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    X79000 - NV DAC with Selectable Output Range and Memory - Intersil Corporation

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X79000 数据手册
® X79000, X79001, X79002 Data Sheet March 17, 2005 FN8147.0 NV DAC with Selectable Output Range and Memory FEATURES • 12-Bit Resolution • Selectable full scale and zero scale voltages • Optional External full scale and zero scale references • Programmable, non-volatile DAC initial value register • Optional UP/DOWN interface • Guaranteed Monotonic Operation, 1 set by adding feedback resistors to the Vbuf and VFB pins, depending on the VH voltage. For applications requiring voltages greater than 5V, Intersil recommends the X79002 plus an external buffer. UP/DOWN Operation The UP/DOWN functionality of the chip uses the external pins UP, DOWN, CS and CLR, and also the 2 LSB’s of register 3Ch. The interface is designed to step up or down by the increments set in register 3Ch. When 12-bit operation is selected, then the LSB of the device (DAC0) will increment or decrement with the appropriate pin action. When 10-bit operation is selected, then third LSB of the device (DAC2) will change, while leaving the two LSB’s unchanged. When 8-bit operation is selected, then the fifth LSB of the device (DAC4) will change, an and the 4 LSB’s are unchanged. These options allow the device to be used as either a 12-bit, 10-bit, or 8-bit DAC for UP/DOWN applications. The X79000 UP/DOWN interface allows stepping at up to 500kHz rates. The CLR pin enables resetting the DAC output register to all zeroes and can be used to initialize the DAC before UP/DOWN operation. The 3 MSB’s control the VH span from 0.605V to 3.025V, and the next three bits control the VL span from 0.151V to 2.42V. Note that the selection of a value for VH can never be lower than that for VL. Regardless of the range selection, the specified linearity is guaranteed. Thus, if a particular application requires operation from, say, 1.9V to 2.4V, then the X79000 can be set for the range of 1.815V to 2.420V, yielding an LSB step size of 148µV. If a standard DAC were used with a 2.5V reference, then it would need 14 bits of resolution to get the same LSB step size. 10 FN8147.0 March 17, 2005 X79000, X79001, X79002 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION DAC Register Clear Function When the input pin CLR is set to logic high, the DAC volatile register and serial input registers are reset to 000 hex. CLR is an asynchronous input. CLR has an on-chip pulldown. CLR is ignored while RDY is high. Buffer Output Enable Function When the input pin OE is set to logic low, the DAC buffered output, Vbuf, is set to high impedance. When the input pin OE is at a logic high, the DAC buffered output is enabled. UP/DOWN Interface The UP/DOWN Interface can be used to change the value of the DAC register without using the serial Interface. The CS pin must be HIGH, when the UP/DOWN Interface is used, to set the serial interface in standby mode. Control bits Count8 and Count10 determine the binary word that is incremented or decremented, according to the following table: Part of DAC register incremented or decremented. The complete 12 bit word is used 10 MSBs are used 8 MSBs are used Reserved A HIGH to LOW transition on the UP pin, while the DOWN pin is LOW, increments the selected binary word by one. A HIGH to LOW transition on the DOWN pin, while the UP pin is LOW, decrements the selected binary word by one. Other combinations are not valid. See the following table for a summary of these operations. CS L H H H H X = Don’t Care Up X Down X L Mode SPI Control Increment Decrement L H H Not Allowed Not Allowed RDY Pin The RDY pin is an open drain output which will follow the VCC voltage on power-up (due to the pullups) resistor and will transition to a low state at time tRDY after VCC reaches a minimum voltage (VRDY). As long as VCC is higher the VRDY, the output will remain low. If VCC falls below VRDY, the RDY output will return to a high state. Count8 0 0 1 1 Count10 0 1 0 1 These control bits are set by performing a Write Operation with the serial interface prior to operation of the UP/DOWN interface. For example, when Count8 is one, the DAC register is affected by increment or decrement operations as follows: 8 MSBs 1000 1011 1000 1010 1000 1001 1000 1000 1000 0111 4 LSBs 1110 1110 1110 1110 1110 Increment Increment Initial Value Decrement Decrement 11 FN8147.0 March 17, 2005 X79000, X79001, X79002 VOLTAGE REFERENCES The device includes an on-chip bandgap reference circuit with 1.21 V nominal output voltage. This voltage is available at pin VRef as an output. The voltages at pins VH and VL determine the DAC output voltage at full scale and zero scale respectively. Full scale is when the DAC input register is FFF hex (all ones), and zero scale is when the DAC input register