Insertion is enabled, the GS2971A calculates and inserts line numbers into the output data stream. Re-calculated line numbers are inserted into both the Y and C channels. Line number generation is in accordance with the relevant HD or 3G video standard as determined by the Automatic Standards Detection block. This feature is enabled when the device is operating in HD or 3G modes, the IOPROC_EN/DIS pin is HIGH and the LNUM_INS_DSX_MASK bit in the IOPROC_X register is set LOW. GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 72 of 150 4.18.4 ANC Data Checksum Error Correction & Insertion When ANC data Checksum Error Correction and Insertion is enabled, the GS2971A generates and inserts ancillary data checksums for all ancillary data words by default. Where user specified ancillary data has been programmed (see Section 4.17.1), only the checksums for the programmed ancillary data are corrected. This feature is enabled when the IOPROC_EN/DIS pin is HIGH and the ANC_CHECKSUM_INSERTION_DSX_MASK bit in the IOPROC_X register is set LOW. 4.18.5 EDH CRC Correction & Insertion When EDH CRC Error Correction and Insertion is enabled, the GS2971A generates and overwrites full field and active picture CRC check-words. Additionally, the device sets the active picture and full field CRC 'V' bits HIGH in the EDH packet. The AP_CRC_V and FF_CRC_V register bits only report the received EDH validity flags. EDH FF and AP CRC's are only inserted when the device is operating in SD mode, and if the EDH data packet is detected in the received video data. Although the GS2971A modifies and inserts EDH CRC's and EDH packet checksums, EDH error flags are only updated when the EDH_FLAG_UPDATE_MASK bit is LOW. This feature is enabled in SD mode, when the IOPROC_EN/DIS pin is HIGH and the EDH_CRC_INS_MASK bit in the IOPROC_1 register is set LOW. 4.18.6 Illegal Word Re-mapping All words within the active picture (outside the horizontal and vertical blanking periods), between the values of 3FCh and 3FFh are re-mapped to 3FBh. All words within the active picture area between the values of 000h and 003h are remapped to 004h. This feature is enabled when the IOPROC_EN/DIS pin is HIGH and the ILLEGAL_WORD_REMAP_DSX_MASK bit in the IOPROC_X register is set LOW. 4.18.7 TRS and Ancillary Data Preamble Remapping 8-bit TRS and ancillary data preambles are re-mapped to 10-bit values. 8-bit to 10-bit mapping of TRS headers is only supported if the TRS values are 3FC 000 000. Other values such as 3FD, 3FE, 3FF, 001, 002 and 003 are not supported. This feature is enabled by default, and cannot be disabled via the IOPROC_X register. GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 73 of 150 4.18.8 Ancillary Data Extraction Ancillary data may be extracted externally from the GS2971A output stream using the Y/1ANC and C/2ANC signals, and external logic. As an alternative, the GS2971A includes a FIFO, which extracts ancillary data using read access via the host interface to ease system implementation. The FIFO stores up to 2048 x 16 bit words of ancillary data in two separate 1024 word memory banks. The device writes the contents of ANC packets into the FIFO, starting with the first Ancillary Data Flag (ADF), followed by up to 1024 words. All Data Identification (DID), Secondary Data Identification (SDID), Data Count (DC), user data, and checksum words are written into the device memory. The device detects ancillary data packet DID's placed anywhere in the video data stream, including the active picture area. Ancillary data from the Y channel or Data Stream One is placed in the Least Significant Word (LSW) of the FIFO, allocated to the lower 8 bits of each FIFO address. Ancillary data from the C channel or Data Stream Two is placed in the Most Significant Word (MSW) (upper 8 bits) of each FIFO address. Note: Please refer to the ANC insertion and Extraction Application Note (Doc ID: GENDOC-053410), for discrete steps and example of Ancillary data extraction using the GS2971A. In SD mode, ancillary data is placed in the LSW of the FIFO. The MSW is set to zero. If the ANC_TYPE registers are all set to zero, the device extracts all types of ancillary data. If programmable ancillary data extraction is required, then up to five types of ancillary data to be extracted can be programmed in the ANC_TYPE registers (see Section 4.17.1). Additionally, the lines from which the packets are to be extracted can be programmed into the ANC_LINEA[10:0] and ANC_LINEB[10:0] registers, allowing ancillary data from a maximum of two lines per frame to be extracted. If only one line number register is programmed (with the other set to zero), ancillary data packets are extracted from one line per frame only. When both registers are set to zero, the device extracts packets from all lines. To start Ancillary Data Extraction, the ANC_DATA_EXT_MASK bit of the host interface must be set LOW. Ancillary data packet extraction begins in the following frame (see Figure 4-32: Ancillary Data Extraction - Step A). GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 74 of 150 Bank B Bank A Application Layer Read Pointer 0 ANC DATA 800h 0 800h BFFh 1023 BFFh ANC DATA ANC DATA ANC DATA ANC DATA ANC DATA ANC DATA Internal Write Pointer 1023 ANC_DATA_SWITCH=LOW Figure 4-32: Ancillary Data Extraction - Step A Ancillary data is written into Bank A until full. The Y/1ANC and C/2ANC output flags can be used to determine the length of the ancillary data extracted and when to begin reading the extracted data from memory. While the ANC_DATA_EXT_MASK bit is set LOW, the ANC_DATA_SWITCH bit can be set HIGH during or after reading the extracted data. New data is then written into Bank B (up to 1024 x 16-bit words), using the corresponding host interface addresses (see Figure 4-33: Ancillary Data Extraction - Step B). GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 75 of 150 Bank B Bank A 0 ANC DATA Internal Write Pointer 800h 0 800h 1023 BFFh ANC DATA ANC DATA ANC DATA ANC DATA ANC DATA ANC DATA Application Layer Read Pointer ANC DATA ANC DATA BFFh 1023 ANC_DATA_SWITCH = HIGH Figure 4-33: Ancillary Data Extraction - Step B To read the new data, toggle the ANC_DATA_SWITCH bit LOW. The old data in Bank A is cleared to zero and extraction continues in Bank B (see Figure 4-34: Ancillary Data Extraction - Step C). Bank A 0 800h Bank B Application Layer Read Pointer 0 ANC DATA 800h ANC DATA ANC DATA ANC DATA ANC DATA ANC DATA ANC DATA Internal Write Pointer 1023 BFFh 1023 BFFh ANC_DATA_SWITCH = LOW Figure 4-34: Ancillary Data Extraction - Step C GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 76 of 150 If the ANC_DATA_SWITCH bit is not toggled, extracted data is written into Bank B until full. To continue extraction in Bank A, the ANC_DATA_SWITCH bit must be toggled HIGH (see Figure 4-35: Ancillary Data Extraction - Step D). Bank B Bank A Internal Write Pointer 0 800h 0 ANC DATA 800h ANC DATA ANC DATA ANC DATA ANC DATA ANC DATA ANC DATA Application Layer Read Pointer ANC DATA ANC DATA 1023 BFFh 1023 BFFh ANC_DATA_SWITCH = HIGH Figure 4-35: Ancillary Data Extraction - Step D Toggling the ANC_DATA_SWITCH bit LOW returns the process to step A (Figure 4-32). Note: Toggling the ANC_DATA_SWITCH must occur at a time when no extraction is taking place, i.e. when the both the Y/1ANC and C/2ANC signals are LOW. To turn extraction off, the ANC_DATA_EXT_MASK bit must be set HIGH. In HD mode, the device can detect ancillary data packets in the Luma video data only, Chroma video data only, or both. By default (at power-up or after a system reset), the device extracts ancillary data packets from the luma channel only. In 3G mode Level A, the device can detect ancillary data packets in Luma video (Data Stream One) only, Chroma video (Data Stream Two) only, or both. By default (at power-up or after a system reset), the device extracts ancillary data packets from Data Stream One only. In 3G mode Level B mode, the device can detect ancillary data packets in Luma video only, Chroma video only, or both from either Link A or Link B. Selection of Link A or Link B for ANC data extraction is done via the host interface. By default (at power-up or after a system reset), the device extracts ancillary data packets from Link A Luma only. To extract packets from the Chroma/Data Stream Two channel only, the HD_ANC_C2 bit of the host interface must be set HIGH. To extract packets from both Luma/Data Stream One and Chroma/Data Stream Two video data, the HD_ANC_Y1_C2 bit must be set HIGH (the setting of the HD_ANC_C2 bit is ignored). GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 77 of 150 The default setting of both the HD_ANC_C2 and HD_ANC_Y1_C2 is LOW. The setting of these bits is ignored when the device is configured for SD video standards. Ancillary data packet extraction and deletion is disabled when the IOPROC_EN/DIS pin is set LOW. After extraction, the ancillary data may be deleted from the video stream by setting the ANC_DATA_DEL bit of the host interface HIGH. When set HIGH, all existing ancillary data is removed and replaced with blanking values. If any of the ANC_TYPE registers are programmed with a DID and/or DID and SDID, only the ancillary data packets with the matching IDs are deleted from the video stream. Note 1: After the ancillary data determined by the ANC_TYPE_X_APX registers has been deleted, other existing ancillary data may not be contiguous. The device does not concatenate the remaining ancillary data. Note 2: Reading extracted ancillary data from the host interface must be performed while there is a valid video signal present at the serial input and the device is locked (LOCKED signal is HIGH). 4.18.9 Level B to Level A Conversion When IOPROC_2 register bit LEVEL_B2A_CONV_DISABLE_MASK is HIGH (default), the GS2971A does not convert 3G LEVEL B streams between Level A and Level B mapping formats. When LEVEL_B2A_CONV_DISABLE_MASK is LOW, the GS2971A converts a 3G 1080p Level B stream to the Level A mapping format, as per SMPTE ST 425. The device assumes that Link A and Link B are phase-aligned at the transmitter. The output data are line multiplexed such that the data content from Link A and Link B are assembled in a continuous fashion, at twice the input data rate. Extracted timing reference information is used to trigger a line counter which embeds the correct line number according to SMPTE ST 425. The Level B/A conversion acts only on the active picture, ANC data can become corrupt outside of this region. In order to ensure that the embedded ANC data remains valid, we recommend extracting the ANC data with the receiver prior to the Level B/A conversion taking place. Note 1: If Level B/A conversion is enabled, previous ST 352 Payload ID packets are not deleted from the data stream. Note 2: When Level B/A conversion is enabled, timing reference information (FVH) present on the STAT outputs is not phase-aligned with the output video data, and should not be used for line or frame synchronization activities. Being that CEA 861 timing is derived from (FVH) timing reference information, it too should not be used. During Level B to Level A conversion, it is advised that the user generates the H and V timing signals from the embedded TRS words. Note 3: If the GS2971A sees a synchronous switch where the difference in phases between two Level B inputs is greater than ~10.7μs, the user may observe a missing H pulse on the line following the switch line, when Level B/A conversion is enabled. Note 4: Discontinuities in the line of video at the input of the Level B to A converter can cause erroneous mapping to the Level A format. Therefore, when enabling B to A GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 78 of 150 conversion or enabling/disabling audio, it is recommended to reset the Level B to A converter with the following sequence: 1. Assert the B to A converter reset by writing '1' to bit 3 of register 05Eh. 2. Monitor H-pulse for a high-to-low transition. 3. De-assert the B to A converter reset by writing '0' to bit 3 of register 05Eh. This must be completed at the beginning of AV and should be completed in 1920 PCLK periods. 4.19 Audio De-embedder The GS2971A includes an integrated audio de-embedder which is enabled by default in SMPTE mode. It can be disabled by setting the AUDIO_EN/DIS pin LOW, or by setting the host interface AUD_EXT_MASK bit to HIGH, or by keeping IOPROC_EN/DIS pin LOW. In non-SMPTE modes, the audio de-embedder is not active. Up to eight channels of audio may be extracted from the received serial digital video stream. The output signal formats supported by the device include AES/EBU, I2S (default) and industry standard serial digital formats. 16, 20 and 24-bit audio bit depths are supported for 48kHz synchronous audio for SD data rates. For HD and 3G data rates, 16, 20 and 24-bit audio bit depths are supported for 48kHz audio. The audio may be synchronous or asynchronous to the video. In 3G mode: • In Level A mode, all Audio Control Packets are extracted from Data Stream One and all Audio Data Packets are extracted from Data Stream Two, in accordance with SMPTE ST 425. This is similar to HD, in which Audio Control Packets are embedded in the Luma channel and audio data packets in the Chroma channel • In Level B mode, extraction of audio packets from Link A (default) or Link B is selectable via the AUDIO_SEL_DS2_DS1 bit in the host interface Additional audio processing features include audio mute on loss of lock, de-embed and delete, group selection, audio output re-mapping, ECC error detection and correction (HD/3G modes only), and audio channel status extraction. 4.19.1 Serial Audio Data I/O Signals The Serial Audio Data I/O pins are listed in Table 4-16: Serial Audio Pin Descriptions. Table 4-16: Serial Audio Pin Descriptions Pin Name AUDIO_EN/DIS Description Enable Input for Audio Processing AOUT_1/2 Serial Audio output; Channels 1 and 2 AOUT_3/4 Serial Audio output; Channels 3 and 4 AOUT_5/6 Serial Audio Output; Channels 5 and 6 AOUT_7/8 Serial Audio Output; Channels 7 and 8 GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 79 of 150 Table 4-16: Serial Audio Pin Descriptions (Continued) Pin Name Description ACLK 64fs clock WCLK Word clock AMCLK Audio Master Clock, selectable 128fs, 256fs, or 512fs The timing of the serial audio output signals and the ACLK output signal is as shown in Figure 4-36: ACLK to Data Signal Output Timing. I/O Timing Specs: Audio Outputs: 128fs = 162.76ns (AES/EBU) 64fs = 325.52ns (other modes) AOUT* A0 A1 80% A2 A3 80% ACLK 20% toh 20% tr tf tod Audio Outputs AOUT toh 1.500ns tr/tf (min) 0.600ns CLOAD 6 pF 3.3V tod tr/tf (max) 7.000ns 2.200ns CLOAD 15 pF toh 1.500ns tr/tf (min) 0.600ns CLOAD 6 pF 1.8V tod 7.000ns tr/tf (max) 2.300ns CLOAD 15 pF Figure 4-36: ACLK to Data Signal Output Timing When AUDIO_EN/DIS is set HIGH, audio extraction is enabled and the audio output signals are extracted from the video data stream. When set LOW, the serial audio outputs, ACLK and WCLK outputs are set LOW. In addition, all functional logic associated with audio extraction is disabled to reduce power consumption. GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 80 of 150 4.19.2 Serial Audio Data Format Support The GS2971A supports the following serial audio data formats: • I2S (default) • AES/EBU • Serial Audio Left Justified, MSB First • Serial Audio Left Justified, LSB First • Serial Audio Right Justified, MSB First • Serial Audio Right Justified, LSB First (this mode is not supported in SD) By default (at power up or after system reset) I2S is selected. The other data formats are selectable via the host interface using the AMA/AMB[1:0] bits. Table 4-17: Audio Output Formats AMA/AMB[1:0] Audio Output Format 00 AES/EBU audio output 01 Serial audio output: Left Justified; MSB first 10 Serial audio output: Right Justified; MSB first 11 I2S (Default) The serial audio output formats may use LSB first according to the settings of the control bits LSB_FIRSTA, LSB_FIRSTB, LSB_FIRSTC, and LSB_FIRSTD. When in I2S mode, these control bits must all be set LOW (default). When I2S format is desired, both groups must be set to I2S (i.e. AMA = AMB = 11). This is because they share the same WCLK. Channel A (Left) WCLK Channel B (Right) ACLK AOUT[8/7:2/1] 23 22 6 5 4 3 2 1 MSB 23 0 LSB 22 6 5 4 3 2 0 1 MSB LSB Figure 4-37: I2S Audio Output Format WCLK Channel A (Left) Channel B (Right) ACLK AOUT[8/7:2/1] 0 1 2 Preamble 3 4 5 6 AUX 7 8 27 28 29 30 31 LSB MSB V U C P 0 1 2 Preamble 3 4 5 6 AUX 7 8 27 28 29 30 31 LSB MSB V U C P Figure 4-38: AES/EBU Audio Output Format GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 81 of 150 WCLK Channel A (Left) Channel B (Right) ACLK AOUT[8/7:2/1] 23 22 21 6 5 4 3 2 1 MSB 0 23 LSB MSB 22 21 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 LSB Figure 4-39: Serial Audio, Left Justified, MSB First WCLK Channel A (Left) Channel B (Right) ACLK AOUT[8/7:2/1] 0 1 2 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 0 MSB LSB 1 2 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 MSB LSB Figure 4-40: Serial Audio, Left Justified, LSB First Channel A (Left) WCLK Channel B (Right) ACLK AOUT[8/7:2/1] 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 2 1 MSB 0 23 LSB MSB 22 21 20 19 18 17 2 1 0 LSB Figure 4-41: Serial Audio, Right Justified, MSB First Channel A (Left) WCLK Channel B (Right) ACLK AOUT[8/7:2/1] 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 21 LSB 22 23 0 MSB LSB 1 2 3 4 5 6 21 22 23 MSB Figure 4-42: Serial Audio, Right Justified, LSB First AES/EBU Mode In AES/EBU output mode, the audio de-embedder uses a 128fs (6.144MHz audio bit clock) clock as shown in Figure 4-43. 