CMOS linear image sensor
Digital output, built-in 8/10-bit AD converter, single power supply operation
S10077 is a CMOS linear image sensor designed for image input applications. The signal processing circuit has a charge amplifier with excellent input/output characteristics. The circuit also includes a 8-bit/10-bit AD converter.
l Pixel pitch: 14 µm l Analytical instrument Pixel height: 50 µm l Position detection l Number of pixels: 1024 ch l Image reading l Single power supply operation: 3.3 to 5 V l On-chip charge amplifier with excellent input/output characteristics l Built-in timing generator allows operation with only start and clock pulse inputs l Video data rate: 1 MHz Max. l Spectral response range: 400 to 1000 nm l Digital output l 8-bit/10-bit switchable ADC l Simultaneous all-pixel integration and variable integration time function l Low power consumption
s Absolute maximum ratings
Parameter Supply voltage AD mode selection voltage Clock pulse voltage Start pulse voltage Operating temperature *1 Storage temperature *1: No condensation Symbol Vdd Vsel V (CLK) V (ST) Topr Tstg Value -0.3 to +6 -0.3 to +6 -0.3 to +6 -0.3 to +6 -5 to +50 -10 to +60 Unit V V V V °C °C
s Shape specifications
Parameter Number of pixels Pixel pitch Pixel height Active area length Window material Specification 1024 14 50 14.336 TENPAX Unit µm µm mm -
CMOS linear image sensor
s R e co m m e n d e d te rm in a l vo lta g e
P a ra m e te r S u p p ly vo lta g e A D m o d e s e le ctio n vo lta g e C lo c k p u ls e vo lta g e S ta rt p u ls e vo lta g e S ym b o l Vdd 1 0 -b it 8 -b it H ig h Low H ig h Low Vsel V (C L K ) V (S T ) M in . 3 .3 V d d - 0 .2 5 0 V d d - 0 .2 5 0 V d d - 0 .2 5 0 Typ . 5 Vdd Vdd Vdd M a x. 5 .2 5 V d d + 0 .2 5 0 .4 V d d + 0 .2 5 0 .4 V d d + 0 .2 5 0 .4
U n it V V V V V V V
s E le c trica l c h a ra c te ris tic s (Ta = 2 5 °C )
P a ra m e te r C lo c k p u ls e fre q u e n c y V id e o d a ta ra te 1 0 -b it 8 -b it S ym b o l f (C L K ) VR M in . 1 1 Typ . f (C L K )/1 2 M a x. 6 12 U n it MHz Hz
s E le c trica l a n d o p tic a l c h a ra c te ris tic s (Ta = 2 5 °C )
P a ra m e te r S ym b o l M in . Typ . M a x. U n it S p e c tra l re s p o n s e ra n g e 4 0 0 to 1 0 0 0 nm λ P e a k s e n s itivity w a ve le n g th 700 nm λp P h o to s e n s itivity * 2 RES 42 V /µ J c m 2 P h o to re s p o n se n o n -u n ifo rm ity * 3 * 4 PRNU ±1 0 % 8 -b it * 5 30 V d d = 3 .3 V 1 0 -b it * 6 30 Power P mW c o n s u m p tio n 8 -b it * 5 70 Vdd=5 V 6 1 0 -b it * 70 8 -b it * 5 255 V d d = 3 .3 V 1 0 -b it * 6 1023 S a tu ra tio n Vsat d ig it o u tp u t vo lta g e * 7 8 -b it * 5 255 Vdd=5 V 1 0 -b it * 6 1023 8 -b it * 5 11 29 41 V d d = 3 .3 V 1 0 -b it * 6 44 11 6 164 O ffs e t o u tp u t Vo d ig it vo lta g e 8 -b it * 5 7 19 27 Vdd=5 V 6 1 0 -b it * 28 76 108 8 -b it * 5 0 .0 4 0 .6 V d d = 3 .3 V 1 0 -b it * 6 0 .1 6 2 .4 8 D a rk o u tp u t * Vd d ig it 8 -b it * 5 0 .0 3 0 .6 Vdd=5 V 6 1 