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    XC866 - 8-Bit Single-Chip Microcontroller - Infineon Technologies AG

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XC866 数据手册
Data Sheet, V1.0, Feb 2006 XC866 8-Bit Single-Chip Microcontroller Microcontrollers Edition 2006-02 Published by Infineon Technologies AG, 81726 München, Germany © Infineon Technologies AG 2006. All Rights Reserved. Attention please! The information herein is given to describe certain components and shall not be considered as a guarantee of characteristics. Terms of delivery and rights to technical change reserved. We hereby disclaim any and all warranties, including but not limited to warranties of non-infringement, regarding circuits, descriptions and charts stated herein. Information For further information on technology, delivery terms and conditions and prices please contact your nearest Infineon Technologies Office (www.infineon.com). Warnings Due to technical requirements components may contain dangerous substances. For information on the types in question please contact your nearest Infineon Technologies Office. Infineon Technologies Components may only be used in life-support devices or systems with the express written approval of Infineon Technologies, if a failure of such components can reasonably be expected to cause the failure of that life-support device or system, or to affect the safety or effectiveness of that device or system. Life support devices or systems are intended to be implanted in the human body, or to support and/or maintain and sustain and/or protect human life. If they fail, it is reasonable to assume that the health of the user or other persons may be endangered. Data Sheet, V1.0, Feb 2006 XC866 8-Bit Single-Chip Microcontroller Microcontrollers XC866 Data Sheet Revision History: Page 3 13 34 37 49 49 54 65 66 78 81 82 83 87 91 95 97 102 103 2006-02 V1.0 Previous Version: V 0.1, 2005-01 Subjects (major changes since last revision) LIN support is elaborated in Table 1. Section 3.2 is updated. Section 3.3 is updated. Section 3.4 is updated. The power-on reset requirements are updated in Section 3.7. Section 3.7 is updated. Table 19 is updated with a new range of the fVCOFREE parameter. Section 3.12 is updated. Section 3.13 is updated. Figure 34 is updated with the removal of OCDS interrupt. Section 4.1.2 is updated. Section 4.1.3 is updated. Section 4.2.1 is updated. Section 4.2.2 is updated. Section 4.2.4 is updated. “Testing Waveforms” is updated in Section 4.3.1. Section 4.3.3 is updated. Figure 40 is updated. “Quality Declaration” is updated in Section 5.2. We Listen to Your Comments Any information within this document that you feel is wrong, unclear or missing at all? Your feedback will help us to continuously improve the quality of this document. Please send your proposal (including a reference to this document) to: mcdocu.comments@infineon.com 8-Bit Single-Chip Microcontroller XC800 Family XC866 1 Summary of Features • High-performance XC800 Core – compatible with standard 8051 processor – two clocks per machine cycle architecture (for memory access without wait state) – two data pointers • On-chip memory – 8 Kbytes of Boot ROM – 256 bytes of RAM – 512 bytes of XRAM – 8/16 Kbytes of Flash; or 8/16 Kbytes of ROM, with additional 4 Kbytes of Flash (includes memory protection strategy) • I/O port supply at 3.3 V/5.0 V and core logic supply at 2.5 V (generated by embedded voltage regulator) (further features are on next page) Flash or ROM1) 8K/16K x 8 On-Chip Debug Support UART SSC Port 0 6-bit Digital I/O Boot ROM 8K x 8 XC800 Core XRAM 512 x 8 Capture/Compare Unit 16-bit Port 1 5-bit Digital I/O Compare Unit 16-bit ADC 10-bit 8-channel Port 2 8-bit Digital/Analog Input RAM 256 x 8 Timer 0 16-bit Timer 1 16-bit Timer 2 16-bit Watchdog Timer Port 3 8-bit Digital I/O 1) All ROM devices include 4K x 8 Flash Figure 1 XC866 Functional Units Data Sheet 1 V1.0, 2006-02 XC866 Summary of Features Features (continued): • Power-on reset generation • Brownout detection for core logic supply • On-chip OSC and PLL for clock generation – PLL loss-of-lock detection • Power saving modes – slow-down mode – idle mode – power-down mode with wake-up capability via RXD or EXINT0 – clock gating control to each peripheral • Programmable 16-bit Watchdog Timer (WDT) • Four ports – 19 pins as digital I/O – 8 pins as digital/analog input • 8-channel, 10-bit ADC • Three 16-bit timers – Timer 0 and Timer 1 (T0 and T1) – Timer 2 • Capture/compare unit for PWM signal generation (CCU6) • Full-duplex serial interface (UART) • Synchronous serial channel (SSC) • On-chip debug support – 1 Kbyte of monitor ROM (part of the 8-Kbyte Boot ROM) – 64 bytes of monitor RAM • PG-TSSOP-38 pin package • Temperature range TA: – SAF (-40 to 85 °C) – SAK (-40 to 125 °C) Data Sheet 2 V1.0, 2006-02 XC866 Summary of Features XC866 Variant Devices The XC866 product family features eight devices with different configurations and program memory sizes, offering cost-effective solution for different application requirements. The list of XC866 devices and their differences are summarized in Table 1. Table 1 Device Type Flash Device Summary Device Name XC866L-4FR XC866-4FR XC866L-2FR XC866-2FR ROM XC866L-4RR XC866-4RR XC866L-2RR XC866-2RR Ordering Information The ordering code for Infineon Technologies microcontrollers provides an exact reference to the required product. This ordering code indentifies: • The derivative itself, i.e. its function set • the specified temperature range • the package and the type of delivery For the available ordering codes for the XC866, please refer to the “Product Catalog Microcontrollers” which summarizes all available microcontroller variants. Note: The ordering codes for the Mask-ROM versions are defined for each product after verification of the respective ROM code. Flash Size 16 Kbytes 16 Kbytes 8 Kbytes 8 Kbytes 4 Kbytes 4 Kbytes 4 Kbytes 4 Kbytes ROM Size – – – – 16 Kbytes 16 Kbytes 8 Kbytes 8 Kbytes LIN BSL Support Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Data Sheet 3 V1.0, 2006-02 XC866 General Device Information 2 2.1 General Device Information Block Diagram XC866 8-Kbyte Boot ROM 1) 256-byte RAM + 64-byte monitor RAM Internal Bus Port 0 XC800 Core T0 & T1 UART P0.0 - P0.5 P ort 1 TMS MBC RESET VDDP VSSP VDDC VSSC P1.0 - P1.1 P1.5-P1.7 CCU6 P ort 2 512-byte XRAM SSC 8/16-Kbyte Flash or ROM 2) Clock Generator 10 MHz On-chip OSC PLL Timer 2 ADC WDT Port 3 OCDS P2.0 - P2.7 XTAL1 XTAL2 VAREF VAGND P3.0 - P3.7 1) Includes 1-Kbyte monitor ROM 2) Includes additional 4-Kbyte Flash Figure 2 XC866 Block Diagram Data Sheet 4 V1.0, 2006-02 XC866 General Device Information 2.2 Logic Symbol VDDP VSSP VAREF Port 0 6-Bit VAGND Port 1 5-Bit RESET MBC TMS XTAL1 XTAL2 Port 3 8-Bit XC866 Port 2 8-Bit VDDC VSSC Figure 3 XC866 Logic Symbol Data Sheet 5 V1.0, 2006-02 XC866 General Device Information 2.3 Pin Configuration MBC P0.3/SCLK_1/COUT63_1 P0.4/MTSR_1/CC62_1 P0.5/MRST_1/EXINT0_0/COUT62_1 XTAL2 XTAL1 VSSC VDDC P1.6/CCPOS1_1/T12HR_0/EXINT6 P1.7/CCPOS2_1/T13HR_0 TMS P0.0/TCK_0/T12HR_1/CC61_1/CLKOUT/RXDO_1 P0.2/CTRAP_2/TDO_0/TXD_1 P0.1/TDI_0/T13HR_1/RXD_1/EXF2_1/COUT61_1 P2.0/CCPOS0_0/EXINT1/T12HR_2/TCK_1/CC61_3/AN0 P2.1/CCPOS1_0/EXINT2/T13HR_2/TDI_1/CC62_3/AN1 P2.2/CCPOS2_0/CTRAP_1/CC60_3/AN2 VDDP VSSP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 XC866 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 RESET P3.5/COUT62_0 P3.4/CC62_0 P3.3/COUT61_0 P3.2/CCPOS2_2/CC61_0 P3.1/CCPOS0_2/CC61_2/COUT60_0 P3.0/CCPOS1_2/CC60_0 P3.7/EXINT4/COUT63_0 P3.6/CTRAP_0 P1.5/CCPOS0_1/EXINT5/EXF2_0/RXDO_0 P1.1/EXINT3/TDO_1/TXD_0 P1.0/RXD_0/T2EX P2.7/AN7 VAREF VAGND P2.6/AN6 P2.5/AN5 P2.4/AN4 P2.3/AN3 Figure 4 XC866 Pin Configuration, PG-TSSOP-38 Package (top view) Data Sheet 6 V1.0, 2006-02 XC866 General Device Information 2.4 Table 2 Pin Definitions and Functions Pin Definitions and Functions Symbol Pin Type Reset Function Number State P0 I/O Port 0 Port 0 is a 6-bit bidirectional general purpose I/O port. It can be used as alternate functions for the JTAG, CCU6, UART, and the SSC. Hi-Z TCK_0 T12HR_1 CC61_1 CLKOUT RXDO_1 P0.1 14 Hi-Z TDI_0 T13HR_1 JTAG Clock Input CCU6 Timer 12 Hardware Run Input Input/Output of Capture/Compare channel 1 Clock Output UART Transmit Data Output P0.0 12 JTAG Serial Data Input CCU6 Timer 13 Hardware Run Input RXD_1 UART Receive Data Input COUT61_1 Output of Capture/Compare channel 1 EXF2_1 Timer 2 External Flag Output CTRAP_2 TDO_0 TXD_1 CCU6 Trap Input JTAG Serial Data Output UART Transmit Data Output/ Clock Output P0.2 13 PU P0.3 2 Hi-Z SCK_1 SSC Clock Input/Output COUT63_1 Output of Capture/Compare channel 3 MTSR_1 CC62_1 SSC Master Transmit Output/ Slave Receive Input Input/Output of Capture/Compare channel 2 P0.4 3 Hi-Z P0.5 4 Hi-Z MRST_1 SSC Master Receive Input/ Slave Transmit Output EXINT0_0 External Interrupt Input 0 COUT62_1 Output of Capture/Compare channel 2 Data Sheet 7 V1.0, 2006-02 XC866 General Device Information Table 2 Pin Definitions and Functions (cont’d) Symbol Pin Type Reset Function Number State P1 I/O Port 1 Port 1 is a 5-bit bidirectional general purpose I/O port. It can be used as alternate functions for the JTAG, CCU6, UART, and the SSC. PU PU RXD_0 T2EX EXINT3 TDO_1 TXD_0 CCPOS0_1 EXINT5 EXF2_0 RXDO_0 UART Receive Data Input Timer 2 External Trigger Input External Interrupt Input 3 JTAG Serial Data Output UART Transmit Data Output/ Clock Output CCU6 Hall Input 0 External Interrupt Input 5 TImer 2 External Flag Output UART Transmit Data Output P1.0 P1.1 27 28 P1.5 29 PU P1.6 9 PU CCPOS1_1 CCU6 Hall Input 1 T12HR_0 CCU6 Timer 12 Hardware Run Input EXINT6 External Interrupt Input 6 CCPOS2_1 CCU6 Hall Input 2 T13HR_0 CCU6 Timer 13 Hardware Run Input P1.5 and P1.6 can be used as a software chip select output for the SSC. P1.7 10 PU Data Sheet 8 V1.0, 2006-02 XC866 General Device Information Table 2 Pin Definitions and Functions (cont’d) Symbol Pin Type Reset Function Number State P2 I Port 2 Port 2 is an 8-bit general purpose input-only port. It can be used as alternate functions for the digital inputs of the JTAG and CCU6. It is also used as the analog inputs for the ADC. Hi-Z CCPOS0_0 CCU6 Hall Input 0 EXINT1 External Interrupt Input 1 T12HR_2 CCU6 Timer 12 Hardware Run Input TCK_1 JTAG Clock Input CC61_3 Input of Capture/Compare channel 1 AN0 Analog Input 0 CCPOS1_0 CCU6 Hall Input 1 EXINT2 External Interrupt Input 2 T13HR_2 CCU6 Timer 13 Hardware Run Input TDI_1 JTAG Serial Data Input CC62_3 Input of Capture/Compare channel 2 AN1 Analog Input 1 CCPOS2_0 CTRAP_1 CC60_3 AN2 AN3 AN4 AN5 AN6 AN7 CCU6 Hall Input 2 CCU6 Trap Input Input of Capture/Compare channel 0 Analog Input 2 Analog Input 3 Analog Input 4 Analog Input 5 Analog Input 6 Analog Input 7 P2.0 15 P2.1 16 Hi-Z P2.2 17 Hi-Z P2.3 P2.4 P2.5 P2.6 P2.7 20 21 22 23 26 Hi-Z Hi-Z Hi-Z Hi-Z Hi-Z Data Sheet 9 V1.0, 2006-02 XC866 General Device Information Table 2 Pin Definitions and Functions (cont’d) Symbol Pin Type Reset Function Number State P3 I Port 3 Port 3 is a bidirectional general purpose I/O port. It can be used as alternate functions for the CCU6. Hi-Z CCPOS1_2 CCU6 Hall Input 1 CC60_0 Input/Output of Capture/Compare channel 0 CCPOS0_2 CCU6 Hall Input 0 CC61_2 Input/Output of Capture/Compare channel 1 COUT60_0 Output of Capture/Compare channel 0 CCPOS2_2 CCU6 Hall Input 2 CC61_0 Input/Output of Capture/Compare channel 1 COUT61_0 Output of Capture/Compare channel 1 CC62_0 Input/Output of Capture/Compare channel 2 P3.0 32 P3.1 33 Hi-Z P3.2 34 Hi-Z P3.3 P3.4 P3.5 P3.6 P3.7 35 36 37 30 31 Hi-Z Hi-Z Hi-Z PD Hi-Z COUT62_0 Output of Capture/Compare channel 2 CTRAP_0 CCU6 Trap Input EXINT4 External Interrupt Input 4 COUT63_0 Output of Capture/Compare channel 3 Data Sheet 10 V1.0, 2006-02 XC866 General Device Information Table 2 Pin Definitions and Functions (cont’d) Symbol Pin Type Reset Function Number State VDDP VSSP VDDC VSSC VAREF VAGND XTAL1 XTAL2 TMS RESET MBC 18 19 8 7 25 24 6 5 11 38 1 – – – – – – I O I I I – – – – – – Hi-Z Hi-Z PD PU PU I/O Port Supply (3.3 V/5.0 V) I/O Port Ground Core Supply Monitor (2.5 V) Core Supply Ground ADC Reference Voltage ADC Reference Ground External Oscillator Input (NC if not needed) External Oscillator Output (NC if not needed) Test Mode Select Reset Input Monitor & BootStrap Loader Control Data Sheet 11 V1.0, 2006-02 XC866 Functional Description 3 3.1 Functional Description Processor Architecture The XC866 is based on a high-performance 8-bit Central Processing Unit (CPU) that is compatible with the standard 8051 processor. While the standard 8051 processor is designed around a 12-clock machine cycle, the XC866 CPU uses a 2-clock machine cycle. This allows fast access to ROM or RAM memories without wait state. Access to the Flash memory, however, requires an additional wait state (one machine cycle). The instruction set consists of 45% one-byte, 41% two-byte and 14% three-byte instructions. The XC866 CPU provides a range of debugging features, including basic stop/start, single-step execution, breakpoint support and read/write access to the data memory, program memory and SFRs. Figure 5 shows the CPU functional blocks. Internal Data Memory Core SFRs External Data Memory 16-bit Registers & Memory Interface Program Memory Register Interface External SFRs ALU Opcode & Immediate Registers Multiplier / Divider Opcode Decoder Timer 0 / Timer 1 fCCLK Memory Wait Reset State Machine & Power Saving UART Legacy External Interrupts (IEN0, IEN1) External Interrupts Non-Maskable Interrupt Interrupt Controller Figure 5 Data Sheet CPU Block Diagram 12 V1.0, 2006-02 XC866 Functional Description 3.2 Memory Organization The XC866 CPU operates in the following five address spaces: • 8 Kbytes of Boot ROM program memory • 256 bytes of internal RAM data memory • 512 bytes of XRAM memory (XRAM can be read/written as program memory or external data memory) • a 128-byte Special Function Register area • 8/16 Kbytes of Flash program memory (Flash devices); or 8/16 Kbytes of ROM program memory, with additional 4 Kbytes of Flash (ROM devices) Figure 6 illustrates the memory address spaces of the 16-Kbyte Flash devices. For the 8-Kbyte Flash devices, the shaded banks are not available. FFFF H F200H F000H FFFF H F200H F000H XRAM 512 bytes XRAM 512 bytes E000H Boot ROM 8 Kbytes C000H B000H D-Flash Bank 4 Kbytes A000H 3000H Indirect Address Direct Address Special Function Registers FFH P-Flash Bank 2 4 Kbytes 2000H Internal RAM P-Flash Bank 1 4 Kbytes 1000H 80H 7FH P-Flash Bank 0 4 Kbytes 0000H 0000H Internal RAM 00H Program Space External Data Space Internal Data Space Figure 6 Data Sheet Memory Map of XC866 Flash Device 13 V1.0, 2006-02 XC866 Functional Description 3.2.1 Memory Protection Strategy The XC866 memory protection strategy includes: • Read-out protection: The user is able to protect the contents in the Flash (for Flash devices) and ROM (for ROM devices) memory from being read • Flash program and erase protection (for Flash devices only) Flash memory protection modes are available only for Flash devices: • Mode 0: Only the P-Flash is protected; the D-Flash is unprotected • Mode 1: Both the P-Flash and D-Flash are protected The selection of each protection mode and the restrictions imposed