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87C51FC 数据手册
8XC51FX CHMOS SINGLE-CHIP 8-BIT MICROCONTROLLERS Commercial Express 87C51FA 83C51FA 80C51FA 87C51FB 83C51FB 87C51FC 83C51FC See Table 1 for Proliferation Options Y High Performance CHMOS EPROM ROM CPU 12 24 33 MHz Operation Three 16-Bit Timer Counters Programmable Counter Array with High Speed Output Compare Capture Pulse Width Modulator Watchdog Timer Capabilities Up Down Timer Counter Three Level Program Lock System 8K 16K 32K On-Chip Program Memory 256 Bytes of On-Chip Data RAM Improved Quick Pulse Programming Algorithm Boolean Processor Y Y Y Y 32 Programmable I O Lines 7 Interrupt Sources Four Level Interrupt Priority Programmable Serial Channel with Framing Error Detection Automatic Address Recognition TTL Compatible Logic Levels 64K External Program Memory Space 64K External Data Memory Space MCS 51 Controller Compatible Instruction Set Power Saving Idle and Power Down Modes ONCE (On-Circuit Emulation) Mode Extended Temperature Range Except for 33 MHz Offering ( b 40 C to a 85 C) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y MEMORY ORGANIZATION ROM Device 83C51FA 83C51FB 83C51FC EPROM Version 87C51FA 87C51FB 87C51FC ROMLESS Version 80C51FA 80C51FA 80C51FA ROM EPROM Bytes 8K 16K 32K RAM Bytes 256 256 256 These devices can address up to 64 Kbytes of external program data memory The Intel 87C51FA 8XC51FB 8XC51FC is a single-chip control oriented microcontroller which is fabricated on Intel’s reliable CHMOS III-E technology The Intel 83C51FA 80C51FA is fabricated on CHMOS III technology Being a member of the MCS 51 controller family the 8XC51FA 8XC51FB 8XC51FC uses the same powerful instruction set has the same architecture and is pin-for-pin compatible with the existing MCS 51 controller products The 8XC51FA 8XC51FB 8XC51FC is an enhanced version of the 8XC52 8XC54 8XC58 Its added features make it an even more powerful microcontroller for applications that require Pulse Width Modulation High Speed I O and up down counting capabilities such as motor control For the remainder of this document the 8XC51FA 8XC51FB 8XC51FC will be referred to as the 8XC51FX unless information applies to a specific device Other brands and names are the property of their respective owners Information in this document is provided in connection with Intel products Intel assumes no liability whatsoever including infringement of any patent or copyright for sale and use of Intel products except as provided in Intel’s Terms and Conditions of Sale for such products Intel retains the right to make changes to these specifications at any time without notice Microcomputer Products may have minor variations to this specification known as errata COPYRIGHT INTEL CORPORATION 1996 April 1996 Order Number 272322-004 8XC51FX Table 1 Proliferation Options Standard 1 -1 -2 80C51FA 83C51FA 87C51FA 83C51FB 87C51FB 83C51FC 87C51FC NOTES 1 35 -1 35 -2 05 -24 35 -33 35 MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz to to to to to 12 16 12 24 33 MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz 5V 5V 5V 5V 5V g 20% g 20% g 20% g 20% g 10% -24 X X X X X X X -33 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 272322 – 1 Figure 1 8XC51FX Block Diagram 2 8XC51FX PROCESS INFORMATION The 87C51FA 8XC51FB 8XC51FC is manufactured on P629 0 a CHMOS III-E process Additional process and reliability information is available in Intel’s Components Quality and Reliability Handbook Order No 210997 PACKAGES Part 8XC51FX Prefix P D N S Package Type 40-Pin Plastic DIP 40-Pin CERDIP 44-Pin PLCC 44-Pin QFP 272322 – 23 PLCC 272322 – 2 DIP 272322 – 24 Do not connect Reserved Pins QFP Figure 2 Pin Connections 3 8XC51FX In addition Port 1 serves the functions of the following special features of the 8XC51FX Port Pin VSS Circuit ground VSS1 Secondary ground (not on DIP devices or any 83C51FA 80C51FA device) Provided to reduce ground bounce and improve power supply by-passing NOTE This pin is not a substitution for the VSS pin (Connection not necessary for proper operation ) Port 0 Port 0 is an 8-bit open drain bidirectional I O port As an output port each pin can sink several LS TTL inputs Port 0 pins that have 1’s written to them float and in that state can be used as high-impedance inputs Port 0 is also the multiplexed low-order address and data bus during accesses to external Program and Data Memory In this