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820M1-6000-TRAY 数据手册
820M1 SINGLE AXIS CONDITION MONITORING ACCELEROMETER • • • • • • FEATURES • • • • • • Amplified ±1.25V Signal Output 3.0 to 5.5Vdc Excitation Voltage Hermetically Sealed LCC Package Piezo-Ceramic Crystal, Shear Mode -40° to +125°C Operating Range Small PCB footprint APPLICATIONS • • • • • • • Machine Health Monitoring Predictive Maintenance Installations Embedded Vibration Monitoring Impact & Shock Monitoring Data Loggers Bearing Installations Security monitoring Single Axis Piezoelectric Accelerometer ±25g to ±6000g Dynamic Ranges Wide Bandwidth to 10,000Hz Superior Resolution to MEMS Devices Circuit Board Mountable, Reflow Solderable Low Cost, Superior Value The Model 820M1 is a low cost, single axis board mountable accelerometer designed for embedded condition monitoring and preventive maintenance applications. The piezo-electric accelerometer is available in ranges from ±25g to ±6000g and features a flat frequency response up to >10kHz. The model 820M1 accelerometer features a stable piezo-ceramic crystal in shear mode with low power electronics, sealed in a fully hermetic LCC package. The PE technology incorporated in the 820M1 accelerometer has a proven track record for offering the reliable and long-term stable output required for condition monitoring applications. The accelerometer is designed and qualified for machine health monitoring and has superior resolution, dynamic range and bandwidth compared to MEMS devices. For three axis measurements, TE Connectivity also offers other accelerometer models with the same outstanding performance specifications. CLICK HERE › CONNECT WITH A SPECIALIST TE CONNECTIVITY SENSORS /// MODEL 820M1 10/2022 Page 1 820M1 SINGLE AXIS ACCELEROMETER ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(1) Parameter Supply voltage(2) Storage temperature Shock limit (any axis) ESD Symbol Vdd TS gmax Min 1.5 -40 Typ 3.3 -2 Max 5.5 125 10,000 +2 Unit V °C g kV Notes/Conditions Human body model (1) Maximum limits the device will withstand without damage (2) With 1.5V-2.5V excitation, full-scale range will be limited. So 2.8V min recommended. OPERATING RANGES & NOISE - ACCELEROMETER (Unless otherwise specified, all parameters are measured at 24°C @ 3.3V applied) NonResidual Sensitivity Spectral Noise (mg/√Hz) Measurement Linearity Noise(1) mV/g Range (g) 10Hz 100Hz 1kHz (%FSO) (mg RMS) (±30%) ±25 ±50 ±100 ±200 ±500 ±6000 (1) 2Hz 50.0 25.0 12.5 5.00 2.50 0.21 ±2 ±2 ±2 ±2 ±2 ±2 2.9 5.9 11.7 23.2 58.8 705 0.15 0.29 0.58 1.16 2.92 35.0 0.07 0.13 0.27 0.53 1.34 16.1 0.03 0.05 0.09 0.18 0.52 6.24 10kHz 0.02 0.05 0.09 0.18 0.45 5.40 to 10 kHz ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS (Unless otherwise specified, all parameters are measured at 24°C @ 3.3V applied) Parameters Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Excitation voltage Vdd 3.3 5.5 Vdc Zero g output voltage Vdd/2 Average supply current Iavg 62 µA Output impedance Rout 100 Ω Warm-up time 1 Sec Notes/Conditions 50% of applied voltage OPERATING SPECIFICATIONS - ACCELEROMETER (Unless otherwise specified, all parameters are measured at 24°C @ 3.3V applied) Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Full scale output ±1.25 V 0.0g output voltage (bias V) Vdd/2 Frequency response 6 10k Hz Frequency response 2 15k Hz Resonant frequency 30k Hz Transverse sensitivity 8 % Temperature sensitivity ±8 % Calibration TE CONNECTIVITY SENSORS /// MODEL 820M1 Notes/Conditions ±1db ±3db -40 to 125°C Refer to typical curve CS-SENS-0100 NIST Traceable Amplitude Calibration at 80Hz All parts shipped with calibration data 10/2022 Page 2 820M1 SINGLE AXIS ACCELEROMETER ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS Parameter Operating temperature Storage temperature Ambient humidity Ingress protection Symbol IP Min -40 -40 0 68 Typ Max 125 125 100 Unit °C °C % Notes/Conditions Hermetic Package External exposed surfaces: Alumina Gold Au/Sn Solder 1.2 grams Media compatibility Weight BLOCK DIAGRAM IR REFLOW TEMPERATURE PROFILE TE CONNECTIVITY SENSORS /// MODEL 820M1 10/2022 Page 3 820M1 SINGLE AXIS ACCELEROMETER DIMENSIONS CONNECTION TABLE Pin Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Definition N/C GND X axis output Vdd N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C connections – do not connect to the circuit TE CONNECTIVITY SENSORS /// MODEL 820M1 10/2022 Page 4 820M1 SINGLE AXIS ACCELEROMETER TYPICAL ACCELEROMETER FREQUENCY RESPONSE CURVE Graph 1 TYPICAL ACCELEROMETER SENSITIVITY SHIFT vs AMBIENT TEMPERATURE Graph 2 IR REFLOW TEMPERATURE PROFILE TE CONNECTIVITY SENSORS /// MODEL 820M1 10/2022 Page 5 820M1 SINGLE AXIS ACCELEROMETER MOUNTING CONSIDERATIONS Accelerometers are used to measure vibration and motion of various pieces of equipment and their components. To obtain the most faithful reproduction of the movements, a solid mounting method is required. The model 820M1 is designed to surface mount on a PC board with the primary attachment being the connection solder pads. Although it is recommended that several of the contacts (pins 4-6 & 10-12) not be connected to any part of the electrical circuit, mating solder pads can be added to the PC board but then left unconnected. Soldering all contacts of the accelerometer will provide the most solid mounting and best measurement results. Rigid support for the accelerometer PC board will also help to improve the quality of measurement signals. Ultimately, the accelerometer must move at the same frequencies and displacements as the object of interest. PC board mounting that’s not rigid enough will