are summarized in Table 3. Table 3 Mode Activation Selection Flash Protection Modes 0 MSB of password = 0 1 MSB of password = 1 Read instructions in the P-Flash or D-Flash Not possible Read instructions in the P-Flash or D-Flash Not possible Not possible Program a valid password via BSL mode 6 P-Flash contents Read instructions in the can be read by P-Flash P-Flash program Not possible and erase D-Flash contents Read instructions in any program can be read by memory D-Flash program Possible D-Flash erase Possible, on the condition that bit DFLASHEN in register MISC_CON is set to 1 prior to each erase operation BSL mode 6, which is used for enabling Flash protection, can also be used for disabling Flash protection. Here, the programmed password must be provided by the user. A password match triggers an automatic erase of the protected P-Flash and D-Flash contents, including the programmed password. The Flash protection is then disabled upon the next reset. Although no protection scheme can be considered infallible, the XC866 memory protection strategy provides a very high level of protection for a general purpose microcontroller. Note: If ROM read-out protection is enabled, only read instructions in the ROM memory can target the ROM contents. Data Sheet 14 V1.0, 2006-02 XC866 Functional Description 3.2.2 Special Function Register The Special Function Registers (SFRs) occupy direct internal data memory space in the range 80H to FFH. All registers, except the program counter, reside in the SFR area. The SFRs include pointers and registers that provide an interface between the CPU and the on-chip peripherals. As the 128-SFR range is less than the total number of registers required, address extension mechanisms are required to increase the number of addressable SFRs. The address extension mechanisms include: • Mapping • Paging Address Extension by Mapping Address extension is performed at the system level by mapping. The SFR area is extended into two portions: the standard (non-mapped) SFR area and the mapped SFR area. Each portion supports the same address range 80H to FFH, bringing the number of addressable SFRs to 256. The extended address range is not directly controlled by the CPU instruction itself, but is derived from bit RMAP in the system control register SYSCON0 at address 8FH. To access SFRs in the mapped area, bit RMAP in SFR SYSCON0 must be set. Alternatively, the SFRs in the standard area can be accessed by clearing bit RMAP. The SFR area can be selected as shown in Figure 7. SYSCON0 System Control Register 0 7 6 5 0 r 4 3 2 1 rw Reset Value: 00H 1 0 r 0 RMAP rw Field RMAP Bits 0 Type Description rw Special Function Register Map Control 0 The access to the standard SFR area is enabled. 1 The access to the mapped SFR area is enabled. Reserved Returns the last value if read; should be written with 1. Reserved Returns 0 if read; should be written with 0. 1 2 rw 0 1,[7:3] r Data Sheet 15 V1.0, 2006-02 XC866 Functional Description Note: The RMAP bit must be cleared/set by ANL or ORL instructions. The rest bits of SYSCON0 should not be modified. As long as bit RMAP is set, the mapped SFR area can be accessed. This bit is not cleared automatically by hardware. Thus, before standard/mapped registers are accessed, bit RMAP must be cleared/set, respectively, by software. Standard Area (RMAP = 0) FFH Module 1 SFRs SYSCON0.RMAP rw Module 2 SFRs Module n SFRs …... SFR Data (to/from CPU) 80H Mapped Area (RMAP = 1) FFH Module (n+1) SFRs Module (n+2) SFRs Module m SFRs …... 80H Direct Internal Data Memory Address Figure 7 Address Extension by Mapping Data Sheet 16 V1.0, 2006-02 XC866 Functional Description Address Extension by Paging Address extension is further performed at the module level by paging. With the address extension by mapping, the XC866 has a 256-SFR address range. However, this is still less than the total number of SFRs needed by the on-chip peripherals. To meet this requirement, some peripherals have a built-in local address extension mechanism for increasing the number of addressable SFRs. The extended address range is not directly controlled by the CPU instruction itself, but is derived from bit field PAGE in the module page register MOD_PAGE. Hence, the bit field PAGE must be programmed before accessing the SFR of the target module. Each module may contain a different number of pages and a different number of SFRs per page, depending on the specific requirement. Besides setting the correct RMAP bit value to select the SFR area, the user must also ensure that a valid PAGE is selected to target the desired SFR. A page inside the extended address range can be selected as shown in Figure 8. SFR Address (from CPU) MOD_PAGE.PAGE rw PAGE 0 SFR0 SFR1 SFRx …... PAGE 1 SFR0 SFR Data (to/from CPU) SFR1 SFRy …... …... PAGE q SFR0 SFR1 SFRz …... Module Figure 8 Data Sheet Address Extension by Paging 17 V1.0, 2006-02 XC866 Functional Description In order to access a register located in a page different from the actual one, the current page must be left. This is done by reprogramming the bit field PAGE in the page register. Only then can the desired access be performed. If an interrupt routine is initiated between the page register access and the module register access, and the interrupt needs to access a register located in another page, the current page setting can be saved, the new one programmed and finally, the old page setting restored. This is possible with the storage fields STx (x = 0 - 3) for the save and restore action of the current page setting. By indicating which storage bit field should be used in parallel with the new page value, a single write operation can: • Save the contents of PAGE in STx before overwriting with the new value (this is done in the beginning of the interrupt routine to save the current page setting and program the new page number); or • Overwrite the contents of PAGE with the contents of STx, ignoring the value written to the bit positions of PAGE (this is done at the end of the interrupt routine to restore the previous page setting before the interrupt occurred) ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0 STNR value update from CPU PAGE Figure 9 Storage Elements for Paging With this mechanism, a certain number of interrupt routines (or other routines) can perform page changes without reading and storing the previously used page information. The use of only write operations makes the system simpler and faster. Consequently, this mechanism significantly improves the performance of short interrupt routines. The XC866 supports local address extension for: • • • • Parallel Ports Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) Capture/Compare Unit 6 (CCU6) System Control Registers Data Sheet 18 V1.0, 2006-02 XC866 Functional Description The page register has the following definition: MOD_PAGE Page Register for module MOD 7 OP w 6 5 STNR w 4 3 0 r 2 Reset Value: 00H 1 PAGE rw 0 Field PAGE Bits [2:0] Type Description rw Page Bits When written, the value indicates the new page. When read, the value indicates the currently active page. Storage Number This number indicates which storage bit field is the target of the operation defined by bit field OP. If OP = 10B, the contents of PAGE are saved in STx before being overwritten with the new value. If OP = 11B, the contents of PAGE are overwritten by the contents of STx. The value written to the bit positions of PAGE is ignored. 00 01 10 11 ST0 is selected. ST1 is selected. ST2 is selected. ST3 is selected. STNR [5:4] w Data Sheet 19 V1.0, 2006-02 XC866 Functional Description Field OP Bits [7:6] Type Description w Operation 0X Manual page mode. The value of STNR is ignored and PAGE is directly written. 10 New page programming with automatic page saving. The value written to the bit positions of PAGE is stored. In parallel, the previous contents of PAGE are saved in the storage bit field STx indicated by STNR. 11 Automatic restore page action. The value written to the bit positions PAGE is ignored and instead, PAGE is overwritten by the contents of the storage bit field STx indicated by STNR. Reserved Returns 0 if read; should be written with 0. 0 3 r Data Sheet 20 V1.0, 2006-02 XC866 Functional Description 3.2.3 Bit Protection Scheme The bit protection scheme prevents direct software writing of selected bits (i.e., protected bits) using the PASSWD register. When the bit field MODE is 11B, writing 10011B to the bit field PASS opens access to writing of all protected bits, and writing 10101B to the bit field PASS closes access to writing of all protected bits. Note that access is opened for maximum 32 CCLKs if the “close access” password is not written. If “open access” password is written again before the end of 32 CCLK cycles, there will be a recount of 32 CCLK cycles. The protected bits include NDIV, WDTEN, PD, and SD. PASSWD Password Register 7 6 5 PASS wh 4 3 2 PROTECT _S rh Reset Value: 07H 1 MODE rw 0 Field MODE Bits [1:0] Type Description rw Bit Protection Scheme Control bits 00 Scheme Disabled 11 Scheme Enabled (default) Others: Scheme Enabled These two bits cannot be written directly. To change the value between 11B and 00B, the bit field PASS must be written with 11000B; only then, will the MODE[1:0] be registered. Bit Protection Signal Status bit This bit shows the status of the protection. 0 Software is able to write to all protected bits. 1 Software is unable to write to any protected bits. Password bits The Bit Protection Scheme only recognizes three patterns. 11000B Enables writing of the bit field MODE. 10011B Opens access to writing of all protected bits. 10101B Closes access to writing of all protected bits. PROTECT_S 2 rh PASS [7:3] wh Data Sheet 21 V1.0, 2006-02 XC866 Functional Description 3.2.4 XC866 Register Overview The SFRs of the XC866 are organized into groups according to their functional units. The contents (bits) of the SFRs are summarized in Table 4 to Table 12, with the addresses of the bitaddressable SFRs appearing in bold typeface. The CPU SFRs can be accessed in both the standard and mapped memory areas (RMAP = 0 or 1). Table 4 Addr CPU Register Overview Bit Reset: 07H Bit Field Type Bit Field Type Bit Field Type Bit Field Type Bit Field Type Bit Field Type Bit Field Type Bit Field Type Bit Field Type Bit Field Type Bit Field Type Bit Field Type Bit Field Type 0 r EA rw 0 r 0 r 0 r SM0 rw SM1 rw DPL7 DPL6 rw rw DPH7 DPH6 rw rw SMOD rw TF1 TR1 rwh rw GATE1 0 rw r Register Name 7 6 5 4 SP rw 3 2 1 0 RMAP = 0 or 1 SP 81H Stack Pointer Register 82H 83H 87H 88H 89H 8AH 8BH 8CH 8DH 98H 99H A2H DPL Reset: 00H Data Pointer Register Low DPH Reset: 00H Data Pointer Register High PCON Power Control Register TCON Timer Control Register TMOD Timer Mode Register TL0 Timer 0 Register Low TL1 Timer 1 Register Low TH0 Timer 0 Register High TH1 Timer 1 Register High Reset: 00H Reset: 00H Reset: 00H Reset: 00H Reset: 00H Reset: 00H Reset: 00H SCON Reset: 00H Serial Channel Control Register SBUF Reset: 00H Serial Data Buffer Register EO Reset: 00H Extended Operation Register IEN0 Reset: 00H Interrupt Enable Register 0 IP Reset: 00H Interrupt Priority Register IPH Reset: 00H Interrupt Priority Register High PSW Reset: 00H Program Status Word Register ACC Accumulator Register Reset: 00H DPL5 DPL4 DPL3 DPL2 rw rw rw rw DPH5 DPH4 DPH3 DPH2 rw rw rw rw 0 GF1 GF0 r rw rw TF0 TR0 IE1 IT1 rwh rw rwh rw T1M GATE0 0 rw rw r VAL rwh VAL rwh VAL rwh VAL rwh SM2 REN TB8 RB8 rw rw rw rwh VAL rwh TRAP_ 0 EN rw r ET2 rw PT2 rw PT2H rw ES rw PS rw PSH rw ET1 rw PT1 rw PT1H rw EX1 rw PX1 rw PX1H rw OV rwh ACC2 rw EX2 rw DPL1 DPL0 rw rw DPH1 DPH0 rw rw 0 IDLE r rw IE0 IT0 rwh rw T0M rw TI rwh RI rwh DPSEL 0 rw ET0 rw PT0 rw PT0H rw F1 rwh ACC1 rw ESSC rw EX0 rw PX0 rw PX0H rw P rh ACC0 rw EADC rw A8H B8H B9H D0H E0H E8H Bit Field Type Bit Field Type Bit Field Type Bit Field Type Bit Field Type Bit Field Type IEN1 Reset: 00H Interrupt Enable Register 1 CY AC F0 RS1 RS0 rw rwh rwh rw rw ACC7 ACC6 ACC5 ACC4 ACC3 rw rw rw rw rw ECCIP ECCIP ECCIP ECCIP EXM 3 2 1 0 rw rw rw rw rw Data Sheet 22 V1.0, 2006-02 XC866 Functional Description Table 4 Addr F0H F8H B B Register CPU Register Overview (cont’d) Bit Reset: 00H Bit Field Type Bit Field Type Bit Field Type Register Name 7 6 5 4 3 2 B2 rw PX2 1 B1 rw PSSC 0 B0 rw PADC IP1 Reset: 00H Interrupt Priority Register 1 IPH1 Reset: 00H Interrupt Priority Register 1 High F9H B7 B6 B5 B4 B3 rw rw rw rw rw PCCIP PCCIP PCCIP PCCIP PXM 3 2 1 0 rw rw rw rw rw PCCIP PCCIP PCCIP PCCIP PXMH 3H 2H 1H 0H rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw PX2H PSSCH PADC H rw rw rw The system control SFRs can be accessed in the standard memory area (RMAP = 0). Table 5 Addr System Control Register Overview Bit Bit Field Type Bit Field Type Bit Field Type Bit Field Type OP w 0 STNR w Register Name 7 6 5 4 0 r 3 2 1 0 RMAP rw RMAP = 0 or 1 SYSCON0 Reset: 00H 8FH System Control Register 0 RMAP = 0 SCU_PAGE Reset: 00H BFH Page Register for System Control RMAP = 0, Page 0 MODPISEL Reset: 00H B3H Peripheral Input Select Register B4H IRCON0 Reset: 00H Interrupt Request Register 0 IRCON1 Reset: 00H Interrupt Request Register 1 EXICON0 Reset: 00H External Interrupt Control Register 0 EXICON1 Reset: 00H External Interrupt Control Register 1 NMICON NMI Control Register NMISR NMI Status Register Reset: 00H 0 r PAGE rw B5H Bit Field Type B7H BAH BBH Bit Field Type Bit Field Type Bit Field Type Bit Field Type Bit Field Type Bit Field Type Bit Field Type JTAG JTAG 0 EXINT URRIS TDIS TCKS 0IS r rw rw r rw rw 0 EXINT EXINT EXINT EXINT EXINT EXINT EXINT 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 r rwh rwh rwh rwh rwh rwh rwh 0 ADCS ADCS RIR TIR EIR RC1 RC0 r rwh rwh rwh rwh rwh EXINT3 EXINT2 EXINT1 EXINT0 rw rw rw rw 0 EXINT6 EXINT5 EXINT4 r rw rw rw 0 NMI NMI NMI NMI NMI NMI NMI ECC VDDP VDD OCDS FLASH PLL WDT r rw rw rw rw rw rw rw FNMI FNMI FNMI FNMI VDD OCDS FLASH PLL rwh rwh rwh rwh BREN BRPRE rw rw BR_VALUE rw BGS SYNEN ERRSY EOFSY BRK NDOV FDM N N rw rw rwh rwh rwh rwh rw STEP rw RESULT rh 0 FNMI ECC r rwh BGSEL rw FNMI VDDP rwh 0 r FNMI WDT rwh R rw BCH Reset: 00H BDH BEH E9H BCON Reset: 00H Baud Rate Control Register BG Reset: 00H Baud Rate Timer/Reload Register FDCON Reset: 00H Fractional Divider Control Register FDSTEP Reset: 00H Fractional Divider Reload Register FDRES Reset: 00H Fractional Divider Result Register FDEN rw EAH EBH Bit Field Type Bit Field Type RMAP = 0, Page 1 Data Sheet 23 V1.0, 2006-02 XC866 Functional Description Table 5 Addr B3H B4H System Control Register Overview (cont’d) Bit Reset: 01H Bit Field Type Bit Field Type Bit Field Type 0 r Register Name ID Identity Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 VERID r WS rw SSC _DIS 0 PMCON0 Reset: 00H Power Mode Control Register 0 PMCON1 Reset: 00H Power Mode Control Register 1 OSC_CON OSC Control Register PLL_CON PLL Control Register CMCON Clock Control Register PASSWD Password Register Reset: 08H B5H PRODID r WDT WKRS WK RST SEL rwh rwh rw 0 r 0 r NDIV rw OSC PD rw SD rw T2_DIS rw XPD rw VCO BYP rw PD rwh CCU _DIS ADC _DIS B6H Bit Field Type Bit Field Type B7H Reset: 20H rw rw rw OSC ORD OSCR SS RES rw rwh rh OSC RESLD LOCK DISC rw rwh CLKREL rh BAH Reset: 00H Bit Field Type Bit Field Type VCO SEL rw 0 r