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    TLE4254EJA - High Accuracy Low Dropout Voltage Tracking Regulator - Infineon Technologies AG

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TLE4254EJA 数据手册
High Accuracy Low Dropout Voltage Tracking Regulator TLE4254 1 Features • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Overview 70 mA output current capability Very tight output tracking tolerance to reference Output voltage adjustable down to 2.0 V Stable operation with 1 µF ceramic output capacitor Flexibility of output voltage adjust higher or lower than reference, proportional to the reference voltage (version GA / EJ A) Status output to indicate short circuits at the output (version GS / EJ S) Very low dropout voltage of typ. 0.2 V @ maximum output current Combined reference / enable input Very low current consumption in OFF mode Wide input voltage range -20 V ≤ VI ≤ +45 V Wide temperature range: -40 °C ≤ Tj ≤ 150 °C Output protected against short circuit to GND and battery Input protected against reverse polarity Overtemperature protection Green product (RoHS compliant) AEC qualified PG-DSO-8 Functional Description PG-DSO-8 exposed pad The TLE4254 is a monolithic integrated low-dropout voltage tracking regulator with high accuracy in small PGDSO-8 packages. The IC is designed to supply off-board systems, e. g. sensors in powertrain management systems under the severe conditions of automotive applications. Therefore, the IC is equipped with additional protection functions against reverese polarity and short circuit to GND and battery. With supply voltages up to 40 V, the output voltage follows a reference voltage applied at the adjust input with very high accuracy. The reference voltage applied directly to the adjust input or by an e. g. external resistor divider can be 2.0 V at minimum. The output is able to drive loads up to 70 mA while the device follows with high accuracy the e. g. 5 V output of a main voltage regulator acting as reference. Type TLE4254GA TLE4254GS TLE4254EJ A TLE4254EJ S Data Sheet Package PG-DSO-8 PG-DSO-8 PG-DSO-8 exposed pad PG-DSO-8 exposed pad 1 Marking 4254GA 4254GS 4254EJA 4254EJS Rev. 1.2, 2009-11-18 TLE4254 Overview The TLE4254 can be set into shutdown mode in order to reduce the current consumption to a minimum. This suits the IC for low power battery applications. Versions “GS” and “EJ S” offer an open collector status output indicating an overvoltage and undervoltage error condition of the output voltage. Versions “GA” and “EJ A” allow setting the output voltage to higher value than the reference voltage by connecting a voltage divider to the feedback pin “FB”. Data Sheet 2 Rev. 1.2, 2009-11-18 TLE4254 Block Diagram 2 Block Diagram Saturation Control and Protection circuits Temperature control I Q TLE4254GA TLE4254EJ A + + typ. 1.4V FB EN/ ADJ = GND Figure 1 Block Diagram TLE4254GA and TLE4254EJ A Saturation Control and Protection circuits Temperature control I Status Generator Q TLE4254GS TLE4254EJ S + ST + typ. 1.4V EN/ ADJ = GND Figure 2 Block Diagram TLE4254GS and TLE4254EJ S Data Sheet 3 Rev. 1.2, 2009-11-18 TLE4254 Pin Definitions and Functions 3 3.1 Pin Definitions and Functions Pin Assignment TLE4254GA and TLE4254GS Q GND GND FB 1 2 3 4 8 7 6 5 I GND GND EN/ADJ Q GND GND ST 1 2 3 4 8 7 6 5 I