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    IDT72240L25TPG - CMOS SyncFIFO - Integrated Device Technology

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IDT72240L25TPG 数据手册
CMOS SyncFIFO™ 64 x 8, 256 x 8, 512 x 8, 1,024 x 8, 2,048 x 8 and 4,096 x 8 FEATURES: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • IDT72420 IDT72200 IDT72210 IDT72220 IDT72230 IDT72240 DESCRIPTION: The IDT72420/72200/72210/72220/72230/72240 SyncFIFO™ are very high-speed, low-power First-In, First-Out (FIFO) memories with clocked read and write controls. These devices have a 64, 256, 512, 1,024, 2,048, and 4,096 x 8-bit memory array, respectively. These FIFOs are applicable for a wide variety of data buffering needs, such as graphics, Local Area Networks (LANs), and interprocessor communication. These FIFOs have 8-bit input and output ports. The input port is controlled by a free-running clock (WCLK), and a Write Enable pin (WEN). Data is written into the Synchronous FIFO on every clock when WEN is asserted. The output port is controlled by another clock pin (RCLK) and a Read Enable pin (REN). The Read Clock can be tied to the Write Clock for single clock operation or the two clocks can run asynchronous of one another for dual clock operation. An Output Enable pin (OE) is provided on the read port for three-state control of the output. These Synchronous FIFOs have two endpoint flags, Empty (EF) and Full (FF). Two partial flags, Almost-Empty (AE) and Almost-Full (AF), are provided for improved system control. The partial (AE) flags are set to Empty+7 and Full-7 for AE and AF respectively. These FIFOs are fabricated using IDT’s high-speed submicron CMOS technology. 64 x 8-bit organization (IDT72420) 256 x 8-bit organization (IDT72200) 512 x 8-bit organization (IDT72210) 1,024 x 8-bit organization (IDT72220) 2,048 x 8-bit organization (IDT72230) 4,096 x 8-bit organization (IDT72240) 10 ns read/write cycle time (IDT72420/72200/72210/72220/72230/ 72240) Read and Write Clocks can be asynchronous or coincidental Dual-Ported zero fall-through time architecture Empty and Full flags signal FIFO status Almost-Empty and Almost-Full flags set to Empty+7 and Full-7, respectively Output enable puts output data bus in high-impedance state Produced with advanced submicron CMOS technology Available in 28-pin 300 mil plastic DIP For surface mount product please see the IDT72421/72201/72211/ 72221/72231/72241 data sheet Industrial temperature range (–40°C to +85°C) is available Green parts available, see ordering information FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM D0 - D7 WCLK WEN INPUT REGISTER FLAG LOGIC RAM ARRAY 64 x 8, 256 x 8, 512 x 8, 1,024 x 8, 2,048 x 8, 4,096 x 8 EF AE AF FF WRITE CONTROL LOGIC WRITE POINTER READ POINTER READ CONTROL LOGIC OUTPUT REGISTER RESET LOGIC RCLK RS OE Q0 - Q7 REN 2680 drw01 IDT and the IDT logo are trademarks of Integrated Device Technology, Inc. The SyncFIFO is a trademark of Integrated Device Technology, Inc. COMMERCIAL TEMPERATURE RANGE FEBRUARY 2006 DSC-2680/4 ©2006 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Product specifications subject to change without notice. 