0 -b it * 0 .1 2 2 .4 8 -b it * 5 0 .7 2 V d d = 3 .3 V 1 0 -b it * 6 2 .8 8 R e a d o u t n o is e Nr d ig it 8 -b it * 5 0 .7 2 Vdd=5 V 1 0 -b it * 6 2 .8 8 *2 : λ = 7 0 0 n m *3 : P h o to re sp o n s e n o n -u n ifo rm ity (P R N U ) is m e a su re d u n d e r th e c o n d itio n th a t th e d e vice is u n ifo rm ly illu m in a te d b y lig h t w h ic h is 5 0 % o f th e s a tu ra tio n e xp o s u re le ve l, u s in g 1 0 2 2 p ixe ls e xc lu d in g th e p ixe ls a t b o th e n d s . P R N U is d e fin e d a s fo llo w s : P R N U = ∆ X /X × 1 0 0 (% ) W h e re X is th e a ve ra g e o u tp u t o f a ll p ixe ls a n d ∆ X is th e d iffe re n c e b e tw e e n th e m a xim u m o r m in im u m o u tp u t a n d X w ith th e o ffse t s u b tra c te d . *4 : M e a s u re d w ith a tu n g s te n la m p o f 2 8 5 6 K *5 : f (C L K )= 1 2 M H z, T 2 (S T )= 1 3 2 0 0 C L K = 1 .1 m s *6 : f (C L K )= 6 M H z, T 2 (S T )= 1 3 2 0 0 C L K = 2 .2 m s *7 : A b s o lu te va lu e w ith re s p e c t to 0 V *8 : O u tp u t d iffe re n c e fro m Vo w h e n th e in te g ra tio n tim e is s e t to 1 0 m s .
s Spectral response (typical example)
100 (Ta=25 ˚C)
0 200
CMOS linear image sensor
s AD converter specifications (Ta=25 °C)
Parameter Digital output format Resolution *9 Symbol Specification Serial output 10 8 0 to 3.3 0 to 2.2
Unit bit V
10-bit mode RESO 8-bit mode Vdd=5 V Conversion voltage range *10 Vdd=3.3 V *9: Vsel=5 V (10-bit mode), 0 V (8-bit mode) *10: Digital output is available from MSB as serial output. 10-bit mode: D9 to D0 8-bit mode: D7 to D0
s Timing chart
tf (CLK) tr (CLK)
T1 (CLK)
tf (ST)
tr (ST)
Parameter Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Clock pulse rise and fall time tr (CLK), tf (CLK) 0 20 30 Start pulse time cycle T2 (ST) 12339 120000 Start pulse low time T3 (ST) 45 Start pulse high time *11 T4 (ST) 6000 Start pulse rise and fall time tr (ST), tf (ST) 0 20 30 *11: Signal charge integration time equals the High period of start pulse + 7 CLK cycles. The shift register operation starts at the rise of CLK pulse immediately after ST pulse sets to low. Integration time can be changed by changing the High-to-Low ratio of ST pulses.
Unit ns CLK CLK CLK ns
8-bit mode
q In the neighborhood of start pixel
T1 (CLK) 012345 CLK T3 (ST) 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55
q In the neighborhood of last pixel
ST T4 (ST) T2 (ST) 7 EOS AO Trig (A) D7 34 DO Trig (D) 33 EOC 45 57 DO1 34.5 D0 D7 42 46 DO2 41.5 46.5 53.5 D0 54 22 AO1 21 34 AO2 33 46 AO3 45
T4 (ST) T2 (ST) 12322 EOS AO
AO4 57
12286 AO1023 12285
12298 AO1024 12297
Trig (A) D0 D7 D0 D7 D0 D7 D0 12282 12286 12294 12298 12306 12310 12318 DO1022 DO1023 DO1024 12281.5 12286.5 12293.5 12298.5 12305.5 12310.5 12317.5 12285 EOC 12297 12309 12320
DO Trig (D)
Note) When using analog output AO, read the AO output at the falling edge of Trig (A). When using digital output DO, read the DO output at the falling edge of Trig (D).