6.144MHz AMCLK (128fs) AOUT_1/2, AOUT_3/4 AOUT_5/6, AOUT_7/8 Figure 4-43: AES/EBU Audio Output to Bit Clock Timing Audio Data Packet Extraction Block The audio de-embedder looks for audio data packets on every line of the incoming video. The audio data must be embedded according to SMPTE ST 272 (SD) or SMPTE ST 299 (HD or 3G). GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 82 of 150 In 3G Level A signals, the audio data packets must be embedded only in Data Stream Two. In 3G Level B signals, the audio data packets must be embedded in the Chroma streams of either Link A or Link B. The Audio Group Detect registers are set HIGH when audio data packets with a corresponding group DID are detected in the input video stream. The host interface reports the individual audio groups detected. Table 4-18: Audio Data Packet Detect Register Name Description Default ADPG4_DET Audio Group Four Data Packet Detection (1: Detected) 0 ADPG3_DET Audio Group Three Data Packet Detection (1: Detected) 0 ADPG2_DET Audio Group Two Data Packet Detection (1: Detected) 0 ADPG1_DET Audio Group One Data Packet Detection (1: Detected) 0 When an audio data packet with a DID set in IDA[1:0] and IDB[1:0] is detected, the audio sample information is extracted and written into the audio FIFO. The embedded audio group selected by IDA[1:0] is described henceforth in this document as Group A or Primary Group. The embedded audio group selected by IDB[1:0] is described henceforth in this document as Group B or Secondary Group. Due to the large size of the horizontal ancillary data space in 720p/24, 720p/25 and 720p/30 video standards, the maximum number of ancillary data words the audio de-embedder can process is limited to 1024 when configured for these standards. Audio Control Packets The audio de-embedder automatically detects the presence of audio control packets in the video stream. When audio control packets for audio Group A are detected, the CTRA_DET bit of the host interface is set HIGH. When audio control packets for audio Group B are detected, the CTRB_DET bit of the host interface is set HIGH. The audio control packet data is accessible via the host interface. The audio control packets must be embedded according to SMPTE ST 272 (SD) or SMPTE ST 299 (HD and 3G). In 3G Level A signals, the audio control packets must be embedded only in Data Stream One. In 3G Level B signals the audio control packets must be embedded in the Luma streams of each link that carries audio. Note 1: In SD, the control packet host interface registers are updated with new control packet values, after the CTRA_DET/CTRB_DET flags are cleared. In HD, the update happens automatically. Note 2: If there is an HD audio packet checksum error, no audio is extracted. The audio packet is not recognized and the audio stays in the video stream. If nothing but the CLK phase parity bit is wrong, the audio will extract fine. GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 83 of 150 Setting Packet DID Table 4-19 below, shows the 2-bit host interface setting for the audio group DID's. For 24-bit audio support in SD mode, extended audio packets for Group A must have the same group DID set in IDA[1:0] of the host interface. Extended audio packets for Group B must have the same group DID set in IDB[1:0] of the host interface. The audio de-embedder automatically detects the presence of extended audio packets. When detected, the audio output format is set to 24-bit audio sample word length. The audio de-embedder defaults to audio Groups One and Two, where Group A is extracted from packets with audio Group One DID, and Group B from packets with audio Group Two DID. Table 4-19: Audio Group DID Host Interface Settings Audio Group SD Data DID SD Extended DID HD Data DID SD Control DID HD Control DID Host Interface Register Setting (2-bit) 1 2FFh 1FEh 2E7h 1EFh 1E3h 00b 2 1FDh 2FCh 1E6h 2EEh 2E2h 01b 3 1FBh 2FAh 1E5h 2EDh 2E1h 10b 4 2F9h 1F8h 2E4h 1ECh 1E0h 11b Table 4-20: Audio Data and Control Packet DID Setting Register Name Description Default IDA[1-0] Group A Audio data and control packet DID setting 00b IDB[1-0] Group B Audio data and control packet DID setting 01b Note: To keep sample delays between audio channels the same after changing the value of IDA or IDB in the SD audio core, the audio FIFOs must be cleared. This is accomplished by asserting CLEAR_AUDIO and de-asserting at least one frame later. When the FIFOs are in the clear state, audio will be muted, but audio clocks will continue to run. Audio Packet Delete Block To delete all ancillary data with a group DID shown in Table 4-19, the ALL_DEL bit in the host interface must be set HIGH. ECC Error Detection & Correction Block (HD Mode Only) The audio de-embedder performs BCH(31,25) forward error detection and correction, as described in SMPTE ST 299. The error correction for all embedded audio data packets is activated when the host interface ECC_OFF bit is set LOW (default LOW). The audio de-embedder corrects any errors in both the audio output and the embedded packet. GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 84 of 150 When a one-bit error is detected in a bit array of the ECC protected region of the audio data packet with audio group DID set in IDA[1:0], the ECCA_ERROR flag is set HIGH. When a one-bit error is detected in the ECC protected region of the audio data packet with audio group DID set in IDB[1:0], the ECCB_ERROR flag is set HIGH. Figure 4-44 shows examples of error correction and detection. Up to 8 bits in error can be corrected, providing each bit error is in a different bit array (shown below). When there are two or more bits in error in the same 24-bit array, the errors are detected, but not corrected. Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 24-bit array ADF ADF ADF DID DBN DC CLK CLK CH1 CH1 CH1 CH1 CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 CH3 CH3 CH3 CH3 CH4 CH4 CH4 CH4 DID DBN DC CLK CLK CH1 CH1 CH1 CH1 CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 CH3 CH3 CH3 CH3 CH4 CH4 CH4 CH4 Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Errors corrected ADF ADF ADF Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Errors detected but not corrected Figure 4-44: ECC 24-bit Array and Examples 4.19.3 Audio Processing Audio Clock Generation For SD and HD/3G audio, a single set of audio frequencies is generated for all audio channels, using a Direct Digital Period Synthesizer (DDPS) to minimize jitter. • For Mapping structure one signals (1080p 50, 59.94 or 60), the pixel clock is 148.5(/M) MHz, and the phase data are based on this rate. An Audio Master Clock (AMCLK) is also generated. The frequency is selectable via the host interface as: Š fs x 128 Š fs x 256 Š fs x 512 In SD mode, audio clocks are derived from the PCLK. In HD/3G modes, the input control for the DDPS is derived from the two embedded audio clock phase words in the audio data packet corresponding to Group A. The audio clock phase information used is taken from the first embedded audio packet in the HANC space.With no embedded audio present, the device will not generate ACLK or WCLK. The IGNORE_PHASE bit should be asserted in this case to ensure the proper AMCLK frequency is generated. GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 85 of 150 The audio de-embedder also includes a Flywheel block to overcome any inconsistencies in the embedded audio clock phase information. If the audio phase data is not present in the audio data packets, or is incorrect, the NO_PHASEA_DATA bit in the host interface is set and the clock will free-run based on the detected video format, the PCLK and the M value. IGNORE_PHASE should be set HIGH when NO_PHASEA_DATA is set. This does not occur automatically. When the IGNORE_PHASE bit in the host interface is set HIGH, it is recommended that the M value be programmed via the host interface. This can be done by setting the FORCE_M bit HIGH, and programming the desired value into FORCE_MEQ1001. The correct value can be obtained by reading the M bit from the Video Core Registers. If the DDPS is locked to phase data and audio data packets are lost or corrupted, the Clock Generator will flywheel for up to four audio data packets. If no valid audio data packet with valid phase data is provided within this time, the Clock Generator will free-run based on the video format, the PCLK and the M value. If the IGNORE_PHASE bit in the host interface is HIGH, the clock will free-run based on the video format, the PCLK and the M value, independent of the NO_PHASEA_DATA bit. In the 720p/24 video format, the total line length is 4125 pixels, which requires a resolution of 13 bits for the audio clock phase words in the embedded audio data packets. SMPTE ST 299 only specifies a maximum of 12 bits resolution. Proposed changes to SMPTE ST 299 suggest using bit 5 of UDW1 (currently reserved and set to zero) in the audio data packet as the MSB (ck13) for the audio clock phase data, providing 13 bits resolution. Some audio encoders may hold the clock phase value at a maximum value when reached, until reset at the end of the line. This produces a small amount of audio phase jitter for the period of one sample. To overcome this issue, the audio de-embedder checks for all cases. On detection of the maximum value, a comparison is made between previous clock phases and the correct position interpolated. If the clock phase data value starts to decrease, the de-embedder checks to see if bit 5 (ck13) of UDW1 in the audio data packet is set. If ck13 is set, the correct value is used. If ck13 is not set, the correct position is interpolated. Detect Five-Frame Sequence Block Five-frame sequence detection is required for 525-line based video formats only. The audio de-embedder checks the Audio Frame Number sequence in the audio control packets, when present. If the audio frame sequence is running (repeated 1 to 5 count), the audio de-embedder uses this information to determine the five-frame sequence. If the audio control packet is not present, or the Audio Frame Number words are set to 200h, the audio de-embedder detects the five-frame sequence by counting the number of samples per frame. Figure 4-45 shows the number of samples per frame over a five-frame sequence. GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 86 of 150 8008 Samples Frame 5 Frame 1 Frame 2 Frame 3 Frame 4 Frame 5 Frame 1 1602 1602 1601 1602 1601 1602 1602 1602 Repeat Figure 4-45: Sample Distribution over 5 Video Frames (525-line Systems) When the audio inputs are asynchronously switched or disrupted, the audio de-embedder continues to write audio samples into the audio buffer, based on the current five-frame sequence. The de-embedder then re-locks to the new five-frame sequence, at which point a sample may be lost. Note: In SD, all four channel pairs must follow the same five-frame sequence. Audio FIFO Block The function of the FIFO block is to change the audio data word rate from the ANC rate multiplexed with the video signal to the 48kHz audio output rate. The audio FIFO block contains the audio sample buffers; one per audio channel. Each buffer is 36 audio samples deep. At power up or reset, the read pointer is held at the zero position until 26 samples have been written into the FIFO (allows for 6 lines per frame with no audio samples; a maximum of 4 samples per line in SD Mode). See Figure 4-46. Read Pointer 25 Address 0 35 Audio Buffer Write Pointer Figure 4-46: Audio Buffer After Initial 26 Sample Write The position of the write pointer with respect to the read pointer is monitored continuously. If the write pointer is less than 6 samples ahead of the read pointer (point A in Figure 4-47), a sample is repeated from the read-side of the FIFO. If the write pointer is less than 6 samples behind the read pointer (point B in Figure 4-47), a sample is dropped. This avoids buffer underflow/overflow conditions. GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 87 of 150 Read Pointer Address 0 5 29 35 Audio Buffer A B Write Pointer Write Pointer Figure 4-47: Audio Buffer Pointer Boundary Checking The repeat or drop sample operation is performed a maximum of 28 consecutive times, after which the audio outputs are muted (all sample data set to zero). In SD Mode, 26 samples are required to be written into the FIFO prior to starting the read operation again. The audio buffer pointer offset may be reduced from 26 samples to 12 or 6 samples using the OS_SEL[1:0] bits in the host interface. The default setting is 26 samples (see Table 4-21). When the OS_SEL[1:0] bits are set for 6-sample pointer offset, no boundary-checking is performed. In HD mode the audio FIFO is a maximum of 10 samples deep. According to SMPTE ST 299, audio samples are multiplexed immediately in the next HANC region after the audio sample occurs. Table 4-21: Audio Buffer Pointer Offset Settings OS_SEL[1:0] Buffer Pointer Offset 00 26 samples (default) 01 12 samples 10 6 samples Sample Delay When extracting SD audio, certain conditions can cause the sample delay through the audio FIFOs to be 1-4 samples different between channels. If delays through the audio FIFOs must be the same, it is recommended that the FIFO size gets set to 22 or 16 with OS_SEL[1:0]. Additionally, the audio FIFO must be cleared when either of the following occurs: 1. Loss of lock. The FIFO should be cleared when the part has relocked. 