1 IDT72420/72200/72210/72220/72230/72240 CMOS SYNCFIFO™ 64 x 8, 256 x 8, 512 x 8, 1,024 x 8, 2,048 x 8, 4,096 x 8 COMMERCIAL TEMPERATURE RANGE PIN CONFIGURATION D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 AF AE GND RCLK REN OE EF FF Q0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 D5 D6 D7 RS WEN WCLK VCC Q7 Q6 Q5 Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1 2680 drw02 PLASTIC THIN DIP (P28-2, order code: TP) TOP VIEW PIN DESCRIPTIONS Symbol D0 - D7 RS WCLK WEN Q0 - Q7 RCLK REN OE EF AE AF FF VCC GND Name Data Inputs Reset Write Clock Write Enable Data Outputs Read Clock Read Enable Output Enable Empty Flag Almost-Empty Flag Almost-Full Flag Full Flag Power Ground I/O I I I I O I I I O O O O Description Data inputs for a 8-bit bus. When RS is set LOW, internal read and write pointers are set to the first location of the RAM array, FF and AF go HIGH, and AE and EF go LOW. A reset is required before an initial WRITE after power-up. Data is written into the FIFO on a LOW-to-HIGH transition of WCLK when WEN is asserted. When WEN is LOW, data is written into the FIFO on every LOW-to-HIGH transition of WCLK. Data will not be written into the FIFO if the FF is LOW. Data outputs for a 8-bit bus. Data is read from the FIFO on a LOW-to-HIGH transition of RCLK when REN is asserted. When REN is LOW, data is read from the FIFO on every LOW-to-HIGH transition of RCLK. Data will not be read from the FIFO if the EF is LOW. When OE is LOW, the data output bus is active. If OE is HIGH, the output data bus will be in a high-impedance state. When EF is LOW, the FIFO is empty and further data reads from the output are inhibited. When EF is HIGH, the FIFO is not empty. EF is synchronized to RCLK. When AE is LOW, the FIFO is almost empty based on the offset Empty+7. AE is synchronized to RCLK. When AF is LOW, the FIFO is almost full based on the offset Full-7. AF is synchronized to WCLK. When FF is LOW, the FIFO is full and further data writes into the input are inhibited. When FF is HIGH, the FIFO is not full. FF is synchronized to WCLK. One +5 volt power supply pin. One 0 volt ground pin. 2 FEBRUARY 10, 2006 IDT72420/72200/72210/72220/72230/72240 CMOS SYNCFIFO™ 64 x 8, 256 x 8, 512 x 8, 1,024 x 8, 2,048 x 8, 4,096 x 8 COMMERCIAL TEMPERATURE RANGE ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(1) Symbol VTERM TSTG IOUT NOTE: 1. Stresses greater than those listed under ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect reliability. Rating Terminal Voltage with Respect to GND Storage Temperature DC Output Current Com'l & Ind'l –0.5 to +7.0 –55 to +125 –50 to +50 Unit V °C mA RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS Symbol VCC GND VIH VIL TA Parameter Supply Voltage Commercial Supply Voltage Input High Voltage Commercial Input Low Voltage Commercial Operating Temperature Commercial Min. 4.5 0 2.0 — 0 Typ. Max. 5.0 5.5 0 — — — 0 — 0.8 70 Unit V V V V °C DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Commercial: VCC = 5V ± 10%, TA = 0°C to +70°C) IDT72420 IDT72200 IDT72210 IDT72220 IDT72230 IDT72240 Commercial tCLK = 10, 15, 25 ns Typ. — — — — — — Symbol ILI(1) ILO(2) VOH VOL ICC1(3,4,5) ICC2 (3,6) Parameter Input Leakage Current (any input) Output Leakage Current Output Logic “1” Voltage, IOH = –2 mA Output Logic “0” Voltage, IOL = 8 mA Active Power Supply Current Standby Current Min. –1 –10 2.4 — — — Max. 1 10 — 0.4 40 5 NOTES: 1. Measurements with 0.4 ≤ VIN ≤ VCC. 2. OE ≥ VIH, 0.4 ≤ VOUT ≤ VCC. 3. Tested with outputs open (IOUT = 0). 