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    BSO604NS2_08 - OptiMOS Power-Transistor - Infineon Technologies AG

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BSO604NS2_08 数据手册
BSO604NS2 2SWL026£ 3RZHU7UDQVLVWRU )HDWXUH • 'XDO 1&KDQQHO 3URGXFW 6XPPDU\ 9'6 5 '6 RQ ,'    9 PΩ $ • (QKDQFHPHQW PRGH • /RJLF /HYHO • °& RSHUDWLQJ WHPSHUDWXUH • $YDODQFKH UDWHG • GYGW UDWHG • Green Product (RoHS compliant) • AEC Qualified 7\SH %6216 3DFNDJH 2UGHULQJ &RGH 3G'62 25 On Request 0DUNLQJ 1/ 9DOXH   8QLW $ 0D[LPXP 5DWLQJV DW 7M 3DUDPHWHU &RQWLQXRXV GUDLQ FXUUHQW 7$ ƒ& RQH FKDQQHO DFWLYH 7$ ƒ& RQH FKDQQHO DFWLYH  ƒ& XQOHVV RWKHUZLVH VSHFLILHG 6\PERO ,' 3XOVHG GUDLQ FXUUHQW RQH FKDQQHO DFWLYH 7$ ƒ& ,' SXOV ($6 GYGW 9*6 3WRW 7M  7VWJ    “     PN9—V 9 : ƒ& $YDODQFKH HQHUJ\ VLQJOH SXOVH ,'  $  9'' 9 5*6 Ω 5HYHUVH GLRGH GYGW ,6 $ 9'6 9 GLGW $—V 7MPD[ ƒ& *DWH VRXUFH YROWDJH 3RZHU GLVVLSDWLRQ RQH FKDQQHO DFWLYH 7$ ƒ& 2SHUDWLQJ DQG VWRUDJH WHPSHUDWXUH ,(& FOLPDWLF FDWHJRU\ ',1 ,(&  Data Sheet 1 Rev. 1.1, 2008-03-20 BSO604NS2 7KHUPDO &KDUDFWHULVWLFV 3DUDPHWHU &KDUDFWHULVWLFV 7KHUPDO UHVLVWDQFH MXQFWLRQ  VROGHULQJ SRLQW 60' YHUVLRQ GHYLFH RQ 3&% # PLQ IRRWSULQW  W ≤  V #  FP FRROLQJ DUHD   W ≤ V 6\PERO PLQ 5WK-6 5WK-$ 9DOXHV W\S    PD[    8QLW    .: (OHFWULFDO &KDUDFWHULVWLFV  DW 7M 3DUDPHWHU 6WDWLF &KDUDFWHULVWLFV 'UDLQVRXUFH EUHDNGRZQ YROWDJH 9 *6 9 , ' P$  ƒ& XQOHVV RWKHUZLVH VSHFLILHG 6\PERO PLQ 9 %5 '66 9*6 WK ,'66   ,*66 5'6 RQ 5'6 RQ              Q$ PΩ   9DOXHV W\S   PD[   —$ 9 8QLW *DWH WKUHVKROG YROWDJH 9*6 ,' —$ 9'6 =HUR JDWH YROWDJH GUDLQ FXUUHQW 9 '6 9 9 *6 9 7M ƒ& 9 '6 9 9 *6 9 7M ƒ& *DWHVRXUFH OHDNDJH FXUUHQW 9 *6 9 9'6 9 'UDLQVRXUFH RQVWDWH UHVLVWDQFH 9 *6 9 ,' $ 'UDLQVRXUFH RQVWDWH UHVLVWDQFH 9 *6 9 ,' $ 'HYLFH RQ PP PP PP HSR[\ 3&% )5 ZLWK FPð RQH OD\HU  —P WKLFN FRSSHU DUHD IRU GUDLQ FRQQHFWLRQ 3&% LV YHUWLFDO ZLWKRXW EORZQ DLU Data Sheet 2 Rev. 1.1, 2008-03-20 BSO604NS2 (OHFWULFDO &KDUDFWHULVWLFV 3DUDPHWHU '\QDPLF &KDUDFWHULVWLFV 7UDQVFRQGXFWDQFH ,QSXW FDSDFLWDQFH 2XWSXW FDSDFLWDQFH 5HYHUVH WUDQVIHU FDSDFLWDQFH 7XUQRQ GHOD\ WLPH 5LVH WLPH 7XUQRII GHOD\ WLPH )DOO WLPH *DWH &KDUJH &KDUDFWHULVWLFV *DWH WR VRXUFH FKDUJH *DWH WR GUDLQ FKDUJH *DWH FKDUJH WRWDO *DWH SODWHDX YROWDJH 4JV 4JG 4J 9'' 9 ,' $ 9*6  WR 9 9'' 9 ,' $ 6\PERO &RQGLWLRQV PLQ 9DOXHV W\S         PD[         8QLW JIV &LVV &RVV &UVV WG RQ WU WG RII WI 9 '6≥  ,' 5'6 RQ PD[ 9 ,' $ 9 *6 9 9'6 9 I 0+]         6 S) 9 '' 9 9*6 9 ,' $ 5* Ω QV             Q& 9 SODWHDX 9'' 9 ,' $ 9 