2. When one of the groups of audio disappears and re-appears. Poll the audio data packet detected registers ADPG1_DET, ADPG2_DET, ADPG3_DET, and ADPG4_DET once every frame. If one of the groups currently de-embedded disappears and re-appears, clear the audio FIFO after the group re-appears. GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 88 of 150 Clear the audio FIFO by asserting CLEAR_AUDIO and de-asserting at least one frame later. When the FIFOs are in the clear state, audio will be muted but audio clocks will continue to run. When switching between 525 and 625 formats, it is recommended that the device be reset to keep the delays through the audio FIFO the same between channels. Audio Crosspoint Block The Audio Crosspoint is used for audio output channel re-mapping. This feature allows any of the selected audio channels in Group A or Group B to be output on any of the eight output channels. The default setting is for one to one mapping, where AOUT_1/2 is extracted from Group A CH1 and CH2, AOUT_3/4 is extracted from Group A CH3 and CH4, and so on. Note: If audio samples from embedded audio packets with the group set in IDA[1:0] are to be paired with samples from the group set in IDB[1:0], all of the channels must have been derived from the same Word Clock and must be synchronous. The output channel is set in the OPn_SRC[2:0] host interface registers. Table 4-22 lists the 3-bit address for audio channel mapping. Table 4-22: Audio Channel Mapping Codes Audio Output Channel 3-bit Host Interface Source Address 1 000 2 001 3 010 4 011 5 100 6 101 7 110 8 111 Serial Audio Output Word Length The audio output, in serial modes, has a selectable 24, 20 or 16-bit sample word length. The ASWL[1:0] host interface register is used to configure the audio output sample word length. Figure 4-23 shows the host interface 2-bit code for setting the audio sample word length. When the presence of extended audio packets is detected in SD modes, the audio de-embedder defaults to 24-bit audio sample word length. GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 89 of 150 Table 4-23: Audio Sample Word Lengths ASWL[1:0] Audio Sample Word Length (SD) Audio Sample Word Length (HD) 00 24-bit 24-bit 01 20-bit 20-bit 10 16-bit 16-bit 11 Auto 24/20-bit (Default) Reserved (Default)* *Note: By default, for HD at power-up, the word length is invalid. The desired word length should be programmed through the host interface. Audio Channel Status The GS2971A detects the AES/EBU Audio Channel Status (ACS) block information for each of the selected channel pairs. ACS data detection is indicated by corresponding ACS_DET flag bits in the host interface. The flag is cleared by writing to the same location. Audio Channel Status Read AES/EBU ACS data is available separately for each of the channels in a stereo pair. The GS2971A defaults to reading the first channel of each pair. There are 184 bits in each ACS packet, which are written to twelve 16-bit right-justified registers in the host interface. The ACS_USE_SECOND bit (default LOW) selects the second channel in each audio pair when set HIGH. Once all of the ACS data for a channel has been acquired, the corresponding ACS_DET bit is set, and acquisition stops. The ACS data is overwritten with new data when the ACS_DET bit is cleared in the system. Audio Channel Status Regeneration When the ACS_REGEN bit in the host interface is set HIGH, the audio de-embedder embeds the 24 bytes of the Audio Channel Status information programmed in the ACSR[183:0] registers into the 'C' bit of the AES/EBU outputs. The same Audio Channel Status information is used for all output channels. In order to apply ACSR data; • Set the ACS_REGEN bit to logic HIGH • Write the desired ACSR data to the ACSR registers • Set the ACS_APPLY bit to HIGH At the next status boundary, the device outputs the contents of the ACSR registers as ACS data. This event may occur at a different time for each of the output channels. While waiting for the status boundary, the device sets the appropriate ACS_APPLY_WAIT[A:D] flag. GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 90 of 150 Table 4-24 shows the host interface default settings for the Audio Channel Status block. The audio de-embedder automatically generates the CRC word. Table 4-24: Audio Channel Status Information Registers Name Description Default ACSR[7-0] Audio channel status block byte 0 set. Used when ACS_REGEN is set HIGH 85h ACSR[15-8] Audio channel status block byte 1 set. Used when ACS_REGEN is set HIGH 08h ACSR[23-16] Audio channel status block byte 2 set. Used when ACS_REGEN is set HIGH 28h (SD) 2Ch (HD) ACSR[31-24]: ACSR[183-176] Audio channel status block data for bytes 3 to 22. Used when ACS_REGEN is set HIGH 00h ACS_REGEN Audio channel status regenerate 0 ACS_APPLY Apply new ACSR data 0 Waiting to apply new ACSR data 0 ACS_APPLY_W AIT[A:D] ACS[7-0]: ACS[183-176] Audio channel status block data for bytes 0 to 22 00h: 00h Table 4-25: Audio Channel Status Block for Regenerate Mode Default Settings Name Byte Bit Default Mode PRO 0 0 1b Professional use of channel status block Emphasis 0 2-4 100b 100b None. Rec. manual override disabled Sample Frequency 0 6-7 01b 48kHz. Manual override or auto disabled Channel Mode 1 0-3 0001b Two channels. Manual override disabled 000b SD Modes: Maximum audio word length is 20 bits AUX 2 0-2 001b HD Mode: Maximum audio word length is 24 bits Source Word Length 2 3-5 101b Maximum word length (based on AUX setting). 24-bit for HD Mode; 20-bit for SD Modes All other bits set to zero GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 91 of 150 Audio Mute When the MUTE bits in the host interface are set HIGH, the audio outputs are muted (all audio sample bits are set to zero). To set all the audio output channels to mute, set the host interface MUTE_ALL bit HIGH. Table 4-26: Audio Mute Control Bits Name Description Default MUTE_ALL Ch1-8 audio mute enable (1: Enabled) 0 MUTE8 Ch8 audio mute enable (1: Enabled) 0 MUTE7 Ch7 audio mute enable (1: Enabled) 0 MUTE6 Ch6 audio mute enable (1: Enabled) 0 MUTE5 Ch5 audio mute enable (1: Enabled) 0 MUTE4 Ch4 audio mute enable (1: Enabled) 0 MUTE3 Ch3 audio mute enable (1: Enabled) 0 MUTE2 Ch2 audio mute enable (1: Enabled) 0 MUTE1 Ch1 audio mute enable (1: Enabled) 0 Mute On Loss Of Lock When the GS2971A loses lock (LOCKED signal is LOW), the audio de-embedder sets all audio outputs LOW (no audio formatting is performed). The ACLK, WCLK and AMCLK outputs are also forced LOW. 4.19.4 Error Reporting Data Block Number Error When the 1-255 count sequence in the Data Block Number (DBN) word of Group A audio data packets is discontinuous, the DBNA_ERR bit in the host interface (DBN_ERR register for SD, ACS_DET register for HD/3G) is set HIGH. When the 1-255 count sequence in the DBN word of Group B audio data packets is discontinuous, the DBNB_ERR bit in the host interface (DBN_ERR register for SD, ACS_DET register for HD/3G) register is set HIGH. ECC Error The GS2971A monitors the ECC error status of the two selected audio groups, as described in Section on page 84. The ECC[N]_ERROR flags also have associated SD_AUDIO_ERROR_MASK and HD_AUDIO_ERROR_MASK register flags for configuration of error reporting in the Receiver. The ECC[N]_ERROR flags remain set until read via the host interface. GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 92 of 150 4.20 GSPI - HOST Interface The GSPI, or Gennum Serial Peripheral Interface, is a four-wire interface provided to allow the system to access additional status and control information through configuration registers in the GS2971A. The GSPI is comprised of a Serial Data Input signal (SDIN), Serial Data Output signal (SDOUT), an active low Chip Select (CS), and a Burst Clock (SCLK). Because these pins are shared with the JTAG interface port, an additional control signal pin JTAG/HOST is provided. When JTAG/HOST is LOW, the GSPI interface is enabled. When JTAG/HOST is HIGH, the JTAG interface is enabled. When operating in GSPI mode, the SCLK, SDIN, and CS signals must be provided by the system. The SDOUT pin is a non-clocked loop-through of SDIN and may be connected to the SDIN of another device, allowing multiple devices to be connected to the GSPI chain. See Section 4.20.2 for details. The interface is illustrated in the Figure 4-48 below. Note: When using more than one Semtech serializer or deserializer (SerDes) in the same design, the SDOUT pins of multiple SerDes ICs must not be bussed together as was done with older generations of Semtech SerDes ICs Application Host GS2971A SCLK CS1 SDOUT SCLK CS SDIN SDOUT GS2971A SCLK CS2 CS SDIN SDIN SDOUT Figure 4-48: GSPI Application Interface Connection All read or write access to the GS2971A is initiated and terminated by the system host processor. Each access always begins with a Command/Address Word, followed by a data write to, or data read from, the GS2971A. GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 93 of 150 4.20.1 Command Word Description The Command Word consists of a 16-bit word transmitted MSB first and contains a read/write bit, an Auto-Increment bit and a 12-bit address. MSB R/W LSB RSV RSV AutoInc A11 A10 A9 A8 A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 Figure 4-49: Command Word Format Command Words are clocked into the GS2971A on the rising edge of the Serial Clock SCLK, which operates in a burst fashion. The chip select (CS) signal must be set low a minimum of 1.5ns (t0 in Figure 4-51) before the first clock edge to ensure proper operation. When the Auto-Increment bit is set LOW, each Command Word must be followed by only one Data Word to ensure proper operation. If the Auto-Increment bit is set HIGH, the following Data Word is written into the address specified in the Command Word, and subsequent Data Words are written into incremental addresses from the first Data Word. This facilitates multiple address writes without sending a Command Word for each Data Word. Note: The RSV bits in the GSPI command word can be set to zero as placeholder, though these bits are not used. 4.20.2 Data Read or Write Access During a read sequence (Command Word R/W bit set HIGH) serial data is transmitted or received MSB first, synchronous with the rising edge of the serial clock SCLK. The Chip Select (CS) signal must be set low a minimum of 1.5ns (t0 in Figure 4-51) before the first clock edge to ensure proper operation. The first bit (MSB) of the Serial Output (SDOUT) is available (t5 in Figure 4-52) following the last falling SCLK edge of the read Command Word, the remaining bits are clocked out on the negative edges of SCLK. Note: When several devices are connected to the GSPI chain, only one CS may be asserted during a read sequence. During a write sequence (Command Word R/W bit set LOW), a wait state of 37.1ns (t4 in Figure 4-51) is required between the Command Word and the following Data Word. This wait state must also be maintained between successive Command Word/Data Word write sequences. When Auto Increment mode is selected (AutoInc = 1), the wait state must be maintained between successive Data Words after the initial Command Word/Data Word sequence. During the write sequence, all Command and following Data Words input at the SDIN pin are output at the SDOUT pin unchanged. When several devices are connected to the GSPI chain, data can be written simultaneously to all the devices which have CS set LOW. MSB D15 LSB D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Figure 4-50: Data Word Format GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 94 of 150 4.20.3 GSPI Timing Write and Read Mode timing for the GSPI interface; t0 t1 t7 t4 SCLK _TCLK t3 t8 t2 CS _TMS SDIN _TDI SDOUT _TDO R/W RSV R/W RSV RSV Auto _Inc A11 A10 A9 A8 A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 RSV Auto _ Inc A11 A10 A9 A8 A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Figure 4-51: Write Mode t5 SCLK _TCLK t6 CS _ TMS SDIN _TDI SDOUT _TDO R /W RSV RSV Auto _Inc A11 A10 A9 A8 A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 R/W RSV RSV Auto _Inc A11 A10 A9 A8 A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Figure 4-52: Read Mode SDIN_TDI to SDOUT_TDO combinational path for daisy chain connection of multiple GS2971A devices. TDELAY SDIN_TDI data_0 SDOUT_TDO data_0 Figure 4-53: GSPI Time Delay Table 4-27: GSPI Time Delay Parameter Symbol Conditions Min Typ Max Units Delay time tDELAY 50% levels; 1.8V operation − − 13.1 ns Delay time tDELAY 50% levels; 3.3V operation − − 9.7 ns GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 95 of 150 Table 4-28: GSPI Timing Parameters (50% levels; 3.3V or 1.8V operation) Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Units CS low before SCLK rising edge t0 1.5 − − ns SCLK period t1 16.67 − − ns SCLK duty cycle t2 40 50 60 % Input data setup time t3 1.5 − − ns − − ns − − ns Time between end of Command Word (or data in Auto-Increment mode) and the first SCLK of the following Data Word – write cycle Time between end of Command Word (or data in Auto-Increment mode) and the first SCLK of the following Data Word – read cycle. t4 PCLK (MHz) ns unlocked 100 27.0 37.1 74.25 13.5 148.5 6.7 PCLK (MHz) ns unlocked t5 27.0 148.4* 74.25 53.9* 148.5 27* Time between end of Command Word (or data in Auto-Increment mode) and the first SCLK of the following Data Word – read cycle - ANC FIFO Read t5 222.6 − − ns Output hold time (15pF load) t6 1.5 − − ns − − ns − − ns CS high after last SCLK rising edge Input data hold time t7 PCLK (MHz) ns unlocked 445 27.0 37.1 74.25 13.5 148.5 6.7 t8 1.5 * when the device is locked to these data rates This timing must be satisfied across all ambient temperature and power supply operating conditions, as described in the Electrical Characteristics on page 16. GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 96 of 150 4.21 Host Interface Register Maps Note: The GS2971A only accepts write/read commands to/from the Audio Register Maps when the audio core is locked to the incoming video data rate. The Video Register Map is always active, whether valid serial input data is present or not. 4.21.1 Video Core Registers Table 4-29: Video Core Configuration and Status Registers Address Register Name Bit Name Bit Description R/W Default RSVD 15 Reserved. R 0 TRS_WORD_REMAP_DS1 _DISABLE 14 Disables 8-bit TRS word remapping for 3G Level B Data Stream 1, 3G Level A, HD and SD inputs. R/W 0 RSVD 13 Reserved. R/W 0 EDH_FLAG_UPDATE _MASK 12 Disables updating of EDH error flags. R/W 0 EDH_CRC_INS_MASK 11 Disables EDH_CRC error correction and insertion. R/W 0 R/W 0 Selects the H blanking indication: 0: Active line blanking - the H output is HIGH for all the horizontal blanking period, including the EAV and SAV TRS words. H_CONFIG 000h 10 IOPROC_1 1: TRS based blanking - the H output is set HIGH for the entire horizontal blanking period as indicated by the H bit in the received TRS signals. This signal is only valid when TIM_861 is set to '0' (via pin or host interface). ANC_DATA_EXT_MASK 9 Disables ancillary data extraction FIFO. R/W 0 AUD_EXT_MASK 8 Disables audio extraction block. R/W 0 TIM_861_PIN_DISABLE 7 Disable TIM_861 pin control when set to '1', and use TIMING_861 bit instead. R/W 0 TIMING_861 6 Selects the output timing reference format: 0 = Digital FVH timing output; 1 = CEA-861 timing output. R/W 0 RSVD 5 Reserved. R/W 0 ILLEGAL_WORD_REMAP _DS1_MASK 4 Disables illegal word remapping for 3G Level B Data Stream 1, 3G Level A, HD and SD inputs. R/W 0 GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 97 of 150 Table 4-29: Video Core Configuration and Status Registers (Continued) Address 000h Register Name Bit Name Bit R/W Default ANC_CHECKSUM _INSERTION_DS1_MASK 3 Disables insertion of ancillary data checksums for 3G Level B Data Stream 1, 3G Level A, HD and SD inputs. R/W 0 CRC_INS_DS1_MASK 2 Disables insertion of HD/3G CRC words for 3G Level B Data Stream 1, 3G Level A, and HD inputs. R/W 0 LNUM_INS_DS1_MASK 1 Disables insertion of line numbers for 3G Level B Data Stream 1, 3G Level A, and HD inputs. R/W 0 TRS_INS_DS1_MASK 0 Disables insertion of TRS words for 3G Level B Data Stream 1, 3G Level A, HD and SD inputs. R/W 0 RSVD 15 Reserved. R/W N/A 14 With DISB_AUTDET set HIGH, if this bit is asserted (HIGH), forces non-inverted MPEG-2 decoding. If de-asserted (LOW), forces inverted MPEG-2 decoding. Applicable in DVB-ASI mode only. R/W 0 DISB_AUTDET 13 Disables auto detection of inverted DVB ASI MPEG-2 data when HIGH. When LOW, NONINV is ignored and the DVB decoder auto detects for inverted MPEG-2 data. Applicable in DVB-ASI mode only. R/W 0 TRS_WORD_REMAP_DS2 _DISABLE 12 Disables 8-bit TRS word remapping in Data Stream 2 (3G Level B only). R/W 0 RSVD 11 Reserved. R/W 0 10 Disables regeneration of the SMPTE ST 352 packet for 3G Level B data. Note: this bit needs to be enabled via the host interface to disable SMPTE ST 352 packet generation. It is strongly recommended to set this bit LOW only when Level B to Level A conversion is enabled. R/W 0 IOPROC_1 NONINV 001h Description IOPROC_2 REGEN_352M_MASK GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 98 of 150 Table 4-29: Video Core Configuration and Status Registers (Continued) Address Register Name Bit Name Bit Description R/W Default R/W 0 R/W 1 Swaps Data Stream 1 (DS1) and Data Stream 2 (DS2) at the output in 3G mode. DS_SWAP_3G 9 In 20-bit output mode, DS1 shall be present on DOUT pins [19:10] and DS2 shall be present on DOUT pins [9:0] by default. When DS_SWAP_3G is set to '1', DS2 shall be present on DOUT pins [19:10] and DS1 shall be present on DOUT pins [9:0] In 10-bit (DDR) output mode, DS2 shall precede DS1 by default. When DS_SWAP_3G is set to '1', DS1 shall precede DS2. 