4. RCLK and WCLK toggle at 20 MHz and data inputs switch at 10 MHz. 5. Typical ICC1 = 1.7 + 0.7*fS + 0.02*CL*fS (in mA). These equations are valid under the following conditions: VCC = 5V, TA = 25°C, fS = WCLK frequency = RCLK frequency (in MHz, using TTL levels), data switching at fS/2, CL = capacitive load (in pF). 6. All Inputs = VCC - 0.2V or GND + 0.2V, except RCLK and WCLK, which toggle at 20 MHz. 3 FEBRUARY 10, 2006 IDT72420/72200/72210/72220/72230/72240 CMOS SYNCFIFO™ 64 x 8, 256 x 8, 512 x 8, 1,024 x 8, 2,048 x 8, 4,096 x 8 COMMERCIAL TEMPERATURE RANGE AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Commercial: VCC = 5V ± 10%, TA = 0°C to + 70°C) IDT72420L10 IDT72200L10 IDT72210L10 IDT72220L10 IDT72230L10 IDT72240L10 Min. Max. — 100 2 10 4.5 4.5 3 0.5 3 0.5 10 8 8 — (2) Symbol Parameter Clock Cycle Frequency fS tA tCLK tCLKH tCLKL tDS tDH tENS tENH tRS tRSS tRSR tRSF tOLZ tOE tOHZ tWFF tREF tAF tAE tSKEW1 tSKEW2 Data Access Time Clock Cycle Time Clock High Time Clock Low Time Data Setup Time Data Hold Time Enable Setup Time Enable Hold Time Reset Pulse Width(1) Reset Setup Time Reset Recovery Time Reset to Flag and Output Time Output Enable to Output in Low-Z Output Enable to Output Valid Output Enable to Output in High-Z Write Clock to Full Flag Read Clock to Empty Flag Write Clock to Almost-Full Flag Read Clock to Almost-Empty Flag Skew time between Read Clock & Write Clock for Empty Flag & Full Flag Skew time between Read Clock & Write Clock for Almost-Empty Flag & Almost-Full Flag (2) Commercial IDT72420L15 IDT72200L15 IDT72210L15 IDT72220L15 IDT72230L15 IDT72240L15 Min. Max. — 66.7 2 15 6 6 4 1 4 1 15 10 10 — 0 3 3 — — — — 6 15 10 — — — — — — — — — — 15 — 8 8 10 10 10 10 — — IDT72420L25 IDT72200L25 IDT72210L25 IDT72220L25 IDT72230L25 IDT72240L25 Min. Max. — 40 2 25 10 10 6 1 6 1 15 15 15 — 0 3 3 — — — — 10 18 15 — — — — — — — — — — 25 — 13 13 15 15 15 15 — — Unit MHz ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns 6.5 — — — — — — — — — — 10 — 6 6 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 — — 0 2 2 — — — — 4 10 NOTES: 1. Pulse widths less than minimum values are not allowed. 2. Values guaranteed by design, not currently tested. CAPACITANCE (TA = +25°C, f = 1.0 MHz) Symbol CIN (2) Parameter Input Capacitance Output Capacitance Conditions VIN = 0V VOUT = 0V Max. 10 10 Unit pF pF D.U.T. 680Ω 5V 1.1KΩ COUT (1, 2) NOTES: 1. With output deselected. (OE ≥ VIH) 2. Characterized values, not currently tested. 