GND GND EN/ADJ TLE 4254 GA TLE 4254 GS Figure 3 Pin Configurations TLE4254GA and TLE4254GS 3.2 Pin 1 Pin Functions TLE4254GA and TLE4254GS Symbol Q Function Tracker Output. Block to GND with a capacitor close to the IC terminals, respecting capacitance and ESR requirements given in the table “Functional Range”. Ground reference. Interconnect the pins on PCB. Connect to heatsink area. 2, 3, 6, 7 4 GND FB Feedback input (version GA only). (version GA) Non inverting input of the internal error amplifier to control the output voltage. Connect this pin directly to the output pin in order to obtain lower or equal output voltages with respect to the reference voltage. Connect a voltage divider for higher output voltages than the reference. (See also application information.) ST Tracking Regulator Status Output (version GS only). (version GS) Open collector output. Connect via a pull-up resistor to a positive voltage rail. A low signal indicates fault condions at the regulator’s output. EN/ADJ Adjust / Enable. Connect the reference to this pin. The active high signal of the reference turns on the device; a low signal disables the IC. The reference voltage can be connected directly or by a voltage divider for lower output voltages (see application information). Input. IC supply. For compensating line influences, a capacitor close to the IC terminals is recommended. 4 5 8 I Data Sheet 4 Rev. 1.2, 2009-11-18 TLE4254 Pin Definitions and Functions 3.3 Pin Assignment TLE4254EJ A and TLE4254EJ S Figure 4 Pin Configurations TLE4254EJ A and TLE4254EJ S 3.4 Pin 1 Pin Functions TLE4254EJ A and TLE4254EJ S Symbol Q Function Tracker Output. Block to GND with a capacitor close to the IC terminals, respecting capacitance and ESR requirements given in the table “Functional Range”. not connected connect to GND 2, 3, 7 4 n.c. FB Feedback input (version EJ A only). (version EJ A) Non inverting input of the internal error amplifier to control the output voltage. Connect this pin directly to the output pin in order to obtain lower or equal output voltages with respect to the reference voltage. Connect a voltage divider for higher output voltages than the reference. (See also application information.) ST Tracking Regulator Status Output (version GS only). (version EJ S) Open collector output. Connect via a pull-up resistor to a positive voltage rail. A low signal indicates fault condions at the regulator’s output. EN/ADJ Adjust / Enable. Connect the reference to this pin. The active high signal of the reference turns on the device; a low signal disables the IC. The reference voltage can be connected directly or by a voltage divider for lower output voltages (see application information). Ground reference. Interconnect the pins on PCB. Connect to heatsink area. Input. IC supply. For compensating line influences, a capacitor close to the IC terminals is recommended. Exposed Pad connect to GND 4 5 6 8 GND I Pad – Data Sheet 5 Rev. 1.2, 2009-11-18 TLE4254 General Product Characteristics 4 4.1 General Product Characteristics Absolute Maximum Ratings Absolute Maximum Ratings 1) -40 °C ≤ Tj ≤ 150 °C; all voltages with respect to ground (unless otherwise specified). Not subject to production test; specified by design. Pos. Voltages 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.1.3 4.1.4 