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    G9225TH4T - 2.5V 2A Low Dropout Regulator with Disable - Global Mixed-mode Technology Inc

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G9225TH4T 数据手册
Global Mixed-mode Technology Inc. G9225 2.5V 2A Low Dropout Regulator with Disable Features Dropout voltage 0.5V @ IO = 2A Output current in excess of 2A Output voltage accuracy ±2.5% Quiescent current, typically 2.5mA Internal short circuit current limit Internal over temperature protection TO220 4pin Full-Mold package ON/OFF control General Description The G9225 positive 2.5V voltage regulator features the ability to source 2A of output current. The dropout voltage is 0.5V at 2A output current. The typical quiescent current is 2.5mA. Furthermore, the quiescent current is smaller when the regulator is in the dropout mode. Familiar regulator features such as over temperature and over current protection circuits are provided to prevent it from being damaged by abnormal operating conditions. A VEN pin is provided to disable the output when needed. Ordering Information ORDER NUMBER G9225TF1T G9225TH1T MARKING G9225 G9225 TEMP. RANGE -20°C to +85°C -20°C to +85°C PACKAGE TO220F-4L TO220F-4L 1 VIN VIN 2 VO VO PIN OPTION 3 GND GND 4 VEN VEN Order Number Identification GXXXX XX X X Packing Type Pin Option Package Type Part Number PACKAGE TYPE TF: TO220F-4L (short lead) TH: TO220F-4L (long lead) 1 1.: VIN PIN OPTION 2 VO 3 GND 4 VEN PACKING T : Tube Typical Application R=5kΩ VEN IO VIN C1 4.7µF IENH Package Type TO220F-4L VOUT COUT 47µF G9225 IQ Top View R=5kΩ is recommended R must be connected for current IENH restriction as VEN > VIN+0.3V VIN VO GND VEN 12 3 4 Ver: 0.2 Preliminary Jun 28, 2004 TEL: 886-3-5788833 http://www.gmt.com.tw 1 Global Mixed-mode Technology Inc. (Note 1) Input Voltage……………………….…….………..……..7V VEN Voltage…………………………….……….…VIN+0.3V Power Dissipation Internally Limited (Note 2) Maximum Junction Temperature.………….….……..150°C Storage Temperature Range……....-65°C ≤ TJ ≤+150°C Lead Temperature, Time for Wave Soldering TO220 Package……….…….….……….….….260°C, 10s Continuous Power Dissipation (TA = +25°C) TO220 No heatsink…….……….…………….…..…..1.5W TO220 with infinite heatsink…………………….….…15W G9225 Absolute Maximum Ratings Operating Conditions (Note 1) Input Voltage…………………………….………..2.5V~7V Temperature Range………….….........-20°C ≤ TA ≤85°C Electrical Characteristics VIN =5V, IO = 0.5A, CIN = 4.7µF, COUT =47µF, TA = TJ = 25°C unless otherwise specified [Note 3] PARAMETER Output Voltage Line Regulation Load Regulation Quiescent Current Ripple Rejection Dropout Voltage Short Circuit Current Over Temperature Disable Voltage High Disable Voltage Low Disable Bias Current High Disable Bias Current Low VENH VENL IENH IENL Output Active Output Disabled VEN = 2.7V VEN 0.4V SYMBOL IO =0.5A CONDITION 3.3V < VIN < 7V, IO = 10mA 50mA < IO < 2A VIN = 5V fi = 120Hz, 1VP-P, IO = 100mA IO = 2A MIN 2.44 --------------2 ------- TYP 2.5 0.5 0.5 2.5 45 0.5 1.2 150 --------- MAX 2.56 2 2 5 --0.7 ------0.8 20 20 UNIT V % % mA dB V A °C V V µA µA Note 1: Absolute Maximum Ratings are limits beyond which damage to the device may occur. Operating Conditions are conditions under which the device functions but the specifications might not be guaranteed. For guaranteed specifications and test conditions see the Electrical Characteristics. Note2: The maximum power dissipation is a function of the maximum junction temperature, TJmax ; total thermal resistance, θJA, and ambient temperature TA. The maximum allowable power dissipation at any ambient temperature is (Tjmax-TA) / θJA. If this dissipation is exceeded, the die temperature will rise above 150°C and IC will go into thermal shutdown. For the TO220 package, θJA is 60°C/W (No heat sink). Note3: Low duty pulse techniques are used during test to maintain junction temperature as close to ambient as possible. Note4: The type of output capacitor should be tantalum or aluminum. Definitions Dropout Voltage The input/output Voltage differential at which the regulator output no longer maintains regulation against further reductions in input voltage. Measured when the output drops 2% below its nominal value, dropout voltage is affected by