30pF* AC TEST CONDITIONS Input Pulse Levels Input Rise/Fall Times Input Timing Reference Levels Output Reference Levels Output Load GND to 3.0V 3ns 1.5V 1.5V See Figure 1 4 2680 drw03 or equivalent circuit Figure 1. Output Load *Includes jig and scope capacitances. FEBRUARY 10, 2006 IDT72420/72200/72210/72220/72230/72240 CMOS SYNCFIFO™ 64 x 8, 256 x 8, 512 x 8, 1,024 x 8, 2,048 x 8, 4,096 x 8 COMMERCIAL TEMPERATURE RANGE SIGNAL DESCRIPTIONS INPUTS: Data In (D0–D7) — Data inputs for 8-bit wide data. CONTROLS: RESET (RS) — Reset is accomplished whenever the Reset (RS) input is taken to a LOW state. During reset, both internal read and write pointers are set to the first location. A reset is required after power up before a write operation can take place. The Full Flag (FF) and Almost-Full Flag (AF) will be reset to HIGH after tRSF. The Empty Flag (EF) and Almost-Empty Flag (AE) will be reset to LOW after tRSF. During reset, the output register is initialized to all zeros. WRITE CLOCK (WCLK) — A write cycle is initiated on the LOW-to-HIGH transition of the Write Clock (WCLK). Data setup and hold times must be met in respect to the LOW-to-HIGH transition of the Write Clock. The Full Flag (FF) and Almost-Full Flag (AF) are synchronized with respect to the LOWto-HIGH transition of the Write Clock. The Write and Read Clocks can be asynchronous or coincident. WRITE ENABLE (WEN) — When Write Enable (WEN) is LOW, data can be loaded into the input register and RAM array on the LOW-to-HIGH transition of every Write Clock (WCLK). Data is stored in the RAM array sequentially and independently of any on-going read operation. When Write Enable (WEN) is HIGH, the input register holds the previous data and no new data is allowed to be loaded into the register. To prevent data overflow, the Full Flag (FF) will go LOW, inhibiting further write operations. Upon the completion of a valid read cycle, the Full Flag (FF) will go HIGH after tWFF, allowing a valid write to begin. Write Enable (WEN) is ignored when the FIFO is full. READ CLOCK (RCLK) — Data can be read on the outputs on the LOW-toHIGH transition of the Read Clock (RCLK). The Empty Flag (EF) and Almost-Empty flag (AE) are synchronized with respect to the LOW-to-HIGH transition of the Read Clock. The Write and Read Clocks can be asynchronous or coincident. READ ENABLE (REN) — When Read Enable (REN) is LOW, data is read from the RAM array to the output register on the LOW-to-HIGH transition of the Read Clock (RCLK). When Read Enable (REN) is HIGH, the output register holds the previous data and no new data is allowed to be loaded into the register. When all the data has been read from the FIFO, the Empty Flag (EF) will go LOW, inhibiting further read operations. Once a valid write operation has been accomplished, the Empty Flag (EF) will go HIGH after tREF and a valid read can begin. Read Enable (REN) is ignored when the FIFO is empty. OUTPUT ENABLE (OE) — When Output Enable (OE) is enabled (LOW), the parallel output buffers receive data from the output register. When Output Enable (OE) is disabled (HIGH), the Q output data bus is in a highimpedance state. OUTPUTS: FULL FLAG (FF) — The Full Flag (FF) will go LOW, inhibiting further write operation, when the device is full. If no reads are performed after Reset (RS), the Full Flag (FF) will go LOW after 64 writes for the IDT72420, 256 writes for the IDT72200, 512 writes for the IDT72210, 1,024 writes for the IDT72220, 2,048 writes for the IDT72230, and 4,096 writes for the IDT72240. The Full Flag (FF) is synchronized with respect to the LOW-to-HIGH transition of the Write Clock (WCLK). EMPTY FLAG (EF) — The Empty Flag (EF) will go LOW, inhibiting