4.1.5 Input voltage Adjust / Enable input voltage Output voltage Feedback input voltage (version GA / EJ A) Status output voltage (version GS / EJ S) Junction Temperature Storage Temperature ESD Susceptibility Parameter Symbol Limit Values Min. Max. 45 45 45 45 7 V V V V V – – – – – Unit Conditions VI VADJ/EN VQ VFB VST -20 -20 -5 -20 -0.3 Temperatures 4.1.6 4.1.7 4.1.8 4.1.9 Tj Tstg -40 -50 150 150 – – °C °C kV kV – – HBM 2) CDM 3) ESD Rating |VESD,HBM| 4 |VESD,CDM| 1 1) Not subject to production test, specified by design. 2) ESD susceptibility Human Body Model “HBM” according to AEC-Q100-002 - JESD22-A114 3) ESD susceptibility Charged Device Model “CDM” according to ESDA STM5.3.1 Note: Stresses above the ones listed here may cause permanent damage to the device. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. Note: Integrated protection functions are designed to prevent IC destruction under fault conditions described in the data sheet. Fault conditions are considered as “outside” normal operating range. Protection functions are not designed for continuous repetitive operation. Data Sheet 6 Rev. 1.2, 2009-11-18 TLE4254 General Product Characteristics 4.2 Pos. 4.2.1 4.2.1 4.2.2 4.2.3 4.2.4 Functional Range Parameter Input Voltage Adjust / Enable Input Voltage (Voltage Tracking Range) Junction Temperature Output Capacitor Symbol Limit Values Min. Max. 45 – 150 – 5 V V °C µF Ω 4 2.0 -40 1 – Unit Conditions VI VADJ/EN Tj CQ ESRCQ VI ≥ VQ + Vdr – – – 1) – 1) 1) Not subject to production test; specified by design. Note: Within the functional range the IC operates as described in the circuit description. The electrical characteristics are specified within the conditions given in the related electrical characteristics table. 4.3 Pos. Thermal Resistance Parameter Symbol Min. Limit Values Typ. Max. Unit Conditions PG-DSO-8: 4.3.1 4.3.2 4.3.3 PG-DSO-8 exposed pad: 4.3.4 4.3.5 4.3.6 4.3.7 4.3.8 Junction to Case Junction to Ambient Junction to Ambient RthJA – – – 155 96 86 – – – K/W K/W K/W Footprint only 1) 2) 300 mm2 PCB heatsink area 1) 2) 600 mm2 PCB heatsink area 2) 1) RthJC RthJA – – – – – 15 47 159 71 60 – – – – – K/W K/W K/W K/W K/W measured to exposed pad –3) Footprint only 2) 1) 300 mm2 PCB heatsink area 2) 1) 600 mm2 PCB heatsink area 2) 1) 1) Not subject to production test; specified by design. 2) Package mounted on PCB FR4; 80 x 80 x 1.5 mm; 35 µm Cu, 5 µm Sn; horizontal position; zero airflow. 3) Specified RthJA value is according to Jedec JESD51-2,-5,-7 at natural convection on FR4 2s2p board; The Product (Chip+Package) was simulated on a 76.2 x 114.3 x 1.5 mm³ board with 2 inner copper layers (2 x 70µm Cu, 2 x 35µm Cu). Where applicable a thermal via array under the exposed pad contacted the first inner copper layer. Data Sheet 7 Rev. 1.2, 2009-11-18 TLE4254 Electrical Characteristics 5 5.1 Electrical Characteristics Tracking Regulator The output voltage VQ is controlled by comparing it to the voltage applied at pin ADJ/EN and driving a PNP pass transistor accordingly. The control loop stability depends on the output capacitor CQ, the load current, the chip temperature and the poles/zeros introduced by the integrated circuit and the load. To ensure stable operation, the output capacitor’s capacitance and its equivalent series resistor ESR requirements