CMOS linear image sensor
10-bit mode
q In the neighborhood of start pixel
T1 (CLK) 012345 CLK T3 (ST) 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55
q In the neighborhood of last pixel
ST T4 (ST) T2 (ST) 7 EOS AO Trig (A) D9 34 DO 34.5 Trig (D) 33 EOC 45 57 D0 D9 D0 44 46 56 DO1 DO2 43.5 46.5 55.5 22 AO1 21 34 AO2 33 46 AO3 45 AO4 57
T4 (ST) T2 (ST) 12322 EOS AO Trig (A) D0 D9 D0 D9 D0 D9 D0 12284 12286 12296 12298 1230812310 12320 DO1022 DO1023 DO1024 12283.5 12286.5 12295.5 12298.5 12307.5 12310.5 12319.5 12285 EOC 12297 12309 12320 12286 AO1023 12285 12298 AO1024 12297
DO Trig (D)
s Dimensional outline (unit: mm, tolerance unless otherwise noted: ±0.1)
ACTIVE AREA 14.336 7.168 ± 0.3 24 13 1.4 ± 0.15 3.0
s Pin connection
NC D. Trig
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1024 1
24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13
10.2 ± 0.5
9.1 ± 0.1
10 ± 0.3
DO A. Trig AO NC NC Vdd Vss NC NC
4.23 ± 0.4
1 ch 41.6 ± 0.2
2.54 6.83 ± 0.2 27.94
Package: LCP (Liquid Crystalline Polymer)
4.0 ± 0.5
CMOS linear image sensor
Pin No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Symbol NC D. Trig DO A. Trig AO NC NC Vdd Vss NC NC NC
Discription No connection Trigger signal for digital output Digital output Trigger signal for analog output Analog output No connection No connection Supply voltage GND No connection No connection No connection
Pin No. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Discription No connection No connection No connection End of scan signal Digital conversion end signal No connection AD mode selection voltage GND Supply voltage Clock signal Start signal No connection
s Precautions during use
(1) Electrostatic countermeasures This device has a built-in protection circuit against static electrical charges. However, to prevent destroying the device with electrostatic charges, take countermeasures such as grounding yourself, the workbench and tools to prevent static discharges. Also protect this device from surge voltages which might be caused by peripheral equipment. (2) Incident window If dust or dirt gets on the light incident window, it will show up as black blemishes on the image. When cleaning, avoid rubbing the window surface with dry cloth or dry cotton swab, since doing so may generate static electricity. Use soft cloth, paper or a cotton swab moistened with alcohol to wipe dust and dirt off the window surface. Then blow compressed air onto the window surface so that no spot or stain remains. (3) Soldering To prevent damaging the device during soldering, take precautions to prevent excessive soldering temperatures and times. Soldering should be performed within 5 seconds at a soldering temperature below 260 °C.
Information furnished by HAMAMATSU is believed to be reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed for possible inaccuracies or omissions. Specifications are subject to change without notice. No patent rights are granted to any of the circuits described herein. ©2006 Hamamatsu Photonics K.K.
HAMAMATSU PHOTONICS K.K., Solid State Division 1126-1 Ichino-cho, Higashi-ku, Hamamatsu City, 435-8558 Japan, Telephone: (81) 53-434-3311, Fax: (81) 53-434-5184,
U.S.A.: Hamamatsu Corporation: 360 Foothill Road, P.O.Box 6910, Bridgewater, N.J. 08807-0910, U.S.A., Telephone: (1) 908-231-0960, Fax: (1) 908-231-1218 Germany: Hamamatsu Photonics Deutschland GmbH: Arzbergerstr. 10, D-82211 Herrsching am Ammersee, Germany, Telephone: (49) 08152-3750, Fax: (49) 08152-2658 France: Hamamatsu Photonics France S.A.R.L.: 19, Rue du Saule Trapu, Parc du Moulin de Massy, 91882 Massy Cedex, France, Telephone: 33-(1) 69 53 71 00, Fax: 33-(1) 69 53 71 10 United Kingdom: Hamamatsu Photonics UK Limited: 2 Howard Court, 10 Tewin Road, Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire AL7 1BW, United Kingdom, Telephone: (44) 1707-294888, Fax: (44) 1707-325777 North Europe: Hamamatsu Photonics Norden AB: Smidesvägen 12, SE-171 41 Solna, Sweden, Telephone: (46) 8-509-031-00, Fax: (46) 8-509-031-01 Italy: Hamamatsu Photonics Italia S.R.L.: Strada della Moia, 1/E, 20020 Arese, (Milano), Italy, Telephone: (39) 02-935-81-733, Fax: (39) 02-935-81-741 Cat. No. KMPD1088E02
Sept. 2006 DN