5HYHUVH 'LRGH ,QYHUVH GLRGH FRQWLQXRXV IRUZDUG FXUUHQW ,QY GLRGH GLUHFW FXUUHQW SXOVHG ,QYHUVH GLRGH IRUZDUG YROWDJH 5HYHUVH UHFRYHU\ WLPH 5HYHUVH UHFRYHU\ FKDUJH ,60 96' WUU 4UU 9*6 9 ,) $ 95 9 ,) O6  GL)GW $—V ,6 7$ ƒ&                $ 9 QV Q& Data Sheet 3 Rev. 1.1, 2008-03-20 BSO604NS2  3RZHU GLVVLSDWLRQ 3WRW I 7$  %6216 WK-& WK-$  'UDLQ FXUUHQW ,' I 7$  %6216 SDUDPHWHU 9 *6≥  9 :   5 SDUDPHWHU 9 *6≥  9 $   3WRW               ,' ƒ&                  7$ ƒ&  7$  6DIH RSHUDWLQJ DUHD ,' I 9 '6   7$ , ' 9' 6  0D[ WUDQVLHQW WKHUPDO LPSHGDQFH =WK-&  ƒ&   I W S W S7 %6216 SDUDPHWHU  '   %6216 SDUDPHWHU  ' .: WS  —V $ 6 RQ     5'  —V =WK-&  PV   ,'    PV   '         '&         VLQJOH SXOVH         9             V   9'6 WS Data Sheet 4 Rev. 1.1, 2008-03-20 BSO604NS2  7\S RXWSXW FKDUDFWHULVWLF ,' I 9'6  7M ƒ&  —V  %6216  7\S GUDLQVRXUFH RQ UHVLVWDQFH 5'6 RQ  I ,' %6216 SDUDPHWHU WS 3WRW JI K SDUDPHWHU 9 *6 PΩ 9*6 >9@ D  E        : HG $    F F  G F G H I J 5'6 RQ       J K I H ,'                 D E K     9*6 >9@ F  G  H I   J K   9            $  9'6 ,'  7\S WUDQVIHU FKDUDFWHULVWLFV ,' I 9*6  9'6≥  [ ,' [ 5'6 RQ PD[ SDUDPHWHU WS   7\S IRUZDUG WUDQVFRQGXFWDQFH J IV I ,'  7M ƒ&   —V SDUDPHWHU JIV 6   $           JIV        9 9*6 ,'                   $ ,'  Data Sheet 5 Rev. 1.1, 2008-03-20 BSO604NS2  'UDLQVRXUFH RQVWDWH UHVLVWDQFH 5'6 RQ   7\S JDWH WKUHVKROG YROWDJH 9*6 WK SDUDPHWHU 9 *6  I 7M  $ 9*6  9 %6216 SDUDPHWHU  ,' PΩ  I 7M 9'6 9 5'6 RQ               ƒ& 9*6 WK  —$   —$  W\S          7M ƒ&  7M  7\S FDSDFLWDQFHV & I 9'6    )RUZDUG FKDUDFWHU RI UHYHUVH GLRGH ,) I 96'  —V   %6216 SDUDPHWHU 9 *6 9 I  0+] SDUDPHWHU 7M  WS S) $   &LVV ,) &RVV   &   &UVV   7M 7M 7M 7M  ƒ& W\S  ƒ& W\S  ƒ&   ƒ&         9           9  9'6 96' Data Sheet 6 Rev. 1.1, 2008-03-20 BSO604NS2  7\S DYDODQFKH HQHUJ\ ($6 I 7M  $  9''  9 5*6  Ω   7\S JDWH FKDUJH I 4*DWH SDUDPHWHU ,'  $ SXOVHG 9*6  %6216 SDU ,' P- 9   ($6   9*6   9'6 PD[  9'6 PD[                 ƒ&  7M         Q&  4*DWH  'UDLQVRXUFH EUHDNGRZQ YROWDJH 9 %5 '66  I 7M SDUDPHWHU ,'  P$ %6216 9 9 %5 '66             ƒ&  7M Data Sheet 7 Rev. 1.1, 2008-03-20 BSO604NS2 Package Outlines 1 Package Outlines 0.35 x 45° 1.75 MAX. 0.175 ±0.07 (1.45) 4 -0.21) 0.19 +0.06 C 1.27 0.41+0.1 2) -0.06 0.2 M 0.1 A B 8x B 6 ±0.2 0.64 ±0.25 0.2 M 8 MAX. C 8x GPS01181 8 5 1 4 5 -0.2 1) Index Marking A 1) Does not include plastic or metal protrusion of 0.15 max. per side 2) Lead width can be 0.61 max. in dambar area Figure 1 PG-DSO-8-25 Green Product (RoHS