given in the table “Functional Range” have to be maintained. For details see also the typical performance graph “Output Capacitor Series Resistor ESRCQ vs. Output Current IQ”. Also, the output capacitor shall be sized to buffer load transients. An input capacitor CI is strongly recommended to buffer line influences. Connect the capacitors close to the IC terminals. Protection circuitry prevent the IC as well as the application from destruction in case of catastrophic events. These safeguards contain output current limitation, reverse polarity protection as well as thermal shutdown in case of overtemperature. In order to avoid excessive power dissipation that could never be handled by the pass element and the package, the maximum output current is decreased at high input voltages. The overtemperature protection circuit prevents the IC from immediate destruction under fault conditions (e. g. output continuously short-circuited) by reducing the output current. A thermal balance below 200 °C junction temperature is established. Please note that a junction temperature above 150 °C is outside the maximum ratings and reduces the IC lifetime. The TLE4254 allows a negative supply voltage. However, several small currents are flowing into the IC increasing its junction temperature. This has to be considered for the thermal design, respecting that the thermal protection circuit is not operating during reverse polarity condition. Table 1 Electrical Characteristics Tracking Regulator VI = 13.5 V; VADJ/EN ≥ 2.0 V; VFB = VQ (version GA / EJ A); -40 °C ≤ Tj ≤ 150 °C; CQ = 1 µF; all voltages with respect to ground (unless otherwise specified). Pos. 5.1.1 Parameter Output Voltage Tracking Accuracy ∆VQ = VEN/ADJ - VQ Symbol ∆ VQ -5 Limit Values Min. Typ. – Max. 5 mV 8 V ≤ VI ≤ 18 V; 0.1 mA ≤ IQ ≤ 60 mA; VADJ/EN = 5 V 5.5 V ≤ VI ≤ 26 V; 0.1 mA ≤ IQ ≤ 60 mA; VADJ/EN = 5 V 5.5 V ≤ VI ≤ 32 V; 0.1 mA ≤ IQ ≤ 30 mA; VADJ/EN = 5 V Unit Test Condition 5.1.2 -10 – 10 mV 5.1.3 -10 – 10 mV 5.1.4 5.1.5 Load Regulation steady-state Line Regulation steady-state |dVQ,load| |dVQ,line| – – 1 1 10 10 mV mV IQ = 0.1 mA to 70 mA; VADJ/EN = 5 V VI = 5.5 V to 32 V; IQ = 5 m A VADJ/EN = 5 V Data Sheet 8 Rev. 1.2, 2009-11-18 TLE4254 Electrical Characteristics Table 1 Electrical Characteristics Tracking Regulator VI = 13.5 V; VADJ/EN ≥ 2.0 V; VFB = VQ (version GA / EJ A); -40 °C ≤ Tj ≤ 150 °C; CQ = 1 µF; all voltages with respect to ground (unless otherwise specified). Pos. 5.1.6 Parameter Power Supply Ripple Rejection Symbol Limit Values Min. Typ. – Max. – dB 60 Unit Test Condition PSRR 5.1.7 5.1.8 5.1.9 Dropout Voltage Vdr = VI - VQ Output Current Limitation Reverse Current Vdr IQ,max IQ – 71 -4 200 100 -2 400 150 – mV mA mA fripple = 100 Hz; Vripple = 1 Vpp IQ = 5 m A CQ = 10 µF, ceramic type 1) IQ = 70 mA 2) VQ = (VADJ/EN - 0.1 V); VADJ/EN = 5 V VI = 0 V; VQ = 32 V; VADJ/EN = 5 V VI = -16 V; VQ = 0 V ; VADJ/EN = 5 V 5.1.10 Reverse Current at Negative Input Voltage II -5 -3 – mA Feedback Input FB (version GA / EJ A only): 5.1.11 Feedback Input Biasing Current Overtemperature Protection: 5.1.12 Junction Temperature Equilibrium IFB – 0.1 0.5 µA VFB = 5 V Tj,eq 151 – 200 °C Tj increasing due to power dissipation generated by the IC 1) 1) Parameter not subject to production test; specified by design. 