further read operations, when the read pointer is equal to the write pointer, indicating the device is empty. The Empty Flag (EF) is synchronized with respect to the LOW-to-HIGH transition of the Read Clock (RCLK). ALMOST-FULL FLAG (AF) — The Almost-Full Flag (AF) will go LOW when the FIFO reaches the almost-full condition. If no reads are performed after Reset (RS), the Almost-Full Flag (AF) will go LOW after 57 writes for the IDT72420, 249 writes for the IDT72200, 505 writes for the IDT72210, 1,017 writes for the IDT72220, 2,041 writes for the IDT72230 and 4,089 writes for the IDT72240. The Almost-Full Flag (AF) is synchronized with respect to the LOW-toHIGH transition of the Write Clock (WCLK). ALMOST-EMPTY FLAG (AE) — The Almost-Empty Flag (AE) will go LOW when the FIFO reaches the almost-empty condition. If no reads are performed after Reset (RS), the Almost-Empty Flag (AE) will go HIGH after 8 writes for the IDT72420, IDT72200, IDT72210, IDT72220, IDT72230 and IDT72240. The Almost-Empty Flag (AE) is synchronized with respect to the LOWto-HIGH transition of the Read Clock (RCLK). DATA OUTPUTS (Q0–Q7) — Data outputs for 8-bit wide data. TABLE 1 — STATUS FLAGS IDT72420 0 1 to 7 8 to 56 57 to 63 64 IDT72200 0 1 to 7 8 to 248 249 to 255 256 Number of Words in FIFO IDT72210 IDT72220 0 1 to 7 8 to 504 505 to 511 512 0 1 to 7 8 to 1,016 1,017 to 1,023 1,024 IDT72230 0 1 to 7 8 to 2,040 2,041 to 2,047 2,048 IDT72240 0 1 to 7 8 to 4,088 4,089 to 4,095 4,096 FF H H H H L AF H H H L L AE L L H H H EF L H H H H 5 FEBRUARY 10, 2006 IDT72420/72200/72210/72220/72230/72240 CMOS SYNCFIFO™ 64 x 8, 256 x 8, 512 x 8, 1,024 x 8, 2,048 x 8, 4,096 x 8 COMMERCIAL TEMPERATURE RANGE tRS RS tRSS REN tRSS WEN tRSF EF, AE tRSF FF, AF tRSF Q0 - Q7 OE = 0 NOTES: 1. After reset, the outputs will be LOW if OE = 0 and three-state if OE = 1. 2. The Clocks (RCLK, WCLK) can be free-running during reset. 2680 drw 04 tRSR tRSR OE = 1(1) Figure 2. Reset Timing tCLK tCLKH WCLK tDS D0 - D7 DATA IN VALID tCLKL tDH tENS WEN tWFF FF tSKEW1(1) RCLK tENH NO OPERATION tWFF REN 2680 drw 05 NOTE: 1. tSKEW1 is the minimum time between a rising RCLK edge and a rising WCLK edge for FF to change during the current clock cycle. If the time between the rising edge of RCLK and the rising edge of WCLK is less than tSKEW1, then FF may not change state until the next WCLK edge. Figure 3. Write Cycle Timing 6 FEBRUARY 10, 2006 IDT72420/72200/72210/72220/72230/72240 CMOS SYNCFIFO™ 64 x 8, 256 x 8, 512 x 8, 1,024 x 8, 2,048 x 8, 4,096 x 8 tCLK tCLKH RCLK tENS REN tREF EF tA Q0 - Q7 tOLZ tOE tSKEW1 WCLK (1) COMMERCIAL TEMPERATURE RANGE tCLKL tENH NO OPERATION tREF VALID DATA tOHZ OE WEN NOTE: 1. tSKEW1 is the minimum time between a rising WCLK edge and a rising RCLK edge for EF to change during the current clock cycle. If the time between the rising edge of WCLK and the rising edge of RCLK is less than tSKEW1, then EF may not change state until the next RCLK edge. 2680 drw 06 Figure 4. Read Cycle Timing WCLK tDS D0 - D7 tENS WEN tFRL tSKEW1 RCLK tREF EF tENS REN tA Q0 - Q7 tOLZ tOE OE NOTE: 1. When tSKEW1 ≥ minimum specification, tFRL maximum = tCLK + tSKEW1 When tSKEW1 < minimum specification, tFRL maximum = 2tCLK + tSKEW1 or tCLK + tSKEW1 The Latency Timing apply only at the Empty Boundary (EF = LOW). 