001h LEVEL_B2A_CONV _DISABLE_MASK 8 Disable conversion of a 3G Level B input to a 3G Level A format. Only effective if in 3G Level B mode. Default is active HIGH (disabled), so Level B inputs are formatted as Level B outputs. ANC_EXT_SEL_DS2_DS1 7 Selects data stream to extract ANC data from (valid for 3G Level B data). R/W 0 AUDIO_SEL_DS2_DS1 6 Selects data stream to be sent to audio core (valid for 3G Level B data). R/W 0 RSVD 5 Reserved. R/W 0 ILLEGAL_WORD_REMAP _DS2_MASK 4 Disables illegal word remapping in Data Stream 2 (3G Level B only). R/W 0 ANC_CHECKSUM _INSERTION_DS2_MASK 3 Disables insertion of ancillary data checksums in Data Stream 2 (3G Level B only). R/W 0 CRC_INS_DS2_MASK 2 Disables insertion of CRC words in Data Stream 2 (3G Level B only). R/W 0 LNUM_INS_DS2_MASK 1 Disables insertion of line numbers in Data Stream 2 (3G Level B only). R/W 0 TRS_INS_DS2_MASK 0 Disable insertion of TRS words in Data Stream 2 (3G Level B only). R/W 0 IOPROC_2 GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 99 of 150 Table 4-29: Video Core Configuration and Status Registers (Continued) Address Register Name Bit Name RSVD 002h Bit 15-11 Description R/W Default Reserved. ROCW 0 VD_STD_ERR_DS1* 10 Video Standard Error indication for HD and SD inputs. ROCW 0 FF_CRC_ERR 9 EDH Full Frame CRC error indication. ROCW 0 AP_CRC_ERR 8 EDH Active Picture CRC error indication. ROCW 0 RSVD 7 Reserved. ROCW 0 CCS_ERR_DS1 6 Chroma ancillary data checksum error indication for 3G Level B Data Stream 1, 3G Level A, HD and SD inputs. ROCW 0 YCS_ERR_DS1 5 Luma ancillary data checksum error indication for 3G Level B Data Stream 1, 3G Level A, HD and SD inputs. ROCW 0 CCRC_ERR_DS1 4 Chroma CRC error indication for 3G Level B Data Stream 1, 3G Level A, and HD inputs. ROCW 0 YCRC_ERR_DS1 3 Luma CRC error indication for 3G Level B Data Stream 1, 3G Level A, and HD inputs. ROCW 0 LNUM_ERR_DS1 2 Line number error indication for 3G Level B Data Stream 1, 3G Level A, and HD inputs. ROCW 0 SAV_ERR_DS1 1 SAV error indication for 3G Level B Data Stream 1, 3G Level A, HD and SD inputs. ROCW 0 EAV_ERR_DS1 0 EAV error indication for 3G Level B Data Stream 1, 3G Level A, HD and SD inputs. ROCW 0 ERROR_STAT_1 *Note: Semtech does not recommend relying on this flag for video standard detection. It is recommended that you mask this flag using the VD_STD_ERR_DS1 mask (Reg 037h Bit 10) bit. To verify the detected video standard, we recommend that you read the reported video format (VD_STD[5:0]) and compare it to the format extracted from the ST 352 packet. GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 100 of 150 Table 4-29: Video Core Configuration and Status Registers (Continued) Address 003h 004h Register Name Bit Name Bit Description R/W Default RSVD 15-7 Reserved. ROCW 0 CCS_ERR_DS2 6 Chroma ancillary data checksum error indication for Data Stream 2 (3G Level B only). ROCW 0 YCS_ERR_DS2 5 Luma ancillary data checksum error indication for Data Stream 2 (3G Level B only). ROCW 0 CCRC_ERR_DS2 4 Chroma CRC error indication for Data Stream 2 (3G Level B only). ROCW 0 YCRC_ERR_DS2 3 Luma CRC error indication for Data Stream 2 (3G Level B only). ROCW 0 LNUM_ERR_DS2 2 Line number error indication for Data Stream 2 (3G Level B only). ROCW 0 SAV_ERR_DS2 1 SAV error indication for Data Stream 2 (3G Level B only). ROCW 0 EAV_ERR_DS2 0 EAV error indication for Data Stream 2 (3G Level B only). ROCW 0 EDH_DETECT 15 Embedded EDH packet detected. R 0 ANC_UES_IN 14 Ancillary data – unknown error status flag. R 0 ANC_IDA_IN 13 Ancillary data – internal error detected already flag. R 0 ANC_IDH_IN 12 Ancillary data – internal error detected here flag R 0 ANC_EDA_IN 11 Ancillary data – error detected already flag. R 0 ANC_EDH_IN 10 Ancillary data – error detected here flag. R 0 FF_UES_IN 9 EDH Full Field – unknown error status flag. R 0 FF_IDA_IN 8 EDH Full Field – internal error detected already flag. R 0 FF_IDH_IN 7 EDH Full Field – internal error detected here flag. R 0 FF_EDA_IN 6 EDH Full Field – error detected already flag. R 0 ERROR_STAT_2 EDH_FLAG_IN GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 101 of 150 Table 4-29: Video Core Configuration and Status Registers (Continued) Address 004h 005h 005h Register Name Bit Name Bit FF_EDH_IN 5 AP_UES_IN Description R/W Default EDH Full Field – error detected here flag. R 0 4 EDH Active Picture – unknown error status flag. R 0 AP_IDA_IN 3 EDH Active Picture – internal error detected already flag. R 0 AP_IDH_IN 2 EDH Active Picture – internal error detected here flag. R 0 AP_EDA_IN 1 EDH Active Picture – error detected already flag. R 0 AP_EDH_IN 0 EDH Active Picture – error detected here flag. R 0 RSVD 15 Reserved. R 0 ANC_UES 14 Ancillary data – Unknown Error Status flag. R 1 ANC_IDA 13 Ancillary data – Internal error Detected Already flag. R 0 ANC_IDH 12 Ancillary data – Internal error Detected Here flag. R 0 ANC_EDA 11 Ancillary data – Error Detected Already flag. R 0 ANC_EDH 10 Ancillary data – Error Detected Here flag. R 0 FF_UES 9 EDH Full Field – Unknown Error Status flag. R 1 FF_IDA 8 EDH Full Field – Internal error Detected Already flag. R 0 FF_IDH 7 EDH Full Field – Internal error Detected Here flag. R 0 FF_EDA 6 EDH Full Field – Error Detected Already flag. R 0 FF_EDH 5 EDH Full Field – Error Detected Here flag. R 0 AP_UES 4 EDH Active Picture – Unknown Error Status flag. R 1 AP_IDA 3 EDH Active Picture – Internal error Detected Already flag. R 0 AP_IDH 2 EDH Active Picture – Internal error Detected Here flag. R 0 AP_EDA 1 EDH Active Picture – Error Detected Already flag. R 0 AP_EDH 0 EDH Active Picture – Error Detected Here flag. R 0 EDH_FLAG_IN EDH_FLAG_OUT EDH_FLAG_OUT GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 102 of 150 Table 4-29: Video Core Configuration and Status Registers (Continued) Address Register Name Bit Name Bit Description FF_CRC_V 15 AP_CRC_V VD_STD_DS1 006h DATA_FORMAT_ DS1 CDATA_FORMAT_DS1 R/W Default EDH Full Field CRC Validity bit. R 0 14 EDH Active Picture CRC Validity bit. R 0 13-8 Detected Video Standard for 3G Level B Data Stream 1, 3G Level A, HD and SD inputs. R 29 R 15 R 15 7-4 Data format as indicated in Chroma channel for 3G Level B Data Stream 1, HD and SD inputs; Data format as indicated in Data Stream 2 for 3G Level A inputs. YDATA_FORMAT_DS1 3-0 Data format as indicated in Luma channel for 3G Level B Data Stream 1, HD and SD inputs; Data format as indicated in Data Stream 1 for 3G Level A inputs. 007h DATA_FORMAT_ DS2 RSVD 15-14 Reserved. R 0 VD_STD_DS2 13-8 Detected Video Standard for Data Stream 2 (3G Level B only). R 29 CDATA_FORMAT_DS2 7-4 Data Format as indicated in Chroma channel for Data Stream 2 (3G Level B only). R 15 YDATA_FORMAT_DS2 3-0 Data Format as indicated in Luma channel for Data Stream 2 (3G Level B only). R 15 GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 103 of 150 Table 4-29: Video Core Configuration and Status Registers (Continued) Address Register Name Bit Name Bit Description RSVD 15 Reserved. R/W Default RW 0 RW 2 Configure STAT2 output pin: 008h 009h 00000: H Blanking when TIM_861 = 0; HSYNC when TIM_861 = 1 00001: V Blanking when TIM_861 = 0; VSYNC when TIM_861 = 1 00010: F bit when TIM_861 = 0; Data Enable (DE) when TIM_861 = 1 00011: LOCKED 00100: Y/1ANC: ANC indication (SD), Luma ANC indication (HD), Data Stream 1 ANC data indication (3G) 00101: C/2ANC: Chroma ANC indication (HD) or Data Stream 2 ANC data indication (3G) 00110: Data Error 00111: Video Error 01000: Audio Error 01001: EDH Detected 01010: Carrier Detect 01011: RATE_DET0 01100: RATE_DET1 01101 - 11111: Reserved STAT2_CONFIG 14-10 STAT1_CONFIG 9-5 Configure STAT1 output pin. (Refer to above for decoding) RW 1 STAT0_CONFIG 4-0 Configure STAT0 output pin. (Refer to above for decoding) RW 0 RSVD 15 Reserved. RW 0 IO_CONFIG STAT5_CONFIG 14-10 Configure STAT5 output pin. (Refer to above for decoding) RW 6 STAT4_CONFIG 9-5 Configure STAT4 output pin. (Refer to above for decoding) RW 4 STAT3_CONFIG 4-0 Configure STAT3 output pin. (Refer to above for decoding) RW 3 IO_CONFIG2 GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 104 of 150 Table 4-29: Video Core Configuration and Status Registers (Continued) Address Register Name Bit Name Bit Description R/W Default RSVD 15-4 Reserved. RW 0 ANC_DATA_SWITCH 3 Switches between FIFO memories. RW 0 ANC_DATA_DEL 2 Remove Ancillary Data from output video stream, set to Luma and Chroma blanking values. RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 Extract Ancillary data from Luma and Chroma channels (HD inputs) Extract Ancillary data from Data Stream 1 and Data Stream 2 (3G Level A inputs) HD_ANC_Y1_C2 00Ah 1 ANC_CONTROL Extract Ancillary data from Luma and Chroma channels of Data Stream 1 (3G Level B inputs, when ANC_EXT_SEL_DS2_DS1 = 0) Extract Ancillary data from Luma and Chroma channels of Data Stream 2 (3G Level B inputs, when ANC_EXT_SEL_DS2_DS1 = 1) Extract Ancillary data only from Chroma channel (HD inputs) Extract Ancillary data only from Data Stream 2 (3G Level A inputs) HD_ANC_C2 0 Extract Ancillary data only from Chroma channel of Data Stream 1 (3G Level B inputs, when ANC_EXT_SEL_DS2_DS1 = 0) Extract Ancillary data only from Chroma channel of Data Stream 2 (3G Level B inputs, when ANC_EXT_SEL_DS2_DS1 = 1) 00Bh 00Ch 00Dh 00Eh RSVD 15-11 Reserved. R/W 0 ANC_LINE_A 10-0 Video Line to extract Ancillary data from. R/W 0 RSVD 15-11 Reserved. R/W 0 ANC_LINE_B 10-0 Second video Line to extract Ancillary data from. R/W 0 RSVD 15-0 Reserved. R 0 15-0 Programmable DID/SDID pair #1 to extract from 3G Level B Data Stream 1, 3G Level A, HD and SD input formats ([15:8] = DID, [7:0] =SDID). R/W 0 15-0 Programmable DID/SDID pair #2 to extract from 3G Level B Data Stream 1, 3G Level A, HD and SD input formats ([15:8] = DID, [7:0] =SDID). R/W 0 ANC_LINE_A ANC_LINE_B RSVD 00Fh ANC_TYPE_1_ AP1 010h ANC_TYPE_2_ AP1 ANC_TYPE1_DS1 ANC_TYPE2_DS1 GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 105 of 150 Table 4-29: Video Core Configuration and Status Registers (Continued) Address Register Name 011h ANC_TYPE_3 _AP1 012h 013h ANC_TYPE_4 _AP1 ANC_TYPE_5 _AP1 Bit Name Bit Description R/W Default 15-0 Programmable DID/SDID pair #3 to extract from 3G Level B Data Stream 1, 3G Level A, HD and SD input formats ([15:8] = DID, [7:0] =SDID). R/W 0 15-0 Programmable DID/SDID pair #4 to extract from 3G Level B Data Stream 1, 3G Level A, HD and SD input formats ([15:8] = DID, [7:0] =SDID). R/W 0 ANC_TYPE5_DS1 15-0 Programmable DID/SDID pair #5 to extract from 3G Level B Data Stream 1, 3G Level A, HD and SD input formats ([15:8] = DID, [7:0] =SDID). R/W 0 ANC_TYPE3_DS1 ANC_TYPE4_DS1 014h ANC_TYPE_1 _AP2 ANC_TYPE1_DS2 15-0 Programmable DID/SDID pair #1 to extract from 3G Level B Data Stream 2 ([15:8] = DID, [7:0] =SDID). R/W 0 015h ANC_TYPE_2 _AP2 ANC_TYPE2_DS2 15-0 Programmable DID/SDID pair #2 to extract from 3G Level B Data Stream 2 ([15:8] = DID, [7:0] =SDID). R/W 0 016h ANC_TYPE_3 _AP2 ANC_TYPE3_DS2 15-0 Programmable DID/SDID pair #3 to extract from 3G Level B Data Stream 2 ([15:8] = DID, [7:0] =SDID). R/W 0 017h ANC_TYPE_4 _AP2 ANC_TYPE4_DS2 15-0 Programmable DID/SDID pair #4 to extract from 3G Level B Data Stream 2 ([15:8] = DID, [7:0] =SDID). R/W 0 018h ANC_TYPE_5 _AP2 ANC_TYPE5_DS2 15-0 Programmable DID/SDID pair #5 to extract from 3G Level B Data Stream 2 ([15:8] = DID, [7:0] =SDID). R/W 0 VIDEO_FORMAT_2_DS1 15-8 SMPTE ST 352 embedded packet – byte 2. R 0 VIDEO_FORMAT_1_DS1 7-0 SMPTE ST 352 embedded packet – byte 1: [7]: Version identifier [6:0]: Video Payload Identifier. R 0 VIDEO_FORMAT_4_DS1 15-8 SMPTE ST 352 embedded packet – byte 4. R 0 VIDEO_FORMAT_3_DS1 7-0 SMPTE ST 352 embedded packet – byte 3. R 0 VIDEO_FORMAT_2_DS2 15-8 SMPTE ST 352 embedded packet – byte 2 (3G Data Stream 2 only). R 0 R 0 019h 01Ah 01Bh VIDEO_FORMAT _352_A_1 VIDEO_FORMAT _352_B_1 VIDEO_FORMAT _352_A_2 VIDEO_FORMAT_1_DS2 GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 7-0 SMPTE ST 352 embedded packet – byte 1 (3G Data Stream 2 only): [7]: Version identifier [6:0]: Video Payload Identifier. www.semtech.com 106 of 150 Table 4-29: Video Core Configuration and Status Registers (Continued) Address Register Name 01Ch VIDEO_FORMAT _352_B_2 01Dh 01Eh 01Fh 020h 021h Bit Name Bit Description R/W Default VIDEO_FORMAT_4_DS2 15-8 SMPTE ST 352 embedded packet – byte 4 (3G Data Stream 2 only). R 0 VIDEO_FORMAT_3_DS2 7-0 SMPTE ST 352 embedded packet – byte 3 (3G Data Stream 2 only). R 0 VIDEO_FORMAT_2_INS 15-8 SMPTE ST 352 packet - byte 2 to be embedded after Level B to Level A conversion. R/W 0 VIDEO_FORMAT_1_INS 7-0 SMPTE ST 352 packet - byte 1 to be embedded after Level B to Level A conversion. R/W 0 VIDEO_FORMAT_4_INS 15-8 SMPTE ST 352 packet - byte 4 to be embedded after Level B to Level A conversion. R/W 0 VIDEO_FORMAT_3_INS 7-0 SMPTE ST 352 packet - byte 3 to be embedded after Level B to Level A conversion. R/W 0 VIDEO_FORMAT _352_INS_A VIDEO_FORMAT _352_INS_B RASTER_STRUC_ 1 RASTER_STRUC_ 2 RASTER_STRUC_ 3 RSVD 15-14 Reserved. R 0 WORDS_PER_ACTLINE 13-0 Words Per Active Line. R 0 RSVD 15-14 Reserved. R 0 WORDS_PER_LINE 13-0 Total Words Per Line. R 0 RSVD 15-11 Reserved. R 0 LINES_PER_FRAME 10-0 Total Lines Per Frame. R 0 15-14 0 = HD, 1,3=SD, 2=3G R 0 R 0 Read back detected data rate: RATE_SEL_READBACK Specifies detected M value M 022h 13 RASTER_STRUC_ 4 0: 1.000 1: 1.001 Note: In certain systems, due to greater ppm offsets in the crystal, the ‘M’ bit may not assert properly. In such cases, bits 3:0 in Register 06Fh can be increased to a maximum value of 4. STD_LOCK 12 Video standard lock. R 0 INT_PROG 11 Interlaced or progressive. R 0 Active lines per frame. R 0 ACTLINE_PER_FIELD GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 10-0 www.semtech.com 107 of 150 Table 4-29: Video Core Configuration and Status Registers (Continued) Address Register Name Bit Name Bit Description R/W Default RSVD 15-5 Reserved. R 0 4 Indicates that the timing signal generator is locked to vertical timing (3G Level B Data Stream 2 only). R 0 H_LOCK_DS2 3 Indicates that the timing signal generator is locked to horizontal timing (3G Level B Data Stream 2 only). R 0 RSVD 2 Reserved. R 0 V_LOCK_DS1 1 Indicates that the timing signal generator is locked to vertical timing (3G Level B Data Stream 1, 3G Level A, HD and SD inputs). R 0 H_LOCK_DS1 0 Indicates that the timing signal generator is locked to horizontal timing (3G Level B Data Stream 1, 3G Level A, HD and SD inputs). R 0 Reserved. R 0 R/W 1 R/W 0 V_LOCK_DS2 023h FLYWHEEL _STATUS RSVD AUTO/MAN 024h 025h 026h 027h 036h 15-3 2 RATE_SEL TIM_861_ FORMAT Programmable rate select in manual mode: RATE_SEL_TOP 1-0 0 = HD, 1,3=SD, 2=3G RSVD 15-7 Reserved. R 0 Indicates standard is not recognized for CEA 861 conversion. R 1 FORMAT_ERR 6 FORMAT_ID_861 5-0 CEA-861 format ID of input video stream. Refer to Table 4-9. R 0 RSVD 15-3 Reserved. R 0 VSYNC_INVERT 2 Invert output VSYNC pulse. R/W 0 HSYNC_INVERT 1 Invert output HSYNC pulse. R/W 0 TRS_861 0 Sets the timing reference outputs to DFP timing mode when set to '1'. By default, the timing reference outputs follow CEA-861 timing mode. Only valid when TIM_861 is set to '1'. R/W 0 RSVD − Reserved. R 0 TIM_861_CFG RSVD Detect data rate automatically (1) or program manually (0). GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 108 of 150 Table 4-29: Video Core Configuration and Status Registers (Continued) Address Register Name Bit Name RSVD Bit 15-11 Description Reserved. R/W Default R 0 R/W 0 R 0 R/W 0 R 0 Error mask for global error vector (3G Level B Data Stream 1, 3G Level A, HD, SD): 037h ERROR_MASK_1 ERROR_MASK_1 10-0 RSVD 15-7 bit[0]: EAV_ERR_DS1 mask bit[1]: SAV_ERR_DS1 mask bit[2]: LNUM_ERR_DS1 mask bit[3]: YCRC_ERR_DS1 mask bit[4]: CCRC_ERR_DS1 mask bit[5]: YCS_ERR_DS1 mask bit[6]: CCS_ERR_DS1 mask bit[7]: Reserved bit[8]: AP_CRC_ERR mask bit[9]: FF_CRC_ERR mask bit[10]: VD_STD_ERR_DS1 mask Reserved. Error mask for global error vector (3G Level B Data Stream 2 only): 038h 039h ERROR_MASK_2 ERROR_MASK_2 6-0 RSVD 15-5 bit[0]: EAV_ERR_DS2 mask bit[1]: SAV_ERR_DS2 mask bit[2]: LNUM_ERR_DS2 mask bit[3]: YCRC_ERR_DS2 mask bit[4]: CCRC_ERR_DS2 mask bit[5]: YCS_ERR_DS2 mask bit[6]: CCS_ERR_DS2 mask Reserved. SCLK_INV 4 Invert polarity of output serial audio clock. R/W 0 AMCLK_INV 3 Invert polarity of output audio master clock. R/W 0 RSVD 2 Reserved. R/W 0 R/W 0 ACGEN_CTRL Audio Master Clock Select. 