2) Measured when the output voltage VQ has dropped 100 mV from its nominal value. Data Sheet 9 Rev. 1.2, 2009-11-18 TLE4254 Electrical Characteristics Typical Performance Characteristics Tracking Regulator Tracking Accuracy ∆VQ vs. Junction Temperature Tj [mV] Output Capacitor Series Resistor Output Capacitor Series Resistor ESRCQ vs. Output Current IQ ESRCQ vs. Output Current IQ dVQ-Tj.vsd ∆VQ 10 ESR-IQ_1u.vsd 10 ESR-IQ_470n.vsd ESR CQ [Ω] ESR CQ [Ω] 0 I Q = 0.1 mA -1 1 Stable Region 1 IQ = 70 mA -2 Stable Region 0.1 0.1 -3 -4 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 C Q = 1 µF 6 V < VI < 28 V -40 °C < T j < 150 °C 0.01 0 15 30 45 60 0.01 0 15 30 C Q = 470 nF 6 V < VI < 28 V -40 °C < T j < 150 °C 45 60 T j [°C] I Q [mA] I Q [mA] Output Voltage VQ vs. Adjust Voltage VADJ,EN VQ-VADJ.vsd Output Voltage VQ vs. Input Voltage VI VQ-VI.vsd V Q [ V] VI = 13.5 V Tj = 25 °C V Q [ V] 5 Vdr 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 VADJ = 5 V T j = 25 °C 1 2 3 4 1 3 5 7 VADJ [ V] VI [ V] Data Sheet 10 Rev. 1.2, 2009-11-18 TLE4254 Electrical Characteristics Typical Performance Characteristics Tracking Regulator Output Current Limitation IQ,max vs. Input Voltage VI, VADJ,EN = 5V 120 SOA_5V.VSD Output Current Limitation IQ,max vs. Input Voltage VI, VADJ,EN = 2V 120 SOA_2V.VSD Reverse Output Current IQ vs. Output Voltage VQ +1 IQ-VQ.vsd I Q [ mA] VADJ = 5 V I Q [ mA] VADJ = 2 V I Q [mA] 0 80 80 T j = 150 °C -1 T j = -40 °C T j = 150 °C 60 60 T j = 25 °C T j = -40 °C -2 40 Tj = 150 °C T j = 25 °C Tj = -40 °C 40 -3 20 20 -4 VI = 0 V VADJ = 5 V 0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40 0 8 16 24 32 VI [V] VI [V] VQ [V] Dropout Voltage Vdr vs. Output Current IQ 1000 Vdr-IQ_log.vsd Dropout Voltage Vdr vs. Junction Temperature Tj Vdr-Tj.vsd Reverse Current II vs. Input Voltage VI +1 II-VI.vsd V dr [ mV] V dr [mV] IQ = 70 mA 350 I I [mA] VQ = 0 V VADJ = 5 V 100 300 -1 -2 250 T j = -40 °C 10 150 -3 T j = 150 °C -4 T j = 25 °C 0.1 1 10 70 100 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 IQ [mA] T j [°C] VI [V] Data Sheet 11 Rev. 1.2, 2009-11-18 TLE4254 Electrical Characteristics 5.2 Table 2 Current Consumption Electrical Characteristics Current Consumption VI = 13.5 V; VADJ/EN ≥ 2.0 V; VFB = VQ (version GA / EJ A); -40 °C ≤ Tj ≤ 150 °C; CQ = 1 µF all voltages with respect to ground (unless otherwise specified). Pos. Parameter Symbol Min. 5.2.13 Quiescent Current Stand-by Mode 5.2.14 Current Consumption Iq = II - IQ 5.2.15 Limit Values Typ. 1 50 9 Max. 5 80 15 µA µA mA – – – Unit Conditions Iq1 Iq2 VADJ/EN ≤ 0.4 V; Tj ≤ 125 °C IQ ≤ 100 µA; VADJ/EN = 5 V IQ ≤ 70 mA; VADJ/EN = 5 V Typical Performance Characteristics Current Consumption Quiescent Current Iq1 vs. Junction Temperature Tj Iq1-Tj.vsd Current Consumption Iq2 vs. Output Current IQ Iq-IQ_log.vsd Current Consumption Iq vs. Input Voltage VI Iq _VI.v s d I q1 [ µA] 10 VEN/ADJ = 0.2 V VI = 13.5V I q [ mA] 1.8 I q [mA] VA DJ = 5 V IQ = 1 mA T j = 25 °C 1 1 T j = 150 °C 1.2 0,1 0,04 T j = -40 °C 0.8 0.4 0.1 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 0.1 1 10 70 0 0 10 20 30 40 VI [V] T j [°C] I Q [mA] Data Sheet 12 Rev. 1.2, 2009-11-18 TLE4254 Electrical Characteristics 5.3 Adjust / Enable Input In order to reduce the quiescent current to a minumum, the TLE4254 can be switched to