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DRM4000L-N00-232 数据手册
DRM™4000L Dead Reckoning Module The Dead Reckoning Module (DRM™) 4000L is a miniature, electronic device for personnel on foot that provides the user’s position relative to an initialization point. Dead Reckoning (DR) data and external GPS NMEA data are blended by an internal Kalman filter. When GPS data is available the dead reckoning sensors are automatically calibrated continuously and the two data sources are blended into a composite real-time position data output. When GPS data is unavailable, dead reckoning takes over. DRM™4000L position error characteristics are independent of time, and depend primarily on distance traveled. Patented motion classification algorithms (SmartPedometry™) analyze walking motion, and compensate when the user is running, or just “fidgeting” in place. Commercially available gyros are included to compensate for transient magnetic disturbances and transient accelerations that may interfere with compass operation. A barometric altimeter provides vertical position accurate enough to discriminate between floors of a building (1.5 meter accuracy). High fidelity azimuth, pitch and roll data from the magnetic compass is also available for use by the host system. The DRM™4000L unit can be directly interfaced to many GPS receivers and man-pack computers, and includes capabilities for accurate field calibration. The DRM™4000L is a reliable GPS supplement for personnel on foot. The unit is small enough to be easily integrated into torso-mounted devices, and does not require any sensors on the legs or feet. Applications for the DRM™4000L include personnel tracking (fire, police, and security), real-time waypoint navigation, disaster relief operations, and cell phone signal strength mapping. FEATURES & BENEFITS  State-of-the-art dead reckoning device for personnel navigation.  Continuous, gap-free, personnel position location, with or without GPS.  Internal Kalman filter integrates dead reckoning position with external GPS, using NMEA0183 format  Low power consumption and small size for man-portable applications  Built-in World Magnetic Model for accurate true direction anywhere (automatic declination)  Motion classification and adaptive algorithms maximize accuracy under difficult conditions  Sensors include 3 commercial grade gyros, 3 accelerometers, 3 magnetometers, temperature, and barometric altimeter  Industrial temperature range for wide environment usage  Available as a circuit card module with RS232 interface or a demonstration kit with a USB interface. DRM4000L SPECIFICATIONS Characteristics Conditions Min Typical Max Units Position Horizontal (3) Accuracy Error as Percent of Distance Traveled in Ideal Terrain 2.0 % Compass Azimuth (2) Accuracy Compass Factory Calibrated 1.0 deg 0.1 deg Pressure Altimeter 1.5 meters PCB Assembly Only 1.83 x 1.9 x 0.4 inches Four Holes (#4 Hardware Recommended) 0.112 inches PCB Assembly Only 0.42 11.8 ounces grams Compass Azimuth (3) Resolution Vertical (3) Accuracy Physical Dimensions (3) Mounting (3) Holes Weight (3) Mechancial (3) Shock Transit/Drop Shock per MILSTD-810F, Method 516.5 from 4 feet in standard shipping container Input Power (3) Applied to J1, Pins 1 and 4 (3) Battery Voltage = 3.3 volts No GPS Receiver Power Supplied Voltage Range Current Range 2.8 3.3 5.2 Volts DC 75 mA Digital Interface Serial Data (1) RS-232C on J1 Pins 2 (RXD) and 3 (TXD) 9600 (1) Update Rate J1 Connector GPS RXD (1) (1) 19200 38400 4 Baud Hz Samtech TFM-105-02-S-D-LC Pinned Socket - NMEA0183 Data from GPS (J1, Pin 7) 4800 9600 38400 Baud Operating Storage (OEM Only) -40 -40 - +85 +125 °C Environment Temperature (3) (1) By Design (2) Tested at 25°C and 3.3V except stated otherwise. (3) Characterized 2 www.honeywell.com DRM4000L CONFIGURATION Configuration information is stored internally in the microprocessor's flash memory. There are a finite number of write cycles to the flash. The limit will not normally be reached if changes are made manually. Care should be taken if the writing is performed automatically. Default board orientation is +Y axis up and +Z axis forward. The axes are printed on the module circuit board near the magnetic sensors. This orientation puts the module flat against the torso. The default RS-232 baud rate is 19200. A factory backup configuration is stored in the module. If an error is generated in the normal configuration, the backup configuration can be read and saved. The DRM4000L is stocked and ships in a standard configuration for RS-232 data inputs and outputs. The GPS NMEA0183 data input interface will be maintained from DRM input to the output plus the DRM unique commands and responses. DRM4000L Basic Dimensions www.honeywell.com 3 DRM4000L CONNECTIONS The DRM4000L has a Samtec TFM-105-02-S-D-LC connector on the circuit board for the J1 electrical interface. Possible mating connectors would be the Samtec SFSD-05- for wired assemblies and the SFM-105- for mating circuit boards. The table below shows the interface pin-out definition for J1. J1 Interface Pin-Out Definition J1 Pin Signal Definition Comment 1 2 BAT+ HOST_RXD +2.8 to +5.5 Volts from Battery Data from Host Computer to DRM 3 4 5 6 7 8 HOST_TXD GND 1PULSEPERSEC ODOMETER EGPS RXD EGPS TXD Data to Host Computer from DRM Power and Data Return not used not used Data from GPS receiver to DRM Data to GPS receiver from DRM 9 10 EVENT +3.3V, 50mA max Optional Event Marker Input To external GPS receiver power input . DEVELOPMENT KIT The DRM4000L Development Kit includes a plastic enclosure with an internal I/O adapter board with a USB interface, GPS receiver, and a rechargeable lithium battery, Also included are the Windows™ DRM4000L Host Software, DRM4000L User’s Guide, carrying case, GPS antenna, baseball cap with Velcro antenna mount and a USB patch cable. It is highly recommended that first time users procure the development kit first, before ordering additional DRM4000L OEM modules. The mini-B USB jack on the DRM4000L kit enclosure accommodates data transfer up to 38.4kbps as well as trickle charging the battery when required. The pushbutton power on/off switch doubles as a momentary "event" marker button to help in data collection processing. ORDERING INFORMATION Ordering Number Data Interface Product DRM4000L-N00-232 RS-232 Dead Reckoning Module DRM4000L-N00-USB-DEMO USB Dead Reckoning Module Development Kit FIND OUT MORE For more information on Honeywell’s Magnetic Sensors, Compassing, Magnetometry and Dead Reckoning visit us online at www.magneticsensors.com or contact us at 800-323-8295. U.S. Patents 5,583,776 5.952,825 6, 522,266 6,539,639 6,543,146 6,667,682 6,813,582 6,842,991 6,877,237 and 7,095,226 apply to the technology described. DRM and SmartPedometry are trademarks of Honeywell. Honeywell reserves the right to make changes to any products or technology herein to improve reliability, function or design. Honeywell does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product; neither does it convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. Honeywell 12001 Highway 55 Plymouth, MN 55441 Tel: 800-323-8295 www.magneticsensors.com 4 Form #900426 September 2014 ©2014 Honeywell International Inc. www.honeywell.com
DRM4000L-N00-232 价格&库存