application it uses strong internal pullups when emitting 1’s and can source and sink several LS TTL inputs Port 0 also receives the code bytes during EPROM programming and outputs the code bytes during program verification External pullup resistors are required during program verification Port 1 Port 1 is an 8-bit bidirectional I O port with internal pullups The Port 1 output buffers can drive LS TTL inputs Port 1 pins that have 1’s written to them are pulled high by the internal pullups and in that state can be used as inputs As inputs Port 1 pins that are externally pulled low will source current (IIL on the data sheet) because of the internal pullups P1 0 P1 1 P1 2 P1 3 P1 4 P1 5 P1 6 P1 7 Alternate Function T2 (External Count Input to Timer Counter 2) Clock Out T2EX (Timer Counter 2 Capture Reload Trigger and Direction Control) ECI (External Count Input to the PCA) CEX0 (External I O for Compare Capture Module 0) CEX1 (External I O for Compare Capture Module 1) CEX2 (External I O for Compare Capture Module 2) CEX3 (External I O for Compare Capture Module 3) CEX4 (External I O for Compare Capture Module 4) PIN DESCRIPTIONS VCC Supply voltage Port 1 receives the low-order address bytes during EPROM programming and verifying Port 2 Port 2 is an 8-bit bidirectional I O port with internal pullups The Port 2 output buffers can drive LS TTL inputs Port 2 pins that have 1’s written to them are pulled high by the internal pullups and in that state can be used as inputs As inputs Port 2 pins that are externally pulled low will source current (IIL on the data sheet) because of the internal pullups Port 2 emits the high-order address byte during fetches from external Program Memory and during accesses to external Data Memory that use 16-bit addresses (MOVX DPTR) In this application it uses strong internal pullups when emitting 1’s During accesses to external Data Memory that use 8-bit addresses (MOVX Ri) Port 2 emits the contents of the P2 Special Function Register Some Port 2 pins receive the high-order address bits during EPROM programming and program verification Port 3 Port 3 is an 8-bit bidirectional I O port with internal pullups The Port 3 output buffers can drive LS TTL inputs Port 3 pins that have 1’s written to them are pulled high by the internal pullups and in that state can be used as inputs As inputs Port 3 pins that are externally pulled low will source current (IIL on the data sheet) because of the pullups 4 8XC51FX Port 3 also serves the functions of various special features of the MCS-51 Family as listed below Port Pin P3 0 P3 1 P3 2 P3 3 P3 4 P3 5 P3 6 P3 7 Alternate Function RXD (serial input port) TXD (serial output port) INT0 (external interrupt 0) INT1 (external interrupt 1) T0 (Timer 0 external input) T1 (Timer 1 external input) WR (external data memory write strobe) RD (external data memory read strobe) When the 8XC51FX is executing code from external Program Memory PSEN is activated twice each machine cycle except that two PSEN activations are skipped during each access to external Data Memory EA VPP External Access enable EA must be strapped to VSS in order to enable the device to fetch code from external Program Memory locations 0000H to 0FFFH Note however that if either of the Program Lock bits are programmed EA will be internally latched on reset EA should be strapped to VCC for internal program executions This pin also receives the programming supply voltage (VPP) during EPROM programming XTAL1 Input to the inverting oscillator amplifier XTAL2 Output from the inverting oscillator amplifier RST Reset input A high on this pin for two machine cycles while the oscillator is running resets the device The port pins will be driven to their reset condition when a minimum VIH1 voltage is applied whether the oscillator is running or not An internal pulldown resistor permits a power-on reset with only a capacitor connected to VCC ALE Address Latch Enable output pulse for latching the low byte of the address during accesses to external memory This pin (ALE PROG) is also the program pulse input during EPROM programming for the 87C51FX In normal operation ALE is emitted at a constant rate of the oscillator frequency and may be used for external timing or clocking purposes Note however that one ALE pulse is skipped during each access to external Data Memory If desired ALE operation can be disabled by setting bit 0 of SFR location 8EH