stand-by mode by setting the adjust/enable input “ADJ/EN” to “low”. In case the pin “ADJ/EN is left open, an internal pull-down resistors keeps the voltage at the pin low and therefore ensures that the regulator is switched off. Table 3 Electrical Characteristics Adjust / Enable VI = 13.5 V; VADJ/EN ≥ 2.0 V; VFB = VQ (version GA / EJ A); -40 °C ≤ Tj ≤ 150 °C; CQ = 1 µF all voltages with respect to ground (unless otherwise specified). Pos. Parameter Symbol Min. 5.3.16 Adjust / Enable Low Signal Valid 5.3.17 Adjust / Enable High Signal Valid (Tracking Region) 5.3.18 Adjust / Enable Input Current 5.3.19 Adjust / Enable Input Current if Input tied to GND 5.3.20 Adjust / Enable internal pull-down resistor Limit Values Typ. – – Max. 0.4 – V V – 2 Unit Test Condition VADJ/EN,low VADJ/EN,high VQ = 0 V ; IQ ≤ 5 µA @ Tj ≤ 125 °C VQ settled IADJ/EN IADJ/EN – – 2 0.3 3 0.6 µA mA VADJ/EN = 5 V VADJ/EN = 5 V; VI = 0 V RADJ/EN 1.7 2.5 3.3 MΩ Typical Performance Characteristics Adjust / Enable Input Adjust / Enable Input Current IADJ/EN vs. Tj IADJ-Tj .vsd Adjust / Enable Input Current IADJ/EN vs. VI IADJ _ VI.v s d Startup Sequence VQ vs. VADJ,EN VQ-VADJ.vsd IAD J [µA ] 2.5 VI = 13.5 V VADJ = 5 V I ADJ [µA] V Q [ V] VI = 13.5 V Tj = 25 °C 100 2.4 4 2.3 10 Tj = 150 °C T j = -40 °C 1 3 2.2 2 2.1 1 -50 0 50 100 150 0 10 20 30 40 V I [V] 1 2 3 4 T j [°C] VADJ [ V] Data Sheet 13 Rev. 1.2, 2009-11-18 TLE4254 Electrical Characteristics 5.4 Status Output (version GS / EJ S only) The status output ST indicates an overvoltage or undervoltage situation at the regulator’s output Q. Therefore, the output voltage VQ is compared to the reference voltage VADJ/EN. Variations of the output voltage are indicated by a low signal at the status output ST. Transients shorter than the status reaction time tST,r will not trigger the status output. The status output ST is an open collector output, requiring a pull-up resisitor to a positive voltage rail. Table 4 Electrical Characteristics Status Output ST (Version GS / EJ S only) VI = 13.5 V; VADJ/EN ≥ 2.0 V; -40 °C ≤ Tj ≤ 150 °C; CQ = 1 µF all voltages with respect to ground (unless otherwise specified). Pos. Parameter Symbol Min. 5.4.21 Status switching threshold, VQ,UV undervoltage 5.4.22 Status switching threshold, VQ,OV overvoltage 5.4.23 Status reaction time 5.4.24 Status output low voltage 5.4.25 Status output sink current limitation 5.4.26 Status output leakage current - 120 + 50 10 – 1 – Limit Values Typ. - 70 + 70 15 – – 0 Max. Unit Test Condition VADJ/EN VADJ/EN VADJ/EN mV - 50 VQ decreasing VQ increasing – VADJ/EN VADJ/EN VADJ/EN mV + 120 30 0.4 – 2 µs V mA µA tST,r VST,low IST,max IST,leak IST = 1 mA; VI ≥ 4 V IST = 1 mA; VST = 0.8 V VQ = VADJ/EN VST = 5 V Data Sheet 14 Rev. 1.2, 2009-11-18 TLE4254 Application Information 6 Application Information Note: The following information is given as a hint for the implementation of the device only and shall not be regarded as a description or warranty of a certain functionality, condition or quality of the device. The application circuits shown are simplified examples. The function must be verified in the real application. VBAT I Main µC supply e.g. Q TLE4271-2 TLE4471 TLE6368... GND VREF micro controller e.g. VDD C167, XC16X TC17xx I/O 5 EN/ ADJ Q 1 TLE4254GA TLE4254EJ A 8 e.g. off board