PASS BBH Reset: 07H BCH BDH BEH FEAL Reset: 00H Flash Error Address Register Low FEAH Reset: 00H Flash Error Address Register High COCON Reset: 00H Clock Output Control Register MISC_CON Reset: 00H Miscellaneous Control Register Bit Field Type Bit Field Type Bit Field Type 0 r rw PROTE MODE CT_S wh rh rw ECCERRADDR[7:0] rh ECCERRADDR[15:8] rh TLEN COUT COREL S rw rw rw 0 r ADDRH rw DFLAS HEN rwh E9H Bit Field Type RMAP = 0, Page 3 B3H XADDRH Reset: F0H Bit Field On-Chip XRAM Address Higher Order Type The WDT SFRs can be accessed in the mapped memory area (RMAP = 1). Table 6 Addr WDT Register Overview Bit Bit Field Type Register Name 7 0 r 6 5 WINB EN rw 4 WDT PR rh 3 0 2 WDT EN rw 1 WDT RS rwh 0 WDT IN rw RMAP = 1 WDTCON Reset: 00H BBH Watchdog Timer Control Register BCH BDH WDTREL Reset: 00H Watchdog Timer Reload Register WDTWINB Reset: 00H Watchdog Window-Boundary Count Register WDTL Reset: 00H Watchdog Timer Register Low WDTH Reset: 00H Watchdog Timer Register High Bit Field Type Bit Field Type Bit Field Type Bit Field Type r WDTREL rw WDTWINB rw WDT[7:0] rh WDT[15:8] rh BEH BFH Data Sheet 24 V1.0, 2006-02 XC866 Functional Description The Port SFRs can be accessed in the standard memory area (RMAP = 0). Table 7 Addr Port Register Overview Bit Bit Field Type Bit Field Type Bit Field Type Bit Field Type Bit Field Type Bit Field Type Bit Field Type Bit Field Type Bit Field Type P7 rw P7 rw P7 rw P7 rw P7 rw P7 rw 0 r 0 r P7 rw P7 rw P7 rw P7 rw P7 rw P7 rw 0 r 0 r P7 rw P7 rw P7 rw P6 rw P6 rw P6 rw P6 rw P6 rw P6 rw P6 rw P6 rw P6 rw Register Name 7 OP w 0 r 0 r 6 5 STNR w P5 rw P5 rw P5 rw P5 rw P5 rw P5 rw P5 rw P5 rw P5 rw P5 rw P5 rw P5 rw P5 rw P5 rw P5 rw P5 rw P5 rw P5 rw P5 rw P5 rw P5 rw 4 3 0 r P3 rw P3 rw 0 r 0 r P3 rw P3 rw P3 rw P3 rw P3 rw P3 rw 0 r 0 r P3 rw P3 rw P3 rw P3 rw P3 rw P3 rw 0 r 0 r P3 rw 2 1 PAGE rw 0 RMAP = 0 PORT_PAGE Reset: 00H B2H Page Register for PORT RMAP = 0, Page 0 80H 86H 90H 91H A0H A1H B0H B1H P0_DATA P0 Data Register P0_DIR P0 Direction Register P1_DATA P1 Data Register P1_DIR P1 Direction Register P2_DATA P2 Data Register P2_DIR P2 Direction Register P3_DATA P3 Data Register P3_DIR P3 Direction Register Reset: 00H Reset: 00H Reset: 00H Reset: 00H Reset: 00H Reset: 00H Reset: 00H Reset: 00H P4 rw P4 rw P2 rw P2 rw P6 rw P6 rw P6 rw P6 rw P6 rw P6 rw P1 rw P1 rw P1 rw P1 rw P1 rw P1 rw P1 rw P1 rw P1 rw P1 rw P1 rw P1 rw P1 rw P1 rw P1 rw P1 rw P1 rw P1 rw P1 rw P1 rw P1 rw P0 rw P0 rw P0 rw P0 rw P0 rw P0 rw P0 rw P0 rw P0 rw P0 rw P0 rw P0 rw P0 rw P0 rw P0 rw P0 rw P0 rw P0 rw P0 rw P0 rw P0 rw P4 rw P4 rw P4 rw P4 rw P4 rw P4 rw P2 rw P2 rw P2 rw P2 rw P2 rw P2 rw RMAP = 0, Page 1 P0_PUDSEL Reset: FFH 80H P0 Pull-Up/Pull-Down Select Register 86H 90H 91H A0H A1H B0H B1H Bit Field Type P0_PUDEN Reset: C4H Bit Field P0 Pull-Up/Pull-Down Enable Register Type P1_PUDSEL Reset: FFH Bit Field P1 Pull-Up/Pull-Down Select Register Type P1_PUDEN Reset: FFH Bit Field P1 Pull-Up/Pull-Down Enable Register Type P2_PUDSEL Reset: FFH Bit Field P2 Pull-Up/Pull-Down Select Register Type P2_PUDEN Reset: 00H Bit Field P2 Pull-Up/Pull-Down Enable Register Type P3_PUDSEL Reset: BFH Bit Field P3 Pull-Up/Pull-Down Select Register Type P3_PUDEN Reset: 40H Bit Field P3 Pull-Up/Pull-Down Enable Register Type P0_ALTSEL0 Reset: 00H P0 Alternate Select 0 Register P0_ALTSEL1 Reset: 00H P0 Alternate Select 1 Register P1_ALTSEL0 Reset: 00H P1 Alternate Select 0 Register P1_ALTSEL1 Reset: 00H P1 Alternate Select 1 Register P3_ALTSEL0 Reset: 00H P3 Alternate Select 0 Register Bit Field Type Bit Field Type Bit Field Type Bit Field Type Bit Field Type P4 rw P4 rw P4 rw P4 rw P4 rw P4 rw P2 rw P2 rw P2 rw P2 rw P2 rw P2 rw RMAP = 0, Page 2 80H 86H 90H 91H B0H P4 rw P2 rw Data Sheet 25 V1.0, 2006-02 XC866 Functional Description Table 7 Addr B1H Port Register Overview (cont’d) Bit Bit Field Type Bit Field Type Bit Field Type Bit Field Type P7 rw P7 rw Register Name P3_ALTSEL1 Reset: 00H P3 Alternate Select 1 Register 7 P7 rw 0 r 6 P6 rw 5 P5 rw P5 rw P5 rw P5 rw 4 P4 rw P4 rw 3 P3 rw P3 rw 0 r P3 rw 2 P2 rw P2 rw 1 P1 rw P1 rw P1 rw P1 rw 0 P0 rw P0 rw P0 rw P0 rw RMAP = 0, Page 3 P0_OD Reset: 00H 80H P0 Open Drain Control Register 90H B0H P1_OD Reset: 00H P1 Open Drain Control Register P3_OD Reset: 00H P3 Open Drain Control Register P6 rw P6 rw P4 rw P2 rw The ADC SFRs can be accessed in the standard memory area (RMAP = 0). Table 8 Addr ADC Register Overview Bit Reset: 00H Bit Field Type Bit Field Type Bit Field Type Register Name 7 OP w ANON rw 0 6 5 STNR w 4 3 0 r 2 1 PAGE rw 0 r 0 RMAP = 0 ADC_PAGE D1H Page Register for ADC RMAP = 0, Page 0 CAH ADC_GLOBCTR Global Control Register CBH ADC_GLOBSTR Global Status Register Reset: 30H Reset: 00H DW rw CTC rw CHNR CCH CDH CEH CFH ADC_PRAR Reset: 00H Priority and Arbitration Register ADC_LCBR Reset: B7H Limit Check Boundary Register ADC_INPCR0 Input Class Register 0 Reset: 00H Bit Field Type Bit Field Type Bit Field Type Bit Field Type r ASEN1 ASEN0 0 rw rw r BOUND1 rw ADC_ETRCR Reset: 00H External Trigger Control Register SYNEN SYNEN 1 0 rw rw 0 r 0 r 0 r 0 r 0 r 0 r 0 r 0 r LCC rw LCC rw LCC rw LCC rw LCC rw LCC rw LCC rw LCC rw SAM BUSY PLE rh r rh rh ARBM CSM1 PRIO1 CSM0 PRIO0 rw rw rw rw rw BOUND0 rw STC rw ETRSEL1 ETRSEL0 rw 0 r 0 r 0 r 0 r 0 r 0 r 0 r 0 r rw RESRSEL rw RESRSEL rw RESRSEL rw RESRSEL rw RESRSEL rw RESRSEL rw RESRSEL rw RESRSEL rw 0 RMAP = 0, Page 1 ADC_CHCTR0 Reset: 00H CAH Channel Control Register 0 CBH CCH CDH CEH CFH D2H D3H ADC_CHCTR1 Reset: 00H Channel Control Register 1 ADC_CHCTR2 Reset: 00H Channel Control Register 2 ADC_CHCTR3 Reset: 00H Channel Control Register 3 ADC_CHCTR4 Reset: 00H Channel Control Register 4 ADC_CHCTR5 Reset: 00H Channel Control Register 5 ADC_CHCTR6 Reset: 00H Channel Control Register 6 ADC_CHCTR7 Reset: 00H Channel Control Register 7 Bit Field Type Bit Field Type Bit Field Type Bit Field Type Bit Field Type Bit Field Type Bit Field Type Bit Field Type RMAP = 0, Page 2 Data Sheet 26 V1.0, 2006-02 XC866 Functional Description Table 8 Addr CAH CBH CCH CDH CEH CFH D2H D3H ADC Register Overview (cont’d) Bit Reset: 00H Reset: 00H Reset: 00H Reset: 00H Reset: 00H Reset: 00H Reset: 00H Reset: 00H Bit Field Type Bit Field Type Bit Field Type Bit Field Type Bit Field Type Bit Field Type Bit Field Type Bit Field Type Bit Field Type Bit Field Type Bit Field Type Bit Field Type Bit Field Type Bit Field Type Bit Field Type Bit Field Type Bit Field Type VFCTR WFR rw rw 0 r 0 r 0 r 0 r 0 r RESULT[2:0] rh RESULT[2:0] rh RESULT[2:0] rh RESULT[2:0] rh RESULT[1:0] rh 0 r Register Name ADC_RESR0L Result Register 0 Low ADC_RESR0H Result Register 0 High ADC_RESR1L Result Register 1 Low ADC_RESR1H Result Register 1 High ADC_RESR2L Result Register 2 Low ADC_RESR2H Result Register 2 High ADC_RESR3L Result Register 3 Low ADC_RESR3H Result Register 3 High 7 6 5 0 r 4 3 2 1 CHNR rh 0 RESULT[1:0] rh RESULT[1:0] rh 0 r RESULT[1:0] rh 0 r VF DRC rh rh RESULT[9:2] rh VF DRC rh rh RESULT[9:2] rh VF DRC rh rh RESULT[9:2] rh VF DRC rh rh RESULT[9:2] rh VF DRC rh rh RESULT[10:3] rh VF DRC rh rh RESULT[10:3] rh VF DRC rh rh RESULT[10:3] rh VF DRC rh rh RESULT[10:3] rh IEN rw IEN rw IEN rw IEN rw VFC3 w 0 r 0 r 0 r 0 r VFC2 w CHNR rh CHNR rh CHNR rh RMAP = 0, Page 3 ADC_RESRA0L Reset: 00H CAH Result Register 0, View A Low CBH CCH CDH CEH CFH D2H D3H ADC_RESRA0H Reset: 00H Result Register 0, View A High ADC_RESRA1L Reset: 00H Result Register 1, View A Low ADC_RESRA1H Reset: 00H Result Register 1, View A High ADC_RESRA2L Reset: 00H Result Register 2, View A Low ADC_RESRA2H Reset: 00H Result Register 2, View A High ADC_RESRA3L Reset: 00H Result Register 3, View A Low ADC_RESRA3H Reset: 00H Result Register 3, View A High CHNR rh CHNR rh CHNR rh CHNR rh RMAP = 0, Page 4 ADC_RCR0 Reset: 00H CAH Result Control Register 0 CBH ADC_RCR1 Reset: 00H Result Control Register 1 ADC_RCR2 Reset: 00H Result Control Register 2 ADC_RCR3 Reset: 00H Result Control Register 3 ADC_VFCR Reset: 00H Valid Flag Clear Register DRCT R rw DRCT R rw DRCT R rw DRCT R rw VFC0 w Bit Field Type Bit Field Type Bit Field Type Bit Field Type VFCTR WFR rw rw VFCTR WFR rw rw VFCTR WFR rw rw CCH CDH CEH VFC1 w RMAP = 0, Page 5 Data Sheet 27 V1.0, 2006-02 XC866 Functional Description Table 8 Addr CAH ADC Register Overview (cont’d) Bit Bit Field Type Bit Field Type Register Name ADC_CHINFR Reset: 00H Channel Interrupt Flag Register ADC_CHINCR Reset: 00H Channel Interrupt Clear Register ADC_CHINSR Reset: 00H Channel Interrupt Set Register ADC_CHINPR Reset: 00H Channel Interrupt Node Pointer Register ADC_EVINFR Reset: 00H Event Interrupt Flag Register ADC_EVINCR Reset: 00H Event Interrupt Clear Flag Register ADC_EVINSR Reset: 00H Event Interrupt Set Flag Register ADC_EVINPR Reset: 00H Event Interrupt Node Pointer Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 CBH CCH Bit Field Type Bit Field Type Bit Field Type Bit Field Type CDH CHINF CHINF CHINF CHINF CHINF 7 6 5 4 3 rh rh rh rh rh CHINC CHINC CHINC CHINC CHINC 7 6 5 4 3 w w w w w CHINS CHINS CHINS CHINS CHINS 7 6 5 4 3 w w w w w CHINP CHINP CHINP CHINP CHINP 7 6 5 4 3 rw rw rw rw rw EVINF EVINF EVINF EVINF 7 6 5 4 rh rh rh rh EVINC EVINC EVINC EVINC 7 6 5 4 w w w w EVINS EVINS EVINS EVINS 7 6 5 4 w w w w EVINP EVINP EVINP EVINP 7 6 5 4 rw rw rw rw CH7 rwh CHP7 rwh Rsv r CEV w Rsv r EXTR rh EXTR rh EXTR w CH6 rwh CHP6 rwh LDEV w TREV w 0 r ENSI rh ENSI rh ENSI w CH5 rwh CHP5 CH4 rwh CHP4 0 r 0 r 0 r 0 r CHINF CHINF CHINF 2 1 0 rh rh rh CHINC CHINC CHINC 2 1 0 w w w CHINS CHINS CHINS 2 1 0 w w w CHINP CHINP CHINP 2 1 0 rw rw rw EVINF EVINF 1 0 rh rh EVINC EVINC 1 0 w w EVINS EVINS 1 0 w w EVINP EVINP 1 0 rw rw 0 r 0 CEH CFH D2H Bit Field Type D3H Bit Field Type RMAP = 0, Page 6 CAH ADC_CRCR1 Reset: 00H Bit Field Conversion Request Control Register 1 Type ADC_CRPR1 Reset: 00H Bit Field CBH Conversion Request Pending Register 1 Type CCH ADC_CRMR1 Reset: 00H Conversion Request Mode Register 1 ADC_QMR0 Reset: 00H Queue Mode Register 0 ADC_QSR0 Reset: 20H Queue Status Register 0 ADC_Q0R0 Queue 0 Register 0 Reset: 00H Bit Field Type Bit Field Type Bit Field Type Bit Field Type Bit Field Type Bit Field Type CDH CEH CFH D2H D2H ADC_QBUR0 Reset: 00H Queue Backup Register 0 ADC_QINR0 Queue Input Register 0 Reset: 00H rwh rwh r CLR SCAN ENSI ENTR ENGT PND w rw rw rw rw FLUSH CLRV TRMD ENTR ENGT w w rw rw rw EMPTY EV 0 rh rh r RF V 0 REQCHNR rh rh r rh RF V 0 REQCHNR rh rh r rh RF 0 REQCHNR w r w The Timer 2 SFRs can be accessed in the standard memory area (RMAP = 0). Table 9 Addr C0H Timer 2 Register Overview Bit Bit Field Type Register Name T2_T2CON Reset: 00H Timer 2 Control Register 7 TF2 rwh 6 EXF2 rwh 5 0 r 4 3 EXEN2 rw 2 TR2 rwh 1 0 r 0 CP/ RL2 rw Data Sheet 28 V1.0, 2006-02 XC866 Functional Description Table 9 C1H Timer 2 Register Overview (cont’d) Reset: 00H Bit Field Type T2 T2 EDGE PREN REGS RHEN SEL rw rw rw rw RC2[7:0] rwh RC2[15:8] rwh THL2[7:0] rwh THL2[15:8] rwh T2PRE rw DCEN rw T2_T2MOD Timer 2 Mode Register C2H C3H C4H C5H T2_RC2L Reset: 00H Timer 2 Reload/Capture Register Low Bit Field Type T2_RC2H Reset: 00H Bit Field Timer 2 Reload/Capture Register High Type T2_T2L Reset: 00H Bit Field Timer 2 Register Low Type T2_T2H Reset: 00H Bit Field Timer 2 Register High Type The CCU6 SFRs can be accessed in the standard memory area (RMAP = 0). Table 10 Addr CCU6 Register Overview Bit Bit Field Type Register Name 7 OP w 6 5 STNR w 4 3 0 r 2 1 PAGE rw 0 RMAP = 0 CCU6_PAGE Reset: 00H A3H Page Register for CCU6 RMAP = 0, Page 0 CCU6_CC63SRL Reset: 00H Bit Field 9AH Capture/Compare Shadow Register for Channel CC63 Low Type CCU6_CC63SRH Reset: 00H Bit Field 9BH Capture/Compare Shadow Register for Channel CC63 High Type 9CH CCU6_TCTR4L Reset: 00H Timer Control Register 4 Low CCU6_TCTR4H Reset: 00H Timer Control Register 4 High CCU6_MCMOUTSL Reset: 00H Multi-Channel Mode Output Shadow Register Low CCU6_MCMOUTSH Reset: 00H Multi-Channel Mode Output Shadow Register High CCU6_ISRL Reset: 00H Capture/Compare Interrupt Status Reset Register Low CCU6_ISRH Reset: 00H Capture/Compare Interrupt Status Reset Register High CCU6_CMPMODIFL Reset: 00H Compare State Modification Register Low CCU6_CMPMODIFH Reset: 00H Compare State Modification Register High Bit Field Type Bit Field Type 9EH Bit Field Type Bit Field Type Bit Field Type Bit Field Type Bit Field Type Bit Field T12 STD w T13 STD w STRM CM w STRHP w T12 STR w T13 STR w 0 r 0 r 0 r CC63SL rw CC63SH rw DTRES T12 RES w w T13 RES w MCMPS rw CURHS rw EXPHS rw T12RS T12RR w w T13RS T13RR w w 9DH 0 r 9FH A4H A5H A6H A7H FAH Type CCU6_CC60SRL Reset: 00H Bit Field Capture/Compare Shadow Register for Channel CC60 Low Type RT12P RT12O RCC62 RCC62 RCC61 RCC61 RCC60 RCC60 M M F R F R F R w w w w w w w w RSTR RIDLE RWHE RCHE 0 RTRPF RT13 RT13 PM CM w w w w r w w w 0 MCC63 0 MCC62 MCC61 MCC60 S S S S r w r w w w 0 MCC63 0 MCC62 MCC61 MCC60 R R R R w w w r w r CC60SL rwh Data Sheet 29 V1.0, 2006-02 XC866 Functional Description Table 10 Addr FBH CCU6 Register Overview (cont’d) Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 CC60SH rwh CC61SL rwh CC61SH rwh CC62SL rwh CC62SH rwh CC63VL rh CC63VH rh T12PVL rwh T12PVH rwh T13PVL rwh T13PVH rwh DTM rw 0 r CTM rw 0 r DTR2 rh CDIR rh DTR1 rh STE12 rh STE13 rh DTR0 rh 0 DTE2 rw DTE1 rw T12CLK rw T13CLK rw DTE0 rw Register Name FCH CCU6_CC60SRH Reset: 00H Bit Field Capture/Compare Shadow Register for Channel CC60 High Type CCU6_CC61SRL Reset: 00H Bit Field Capture/Compare Shadow Register for Channel CC61 Low Type CCU6_CC61SRH Reset: 00H Bit Field Capture/Compare Shadow Register for Channel CC61 High Type CCU6_CC62SRL Reset: 00H Bit Field Capture/Compare Shadow Register for Channel CC62 Low Type FDH FEH CCU6_CC62SRH Reset: 00H Bit Field Capture/Compare Shadow Register for Channel CC62 High Type RMAP = 0, Page 1 CCU6_CC63RL Reset: 00H Bit Field 9AH Capture/Compare Register for Channel CC63 Low Type CCU6_CC63RH Reset: 00H Bit Field 9BH Capture/Compare Register for Channel CC63 High Type FFH 9CH 9DH 9EH 9FH A4H CCU6_T12PRL Reset: 00H Timer T12 Period Register Low CCU6_T12PRH Reset: 00H Timer T12 Period Register High CCU6_T13PRL Reset: 00H Timer T13 Period Register Low CCU6_T13PRH Reset: 00H Timer T13 Period Register High CCU6_T12DTCL Reset: 00H Dead-Time Control Register for Timer T12 Low CCU6_T12DTCH Reset: 00H Dead-Time Control Register for Timer T12 High CCU6_TCTR0L Reset: 00H Timer Control Register 0 Low CCU6_TCTR0H Reset: 00H Timer Control Register 0 High Bit Field Type Bit Field Type Bit Field Type Bit Field Type Bit Field Type Bit Field Type Bit Field Type Bit Field A5H A6H A7H FAH Type CCU6_CC60RL Reset: 00H Bit Field Capture/Compare Register for Channel CC60 Low Type CCU6_CC60RH Reset: 00H Bit Field Capture/Compare Register for Channel CC60 High Type CCU6_CC61RL Reset: 00H Bit Field Capture/Compare Register for Channel CC61 Low Type r T12 PRE rh rw T13R T13 PRE rw rh CC60VL T12R rh CC60VH rh CC61VL rh FBH FCH Data Sheet 30 V1.0, 2006-02 XC866 Functional Description Table 10 Addr FDH CCU6 Register Overview (cont’d) Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 CC61VH rh CC62VL rh CC62VH rh MSEL61 rw DBYP HSYNC MSEL60 rw MSEL62 Register Name FEH CCU6_CC61RH Reset: 00H Bit Field Capture/Compare Register for Channel CC61 High Type CCU6_CC62RL Reset: 