With this bit set the pin is weakly pulled high However the ALE disable feature will be suspended during a MOVX or MOVC instruction idle mode power down mode and ICE mode The ALE disable feature will be terminated by reset When the ALE disable feature is suspended or terminated the ALE pin will no longer be pulled up weakly Setting the ALE-disable bit has no affect if the microcontroller is in external execution mode Throughout the remainder of this data sheet ALE will refer to the signal coming out of the ALE PROG pin and the pin will be referred to as the ALE PROG pin PSEN Program Store Enable is the read strobe to external Program Memory OSCILLATOR CHARACTERISTICS XTAL1 and XTAL2 are the input and output respectively of a inverting amplifier which can be configured for use as an on-chip oscillator as shown in Figure 3 Either a quartz crystal or ceramic resonator may be used More detailed information concerning the use of the on-chip oscillator is available in Application Note AP-155 ‘‘Oscillators for Microcontrollers ’’ To drive the device from an external clock source XTAL1 should be driven while XTAL2 floats as shown in Figure 4 There are no requirements on the duty cycle of the external clock signal since the input to the internal clocking circuitry is through a divide-by-two flip-flop but minimum and maximum high and low times specified on the data sheet must be observed An external oscillator may encounter as much as a 100 pF load at XTAL1 when it starts up This is due to interaction between the amplifier and its feedback capacitance Once the external signal meets the VIL and VIH specifications the capacitance will not exceed 20 pF 5 8XC51FX Down is the last instruction executed The on-chip RAM and Special Function Registers retain their values until the Power Down mode is terminated On the 8XC51FX either hardware reset or external interrupt can cause an exit from Power Down Reset redefines all the SFRs but does not change the onchip RAM An external interrupt allows both the SFRs and the on-chip RAM to retain their values To properly terminate Power Down the reset or external interrupt should not be executed before VCC is restored to its normal operating level and must be held active long enough for the oscillator to restart and stabilize (normally less than 10 ms) With an external interrupt INT0 or INT1 must be enabled and configured as level-sensitive Holding the pin low restarts the oscillator but bringing the pin back high completes the exit Once the interrupt is serviced the next instruction to be executed after RETI will be the one following the instruction that put the device into Power Down 272322 – 3 C1 C2 e 30 pF g 10 pF for Crystals For Ceramic Resonators contact resonator manufacturer Figure 3 Oscillator Connections 272322 – 4 Figure 4 External Clock Drive Configuration DESIGN CONSIDERATION  Ambient light is known to affect the internal RAM contents during operation If the 87C51FX application requires the part to be run under ambient lighting an opaque label should be placed over the window to exclude light  When the idle mode is terminated by a hardware reset the device normally resumes program execution from where it left off up to two machine cycles before the internal reset algorithm takes control On-chip hardware inhibits access to internal RAM in this event but access to the port pins is not inhibited To eliminate the possibility of an unexpected write when Idle is terminated by reset the instruction following the one that invokes Idle should not be one that writes to a port pin or to external memory IDLE MODE The user’s software can invoke the Idle Mode When the microcontroller is in this mode power consumption is reduced The Special Function Registers and the onboard RAM retain their values during Idle but the processor stops executing instructions Idle Mode will be exited if the chip is reset or if an enabled interrupt occurs The PCA timer counter can optionally be left running or paused during Idle Mode POWER DOWN MODE To save even more power a Power Down mode can be invoked by software In this mode the oscillator is stopped and the instruction that invoked Power Table 2 Status of the External Pins during Idle and Power Down Mode Idle Idle Power Down Power Down Program Memory Internal External Internal External ALE 1 1 0 0 PSEN 1 1 0 0 PORT0 Data Float Data Float PORT1 Data Data Data Data PORT2 Data Address