03Ah -6Bh 06Ch RSVD CLK_GEN AMCLK_SEL 1-0 0: 128 fs 1: 256 fs 2: 512 fs RSVD 15-0 Reserved. R 0 RSVD 15-6 Reserved. R/W 0 Choses between the in-phase (0) and quadrature (1) clocks for DDR mode. R/W 0 Controls the offset for the delay line. R/W 0 DEL_LINE_CLK_SEL 5 DEL_LINE_OFFSET 4-0 GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 109 of 150 Table 4-29: Video Core Configuration and Status Registers (Continued) Address Register Name Bit Name Bit Description R/W Default RSVD 15-6 Reserved. R/W 0 R/W 2 R/W 2 00: 4mA; 01: 6mA; 10: 8mA(1.8V), 10mA(3.3V); 11: 10mA(1.8V), 12mA(3.3V) R/W 3 Drive strength adjustment for DOUT[19:10] outputs and PCLK output: IO_DS_CTRL_DOUT_MSB 06Dh 5-4 00: 4mA; 01: 8mA; 10: 10mA(1.8V), 12mA(3.3V); 11: 12mA(1.8V), 16mA(3.3V) Drive strength adjustment for STAT[5:0] outputs: IO_DRIVE _STRENGTH IO_DS_CTRL_STAT 3-2 00: 4mA; 01: 6mA; 10: 8mA(1.8V), 10mA(3.3V); 11: 10mA(1.8V), 12mA(3.3V) Drive strength adjustment for DOUT[9:0] outputs: IO_DS_CTRL_DOUT_LSB 06Eh - 072h 073h 074h -084h 085h RSVD EQ_BYPASS 1-0 RSVD − Reserved. R/W 0 RSVD 15-10 Reserved. R/W 0 0: non-bypass EQ 1: bypass EQ R/W 0 EQ_BYPASS 9 RSVD 8-0 Reserved. R/W 0 RSVD RSVD 15-0 Reserved. R/W 0 RSVD RSVD 15-11 Reserved. R/W 0 R/W 0 R/W 0 LOCK_NOISE _IMM_INCR RSVD LOCK_NOISE_IMM_INCR 10 Enables extra noise-immunity on SMPTE detected lock when HIGH by forcing detection of three TRS words with the last two TRS words having the same alignment before locking to SMPTE. Enable this only for AUTO/MAN = HIGH. RSVD 9-0 Reserved. GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 110 of 150 4.21.2 SD Audio Core Registers Note: The GS2971A only accepts write/read commands to/from the SD Audio Register Map when the audio core is locked to the incoming SD video format. Table 4-30: SD Audio Core Configuration and Status Registers Address Register Name Bit Name RSVD 15-14 Description R/W Default Reserved. R/W 0 R/W 0 ALL_DEL 13 Selects deletion of all audio data and all audio control packets. 0: Do not delete existing audio packets 1: Delete existing audio packets MUTE_ALL 12 Mute all output channels. 0: Normal 1: Muted R/W 0 ACS_USE_SECOND 11 Extract Audio Channel Status from second channel pair. R/W 0 CLEAR_AUDIO 10 Clears all audio FIFO buffers and puts them in start-up state. R/W 0 R/W 0 7 Causes the channel 7 and 8 output format to use LSB first. 0: MSB first 1: LSB first R/W 0 6 Causes the channel 5 and 6 output format to use LSB first. 0: MSB first 1: LSB first R/W 0 5 Causes the channel 3 and 4 output format to use LSB first. 0: MSB first 1: LSB first R/W 0 4 Causes the channel 1 and 2 output format to use LSB first. 0: MSB first 1: LSB first R/W 0 OS_SEL 400h Bit 9-8 CFG_AUD Specifies the audio FIFO buffer size. 00: 36 samples deep, 26 sample start-up count 01: 22 samples deep, 12 sample start-up count 10: 16 samples deep, 6 sample start-up count 11: Reserved Note: The default 36-sample deep FIFO size is not supported if each audio channel must have the same sample delay. LSB_FIRSTD LSB_FIRSTC LSB_FIRSTB LSB_FIRSTA GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 111 of 150 Table 4-30: SD Audio Core Configuration and Status Registers (Continued) Address Register Name Bit Name IDB 400h 401h Bit Description R/W Default 3-2 Specifies the Secondary audio group to extract. 00: Audio group #1 01: Audio group #2 10: Audio group #3 11: Audio group #4 Note: Should IDA and IDB be set to the same value, they automatically revert to their default values. R/W 1 R/W 0 CFG_AUD DBN_ERR Specifies the Primary audio group to extract. 00: Audio group #1 01: Audio group #2 10: Audio group #3 11: Audio group #4 Note: Should IDA and IDB be set to the same value, they automatically revert to their default values. IDA 1-0 EXT_DET3_4B 15 Set when Secondary group channels 3 and 4 have extended data. Write ‘1’ to clear. ROCW 0 EXT_DET1_2B 14 Set when Secondary group channels 1 and 2 have extended data. Write’1’ to clear. ROCW 0 EXT_DET3_4A 13 Set when Primary group channels 3 and 4 have extended data. Write ‘1’ to clear. ROCW 0 EXT_DET1_2A 12 Set when Primary group channels 1 and 2 have extended data. Write ‘1’ to clear. ROCW 0 11 Set when Secondary group control packet Data Block Number sequence is discontinuous. Write ‘1’ to clear. ROCW 0 10 Set when Primary group control packet Data Block Number sequence is discontinuous. Write ‘1’ to clear. ROCW 0 9 Set when Secondary group extended data packet Data Block Number sequence is discontinuous. Write ‘1’ to clear. ROCW 0 8 Set when Primary group extended data packet Data Block Number sequence is discontinuous. Write ‘1’ to clear. ROCW 0 CTL_DBNB_ERR CTL_DBNA_ERR EXT_DBNB_ERR EXT_DBNA_ERR GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 112 of 150 Table 4-30: SD Audio Core Configuration and Status Registers (Continued) Address 401h Register Name Bit Name Description R/W Default SAMP_DBNB_ERR 7 Set when Secondary group data packet Data Block Number sequence is discontinuous. Write ‘1’ to clear. ROCW 0 SAMP_DBNA_ERR 6 Set when Primary group data packet Data Block Number sequence is discontinuous. Write ‘1’ to clear. ROCW 0 CTRB_DET 5 Set when Secondary group audio control packet is detected. Write ‘1’ to clear. ROCW 0 CTRA_DET 4 Set when Primary group audio control packet is detected. Write ‘1’ to clear. ROCW 0 ACS_DET3_4B 3 Secondary group audio status detected for channels 3 and 4. Write ‘1’ to clear. ROCW 0 ACS_DET1_2B 2 Secondary group audio status detected for channels 1 and 2. Write ‘1’ to clear. ROCW 0 1 Primary group audio status detected for channels 3 and 4. Write ‘1’ to clear. ROCW 0 0 Primary group audio status detected for channels 1 and 2. Write ‘1’ to clear. ROCW 0 Reserved. R/W 0 1 Cause channel status data in ACSR[183:0] to be transferred to the channel status replacement mechanism. The transfer does not occur until the next status boundary. R/W 0 0 Specifies that Audio Channel Status of all channels should be replaced with ACSR[183:0] field. 0: Do not replace Channel Status 1: Replace Channel Status of all channels R/W 0 DBN_ERR ACS_DET3_4A ACS_DET1_2A RSVD ACS_APPLY 402h Bit 15-2 REGEN ACS_REGEN GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 113 of 150 Table 4-30: SD Audio Core Configuration and Status Registers (Continued) Address 403h Register Name Bit Name R/W Default 15-14 Actual value of IDB in the hardware. R 1 IDA_READBACK 13-12 Actual value of IDA in the hardware. R 0 XDPG4_DET 11 Set while embedded Group 4 audio extended packets are detected. R 0 XDPG3_DET 10 Set while embedded Group 3 audio extended packets are detected. R 0 XDPG2_DET 9 Set while embedded Group 2 audio extended packets are detected. R 0 XDPG1_DET 8 Set while embedded Group 1 audio extended packets are detected. R 0 ADPG4_DET 7 Set while Group 4 audio data packets are detected. R 0 ADPG3_DET 6 Set while Group 3 audio data packets are detected. R 0 ADPG2_DET 5 Set while Group 2 audio data packets are detected. R 0 ADPG1_DET 4 Set while Group 1 audio data packets are detected. R 0 ACS_APPLY_WAITD 3 Set while output channels 7 and 8 are waiting for a status boundary to apply the ACSR[183:0] data. R 0 ACS_APPLY_WAITC 2 Set while output channels 5 and 6 are waiting for a status boundary to apply the ACSR[183:0] data. R 0 ACS_APPLY_WAITB 1 Set while output channels 3 and 4 are waiting for a status boundary to apply the ACSR[183:0] data. R 0 ACS_APPLY_WAITA 0 Set while output channels 1 and 2 are waiting for a status boundary to apply the ACSR[183:0] data. R 0 R/W 0 ROCW 0 AUD_DET 15-1 CSUM_ERR_DET CSUM_ERROR 405h Description IDB_READBACK RSVD 404h Bit 0 Reserved. Embedded packet checksum error detected. Write ’1’ to clear. RSVD 15-8 Reserved. R/W 0 MUTE 7-0 Mute output channels 8..1 Where bits 7:0 = channel 8:1 1: Mute 0: Normal R/W 0 CH_MUTE GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 114 of 150 Table 4-30: SD Audio Core Configuration and Status Registers (Continued) Address 406h Register Name CH_VALID Bit Name Bit Description R/W Default RSVD 15-8 Reserved. R/W 0 CH4_VALIDB 7 Secondary group channel 4 sample validity flag. R 0 CH3_VALIDB 6 Secondary group channel 3 sample validity flag. R 0 CH2_VALIDB 5 Secondary group channel 2 sample validity flag. R 0 CH1_VALIDB 4 Secondary group channel 1 sample validity flag. R 0 CH4_VALIDA 3 Primary group channel 4 sample validity flag. R 0 CH3_VALIDA 2 Primary group channel 3 sample validity flag. R 0 CH2_VALIDA 1 Primary group channel 2 sample validity flag. R 0 CH1_VALIDA 0 Primary group channel 1 sample validity flag. R 0 GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 115 of 150 Table 4-30: SD Audio Core Configuration and Status Registers (Continued) Address 407h 407h Register Name Bit Name Bit Description R/W Default RSVD 15 Reserved. R/W 0 RSVD 14 Reserved R/W 0 RSVD 13 Reserved R/W 0 RSVD 12 Reserved R/W 0 EN_ACS_DET3_4B 11 Asserts AUDIO_ERROR when ACS_DET3_4B (Reg 401 bit 3) flag is set. R/W 0 EN_ACS_DET1_2B 10 Asserts AUDIO_ERROR when ACS_DET1_2B (Reg 401 bit 2) flag is set. R/W 0 EN_ACS_DET3_4A 9 Asserts AUDIO_ERROR when ACS_DET3_4A (Reg 401 bit 1) flag is set. R/W 0 EN_ACS_DET1_2A 8 Asserts AUDIO_ERROR when ACS_DET1_2A (Reg 401 bit 0) flag is set. R/W 0 EN_CTRB_DET 7 Asserts AUDIO_ERROR when CTRB_DET (Reg 401 bit 5) flag is set. R/W 0 EN_CTRA_DET 6 Asserts AUDIO_ERROR when CTRA_DET (Reg 401 bit 4) flag is set. R/W 0 EN_DBNB_ERR 5 Asserts AUDIO_ERROR when SAMP_DBNB_ERR (Reg 401 bit 7) flag is set. R/W 0 EN_DBNA_ERR 4 Asserts AUDIO_ERROR when SAMP_DBNA_ERR (Reg 401 bit 6) flag is set. R/W 0 EN_ADPG4_DET 3 Asserts AUDIO_ERROR when the ADPG4_DET (Reg 403 bit 7) flag is set. R/W 0 EN_ADPG3_DET 2 Asserts AUDIO_ERROR when the ADPG3_DET (Reg 403 bit 6) flag is set. R/W 0 EN_ADPG2_DET 1 Asserts AUDIO_ERROR when the ADPG2_DET (Reg 403 bit 5) flag is set. R/W 0 EN_ADPG1_DET 0 Asserts AUDIO_ERROR when the ADPG1_DET (Reg 403 bit 4) flag is set. R/W 0 SD_AUDIO_ERR OR_MASK SD_AUDIO_ERR OR_MASK GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 116 of 150 Table 4-30: SD Audio Core Configuration and Status Registers (Continued) Address 408h Register Name Bit Name Bit Description R/W Default R/W 3 ASWLD 15-14 Output channels 7 and 8 word length. 00: 24 bits 01: 20 bits 10: 16 bits 11: Automatic 20-bit or 24-bit ASWLC 13-12 Output channels 5 and 6 word length. (See above for decoding) R/W 3 ASWLB 11-10 Output channels 3 and 4 word length. (See above for decoding) R/W 3 ASWLA 9-8 Output channels 1 and 2 word length. (See above for decoding) R/W 3 R/W 3 CFG_OUTPUT AMD 7-6 Output channels 7 and 8 format selector. 00: AES/EBU audio output 01: Serial audio output: Left justified; MSB first 10: Serial audio output: Right justified; MSB first 11: I2S serial audio output 409h AMC 5-4 Output channels 5 and 6 format selector. (See above for decoding). R/W 3 AMB 3-2 Output channels 3 and 4 format selector. (See above for decoding). R/W 3 AMA 1-0 Output channels 1 and 2 format selector. (See above for decoding). R/W 3 RSVD 15-12 Reserved. R/W 0 OP4_SRC 11-9 Output channel 4 source selector. 000: Primary audio group channel 1 001: Primary audio group channel 2 010: Primary audio group channel 3 011: Primary audio group channel 4 100: Secondary audio group channel 1 101: Secondary audio group channel 2 110: Secondary audio group channel 3 111: Secondary audio group channel 4 R/W 3 OP3_SRC 8-6 Output channel 3 source selector (Decode as above). R/W 2 OP2_SRC 5-3 Output channel 2 source selector (Decode as above). R/W 1 OP1_SRC 2-0 Output channel 1 source selector (Decode as above). R/W 0 OUTPUT_SEL_1 GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 117 of 150 Table 4-30: SD Audio Core Configuration and Status Registers (Continued) Address Register Name Bit Name Description R/W Default 15-12 Reserved. R/W 0 OP8_SRC 11-9 Output channel 8 source selector. 000: Primary audio group channel 1 001: Primary audio group channel 2 010: Primary audio group channel 3 011: Primary audio group channel 4 100: Secondary audio group channel 1 101: Secondary audio group channel 2 110: Secondary audio group channel 3 111: Secondary audio group channel 4 R/W 7 OP7_SRC 8-6 Output channel 7 source selector (Decode as above). R/W 6 OP6_SRC 5-3 Output channel 6 source selector (Decode as above). R/W 5 OP5_SRC 2-0 Output channel 5 source selector (Decode as above). R/W 4 RSVD 40Ah OUTPUT_SEL_2 40Bh 41Fh RSVD 420h AFNA12 421h 422h 423h Bit RSVD − Reserved. − − RSVD 15-9 Reserved. R/W 0 AFN1_2A 8-0 Primary group audio frame number for channels 1 and 2. R 0 RSVD 15-9 Reserved. R/W 0 AFN3_4A 8-0 Primary group audio frame number for channels 3 and 4. R 0 RSVD 15-8 Reserved. R/W 0 RATE3_4A 7-5 Primary group sampling frequency for channels 3 and 4 R 0 ASX3_4A 4 Primary group asynchronous mode for channels 3 and 4. R 0 RATE1_2A 3-1 Primary group sampling frequency for channels 1 and 2. R 0 ASX1_2A 0 Primary group asynchronous mode for channels 1 and 2. R 0 R/W 0 R 0 AFNA34 RATEA RSVD 15-4 Reserved. ACTA 3-0 Primary group active channels. ACT_A GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 118 of 150 Table 4-30: SD Audio Core Configuration and Status Registers (Continued) Address 424h Register Name PRIM_AUD_ DELAY_1 Bit Name Bit Description R/W Default RSVD 15-9 Reserved. R/W 0 DEL1A_1 8-1 Primary Audio group delay data for channel 1. R 0 0 Primary Audio group delay data valid flag for channel 1. R 0 R/W 0 R 0 R/W 0 R 0 R/W 0 EBIT1A 425h 426h 427h PRIM_AUD_ DELAY_2 PRIM_AUD_ DELAY_3 PRIM_AUD_ DELAY_4 RSVD 15-9 Reserved. DEL1A_2 8-0 Primary Audio group delay data for channel 1. RSVD 15-9 Reserved. DEL1A_3 8-0 Primary Audio group delay data for channel 1. RSVD 15-9 Reserved. DEL2A_4 8-1 Primary Audio group delay data for channel 2. R 0 0 Primary Audio group delay data valid flag for channel 2. R 0 R/W 0 R 0 R/W 0 R 0 R/W 0 EBIT2A 428h 429h 42Ah PRIM_AUD_ DELAY_5 PRIM_AUD_ DELAY_6 PRIM_AUD_ DELAY_7 RSVD 15-9 Reserved. DEL2A_5 8-0 Primary Audio group delay data for channel 2. RSVD 15-9 Reserved. DEL2A_6 8-0 Primary Audio group delay data for channel 2. RSVD 15-9 Reserved. DEL3A_7 8-1 Primary Audio group delay data for channel 3. R 0 0 Primary Audio group delay data valid flag for channel 3. R 0 R/W 0 R 0 R/W 0 R 0 R/W 0 EBIT3A 42Bh 42Ch 42Dh PRIM_AUD_ DELAY_8 PRIM_AUD_ DELAY_9 PRIM_AUD_ DELAY_10 RSVD 15-9 Reserved. DEL3A_8 8-0 Primary Audio group delay data for channel 3. RSVD 15-9 Reserved. DEL3A_9 8-0 Primary Audio group delay data for channel 3. RSVD 15-9 Reserved. DEL4A_10 8-1 Primary Audio group delay data for channel 4. R 0 0 Primary Audio group delay data valid flag for channel 4. R 0 EBIT4A GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 119 of 150 Table 4-30: SD Audio Core Configuration and Status Registers (Continued) Address Register Name 42Eh PRIM_AUD_ DELAY_11 42Fh 430h 431h 432h 433h 434h PRIM_AUD_ DELAY_12 Bit Name Bit Description R/W Default RSVD 15-9 Reserved. R/W 0 DEL4A_11 8-0 Primary Audio group delay data for channel 4. R 0 RSVD 15-9 Reserved. R/W 0 DEL4A_12 8-0 Primary Audio group delay data for channel 4. R 0 RSVD 15-9 Reserved. R/W 0 AFN1_2B 8-0 Secondary group audio frame number for channels 1 and 2. R 0 RSVD 15-9 Reserved. R/W 0 AFN3_4B 8-0 Secondary group audio frame number for channels 3 and 4. R 0 RSVD 15-8 Reserved. R 0 RATE3_4B 7-5 Secondary group sampling frequency for channels 3 and 4. R 0 ASX3_4B 4 Secondary group asynchronous mode for channels 3 and 4. R 0 RATE1_2B 3-1 Secondary group sampling frequency for channels 1 and 2. R 0 ASX1_2B 0 Secondary group asynchronous mode for channels 1 and 2. R 0 R/W 0 R 0 R/W 0 AFNB12 AFNB34 RATEB RSVD 15-4 Reserved. ACTB 3-0 Secondary group active channels. RSVD 15-9 Reserved. DEL1B_1 8-1 Secondary Audio group delay data for channel 1. R 0 0 Secondary Audio group delay data valid flag for channel 1. R 0 ACT_B SEC_AUD_ DELAY_! EBIT1B 435h 436h 437h SEC_AUD DELAY_2 SEC_AUD_ DELAY_3 SEC_AUD DELAY_4 RSVD 15-9 Reserved. DEL1B_2 8-0 Secondary Audio group delay data for channel 1. RSVD 15-9 Reserved. DEL1B_3 8-0 Secondary Audio group delay data for channel 1. RSVD 15-9 Reserved. DEL2B_4 8-1 0 EBIT2B GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 R/W R 0 R/W 0 R 0 R/W 0 Secondary Audio group delay data for channel 2. R 0 Secondary Audio group delay data valid flag for channel 2. R 0 www.semtech.com 120 of 150 Table 4-30: SD Audio Core Configuration and Status Registers (Continued) Address Register Name 438h SEC_AUD DELAY_5 439h 43Ah SEC_AUD DELAY_6 SEC_AUD DELAY_7 Bit Name Bit Description R/W Default RSVD 15-9 Reserved. R/W 0 DEL2B_5 8-0 Secondary Audio group delay data for channel 2. R 0 RSVD 15-9 Reserved. R/W 0 DEL2B_6 8-0 Secondary Audio group delay data for channel 2. R 0 RSVD 15-9 Reserved. R/W 0 DEL3B_7 8-1 Secondary Audio group delay data for channel 