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    HMC1023PCB - 3-AXIS MAGNETIC SENSOR - Honeywell Solid State Electronics Center

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HMC1023PCB 数据手册
HMC1023 SENSOR PRODUCTS 3-AXIS MAGNETIC SENSOR Features Ball Grid Array (BGA) Surface-Mount Package Three Orthogonal Magneto-Resistive Sensors Wide Field Range of ± 6 Gauss 1.0 mV/V/gauss Sensitivity Minimum Detectable Field to 85 gauss Patented On-Chip Set/Reset and Offset Straps Product Description The Honeywell HMC1023 is a high performance threeaxis magneto-resistive sensor design in a single package. The advantages of the HMC1023 include orthogonal three-axis sensing, small size and a 16contact BGA surface mount package. Each of the magneto-resistive sensors are configured as 4-element Wheatstone bridges to convert magnetic fields to differential output voltages. Capable of sensing fields down to 85 micro-gauss, these sensors offer a compact, high sensitivity and highly reliable solution for low field magnetic sensing. APPLICATIONS Compassing Navigation Systems Attitude Reference Traffic Detection Medical Devices HMC1023 Circuit Diagram Solid State Electronics Center • www.magneticsensors.com • (800) 323-8295 • Page 1 HMC1023 SENSOR PRODUCTS SPECIFICATIONS Characteristics Bridge Elements Supply Resistance Operating Temperature Storage Temperature Humidity Field Range Linearity Error Tested at 121°C Full scale (FS) – total applied field Best fit straight line ± 1 gauss ± 3 gauss ± 6 gauss Hysteresis Error Repeatability Error Bridge Offset Sensitivity Noise Density Resolution Bandwidth Disturbing Field Sensitivity Tempco Bridge Offset Tempco Bridge Ohmic Tempco Cross-Axis Effect Max. Exposed Field Sensitivity Ratio of X,Y,Z Sensors X,Y, Z sensor Sensitive direction in X, Y and Z sensors 1.0 degree Orthogonality * Tested at 25°C except stated otherwise. TA= -40 to 125°C 100±5 % Cross field = 1 gauss, Happlied = ±1 gauss No perming effect on zero reading +0.3 200 %FS gauss 3 sweeps across ±3 gauss 3 sweeps across ±3 gauss Offset = (OUT+) – (OUT-) Field = 0 gauss after Set pulse, VCC = 5V Set/Reset Current = 2.0A @ 1kHz, VCC=5V 50Hz Bandwidth, VCC=5V Magnetic signal (lower limit = DC) Sensitivity starts to degrade. Use S/R pulse to restore sensitivity. TA= -40 to 125°C, VCC=5V TA= -40 to 125°C, ICC=5mA TA= -40 to 125°C, No Set/Reset TA= -40 to 125°C, With Set/Reset VCC=5V, TA= -40 to 125°C 2100 -2800 -3000 -600 ±500 ±10 2500 2900 ppm/°C ppm/°C -3200 ppm/°C 20 0.8 1.0 48 85 5 1.2 mV/V/gauss nV/sqrt Hz gauss MHz gauss -10 0.05 0.4 1.6 0.08 0.08 ±2.5 +10 %FS %FS mV %FS -6 100 +6 % gauss Ambient, unbiased -55 125 °C Vbridge referenced to GND Bridge current = 5mA, VCC to GND Ambient 1.8 250 -40 5.0 350 12 450 125 Volts ohms °C Conditions* Min Typ Max Units Solid State Electronics Center • www.magneticsensors.com • (800) 323-8295 • Page 2 HMC1023 SENSOR PRODUCTS SPECIFICATIONS Characteristics Set/Reset Strap Resistance Current Resistance Tempco Offset Straps Resistance Offset Constant Resistance Tempco * Tested at 25°C except stated otherwise. Measured from OFFSET+ to OFFSETDC Current Field applied in sensitive direction TA= -40 to 125°C 3500 3900 4300 ppm/°C 40 4.0 50 4.6 60 6.0 ohms mA/gauss Measured from S/R+ to S/R0.1% duty cycle, or less, 2 sec current pulse TA= -40 to 125°C 3300 3700 4100 ppm/°C 2.0 1.5 3.0 2.0 4.0 4.0 ohms Amp Conditions* Min Typ Max Units Pin Configuration (Arrows indicate direction of applied field that generates a positive output voltage after a SET pulse.) Package Outline Solid State Electronics Center • www.magneticsensors.com • (800) 323-8295 • Page 3 HMC1023 SENSOR PRODUCTS Mounting Considerations When mounting the Honeywell HMC1023 on a circuit board, please consider the following advice for ball grid array component attachment. Ball Grid Array attachment/removal to printed circuit boards is precisely controlled thermal solder reflow process. To prevent internal electrical damage and package cracking, do not use conventional soldering iron/solder station tools. If you do not have experience and the reflow oven, please have a qualified BGA rework technician do the work for you. The reflow profile show below is the recommended profile for HMC1023 package attachment. Melting temperature for the HMC1023 balls is at 180°C. The recommended rise and fall temperatures should be no greater than 3°C/sec to prevent mechnical stresses or “popcorning”. Peak external temperature the part should be exposed to is between 200 to 210°C. When exposed a high temperature, such as the solder reflow process, the internal connections in the package could sustain permanent damage, leaving open connections. 