00H Bit Field Capture/Compare Register for Channel CC62 Low Type CCU6_CC62RH Reset: 00H Bit Field Capture/Compare Register for Channel CC62 High Type Bit Field Type Bit Field Type Bit Field Type Bit Field Type Bit Field Type Bit Field FFH RMAP = 0, Page 2 CCU6_T12MSELL Reset: 00H 9AH T12 Capture/Compare Mode Select Register Low 9BH CCU6_T12MSELH Reset: 00H T12 Capture/Compare Mode Select Register High CCU6_IENL Reset: 00H Capture/Compare Interrupt Enable Register Low CCU6_IENH Reset: 00H Capture/Compare Interrupt Enable Register High CCU6_INPL Reset: 40H Capture/Compare Interrupt Node Pointer Register Low CCU6_INPH Reset: 39H Capture/Compare Interrupt Node Pointer Register High 9CH 9DH 9EH rw rw rw ENT12 ENT12 ENCC ENCC ENCC ENCC ENCC ENCC PM OM 62F 62R 61F 61R 60F 60R rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw ENSTR EN EN EN 0 EN ENT13 ENT13 IDLE WHE CHE TRPF PM CM rw rw rw rw r rw rw rw INPCHE INPCC62 INPCC61 INPCC60 rw 0 rw INPT13 rw INPT12 rw INPERR 9FH A4H Type CCU6_ISSL Reset: 00H Bit Field Capture/Compare Interrupt Status Set Register Low Type CCU6_ISSH Reset: 00H Bit Field Capture/Compare Interrupt Status Set Register High Type CCU6_PSLR Reset: 00H Bit Field Passive State Level Register Type CCU6_MCMCTR Reset: 00H Multi-Channel Mode Control Register CCU6_TCTR2L Reset: 00H Timer Control Register 2 Low CCU6_TCTR2H Reset: 00H Timer Control Register 2 High CCU6_MODCTRL Reset: 00H Modulation Control Register Low CCU6_MODCTRH Reset: 00H Modulation Control Register High CCU6_TRPCTRL Reset: 00H Trap Control Register Low Bit Field Type Bit Field Type Bit Field Type Bit Field Type Bit Field Type Bit Field Type A5H A6H A7H FAH FBH FCH r rw rw rw ST12P ST12O SCC62 SCC62 SCC61 SCC61 SCC60 SCC60 M M F R F R F R w w w w w w w w SSTR SIDLE SWHE SCHE SWHC STRPF ST13 ST13 PM CM w w w w w w w w PSL63 0 PSL rwh r rwh 0 SWSYN 0 SWSEL r rw r rw 0 T13TED T13TEC T13 T12 SSC SSC rw rw r rw rw 0 T13RSEL T12RSEL r rw rw MC MEN rw ECT13 O rw 0 r 0 r 0 r T12MODEN rw T13MODEN rw TRPM2 TRPM1 TRPM0 rw rw rw FDH FEH Data Sheet 31 V1.0, 2006-02 XC866 Functional Description Table 10 Addr FFH CCU6 Register Overview (cont’d) Bit Bit Field Type Register Name CCU6_TRPCTRH Reset: 00H Trap Control Register High 7 6 5 4 3 rw 2 1 0 TRPPE TRPEN N 13 rw rw 0 r 0 R rh CURH TRPEN RMAP = 0, Page 3 CCU6_MCMOUTL Reset: 00H 9AH Multi-Channel Mode Output Register Low 9BH CCU6_MCMOUTH Reset: 00H Multi-Channel Mode Output Register High CCU6_ISL Reset: 00H Capture/Compare Interrupt Status Register Low CCU6_ISH Reset: 00H Capture/Compare Interrupt Status Register High CCU6_PISEL0L Reset: 00H Port Input Select Register 0 Low CCU6_PISEL0H Reset: 00H Port Input Select Register 0 High CCU6_PISEL2 Reset: 00H Port Input Select Register 2 CCU6_T12L Reset: 00H Timer T12 Counter Register Low CCU6_T12H Reset: 00H Timer T12 Counter Register High CCU6_T13L Reset: 00H Timer T13 Counter Register Low CCU6_T13H Reset: 00H Timer T13 Counter Register High CCU6_CMPSTATL Reset: 00H Compare State Register Low CCU6_CMPSTATH Reset: 00H Compare State Register High Bit Field Type Bit Field Type Bit Field Type Bit Field Type Bit Field Type Bit Field Type MCMP rh EXPH 9CH 9DH rh r rh T12PM T12OM ICC62F ICC62 ICC61F ICC61 ICC60F ICC60 R R R rh rh rh rh rh rh rh rh STR IDLE WHE CHE TRPS TRPF T13PM T13CM rh rh ISTRP rw IST12HR rw rh rh ISCC62 rw ISPOS2 rw 0 r rh rh ISCC61 rw ISPOS1 rw rh rh ISCC60 rw ISPOS0 rw IST13HR rw 9EH 9FH A4H FAH FBH FCH FDH FEH Bit Field Type Bit Field Type Bit Field Type Bit Field Type Bit Field Type Bit Field Type 0 r CC63 ST rh T12CVL rwh T12CVH rwh T13CVL rwh T13CVH rwh CCPO CCPO CCPO S2 S1 S0 rh rh rh CC62 PS rwh COUT 61PS rwh CC62 ST rh CC61 PS rwh CC61 ST rh COUT 60PS rwh CC60 ST rh CC60 PS rwh FFH Bit Field Type T13IM COUT COUT 63PS 62PS rwh rwh rwh The SSC SFRs can be accessed in the standard memory area (RMAP = 0). Table 11 Addr SSC Register Overview Bit Bit Field Type Bit Field Type Bit Field Type Register Name 7 6 5 0 r PH rw 0 r 4 3 2 CIS rw 1 SIS rw BM rw BC rh 0 MIS rw RMAP = 0 SSC_PISEL Reset: 00H A9H Port Input Select Register AAH SSC_CONL Control Register Low Programming Mode Operating Mode Reset: 00H LB rw PO rw HB rw Data Sheet 32 V1.0, 2006-02 XC866 Functional Description Table 11 ABH SSC Register Overview Reset: 00H Bit Field Type Bit Field Type Bit Field Type Bit Field Type Bit Field Type Bit Field Type EN rw EN rw MS rw MS rw 0 r 0 r AREN BEN PEN rw PE rwh REN rw RE rwh TEN rw TE rwh rw rw BSY BE rh rwh TB_VALUE rw RB_VALUE rh BR_VALUE[7:0] rw BR_VALUE[15:8] rw SSC_CONH Control Register High Programming Mode Operating Mode ACH ADH AEH AFH SSC_TBL Reset: 00H Transmitter Buffer Register Low SSC_RBL Reset: 00H Receiver Buffer Register Low SSC_BRL Reset: 00H Baudrate Timer Reload Register Low SSC_BRH Reset: 00H Baudrate Timer Reload Register High The OCDS SFRs can be accessed in the mapped memory area (RMAP = 1). Table 12 Addr OCDS Register Overview Bit Bit Field Type Register Name 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 RMAP = 1 MMCR2 Reset: 0UH E9H Monitor Mode Control Register 2 F1H MMCR Reset: 00H Monitor Mode Control Register MMSR Reset: 00H Monitor Mode Status Register MMBPCR Reset: 00H BreakPoints Control Register Bit Field Type Bit Field Type F2H F3H Bit Field Type EXBC_ EXBC MBCO MBCO MMEP P N_P N _P w rw w rwh w MEXIT MEXIT MSTEP MSTEP MRAM _P _P S_P w rwh w rw w MBCA MBCIN EXBF SWBF HWB3 M F rw rh rwh rwh rwh SWBC HWB3C HWB2C rw rw 0 r rw MMEP MMOD JENA E rwh rh rh MRAM TRF RRF S rwh rh rh HWB2 HWB1 HWB0 F F F rwh rwh rwh HWB1 HWB0C C F4H F5H MMICR Reset: 00H Bit Field Monitor Mode Interrupt Control Register Type MMDR Reset: 00H Bit Field Monitor Mode Data Register Receive Type Transmit Bit Field Type DVECT DRETR rwh rwh rw rw MMUIE MMUIE RRIE_ RRIE _P P w rw w rw MMRR rh MMTR w BPSEL _P w HWBPxx rw F6H HWBPSR Reset: 00H Bit Field Hardware Breakpoints Select Register Type HWBPDR Reset: 00H Hardware Breakpoints Data Register Bit Field Type 0 r BPSEL rw F7H Data Sheet 33 V1.0, 2006-02 XC866 Functional Description 3.3 Flash Memory The Flash memory provides an embedded user-programmable non-volatile memory, allowing fast and reliable storage of user code and data. It is operated from a single 2.5 V supply from the Embedded Voltage Regulator (EVR) and does not require additional programming or erasing voltage. The sectorization of the Flash memory allows each sector to be erased independently. Features: • • • • • • • • • • • • In-System Programming (ISP) via UART In-Application Programming (IAP) Error Correction Code (ECC) for dynamic correction of single-bit errors Background program and erase operations for CPU load minimization Support for aborting erase operation 32-byte minimum program width1) 1-sector minimum erase width 1-byte read access 121.6 ns minimum read access time (3 × tCCLK @ fCCLK = 26.7 MHz ± 7.5 %2)) Operating supply voltage: 2.5 V ± 7.5 % Program time: 2.3 ms3) Erase time: 120 ms3) Flash Data Retention and Endurance Targets Endurance up to 1,000 cycles5) 10,000 cycles5) 70,000 cycles5) 100,000 cycles5) Programming Temperature 0 – 100°C -40 – 125°C -40 – 125°C -40 – 125°C Size 15 Kbytes 896 bytes 512 bytes 128 bytes Table 13 Retention up to 20 years4) 5 years4) 2 years4) 2 years4) 1) 2) 3) P-Flash: 32-byte wordline can only be programmed once, i.e., one gate disturb allowed. D-Flash: 32-byte wordline can be programmed twice, i.e., two gate disturbs allowed. fsys = 80 MHz ± 7.5% (fCCLK = 26.7 MHz ± 7.5 %) is the maximum frequency range for Flash read access. fsys = 80 MHz ± 7.5% is the only frequency range for Flash programming and erasing. fsysmin is used for obtaining the worst case timing. 4) Specification with 0.2ppm error rate. 5) One cycle refers to the programming of all wordlines in a sector and erasing of the sector. Data Sheet 34 V1.0, 2006-02 XC866 Functional Description 3.3.1 Flash Bank Sectorization The XC866 product family offers four Flash devices with either 8 Kbytes or 16 Kbytes of embedded Flash memory. These Flash memory sizes are made up of two or four 4-Kbyte Flash banks, respectively. Each Flash device consists of Program Flash (P-Flash) bank(s) and a single Data Flash (D-Flash) bank with different sectorization shown in Figure 10. Both types can be used for code and data storage. The label “Data” neither implies that the D-Flash is mapped to the data memory region, nor that it can only be used for data storage. It is used to distinguish the different Flash bank sectorizations. The XC866 ROM devices offer a single 4-Kbyte D-Flash bank. Sector 2: 128-byte Sector 1: 128-byte Sector 9: Sector 8: Sector 7: Sector 6: 128-byte 128-byte 128-byte 128-byte Sector 5: 256-byte Sector 4: 256-byte Sector 3: 512-byte Sector 0: 3.75-Kbyte Sector 2: 512-byte Sector 1: 1-Kbyte Sector 0: 1-Kbyte P-Flash D-Flash Figure 10 Flash Bank Sectorization The internal structure of each Flash bank represents a sector architecture for flexible erase capability. The minimum erase width is always a complete sector, and sectors can be erased separately or in parallel. Contrary to standard EPROMs, erased Flash memory cells contain 0s. The D-Flash bank is divided into more physical sectors for extended erasing and reprogramming capability; even numbers for each sector size are provided to allow greater flexibility and the ability to adapt to a wide range of application requirements. Data Sheet 35 V1.0, 2006-02 XC866 Functional Description 3.3.2 Flash Programming Width For the P-Flash banks, a programmed wordline (WL) must be erased before it can be reprogrammed as the Flash cells can only withstand one gate disturb. This means that the entire sector containing the WL must be erased since it is impossible to erase a single WL. For the D-Flash bank, the same WL can be programmed twice before erasing is required as the Flash cells are able to withstand two gate disturbs. Hence, it is possible to program the same WL, for example, with 16 bytes of data in two times (see Figure 11). 32 bytes (1 WL) 0000 ….. 0000 H 0000 ….. 0000 H Program 1 16 bytes 0000 ….. 0000 H 16 bytes 1111 ….. 1111 H 0000 ….. 0000 H 1111 ….. 1111 H Program 2 1111 ….. 0000 H 0000 ….. 0000 H 1111 ….. 0000 H 1111 ….. 1111 H Note: A Flash memory cell can be programmed from 0 to 1, but not from 1 to 0. Flash memory cells 32-byte write buffers Figure 11 D-Flash Programming Note: When programming a D-Flash WL the second time, the previously programmed Flash memory cells (whether 0s or 1s) should be reprogrammed with 0s to retain its original contents and to prevent “over-programming”. Data Sheet 36 V1.0, 2006-02 XC866 Functional Description 3.4 Interrupt System The XC800 Core supports one non-maskable interrupt (NMI) and 14 maskable interrupt requests. In addition to the standard interrupt functions supported by the core, e.g., configurable interrupt priority and interrupt masking, the XC866 interrupt system provides extended interrupt support capabilities such as the mapping of each interrupt vector to several interrupt sources to increase the number of interrupt sources supported, and additional status registers for detecting and determining the interrupt source. 3.4.1 Interrupt Source Figure 12 to Figure 16 give a general overview of the interrupt sources and illustrates the request and control flags. WDT Overflow FNMIWDT NMIISR.0 NMIWDT NMICON.0 PLL Loss of Lock FNMIPLL NMIISR.1 NMIPLL NMICON.1 Flash Operation Complete FNMIFLASH NMIISR.2 NMIFLASH >=1 Non Maskable Interrupt VDD Pre-Warning FNMIVDD NMIISR.4 NMIVDD NMICON.4 0073 H VDDP Pre-Warning FNMIVDDP NMIISR.5 NMIVDDP NMICON.5 Flash ECC Error FNMIECC NMIISR.6 NMIECC NMICON.6 Figure 12 Non-Maskable Interrupt Request Sources Data Sheet 37 V1.0, 2006-02 XC866 Functional Description Highest Timer 0 Overflow TF0 TCON.5 ET0 IEN0.1 000B H IP.1/ IPH.1 Lowest Priority Level Timer 1 Overflow TF1 TCON.7 ET1 IEN0.3 001B H IP.3/ IPH.3 RI UART SCON.0 TI SCON.1 >=1 ES IEN0.4 0023 H IP.4/ IPH.4 P o l l i n g S e q u e n c e EINT0 EXINT0 IRCON0.0 IE0 TCON.1 IT0 TCON.0 EX0 IEN0.0 0003 H IP.0/ IPH.0 EXINT0 EXICON0.0/1 EINT1 EXINT1 IRCON0.1 IE1 TCON.3 IT1 TCON.2 EX1 IEN0.2 0013 H IP.2/ IPH.2 EXINT1 EXICON0.2/3 EA IEN0.7 Bit-addressable Request flag is cleared by hardware Figure 13 Interrupt Request Sources (Part 1) Data Sheet 38 V1.0, 2006-02 XC866 Functional Description Timer 2 Overflow TF2 T2CON.7 Highest T2EX EXEN2 T2CON.3 EDGES EL Normal Divider T2MOD.5 Overflow EXF2 T2CON.6 ET2 IEN0.5 >=1 002B H Lowest Priority Level IP.5/ IPH.5 NDOV FDCON.2 End of Syn Byte Syn Byte Error EOFSYN FDCON.4 ERRSYN FDCON.5 SYNEN FDCON.6 EINT2 EXINT2 IRCON0.2 EX2 IEN1.2 0043 H EXINT2 EXICON0.4/5 IP1.2/ IPH1.2 P o l l i n g S e q u e n c e EINT3 EXINT3 IRCON0.3 EXINT3 EXICON0.6/7 EINT4 EXINT4 IRCON0.4 EXINT4 EXICON1.0/1 EXM >=1 IEN1.3 004B H IP1.3/ IPH1.3 EINT5 EXINT5 IRCON0.5 EXINT5 EXICON1.2/3 EA EINT6 EXINT6 IRCON0.6 IEN0.7 Bit-addressable Request flag is cleared by hardware EXINT6 EXICON1.4/5 Bit-addressable Request flag is cleared by hardware Figure 14 Interrupt Request Sources (Part 2) Data Sheet 39 V1.0, 2006-02 XC866 Functional Description Highest ADC_SRC0 ADCSRC0 IRCON1.3 >=1 EADC IEN1.0 0033 H IP1.0/ IPH1.0 ADC_SRC1 ADCSRC1 IRCON1.4 Lowest Priority Level SSC_EIR EIR IRCON1.0 SSC_TIR TIR IRCON1.1 >=1 ESSC IEN1.1 003B H IP1.1/ IPH1.1 SSC_RIR RIR IRCON1.2 Capture/Compare interrupt node 0 ECCIP0 IEN1.4 0053 H IP1.4/ IPH1.4 P o l l i n g S e q u e n c e Capture/Compare interrupt node 1 ECCIP1 IEN1.5 005B H IP1.5/ IPH1.5 Capture/Compare interrupt node 2 ECCIP2 IEN1.6 0063 H IP1.6/ IPH1.6 Capture/Compare interrupt node 3 ECCIP3 IEN1.7 006B H IP1.7/ IPH1.7 EA IEN0.7 Bit-addressable Request flag is cleared by hardware Figure 15 Interrupt Request Sources (Part 3) Data Sheet 40 V1.0, 2006-02 XC866 Functional Description ICC60R CC60 ISL.0 ICC60F ISL.1 ICC61R CC61 ISL.2 ICC61F ISL.3 ICC62R CC62 ISL.4 ICC62F ISL.5 T12 One match T12 Period match T13 Compare match T13 Period match T12OM ISL.6 T12PM ISL.7 T13CM ISH.0 T13PM ISH.1 TRPF ISH.2 Wrong Hall Event Correct Hall Event Multi-Channel Shadow Transfer WHE ISH.5 CHE ISH.4 STR ISH.7 ENCC60R IENL.0 ENCC60F IENL.1 ENCC61R IENL.2 ENCC61F IENL.3 ENCC62R IENL.4 ENCC62F IENL.5 ENT12OM IENL.6 ENT12PM IENL.7 ENT13CM IENH.0 ENT13PM IENH.1 ENTRPF IENH.2 ENWHE IENH.5 >=1 INPL.1 INPL.0 >=1 INPL.3 INPL.2 >=1 INPL.5 INPL.4 >=1 INPH.3 INPH.2 >=1 INPH.5 INPH.4 CTRAP >=1 INPH.1 INPH.0 ENCHE IENH.4 ENSTR IENH.7 >=1 INPL.7 INPL.6 CCU6 Interrupt node 0 CCU6 Interrupt node 1 CCU6 Interrupt node 2 CCU6 Interrupt node 3 Figure 16 Interrupt Request Sources (Part 4) Data Sheet 41 V1.0, 2006-02 XC866 Functional Description 3.4.2 Interrupt Source and Vector Each interrupt source has an associated interrupt vector address. This vector is accessed to service the corresponding interrupt source request. The interrupt service of each interrupt source can be individually enabled or disabled via an enable bit. The assignment of the XC866 interrupt sources to the interrupt vector addresses and the corresponding interrupt source enable bits are summarized in Table 14. Table 14 Interrupt Source NMI Interrupt Vector Addresses Vector Address 0073H Assignment for XC866 Watchdog Timer NMI PLL NMI Flash NMI VDDC Prewarning NMI VDDP Prewarning NMI Flash ECC NMI XINTR0 XINTR1 XINTR2 XINTR3 XINTR4 XINTR5 0003H 000BH 