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GDSSF2300 数据手册
GDSSF2300 D DESCRIPTION The SSF2300 uses advanced trench technology to provide excellent RDS(ON), low gate charge and operation with gate voltages as low as 2.5V. This device is suitable for use as a Battery protection or in other Switching application. G S Schematic diagram GENERAL FEATURES ● VDS = 20V,ID = 2.4A RDS(ON) < 110mΩ @ VGS=2.5V RDS(ON) < 55mΩ @ VGS=4.5V ● High Power and current handing capability ● Lead free product is acquired ● Surface Mount Package Application ●Battery protection ●Load switch ●Power management SOT-23 top view Marking and pin Assignment PACKAGE MARKING AND ORDERING INFORMATION Device Marking Device Device Package Reel Size Tape width Quantity 2300 SSF2300 SOT-23 Ø180mm 8 mm 3000 units ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(TA=25℃unless otherwise noted) Parameter Symbol Drain-Source Voltage VDS Gate-Source Voltage VGS ID (25℃) Drain Current-Continuous@ Current-Pulsed (Note 1) ID (70℃) Operating Junction and Storage Temperature Range Unit 20 V ±8 V 2.4 1. A 10 A A 7 IDM PD TJ,TSTG Maximum Power Dissipation Limit 0.9 W -55 To 150 ℃ THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS Thermal Resistance,Junction-to-Ambient (Note 2) RθJA ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TA=25℃unless otherwise noted) Parameter Symbol Condition ℃/W 140 Min Typ Max Unit OFF CHARACTERISTICS Drain-Source Breakdown Voltage BVDSS VGS=0V ID=250μA Zero Gate Voltage Drain Current IDSS VDS=20V,VGS=0V 20 1 μA V Gate-Body Leakage Current IGSS VGS=±8V,VDS=0V ±100 nA VGS(th) VDS=VGS,ID=250μA 1.2 V ON CHARACTERISTICS (Note 3) Gate Threshold Voltage Suzhou Goodark Electronics Co., Ltd Version 1.0 0.65 0.95 GDSSF2300 Drain-Source On-State Resistance Forward Transconductance RDS(ON) gFS VGS=2.5V, ID=3.1A 68 110 mΩ VGS=4.5V, ID=3.6A 42 55 mΩ VDS=5V,ID=3.6A 8 S 300 PF 120 PF 80 PF DYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS (Note4) Input Capacitance Clss Output Capacitance Coss Reverse Transfer Capacitance Crss VDS=10V,VGS=0V, F=1.0MHz SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS (Note 4) Turn-on Delay Time td(on) Turn-on Rise Time tr Turn-Off Delay Time Turn-Off Fall Time td(off) VDD=10V, RL = 2.8 Ω VGS=4.5V,RGEN=6Ω, ID=3.6A, tf Total Gate Charge Qg Gate-Source Charge Qgs Gate-Drain Charge Qgd VDS=10V,ID=3.6A,VGS=4.5V 7 15 nS 55 80 nS 16 60 nS 10 25 nS 4.0 10 nC 0.65 nC 1.5 nC DRAIN-SOURCE DIODE CHARACTERISTICS Diode Forward Voltage (Note 3) VSD Diode Forward Current (Note 2) IS VGS=0V,IS=0.94A 0.94 NOTES: 1. Repetitive Rating: Pulse width limited by maximum junction temperature. 2. Surface Mounted on 1in2 FR4 Board, t ≤ 10 sec. 3. Pulse Test: Pulse Width ≤ 300μs, Duty Cycle ≤ 2%. 4. Guaranteed by design, not subject to production testing. Suzhou Goodark Electronics Co., Ltd 0.76 Version 1.0 1.2 V A GDSSF2300 TYPICAL ELECTRICAL AND THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS td(on) Vdd Vgs Rgen D Vout toff tf td(off) 90% Rl Vin ton tr VOUT 90% INVERTED 10% 10% G 90% VIN S 50% 50% 10% PULSE WIDTH Figure 2:Switching Waveforms PD Power(W) ID- Drain Current (A) Figure 1:Switching Test Circuit TJ-Junction Temperature(℃) TJ-Junction Temperature(℃) Figure 3 Power Dissipation ID- Drain Current (A) Rdson On-Resistance(mΩ) Figure 4 Drain Current Vds Drain-Source Voltage (V) ID- Drain Current (A) Figure 6 Drain-Source On-Resistance Suzhou Goodark Electronics Co., Ltd Version 1.0 GDSSF2300 ID- Drain Current (A) Normalized On-Resistance Figure 5 Output CHARACTERISTICS TJ-Junction Temperature(℃) Figure 7 Transfer Characteristics Figure 8 Drain-Source On-Resistance C Capacitance (pF) Rdson On-Resistance(mΩ) Vgs Gate-Source Voltage (V) Vds Drain-Source Voltage (V) Figure 9 Rdson vs Vgs Figure 10 Capacitance vs Vds Is- Reverse Drain Current (A) Vgs Gate-Source Voltage (V) Vgs Gate-Source Voltage (V) Qg Gate Charge (nC) Figure 11 Gate Charge Suzhou Goodark Electronics Co., Ltd Vsd Source-Drain Voltage (V) Figure 12 Source- Drain Diode Forward Version 1.0 ID- Drain Current (A) GDSSF2300 Vds Drain-Source Voltage (V) Normalized Effective Transient Thermal Impedance Figure 13 Safe Operation Area Square Wave Pluse Duration(sec) Figure 14 Normalized Maximum Transient Thermal Impedance Suzhou Goodark Electronics Co., Ltd Version 1.0 GDSSF2300 SOT-23 PACKAGE INFORMATION Dimensions in Millimeters (UNIT:mm) Symbol A A1 A2 b c D E E1 e e1 L L1 θ Dimensions in Millimeters MIN. MAX. 0.900 1.150 0.000 0.100 0.900 1.050 0.300 0.500 0.080 0.150 2.800 3.000 1.200 1.400 2.250 2.550 0.950TYP 1.800 2.000 0.550REF 0.300 0.500 0° 8° NOTES 1. All dimensions are in millimeters. 2. Tolerance ±0.10mm (4 mil) unless otherwise specified 3. Package body sizes exclude mold flash and gate burrs. Mold flash at the non-lead sides should be less than 5 mils. 4. Dimension L is measured in gauge plane. 5. Controlling dimension is millimeter, converted inch dimensions are not necessarily exact。 Suzhou Goodark Electronics Co., Ltd Version 1.0
GDSSF2300 价格&库存


    •  国内价格
    • 10+0.33437
    • 100+0.26633
    • 300+0.23231