2680 drw 07 D0 (first valid write) D1 D2 D3 (1) tA D0 D1 Figure 5. First Data Word Latency Timing 7 FEBRUARY 10, 2006 IDT72420/72200/72210/72220/72230/72240 CMOS SYNCFIFO™ 64 x 8, 256 x 8, 512 x 8, 1,024 x 8, 2,048 x 8, 4,096 x 8 NO WRITE WCLK tSKEW1 D0 - D7 tWFF FF tENS WEN tDS DATA WRITE tWFF tSKEW1 NO WRITE COMMERCIAL TEMPERATURE RANGE NO WRITE tWFF tENS RCLK tENH tENS REN OE LOW tA tA tENS tENH Q0 - Q7 DATA IN OUTPUT REGISTER DATA READ NEXT DATA READ 2680 drw 08 Figure 6. Full Flag Timing WCLK tDS D0 - D7 tENS WEN tFRL tSKEW1 RCLK tREF EF tREF tREF (1) tDS DATA WRITE 1 tENH tENS DATA WRITE 2 tENH (1) tSKEW1 tFRL REN OE LOW tA Q0 - Q7 DATA IN OUTPUT REGISTER DATA READ 2680 drw 09 NOTE: 1. When tSKEW1 ≥ minimum specification, tFRL maximum = tCLK + tSKEW1 When tSKEW1 < minimum specification, tFRL maximum = 2tCLK + tSKEW1 or tCLK + tSKEW1 The Latency Timing apply only at the Empty Boundary (EF = LOW). Figure 7. Empty Flag Timing 8 FEBRUARY 10, 2006 IDT72420/72200/72210/72220/72230/72240 CMOS SYNCFIFO™ 64 x 8, 256 x 8, 512 x 8, 1,024 x 8, 2,048 x 8, 4,096 x 8 COMMERCIAL TEMPERATURE RANGE tCLKH WCLK tENS WEN tCLKL (2) tENH tAF AF Full - 8 words in FIFO Full - 7 words in FIFO tSKEW2(1) tAF RCLK tENS REN tENH 2680 drw10 NOTES: 1. tSKEW2 is the minimum time between a rising RCLK edge and a rising WCLK edge for AF to change during the current clock cycle. If the time between the rising edge of RCLK and the rising edge of WCLK is less than tSKEW2, then AF may not change state until the next WCLK edge. 2. If a write is performed on this rising edge of the Write Clock, there will be Full - 6 words in the FIFO when AF goes LOW. Figure 8. Almost Full Flag Timing tCLKH tCLKL WCLK tENS WEN Empty+8 AE Empty+7 tSKEW2 (1) tAE RCLK tENS REN tENH 2680 drw 11 tENH tAE (2) NOTES: 1. tSKEW2 is the minimum time between a rising WCLK edge and a rising RCLK edge for AE to change during the current clock cycle. If the time between the rising edge of WCLK and the rising edge of RCLK is less than tSKEW2, then AE may not change state until the next RCLK edge. 2. If a read is performed on this rising edge of the Read Clock, there will be Empty - 6 words in the FIFO when AE goes LOW. Figure 9. Almost Empty Flag Timing 9 FEBRUARY 10, 2006 IDT72420/72200/72210/72220/72230/72240 CMOS SYNCFIFO™ 64 x 8, 256 x 8, 512 x 8, 1,024 x 8, 2,048 x 8, 4,096 x 8 COMMERCIAL TEMPERATURE RANGE OPERATING CONFIGURATIONS SINGLE DEVICE CONFIGURATION - A single IDT72420/72200/72210/ 72220/72230/72240 may be used when the application requirements are for 64/256/512/1,024/2,048/4,096 words or less. See Figure 10. RESET (RS) WRITE CLOCK (WCLK) WRITE ENABLE (WEN) IDT 72420 72200 72210 72220 72230 72240 READ CLOCK (RCLK) READ ENABLE (REN) OUTPUT ENABLE (OE) DATA OUT (Q0-Q7) EMPTY FLAG (EF) ALMOST-EMPTY(AE) DATA IN (D0-D7) FULL FLAG (FF) ALMOST-FULL (AF) 2680 drw 12 Figure 10. Block Diagram of Single 64 x 8, 256 x 8, 512 x 8, 1,024 x 8, 2,048 x 8, 4,096 x 8 Synchronous FIFO WIDTH EXPANSION CONFIGURATION - Word width may be increased any one device. Figure 11 demonstrates a 16-bit word width by using two simply by connecting the