0013H 001BH 0023H 002BH External Interrupt 0 Timer 0 External Interrupt 1 Timer 1 UART T2 Fractional Divider (Normal Divider Overflow) LIN Enable Bit NMIWDT NMIPLL NMIFLASH NMIVDD NMIVDDP NMIECC EX0 ET0 EX1 ET1 ES ET2 IEN0 SFR NMICON Data Sheet 42 V1.0, 2006-02 XC866 Functional Description Table 14 XINTR6 XINTR7 XINTR8 XINTR9 Interrupt Vector Addresses (cont’d) 0033H 003BH 0043H 004BH ADC SSC External Interrupt 2 External Interrupt 3 External Interrupt 4 External Interrupt 5 External Interrupt 6 XINTR10 XINTR11 XINTR12 XINTR13 0053H 005BH 0063H 006BH CCU6 INP0 CCU6 INP1 CCU6 INP2 CCU6 INP3 ECCIP0 ECCIP1 ECCIP2 ECCIP3 EADC ESSC EX2 EXM IEN1 Data Sheet 43 V1.0, 2006-02 XC866 Functional Description 3.4.3 Interrupt Priority Each interrupt source, except for NMI, can be individually programmed to one of the four possible priority levels. The NMI has the highest priority and supersedes all other interrupts. Two pairs of interrupt priority registers (IP and IPH, IP1 and IPH1) are available to program the priority level of each non-NMI interrupt vector. A low-priority interrupt can be interrupted by a high-priority interrupt, but not by another interrupt of the same or lower priority. Further, an interrupt of the highest priority cannot be interrupted by any other interrupt source. If two or more requests of different priority levels are received simultaneously, the request of the highest priority is serviced first. If requests of the same priority are received simultaneously, then an internal polling sequence determines which request is serviced first. Thus, within each priority level, there is a second priority structure determined by the polling sequence shown in Table 15. Table 15 Source Non-Maskable Interrupt (NMI) External Interrupt 0 Timer 0 Interrupt External Interrupt 1 Timer 1 Interrupt UART Interrupt ADC Interrupt SSC Interrupt External Interrupt 2 External Interrupt [6:3] CCU6 Interrupt Node Pointer 0 CCU6 Interrupt Node Pointer 1 CCU6 Interrupt Node Pointer 2 CCU6 Interrupt Node Pointer 3 Priority Structure within Interrupt Level Level (highest) 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Timer 2,Fractional Divider, LIN Interrupts 6 Data Sheet 44 V1.0, 2006-02 XC866 Functional Description 3.5 Parallel Ports The XC866 has 27 port pins organized into four parallel ports, Port 0 (P0) to Port 3 (P3). Each pin has a pair of internal pull-up and pull-down devices that can be individually enabled or disabled. Ports P0, P1 and P3 are bidirectional and can be used as general purpose input/output (GPIO) or to perform alternate input/output functions for the on-chip peripherals. When configured as an output, the open drain mode can be selected. Port P2 is an input-only port, providing general purpose input functions, alternate input functions for the on-chip peripherals, and also analog inputs for the Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC). Bidirectional Port Features: • • • • • Configurable pin direction Configurable pull-up/pull-down devices Configurable open drain mode Transfer of data through digital inputs and outputs (general purpose I/O) Alternate input/output for on-chip peripherals Input Port Features: • • • • • Configurable input driver Configurable pull-up/pull-down devices Receive of data through digital input (general purpose input) Alternate input for on-chip peripherals Analog input for ADC module Data Sheet 45 V1.0, 2006-02 XC866 Functional Description Internal Bus Px_PUDSEL Pull-up/Pull-down Select Register Px_PUDEN Pull-up/Pull-down Enable Register Px_OD Open Drain Control Register Px_DIR Direction Register Px_ALTSEL0 Alternate Select Register 0 VDDP Px_ALTSEL1 Alternate Select Register 1 AltDataOut 3 AltDataOut 2 AltDataOut1 11 10 01 00 enable Pull Up Device enable Output Driver Pin Px_Data Data Register Out In enable Input Driver AltDataIn Schmitt Trigger enable Pull Down Device Pad Figure 17 General Structure of Bidirectional Port Data Sheet 46 V1.0, 2006-02 XC866 Functional Description Internal Bus Px_PUDSEL Pull-up/Pull-down Select Register Px_PUDEN Pull-up/Pull-down Enable Register Px_DIR Direction Register VDDP enable enable Input Driver Pull Up Device Pin Px_DATA Data Register In Schmitt Trigger AltDataIn AnalogIn enable Pull Down Device Pad Figure 18 General Structure of Input Port Data Sheet 47 V1.0, 2006-02 XC866 Functional Description 3.6 Power Supply System with Embedded Voltage Regulator The XC866 microcontroller requires two different levels of power supply: • 3.3 V or 5.0 V for the Embedded Voltage Regulator (EVR) and Ports • 2.5 V for the core, memory, on-chip oscillator, and peripherals Figure 19 shows the XC866 power supply system. A power supply of 3.3 V or 5.0 V must be provided from the external power supply pin. The 2.5 V power supply for the logic is generated by the EVR. The EVR helps to reduce the power consumption of the whole chip and the complexity of the application board design. The EVR consists of a main voltage regulator and a low power voltage regulator. In active mode, both voltage regulators are enabled. In power-down mode, the main voltage regulator is switched off, while the low power voltage regulator continues to function and provide power supply to the system with low power consumption. CPU & Memory On-chip OSC Peripheral logic ADC V DDC (2.5V) FLASH PLL GPIO Ports (P0-P3) EVR XTAL1& XTAL2 VDDP (3.3V/5.0V) VSSP Figure 19 XC866 Power Supply System EVR Features: • • • • • Input voltage (VDDP): 3.3 V/5.0 V Output voltage (VDDC): 2.5 V ± 7.5% Low power voltage regulator provided in power-down mode VDDC and VDDP prewarning detection VDDC brownout detection Data Sheet 48 V1.0, 2006-02 XC866 Functional Description 3.7 Reset Control The XC866 has five types of reset: power-on reset, hardware reset, watchdog timer reset, power-down wake-up reset, and brownout reset. When the XC866 is first powered up, the status of certain pins (see Table 17) must be defined to ensure proper start operation of the device. At the end of a reset sequence, the sampled values are latched to select the desired boot option, which cannot be modified until the next power-on reset or hardware reset. This guarantees stable conditions during the normal operation of the device. In order to power up the system properly, the external reset pin RESET must be asserted until VDDC reaches 0.9*VDDC. The delay of external reset can be realized by an external capacitor at RESET pin. This capacitor value must be selected so that VRESET reaches 0.4 V, but not before VDDC reaches 0.9* VDDC. A typical application example is shown in Figure 20. For a voltage regulator with IDDmax = 100 mA, the VDDP capacitor value is 10 µF. VDDC capacitor value is 220 nF. The capacitor connected to RESET pin is 100 nF. Typically, the time taken for VDDC to reach 0.9*VDDC is less than 50 µs once VDDP reaches 2.3V. Hence, based on the condition that 10% to 90% VDDP (slew rate) is less than 500 µs, the RESET pin should be held low for 500 µs typically. See Figure 21. Vin VR 3.3V/5V / e.g. 100mA e.g. 10uF 220nF VSSP typ. 100nF RESET VDDP VDDC VSSC EVR 30k XC866 Figure 20 Reset Circuitry Data Sheet 49 V1.0, 2006-02 XC866 Functional Description Voltage 5V 2.5V 2.3V 0.9*VDDC VDDP VDDC Time Voltage 5V RESET wit h capacitor < 0.4V 0V typ. < 50 u s Time Figure 21 VDDP, VDDC and VRESET during Power-on Reset The second type of reset in XC866 is the hardware reset. This reset function can be used during normal operation or when the chip is in power-down mode. A reset input pin RESET is provided for the hardware reset. The Watchdog Timer (WDT) module is also capable of resetting the device if it detects a malfunction in the system. Another type of reset that needs to be detected is a reset while the device is in power-down mode (wake-up reset). While the contents of the static RAM are undefined after a power-on reset, they are well defined after a wake-up reset from power-down mode. Data Sheet 50 V1.0, 2006-02 XC866 Functional Description 3.7.1 Module Reset Behavior Table 16 shows how the functions of the XC866 are affected by the various reset types. A “ ” means that this function is reset to its default state. Table 16 Module/ Function CPU Core Peripherals On-Chip Static RAM Oscillator, PLL Port Pins EVR The voltage Not affected regulator is switched on Disabled Disabled Not affected, Not affected, Not affected, Affected, un- Affected, unreliable reliable reliable reliable reliable Not affected Effect of Reset on Device Functions Wake-Up Reset Watchdog Reset Hardware Reset Power-On Reset Brownout Reset FLASH NMI 3.7.2 Booting Scheme When the XC866 is reset, it must identify the type of configuration with which to start the different modes once the reset sequence is complete. Thus, boot configuration information that is required for activation of special modes and conditions needs to be applied by the external world through input pins. After power-on reset or hardware reset, the pins MBC, TMS and P0.0 collectively select the different boot options. Table 17 shows the available boot options in the XC866. Table 17 MBC 1 0 0 1 1) XC866 Boot Selection P0.0 x x 0 0 Type of Mode User Mode; on-chip OSC/PLL non-bypassed BSL Mode; on-chip OSC/PLL non-bypassed OCDS Mode; on-chip OSC/PLL nonbypassed Standalone User (JTAG) Mode1); on-chip OSC/PLL non-bypassed (normal) PC Start Value 0000H 0000H 0000H 0000H TMS 0 0 1 1 Normal user mode with standard JTAG (TCK,TDI,TDO) pins for hot-attach purpose. Data Sheet 51 V1.0, 2006-02 XC866 Functional Description 3.8 Clock Generation Unit The Clock Generation Unit (CGU) allows great flexibility in the clock generation for the XC866. The power consumption is indirectly proportional to the frequency, whereas the performance of the microcontroller is directly proportional to the frequency. During user program execution, the frequency can be programmed for an optimal ratio between performance and power consumption. Therefore the power consumption can be adapted to the actual application state. Features: • • • • • Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) for multiplying clock source by different factors PLL Base Mode Prescaler Mode PLL Mode Power-down mode support The CGU consists of an oscillator circuit and a PLL.In the XC866, the oscillator can be from either of these two sources: the on-chip oscillator (10 MHz) or the external oscillator (3 MHz to 12 MHz). The term “oscillator” is used to refer to both on-chip oscillator and external oscillator, unless otherwise stated. After the reset, the on-chip oscillator will be used by default.The external oscillator can be selected via software. In addition, the PLL provides a fail-safe logic to perform oscillator run and loss-of-lock detection. This allows emergency routines to be executed for system recovery or to perform system shut down. osc fail detect lock detect OSC OSCR LOCK fosc P:1 fp fn PLL core fvco K:1 fsys N:1 PLLBYP OSCDISC NDIV VCOBYP Figure 22 Data Sheet CGU Block Diagram 52 V1.0, 2006-02 XC866 Functional Description Direct Drive (PLL Bypass Operation) During PLL bypass operation, the system clock has the same frequency as the external clock source. For the XC866, the PLL bypass cannot be set active. Hence, the direct drive mode is not available for use. f SYS = f OSC PLL Base Mode The system clock is derived from the VCO base frequency clock divided by the K factor. Both VCO bypass and PLL bypass must be inactive for this PLL mode. 1 f SYS = f VCObase × --K Prescaler Mode (VCO Bypass Operation) In VCO bypass operation, the system clock is derived from the oscillator clock, divided by the P and K factors. 1 f SYS = f OSC × ------------P×K PLL Mode The system clock is derived from the oscillator clock, multiplied by the N factor, and divided by the P and K factors. Both VCO bypass and PLL bypass must be inactive for this PLL mode. The PLL mode is used during normal system operation. . N f SYS = f OSC × ------------P×K System Frequency Selection For the XC866, the values of P and K are fixed to “1” and “2”, respectively. In order to obtain the required system frequency, fsys, the value of N can be selected by bit NDIV for different oscillator inputs. Table 18 provides examples on how fsys = 80 MHz can be obtained for the different oscillator sources. Table 18 Oscillator On-chip System frequency (fsys = 80 MHz) fosc 10 MHz N 16 P 1 K 2 fsys 80 MHz Data Sheet 53 V1.0, 2006-02 XC866 Functional Description Table 18 Oscillator External System frequency (fsys = 80 MHz) fosc 10 MHz 8 MHz 5 MHz N 16 20 32 P 1 1 1 K 2 2 2 fsys 80 MHz 80 MHz 80 MHz Table 19 shows the VCO range for the XC866. Table 19 fVCOmin 150 100 VCO Range fVCOmax 200 150 fVCOFREEmin 20 10 fVCOFREEmax 80 80 Unit MHz MHz 3.8.1 Resonator Circuitry Figure 23 shows the recommended ceramic resonator circuitry. When using an external resonator, its frequency can be within the range of 3 MHz to 12 MHz. A resonator load circuitry must be used, connected to both pins, XTAL1 and XTAL2. It normally consists of two load capacitances C1 and C2, and in some cases, a feedback (Rf) and/or damp (Rd) resistor might be necessary. C1 XTAL1 Ceramic Resonator Rf XC866 C2 Rd XTAL2 Figure 23 External Ceramic Resonator Circuitry Note: The manufacturer of the ceramic resonator should check the resonator circuitry and make recommendations for the C1, C2, Rf and Rd values to be used for stable start-up behavior. Data Sheet 54 V1.0, 2006-02 XC866 Functional Description 3.8.2 Clock Management The CGU generates all clock signals required within the microcontroller from a single clock, fsys. During normal system operation, the typical frequencies of the different modules are as follow: • • • • CPU clock: CCLK, SCLK = 26.7 MHz CCU6 clock: FCLK = 26.7 MHz Other peripherals: PCLK = 26.7 MHz Flash Interface clock: CCLK3 = 80 MHz and CCLK = 26.7 MHz In addition, different clock frequency can output to pin CLKOUT(P0.0). The clock output frequency can further be divided by 2 using toggle latch (bit TLEN is set to 1), the resulting output frequency has 50% duty cycle. Figure 24 shows the clock distribution of the XC866. CLKREL FCLK CCU6 Peripherals CORE OSC fosc PLL fsys /3 PCLK SCLK CCLK N,P,K CCLK3 FLASH Interface COREL TLEN Toggle Latch CLKOUT COUTS Figure 24 Clock Generation from fsys Data Sheet 55 V1.0, 2006-02 XC866 Functional Description For power saving purposes, the clocks may be disabled or slowed down according to Table 20. Table 20 System frequency (fsys = 80 MHz) Power Saving Mode Idle Slow-down Action Clock to the CPU is disabled. Clocks to the CPU and all the peripherals, including CCU6, are divided by a common programmable factor defined by bit field CMCON.CLKREL. Oscillator and PLL are switched off. Power-down Data Sheet 56 V1.0, 2006-02 XC866 Functional Description 3.9 Power Saving Modes The power saving modes of the XC866 provide flexible power consumption through a combination of techniques, including: • • • • Stopping the CPU clock Stopping the clocks of individual system components Reducing clock speed of some peripheral components Power-down of the entire system with fast restart capability After a reset, the active mode (normal operating mode) is selected by default (see Figure 25) and the system runs in the main system clock frequency. From active mode, different power