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    TR0636E-20009 - IT3 Test Vehicle Assembly Yield Test - Hirose Electric

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TR0636E-20009 数据手册
IT3 Tes t Veh i c l e A s s em b l y Yi el d Tes t TR0636E-20009 IT3 Tes t Veh i c l e A s s em b l y Yi el d Tes t Approved. TY. ARAI June/23rd/2008 Checked. TM. MATSUO June/23rd/2008 Prepared. TY.TAKADA June/23rd/2008 Hirose Electric -1- IT3 Tes t Veh i c l e A s s em b l y Yi el d Tes t TR0636E-20009 1 OVERVIEW The purpose of this test is to provide customer a way of quantifying the expected manuf acturing yield of the IT3 connector system in a mass production environment. This is accomplished by providing statistical data that simulates IT3’s mounting perf ormance in a CEM/mass production setting, using pre-existing processes f or both mounting and inspection. 2 T EST OBJ ECTIVES By using the combination of standard mounting processes, typical PCB configuration, and the IT3 connector system, the goal was to prov ide the f ollowing data: Statistical data including: o o o o o A set number of mounts to represent a mass production setting. Diff ering connector pin-counts and mounting orientations to ref lect real applications. Single reflow and double ref low specification, to represent both, top and bottom mountings. Diff ering process parameters such as paste v olume and f lux. Reported percentage of any f ailures. 5DX inspection results o Standard mass-production inspection process. - 2D x-ray inspection results o Determine real failure or f alse call from 5DX inspection results. -2- IT3 Tes t Veh i c l e A s s em b l y Yi el d Tes t TR0636E-20009 3 T EST VEHICL ES 3.1 Co n n ec t o r Ty p e Mezzanine connector : Hirose IT3 series Receptacle mating side Receptacle IT3M-300S-BGA(57)…Mounting side 300 signal pins (Total 570 joints including ground pins) IT3D-300S-BGA(57)…Mating side 300 signal pins (Total 570 joints including ground pins) IT3M-200S-BGA(57)…Mounting side 200 signal pins (Total 380 joints including ground pins) IT3D-200S-BGA(57)…Mating side 200 signal pins (Total 380 joints including ground pins) Receptacle mounting side -3- IT3 Tes t Veh i c l e A s s em b l y Yi el d Tes t TR0636E-20009 3.2 B u i l d Mat r i x The following number of boards and connectors were used to determine results. Total Board Qty : 190 Total Connector Qty : 1900 The assembly yield tests were perf ormed at two CEM mass production locations. CEM1 (Fl ex t r o n i c s , Au s t i n ) Process order 1 Test board S tencil type 5 m il DC 7 m il 5 m il 2 MB 7 m il Total Con nector p art No. IT3 D-2 00S -B GA(57) IT3 D-3 00S -B GA(57) IT3 D-2 00S -B GA(57) IT3 D-3 00S -B GA(57) IT3 M-2 00S -B GA(5 7) IT3 M-3 00S -B GA(5 7) IT3 M-2 00S -B GA(5 7) IT3 M-3 00S -B GA(5 7) B oard Qty. 30 15 30 20 95 Con nector Qty. 15 0 15 0 75 75 15 0 15 0 10 0 10 0 95 0 Comments Nitrogen atmosp here 2X reflow (2nd reflow with connector on bottom sid e) Nitrogen atmosp here 1 X reflow CEM2 (J ab i l , Pen an g ) Pr oc ess or der Tes t board DC MB Total Connec tor par t No. IT3D- 200S- BGA ( 57) IT3D- 300S- BGA ( 57) IT3M- 200S- BGA ( 57) IT3M- 300S- BGA ( 57) Boar d Qty. 45 50 95 Connec tor Qty . 225 225 250 250 950 Comments Nitr ogen atmos phere 2x r ef low ( 2nd ref low w ith connec tor on bottom s ide) Nitr ogen atmos phere 1 X r ef low 1 2 -4- IT3 Tes t Veh i c l e A s s em b l y Yi el d Tes t TR0636E-20009 4 ASSEM BLY CONDITIONS 4.1 Tes t B o ar d Des i g n Det ai l s Test Board Design Details per IPC-9701 Item 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Thickness # of Metal Layers Layer Structure PCB Material Ground Layer Signal Layer Daisy Chain Pad and Via Surf ace Finish Pad Design Requirement 93 mils (2.4mm) 8 layers See Fig. 1 High Tg FR-4 70% copper mesh 30% copper weav e Top layer Pads f or probing on the bottom layer through via High Tg OSP (Organic solderability preserv ative) NSMD (Non-solder mask def ined) See Fig. 2 Outer layer: 35 microns (1 ounce) 11 Copper Thickness # of Connectors Inner ground: 35 microns (1 ounce) Inner signal: 18 microns (0.5 ounce) 12 10 connectors per board − − Remarks − − − − − − All signal pads are connected in series f or electrical measurement Simulate mechanical strength of actual PCBs with signal vias − − Note: Vias are not connected to any specific signal or ground layers. Ground pads and ground inner layers are left unconnected. -5- IT3 Tes t Veh i c l e A s s em b l y Yi el d Tes t TR0636E-20009 Signal(X-W eaved、30% cupper) Signal(Y-W eaved、30% cupper) Signal(Y-W eaved、30% cupper) Signal(X-W eaved、30% cupper) Fi g . 