3. R 0 0 Secondary Audio group delay data valid flag for channel 3. R 0 R/W 0 R 0 R/W 0 R 0 R/W 0 EBIT3B 43Bh 43Ch 43Dh SEC_AUD DELAY_8 SEC_AUD DELAY_9 SEC_AUD DELAY_10 RSVD 15-9 Reserved. DEL3B_8 8-0 Secondary Audio group delay data for channel 3. RSVD 15-9 Reserved. DEL3B_9 8-0 Secondary Audio group delay data for channel 3. RSVD 15-9 Reserved. DEL4B_10 8-1 Secondary Audio group delay data for channel 4. R 0 0 Secondary Audio group delay data valid flag for channel 4. R 0 R/W 0 R 0 R/W 0 EBIT4B 43Eh 43Fh SEC_AUD_ DELAY_11 SEC_AUD_ DELAY_12 RSVD 15-9 Reserved. DEL4B_11 8-0 Secondary Audio group delay data for channel 4. RSVD 15-9 Reserved. DEL4B_12 8-0 Secondary Audio group delay data for channel 4. R 0 440h ACSR1_2A_BYTE 0_1 ACSR1_2A_0 15-0 Bytes 0 [7:0] and 1 [15:8] of audio group A channel status for channels 1 and 2 R 0 441h ACSR1_2A_BYTE 2_3 ACSR1_2A_2 15-0 Bytes 2 [7:0] and 3 [15:8] of audio group A channel status for channels 1 and 2 R 0 442h ACSR1_2A_BYTE 4_5 ACSR1_2A_4 15-0 Bytes 4 [7:0] and 5 [15:8] of audio group A channel status for channels 1 and 2 R 0 443h ACSR1_2A_BYTE 6_7 ACSR1_2A_6 15-0 Bytes 6 [7:0] and 7 [15:8] of audio group A channel status for channels 1 and 2 R 0 444h ACSR1_2A_BYTE 8_9 ACSR1_2A_8 15-0 Bytes 8 [7:0] and 9 [15:8] of audio group A channel status for channels 1 and 2. R 0 GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 121 of 150 Table 4-30: SD Audio Core Configuration and Status Registers (Continued) Address Register Name Bit Name Bit Description R/W Default 445h ACSR1_2A_BYTE 10_11 ACSR1_2A_10 15-0 Bytes 10 [7:0] and 11 [15:8] of audio group A channel status for channels 1 and 2. R 0 446h ACSR1_2A_BYTE 12_13 ACSR1_2A_12 15-0 Bytes 12 [7:0] and 13 [15:8] of audio group A channel status for channels 1 and 2. R 0 447h ACSR1_2A_BYTE 14_15 ACSR1_2A_14 15-0 Bytes 14 [7:0] and 15 [15:8] of audio group A channel status for channels 1 and 2. R 0 448h ACSR1_2A_BYTE 16_17 ACSR1_2A_16 15-0 Bytes 16 [7:0] and 17 [15:8] of audio group A channel status for channels 1 and 2. R 0 449h ACSR1_2A_BYTE 18_19 ACSR1_2A_18 15-0 Bytes 18 [7:0] and 19 [15:8] of audio group A channel status for channels 1 and 2. R 0 44Ah ACSR1_2A_BYTE 20_21 ACSR1_2A_20 15-0 Bytes 20 [7:0] and 21 [15:8] of audio group A channel status for channels 1 and 2. R 0 RSVD 15-8 Reserved. R/W 0 44Bh ACRS1_2A_ BYTE22 ACSR1_2A_22 7-0 Byte 22 of audio group A channel status for channels 1 and 2. R 0 RSVD 15-0 Reserved R/W 0 44Ch 44Fh RSVD 450h ACSR3_4A BYTE0_1 ACSR3_4A_0 15-0 Bytes 0 [7:0] and 1 [15:8] of audio group A channel status for channels 3 and 4. R 0 451h ACSR3_4A BYTE2_3 ACSR3_4A_2 15-0 Bytes 2 [7:0] and 3 [15:8] of audio group A channel status for channels 3 and 4. R 0 452h ACSR3_4A_BYTE 4_5 ACSR3_4A_4 15-0 Bytes 4 [7:0] and 5 [15:8] of audio group A channel status for channels 3 and 4. R 0 453h ACSR3_4A_BYTE 6_7 ACSR3_4A_6 15-0 Bytes 6 [7:0] and 7 [15:8] of audio group A channel status for channels 3 and 4. R 0 454h ACSR3_4A_BYTE 8_9 ACSR3_4A_8 15-0 Bytes 8 [7:0] and 9 [15:8] of audio group A channel status for channels 3 and 4. R 0 455h ACSR3_4A_BYTE 10_11 ACSR3_4A_10 15-0 Bytes 10 [7:0] and 11 [15:8] of audio group A channel status for channels 3 and 4. R 0 456h ACSR3_4A_BYTE 12_13 ACSR3_4A_12 15-0 Bytes 12 [7:0] and 13 [15:8] of audio group A channel status for channels 3 and 4. R 0 457h ACSR3_4A_BYTE 14_15 ACSR3_4A_14 15-0 Bytes 14 [7:0] and 15 [15:8] of audio group A channel status for channels 3 and 4. R 0 GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 122 of 150 Table 4-30: SD Audio Core Configuration and Status Registers (Continued) Address Register Name Bit Name Bit Description R/W Default 458h ACSR3_4A_BYTE 16_17 ACSR3_4A_16 15-0 Bytes 16 [7:0] and 17 [15:8] of audio group A channel status for channels 3 and 4. R 0 459h ACSR3_4A_BYTE 18_19 ACSR3_4A_18 15-0 Bytes 18 [7:0] and 19 [15:8] of audio group A channel status for channels 3 and 4. R 0 45Ah ACSR3_4A_BYTE 20_21 ACSR3_4A_20 15-0 Bytes 20 [7:0] and 21 [15:8] of audio group A channel status for channels 3 and 4. R 0 45Bh ACSR3_4A_BYTE 22 RSVD 15-8 Reserved. R/W 0 ACSR3_4A_22 7-0 Bytes 22 of audio group A channel status for channels 3 and 4. R 0 RSVD 15-0 Reserved R/W 0 45Ch 45Fh RSVD 460h ACSR1_2B_BYTE 0_1 ACSR1_2B_0 15-0 Bytes 0 [7:0] and 1 [15:8] of audio group B channel status for channels 1 and 2. R 0 461h ACSR1_2B_BYTE 2_3 ACSR1_2B_2 15-0 Bytes 2 [7:0] and 3 [15:8] of audio group B channel status for channels 1 and 2. R 0 462h ACSR1_2B_BYTE 4_5 ACSR1_2B_4 15-0 Bytes 4 [7:0] and 5 [15:8] of audio group B channel status for channels 1 and 2. R 0 463h ACSR1_2B_BYTE 6_7 ACSR1_2B_6 15-0 Bytes 6 [7:0] and 7 [15:8] of audio group B channel status for channels 1 and 2. R 0 464h ACSR1_2B_BYTE 8_9 ACSR1_2B_8 15-0 Bytes 8 [7:0] and 9 [15:8] of audio group B channel status for channels 1 and 2. R 0 465h ACSR1_2B_BYTE 10_11 ACSR1_2B_10 15-0 Bytes 10 [7:0] and 11 [15:8] of audio group B channel status for channels 1 and 2. R 0 466h ACSR1_2B_BYTE 12_13 ACSR1_2B_12 15-0 Bytes 12 [7:0] and 13 [15:8] of audio group B channel status for channels 1 and 2. R 0 467h ACSR1_2B_BYTE 14_15 ACSR1_2B_14 15-0 Bytes 14 [7:0] and 15 [15:8] of audio group B channel status for channels 1 and 2. R 0 468h ACSR1_2B_BYTE 16_17 ACSR1_2B_16 15-0 Bytes 16 [7:0] and 17 [15:8] of audio group B channel status for channels 1 and 2. R 0 469h ACSR1_2B_BYTE 18_19 ACSR1_2B_18 15-0 Bytes 18 [7:0] and 19 [15:8] of audio group B channel status for channels 1 and 2. R 0 46Ah ACSR1_2B_BYTE 20_21 ACSR1_2B_20 15-0 Bytes 20 [7:0] and 21 [15:8] of audio group B channel status for channels 1 and 2. R 0 GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 123 of 150 Table 4-30: SD Audio Core Configuration and Status Registers (Continued) Address Register Name 46Bh ACSR1_2B_BYTE 22 Bit Name Bit Description R/W Default RSVD 15-8 Reserved. R/W 0 ACSR1_2B_22 7-0 Byte 22 of audio group B channel status for channels 1 and 2. R 0 RSVD 15-0 Reserved R/W 0 46Ch 46Fh RSVD 470h ACSR3_4B_BYTE 0_1 ACSR3_4B_0 15-0 Bytes 0 [7:0] and 1 [15:8] of audio group B channel status for channels 3 and 4. R 0 471h ACSR3_4B_BYTE 2_3 ACSR3_4B_2 15-0 Bytes 2 [7:0] and 3 [15:8] of audio group B channel status for channels 3 and 4. R 0 472h ACSR3_4B_BYTE 4_5 ACSR3_4B_4 15-0 Bytes 4 [7:0] and 5 [15:8] of audio group B channel status for channels 3 and 4. R 0 473h ACSR3_4B_BYTE 6_7 ACSR3_4B_6 15-0 Bytes 6 [7:0] and 7 [15:8] of audio group B channel status for channels 3 and 4. R 0 474h ACSR3_4B_BYTE 8_9 ACSR3_4B_8 15-0 Bytes 8 [7:0] and 9 [15:8] of audio group B channel status for channels 3 and 4. R 0 475h ACSR3_4B_BYTE 10_11 ACSR3_4B_10 15-0 Bytes 10 [7:0] and 11 [15:8] of audio group B channel status for channels 3 and 4. R 0 476h ACSR3_4B_BYTE 12_13 ACSR3_4B_12 15-0 Bytes 12 [7:0] and 13 [15:8] of audio group B channel status for channels 3 and 4. R 0 477h ACSR3_4B_BYTE 14_15 ACSR3_4B_14 15-0 Bytes 14 [7:0] and 15 [15:8] of audio group B channel status for channels 3 and 4. R 0 478h ACSR3_4A_BYTE 16_17 ACSR3_4B_16 15-0 Bytes 16 [7:0] and 17 [15:8] of audio group B channel status for channels 3 and 4. R 0 479h ACSR3_4A_BYTE 18_19 ACSR3_4B_18 15-0 Bytes 18 [7:0] and 19 [15:8] of audio group B channel status for channels 3 and 4. R 0 47Ah ACSR3_4A_BYTE 20_21 ACSR3_4B_20 15-0 Bytes 20 [7:0] and 21 [15:8] of audio group B channel status for channels 3 and 4. R 0 RSVD 15-8 Reserved R/W 0 47Bh ACSR3_4A_BYTE 22 ACSR3_4B_22 7-0 Byte 22 of audio group B channel status for channels 3 and 4. R 0 RSVD 15:0 Reserved R/W 0 47Ch 47Fh RSVD GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 124 of 150 Table 4-30: SD Audio Core Configuration and Status Registers (Continued) Address Register Name Bit Name Bit Description R/W Default R 0 480h ACSR_BYTE_0 ACSR_BYTE0 7-0 Audio channel status to use when ACS_REGEN is set or when adding audio channel status to non-AES/EBU audio. 8 bits per register for 23 registers. 481h ACSR_BYTE_1 ACSR_BYTE1 7-0 − W 0 482h ACSR_BYTE_2 ACSR_BYTE2 7-0 − W 0 483h ACSR_BYTE_3 ACSR_BYTE3 7-0 − W 0 484h ACSR_BYTE_4 ACSR_BYTE4 7-0 − W 0 485h ACSR_BYTE_5 ACSR_BYTE5 7-0 − W 0 486h ACSR_BYTE_6 ACSR_BYTE6 7-0 − W 0 487h ACSR_BYTE_7 ACSR_BYTE7 7-0 − W 0 488h ACSR_BYTE_8 ACSR_BYTE8 7-0 − W 0 489h ACSR_BYTE_9 ACSR_BYTE9 7-0 − W 0 48Ah ACSR_BYTE_10 ACSR_BYTE10 7-0 − W 0 48Bh ACSR_BYTE_11 ACSR_BYTE11 7-0 − W 0 48Ch ACSR_BYTE_12 ACSR_BYTE12 7-0 − W 0 48Dh ACSR_BYTE_13 ACSR_BYTE13 7-0 − W 0 48Eh ACSR_BYTE_14 ACSR_BYTE14 7-0 − W 0 48Fh ACSR_BYTE_15 ACSR_BYTE15 7-0 − W 0 490h ACSR_BYTE_16 ACSR_BYTE16 7-0 − W 0 491h ACSR_BYTE_17 ACSR_BYTE17 7-0 − W 0 492h ACSR_BYTE_18 ACSR_BYTE18 7-0 − W 0 493h ACSR_BYTE_19 ACSR_BYTE19 7-0 − W 0 494h ACSR_BYTE_20 ACSR_BYTE20 7-0 − R/W 0 495h ACSR_BYTE_21 ACSR_BYTE21 7-0 − R/W 0 496h ACSR_BYTE_22 ACSR_BYTE22 7-0 − R/W 0 GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 125 of 150 4.21.3 HD and 3G Audio Core Registers Note: The GS2971A only accepts write/read commands to/from the HD/3G Audio Register Map when the audio core is locked to the incoming HD or 3G video format. Table 4-31: HD and 3G Audio Core Configuration and Status Registers Address Register Name Bit Name Bit Description R/W Default ECC_OFF 15 Disables ECC error correction. R/W 0 R/W 0 R/W 0 R/W 0 R/W 3 R/W 3 R/W 3 R/W 3 Selects deletion of all audio data and all audio control packets ALL_DEL 14 MUTE_ALL 13 ACS_USE_SECOND 12 0: Do not delete existing audio control packets 1: Delete existing audio control packets. Mute all output channels 0: Normal 1: Muted Extract Audio Channel Status from second channel pair. Secondary group output word length. ASWLB 200h 11-10 CFG_AUD 00: 24 bits 01: 20 bits 10: 16 bits 11: invalid Primary group output word length. ASWLA 9-8 00: 24 bits 01: 20 bits 10: 16 bits 11: invalid Secondary group output format selector. AMB 7-6 00: AES/EBU audio output 01: Serial audio output: left justified MSB first 10: Serial audio output: right justified. MSB first 11: I2S serial audio output Primary group output format selector. AMA GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 5-4 00: AES/EBU audio output 01: Serial audio output: left justified MSB first 10: Serial audio output: right justified MSB first 11: I2S serial audio output www.semtech.com 126 of 150 Table 4-31: HD and 3G Audio Core Configuration and Status Registers (Continued) Address Register Name Bit Name Bit Description R/W Default R/W 1 R/W 0 R/W 0 Specifies the Secondary audio group to extract. IDB 200h 3-2 00: Audio group #1 01: Audio group #2 10: Audio group #3 11: Audio group #4 Note: Should IDA and IDB be set to the same value, they automatically revert to their default values. CFG_AUD Specifies the Primary audio group to extract. 201h ACS_DET IDA 1-0 RSVD 15-8 00: Audio group #1 01: Audio group #2 10: Audio group #3 11: Audio group #4 Note: Should IDA and IDB be set to the same value, they automatically revert to their default values. Reserved. DBNB_ERR 7 Set when Secondary group audio Data Block Number sequence is discontinuous. ROCW 0 DBNA_ERR 6 Set when Primary group audio Data Block Number sequence is discontinuous. ROCW 0 CTRB_DET 5 Set when Secondary group audio control packet is detected. ROCW 0 CTRA_DET 4 Set when Primary group audio control packet is detected. ROCW 0 ACS_DET3_4B 3 Secondary group audio status detected for channels 3 and 4. ROCW 0 ACS_DET1_2B 2 Secondary group audio status detected for channels 1 and 2. ROCW 0 ACS_DET3_4A 1 Primary group audio status detected for channels 3 and 4. ROCW 0 ACS_DET1_2A 0 Primary group audio status detected for channels 1 and 2. ROCW 0 GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 127 of 150 Table 4-31: HD and 3G Audio Core Configuration and Status Registers (Continued) Address 202h Register Name AUD_DET1 Bit Name Bit Description RSVD 15-9 IDB_READBACK IDA_READBACK 0 8-7 Actual value of IDB in the hardware. R 1 6-5 Actual value of IDA in the hardware. R 0 R 0 ADPG3_DET 3 Set while Group 3 audio data packets are detected. R 0 ADPG2_DET 2 Set while Group 2 audio data packets are detected. R 0 ADPG1_DET 1 Set while Group 1 audio data packets are detected. R 0 0 ACS_APPLY_WAIT: Set while output channels 1 and 2 are waiting for a status boundary to apply the ACSR[183:0] data. R 0 R/W 0 15-2 Reserved. ECCA_ERROR 1 Primary group audio data packet error detected. ROCW 0 ECCB_ERROR 0 Secondary group audio data packet error detected. ROCW 0 Reserved. R/W 0 Cause channel status data in ACSR[183:0] to be transferred to the channel status replacement mechanism. The transfer does not occur until the next status boundary. R/W 0 R/W 0 R/W 0 R/W 0 R/W 0 ACS_APPLY 15-2 1 REGEN ACS_REGEN 0 RSVD 15 MUTEB 205h R Set while Group 4 audio data packets are detected. RSVD 204h Reserved. 4 RSVD AUD_DET2 Default ADPG4_DET ACS_APPLY_WAIT 203h R/W 7-4 CH_MUTE MUTEA GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 3-0 Specifies that Audio Channel Status of all channels should be replaced with ACSR[183:0] field. 0: Do not replace Channel Status 1: Replace Channel Status of all channels Reserved. Mute Secondary output channels 4..1 Where bits 7:4 = channel 4:1 1: Mute 0: Normal Mute Primary output channels 4..1 Where bits 3:0 = channel 4:1 1: Mute 0: Normal www.semtech.com 128 of 150 Table 4-31: HD and 3G Audio Core Configuration and Status Registers (Continued) Address 206h Register Name CH_VALID Bit Name Bit Description R/W Default RSVD 15-8 Reserved. R/W 0 CH4_VALIDB 7 Secondary group channel 4 sample validity flag. R 0 CH3_VALIDB 6 Secondary group channel 3 sample validity flag. R 0 CH2_VALIDB 5 Secondary group channel 2 sample validity flag. R 0 CH1_VALIDB 4 Secondary group channel 1 sample validity flag. R 0 CH4_VALIDA 3 Primary group channel 4 sample validity flag. R 0 CH3_VALIDA 2 Primary group channel 3 sample validity flag. R 0 CH2_VALIDA 1 Primary group channel 2 sample validity flag. R 0 CH1_VALIDA 0 Primary group channel 1 sample validity flag. R 0 GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 129 of 150 Table 4-31: HD and 3G Audio Core Configuration and Status Registers (Continued) Address 207h Register Name Bit Name Bit Description R/W Default RSVD 15 Reserved. R/W 0 EN_MISSING_PHASE 14 Asserts AUDIO_ERROR when chosen group's phase data (Reg 9 bit 2) is missing R/W 0 EN_ACS_DET3_4B 13 Asserts AUDIO_ERROR when ACS_DET3_4B flag (Reg 201 bit 3) is set. R/W 0 EN_ACS_DET1_2B 12 Asserts AUDIO_ERROR when ACS_DET1_2B (Reg 201 bit 2) flag is set. R/W 0 EN_ACS_DET3_4A 11 Asserts AUDIO_ERROR when ACS_DET3_4A (Reg 201 bit 1) flag is set. R/W 0 EN_ACS_DET1_2A 10 Asserts AUDIO_ERROR when ACS_DET1_2A (Reg 201 bit 0) flag is set. R/W 0 EN_CTRB_DET 9 Asserts AUDIO_ERROR when CTRB_DET (Reg 201 bit 5) flag is set. R/W 0 EN_CTRA_DET 8 Asserts AUDIO_ERROR when CTRA_DET (Reg 201 bit 4) flag is set. R/W 0 EN_DBNB_ERR 7 Asserts AUDIO_ERROR when DBNB_ERR (Reg 201 bit 7) flag is set. R/W 0 EN_DBNA_ERR 6 Asserts AUDIO_ERROR when DBNA_ERR (Reg 201 bit 6 flag is set. R/W 0 EN_ECCB_ERR 5 Asserts AUDIO_ERROR when ECCB_ERR (Reg 203 bit 0) flag is set. R/W 0 EN_ECCA_ERR 4 Asserts AUDIO_ERROR when ECCA_ERR (Reg 203 bit 1) flag is set. R/W 0 EN_ADPG4_DET 3 Asserts AUDIO_ERROR when ADPG4_DET (Reg 202 bit 4) flag is set. R/W 0 EN_ADPG3_DET 2 Asserts AUDIO_ERROR when ADPG3_DET (Reg 202 bit 3) flag is set. R/W 0 EN_ADPG2_DET 1 Asserts AUDIO_ERROR when ADPG2_DET (Reg 202 bit 2) flag is set. R/W 0 EN_ADPG1_DET 0 Asserts AUDIO_ERROR when ADPG1_DET (Reg 202 bit 1) flag is set. R/W 0 HD_AUDIO_ERR OR_MASK GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 130 of 150 Table 4-31: HD and 3G Audio Core Configuration and Status Registers (Continued) Address Register Name Bit Name RSVD R/W Default Reserved. R/W 0 10 Selects between the Primary and Secondary embedded phase info. R/W 0 LSB_FIRSTB 9 Causes the Secondary group serial output formats to use LSB first. R/W 0 LSB_FIRSTA 8 Causes the Primary group serial output formats to use LSB first. R/W 0 FORCE_M 7 Disables M value detection and forces M value to that specified by FORCE_MEQ1001. R/W 0 R/W 0 R/W 0 6 Specifies M value when FORCE_M is set. 1: M= 1.001 0: M = 1.000 IGNORE_PHASE 5 Causes the Demultiplexer to ignore the embedded clock info in both the Primary and Secondary group audio data packets. Clock is generated based on the video format and M value. FORCE_ACLK128 4 Causes the core to ignore embedded clock info and derive phase information from ACLK128. R/W 0 RSVD 3 Reserved R/W 0 RSVD 2 Reserved R/W 0 EN_NO_PHASEB 1 Asserts AUDIO_ERROR when NO_PHASEB_DATA (Reg 209 bit 1) is set. R/W 0 EN_NO_PHASEA 0 Asserts AUDIO_ERROR when NO_PHASEA_DATA (Reg 209 bit 0) is set. R/W 0 Reserved. R/W 0 CFG_AUD_2 RSVD 209h 15-11 Description SEL_PHASE_SRC FORCE_MEQ1001 208h Bit 15-3 MISSING_PHASE 2 Embedded phase info for chosen group missing or incorrect. R 0 NO_PHASEB_DATA 1 Secondary group has invalid embedded clock information. R 0 NO_PHASEA_DATA 0 Primary group has invalid embedded clock information. R 0 CFG_AUD_3 GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 131 of 150 Table 4-31: HD and 3G Audio Core Configuration and Status Registers (Continued) Address Register Name Bit Name RSVD Bit 15-12 Description Reserved. R/W Default R 0 R/W 3 Output channel 4 source selector. 