saving modes can be selected by software. They are: • Idle mode • Slow-down mode • Power-down mode any interrupt & SD=0 set IDLE bit ACTIVE EXINT0/RXD pin & SD=0 set PD bit IDLE set SD bit clear SD bit POWER-DOWN set IDLE bit any interrupt & SD=1 SLOW-DOWN set PD bit EXINT0/RXD pin & SD=1 Figure 25 Transition between Power Saving Modes Data Sheet 57 V1.0, 2006-02 XC866 Functional Description 3.10 Watchdog Timer The Watchdog Timer (WDT) provides a highly reliable and secure way to detect and recover from software or hardware failures. The WDT is reset at a regular interval that is predefined by the user. The CPU must service the WDT within this interval to prevent the WDT from causing an XC866 system reset. Hence, routine service of the WDT confirms that the system is functioning properly. This ensures that an accidental malfunction of the XC866 will be aborted in a user-specified time period. In debug mode, the WDT is suspended and stops counting. Therefore, there is no need to refresh the WDT during debugging. Features: • • • • • 16-bit Watchdog Timer Programmable reload value for upper 8 bits of timer Programmable window boundary Selectable input frequency of fPCLK/2 or fPCLK/128 Time-out detection with NMI generation and reset prewarning activation (after which a system reset will be performed) The WDT is a 16-bit timer incremented by a count rate of fPCLK/2 or fPCLK/128. This 16-bit timer is realized as two concatenated 8-bit timers. The upper 8 bits of the WDT can be preset to a user-programmable value via a watchdog service access in order to modify the watchdog expire time period. The lower 8 bits are reset on each service access. Figure 26 shows the block diagram of the WDT unit. WDT Control Clear MUX f PCLK 1:128 WDT Low Byte WDT High Byte WDTREL 1:2 Overflow/Time-out Control & Window-boundary control ENWDT Logic ENWDT_P WDTWINB WDTTO WDTRST WDTIN Figure 26 Data Sheet WDT Block Diagram 58 V1.0, 2006-02 XC866 Functional Description If the WDT is not serviced before the timer overflow, a system malfunction is assumed. As a result, the WDT NMI is triggered (assert WDTTO) and the reset prewarning is entered. The prewarning period lasts for 30H count, after which the system is reset (assert WDTRST). The WDT has a “programmable window boundary” which disallows any refresh during the WDT’s count-up. A refresh during this window boundary constitutes an invalid access to the WDT, causing the reset prewarning to be entered but without triggering the WDT NMI. The system will still be reset after the prewarning period is over. The window boundary is from 0000H to the value obtained from the concatenation of WDTWINB and 00H. After being serviced, the WDT continues counting up from the value ( * 28). The time period for an overflow of the WDT is programmable in two ways: • the input frequency to the WDT can be selected to be either fPCLK/2 or fPCLK/128 • the reload value WDTREL for the high byte of WDT can be programmed in register WDTREL The period, PWDT, between servicing the WDT and the next overflow can be determined by the following formula: ( 1 + WDTIN × 6 ) × ( 2 16 – WDTREL × 2 8 ) P WDT = 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------f PCLK If the Window-Boundary Refresh feature of the WDT is enabled, the period PWDT between servicing the WDT and the next overflow is shortened if WDTWINB is greater than WDTREL, see Figure 27. This period can be calculated using the same formula by replacing WDTREL with WDTWINB. For this feature to be useful, WDTWINB should not be smaller than WDTREL. Count FFFF H WDTWINB WDTREL time No refresh allowed Refresh allowed Figure 27 Data Sheet WDT Timing Diagram 59 V1.0, 2006-02 XC866 Functional Description Table 21 lists the possible watchdog time range that can be achieved for different module clock frequencies . Some numbers are rounded to 3 significant digits. Table 21 Reload value in WDTREL FFH 7FH 00H Watchdog Time Ranges Prescaler for fPCLK 2 (WDTIN = 0) 26.7 MHz 19.2 µs 2.48 ms 4.92 ms 128 (WDTIN = 1) 26.7 MHz 1.23 ms 159 ms 315 ms Data Sheet 60 V1.0, 2006-02 XC866 Functional Description 3.11 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter The Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) provides a full-duplex asynchronous receiver/transmitter, i.e., it can transmit and receive simultaneously. It is also receive-buffered, i.e., it can commence reception of a second byte before a previously received byte has been read from the receive register. However, if the first byte still has not been read by the time reception of the second byte is complete, one of the bytes will be lost. Features: • Full-duplex asynchronous modes – 8-bit or 9-bit data frames, LSB first – fixed or variable baud rate • Receive buffered • Multiprocessor communication • Interrupt generation on the completion of a data transmission or reception The UART can operate in four asynchronous modes as shown in Table 22. Data is transmitted on TXD and received on RXD. Table 22 UART Modes Baud Rate fPCLK/2 Variable fPCLK/32 or fPCLK/64 Variable Operating Mode Mode 0: 8-bit shift register Mode 1: 8-bit shift UART Mode 2: 9-bit shift UART Mode 3: 9-bit shift UART There are several ways to generate the baud rate clock for the serial port, depending on the mode in which it is operating. In mode 0, the baud rate for the transfer is fixed at fPCLK/2. In mode 2, the baud rate is generated internally based on the UART input clock and can be configured to either fPCLK/32 or fPCLK/64. The variable baud rate is set by either the underflow rate on the dedicated baud-rate generator, or by the overflow rate on Timer 1. Data Sheet 61 V1.0, 2006-02 XC866 Functional Description 3.11.1 Baud-Rate Generator The baud-rate generator is based on a programmable 8-bit reload value, and includes divider stages (i.e., prescaler and fractional divider) for generating a wide range of baud rates based on its input clock fPCLK, see Figure 28. Fractional Divider FDSTEP 1 FDM 1 0 FDEN&FDM 8-Bit Reload Value Adder fDIV 00 01 0 1 FDEN FDRES 0 11 fMOD (overflow) 10 8-Bit Baud Rate Timer fBR R fPCLK Prescaler fDIV clk 11 10 01 ‘0’ 00 NDOV Figure 28 Baud-rate Generator Circuitry The baud rate timer is a count-down timer and is clocked by either the output of the fractional divider (fMOD) if the fractional divider is enabled (FDCON.FDEN = 1), or the output of the prescaler (fDIV) if the fractional divider is disabled (FDEN = 0). For baud rate generation, the fractional divider must be configured to fractional divider mode (FDCON.FDM = 0). This allows the baud rate control run bit BCON.R to be used to start or stop the baud rate timer. At each timer underflow, the timer is reloaded with the 8-bit reload value in register BG and one clock pulse is generated for the serial channel. Enabling the fractional divider in normal divider mode (FDEN = 1 and FDM = 1) stops the baud rate timer and nullifies the effect of bit BCON.R. See Section 3.12. The baud rate (fBR) value is dependent on the following parameters: • Input clock fPCLK • Prescaling factor (2BRPRE) defined by bit field BRPRE in register BCON • Fractional divider (STEP/256) defined by register FDSTEP (to be considered only if fractional divider is enabled and operating in fractional divider mode) Data Sheet 62 V1.0, 2006-02 XC866 Functional Description • 8-bit reload value (BR_VALUE) for the baud rate timer defined by register BG The following formulas calculate the final baud rate without and with the fractional divider respectively: f PCLK BRPRE baud rate = ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- where 2 × ( BR_VALUE + 1 ) > 1 BRPRE 16 × 2 × ( BR_VALUE + 1 ) f PCLK - STEP baud rate = ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- × -------------BRPRE 256 16 × 2 × ( BR_VALUE + 1 ) The maximum baud rate that can be generated is limited to fPCLK/32. Hence, for a module clock of 26.7 MHz, the maximum achievable baud rate is 0.83 MBaud. Standard LIN protocal can support a maximum baud rate of 20kHz, the baud rate accuracy is not critical and the fractional divider can be disabled. Only the prescaler is used for auto baud rate calculation. For LIN fast mode, which supports the baud rate of 20kHz to 115.2kHz, the higher baud rates require the use of the fractional divider for greater accuracy. Table 23 lists the various commonly used baud rates with their corresponding parameter settings and deviation errors. The fractional divider is disabled and a module clock of 26.7 MHz is used. Table 23 Baud rate 19.2 kBaud 9600 Baud 4800 Baud 2400 Baud Typical Baud rates for UART with Fractional Divider disabled Prescaling Factor (2BRPRE) 1 (BRPRE=000B) 1 (BRPRE=000B) 2 (BRPRE=001B) 4 (BRPRE=010B) Reload Value (BR_VALUE + 1) 87 (57H) 174 (AEH) 174 (AEH) 174 (AEH) Deviation Error -0.22 % -0.22 % -0.22 % -0.22 % The fractional divider allows baud rates of higher accuracy (lower deviation error) to be generated. Table 24 lists the resulting deviation errors from generating a baud rate of 115.2 kHz, using different module clock frequencies. The fractional divider is enabled (fractional divider mode) and the corresponding parameter settings are shown. Data Sheet 63 V1.0, 2006-02 XC866 Functional Description Table 24 fPCLK 26.67 MHz 13.33 MHz 6.67 MHz Deviation Error for UART with Fractional Divider enabled STEP Prescaling Factor Reload Value (BR_VALUE + 1) (2BRPRE) 1 1 1 10 (AH) 7 (7H) 3 (3H) 177 (B1H) 248 (F8H) 212 (D4H) Deviation Error +0.03 % +0.11 % -0.16 % Data Sheet 64 V1.0, 2006-02 XC866 Functional Description 3.11.2 Baud Rate Generation using Timer 1 In UART modes 1 and 3, Timer 1 can be used for generating the variable baud rates. In theory, this timer could be used in any of its modes. But in practice, it should be set into auto-reload mode (Timer 1 mode 2), with its high byte set to the appropriate value for the required baud rate. The baud rate is determined by the Timer 1 overflow rate and the value of SMOD as follows: [3.1] 2 × f PCLK Mode 1, 3 baud rate = ---------------------------------------------------32 × 2 × ( 256 – TH1 ) SMOD 3.12 Normal Divider Mode (8-bit Auto-reload Timer) Setting bit FDM in register FDCON to 1 configures the fractional divider to normal divider mode, while at the same time disables baud rate generation (see Figure 28). Once the fractional divider is enabled (FDEN = 1), it functions as an 8-bit auto-reload timer (with no relation to baud rate generation) and counts up from the reload value with each input clock pulse. Bit field RESULT in register FDRES represents the timer value, while bit field STEP in register FDSTEP defines the reload value. At each timer overflow, an overflow flag (FDCON.NDOV) will be set and an interrupt request generated. This gives an output clock fMOD that is 1/n of the input clock fDIV, where n is defined by 256 - STEP. The output frequency in normal divider mode is derived as follows: [3.2] 1 f MOD = f DIV × ----------------------------256 – STEP Data Sheet 65 V1.0, 2006-02 XC866 Functional Description 3.13 LIN Protocol The UART can be used to support the Local Interconnect Network (LIN) protocol for both master and slave operations. The LIN baud rate detection feature provides the capability to detect the baud rate within LIN protocol using Timer 2. This allows the UART to be synchronized to the LIN baud rate for data transmission and reception. LIN is a holistic communication concept for local interconnected networks in vehicles. The communication is based on the SCI (UART) data format, a single-master/multipleslave concept, a clock synchronization for nodes without stabilized time base. An attractive feature of LIN is self-synchronization of the slave nodes without a crystal or ceramic resonator, which significantly reduces the cost of hardware platform. Hence, the baud rate must be calculated and returned with every message frame. The structure of a LIN frame is shown in Figure 29. The frame consists of the: • • • • header, which comprises a Break (13-bit time low), Synch Byte (55H), and ID field response time data bytes (according to UART protocol) checksum Frame slot Frame Response space Interframe space Header Response Synch Protected identifier Data 1 Data 2 Data N Checksum Figure 29 Structure of LIN Frame 3.13.1 LIN Header Transmission LIN header transmission is only applicable in master mode. In the LIN communication, a master task decides when and which frame is to be transferred on the bus. It also identifies a slave task to provide the data transported by each frame. The information needed for the handshaking between the master and slave tasks is provided by the master task through the header portion of the frame. The header consists of a break and synch pattern followed by an identifier. Among these three fields, only the break pattern cannot be transmitted as a normal 8-bit UART data. Data Sheet 66 V1.0, 2006-02 XC866 Functional Description The break must contain a dominant value of 13 bits or more to ensure proper synchronization of slave nodes. In the LIN communication, a slave task is required to be synchronized at the beginning of the protected identifier field of frame. For this purpose, every frame starts with a sequence consisting of a break field followed by a synch byte field. This sequence is unique and provides enough information for any slave task to detect the beginning of a new frame and be synchronized at the start of the identifier field. Upon entering LIN communication, a connection is established and the transfer speed (baud rate) of the serial communication partner (host) is automatically synchronized in the following steps: STEP 1: Initialize interface for reception and timer for baud rate measurement STEP 2: Wait for an incoming LIN frame from host STEP 3: Synchronize the baud rate to the host STEP 4: Enter for Master Request Frame or for Slave Response Frame Note: Re-synchronization and setup of baud rate are always done for every Master Request Header or Slave Response Header LIN frame. Data Sheet 67 V1.0, 2006-02 XC866 Functional Description 3.14 High-Speed Synchronous Serial Interface The High-Speed Synchronous Serial Interface (SSC) supports full-duplex and half-duplex synchronous communication. The serial clock signal can be generated by the SSC internally (master mode), using its own 16-bit baud-rate generator, or can be received from an external master (slave mode). Data width, shift direction, clock polarity and phase are programmable. This allows communication with SPI-compatible devices or devices using other synchronous serial interfaces. Features: • Master and slave mode operation – Full-duplex or half-duplex operation • Transmit and receive buffered • Flexible data format – Programmable number of data bits: 2 to 8 bits – Programmable shift direction: LSB or MSB shift first – Programmable clock polarity: idle low or high state for the shift clock – Programmable clock/data phase: data shift with leading or trailing edge of the shift clock • Variable baud rate • Compatible with Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) • Interrupt generation – On a transmitter empty condition – On a receiver full condition – On an error condition (receive, phase, baud rate, transmit error) Data Sheet 68 V1.0, 2006-02 XC866 Functional Description Data is transmitted or received on lines TXD and RXD, which are normally connected to the pins MTSR (Master Transmit/Slave Receive) and MRST (Master Receive/Slave Transmit). The clock signal is output via line MS_CLK (Master Serial Shift Clock) or input via line SS_CLK (Slave Serial Shift Clock). Both lines are normally connected to the pin SCLK. Transmission and reception of data are double-buffered. Figure 30 shows the block diagram of the SSC. P CLK Baud-rate Generator Clock Control Shift Clock RIR SSC Control Block Register CON TIR EIR SS_CLK MS_CLK Receive Int. Request Transmit Int. Request Error Int. Request Status Control TXD(Master) RXD(Slave) TXD(Slave) RXD(Master) 16-Bit Shift Register Pin Control Transmit Buffer Register TB Receive Buffer Register RB Internal Bus Figure 30 SSC Block Diagram Data Sheet 69 V1.0, 2006-02 XC866 Functional Description 3.15 Timer 0 and Timer 1 Timers 0 and 1 are count-up timers which are incremented every machine cycle, or in terms of the input clock, every 2 PCLK cycles. They are fully compatible and can be configured in four different operating modes for use in a variety of applications, see Table 25. In modes 0, 1 and 2, the two timers operate independently, but in mode 3, their functions are specialized. Table 25 Mode 0 Timer 0 and Timer 1 Modes Operation 13-bit timer The timer is essentially an 8-bit counter with a divide-by-32 prescaler. This mode is included solely for compatibility with Intel 8048 devices. 