Data Data PORT3 Data Data Data Data NOTE For more detailed information on the reduced power modes refer to current Embedded Microcontrollers and Processors Handbook Volume I and Application Note AP-252 (Embedded Applications Handbook) ‘‘Designing with the 80C51BH ’’ 6 8XC51FX The EXPRESS program includes the commercial standard temperature range with burn-in and an extended temperature range with or without burn-in With the commercial standard temperature range operational characteristics are guaranteed over the temperature range of 0 C to 70 C With the extended temperature range option operational characteristics are guaranteed over the range of b 40 C to a 85 C The optional burn-in is dynamic for a minimum time of 168 hours at 125 C with VCC e 6 9V g 0 25V following guidelines in MlL-STD-883 Method 1015 Package types and EXPRESS versions are identified by a one- or two-letter prefix to the part number The prefixes are listed in Table 3 For the extended temperature range option this data sheet specifies the parameters which deviate from their commercial temperature range limits NOTE Intel offers Express Temperature specifications for all 8XC51FX speed options except for 33 MHz ONCE MODE The ONCE (‘‘On-Circuit Emulation’’) Mode facilitates testing and debugging of systems using the 8XC51FX without the 8XC51FX having to be removed from the circuit The ONCE Mode is invoked by 1) Pull ALE low while the device is in reset and PSEN is high 2) Hold ALE low as RST is deactivated While the device is in ONCE Mode the Port 0 pins float and the other port pins and ALE and PSEN are weakly pulled high The oscillator circuit remains active While the 8XC51FX is in this mode an emulator or test CPU can be used to drive the circuit Normal operation is restored when a normal reset is applied 8XC51FX EXPRESS The Intel EXPRESS system offers enhancements to the operational specifications of the MCS-51 family of microcontrollers These EXPRESS products are designed to meet the needs of those applications whose operating requirements exceed commercial standards Table 3 Prefix Identification Prefix D N P S LD LN LP LS TD TN TP TS Package Type Cerdip PLCC Plastic QFP Cerdip PLCC Plastic QFP Cerdip PLCC Plastic QFP Temperature Range Commercial Commercial Commercial Commercial Extended Extended Extended Extended Extended Extended Extended Extended Burn-In No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No NOTE Contact distributor or local sales office to match EXPRESS prefix with proper device EXAMPLES P87C51FC indicates 87C51FC in a plastic package and specified for commercial temperature range without burn-in LD87C51FC indicates 87C51FC in a cerdip package and specified for extended temperature range with burn-in 7 8XC51FX ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Ambient Temperature Under Bias b 40 C to a 85 C Storage Temperature Voltage on EA VPP Pin to VSS Voltage on Any Other Pin to VSS IOL per I O Pin b 65 C to a 150 C 0V to a 13 0V b 0 5V to a 6 5V NOTICE This data sheet contains preliminary information on new products in production It is valid for the devices indicated in the revision history The specifications are subject to change without notice 15 mA Power Dissipation 1 5W (based on PACKAGE heat transfer limitations not device power consumption) WARNING Stressing the device beyond the ‘‘Absolute Maximum Ratings’’ may cause permanent damage These are stress ratings only Operation beyond the ‘‘Operating Conditions’’ is not recommended and extended exposure beyond the ‘‘Operating Conditions’’ may affect device reliability OPERATING CONDITIONS Symbol TA Description Ambient Temperature Under Bias Commercial Express Supply Voltage 8XC51FX-33 All Others Oscillator Frequency 8XC51FX 8XC51FX-1 8XC51FX-2 8XC51FX-24 8XC51FX-33 Min 0 b 40 Max a 70 a 85 Units C VCC 45 40 35 35 05 35 35 55 60 12 16 12 24 33 V fOSC MHz DC CHARACTERISTICS Symbol VIL VIL1 VIH VIH1 VOL Parameter Input Low Voltage Input Low Voltage EA Input High Voltage (Except XTAL1 RST) Input High Voltage (XTAL1 RST) (Over Operating Conditions) All parameter values apply to all devices unless otherwise indicated Min b0 5 Typical (Note 4) Max 0 2 VCC b 0 1 0 2 VCC b 0 3 VCC a 0 5 VCC a 0 5 03 0 45 10 03 0 45 10 Units V V V V Test Conditions 0 0 2 VCC a 0 9 0 7 VCC Output Low Voltage (Note 5) (Ports 1 2 and 3) Output Low Voltage (Note 5) (Port 0 ALE PROG PSEN) Output High Voltage (Ports 1 