Network Search Engine 256K x 72 Entries
Datasheet Brief 75K72100
To request the full IDT75K72100 datasheet, please contact your local IDT Sales Representative or call 1-800-345-7015
Device Description
IDT provides proven, industry-leading network search engines (NSEs) and a comprehensive suite of software that enable and accelerate the intelligent processing of network services in communications equipment. As a part of the complete IDT classification subsystem that includes content inspection engines, the IDT family of NSEs delivers highperformance, feature-rich, easy-to-use, integrated search accelerators. Operating at up to 250 million searches per second, the IDT 75K72100 NSE offers designers the ability to simultaneously search in separate, mutually exclusive databases, increasing the search rate to support multiple full-speed OC-192 packet searches per instruction with a single device. Targeting core, metro and edge routers, this device enables higher-performance systems to achieve increased packet processing rates and facilitates additional services, through simultaneous database lookup (SMDL) and sophisticated next free address (NFA) capabilities. The IDT 75K72100 NSE is a high performance pipelined low-power, synchronous full-ternary 256K x 72 entry device and provides array segments which can be configured to enable multiple width lookups from 36 to 576 bits wide. This NSE device provides the user with flexibility and control in determining the device power. Only the array segments that will be used for a specific NSE operation are powered up while the unused segments are not. The IDT 75K72100 NSE requires a 1.2-volt VDD supply and a 2.5V VDDQ supply. The IDT 75K72100 NSE utilizes the latest high-performance 1.2V CMOS processing technology and is packaged in a JEDEC Standard, thermally enhanced, low profile Ball Grid Array. IDT's 472 BGA package provides increased heat transfer for thermally challenged systems. The 472 BGA footprint is backwards compatible with the IDT 128K x 72 Entry (75K62100), 64K x 72 Entry (75P52100) and 32K x 72 Entry (75P42100) devices.
Block Diagram
Configuration Registers and Ram Control Circuits
ARRAY R/W Instruction
Request Data Bus
Bypass Comparand Registers MMOUT Global Mask Registers DATA Result Register MATCHOUT
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System Configurations
The IDT NSEs are designed to fulfill the needs of various types of networking systems. In solutions requiring data searching such as routers, a system configuration as shown in Figure 1.0 may be realized. Maximum flexibility is provided by allowing one board design to be populated today using either the IDT 75P42100, 75P52100 or 75K62100 NSEs and later upgraded to use IDT’s 75K72100 NSE. In this compatible configuration, the NSE interfaces directly to an ASIC/ FPGA for lookups and routes an Index to an associated SRAM device, which supplies the next hop address via an SRAM Data Bus to the ASIC. The NSE provides the required control signals to directly hookup to ZBT™ or Synchronous Pipeline Burst SRAM. Lookup results can also be fed directly back to the ASIC/ FPGA without the use of external SRAM. Control of the associated handshake signals is provided by all NSEs to adapt to either configuration.
2003 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.
Figure 1.0 ASIC / Compatible NSE/ SRAM configuration
IDT ASIC or FPGA 75P42100 or 75P52100 or 75K62100 or 75K72100
Network Search Engine
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ZBT or Sync SRAM
Product specifications subject to change without notice.
Network Interface
JUNE 2003
IP Co-Processor 256K x 72 Entries
Datasheet Brief 75K72100
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Full Ternary 256K x 72 bit content addressable memory 250M sustained lookups per second at 72 and 144 width lookups Simultaneous Multi Database Lookup (SMDL) Compatible to lower density ternary NSEs Advanced Power Management Dynamic multi database support Increased Global Mask Registers implementation Segments individually configurable 36/72/144/288/576 multiple width lookups Enhanced Multi-match features Learn new entries with NFA Register per database Dual bus interface Cascadable to 8 devices with no glue logic or latency penalty Glueless interface to standard ZBT™ or Synchronous Pipelined Burst SRAMs Boundary Scan JTAG Interface (IEEE 1149.1compliant) 1.2V core power supply 2.5V LVTTL I/O supply
■ SRAM No Wait Read
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An SRAM No Wait Read is a Read instruction to an external SRAM that can be pipelined within a series of operations and does not require the user to wait for the Read to complete before loading the next instruction. ■ Dual Write In addition to individual writes, the NSE has the ability to perform simultaneous writes to a Data entry and a respective external SRAM location. ■ Lookup A lookup can be requested in 72-bit, 144-bit, 288-bit or 576-bit widths. A 36-bit lookup can be accomplished by using two Global Mask Registers. ■ Learn The NSE implements a fully autonomous Learn Instruction, which provides a mechanism for the user to write a lookup entry into an unused location in the NSE and the associated data in external SRAM. This allows the user to update an entry into the NSE which had not previously been stored. The Learn writes the new entry, making it available for future lookups. SRAM Interface The NSE provides all required address and control signals for a glueless SRAM interface. The NSE provides a pipelined bypass path for reads or writes to the external SRAM. The ASIC/FPGA handles the pipelining of the data to and from the SRAM. Registers There are four basic types of registers supported: ■ Configuration Registers are used at initialization to define the segmentation of the entries, timing of outputs and the SRAM interface, ■ Global Mask Registers are provided to support Lookup instructions by masking individual bits during a search. ■ Comparand Registers assist in the Learn Instruction. ■ Result Registers are used to store the resulting index of a search from a Lookup operation. Width Segmentation Capability The NSEs are capable of performing lookups for comparisons on data structures of 72 bits, 144 bits, 288 bits and 576 bits. These devices has can be configured to meet various system requirements. ■ Single Width Array ■ Multiple Width Arrays within a Single Device Multi Match The Multi-Match feature signals to the user that more than one match has resulted. The result of the lookup, which defines the highest priority match, is sent along with the Multi-Match signal. Power Savings and Classification Features See full IDT75K72100 Datasheet for more information.