16-bit timer The timer registers, TLx and THx, are concatenated to form a 16-bit counter. 8-bit timer with auto-reload The timer register TLx is reloaded with a user-defined 8-bit value in THx upon overflow. Timer 0 operates as two 8-bit timers The timer registers, TL0 and TH0, operate as two separate 8-bit counters. Timer 1 is halted and retains its count even if enabled. 1 2 3 Data Sheet 70 V1.0, 2006-02 XC866 Functional Description 3.16 Timer 2 Timer 2 is a 16-bit general purpose timer (THL2) that has two modes of operation, a 16-bit auto-reload mode and a 16-bit one channel capture mode. If the prescalar is disabled, Timer 2 counts with an input clock of PCLK/12. Timer 2 continues counting as long as it is enabled. Table 26 Mode Timer 2 Modes Description Auto-reload Up/Down Count Disabled • Count up only • Start counting from 16-bit reload value, overflow at FFFFH • Reload event configurable for trigger by overflow condition only, or by negative/positive edge at input pin T2EX as well • Programmble reload value in register RC2 • Interrupt is generated with reload event Up/Down Count Enabled • Count up or down, direction determined by level at input pin T2EX • No interrupt is generated • Count up – Start counting from 16-bit reload value, overflow at FFFFH – Reload event triggered by overflow condition – Programmble reload value in register RC2 • Count down – Start counting from FFFFH, underflow at value defined in register RC2 – Reload event triggered by underflow condition – Reload value fixed at FFFFH Channel capture • • • • • • • Count up only Start counting from 0000H, overflow at FFFFH Reload event triggered by overflow condition Reload value fixed at 0000H Capture event triggered by falling/rising edge at pin T2EX Captured timer value stored in register RC2 Interrupt is generated with reload or capture event Data Sheet 71 V1.0, 2006-02 XC866 Functional Description 3.17 Capture/Compare Unit 6 The Capture/Compare Unit 6 (CCU6) provides two independent timers (T12, T13), which can be used for Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) generation, especially for AC-motor control. The CCU6 also supports special control modes for block commutation and multi-phase machines. The timer T12 can function in capture and/or compare mode for its three channels. The timer T13 can work in compare mode only. The multi-channel control unit generates output patterns, which can be modulated by T12 and/or T13. The modulation sources can be selected and combined for the signal modulation. Timer T12 Features: • Three capture/compare channels, each channel can be used either as a capture or as a compare channel • Supports generation of a three-phase PWM (six outputs, individual signals for highside and lowside switches) • 16-bit resolution, maximum count frequency = peripheral clock frequency • Dead-time control for each channel to avoid short-circuits in the power stage • Concurrent update of the required T12/13 registers • Generation of center-aligned and edge-aligned PWM • Supports single-shot mode • Supports many interrupt request sources • Hysteresis-like control mode Timer T13 Features: • • • • • One independent compare channel with one output 16-bit resolution, maximum count frequency = peripheral clock frequency Can be synchronized to T12 Interrupt generation at period-match and compare-match Supports single-shot mode Additional Features: • • • • • • • Implements block commutation for Brushless DC-drives Position detection via Hall-sensor pattern Automatic rotational speed measurement for block commutation Integrated error handling Fast emergency stop without CPU load via external signal (CTRAP) Control modes for multi-channel AC-drives Output levels can be selected and adapted to the power stage Data Sheet 72 V1.0, 2006-02 XC866 Functional Description The block diagram of the CCU6 module is shown in Figure 31. module kernel address decoder channel 0 T12 channel 1 channel 2 start compare compare capture compare 1 1 deadtime control multichannel control trap control output select output select 3 clock control 1 T13 interrupt control channel 3 compare 1 3 2 2 2 trap input 1 input / output control CCPOS0 CCPOS1 CCPOS2 COUT63 COUT60 COUT61 COUT62 Hall input compare port control CCU6_block_diagram Figure 31 CCU6 Block Diagram Data Sheet 73 V1.0, 2006-02 CTRAP T12HR T13HR CC60 CC61 CC62 XC866 Functional Description 3.18 Analog-to-Digital Converter The XC866 includes a high-performance 10-bit Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) with eight multiplexed analog input channels. The ADC uses a successive approximation technique to convert the analog voltage levels from up to eight different sources. The analog input channels of the ADC are available at Port 2. Features: • Successive approximation • 8-bit or 10-bit resolution (TUE of ± 1 LSB and ± 2 LSB, respectively) • Eight analog channels • Four independent result registers • Result data protection for slow CPU access (wait-for-read mode) • Single conversion mode • Autoscan functionality • Limit checking for conversion results • Data reduction filter (accumulation of up to 2 conversion results) • Two independent conversion request sources with programmable priority • Selectable conversion request trigger • Flexible interrupt generation with configurable service nodes • Programmable sample time • Programmable clock divider • Cancel/restart feature for running conversions • Integrated sample and hold circuitry • Compensation of offset errors • Low power modes Data Sheet 74 V1.0, 2006-02 XC866 Functional Description 3.18.1 ADC Clocking Scheme A common module clock fADC generates the various clock signals used by the analog and digital parts of the ADC module: • fADCA is input clock for the analog part. • fADCI is internal clock for the analog part (defines the time base for conversion length and the sample time). This clock is generated internally in the analog part, based on the input clock fADCA to generate a correct duty cycle for the analog components. • fADCD is input clock for the digital part. The internal clock for the analog part fADCI is limited to a maximum frequency of 10 MHz. Therefore, the ADC clock prescaler must be programmed to a value that ensures fADCI does not exceed 10 MHz. The prescaler ratio is selected by bit field CTC in register GLOBCTR. A prescaling ratio of 32 can be selected when the maximum performance of the ADC is not required. fADC = fPCLK fADCD arbiter registers interrupts digital part fADCA CTC ÷ 32 f ADCI ÷4 MUX ÷3 ÷2 clock prescaler analog components analog part 1 fADCI Condition: f ADCI ≤ 10 MHz, where t ADCI = Figure 32 ADC Clocking Scheme Data Sheet 75 V1.0, 2006-02 XC866 Functional Description For module clock fADC = 26.7 MHz, the analog clock fADCI frequency can be selected as shown in Table 27. Table 27 26.7 MHz fADCI Frequency Selection CTC 00B 01B 10B 11B (default) Prescaling Ratio ÷2 ÷3 ÷4 ÷ 32 Analog Clock fADCI 13.3 MHz (N.A) 8.9 MHz 6.7 MHz 833.3 kHz Module Clock fADC As fADCI cannot exceed 10 MHz, bit field CTC should not be set to 00B when fADC is 26.7 MHz. During slow-down mode where fADC may be reduced to 13.3 MHz, 6.7 MHz etc., CTC can be set to 00B as long as the divided analog clock fADCI does not exceed 10 MHz. However, it is important to note that the conversion error could increase due to loss of charges on the capacitors, if fADC becomes too low during slow-down mode. 3.18.2 • • • • ADC Conversion Sequence The analog-to-digital conversion procedure consists of the following phases: Synchronization phase (tSYN) Sample phase (tS) Conversion phase Write result phase (tWR) conversion start trigger Sample Phase fADCI BUSY Bit SAMPLE Bit tSYN tS tCONV Write Result Phase tWR Conversion Phase Source interrupt Channel interrupt Result interrupt Figure 33 ADC Conversion Timing Data Sheet 76 V1.0, 2006-02 XC866 Functional Description 3.19 On-Chip Debug Support The On-Chip Debug Support (OCDS) provides the basic functionality required for the software development and debugging of XC800-based systems. The OCDS design is based on these principles: • • • • use the built-in debug functionality of the XC800 Core add a minimum of hardware overhead provide support for most of the operations by a Monitor Program use standard interfaces to communicate with the Host (a Debugger) Features: • • • • • Set breakpoints on instruction address and within a specified address range Set breakpoints on internal RAM address Support unlimited software breakpoints in Flash/RAM code region Process external breaks Step through the program code The OCDS functional blocks are shown in Figure 34. The Monitor Mode Control (MMC) block at the center of OCDS system brings together control signals and supports the overall functionality. The MMC communicates with the XC800 Core, primarily via the Debug Interface, and also receives reset and clock signals. After processing memory address and control signals from the core, the MMC provides proper access to the dedicated extra-memories: a Monitor ROM (holding the code) and a Monitor RAM (for work-data and Monitor-stack). The OCDS system is accessed through the JTAG1), which is an interface dedicated exclusively for testing and debugging activities and is not normally used in an application. The dedicated MBC pin is used for external configuration and debugging control. Note: All the debug functionality described here can normally be used only after XC866 has been started in OCDS mode. 1) The pins of the JTAG port can be assigned to either Port 0 (primary) or Ports 1 and 2 (secondary). User must set the JTAG pins (TCK and TDI) as input during connection with the OCDS system. Data Sheet 77 V1.0, 2006-02 XC866 Functional Description JTAG Module Primary Debug Interface TMS TCK TDI TDO TCK TDI TDO Control Reset Monitor & Bootstrap loader Control line MBC Memory Control Unit User Program Memory Boot/ Monitor ROM JTAG Monitor Mode Control WDT Suspend System Control Unit Reset Clock User Internal RAM Monitor RAM - parts of OCDS Reset Clock Debug PROG PROG Memory Interface & IRAM Data Control Addresses XC800 OCDS_XC800-Block_Diagram-UM-v0.2 Figure 34 OCDS Block Diagram 3.19.1 JTAG ID Register This is a read-only register located inside the JTAG module, and is used to recognize the device(s) connected to the JTAG interface. Its content is shifted out when INSTRUCTION register contains the IDCODE command (opcode 04H), and the same is also true immediately after reset. The JTAG ID register contents for the XC866 Flash devices are given in Table 28. Table 28 Device Type Flash JTAG ID Summary Device Name XC866L-4FR XC866-4FR XC866L-2FR XC866-2FR JTAG ID 1010 0083H 100F 5083H 1010 2083H 1010 1083H Data Sheet 78 V1.0, 2006-02 XC866 Functional Description 3.20 Identification Register The XC866 identity register is located at Page 1 of address B3H. ID Identity Register 7 6 5 PRODID r 4 3 2 Reset Value: 0000 0010B 1 VERID r 0 Field VERID PRODID Bits [2:0] [7:3] Type Description r r Version ID 010B Product ID 00000B Data Sheet 79 V1.0, 2006-02 XC866 Electrical Parameters 4 4.1 4.1.1 Electrical Parameters General Parameters Parameter Interpretation The parameters listed in this section represent partly the characteristics of the XC866 and partly its requirements on the system. To aid interpreting the parameters easily when evaluating them for a design, they are indicated by the abbreviations in the “Symbol” column: • CC These parameters indicate Controller Characteristics, which are distinctive features of the XC866 and must be regarded for a system design. • SR These parameters indicate System Requirements, which must be provided by the microcontroller system in which the XC866 designed in. Data Sheet 80 V1.0, 2006-02 XC866 Electrical Parameters 4.1.2 Absolute Maximum Rating Maximum ratings are the extreme limits to which the XC866 can be subjected to without permanent damage. Table 29 Parameter Ambient temperature Absolute Maximum Rating Parameters Symbol -40 -65 -40 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 Limit Values min. max. 125 150 150 6 3.25 °C °C °C V V V Whatever is lower under bias under bias Unit Notes TA Storage temperature TST TJ Junction temperature Voltage on power supply pin with VDDP respect to VSS Voltage on core supply pin with VDDC respect to VSS Voltage on any pin with respect VIN to VSS Input current on any pin during overload condition VDDP + 0.5 or max. 6 10 50 IIN -10 – mA mA Absolute sum of all input currents Σ|IIN| during overload condition Note: Stresses above those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. During absolute maximum rating overload conditions (VIN > VDDP or VIN < VSS) the voltage on VDDP pin with respect to ground (VSS) must not exceed the values defined by the absolute maximum ratings. Data Sheet 81 V1.0, 2006-02 XC866 Electrical Parameters 4.1.3 Operating Conditions The following operating conditions must not be exceeded in order to ensure correct operation of the XC866. All parameters mentioned in the following table refer to these operating conditions, unless otherwise noted. Table 30 Parameter Digital power supply voltage Digital ground voltage Digital core supply voltage System Clock Frequency1) Ambient temperature 1) Operating Condition Parameters Symbol Limit Values min. max. 5.5 3.6 0 2.3 74 -40 -40 2.7 86 85 125 4.5 3.0 Unit Notes/ Conditions V V V V MHz °C °C SAF-XC866... SAK-XC866... 