junction temperature, load current and minimum input supply requirements. Line Regulation The change in output voltage for a change in input voltage. The measurement is made under conditions of low dissipation or by using pulse techniques such that average chip temperature is not significantly affected. Load Regulation The change in output voltage for a change in load current at constant chip temperature. The measurement is made under conditions of low dissipation or by using pulse techniques such that average chip temperature is not significantly affected. Maximum Power Dissipation The maximum total device dissipation for which the regulator will operate within specifications. Quiescent Bias Current Current which is used to operate the regulator chip and is not delivered to the load. Ver: 0.2 Preliminary Jun 28, 2004 TEL: 886-3-5788833 http://www.gmt.com.tw 2 Global Mixed-mode Technology Inc. Block Diagram G9225 2 VO VIN 1 THERMAL SHUTDOWN 1.25V SHORT-CIRCUIT SHORT-CIRCUIT PROTECTION BANDGAP REFERENCE _ + R1 HIGH / LOW Ven 4 OUTPUT ON/OFF R2 TTL COMPATIBLE BUFFER 3 GND Ver: 0.2 Preliminary Jun 28, 2004 TEL: 886-3-5788833 http://www.gmt.com.tw 3 Global Mixed-mode Technology Inc. Typical Performance Characteristics (VIN=5V, CIN=10µF, COUT = 10µF, TA=25°C, unless otherwise noted.) Line Transient Response G9225 Load Transient Response Short Circuit Current 70 60 Ripple Rejection (dB) 50 40 30 20 10 0 10 100 Ripple Rejection IL=1A IL=2A VIN=5V COUT=10µF Vripple=224mV 1000 10000 100000 1000000 Frequency (Hz) Overcurrent Protection Characteristics Start-up Ver: 0.2 Preliminary Jun 28, 2004 TEL: 886-3-5788833 http://www.gmt.com.tw 4 Global Mixed-mode Technology Inc. Typical Performance Characteristics (continued) G9225 Quiescent Current vs. Temperature 4.00 3.75 Quiescent Current (mA) Dropout Voltage vs. IL 700 600 Dropout Voltage (mV) 500 400 300 200 100 0 T=25°C T=-25°C T=85°C 3.50 3.25 3.00 2.75 2.50 -25 -15 -5 5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 Temperature (°C) VIN=5V VIN=4V 0 0.5 1 IL (mA) 1.5 2 Output Voltage vs. Temperature 2.54 2.545 2.535 Output Voltage (V) 2.525 2.515 2.505 2.495 2.485 2.475 VIN=4V IL=10mA Output Voltage (V) VIN=5V 2.53 Output Voltage vs. IL T=25 °C VIN=7.0V 2.52 2.51 2.5 2.49 2.48 2.47 VIN=3.5V 0 0.5 1 1.5 Output Cirrent (A) 2 VIN=5.0V -25 -15 -5 5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 Temperature (°C) Ver: 0.2 Preliminary Jun 28, 2004 TEL: 886-3-5788833 http://www.gmt.com.tw 5 Global Mixed-mode Technology Inc. Package Information E1 L b D e L2 G9225 L1 E A A1 He TO220F-4L Package (short lead) SYMBOL A A1 A2 D E E1 L L1 L2 He C e b θ MIN. 4.42 2.69 1.68 10.00 6.85 8.54 8.32 16.56 3.60 23.72 ------------4° DIMENSION IN MM NOM. 4.57 2.79 1.78 10.10 6.95 8.64 8.52 16.66 3.70 24.22 0.48 2.54(TYP) 0.635(TYP) 7° MAX. 4.72 2.89 1.88 10.20 7.05 8.74 8.72 16.76 3.80 24.72 ------------11 ° Ver: 0.2 Preliminary Jun 28, 2004 6 θ θ C A2 MIN. 0.174 0.106 0.066 0.394 0.269 0.336 0.328 0.652 0.142 0.934 ------------4° DIMENSION IN INCH NOM. 0.180 0.110 0.070 0.398 0.273 0.340 0.335 0.656 0.146 0.953 0.019 0.1(TYP) 0.025(TYP) 7° MAX. 0.186 0.114 0.074 0.402 0.278 0.344 0.343 0.660 0.150 0.93 ------------11 ° TEL: 886-3-5788833 http://www.gmt.com.tw Global Mixed-mode Technology Inc. G9225 L b E1 D e L2 L1 E A A1 He TO 220F-4L Package (long lead) SYMBOL A A1 A2 D E E1 L L1 L2 He C e b θ MIN. 4.42 2.69 1.68 10.00 6.85 8.54 13.15 16.56 3.60 28.44 ------------4° DIMENSION IN MM NOM. 4.57 2.79 1.78 10.10 6.95 8.64 13.35 16.66 3.70 28.94 0.48 2.54(TYP) 0.635(TYP) 7° MAX. 4.72 2.89 1.88 10.20 7.05 8.74 13.55 16.76 3.80 29.44 ------------11 ° GMT Inc. does not assume any responsibility for use of any circuitry described, no circuit patent licenses are implied and GMT Inc. reserves the right at any time without notice to change said circuitry and specifications. Ver: 0.2 Preliminary Jun 28, 2004 7 θ C A2 MIN. 0.174 0.106 0.066 0.394 0.269 0.336 0.518 0.652 0.142 1.119 ------------4° DIMENSION IN INCH NOM. 0.180 0.110 0.070 0.398 0.273 0.340 0.526 0.656 0.146 1.139 0.019 0.1(TYP) 0.025(TYP) 7° MAX. 0.186 0.114 0.074 0.402 0.278 0.344 0.533 0.660 0.150 1.159 ------------11 ° TEL: 886-3-5788833 http://www.gmt.com.tw
G9225TH4T 价格&库存