2 and 3 ALE PROG and PSEN) Output High Voltage (Port 0 in External Bus Mode) 83C51FA 80C51FA (Express) VCC b 0 3 VCC b 0 7 VCC b 1 5 VCC b 0 3 VCC b 0 7 VCC b 1 5 V IOL e 100 mA IOL e 1 6 mA (Note 1) IOL e 3 5 mA IOL e 200 mA IOL e 3 2 mA (Note 1) IOL e 7 0 mA IOH e b 10 mA IOH e b 30 mA (Note 2) IOH e b 60 mA IOH IOH IOH IOH e e e e b 200 mA b 3 2 mA (Note 2) b 7 0 mA b 6 0 mA VOL1 V VOH V VOH1 V IIL Logical 0 Input Current (Ports 1 2 and 3) b 50 mA VIN e 0 45V 8 8XC51FX DC CHARACTERISTICS Symbol ILI ITL (Over Operating Conditions) All parameter values apply to all devices unless otherwise indicated (Continued) Parameter Input leakage Current (Port 0) Logical 1 to 0 Transition Current (Ports 1 2 and 3) Express Commercial RST Pulldown Resistor Pin Capacitance Power Supply Current Active Mode At 12 MHz (Figure 5) At 16 MHz At 24 MHz At 33 MHz Idle Mode At 12 MHz (Figure 5) At 16 MHz At 24 MHz At 33 MHz Power Down Mode 40 10 Min Typical (Note 4) Max g 10 Units mA Test Conditions VIN e VIL or VIH VIN e 2V b 750 b 650 mA KX pF 1MHz 25 C (Note 3) RRST CIO ICC 225 15 20 28 35 5 6 7 7 5 30 38 56 56 75 95 13 5 15 75 mA mA mA mA mA mA mA mA mA NOTES 1 Capacitive loading on Ports 0 and 2 may cause noise pulses above 0 4V to be superimposed on the VOLs of ALE and Ports 1 2 and 3 The noise is due to external bus capacitance discharging into the Port 0 and Port 2 pins when these pins change from 1 to 0 In applications where capacitance loading exceeds 100 pF the noise pulses on these signals may exceed 0 8V It may be desirable to qualify ALE or other signals with a Schmitt Trigger or CMOS-level input logic 2 Capacitive loading on Ports 0 and 2 cause the VOH on ALE and PSEN to drop below the 0 9 VCC specification when the address lines are stabilizing 3 See Figures 6–9 for test conditions Minimum VCC for power down is 2V 4 Typicals are based on limited number of samples and are not guaranteed The values listed are at room temperature and 5V 5 Under steady state (non-transient) conditions IOL must be externally limited as follows 10 mA Maximum IOL per port pin Maximum IOL per 8-bit port Port 0 26 mA Ports 1 2 and 3 15 mA 71 mA Maximum total IOL for all output pins If IOL exceeds the test condition VOL may exceed the related specification Pins are not guaranteed to sink current greater than the listed test conditions 272322 – 5 Note ICC max at 33 MHz is at 5V g 10% VCC while ICC max at 24 MHz and below is at 5V g 20% VCC Figure 5 8XC51FA FB FC ICC vs Frequency 9 8XC51FX 272322 – 6 All other pins disconnected TCLCH e TCHCL e 5 ns All other pins disconnected TCLCH e TCHCL e 5 ns 272322 – 7 Figure 6 ICC Test Condition Active Mode Figure 7 ICC Test Condition Idle Mode 272322 – 8 All other pins disconnected Figure 8 ICC Test Condition Power Down Mode VCC e 2 0V to 6 0V 272322 – 19 Figure 9 Clock Signal Waveform for ICC Tests in Active and Idle Modes TCLCH e TCHCL e 5 ns 10 8XC51FX EXPLANATION OF THE AC SYMBOLS Each timing symbol has 5 characters The first character is always a ‘T’ (stands for time) The other characters depending on their positions stand for the name of a signal or the logical status of that signal The following is a list of all the characters and what they stand for A Address C Clock D Input Data H Logic level HIGH I Instruction (program memory contents) L Logic level LOW or ALE P PSEN Q Output Data R RD signal T Time V Valid W WR signal X No longer a valid logic level Z Float For example TAVLL e Time from Address Valid to ALE Low TLLPL e Time from ALE Low to PSEN Low AC CHARACTERISTICS (Over Operating Conditions Load Capacitance for Port 0 ALE PROG and PSEN e 100 pF Load Capacitance for All Other Outputs e 80 pF) EXTERNAL MEMORY CHARACTERISTICS All parameter values apply to all devices unless otherwise indicated In this table 8XC51FX refers to 8XC51FX 8XC51FX-1 and 8XC51FX-2 Oscillator Symbol Parameter 12 MHz 24 MHz 33 MHz Min 35 35 05 35 35 127 43 12 5 12 5 234 91 56 53 205 145 35 35 0 0 0 0 12 5 80 46 TCLCL b 30 TCLCL b 25 3TCLCL b 45 3TCLCL b 105 3TCLCL b 90 3TCLCL b 55 ns ns ns ns 11 43 21 2TCLCL b 40 TCLCL b 40 TCLCL b 30 TCLCL b 25 TCLCL b 30 TCLCL b 25 4TCLCL b 100 4TCLCL b 75 4TCLCL b 65 Variable Max 12 16 12 24 33 Units Min Max Min Max Min Max 1 TCLCL Oscillator Frequency 8XC51FX 8XC51FX-1 8XC51FX-2 8XC51FX-24 8XC51FX-33 TLHLL TAVLL ALE Pulse Width Address Valid to ALE Low 8XC51FX 8XC51FX-24 8XC51FX-33 MHz ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns TLLAX Address Hold After ALE Low 8XC51FX -24 53 8XC51FX-33 ALE Low to Valid Instr In 8XC51FX 8XC51FX-24 8XC51FX-33 ALE Low to PSEN Low 8XC51FX -24 8XC51FX-33 PSEN Pulse Width PSEN Low to Valid Instr In 8XC51FX 8XC51FX-24 8XC51FX-33 Input Instr Hold after PSEN TLLIV TLLPL TPLPH TPLIV TPXIX 8XC51FX EXTERNAL MEMORY CHARACTERISTICS (Continued) All parameter values apply to all devices unless otherwise indicated Oscillator Symbol Parameter 12 MHz 24 MHz 33 MHz Min Variable Max TCLCL-25 TCLCL-20 TCLCL-25 5TCLCL b 105 5TCLCL b 80 10 6TCLCL b 100 6TCLCL b 100 5TCLCL b 165 5TCLCL b 95 5TCLCL b 90 0 2TCLCL b 60 2TCLCL b 25 8TCLCL b 150 8TCLCL b 90 9TCLCL b 165 9TCLCL b 90 ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns 0 TCLCL b 40 TCLCL b 30 TCLCL b 25 TCLCL a 40 TCLCL a 30 TCLCL a 25 ns ns ns ns Units Min Max Min Max Min Max TPXIZ Input Instr Float After PSEN 8XC51FX 8XC51FX-24 8XC51FX-33 Address to Valid Instr In 8XC51FX -24 8XC51FX-33 PSEN Low to Address Float 400 400 252 113 61 0 107 0 23 35 517 243 585 285 200 300 203 77 46 33 12 33 7 3 433 222 0 123 12 71 5 55 0 142 0 0 75 175 41 180 150 0 59 21 5 312 10 150 150 103 71 10 82 82 10 TAVIV TPLAZ TRLRH RD Pulse Width TWLWH WR Pulse Width TRLDV RD Low to Valid Data In 8XC51FX 8XC51FX-24 8XC51FX-33 TRHDX Data Hold After RD TRHDZ Data Float After RD 8XC51FX 24 8XC51FX-33 TLLDV ALE Low to Valid Data In 8XC51FX 8XC51FX-24 33 TAVDV Address to Valid Data In 8XC51FX 8XC51FX-24 33 TLLWL ALE Low to RD or WR Low TAVWL Address to RD or WR Low 8XC51FX 8XC51FX-24 8XC51FX-33 TQVWX Data Valid to WR Transition 8XC51FX 8XC51FX-24 33 TWHQX Data Hold After WR 8XC51FX 8XC51FX-24 8XC51FX-33 TQVWH Data Valid to WR High 8XC51FX 8XC51FX-24 33 TRLAZ RD Low to Address Float TWHLH RD or WR High to ALE High 8XC51FX 43 8XC51FX-24 8XC51FX-33 140 3TCLCL b 50 3TCLCL a 50 4TCLCL b 130 4TCLCL b 90 4TCLCL b 75 TCLCL b 50 TCLCL b 30 TCLCL b 50 TCLCL b 35 TCLCL b 27 7TCLCL b 150 7TCLCL b 70 12 8XC51FX EXTERNAL PROGRAM MEMORY READ CYCLE 272322 – 9 EXTERNAL DATA MEMORY READ CYCLE 272322 – 10 EXTERNAL DATA MEMORY WRITE CYCLE 272322 – 11 13 8XC51FX SERIAL PORT TIMING Test Conditions Symbol SHIFT REGISTER MODE Over Operating Conditions Load Capacitance e 80 pF Oscillator 12 MHz Min Max 1 24 MHz Min 0 50 Max 33 MHz Min 0 36 Max Min 12TCLCL Variable Max ms Units Parameter TXLXL Serial Port Clock Cycle Time TQVXH Output Data Setup to Clock Rising Edge TXHQX Output Data Hold After Clock Rising Edge 8XC51FX 8XC51FX-24 33 Input Data Hold After Clock Rising Edge Clock Rising Edge to Input Data Valid 700 284 167 10TCLCL b 133 ns 50 34 0 0 10 0 2TCLCL b 117 2TCLCL b 50 0 ns ns ns TXHDX TXHDV 700 283 167 10TCLCL b 133 ns SHIFT REGISTER MODE TIMING WAVEFORMS 272322 – 12 14 8XC51FX EXTERNAL CLOCK DRIVE Symbol 1 TCLCL Parameter Oscillator Frequency 8XC51FX 8XC51FX-1 8XC51FX-2 8XC51FX-24 8XC51FX-33 High Time 8XC51FX-24 33 Low Time 8XC51FX-24 33 Rise Time 8XC51FX-24 8XC51FX-33 Fall Time 8XC51FX-24 8XC51FX-33 Min 35 35 05 35 35 20 0 35 TOSC 20 0 35 TOSC Max 12 16 12 24 33 0 65 TOSC 0 65 TOSC 20 10 5 20 10 5 Units MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns TCHCX TCLCX TCLCH TCHCL EXTERNAL CLOCK DRIVE WAVEFORM 272322 – 13 AC TESTING INPUT OUTPUT WAVEFORMS FLOAT WAVEFORMS 272322 – 14 AC Inputs during testing are driven at VCC b 0 5V for a Logic ‘‘1’’ and 0 45V for a Logic ‘‘0’’ Timing measurements are made at VIH min for a Logic ‘‘1’’ and VOL max for a Logic ‘‘0’’ 272322 – 15 For timing purposes a port pin is no longer floating when a 100 mV change from load voltage occurs and begins to float when a 100 mV change from the loaded VOH VOL level occurs IOL IOH e g 20 mA 15 8XC51FX Normally EA VPP is held at logic high until just before ALE PROG is to be pulsed Then EA VPP is raised to VPP ALE PROG is pulsed low and then EA VPP is returned to a valid high voltage The voltage on the EA VPP pin must be at the valid EA VPP high level before a verify is attempted Waveforms and detailed timing specifications are shown in later sections of this data sheet NOTE PROGRAMMING THE EPROM OTP To be programmed the part must be running with a 4 to 6 MHz oscillator (The reason the oscillator needs to be running is that the internal bus is being used to transfer address and program data to appropriate internal EPROM locations ) The address of an EPROM location to be programmed is applied to Port 1 and pins P2 0 - P2 4 of Port 