supply, sensors 4 I GND 2, 3, 6, 7 FB VBAT I Main µC supply e.g. Q TLE4271-2 TLE4471 TLE6368... GND VREF micro controller e.g. C167, VDD XC16X TC17xx I/O I/O 5 EN/ ADJ ST 4 TLE4254GS TLE4254EJ S 8 I GND 2, 3, 6, 7 Q 1 VQ < VREF Figure 5 Application circuit: Output voltage VQ equal to reference voltage VADJ/EN Figure 5 shows a typical schematic for applications where the tracker output voltage VQ equals the reference voltage VREF applied to the pin “EN/ADJ”. At version GA / EJ A, the pin FB is directly connected to the output “Q”. The reference voltage is directly applied to “EN/ADJ”. Data Sheet 15 Rev. 1.2, 2009-11-18 TLE4254 Application Information VBAT I Main µC supply e.g. Q TLE4271-2 TLE4471 TLE6368... GND VREF R1 ADJ 5 micro controller e.g. C167, VDD XC16X TC17xx I/O I/O EN/ ADJ ST 4 R2 ADJ TLE4254GS TLE4254EJ S 8 I GND 2, 3, 6, 7 Q 1 VQ < VREF Figure 6 Application circuit: Output voltage VQ lower than reference voltage VREF Status Output feedbacked to microcontroller (version GS / EJ S) In order to obtain a lower output voltage VQ at the tracker output than the reference voltage VREF, a voltage divider according to Application circuit: Output voltage VQ lower than reference voltage VREF Status Output feedbacked to microcontroller (version GS / EJ S) has to be used. The output voltage VQ then calculates: R2 ADJ V Q = V REF ⋅  ---------------------------------------  R1 ADJ + R2 ADJ With a given reference voltage VREF, the desired output voltage VQ and the resistor value R1ADJ, the resistor value for R2ADJ is given by: VQ R2 ADJ = R1 ADJ ⋅  ---------------------------  V REF – V Q Taking into consideration also the effect of the internal EN/ADJ pull-down resistor, the external resistor divider’s R2ADJ has to be selected to: R2 ADJ ⋅ R PullDown ,min R2 ADJ ,select =  ---------------------------------------------------------  R PullDown ,min – R2 ADJ Data Sheet 16 Rev. 1.2, 2009-11-18 TLE4254 Application Information VBAT I Main µC supply e.g. Q TLE4271-2 TLE4471 TLE6368... GND VREF micro controller e.g. C167, VDD XC16X TC17xx I/O 5 EN/ ADJ Q 1 VQ > VREF TLE4254GA TLE4254EJ A 8 I GND 2, 3, 6, 7 FB 4 R1 FB R2 FB Figure 7 Application circuit: Output voltage VQ higher than reference voltage VREF (version GA / EJ A only) For output voltages higher than the reference voltage, the voltage divider has to be applied between the feedback and the output according to Application circuit: Output voltage VQ higher than reference voltage VREF (version GA / EJ A only). The equation for the output voltage with respect to the reference voltage is given by: R1 FB + R2 FB V Q = V REF ⋅  --------------------------------    R2 FB Keep in mind that the input voltage has to be at minimum equal to the output voltage plus the dropout voltage of the regulator. With a given reference voltage VREF, the desired output voltage VQ and the resistor value R1FB, the resistor value for R2FB is given by: V REF R2 FB = R1 FB ⋅  ---------------------------  V Q – V REF Data Sheet 17 Rev. 1.2, 2009-11-18 TLE4254 Package Outlines 7 Package Outlines 0.35 x 45˚ L 1.75 MAX. 0.175 ±0.07 (1.45) 4 -0.21) 0.19 +0.06 C 8 MAX. B A HLG05506 1.27 0.41+0.1 2) -0.06 0.2 M 0.1 A B 8x B 6 ±0.2 0.64 ±0.25 0.2 M C 8x Reflow Soldering Dimensions: e = 1.27 A = 5.69 L = 1.31 B = 0.65 8 5 1 4 5 -0.2 1) Index Marking A 1) Does