compliant) To meet the world-wide customer requirements for environmentally friendly products and to be compliant with government regulations the device is available as a green product. Green products are RoHS-Compliant (i.e Pb-free finish on leads and suitable for Pb-free soldering according to IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020). For further information on alternative packages, please visit our website: http://www.infineon.com/packages. Data Sheet 8 Dimensions in mm Rev. 1.1, 2008-03-20 BSO604NS2 Revision History 2 Revision 1.1 Revision History Date 2008-03-20 Changes Initial version of RoHS-compliant derivate of BSO604NS2 Page 1: AEC certified statement added Page 1 and 8: added RoHS compliance statement and Green product feature Page 1 and 8: Package changed to RoHS compliant version Page 9-10: added Revision History, updated Legal Disclaimer Data Sheet 9 Rev. 1.1, 2008-03-20 Edition 2008-03-20 Published by Infineon Technologies AG 81726 Munich, Germany © 2008 Infineon Technologies AG All Rights Reserved. Legal Disclaimer The information given in this document shall in no event be regarded as a guarantee of conditions or characteristics. With respect to any examples or hints given herein, any typical values stated herein and/or any information regarding the application of the device, Infineon Technologies hereby disclaims any and all warranties and liabilities of any kind, including without limitation, warranties of non-infringement of intellectual property rights of any third party. Information For further information on technology, delivery terms and conditions and prices, please contact the nearest Infineon Technologies Office (www.infineon.com). Warnings Due to technical requirements, components may contain dangerous substances. For information on the types in question, please contact the nearest Infineon Technologies Office. Infineon Technologies components may be used in life-support devices or systems only with the express written approval of Infineon Technologies, if a failure of such components can reasonably be expected to cause the failure of that life-support device or system or to affect the safety or effectiveness of that device or system. Life support devices or systems are intended to be implanted in the human body or to support and/or maintain and sustain and/or protect human life. If they fail, it is reasonable to assume that the health of the user or other persons may be endangered.
BSO604NS2_08 价格&库存