Functional Highlights
Data and Mask Array The NSE has Data cell entries and associated Mask cell entries as shown in Fig. 1.1. This combination of Data and Mask cell entries enables the NSE to store 0, 1 or X, making it a full ternary Network Search Engine. During a lookup operation, both arrays are used along with a Global Mask Register to find a match to a requested data word. Figure 1.1
Mask Data
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Bus Interface The NSE utilizes a dual bus interface consisting of the NSE Request Bus and the NSE Response Bus. The NSE Request Bus is comprised of the Command Bus and the Request Data Bus. The Command Bus handles the instruction to the NSE while the Request Data Bus is the main data path to the NSE. The 72 bit bi-directional Request Data Bus functions as a multiplexed address and data bus, which performs the writing and reading of NSE entries, as well as presenting lookup data to the device. The NSE Response Bus is comprised of an independent unidirectional Index Bus which drives the result of the lookup (or index) to either an SRAM device or an ASIC. In addition to driving the Index, the NSE Response Bus also drives the associated SRAM control signals (CE/OE, and WE) for either ZBT™ or Synchronous Pipeline Burst SRAM devices. Command Bus The Command Bus loads the specific instructions into the NSE. These include: ■ Read or Write A Read or Write instruction operates on a specified data entry, mask entry, or register.
IP Co-Processor 256K x 72 Entries
Datasheet Brief 75K72100
Signal Descriptions
Pin Function NSE Request Bus: Request Strobe Instruction Lookup Type Command Bus Global Mask Register Select Comparand and Result Register Select Request Data Bus NSE Response Bus: Address Index Bus Device ID Lookup Type Chip Enable/ Output Enable Write Enable Read Acknowledge Match Acknowledge Valid Lookup Bit Multi Match Output Depth Expansion: Device Address Match Input Match Output Clock and Initialization: Clock Input Reset Last NSE Last SRAM Input Input Input Input All inputs and outputs are referenced to this clock. This pin will force all outputs to a high impedence condition, as well as clearing the NSE enable bit. This pin defines which NSE device will drive the ASIC Feedback signals to the ASIC/FPGA. This pin defines which NSE device will drive the SRAM control signals CE/OE and WE. It also defaults this device to driving the Index Bus when there is no ongoing operation preventing the bus from floating.
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Input Input Input Input
This input signifies a valid input request and signals the start of an NSE operation cycle. These two fields of the Command bus define the instruction to be performed by the NSE and the lookup type. The lookup type is selected only for operational type commands (Lookups, Learns) and is a "don't care" for maintenance typ e commands (all Reads and Writes). This field is within the Command bus. During Lookup or Write operations, this fie ld defines which of the Global Mask Register groups are b eing accessed. This field is a "don't care" for Read, SRAM No Wait Read, and Learn Operations. This is a multiplexed field within the Command Bus that specifies both the Result Register to store the Index into, and the Comparand Reg ister to use. This field is sampled every input clock cycle. The first cycle decodes the selected Comparand Register and the second decodes the selected Result Register.
Input/Output The Request Data Bus is a multiplexed address/data bus used to perform reads (and writes) from (to) the Three State NSE, and to present search data for lookups.
This bus is used to drive the address of an external SRAM, or feedback Lookup result information Output directly to the NSE's ASIC/FPGA. The Index Bus contain the encoded location at which the compare was Three State found, the address of the NSE which found the result and the Lookup type. Output Three State This signal is driven along with the Index Bus. It is connected to the CE input pin of a ZBT SRAM or to the OE pin of a PBSRAM.
Output This signal is driven along with the Index bus. It is used to assert the W E pin of an external SRAM. It is Three State active for both SRAM write operations and the Learn command. Output Output Output This signal is sent back when the data is read from the NSE on the Request Data Bus, or when the data being read from the associated external SRAM. This is signal is sent with the Index. It will be driven low if there was no match, high if a match was found. This signal is sent with the Index. It will be driven high upon the completion of a lookup, even if the lookup did not result in a hit.
This signal is sent with the Index. It shall go active when a) multiple hits occur in one segment; or, b) one Output or mo re hits occur in two (or more) segments; or, c) one or more hits occur in multiple devices that are (Open Drain) depth cascaded.
Input Input Output
These three DC pins are used to define the Device Address for each of the eight possible depth expanded NSE devices in an NSE system. The Match Input signal is driven by all upstream Match Output signals. This indicates to all down stream NSEs that a hit in a higher priority NSE has occurred. The Match Output signal signifies that a match has occurred in the NSE. The signal is fed into a Match Input line of all lower priority NSE(s).
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