RF-6010.qxd:Layout 1
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the solution to seamless voice, IP data, and telephony on the battlefield
The RF-6010 Tactical Network Access Hub provides FALCON II® radio users with easy-to-use access to other voice and data communication systems. The RF-6010 works by converting commercial standard voice and data formats into the industry-leading RF waveforms integrated into Harris FALCON II radios. The RF-6010 enhances radio networks consisting of the following FALCON II radios: the RF-5800H-MP HF Manpack, the RF-5800V-MP VHF Manpack, the RF-5800V-HH VHF Handheld Radio, the RF-5800M-HH Multiband Handheld radio, the AN/PRC-117F(C) multiband radio and the AN/PRC-150(C) HF radio. Depending on operational needs, the RF-6010 can work as a standalone four-subscriber switch or in conjunction with commercial or tactical phone switches. There are direct connections for four local (FXS) phones in addition to connections for eight outside (FXO) phone lines. The RF-6010 provides switching capability between FALCON II radio networks and the four local phones. Usage of the outside phone lines requires a switch to provide linking services between external phone users and the RF-6010’s tactical radio nets. The RF-6010 supports up to four FALCON II HF, VHF or multiband radio nets. A single-channel model is also available. Radio users can enter a phone number directly into the keypad of their radio and reach any phone connected to the RF-6010, as well as phones connected to the phone switch, if it is present. Calls can be made from an outstation radio in one network to an outstation radio in a different network through the RF-6010 and its connected base radios. The system allows phone users unfamiliar with tactical radio operation to gain access to mobile or fixed tactical radio networks. Private radioto-radio dialing is also possible within a radio network by using the selective calling feature embedded inside the FALCON II radios. The RF-6010 features both 10Base2 and 10BaseT Ethernet interfaces with internal routing capability to direct IP traffic. While not required for normal IP operation by the FALCON II radio family, the RF-6010 serves as a central access point for mobile tactical IP radio networks. Integration of IP data transfer, phone calls, and normal digital voice operation is handled automatically and seamlessly by the RF-6010 and the FALCON II radios.
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Specifications for the RF-6010
General Supports one to four FALCON II® radio networks Network Interface: 10Base2 or 10BaseT to outside networks; PPP to FALCON II radios Local Operator Connections: 4 POTS (Plain Old Telephone Service) telephones. External Phone Lines: 8 (switch-based PABX/PBX) Telephony: -- North American and International Telephony Standards -- DTMF Detection/Gathering -- Gain Control, A/D, D/A, (µ-law PCM conversion) -- Direct connection to CD 115E digital switch and ET-10 digital phone Environmental Test Method: Per MIL-STD-810F Vibration: Ground Mobile Operating Temperature: -40°C to +70°C Power Supply: Per MIL-STD-1275A Operational Provides public and private links between communication networks -- Phone to Phone (HF) -- Local Phone to Radio -- External Phone to Radio -- Radio to Local Operator -- Radio to External Phone -- Radio to Radio -- Radio Net to Phone -- Phone to Radio Net Supports transparent IP Data Service through FALCON II radios Supports voice or manually activated radio keying from local and external phones Ordering Information RF-6010-NW001 Supports 4 radio connections RF-6010-NW002 Supports 1 radio connection Accessories RF-6015-HS001 Combat Telephone RF-6015-HS002 Field Telephone RF-5870-VM001 Adjustable Vehicle Mount RF-5850-PS001 Power Supply
Command & Control Site
POTS Phones
Tactical Phone Switch (PABX) 8 lines to Phone Switch (analog - DTMF - 2 Wire) PPP Network Connections
HF Net 1 Voice: DV, Telephony Data
FALCON II HF Radio (Outstation)
FALCON II VHF Radio Tactical Phones 4 Local Operator lines (Analog - DTMF) 2 wire
VHF Net 2 Voice: DV, Telephony FALCON II VHF Radio (Outstation) Data
Ruggedized Computer
RF-6010 Tactical Network Access Hub
10Base2/T Network Connection - and ASCII Remote Control PPP Network Connections FALCON II VHF Radio VHF Net 3 Voice: DV, Telephony Data Ruggedized PDA RF-5800V-HH
Ruggedized Networked Computers
HF Net 4 Voice: DV, Telephony FALCON II HF Radio Data (Outstation)
Ruggedized Computer
Specifications subject to change without notice.
RF Communications | 1680 University Avenue | Rochester, NY USA 14610 www.harris.com 1-585-244-5830
Copyright © 2008 Harris Corporation 02/08 DS-277F