20Ah 000: Primary audio group channel 1 001: Primary audio group channel 2 010: Primary audio group channel 3 011: Primary audio group channel 4 100: Secondary audio group channel 1 101: Secondary audio group channel 2 110: Secondary audio group channel 3 111: Secondary audio group channel 4 OP4_SRC 11-9 OP3_SRC 8-6 Output channel 3 source selector (Decode as above). R/W 2 OP2_SRC 5-3 Output channel 2 source selector (Decode as above). R/W 1 OP1_SRC 2-0 Output channel 1 source selector (Decode as above). R/W 0 Reserved. R/W 0 R/W 7 OUTPUT_SEL_1 RSVD 15-12 Output channel 8 source selector. 20Bh 20Ch 21Fh 220h OP8_SRC 11-9 OP7_SRC 8-6 Output channel 7 source selector (Decode as above). R/W 6 OP6_SRC 5-3 Output channel 6 source selector (Decode as above). R/W 5 OP5_SRC 2-0 Output channel 5 source selector (Decode as above). R/W 4 OUTPUT_SEL_2 RSVD 000: Primary audio group channel 1 001: Primary audio group channel 2 010: Primary audio group channel 3 011: Primary audio group channel 4 100: Secondary audio group channel 1 101: Secondary audio group channel 2 110: Secondary audio group channel 3 111: Secondary audio group channel 4 RSVD − Reserved. − − RSVD 15-9 Reserved. R/W 0 AFNA 8-0 Primary group audio frame number. R 0 AFNA GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 132 of 150 Table 4-31: HD and 3G Audio Core Configuration and Status Registers (Continued) Address 221h 222h 223h Register Name RATEA Bit Name Bit Description R/W Default RSVD 15-4 Reserved. R/W 0 RATEA 3-1 Primary group sampling frequency for channels 1 and 2. R 0 ASXA 0 Primary group asynchronous mode for channels 1 and 2. R 0 RSVD 15-4 Reserved. R/W 0 ACTA 3-0 Primary group active channels. R 0 RSVD 15-9 Reserved. R/W 0 DEL1_2A_1 8-1 Primary Audio group delay data for channels 1 and 2 [7:0]. R 0 Primary Audio group delay data valid flag for channels 1 and 2. R 0 R/W 0 R 0 R/W 0 R 0 R/W 0 ACTA PRIM_AUD _DELAY_1 EBIT1_2A 224h 225h 226h PRIM_AUD _DELAY_2 PRIM_AUD _DELAY_3 PRIM_AUD _DELAY_4 RSVD 15-9 Reserved. DEL1_2A_2 8-0 Primary Audio group delay data for channels 1 and 2 [16:8]. RSVD 15-9 Reserved. DEL1_2A_3 8-0 Primary Audio group delay data for channels 1 and 2 [25:17]. RSVD 15-9 Reserved. DEL3_4A_4 8-1 Primary Audio group delay data for channels 3 and 4 [7:0]. R 0 Primary Audio group delay data valid flag for channels 3 and 4. R 0 R/W 0 R 0 R/W 0 R 0 EBIT3_4A 227h 228h 229h 22Fh 230h 231h PRIM_AUD _DELAY_5 PRIM_AUD _DELAY_6 RSVD 0 0 RSVD 15-9 Reserved. DEL3_4A_5 8-0 Primary Audio group delay data for channels 3 and 4 [16:8]. RSVD 15-9 Reserved. DEL3_4A_6 8-0 Primary Audio group delay data for channels 3 and 4 [25:17]. RSVD − Reserved. R/W 0 RSVD 15-9 Reserved. R/W 0 AFNB 8-0 Secondary group audio frame number. R 0 RSVD 15-4 Reserved. R/W 0 RATEB 3-1 Secondary group sampling frequency for channels 1 and 2. R 0 ASXB 0 Secondary group asynchronous mode for channels 1 and 2. R 0 AFNB RATEB GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 133 of 150 Table 4-31: HD and 3G Audio Core Configuration and Status Registers (Continued) Address Register Name 232h ACTB 233h SEC_AUD_DELAY _1 Bit Name Bit Description R/W Default RSVD 15-4 Reserved. R/W 0 ACTB 3-0 Secondary group active channels. R 0 RSVD 15-9 Reserved. R/W 0 DEL1_2B_1 8-1 Secondary Audio group delay data valid flag for channels 1 and 2. R 0 0 Secondary Audio group delay data for channels 1 and 2 [7:0]. R 0 R/W 0 R 0 R/W 0 R 0 R/W 0 EBIT1_2B 234h 235h 236h SEC_AUD_DELAY _2 SEC_AUD_DELAY _3 SEC_AUD_DELAY _4 RSVD 15-9 Reserved. DEL1_2B_2 8-0 Secondary Audio group delay data for channels 1 and 2 [16:8]. RSVD 15-9 Reserved. DEL1_2B_3 8-0 Secondary Audio group delay data for channels 1 and 2 [25:17]. RSVD 15-9 Reserved. DEL3_4B_4 8-1 Secondary Audio group delay data for channels 3 and 4 [7:0]. R 0 0 Secondary Audio group delay data valid flag for channels 3 and 4. R 0 R/W 0 R 0 R/W 0 R 0 R/W 0 EBIT3_4B 237h 238h SEC_AUD_DELAY _5 SEC_AUD_DELAY _6 RSVD 15-9 Reserved. DEL3_4B_5 8-0 Secondary Audio group delay data for channels 3 and 4 [16:8]. RSVD 15-9 Reserved. DEL3_4B_6 8-0 Secondary Audio group delay data for channels 3 and 4 [25:17]. 239h 23Fh RSVD 240h ACSR1_2A_BYTE 0_1 ACSR1_2A_0 15-0 Bytes 0 [7:0] and 1 [15:8] of audio group A channel status for channels 1 and 2. R 0 241h ACSR1_2A_BYTE 2_3 ACSR1_2A_2 15-0 Bytes 2 [7:0] and 3 [15:8] of audio group A channel status for channels 1 and 2. R 0 242h ACSR1_2A_BYTE 4_5 ACSR1_2A_4 15-0 Bytes 4 [7:0] and 5 [15:8] of audio group A channel status for channels 1 and 2. R 0 243h ACSR1_2A_BYTE 6_7 ACSR1_2A_6 15-0 Bytes 6 [7:0] and 7 [15:8] of audio group A channel status for channels 1 and 2. R 0 244h ACSR1_2A_BYTE 8_9 ACSR1_2A_8 15-0 Bytes 8 [7:0] and 9 [15:8] of audio group A channel status for channels 1 and 2. R 0 RSVD GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 − Reserved. www.semtech.com 134 of 150 Table 4-31: HD and 3G Audio Core Configuration and Status Registers (Continued) Address Register Name Bit Name Bit Description R/W Default 245h ACSR1_2A_BYTE 10_11 ACSR1_2A_10 15-0 Bytes 10 [7:0] and 11 [15:8] of audio group A channel status for channels 1 and 2. R 0 246h ACSR1_2A_BYTE 12_13 ACSR1_2A_12 15-0 Bytes 12 [7:0] and 13 [15:8] of audio group A channel status for channels 1 and 2. R 0 247h ACSR1_2A_BYTE 14_15 ACSR1_2A_14 15-0 Bytes 14 [7:0] and 15 [15:8] of audio group A channel status for channels 1 and 2. R 0 248h ACSR1_2A_BYTE 16_17 ACSR1_2A_16 15-0 Bytes 16 [7:0] and 17 [15:8] of audio group A channel status for channels 1 and 2. R 0 249h ACSR1_2A_BYTE 18_19 ACSR1_2A_18 15-0 Bytes 18 [7:0] and 19 [15:8] of audio group A channel status for channels 1 and 2. R 0 24Ah ACSR1_2A_BYTE 20_21 ACSR1_2A_20 15-0 Bytes 20 [7:0] and 21 [15:8] of audio group A channel status for channels 1 and 2. R 0 RSVD 15-8 Reserved. R/W 0 24Bh ACSR1_2A_BYTE 22 ACSR1_2A_22 7-0 Byte 22 of audio group A channel status for channels 1 and 2. R 0 RSVD 15-0 Reserved. R/W 0 24Ch 24Fh RSVD 250h ACSR3_4A_BYTE 0_1 ACSR3_4A_0 15-0 Bytes 0 [7:0] and 1 [15:8] of audio group A channel status for channels 3 and 4. R 0 251h ACSR3_4A_BYTE 2_3 ACSR3_4A_2 15-0 Bytes 2 [7:0] and 3 [15:8] of audio group A channel status for channels 3 and 4. R 0 252h ACSR3_4A_BYTE 4_5 ACSR3_4A_4 15-0 Bytes 4 [7:0] and 5 [15:8] of audio group A channel status for channels 3 and 4. R 0 253h ACSR3_4A_BYTE 6_7 ACSR3_4A_6 15-0 Bytes 6 [7:0] and 7 [15:8] of audio group A channel status for channels 3 and 4. R 0 254h ACSR3_4A_BYTE 8_9 ACSR3_4A_8 15-0 Bytes 8 [7:0] and 9 [15:8] of audio group A channel status for channels 3 and 4. R 0 255h ACSR3_4A_BYTE 10_11 ACSR3_4A_10 15-0 Bytes 10 [7:0] and 11 [15:8] of audio group A channel status for channels 3 and 4. R 0 256h ACSR3_4A_BYTE 12_13 ACSR3_4A_12 15-0 Bytes 12 [7:0] and 13 [15:8] of audio group A channel status for channels 3 and 4. R 0 257h ACSR3_4A_BYTE 14_15 ACSR3_4A_14 15-0 Bytes 14 [7:0] and 15 [15:8] of audio group A channel status for channels 3 and 4. R 0 GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 135 of 150 Table 4-31: HD and 3G Audio Core Configuration and Status Registers (Continued) Address Register Name Bit Name Bit Description R/W Default 258h ACSR3_4A_BYTE 16_17 ACSR3_4A_16 15-0 Bytes 16 [7:0] and 17 [15:8] of audio group A channel status for channels 3 and 4. R 0 259h ACSR3_4A_BYTE 18_19 ACSR3_4A_18 15-0 Bytes 18 [7:0] and 19 [15:8] of audio group A channel status for channels 3 and 4. R 0 25Ah ACSR3_4A_BYTE 20_21 ACSR3_4A_20 15-0 Bytes 20 [7:0] and 21 [15:8] of audio group A channel status for channels 3 and 4. R 0 25Bh ACSR3_4A_BYTE 22 RSVD 15-8 Reserved. R/W 0 ACSR3_4A_22 7-0 Byte 22 of audio group A channel status for channels 3 and 4. R 0 RSVD 15-0 Reserved. R/W 0 25Ch 25Fh RSVD 260h ACSR1_2B_BYTE 0_1 ACSR1_2B_0 15-0 Bytes 0 [7:0] and 1 [15:8] of audio group B channel status for channels 1 and 2. R 0 261h ACSR1_2B_BYTE 2_3 ACSR1_2B_2 15-0 Bytes 2 [7:0] and 3 [15:8] of audio group B channel status for channels 1 and 2. R 0 262h ACSR1_2B_BYTE 4_5 ACSR1_2B_4 15-0 Bytes 4 [7:0] and 5 [15:8] of audio group B channel status for channels 1 and 2. R 0 263h ACSR1_2B_BYTE 6_7 ACSR1_2B_6 15-0 Bytes 6 [7:0] and 7 [15:8] of audio group B channel status for channels 1 and 2. R 0 264h ACSR1_2B_BYTE 8_9 ACSR1_2B_8 15-0 Bytes 8 [7:0] and 9 [15:8] of audio group B channel status for channels 1 and 2. R 0 265h ACSR1_2B_BYTE 10_11 ACSR1_2B_10 15-0 Bytes 10 [7:0] and 11 [15:8] of audio group B channel status for channels 1 and 2. R 0 266h ACSR1_2B_BYTE 12_13 ACSR1_2B_12 15-0 Bytes 12 [7:0] and 13 [15:8] of audio group B channel status for channels 1 and 2. R 0 267h ACSR1_2B_BYTE 14_15 ACSR1_2B_14 15-0 Bytes 14 [7:0] and 15 [15:8] of audio group B channel status for channels 1 and 2. R 0 268h ACSR1_2B_BYTE 16_17 ACSR1_2B_16 15-0 Bytes 16 [7:0] and 17 [15:8] of audio group B channel status for channels 1 and 2. R 0 269h ACSR1_2B_BYTE 18_19 ACSR1_2B_18 15-0 Bytes 18 [7:0] and 19 [15:8] of audio group B channel status for channels 1 and 2. R 0 26Ah ACSR1_2B_BYTE 20_21 ACSR1_2B_20 15-0 Bytes 20 [7:0] and 21 [15:8] of audio group B channel status for channels 1 and 2. R 0 GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 136 of 150 Table 4-31: HD and 3G Audio Core Configuration and Status Registers (Continued) Address Register Name 26Bh ACSR1_2B_BYTE 22 Bit Name Bit Description R/W Default RSVD 15-8 Reserved. R/W 0 ACSR1_2B_22 7-0 Byte 22 of audio group B channel status for channels 1 and 2. R 0 RSVD 15-0 Reserved. R/W 0 26Ch 26Fh RSVD 270h ACSR3_4B_BYTE 0_1 ACSR3_4B_0 15-0 Bytes 0 [7:0] and 1 [15:8] of audio group B channel status for channels 3 and 4. R 0 271h ACSR3_4B_BYTE 2_3 ACSR3_4B_2 15-0 Bytes 2 [7:0] and 3 [15:8] of audio group B channel status for channels 3 and 4. R 0 272h ACSR3_4B_BYTE 4_5 ACSR3_4B_4 15-0 Bytes 4 [7:0] and 5 [15:8] of audio group B channel status for channels 3 and 4. R 0 273h ACSR3_4B_BYTE 6_7 ACSR3_4B_6 15-0 Bytes 6 [7:0] and 7 [15:8] of audio group B channel status for channels 3 and 4. R 0 274h ACSR3_4B_BYTE 8_9 ACSR3_4B_8 15-0 Bytes 8 [7:0] and 9 [15:8] of audio group B channel status for channels 3 and 4. R 0 275h ACSR3_4B_BYTE 10_11 ACSR3_4B_10 15-0 Bytes 10 [7:0] and 11 [15:8] of audio group B channel status for channels 3 and 4. R 0 276h ACSR3_4B_BYTE 12_13 ACSR3_4B_12 15-0 Bytes 12 [7:0] and 13 [15:8] of audio group B channel status for channels 3 and 4. R 0 277h ACSR3_4B_BYTE 14_15 ACSR3_4B_14 15-0 Bytes 14 [7:0] and 15 [15:8] of audio group B channel status for channels 3 and 4. R 0 278h ACSR3_4B_BYTE 16_17 ACSR3_4B_16 15-0 Bytes 16 [7:0] and 17 [15:8] of audio group B channel status for channels 3 and 4. R 0 279h ACSR3_4B_BYTE 18_19 ACSR3_4B_18 15-0 Bytes 18 [7:0] and 19 [15:8] of audio group B channel status for channels 3 and 4. R 0 27Ah ACSR3_4B_BYTE 20_21 ACSR3_4B_20 15-0 Bytes 20 [7:0] and 21 [15:8] of audio group B channel status for channels 3 and 4. R 0 RSVD 15-8 Reserved. R/W 0 27Bh ACSR3_4B_BYTE 22 ACSR3_4B_22 7-0 Byte 22 of audio group B channel status for channels 3 and 4. R 0 RSVD 15-0 Reserved. R/W 0 27Ch 27Fh RSVD GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 137 of 150 Table 4-31: HD and 3G Audio Core Configuration and Status Registers (Continued) Address 280h 281h 282h 283h 284h 285h 286h Register Name Bit Name Bit Description R/W Default RSVD 15-8 Reserved. R/W 0 ACSR0 7-0 Audio channel status to use when ACS_REGEN is set or when adding audio channel status to non-AES/EBU audio. 8 bits per register starting at register 280h and ending at register 296h. W 0 RSVD 15-8 Reserved. R/W 0 ACSR1 7-0 Audio channel status to use when ACS_REGEN is set or when adding audio channel status to non-AES/EBU audio. 8 bits per register starting at register 280h and ending at register 296h. W 0 RSVD 15-8 Reserved. R/W 0 ACSR2 7-0 Audio channel status to use when ACS_REGEN is set or when adding audio channel status to non-AES/EBU audio. 8 bits per register starting at register 280h and ending at register 296h. W 0 RSVD 15-8 Reserved. R/W 0 ACSR3 7-0 Audio channel status to use when ACS_REGEN is set or when adding audio channel status to non-AES/EBU audio. 8 bits per register starting at register 280h and ending at register 296h. W 0 RSVD 15-8 Reserved. R/W 0 ACSR4 7-0 Audio channel status to use when ACS_REGEN is set or when adding audio channel status to non-AES/EBU audio. 8 bits per register starting at register 280h and ending at register 296h. W 0 RSVD 15-8 Reserved. R/W 0 ACSR5 7-0 Audio channel status to use when ACS_REGEN is set or when adding audio channel status to non-AES/EBU audio. 8 bits per register starting at register 280h and ending at register 296h. W 0 RSVD 15-8 Reserved. R/W 0 7-0 Audio channel status to use when ACS_REGEN is set or when adding audio channel status to non-AES/EBU audio. 8 bits per register starting at register 280h and ending at register 296h. W 0 ACSR_BYTE_0 ACSR_BYTE_1 ACSR_BYTE_2 ACSR_BYTE_3 ACSR_BYTE_4 ACSR_BYTE_5 ACSR_BYTE_6 ACSR6 GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 138 of 150 Table 4-31: HD and 3G Audio Core Configuration and Status Registers (Continued) Address 287h 288h 289h 28Ah 28Bh 28Ch 28Dh Register Name Bit Name Bit Description R/W Default RSVD 15-8 Reserved. R/W 0 ACSR7 7-0 Audio channel status to use when ACS_REGEN is set or when adding audio channel status to non-AES/EBU audio. 8 bits per register starting at register 280h and ending at register 296h. W 0 RSVD 15-8 Reserved. R/W 0 ACSR8 7-0 Audio channel status to use when ACS_REGEN is set or when adding audio channel status to non-AES/EBU audio. 8 bits per register starting at register 280h and ending at register 296h. W 0 RSVD 15-8 Reserved. R/W 0 ACSR9 7-0 Audio channel status to use when ACS_REGEN is set or when adding audio channel status to non-AES/EBU audio. 8 bits per register starting at register 280h and ending at register 296h. W 0 RSVD 15-8 Reserved. R/W 0 ACSR10 7-0 Audio channel status to use when ACS_REGEN is set or when adding audio channel status to non-AES/EBU audio. 8 bits per register starting at register 280h and ending at register 296h. W 0 RSVD 15-8 Reserved. R/W 0 ACSR11 7-0 Audio channel status to use when ACS_REGEN is set or when adding audio channel status to non-AES/EBU audio. 8 bits per register starting at register 280h and ending at register 296h. W 0 RSVD 15-8 Reserved. R/W 0 ACSR12 7-0 Audio channel status to use when ACS_REGEN is set or when adding audio channel status to non-AES/EBU audio. 8 bits per register starting at register 280h and ending at register 296h. W 0 RSVD 15-8 Reserved. R/W 0 7-0 Audio channel status to use when ACS_REGEN is set or when adding audio channel status to non-AES/EBU audio. 8 bits per register starting at register 280h and ending at register 296h. W 0 ACSR_BYTE_7 ACSR_BYTE_8 ACSR_BYTE_9 ACSR_BYTE_10 ACSR_BYTE_11 ACSR_BYTE_12 ACSR_BYTE_13 ACSR13 GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 139 of 150 Table 4-31: HD and 3G Audio Core Configuration and Status Registers (Continued) Address 28Eh 28Fh 290h 291h 292h 293h 294h Register Name Bit Name Bit Description R/W Default RSVD 15-8 Reserved. R/W 0 ACSR14 7-0 Audio channel status to use when ACS_REGEN is set or when adding audio channel status to non-AES/EBU audio. 8 bits per register starting at register 280h and ending at register 296h. W 0 RSVD 15-8 Reserved. R/W 0 ACSR15 7-0 Audio channel status to use when ACS_REGEN is set or when adding audio channel status to non-AES/EBU audio. 8 bits per register starting at register 280h and ending at register 296h. W 0 RSVD 15-8 Reserved. R/W 0 ACSR16 7-0 Audio channel status to use when ACS_REGEN is set or when adding audio channel status to non-AES/EBU audio. 