225°C is the melting point of solder inside the HMC1023 Ball Grid Array package. Do not expose the part to this level of temperature. If using solder paste, we recommend Kester SN62 solder paste with water soluble flux R560. This has a melting point around 180°C. Kester recommends a pre-heating zone from ambient temperature to 180°C for 2 to 4 minutes maximum. The first part of this pre-heating zone ramps up from ambient to 150°C in 90 seconds with a ramp rate of less than 2.5 degrees C per second. The soak zone should last from 60 to 90 seconds (2 minutes maximum) and ramp up in temperature from 150 to 180°C at 0.5 to 0.6 °C/ sec. The reflow zone should last for 30 to 90 seconds maximum (40 to 60 seconds is ideal) and peak in temperature between 200 and 210°C with a ramp of 1.3 to 1.6°C/sec. The reflow parameters can vary significantly and excellent reflow results can still be achieved. A thin layer of paste flux or a 2 to 3 mil layer of solder paste applied to the mother-board prior to placing the HMC1023 is helpful. The profile can be verified by placing a thermocouple between the HMC1023 and motherboard. Solid State Electronics Center • www.magneticsensors.com • (800) 323-8295 • Page 4 HMC1023 SENSOR PRODUCTS Basic Device Operation The Honeywell HMC1023 magneto-resistive sensor is composed of three Wheatstone bridge elements to measure magnetic fields for both field strength and direction. With power applied to the bridges, the sensors elements convert any incident magnetic field in each element’s sensitive axis direction to a differential voltage output. In addition to the bridge elements, these sensors have two types of on-chip magnetically coupled straps; the offset straps and the set/reset strap. These straps are Honeywell patented features for incident field adjustment and magnetic domain alignment; and eliminate the need for external coils positioned around the sensors. The magnetoresistive sensors are made of a nickel-iron (Permalloy) thin-film deposited on a silicon wafer and patterned as a resistive strip element. In the presence of a magnetic field, a change in the bridge resistive elements causes a corresponding change in voltage across the bridge outputs. These resistive elements are aligned together to have a common sensitive axis (indicated by arrows on the pinouts) that will provide positive voltage change with magnetic fields increasing in the sensitive direction. Because the output only is in proportion to the one-dimensional axis (the principle of anisotropy) and its magnitude, additional sensor bridges placed at orthogonal directions permit accurate measurement of arbitrary field direction. The combination of sensor bridges in this three orthogonal axis configuration permit applications such as compassing and magnetometry. The individual sensor offset straps allow for several modes of operation when a direct current is driven through it. These modes are: 1) Subtraction (bucking) of an unwanted external magnetic field, 2) null-ing of the bridge offset voltage, 3) Closed loop field cancellation, and 4) Auto-calibration of bridge gain. The set/reset strap can be pulsed with high currents for the following benefits: 1) Enable the sensor to perform high sensitivity measurements, 2) Flip the polarity of the bridge output voltage, and 3) Periodically used to improve linearity, lower cross-axis effects, and temperature effects. Noise Characteristics The noise density for the HMR1023 series is around 50nV/sqrt Hz at the 1 Hz corner, and drops below 10nV/sqrt Hz at 20Hz and begins to fit the Johnson Noise value at around 5nV/sqrt Hz beyond 100Hz. The 10Hz noise voltage averages around 0.58 micro-volts with a 0.16 micro-volts standard deviation. These values are provided with a 5-volt supply. Offset Strap The offset strap is a spiral of metalization that couples in the sensor element’s sensitive axis. In the HMC1023 design, there is one strap per bridge with both ends brought out externally. Each offset strap measures nominally 50 ohms, and requires about 4.6mA for each gauss of induced field. The straps will easily handle currents to buck or boost