Crane Aerospace & Electronics Power Solutions
MFL single and dual dc/dc converters
28 VoLt input – 65 Watt
Parallel operation with current share, up to 3 units (148 watts) • -55° to +125°C operation • 16 to 40 VDC input
VDc OutPut
• 50 V for 120 ms transient protection • Fully isolated, magnetic feedback • Fixed high frequency switching • Remote sense or output trim on single output models • Inhibit function • Sync in and Sync Out
3.3 5 12 15 28
±5 ±12 ±15
• Indefinite short circuit protection
Other output voltages available upon request, including 2 V, 8 V and 54 V single.
• High power density, 87% efficiency
The MFL Series™ 28-volt DC/DC converters are rated up to 65 watts of output power over a -55°C to +125°C temperature range with a 28 VDC nominal input. On dual output models up to 70% of the rated output power can be drawn from either the positive or negative output. Current sharing allows the units to be paralleled for total power of up to 148 watts. The welded, hermetically sealed package is only 3.005 x 1.505 x 0.400 inches, giving the series an overall power density of up to 43 watts per cubic inch. The converters are offered with standard screening, “ES” screening, or fully compliant to “883” MIL-PRF-38534 Class H screening. Standard microcircuit drawings (SMD) are available.
The MFL Series converters have two inhibit terminals (INH1 and INH2) that can be used to disable power conversion, resulting in a very low quiescent input current and no generation of switching noise. A logic low (