8 bits per register starting at register 280h and ending at register 296h. W 0 RSVD 15-8 Reserved. R/W 0 ACSR17 7-0 Audio channel status to use when ACS_REGEN is set or when adding audio channel status to non-AES/EBU audio. 8 bits per register starting at register 280h and ending at register 296h. W 0 RSVD 15-8 Reserved. R/W 0 ACSR18 7-0 Audio channel status to use when ACS_REGEN is set or when adding audio channel status to non-AES/EBU audio. 8 bits per register starting at register 280h and ending at register 296h. W 0 RSVD 15-8 Reserved. R/W 0 ACSR19 7-0 Audio channel status to use when ACS_REGEN is set or when adding audio channel status to non-AES/EBU audio. 8 bits per register starting at register 280h and ending at register 296h. W 0 RSVD 15-8 Reserved. R/W 0 7-0 Audio channel status to use when ACS_REGEN is set or when adding audio channel status to non-AES/EBU audio. 8 bits per register starting at register 280h and ending at register 296h. W 0 ACSR_BYTE_14 ACSR_BYTE_15 ACSR_BYTE_16 ACSR_BYTE_17 ACSR_BYTE_18 ACSR_BYTE_19 ACSR_BYTE_20 ACSR20 GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 140 of 150 Table 4-31: HD and 3G Audio Core Configuration and Status Registers (Continued) Address 295h 296h 297h Register Name Bit Name Bit Description R/W Default RSVD 15-8 Reserved. R/W 0 ACSR21 7-0 Audio channel status to use when ACS_REGEN is set or when adding audio channel status to non-AES/EBU audio. 8 bits per register starting at register 280h and ending at register 296h. W 0 RSVD 15-8 Reserved. R/W 0 ACSR22 7-0 Audio channel status to use when ACS_REGEN is set or when adding audio channel status to non-AES/EBU audio. 8 bits per register starting at register 280h and ending at register 296h. W 0 RSVD 15-0 Reserved. R 29 ACSR_BYTE_21 ACSR_BYTE_22 RSVD Table 4-32: ANC Extraction FIFO Access Registers Address 800h BFFh Register Name ANC_PACKET_BANK Bit Description R/W Default 15-0 Extracted Ancillary Data 91024 words. Bit 15-8: Most Significant Word (MSW). Bit 7-0: Least Significant Word (LSW). See Section 4.18.8. R 0 Legend: R = Read only ROCW = Read Only, Clear on Write R/W = Read or Write W = Write only 4.22 JTAG Test Operation When the JTAG/HOST pin of the GS2971A is set HIGH, the host interface port is configured for JTAG test operation. In this mode, pins E7, F8, F7, and E8 become TDO, TCK, TMS, and TDI. In addition, the RESET_TRST pin operates as the test reset pin. Boundary scan testing using the JTAG interface is enabled in this mode. There are two ways in which JTAG can be used: 1. As a stand-alone JTAG interface to be used at in-circuit ATE (Automatic Test Equipment) during PCB assembly. 2. Under control of a host processor for applications such as system power on self tests. When the JTAG tests are applied by ATE, care must be taken to disable any other devices driving the digital I/O pins. If the tests are to be applied only at ATE, this can be GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 141 of 150 accomplished with tri-state buffers used in conjunction with the JTAG/HOST input signal. This is shown in Figure 4-54. GS2971A Application HOST CS_TMS SCLK_TCK SDIN_TDI SDOUT_TDO JTAG_HOST In-circuit ATE probe Figure 4-54: In-Circuit JTAG Alternatively, if the test capabilities are to be used in the system, the host processor may still control the JTAG/HOST input signal, but some means for tri-stating the host must exist in order to use the interface at ATE. This is represented in Figure 4-55. Application HOST GS2971A CS_TMS SCLK_TCK SDIN_TDI SDOUT_TDO JTAG_HOST Tri-State In-circuit ATE probe Figure 4-55: System JTAG Scan coverage is limited to digital pins only. There is no scan coverage for analog pins VCO, SDO/SDO, RSET, LF, and CP_RES. The JTAG/HOST pin must be held LOW during scan and therefore has no scan coverage. Please contact your Semtech representative to obtain the BSDL model for the GS2971A. GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 142 of 150 4.23 Device Power-up Because the GS2971A is designed to operate in a multi-voltage environment, any power-up sequence is allowed. The charge pump, phase detector, core logic, serial digital output and I/O buffers can all be powered up in any order. 4.24 Device Reset Note: At power-up, the device must be reset to operate correctly. In order to initialize all internal operating conditions to their default states, hold the RESET_TRST signal LOW for a minimum of treset = 1ms after all power supplies are stable. There are no requirements for power supply sequencing. When held in reset, all device outputs are driven to a high-impedance state. Nominal Level 95% of Nominal Level Supply Voltage treset treset Reset Reset RESET_TRST Figure 4-56: Reset Pulse 4.25 Standby Mode The STANDBY pin reduces power to a minimum by disabling all circuits except for the register configuration. Upon removal of the signal to the STANDBY pin, the device returns to its previous operating condition within 1 second, without requiring input from the host interface. Note: In standby mode or reset, the crystal buffer output remains enabled. This allows users to reset the GS2971A device without resetting other downstream devices that are using the same reference. This also allows users to put the GS2971A device in standby mode and still use the loop-through mode. GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 143 of 150 5. Application Reference Design 5.1 High Gain Adaptive Cable Equalizers The GS2971A has an integrated adaptive cable equalizer. In order to extend the cable length that an equalizer will remain operational at, it is necessary for the equalizer to have high gain. A video cable equalizer must provide wide band gain over a range of frequencies in order to accommodate the range of data rates and signal patterns that are present in a SMPTE compliant serial video stream. Small levels of signal or noise present at the input pins of the GS2971A may cause chatter at the output. In order to prevent this from happening, particular attention must be paid to board layout. 5.2 PCB Layout Special attention must be paid to component layout when designing Serial Digital Interfaces for HDTV. An FR-4 dielectric can be used, however, controlled impedance transmission lines are required for PCB traces longer than approximately 1cm. Note the following PCB artwork features used to optimize performance: • PCB trace width for 3Gb/s rate signals is closely matched to SMT component width to minimize reflections due to change in trace impedance. • The PCB ground plane is removed under the GS2971A input components to minimize parasitic capacitance. • High speed traces are curved to minimize impedance changes. GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 144 of 150 5.3 Typical Application Circuit Power Decoupling +1.2V 10n +1.2V_A 10n 10n 10n 10n 10n 10n Power Filtering A_GND IO_VDD +3.3V_A 10n 10n 10n 10n +1.2V_A 0R 0R 10n 10n +1.2V CD_VDD +3.3V 10n 1u 1u 10n 10n 1u 1u 10n 10n Place close to GS2971A A_GND A_GND +1.2V_A A_GND IO_VDD +3.3V_A 0R Place close to GS2971A R7 105R 10n 1u C18 33u 1u 1u 10n 0R A_GND A7 D10 G10 K7 H1 D6 E6 F6 G6 E1 B1 A_VDD IO_VDD IO_VDD IO_VDD IO_VDD B5 A6 A5 22R 22R 22R A8 22R DOUT 19 DOUT 18 DOUT 17 DOUT 16 DOUT 15 DOUT 14 DOUT 13 DOUT 12 DOUT 11 DOUT 10 B8 A9 A10 B9 B10 C9 C10 C8 E10 E9 22R 22R 22R 22R 22R 22R 22R 22R 22R 22R DOUT 9 DOUT 8 DOUT 7 DOUT 6 DOUT 5 DOUT 4 DOUT 3 DOUT 2 DOUT 1 DOUT 0 F10 F9 H10 H9 J10 J9 K10 K9 J8 K8 22R 22R 22R 22R 22R 22R 22R 22R 22R 22R STAT2 STAT1 STAT0 1u PCLK 47n DOUT[19:0] A_GND H6 XTAL_OUT J6 XTAL2 K6 XTAL1 G7 G8 H5 D7 H3 H8 H7 G3 D8 K2 C7 J2 SMPTE_BY PASS DVB_ASI TIM_861 SW_EN AUDIO_EN/DIS IOPROC_EN/DIS 20BIT/10BIT RC_BY P JTAG/HOST STANDBY RESET_TRST SDO_EN/DIS E7 E8 F8 F7 SDOUT_TDO SDIN_TDI SCLK_TCK CS_TMS CS10-27.000M STAT3 STAT4 STAT5 B6 C5 C6 AMCLK ACLK WCLK K4 J4 H4 AOUT_1/2 AOUT_3/4 J3 K3 AOUT_5/6 AOUT_7/8 J5 K5 GS2971A-IBE3 CD_DISABLEb AUDIO OUTPUT CH 5 & 6 AUDIO OUTPUT CH 7 & 8 RSV 75-ohm Traces AGCN IO_GND IO_GND IO_GND IO_GND 3 4 A_GND 14 13 NC SDI SDO SDI GS2978-CNE3 SDO VEE SD/HD RSET 750R 75R VCC 12 CD_VDD 10 A_GND A_GND 11 10n 75R UCBBJE20-1 5n6 9 TAB 1 2 CD_VDD 15 16 49R9 NC 10n A_GND 49R9 B7 D9 G9 J7 37R4 G4 D5 E5 F5 G5 75R B4 D4 E4 F4 A_GND VCO_GND PLL_GND PLL_GND PLL_GND 1u K1 J1 8 SDO CORE_GND CORE_GND CORE_GND CORE_GND CORE_GND SDO SDI BUF_GND SDI_GND SDI H2 E2 D1 A_GND A_GND A_GND A_GND A_GND C1 75R 4u7 75R 1 4u7 75R 17 1u G2 C2 D2 D3 E3 F3 3 2 SDI Input 6n2 UCBBJE20-1 1 CD SLEW RATE SELECT A_GND CD_VDD CD_DISABLEb 10n A_GND A_GND 2 3 Close to pin 1 & 2 of GS2978 A_GND A_GND SDI Loop-Through Output AGCP 470n NC G1 AUDIO OUTPUT CH 1 & 2 AUDIO OUTPUT CH 3 & 4 RSVD F1 470n AUDIO MASTER CLOCK AUDIO SERIAL BIT CLOCK AUDIO WORD CLOCK 7 F2 22R 22R 22R NC SDOUT_TDO SDIN_TDI SCLK_TCK CS_TMS LOCKED (DEFAULT, PROGRAMMABLE) Y /1ANC (DEFAULT, PROGRAMMABLE) DATA_ERRORb (DEFAULT, PROGRAMMABLE) NC SMPTE_BY PASS DVB_ASI TIM_861 SW_EN AUDIO_EN/DIS IOPROC_EN/DIS 20BIT/10BIT RC_BY P JTAG/HOST STANDBY RESET_TRST SDO_EN/DIS DISABLE Host Interface & Control 16p 5 TP 16p Audio Data and Clock Output RSV NC B3 PCLK DOUT[19:0] LF 6 A2 F/DE (DEFAULT, PROGRAMMABLE) V/VSY NC (DEFAULT, PROGRAMMABLE) H/HSY NC (DEFAULT, PROGRAMMABLE) Video Data, Clock & Timing Output VBG BUF_VDD LB_CONT A1 IO_VDD +1.2V CORE_VDD CORE_VDD CORE_VDD CORE_VDD A3 +3.3V_A EQ_VDD R19 DNP B2 C3 C4 A4 VCO_VDD +3.3V_A PLL_VDD PLL_VDD PLL_VDD Place close to GS2971A DNP +1.2V_A A_GND Notes: 1. DNP (Do Not Populate). 2. The value of the series resistors on video data, clock, and timing connections should be determined by board signal integrity test. 3. For analog power and ground isolation refer to PCB layout guide. 4. For critital 3G signal layout refer to PCB layout guide. 5. For impedance controlled signal layout refer to PCB layout guide. Figure 5-1: Typical Application Circuit GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 145 of 150 6. References & Relevant Standards Table 6-1: SMPTE Standards Reference SMPTE ST 125 Component video signal 4:2:2 – bit parallel interface SMPTE ST 259 10-bit 4:2:2 Component and 4fsc Composite Digital Signals - Serial Digital Interface SMPTE ST 260 1125 / 60 high definition production system – digital representation and bit parallel interface SMPTE ST 267 Bit parallel digital interface – component video signal 4:2:2 16 x 9 aspect ratio SMPTE ST 272 Formatting AES/EBU Audio and Auxiliary Data into Digital Video Ancillary Data Space SMPTE ST 274 1920 x 1080 scanning analog and parallel digital interfaces for multiple picture rates SMPTE ST 291 Ancillary Data Packet and Space Formatting SMPTE ST 292 Bit-Serial Digital Interface for High-Definition Television Systems SMPTE ST 293 720 x 483 active line at 59.94Hz progressive scan production – digital representation SMPTE ST 296 1280 x 720 scanning, analog and digital representation and analog interface SMPTE ST 299 24-Bit Digital Audio Format for HDTV Bit-Serial Interface SMPTE ST 305 Serial Data Transport Interface SMPTE ST 348 High Data-Rate Serial Data Transport Interface (HD-SDTI) SMPTE ST 352 Video Payload Identification for Digital Television Interfaces SMPTE ST 372 Dual Link ST 292 Interface for 1920 x 1080 Picture Raster SMPTE ST 424 Television - 3Gb/s Signal/Data Serial Interface SMPTE ST 425 Television - 3Gb/s Signal/Data Serial Interface - Source Image Format Mapping SMPTE RP 165 Error Detection Checkwords and Status Flags for Use in Bit-Serial Digital Interfaces for Television SMPTE RP 168 Definition of Vertical Interval Switching Point for Synchronous Video Switching CEA 861 Video Timing Requirements GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 146 of 150 7. Package & Ordering Information 7.1 Package Dimensions Bottom View A1 Corner Pin A1 Corner eee M C Top View ddd M C A B b(n X) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 A A B B C eD C D E D D1 E D F F G G H H J J K K eE B E1 A E 11.000 11.000 1.000 1.000 Total Thickness: A 1.700 MAX Mold Thickness: M 0.700 Ref. Substrate Thickness: S 0.360 Ref. A1 0.360 ~ 0.460 Ball Pitch: X Y X Y C ccc LBGA E D eE eD Body Size: Top View Common Dimensions M Symbol Package: bbb C aaa(4X) C SEATING PLANE 0.500 b 0.440 ~ 0.640 Package Edge Tolerance: aaa 0.200 Mold Flatness: bbb 0.350 Coplanarity: ccc 0.200 Ball Offset (package): ddd 0.250 Ball Offset (ball): eee 0.100 Ball Width: Ball Count: Edge Ball Center to Center: X Y n 100 E1 D1 9.000 9.000 A Stand Off: A1 S Ball Diameter: Figure 7-1: Package Dimensions GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 147 of 150 7.2 Packaging Data Table 7-1: Packaging Data Parameter Value Package Type 11mm x 11mm 100-ball LBGA Package Drawing Reference JEDEC M0192 (with exceptions noted in Package Dimensions on page 147). Moisture Sensitivity Level 3 Junction to Case Thermal Resistance, θj-c 15.4°C/W Junction to Air Thermal Resistance, θj-a (at zero airflow) 37.1°C/W Junction to Board Thermal Resistance, θj-b 26.4°C/W Psi, ψ 0.4°C/W Pb-free and RoHS Compliant Yes 7.3 Marking Diagram Pin 1 ID GS2971A XXXXE3 YYWW XXXX - Last 4 digits (excluding decimal) of SAP Batch Assembly (FIN) as listed on Packing Slip. E3 - Pb-free & Green indicator YYWW - Date Code Figure 7-2: GS2971A Marking Diagram GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 148 of 150 7.4 Solder Reflow Profiles The GS2971A is available in a Pb-free package. It is recommended that the Pb-free package be soldered with Pb-free paste using the reflow profile shown in Figure 7-3. Temperature 60-150 sec. 20-40 sec. 260°C 250°C 3°C/sec max 217°C 6°C/sec max 200°C 150°C 25°C Time 60-180 sec. max 8 min. max Figure 7-3: Pb-free Solder Reflow Profile 7.5 Ordering Information Part Number Package Pb-free Temperature Range GS2971AIBE3 100-ball BGA Yes -40°C to 85°C 100-ball BGA Yes -40°C to 85°C GS2971AIBTE3 (250pc tape and reel) GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 149 of 150 DOCUMENT IDENTIFICATION CAUTION FINAL DATA SHEET ELECTROSTATIC SENSITIVE DEVICES Information relating to this product and the application or design described herein is believed to be reliable, however such information is provided as a guide only and Semtech assumes no liability for any errors in this document, or for the application or design described herein. Semtech reserves the right to make changes to the product or this document at any time without notice. DO NOT OPEN PACKAGES OR HANDLE EXCEPT AT A STATIC-FREE WORKSTATION © Semtech 2012 All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited without the prior written consent of the copyright owner. The information presented in this document does not form part of any quotation or contract, is believed to be accurate and reliable and may be changed without notice. No liability will be accepted by the publisher for any consequence of its use. Publication thereof does not convey nor imply any license under patent or other industrial or intellectual property rights. Semtech assumes no responsibility or liability whatsoever for any failure or unexpected operation resulting from misuse, neglect improper installation, repair or improper handling or unusual physical or electrical stress including, but not limited to, exposure to parameters beyond the specified maximum ratings or operation outside the specified range. SEMTECH PRODUCTS ARE NOT DESIGNED, INTENDED, AUTHORIZED OR WARRANTED TO BE SUITABLE FOR USE IN LIFE-SUPPORT APPLICATIONS, DEVICES OR SYSTEMS OR OTHER CRITICAL APPLICATIONS. INCLUSION OF SEMTECH PRODUCTS IN SUCH APPLICATIONS IS UNDERSTOOD TO BE UNDERTAKEN SOLELY AT THE CUSTOMER’S OWN RISK. Should a customer purchase or use Semtech products for any such unauthorized application, the customer shall indemnify and hold Semtech and its officers, employees, subsidiaries, affiliates, and distributors harmless against all claims, costs damages and attorney fees which could arise. Notice: All referenced brands, product names, service names and trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Contact Information Semtech Corporation Gennum Products Division 200 Flynn Road, Camarillo, CA 93012 Phone: (805) 498-2111, Fax: (805) 498-3804 www.semtech.com GS2971A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Final Data Sheet Rev. 3 GENDOC-054311 July 2013 www.semtech.com 150 of 150 150
GS2971AIBE3 价格&库存


    •  国内价格
    • 1+123.06600
    • 10+116.46720
    • 30+105.03000
    • 100+95.04000