5V range 3.3V range VDDP VSS VDDC fSYS TA fSYS is the PLL output clock. During normal operating mode, CPU clock is fSYS / 3. Please refer to Figure 24 for detailed description. Data Sheet 82 V1.0, 2006-02 XC866 Electrical Parameters 4.2 4.2.1 Table 31 Parameter DC Parameters Input/Output Characteristics Input/Output Characteristics (Operating Conditions apply) Symbol Limit Values min. max. 1.0 0.4 V V V V V Unit Test Conditions VDDP = 5V Range Output low voltage Output high voltage VOL CC VOH CC – – 1.0 0.4 VDDP - – VDDP - – IOL = 15 mA IOL = 5 mA IOH = -15 mA IOH = -5 mA CMOS Mode Input low voltage on VILP SR port pins (all except P0.0 & P0.1) Input low voltage on P0.0 & P0.1 Input low voltage on RESET pin Input low voltage on TMS pin – 0.3 × VDDP -0.2 – – 0.7 × 0.3 × V V V V CMOS Mode CMOS Mode CMOS Mode CMOS Mode VILP0 SR VILR SR VILT SR VDDP 0.3 × VDDP 0.3 × VDDP – Input high voltage on VIHP SR port pins (all except P0.0 & P0.1) Input high voltage on P0.0 & P0.1 Input high voltage on RESET pin Input high voltage on TMS pin Input Hysteresis1) Input low voltage at XTAL1 VDDP 0.7 × VIHP0 SR VIHR SR VIHT SR HYS CC VILX SR VDDP – V V V V V CMOS Mode CMOS Mode CMOS Mode CMOS Mode VDDP 0.7 × VDDP 0.75 × – VDDP 0.08 × – VDDP VSS - 0.3 × 0.5 VDDC 83 Data Sheet V1.0, 2006-02 XC866 Electrical Parameters Table 31 Parameter Input high voltage at XTAL1 Pull-up current Pull-down current Input leakage current2) Input/Output Characteristics (Operating Conditions apply) Symbol Limit Values min. max. 0.7 × Unit Test Conditions V µA µA µA µA µA µA mA mA mA 3) VIHX SR IPU IPD SR SR VDDC + 0.5 -10 – 10 – 1 10 5 25 15 VDDC – -150 – 150 -1 -10 IOZ1 CC CC VIH,min VIL,max VIL,max VIH,min 0 < VIN < VDDP, TA ≤ 125°C Input current at XTAL1 pin IILX Overload current on any IOV Σ|IOV| SR -5 – SR SR – Absolute sum of overload currents Maximum current per IM pin (excluding VDDP and VSS) Maximum current for all Σ|IM| – pins (excluding VDDP SR and VSS) Maximum current into 60 mA IMVDDP – – 80 80 mA mA VDDP Maximum current out of IMVSS SR SR VSS VDDP = 3.3V Range Output low voltage Output high voltage VOL CC VOH CC – – 1.0 0.4 1.0 0.4 V V V V VDDP - – VDDP - – IOL = 8 mA IOL = 2.5 mA IOH = -8 mA IOH = -2.5 mA Data Sheet 84 V1.0, 2006-02 XC866 Electrical Parameters Table 31 Parameter Input/Output Characteristics (Operating Conditions apply) Symbol Limit Values min. Input low voltage on VILP SR port pins (all except P0.0 & P0.1) Input low voltage on P0.0 & P0.1 Input low voltage on RESET pin Input low voltage on TMS pin – max. 0.3 × V CMOS Mode Unit Test Conditions VDDP -0.2 – – 0.7 × 0.3 × V V V V CMOS Mode CMOS Mode CMOS Mode CMOS Mode VILP0 SR VILR SR VILT SR VDDP 0.3 × VDDP 0.3 × VDDP – Input high voltage on VIHP SR port pins (all except P0.0 & P0.1) Input high voltage on P0.0 & P0.1 Input high voltage on RESET pin Input high voltage on TMS pin Input Hysteresis1) Input low voltage at XTAL1 Input high voltage at XTAL1 Pull-up current Pull-down current Input leakage current2) Input current at XTAL1 pin VDDP 0.7 × VIHP0 SR VIHR SR VIHT SR HYS CC VILX SR VIHX SR IPU IPD SR SR VDDP – V V V V V V µA µA µA µA µA µA mA CMOS Mode CMOS Mode CMOS Mode CMOS Mode VDDP 0.7 × VDDP 0.75 × – VDDP 0.03 × – VDDP VSS - 0.3 × 0.5 VDDC 0.7 × VDDC VDDC + 0.5 – -50 – 50 -1 - 10 -5 – 5 – 1 10 5 IOZ1 CC CC VIH,min VIL,max VIL,max VIH,min 0 < VIN < VDDP, TA ≤ 125°C IILX Overload current on any IOV SR -5 Data Sheet 85 V1.0, 2006-02 XC866 Electrical Parameters Table 31 Parameter Absolute sum of overload currents Input/Output Characteristics (Operating Conditions apply) Symbol Σ|IOV| Limit Values min. – SR SR – 15 mA max. 25 mA 3) Unit Test Conditions Maximum current per IM pin (excluding VDDP and VSS) Maximum current for all Σ|IM| – pins (excluding VDDP SR and VSS) Maximum current into 60 mA IMVDDP – – 80 80 mA mA VDDP Maximum current out of IMVSS SR SR VSS 1) Not subjected to production test, verified by design/characterization. Hysteresis is implemented to avoid meta stable states and switching due to internal ground bounce. It cannot be guaranteed that it suppresses switching due to external system noise. An additional error current (IINJ) will flow if an overload current flows through an adjacent pin. TMS pin and RESET pin have internal pull devices and are not included in the input leakage current characteristic. Not subjected to production test, verified by design/characterization. 2) 3) Data Sheet 86 V1.0, 2006-02 XC866 Electrical Parameters 4.2.2 Supply Threshold Characteristics 5.0V VDDPPW VDDP 2.5V VDDC VDDCPOR VDDCPW VDDCBO VDDCRDR VDDCBOPD Figure 35 Table 32 Parameters Supply Threshold Parameters Supply Threshold Parameters (Operating Conditions apply) Symbol min. voltage1) VDDCPW VDDCBO CC 2.2 CC 2.0 Limit Values typ. 2.3 2.1 1.0 1.5 4.0 1.5 max. 2.4 2.2 1.1 1.7 4.6 1.7 V V V V V V Unit VDDC prewarning VDDC brownout voltage in active mode1) RAM data retention voltage VDDC brownout voltage in power-down mode2) VDDP prewarning voltage3) Power-on reset voltage2)4) 1) 2) 3) VDDCRDR CC 0.9 VDDCBOPD CC 1.3 VDDPPW CC 3.4 VDDCPOR CC 1.3 Detection is disabled in power-down mode. Detection is enabled in both active and power-down mode. Detection is enabled for external power supply of 5.0V. Detection must be disabled for external power supply of 3.3V. The reset of EVR is extended by 300 µs typically after the VDDC reaches the power-on reset voltage. 4) Data Sheet 87 V1.0, 2006-02 XC866 Electrical Parameters 4.2.3 ADC Characteristics The values in the table below are given for an analog power supply between 4.5 V to 5.5 V. The ADC can be used with an analog power supply down to 3 V. But in this case, the analog parameters may show a reduced performance. All ground pins (VSS) must be externally connected to one single star point in the system. The voltage difference between the ground pins must not exceed 200mV. Table 33 Parameter ADC Characteristics (Operating Conditions apply; VDDP = 5V Range) Symbol min. Limit Values typ . max. Unit Test Conditions/ Remarks Analog reference voltage Analog reference ground Analog input voltage range ADC clocks VAREF VAGND VDDP SR + 1 VSS VDDP V + 0.05 VAREF V -1 VAREF V 40 10 MHz MHz µs µs LSB LSB pF 8-bit conversion.2) 10-bit conversion. 2)3) VAGND VSS SR - 0.05 VAIN SR VAGND – fADC fADCI – – 20 – module clock internal analog clock See Figure 32 Sample time Conversion time Total unadjusted error Switched capacitance at the reference voltage input Switched capacitance at the analog voltage inputs tS tC CC (2 + INPCR0.STC) × tADCI CC See Section – – – – 10 ±1 ±2 20 TUE1)CC CAREFSW – CC – CAINSW CC 5 7 pF 2)4) Input resistance of RAREFCC – the reference input Input resistance of RAIN CC – the selected analog channel 1 1 2 1.5 kΩ kΩ 2) 2) Data Sheet 88 V1.0, 2006-02 XC866 Electrical Parameters 1) 2) 3) TUE is tested at VAREF = 5.0 V, VAGND = 0 V , VDDP = 5.0 V. Not subject to production test, verified by design/characterization. This represents an equivalent switched capacitance. This capacitance is not switched to the reference voltage at once. Instead of this, smaller capacitances are successively switched to the reference voltage. The sampling capacity of the conversion C-Network is pre-charged to VAREF/2 before connecting the input to the C-Network. Because of the parasitic elements, the voltage measured at ANx is lower than VAREF/2. 4) Analog Input Circuitry REXT ANx RAIN, On VAIN CEXT VAGNDx C AINSW Reference Voltage Input Circuitry VAREFx R AREF, On VAREF VAGNDx C AREFSW Figure 36 ADC Input Circuits Data Sheet 89 V1.0, 2006-02 XC866 Electrical Parameters ADC Conversion Timing Conversion time, tC = tADC × ( 1 + r × (3 + n + STC) ) , where r = CTC + 2 for CTC = 00B, 01B or 10B, r = 32 for CTC = 11B, CTC = Conversion Time Control (GLOBCTR.CTC), STC = Sample Time Control (INPCR0.STC), n = 8 or 10 (for 8-bit and 10-bit conversion respectively), tADC = 1 / fADC Data Sheet 90 V1.0, 2006-02 XC866 Electrical Parameters 4.2.4 Table 34 Parameter Power Supply Current Power Supply Current Parameters (Operating Conditions apply; VDDP = 5V range ) Symbol Limit Values typ.1) max.2) 24.5 19.7 8.2 8 mA mA mA mA 3) 4) 5) 6) Unit Test Condition VDDP = 5V Range Active Mode Idle Mode Active Mode with slow-down enabled Idle Mode with slow-down enabled 1) 2) 3) 4) IDDP IDDP IDDP IDDP 22.6 17.2 7.2 7.1 The typical IDDP values are periodically measured at TA = + 25 °C and VDDP = 5.0 V. The maximum IDDP values are measured under worst case conditions (TA = + 125 °C and VDDP = 5.5 V). IDDP (active mode) is measured with: CPU clock and input clock to all peripherals running at 26.7 MHz(set by on-chip oscillator of 10 MHz and NDIV in PLL_CON to 0010B), RESET = VDDP. IDDP (idle mode) is measured with: CPU clock disabled, watchdog timer disabled, input clock to all peripherals enabled and running at 26.7 MHz, RESET = VDDP. IDDP (active mode with slow-down mode) is measured with: CPU clock and input clock to all peripherals running at 833 KHz by setting CLKREL in CMCON to 0101B, RESET = VDDP. IDDP (idle mode with slow-down mode) is measured with: CPU clock disabled, watchdog timer disabled, input clock to all peripherals enabled and running at 833 KHz by setting CLKREL in CMCON to 0101B, RESET = VDDP. 5) 6) Data Sheet 91 V1.0, 2006-02 XC866 Electrical Parameters Table 35 Parameter Power Down Current (Operating Conditions apply; VDDP = 5V range ) Symbol Limit Values typ. 1) Unit Test Condition max.2) 10 30 µA µA TA = + 25 °C.4) TA = + 85 °C.4)5) VDDP = 5V Range Power-Down Mode3) 1) 2) 3) 4) IPDP 1 - The typical IPDP values are measured at VDDP = 5.0 V. The maximum IPDP values are measured at VDDP = 5.5 V. IPDP (power-down mode) has a maximum value of 200 µA at TA = + 125 °C. IPDP (power-down mode) is measured with: RESET = VDDP, VAGND= VSS, RXD/INT0 = VDDP; rest of the ports are programmed to be input with either internal pull devices enabled or driven externally to ensure no floating inputs. Not subject to production test, verified by design/characterization. 5) Data Sheet 92 V1.0, 2006-02 XC866 Electrical Parameters Table 36 Parameter Power Supply Current Parameters (Operating Conditions apply; VDDP = 3.3V range) Symbol Limit Values typ. 1) Unit Test Condition max. 23.3 18.9 8 7.8 2) VDDP = 3.3V Range Active Mode Idle Mode Active Mode with slow-down enabled Idle Mode with slow-down enabled 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) IDDP IDDP IDDP IDDP 21.5 16.4 6.8 6.8 mA mA mA mA 3) 4) 5) 6) The typical IDDP values are periodically measured at TA = + 25 °C and VDDP = 3.3 V. The maximum IDDP values are measured under worst case conditions (TA = + 125 °C and VDDP = 3.6 V). IDDP (active mode) is measured with: CPU clock and input clock to all peripherals running at 26.7 MHz(set by on-chip oscillator of 10 MHz and NDIV in PLL_CON to 0010B), RESET = VDDP. IDDP (idle mode) is measured with: CPU clock disabled, watchdog timer disabled, input clock to all peripherals enabled and running at 26.7 MHz, RESET = VDDP. IDDP (active mode with slow-down mode) is measured with: CPU clock and input clock to all peripherals running at 833 KHz by setting CLKREL in CMCON to 0101B, RESET = VDDP. IDDP (idle mode with slow-down mode) is measured with: CPU clock disabled, watchdog timer disabled, input clock to all peripherals enable and running at 833 KHz by setting CLKREL in CMCON to 0101B,, RESET = VDDP. 6) Data Sheet 93 V1.0, 2006-02 XC866 Electrical Parameters Table 37 Parameter Power Down Current (Operating Conditions apply; VDDP = 3.3V range ) Symbol Limit Values typ. 1) Unit Test Condition max. 10 30 2) VDDP = 3.3V Range Power-Down Mode3) 1) 2) 3) 4) IPDP 1 - µA µA TA = + 25 °C.4) TA = + 85 °C.4)5) The typical IPDP values are measured at VDDP = 3.3 V. The maximum IPDP values are measured at VDDP = 3.6 V. IPDP (power-down mode) has a maximum value of 200 µA at TA = + 125 °C. IPDP (power-down mode) is measured with: RESET = VDDP, VAGND= VSS, RXD/INT0= VDDP; rest of the ports are programmed to be input with either internal pull devices enabled or driven externally to ensure no floating inputs. Not subject to production test, verified by design/characterization. 5) Data Sheet 94 V1.0, 2006-02 XC866 Electrical Parameters 4.3 4.3.1 AC Parameters Testing Waveforms The testing waveforms for rise/fall time, output delay and output high impedance are shown in Figure 37, Figure 38 and Figure 39. VDDP 90% 90% VSS 10% tR tF 10% Figure 37 Rise/Fall Time Parameters VDDP VDDE / 2 VSS Test Points VDDE / 2 Figure 38 Testing Waveform, Output Delay VLoad + 0 .1 V VLoad - 0 .1 V Timing Reference Points VOH - 0 .1 V VOL - 0 .1 V Figure 39 Testing Waveform, Output High Impedance Data Sheet 95 V1.0, 2006-02 XC866 Electrical Parameters 4.3.2 Table 38 Parameter Output Rise/Fall Times Output Rise/Fall Times Parameters (Operating Conditions apply) Symbol Limit Values min. max. Unit Test Conditions VDDP = 5V Range Rise/fall times 1) 2) tR, tF tR, tF – – 10 10 ns ns 20 pF. 3) 20 pF. 4) VDDP = 3.3V Range Rise/fall times 1) 2) 1) 2) 3) 4) Rise/Fall time measurements are taken with 10% - 90% of the pad supply. Not all parameters are 100% tested, but are verified by design/characterization and test correlation. Additional rise/fall time valid for CL = 20pF - 100pF @ 0.125 ns/pF. Additional rise/fall time valid for CL = 20pF - 100pF @ 0.225 ns/pF. V DDP 90% 10% tF 90% 10% VSS tR Figure 40 Rise/Fall Times Parameters Data Sheet 96 V1.0, 2006-02 XC866 Electrical Parameters 4.3.3 Table 39 Parameter Power-on Reset and PLL Timing Power-On Reset and PLL Timing (Operating Conditions apply) Symbol Limit Values min. typ. max. – 500 – – 200 0.7 V ns µs µs µs ns 2) Unit Test Conditions Pad operating voltage On-Chip Oscillator start-up time Flash initialization time RESET hold time1) PLL lock-in in time PLL accumulated jitter 1) 2) VPAD CC 2.3 – tOSCST CC – – 160 500 – – tFINIT CC – tRST SR – tLOCK CC – DP – VDDP rise time (10% – 90%) ≤ 500µs RESET signal has to be active (low) until VDDC has reached 90% of its maximum value (typ. 2.5V). PLL lock at 80 MHz using a 4 MHz external oscillator. The PLL Divider settings are K = 2, N = 40 and P = 1. VDDP VPAD VDDC tOSC T S OSC PLL PLL unlock tLOC K PLL lock Flash State tR T S RESET Pads 1) 2) Reset Initialization tFIN IT Ready to Read 3) 1)Pad state undefined 2)ENPS control 3)As Programmed III) until Flash go IV) CPU reset is released; Boot to Ready-to-Read ROM software begin execution I)until EVR is stable II)until PLL is locked Figure 4-1 Data Sheet Power-on Reset Timing 97 V1.0, 2006-02 XC866 Electrical Parameters 4.3.4 Table 40 Parameter On-Chip Oscillator Characteristics On-chip Oscillator Characteristics (Operating Conditions apply) Symbol fNOM CC – Limit Values min. typ. max. 10 – Unit Test Conditions MHz under nominal conditions1) after IFX-backend trimming % % with respect to fNOM with respect to fNOM, over lifetime and temperature, for one given device after trimming with respect to fNOM, within one LIN message (
### 物料型号 - 型号:XC866 - 描述:8位单芯片微控制器

### 器件简介 - 核心:高性能XC800核心,兼容标准8051处理器 - 内存:8Kbytes的启动ROM、256bytes的RAM、512bytes的XRAM;8/16Kbytes的Flash或8/16Kbytes的ROM,附加4Kbytes的Flash(包含内存保护策略)

### 引脚分配 - PG-TSSOP-38:38引脚封装 - P0:多功能端口,可用作JTAG、CCU6、UART和SSC的备用功能 - P1:多功能端口,可用作JTAG、CCU6、UART和SSC的备用功能 - P2:8位通用输入端口,可用作JTAG和CCU6的数字输入,也用作ADC的模拟输入 - P3:多功能端口,可用作CCU6的备用功能

### 参数特性 - 工作电压:I/O端口供电3.3V/5.0V,核心逻辑供电2.5V(由内置电压调节器产生) - 时钟:内置OSC和PLL用于时钟生成,PLL失锁检测 - 功耗模式:慢速模式、空闲模式、可通过RXD或EXINT0唤醒的掉电模式 - 看门狗定时器:可编程16位看门狗定时器

### 功能详解 - ADC:8通道10位ADC - 定时器:三个16位定时器 - 串行接口:全双工串行接口(UART)、同步串行通道(SSC) - 调试支持:1Kbyte的监控ROM(8Kbyte启动ROM的一部分)、64bytes的监控RAM

### 应用信息 - 工作温度范围:SAF(-40至85°C)和SAK(-40至125°C) - 应用领域:适用于需要高性能8位微控制器的应用

### 封装信息 - 封装类型:PG-TSSOP-38
XC866 价格&库存