1 PCB L ay er St r u c t u r e Fi g . 2 PCB Pad Des i g n -6- IT3 Tes t Veh i c l e A s s em b l y Yi el d Tes t TR0636E-20009 4.2 Tes t b o ar d l ay o u t PCB size is the same as typical line-cards or motherboards. Connectors were strategically placed around the perimeter in locations that have the highest chance of bad soldering, in both X & Y orientation, and, in a combination of 200 and 300 positions to represent actual application requirements. Boards include a total of 10 connectors, with 8 being placed on the perimeter, and the balance along the center line to show the eff ects of any board warpage on the mounting of the connectors. The minimum distance from connector edge to from the PCB edge was 50mm. -7- IT3 Tes t Veh i c l e A s s em b l y Yi el d Tes t TR0636E-20009 4.3 Tes t Veh i c l e As s em b l y Major CEMs’ f ollowed current standard practices f or mass-production assembly. 4.3.1 As s em b l y Par am et er s Process parameters f ollowed during the test. Items Type of Reflow Equipment Pre Conditioning Stencil / Theoretical paste volume Solder Ball Composition Solder Paste (Composition) Process Parameters Reflow atmosphere Requirements Mass-reflow conv eyor furnaces Dry package 1. 23 mil round, 5 mil thk / 2076 mil^3 (Flextronics) 2. 28 mil round, 7 mil thk / 4308 mil^3 (Flextronics) 3. 22.4×21.1 ellipse, 5 mil thk / 1943 mil^3 (Jabil) Eutectic: Sn63 Pb37 1. Kester HM531 water-soluble eutectic solder paste (Flextronics) 2. Kester R560 Type 3 water-soluble eutectic solder paste (Jabil) See attached reports f rom CEMs Nitrogen atmosphere (low O2) 4.3.2 Ref l o w Temp er at u r e Pro f i l e CEMs defined reflow temperature profile based on their own pre-existing process ref erring to HIROSE suggested reflow profile. Example of typical IT3 reflow profile -8- IT3 Tes t Veh i c l e A s s em b l y Yi el d Tes t TR0636E-20009 Temperature measurement points on Connectors Attached to a BGA joint (Under the connector by inserting T/C through drilled hole on PCB) Attached to a connector body Attached to PCB surface 12.7mm cn1 cn4 cn5 12.7mm cn3 cn2 cn10 cn6 R eflow direc tion 12.7mm cn7 cn9 12.7mm cn8 12.7mm 4.4 X-r ay In sp ec t i o n X-ray inspection after assembly was conducted. Any connector showing the f ollowing f ailures is checked. : “solder-bridge”, “open joint”, “voids”, “solder ball mis-alignment”, or “insufficient solder”. All Mother boards and daughter cards were 100% inspected using 5DX x-ray. All 5DX calls were reported, and then verified with 2D x-ray to determine if real f ailure. -9- IT3 Tes t Veh i c l e A s s em b l y Yi el d Tes t TR0636E-20009 5. RESULTS See attached reports f rom CEMs (Flextronics and Jabil) f or more details. 1. No issues were f ound in this v alidation run with respect to board design and it’s manuf acturability. 2. 99.9% connector yield was achiev ed (Total connector f ailure rate 0.1%). 3. Total pin failure rate 2.2 DPMJ (Def ect Per Million Joints) 4. Three paste v olumes showed good results. 5. Both Kester HM531 and R560 solder pastes showed good results. 5DX Calls Signal Pin St encil Type 5m il 300 pins 7m il DC 5m il 200 pins 7m il C EM1 Flextronic s MB 5m il 200 pins 7m il Total 300 pins MB 200 pins CEM2 Jabil 300 pins DC 200 pins Total Total 5m il 225 950 1,900 85, 500 451,250 902,500 0 0 53 0 0 2.8 0 0 91 0 0 100. 8 0 0 2 0 0 0. 1 5m il 5m il 250 225 95, 000 128,250 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5m il 100 950 250 38, 000 451,250 142,500 27 53 0 27.0 5.6 0 57 91 0 1500.0 201. 7 0 0 2 0 0 0. 2 0 150 57, 000 2 1.3 2 35.1 0 0 5m il 300 pins 7m il 100 57, 000 12 12.0 19 333. 3 1 1. 0 75 150 28, 500 85, 500 3 3 4.0 2.0 3 4 105. 3 46.8 0 1 0 0. 7 150 57, 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 75 42, 750 6 8.0 6 140. 4 0 0 Connectors Test ed 150 Pins Tes ted 85, 500 0 Connect or # of Conn. Call Rate % # o f Pins Failure Pin Call Rate DPMJ Connect or # of Conn. Failure Rate % # o f Pins Pin Failure Rate DPMJ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 11.7 17.5 0 0 4. 4 0 0 0 0 0 2. 2 - 10 - IT3 Tes t Veh i c l e A s s em b l y Yi el d Tes t TR0636E-20009 6. REVISION RECORD Revision no. Description (Major changes) Initial release Date June 23rd, 2008 - 11 -
TR0636E-20009 价格&库存