fields through the ±6 gauss linear measurement range, but designers should note the extreme thermal heating on the sensor die when doing so. With most applications, the offset strap is not utilized and can be ignored. Designers can leave one or both strap connections (Off- and Off+) open circuited, or ground one connection node. Do not tie positive and negative strap connections together of the same strap to avoid shorted turn magnetic circuits. Set/Reset Strap The set/reset strap is another spiral of metalization that couples to the sensor elements easy axis (perpendicular to the sensitive axis on the sensor die). The HMC1023 set/reset strap circuit has three straps (one per sensor) paralleled together for operation at low voltages. The set/reset strap connections have a nominal resistance of 3.0 ohms with a minimum required peak current of 1.5A for reset or set pulses. With rare exception, the set/reset strap must be used to periodically condition the magnetic domains of the magneto-resistive elements for best and reliable performance. A set pulse is defined as a positive pulse current entering the S/R+ strap connection. The successful result would be the magnetic domains aligned in a forward easy-axis direction so that the sensor bridge’s polarity is a positive slope with positive fields on the sensitive axis result in positive voltages across the bridge output connections. Solid State Electronics Center • www.magneticsensors.com • (800) 323-8295 • Page 5 HMC1023 SENSOR PRODUCTS A reset pulse is defined as a negative pulse current entering the S/R+ strap connection. The successful result would be the magnetic domains aligned in a reverse easy-axis direction so that sensor bridge’s polarity is a negative slope with positive fields on the sensitive axis result in negative voltages across the bridge output connections. Typically a reset pulse is sent first, followed by a set pulse a few milliseconds later. By shoving the magnetic domains in completely opposite directions, any prior magnetic disturbances are likely to be completely erased by the duet of pulses. For simpler circuits with less critical requirements for noise and accuracy, a single polarity pulse circuit may be employed (all sets or all resets). With these uni-polar pulses, several pulses together become close in performance to a set/reset pulse circuit. Figure 1 shows a quick and dirty manual pulse circuit for uni-polar application of pulses to the set/reset strap. Iset 5 volts Rsr 3.0 Application Notes Three Axis Compassing with Tilt Compensation Figure 1 Set Pulse Circuit For full three-axis compassing, the circuit depicted in Figure 2 shows HMC1023 used for sensing the magnetic field in three axes. A two-axis accelerometer with digital (PWM) outputs is also shown to provide pitch and roll (tilt) sensing, to correct the three-axis magnetic sensors outputs into to the tilt-compensated two-axis heading. The accelerometer can be substituted with a fluidic 2-axis tilt sensor if desired. For lower voltage operation with Lithium battery supplies (2.5 to 3.6Vdc), the Set/Reset circuit should be upgraded from a single IRF7509 to the dual IRF7509 implementation (H-bridge) to permit a minimum 1.5-ampere pulse (500mA per set/reset strap resistance) to the sensors. Vcc U1 1nf 5.00k LMV324 500k 3.3 to 5.0v Vcc AN0 AN1 AN2 Vcc/2 AN3 5.00k 500k Vcc/2 HMC1023 1nf 5.00k LMV324 U3 500k set/reset DO0 U6 5.00k 500k Vcc/2 .33uf IRF7509 C with Multiplexed A/D Conv. Vcc U4 U5 set/reset Vcc .1 f 500k Two-axis accelerometer U2 5.00k 5.00k 500k Vcc/2 + LMV324 xout yout DI0 DI1 Figure 7 Three Axis Compass Solid State Electronics Center • www.magneticsensors.com • (800) 323-8295 • Page 6 HMC1023 SENSOR PRODUCTS Duty Cycling for Lower Energy Consumption For battery powered and other applications needing limited energy consumption, the sensor bridge and support electronics can be switched “off” between magnetic field measurements. The HMC1023 sensors are very low capacitance (Bandwidth > 5MHz) sensor bridges and can stabilize quickly, typically before the support electronics can. Other energy saving ideas would be to minimize the quantity of set/reset pulses which saves energy over the battery life. Figure 3 shows a simple supply switching circuit that can be microprocessor controlled to duty cycle (toggle) the electronics in moderate current (
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