not include plastic or metal protrusion of 0.15 max. per side 2) Lead width can be 0.61 max. in dambar area GPS01181 Figure 8 Outline and footprint PG-DSO-8 Find all packages, sorts of packing and others at the Infineon Internet Page “Packages”: Dimensions in mm http://www.infineon.com/packages. Data Sheet 18 Rev. 1.2, 2009-11-18 e TLE4254 Package Outlines 0.35 x 45˚ 3.9 ±0.11) Stand Off (1.45) 1.7 MAX. 0.1 C D 2x 0.19 +0.06 0.08 C Seating Plane 0.1+0 -0.1 1.27 0.41±0.09 2) 0.2 C 0.64 ±0.25 D 6 ±0.2 0.2 8˚ MAX. M M C A-B D 8x D 8x 1.31 2.65 1.27 Bottom View A 8 5 1 4 2.65 ±0.2 0.65 3 ±0.2 5.69 PG-DSO-8-27-FP V01 1 4 8 5 B 4.9 ±0.11) Index Marking 0.1 C A-B 2x 1) Does not include plastic or metal protrusion of 0.15 max. per side 2) Dambar protrusion shall be maximum 0.1 mm total in excess of lead width 3) JEDEC reference MS-012 variation BA PG-DSO-8-27-PO V01 Outline and footprint PG-DSO-8 exposed pad Green Product (RoHS compliant) To meet the world-wide customer requirements for environmentally friendly products and to be compliant with government regulations the device is available as a green product. Green products are RoHS-Compliant (i.e Pbfree finish on leads and suitable for Pb-free soldering according to IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020). Data Sheet 19 Rev. 1.2, 2009-11-18 3 TLE4254 Revision History 8 Revision History 2009-11-18 Updated Version, product versions Rev. 1.2 TLE4254EJ A and TLE4254EJ S in PG-DSO8 exposed pad and all related description added 2008-07-16 typing errors corrected 2006-11-22 “Package Outlines” on Page 18 Drawing Updated Rev. 1.1 Rev. 1.0 Revision History: Previous Version: Previous Version: Data Sheet 20 Rev. 1.2, 2009-11-18 Edition 2009-11-18 Published by Infineon Technologies AG 81726 Munich, Germany © 2009 Infineon Technologies AG All Rights Reserved. Legal Disclaimer The information given in this document shall in no event be regarded as a guarantee of conditions or characteristics. With respect to any examples or hints given herein, any typical values stated herein and/or any information regarding the application of the device, Infineon Technologies hereby disclaims any and all warranties and liabilities of any kind, including without limitation, warranties of non-infringement of intellectual property rights of any third party. Information For further information on technology, delivery terms and conditions and prices, please contact the nearest Infineon Technologies Office (www.infineon.com). Warnings Due to technical requirements, components may contain dangerous substances. For information on the types in question, please contact the nearest Infineon Technologies Office. Infineon Technologies components may be used in life-support devices or systems only with the express written approval of Infineon Technologies, if a failure of such components can reasonably be expected to cause the failure of that life-support device or system or to affect the safety or effectiveness of that device or system. Life support devices or systems are intended to be implanted in the human body or to support and/or maintain and sustain and/or protect human life. If they fail, it is reasonable to assume that the health of the user or other persons may be endangered.
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