introduce unwanted noise and resonant frequencies into the measurement signal. Figure 1 shows an example of a poorly mounted accelerometer. With no support close to the sensor, the PC board will flex and vibrate at its own resonant frequency much like a trampoline. This will introduce unwanted resonant peaks into the frequency range of interest making accurate data collection difficult. Figure 2 shows a better mounting design that provides support very close to the sensor and helps to eliminate unwanted vibrations and noise. If the PC board is mounted on standoffs, locate at least two standoffs as close to the accelerometer as possible. This will help stabilize the accelerometer mounting surface and help to ensure that faithful vibration and motion get transferred to the sensor. Figure 3 shows the addition a rigid mounting block directly between the accelerometer PC board and the vibrating object. This design provides good coupling. Use a rigid adhesive on both mating surfaces of the block for good mechanical coupling. Figure 4 shows the PC board attached directly to the vibration source. Use a rigid adhesive to improve the transmission of high frequency vibrations and acoustic energy. Soft or elastic adhesives (pressure sensitive adhesive, RTVs, pliable glues, etc.) tend to dampen and absorb higher frequency excitations. Don’t use them. Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4 TE CONNECTIVITY SENSORS /// MODEL 820M1 10/2022 Page 6 820M1 SINGLE AXIS ACCELEROMETER ORIENTATION CONSIDERATIONS The 820M1 accelerometer is able to sense and measure motion and acceleration in a single axis only. It provides an analog voltage output that represents the acceleration magnitude. The accelerometer must be properly oriented during assembly into the application to ensure that its output will be accurate. As shown in the detailed dimension drawing, the sensing axis is shown by an arrow on the sensor package. The sensing direction is parallel to the arrow and the closest edge of the accelerometer package. When the sensor is designed into an application, it must be oriented to align with the desired measurement direction of the customer product. There are many places in an application where alignment errors can appear. The 820M1 is mounted on a PC board and must be carefully aligned to it. The PC board is part of a subsystem and must be carefully aligned there also. And finally, the subsystem is part of the overall product and must be aligned to that. Each of these mounting interfaces can be a source of mis-alignment errors and when summed can become significant. For the 820M1 accelerometer, there are two types of alignment errors – rotational and tilt. Figures 5 & 6 show how these occur. Rotation Misalignment Tilt Misalignment Figure 5 Figure 6 Both types of misalignment result in incorrect output voltages for vibration amplitude. The output error will be proportional to the cosine of the error angle θ. In figure 5, if the acceleration or vibration is along the Y axis, a rotational misalignment error will decrease the Y axis signal by the cosine of the error angle. In figure 6, if acceleration is along the X axis, and the sensor is tilted, then the error will decrease the X axis signal by the cosine of the error angle. TE CONNECTIVITY SENSORS /// MODEL 820M1 10/2022 Page 7 820M1 SINGLE AXIS ACCELEROMETER PACKAGING OPTIONS The 820M1 comes in two packaging options, Tray and Tape & Reel. The Tray option contains 50 pieces. Only whole trays are shipped, so orders must be placed for integer multiples of 50. The Tape & Reel option contains 300 pieces. Only whole reels are shipped, so orders must be placed for integer multiples of 300. For smaller or uneven orders, please contact one of our Distribution partners as listed on our website. Stackable Trays – 50 pieces per tray Tape & Reel – 300 pieces per reel TE CONNECTIVITY SENSORS /// MODEL 820M1 10/2022 Page 8 820M1 SINGLE AXIS ACCELEROMETER ORDERING INFORMATION 820M1-xxxx Suffix G Range 0025 0050 0100 0200 0500 6000 25g 50g 100g 200g 500g 6000g Packaging Part Number Tape & Reel (300 pcs) Tray (50 pcs) 20005836-00 20005836-01 20005837-00 20005837-01 20005838-00 20005838-01 20007178-00 20007178-01 20007179-00 20007179-01 20007180-00 20007180-01 TE CONNECTIVITY SENSORS CUSTOMER CARE BY REGION AMERICAS EUROPE, MIDDLE EAST, AFRICA ASIA & PACIFIC tesensors-ccmeas@te.com sensor-customercare.apac@te.com sensor-customercare.emea@te.com CLICK HERE › CONNECT WITH A SPECIALIST TE.com/sensorsolutions MEAS France SAS and Measurement Specialties (China) , Inc., are TE Connectivity companies. TE Connectivity, TE, TE connectivity (logo) are trademarks. All other logos, products and/or company names referred to herein might be trademarks of their respective owners. The information given herein, including drawings, illustrations and schematics which are intended for illustration purposes only, is believed to be reliable. However, TE Connectivity makes no warranties as to its accuracy or completeness and disclaims any liability in connection with its use. TE Connectivity‘s obligations shall only be as set forth in TE Connectivity‘s Standard Terms and Conditions of Sale for this product and in no case will TE Connectivity be liable for any incidental, indirect or consequential damages arising out of the sale, resale, use or misuse of the product. Users of TE Connectivity products should make their own evaluation to determine the suitability of each such product for the specific application. © 2022 TE Connectivity Ltd. All Rights Reserved. TE CONNECTIVITY SENSORS /// MODEL 820M1 10/2022 Page 9
820M1-6000-TRAY 价格&库存