2 while the code byte to be programmed into that location is applied to Port 0 The other Port 2 and 3 pins RST PSEN and EA VPP should be held at the ‘‘Program’’ levels indicated in Table 4 ALE PROG is pulsed low to program the code byte into the addressed EPROM location The setup is shown in Figure 10  EA VPP pin must not be allowed to go above the maximum specified VPP level for any amount of time Even a narrow glitch above that voltage level can cause permanent damage to the device The VPP source should be well regulated and free of glitches Table 4 EPROM Programming Modes Mode Program Code Data Verify Code Data Program Encryption Array Address 0–3FH Program Lock Bits Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Read Signature Byte RST H H H H H H H PSEN L L L L L L L H H ALE PROG EA VPP 12 75V H 12 75V 12 75V 12 75V 12 75V H P2 6 L L L H H H L P2 7 H L H H H L L P3 3 H L H H H H L P3 6 H H L H L H L P3 7 H H H H L L L 272322 – 20 See Table 4 for proper input on these pins Figure 10 Programming the EPROM 16 8XC51FX Repeat 1 through 5 changing the address and data for the entire array or until the end of the object file is reached PROGRAMMING ALGORITHM Refer to Table 4 and Figures 10 and 11 for address data and control signals set up To program the 87C51FX the following sequence must be exercised 1 Input the valid address on the address lines 2 Input the appropriate data byte on the data lines 3 Activate the correct combination of control signals 4 Raise EA VPP from VCC to 12 75V g 0 25V 5 Pulse ALE PROG 5 times for the EPROM array and 25 times for the encryption table and the lock bits PROGRAM VERIFY Program verify may be done after each byte or block of bytes is programmed In either case a complete verify of the programmed array will ensure reliable programming of the 87C51FX The lock bits cannot be directly verified Verification of the lock bits is done by observing that their features are enabled 272322 – 21 Figure 11 Programming Signals Waveforms ROM and EPROM Lock System The 87C51FX program lock system when programmed protects the onboard program against software piracy The 83C51FX has a one-level program lock system and a 64-byte encryption table See line 2 of Table 5 If program protection is desired the user submits the encryption table with their code and both the lock-bit and encryption array are programmed by the factory The encryption array is not available without the lock bit For the lock bit to be programmed the user must submit an encryption table The 83C51FA does not have protection features The 87C51FX has a 3-level program lock system and a 64-byte encryption array Since this is an EPROM device all locations are user-programmable See Table 5 Table 5 Program Lock Bits and the Features Program Lock Bits LB1 1 2 U P LB2 U U LB3 U U No Program Lock features enabled (Code verify will still be encrypted by the Encryption Array if programmed ) MOVC instructions executed from external program memory are disabled from fetching code bytes from internal memory EA is sampled and latched on Reset and further programming of the EPROM is disabled Same as 2 also verify is disabled Same as 3 also external execution is disabled ProtectIon Type 3 4 P P P P U P Any other combination of the lock bits is not defined 17 8XC51FX bytes in locations 30H and 31H To read these bytes follow the procedure for EPROM verify but activate the control lines provided in Table 4 for Read Signature Byte Location 30H 31H 60H Device All All 83C51FA 87C51FA 83C51FB 87C51FB 83C51FC 87C51FC Contents 89H 58H 7AH FAH FAH 7BH FBH FBH 7CH FCH FCH Encryption Array Within the EPROM array are 64 bytes of Encryption Array that are initially unprogrammed (all 1’s) Every time that a byte is addressed during a verify 6 address lines are used to select a byte of the Encryption Array This byte is then exclusive-NOR’ed (XNOR) with the code byte creating an Encryption Verify byte The algorithm with the array in the unprogrammed state (all 1’s) will return the code in its original unmodified form For programming the Encryption Array refer to Table 4 (Programming the EPROM) When using the encryption array one important factor needs to be considered If a code byte has the value 0FFH verifying the byte will produce the encryption byte value lf a large block ( l 64 bytes) of code is left unprogrammed a verification routine will display the contents of the encryption array