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ULN2003AD 数据手册
7-Digit Darlington Current Driver ULN2003A/ ULN2004A FEATURES • • • • • • • 7 Darlington Arrays per Package 500 mA Rated Collector Current (Single Output) Output voltage 50V Output Clamp Diodes Input Compatible with Various Types of Logic Relay-Driver Applications Input pins placed opposite to output pins to simplify layout SOP-16 APPLICATION • • • • • • Relay Drivers Stepper and DC Brushed Motor Drivers Lamp Drivers Display Drivers Line Drivers Logic Buffers DIP-16 ORDERING INFORMATION Device DESCRIPTION Package ULN2003AD SOP-16 The ULN2003A and ULN2004A are monolithic highvoltage, high-current Darlington transistor arrays. Each consists of seven NPN Darlington pairs that feature high-voltage outputs with common-cathode clamp diodes for switching inductive loads. The collector-current rating of a single Darlington pair is 500 mA. The Darlington pairs may be paralleled for higher current capability. Applications include relay drivers, hammer drivers, lamp drivers, display drivers (LED and gas discharge), line drivers, and logic buffers. ULN2004AD ULN2003AN DIP-16 ULN2004AN ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Note 1) CHARACTERISTIC SYMBOL MIN. MAX. UNIT VO - 50 V VI - 30 V Peak Collector Current IC - 500 mA Output Clamp Current IOK - 500 mA Total Emitter-Terminal Current IE - 2.5 A Maximum Junction Temperature TJ - 150 °C Storage Temperature TSTG -60 150 °C Lead Temperature (Soldering, 5sec) TSOL - 260 °C Output Voltage Input Voltage (Note 2) Apr. 2020 – Rev 1.1.1 1/8 HTC 7-Digit Darlington Current Driver ULN2003A/ ULN2004A RECOMMENDED OPERATIONG CONDITIONS CHARACTERISTIC SYMBOL MIN. MAX. UNIT Output Voltage VO - 50 V Junction Temperature TJ -40 125 °C Operating Free-Air Temperature Range TA -40 85 °C ƟJA-SOP-16 - 120 °C/W ƟJA-DIP-16 - 80 °C/W Package Thermal Resistance * ORDERING INFORMATION Package Order No. Description Package Marking Status SOP-16 ULN2003AD 7-Digit Darlington Current Driver ULN2003A Active SOP-16 ULN2004AD 7-Digit Darlington Current Driver ULN2004A Active DIP-16 ULN2003AN 7-Digit Darlington Current Driver ULN2003A Active DIP-16 ULN2004AN 7-Digit Darlington Current Driver ULN2004A Active Apr. 2020 – Rev 1.1.1 2/8 HTC 7-Digit Darlington Current Driver ULN2003A/ ULN2004A PIN CONFIGURATION SOP-16 / DIP-16 PIN DESCRIPTION Pin No. Pin Name SOP-16 DIP-16 1 1 1B 2 2 2B 3 3 3B 4 4 4B 5 5 5B 6 6 6B 7 7 7B 8 8 E 9 9 COM 10 10 7C 11 11 6C 12 12 5C 13 13 4C 14 14 3C 15 15 2C 16 16 1C Apr. 2020 – Rev 1.1.1 Pin Function Channel 1 through 7 Darlington Base Input Common Emitter shared by All Channels Common Cathode Node for Flyback Diodes Channel 1 through 7 Darlington Collector Output 3/8 HTC 7-Digit Darlington Current Driver ULN2003A/ ULN2004A PIN CONNECTION DIAGRAM BLOCK DIAGRAM D2 Input B R1 VT1 VT2 R2 R3 D3 E D1 Apr. 2020 – Rev 1.1.1 COM Output C 4/8 R1 : Resistor 2.7kΩ for ULN2003A 10.5kΩ for ULN2004A R2 : Resistor 7.2 kΩ R3 : Resistor 3.0 kΩ HTC 7-Digit Darlington Current Driver ULN2003A/ ULN2004A ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Note 3) Limits in standard typeface are for TJ=25°C, unless otherwise specified. PARAMETER SYMBOL TEST FIGURE TEST CONDITION MIN. TYP. MAX. IC=200mA - - 2.4 IC=250mA - - 2.7 IC=300mA - - 3.0 IC=125mA - - 5.0 IC=200mA - - 6.0 IC=275mA - - 7.0 IC=350mA - - 8.0 II=250µA, IC=100mA - 0.9 1.1 II=350µA, IC=200mA - 1.0 1.3 II=500µA, IC=350mA - 1.2 1.6 VCE=50V, II=0mA - - 50 II=0mA - - 100 VI=1V - - 500 - 1.7 2 V 50 65 - µA VI=3.85V - - 1.35 VI=5V - - 0.5 VI=12V - - 1.45 VR=50V - - 50 VR=50V, TA=85°C - - 100 VCE=2V, for ULN2003A ON-State Input Voltage VI(ON) Fig.1. VCE=2V, for ULN2004A Collector-Emitter Saturation Voltage Output Leakage Current VCE(SAT) ICEX Fig. 2. Fig. 3. Fig. 4. VCE=50V, TA=85°C Clamp Forward Voltage VF Fig. 5. IF=350mA Off-State Input Current II(OFF) Fig. 6. VCE=50V, IC=500µA, TA=85°C for ULN2003A Input Current II(ON) Fig. 7. UNIT V V µA mA for ULN2004A Clamp Diode Leakage Current Turn-On Propagation Delay Time Turn-Off Propagation Delay Time IR Fig. 8. µA tPLH - 0.5VI to 0.5VO - 0.25 1 tPHL - 0.5VI to 0.5VO - 0.25 1 µs Note 1. Stresses beyond those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under Recommended Operating Conditions is not implied. Exposure to absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. Note 2. All voltage values are with respect to the emitter/substrate terminal E, unless otherwise noted. Note 3. The device is not guaranteed to function outside its operating ratings. Apr. 2020 – Rev 1.1.1 5/8 HTC 7-Digit Darlington Current Driver ULN2003A/ ULN2004A PARAMETER MEASUREMENT INFORMATION Fig. 1. ON-State Input Voltage Test Circuit Fig. 2. Collector-Emitter Saturation Voltage Test Circuit Fig. 3. Output Leakage Current Test Circuit Fig. 4. Output Leakage Current Test Circuit Fig. 5. Clamp Forward Voltage Test Circuit Fig. 6. Off-State Input Current Test Circuit Fig. 7. Input Current Test Circuit Fig. 8. Clamp Diode Leakage Current Test Circuit Apr. 2020 – Rev 1.1.1 6/8 HTC 7-Digit Darlington Current Driver ULN2003A/ ULN2004A Fig. 9. Propagation Delay Time Waveform APPLICATION INFORMATION T.B.D. TYPICAL OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS T.B.D. Apr. 2020 – Rev 1.1.1 7/8 HTC 7-Digit Darlington Current Driver ULN2003A/ ULN2004A REVISION NOTICE The description in this data sheet is subject to change without any notice to describe its electrical characteristics properly. Apr. 2020 – Rev 1.1.1 8/8 HTC
ULN2003AD 价格&库存