corresponding input control signals of multiple IDT72420/72200/72210/72220/72230/72240s. Any word width can be devices. A composite flag should be created for each of the endpoint status attained by adding additional IDT72420/72200/72210/72220/72230/72240s. flags (EF and FF) The partial status flags (AE and AF) can be detected from RESET (RS) RESET (RS) DATA IN (D) 16 8 8 READ CLOCK (RCLK) READ ENABLE (REN) OUTPUT ENABLE (OE) IDT 72420 72200 72210 72220 72230 72240 IDT 72420 72200 72210 72220 72230 72240 ALMOST-EMPTY (AE) EMPTY FLAG (EF) #1 EMPTY FLAG (EF) #2 8 DATA OUT(Q) 16 WRITE CLOCK (WCLK) WRITE ENABLE (WEN) ALMOST-FULL (AF) FULL FLAG (FF) #1 FULL FLAG (FF) #2 8 2680 drw 13 Figure 11. Block Diagram of 64 x 16, 256 x 16, 512 x 16, 1,024 x 16, 2,048 x 16, 4,096 x 16 Synchronous FIFO Used in a Width Expansion Configuration 10 FEBRUARY 10, 2006 DEPTH EXPANSION The IDT72420/72200/72210/72220/72230/72240 can be adapted to applications when the requirements are for greater than 64/256/512/1,024/ 2,048/4,096 words. Depth expansion is possible by using expansion logic to direct the flow of data. A typical application would have the expansion logic alternate data accesses from one device to the next in a sequential manner. Please see the Application Note “DEPTH EXPANSION IDT'S SYNCHRONOUS FIFOs USING RING COUNTER APPROACH” for details of this configuration. ORDERING INFORMATION IDT XXXXX X XX XX DeviceType Power Speed Package X X Process / Temperature Range BLANK Commercial (0°C to +70°C) G TP 10 15 25 L 72420 72200 72210 72220 72230 72240 Green Plastic Thin DIP (300 mil, P28-2) Commercial Clock Cycle Time (tCLK) Speed in Nanoseconds Low Power 64x 8 SyncFIFO 256 x 8 SyncFIFO 512 x 8 SyncFIFO 1,024 x 8 SyncFIFO 2,048 x 8 SyncFIFO 4,098 x 8 SyncFIFO 2680 drw14 NOTES: 1. Industrial temperature range is available by special order. 2. Green parts are available. For specific speeds and packages contact your sales office. DATASHEET DOCUMENT HISTORY 10/03/2000 05/01/2001 02/10/2006 pgs. 1, 3, 4 and 11. pgs. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 11. pgs. 1 and 11. CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 6024 Silver Creek Valley Road San Jose, CA 95138 for SALES: 800-345-7015 or 408-284-8200 fax: 408-284-2775 www.idt.com 11 for Tech Support: 408-360-1753 email: FIFOhelp@idt.com
物料型号: - IDT72420:64 x 8位组织 - IDT72200:256 x 8位组织 - IDT72210:512 x 8位组织 - IDT72220:1,024 x 8位组织 - IDT72230:2,048 x 8位组织 - IDT72240:4,096 x 8位组织

器件简介: 这些IDT72420/72200/72210/72220/72230/72240 SyncFIFO™是非常高速度、低功耗的先进先出(FIFO)存储器,具有时钟控制的读和写操作。适用于各种数据缓冲需求,如图形处理、局域网(LAN)和处理器间通信。

引脚分配: - Do-D7:8位总线的数据输入 - RS:复位,低电平有效 - WCLK:写时钟,低至高跳变且WEN有效时写入数据 - WEN:写使能,低电平有效 - Q0-Q7:8位总线的数据输出 - RCLK:读时钟,低至高跳变且REN有效时读取数据 - REN:读使能,低电平有效 - OE:输出使能,低电平时数据输出有效 - EF:空标志,低电平时FIFO为空 - AE:几乎空标志,基于Empty+7的偏移量 - AF:几乎满标志,基于Full-7的偏移量 - FF:满标志,低电平时FIFO为满 - Vcc:+5伏电源 - GND:地

参数特性: - 读/写周期时间:10纳秒 - 双端口零穿透时间架构 - 空和满标志指示FIFO状态 - 几乎空和几乎满标志分别设置为Empty+7和Full-7 - 输出使能将输出数据线置于高阻抗状态 - 采用先进的亚微米CMOS技术制造

功能详解: - 同步FIFO具有两个端点标志(空EF和满FF),以及两个部分标志(Almost-Empty AE和Almost-Full AF),用于改善系统控制。 - 读/写时钟可以是异步或同时的。 - 空和满标志与读/写时钟同步。

应用信息: - 适用于需要64、256、512、1,024、2,048或4,096个数据字的应用。 - 通过使用扩展逻辑,可以适应超过上述数据字要求的应用。
IDT72240L25TPG 价格&库存