For this reason all unused code bytes should be programmed with some value other than 0FFH and not all of them the same value This will ensure maximum program protection Erasure Characteristics (Windowed Packages Only) Erasure of the EPROM begins to occur when the chip is exposed to light with wavelength shorter than approximately 4 000 Angstroms Since sunlight and fluorescent lighting have wavelengths in this range exposure to these light sources over an extended time (about 1 week in sunlight or 3 years in roomlevel fluorescent lighting) could cause inadvertent erasure If an application subjects the device to this type of exposure it is suggested that an opaque label be placed over the window The recommended erasure procedure is exposure to ultraviolet light (at 2537 Angstroms) to an integrated dose of at least 15 W-sec cm Exposing the EPROM to an ultraviolet lamp of 12 000 mW cm rating for 30 minutes at a distance of about 1 inch should be sufficient Erasure leaves all the EPROM Cells in a 1’s state Program Lock Bits The 87C51FX has 3 programmable lock bits that when programmed according to Table 5 will provide different levels of protection for the on-chip code and data Erasing the EPROM also erases the encryption array and the program lock bits returning the part to full functionality Reading the Signature Bytes The 87C51FX has 3 signature bytes in locations 30H 31H and 60H The 83C51FA has 2 signature 18 8XC51FX EPROM PROGRAMMING AND VERIFICATION CHARACTERISTICS (TA e 21 C to 27 C VCC e 5V g 20% VSS e 0V) Symbol VPP IPP 1 TCLCL TAVGL TGHAX TDVGL TGHDX TEHSH TSHGL TGHSL TGLGH TAVQV TELQV TEHQZ TGHGL Parameter Programming Supply Voltage Programming Supply Current Oscillator Frequency Address Setup to PROG Low Address Hold after PROG Data Setup to PROG Low Data Hold after PROG P2 7 (ENABLE) High to VPP VPP Setup to PROG Low VPP Hold after PROG PROG Width Address to Data Valid ENABLE Low to Data Valid Data Float after ENABLE PROG High to PROG Low 0 10 4 48TCLCL 48TCLCL 48TCLCL 48TCLCL 48TCLCL 10 10 90 110 48TCLCL 48TCLCL 48TCLCL ms ms ms ms Min 12 5 Max 13 0 75 6 Units V mA MHz EPROM PROGRAMMING AND VERIFICATION WAVEFORMS 272322 – 18 NOTE 5 pulses for the EPROM array 25 pulses for the encryption table and lock bits 19 8XC51FX Thermal Impedance All thermal impedance data is approximate for static air conditions at 1W of power dissipation Values will change depending on operating conditions and applications See the Intel Packaging Handbook (Order No 240800) for a description of Intel’s thermal impedance test methodology Package P D iJA iJC Device N S 45 C W 16 C W All 36 C W 13 C W 80C51FA 83C51FA 8XC51FC 45 C W 15 C W 87C51FA 8XC51FB 46 C W 16 C W All 97 C W 24 C W FA 96 C W 24 C W FB 87 C W 18 C W FC DATA SHEET REVISION HISTORY Data sheets are changed as new device information becomes available Verify with your local Intel sales office that you have the latest version before finalizing a design or ordering devices The following differences exist between this datasheet (272322-003) and the previous version (272322-002) 1 Removed 8XC51FX-3 and 8XC51FX-20 replaced with 8XC51FX-24 2 Included 8XC51FX-24 and 8XC51FX-33 devices 3 80C51FA and 83C51FA now have the same features as 87C51FA 8XC51FB and 8XC51FC same DC spec used for all devices The following differences exist between the ‘‘-002’’ and ‘‘-001’’ version of 8XC51FX datasheet 1 Removed 8XC51FX-L from datasheet 2 Include VOH1 for 83C51FA (Express) 80C51FA (Express) This 8XC51FX datasheet (272322-001) replaces the following datasheets 87C51FA 83C51FA 80C51FA 83C51FA 80C51FA EXPRESS 87C51FA EXPRESS 87C51FA-20 -3 87C51FB 83C51FB 87C51FB-20 -3 83C51FB-20 -3 87C51FB 83C51FB EXPRESS 87C51FC 83C51FC 87C51FC 83C51FC EXPRESS 87C51FC-20 -3 83C51FC-20 -3 270258-007 270620-001 270619-001 272081-002 270563-005 272080-002 270767-002 270789-004 270903-001 272028-002 20
1. 物料型号: - 87C51FA/83C51FA/80C51FA/87C51FB/83C51FB/87C51FC/83C51FC

2. 器件简介: - 这些是Intel生产的8位单片微控制器,采用高性能CHMOS技术制造,属于MCS-51系列。它们包含32个可编程I/O线、7个中断源、四个级别的中断优先级、三个16位定时器/计数器等特性。

3. 引脚分配: - 这些微控制器有多种封装类型,包括40引脚PDIP、40引脚CERDIP、44引脚PLCC和44引脚QFP。

4. 参数特性: - 包括12/24/33MHz的运行频率、64K外部程序/数据存储空间、三重程序锁定系统、8K/16K/32K片上程序存储器、节能闲置和掉电模式等。

5. 功能详解: - 包括EPROM/ROM/CPU、可编程计数器阵列、TTL兼容逻辑电平、脉冲宽度调制器、看门狗定时器功能等。

6. 应用信息: - 适用于需要脉宽调制、高速I/O和计数能力的场合,如电机控制等。

7. 封装信息: - 提供了不同温度范围和是否经过老化测试的封装选项,例如商业标准温度范围、扩展温度范围等。
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