is 000 hex (all zeros). V(VH) and V(VL) can be generated on-chip and can be independently programmed to the values indicated in table 1. VH must always be at a higher voltage than VL. VH must not be higher than 3.1V. VL & VH can also be independently disabled, in which case they become inputs to the device. SERIAL INTERFACE Serial Interface Conventions The device supports the SPI interface hardware protocol. The protocol defines any device that sends data onto the bus as a transmitter, and the receiving device as the receiver. The device controlling the transfer is called the master and the device being controlled is called the slave. The master always initiates data transfers, and provides the clock for both transmit and receive operations. The X79000 operates as a slave in all applications. The device is accessed via the SI and SCK pins, while the output data is presented at the SO pin. Input data at pin SI is clocked-in on the rising edge of SCK, when CS and RDY are both LOW. Output data at pin SO is clocked-out on the falling edge of SCK. All commands start with a falling edge at the input pin CS. Write operations end with a rising edge at the input pin CS after the last bit of the data bytes being written is clocked-in. Read operations end with a rising edge at the input pin CS after the last bit of the data byte being read is clocked-out. X79000 MEMORY MAP The X79000 contains a 512-bit array of mixed volatile and nonvolatile memory. The array is organized as 64 bytes, and it’s logically split up into two parts, namely: – General Purpose Memory (GPM) – Control and Status Registers The GPM is all nonvolatile EEPROM, located at memory addresses 00h to 37h. Figure 2. X79000 Memory Map Address 3Fh 38h 37h Control & Status Registers General Purpose Memory (GPM) 00h Bit 7 ... Bit 0 Size 8 Bytes 56 Bytes The Control and Status registers of the X79000 are used in the test and setup of the device in a system, and include the DAC volatile register and the DAC nonvolatile initial value register. These registers are realized as a combination of both volatile and nonvolatile memory. These registers reside in the memory locations 38h through 3Fh. The reserved bits within registers 38h through 3Dh must be written as “0” if writing to them, and should be ignored when reading. The reserved registers, 3Ah, 3Bh, 3Eh and 3Fh, must not be written, and their content should be ignored. Factory control bit settings: 38h, 39h, 3Fh = All “0”s 3Ch = 1000 0100 (84 hex) All communication to the X79000 over the SPI bus is conducted by sending the MSB of each byte of data first. The memory is physically realized as one contiguous array, organized as 8 pages of 8 bytes each. 12 FN8147.0 March 17, 2005 X79000, X79001, X79002 Table 1. Control Registers Byte Address MSB 7 38h Volatile or Non-volatile 39h Volatile or Non-volatile 3Ch Non-Volatile 6 5 4 3 2 1 LSB 0 Register Name DAC11 DAC10 DAC9 DAC8 DAC7 DAC6 DAC5 DAC4 MSBs of DAC Register DAC3 DAC2 DAC1 DAC0 Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved LSBs of DAC Register VH2 VH1 VH0 VL2 VL1 VL0 Count8 Count10 Configuration Register Full Scale Configuration 000: External VH reference 001: 605mV 010: 1.21V 011: 1.815V 100: 2.42V 101: 3.025V 110, 111: Reserved Zero Level Configuration 000: External VL reference 001: 151mV 010: 605mV 011: 1.21V 100: 1.815V 101: 2.42V 110, 111: Reserved Counter Configuration (for Up/Down Operation) 00: 12 bits 01: 10 bits 10: 8 bits 11: Reserved 3Fh Volatile NVDAC Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Non-Volatile Write Enable Bytes at addresses 3Ah, 3Bh, 3Dh, and 3Eh are reserved. IDENTIFICATION AND MEMORY ADDRESS BYTES The first byte sent to the X79000, following a falling edge at the CS pin, is called the “Identification Byte”. The most significant bit (ID7) is the function selector bit. The next six bits (ID6-ID1) are the Device Address bits (AS5-AS0). To communicate to the X79000, the value of bits AS[5:0] must correspond to the logic levels at pins A5, A4, A3, A2, A1, and A0 respectively. If one or more of the address pins doesn’t exist in a particular device, then the corresponding device address bits must be set to “0”. The LSB (ID0) is the R/W bit. This bit defines the operation to be performed on the device being addressed. When the R/W bit is “1”, then a Read operation is selected. A “0” selects a write operation. If the value of the Device Address bits doesn’t match the logic levels at the Address pins, then the Read or Write operation is aborted. ID7 1 ID6 AS5 ID5 AS4 ID4 AS3 ID3 AS2 ID2 AS1 ID1 AS0 ID0 R/W Device Address Read or Write Slave Address Bit(s) ID7 ID6-ID1 ID0 Description Function Selector bit Device Address Read or Write Operation Select The byte sent to the X79000, immediately following the Identification byte, is called the Memory Address Byte. The value of this byte is the location of the first byte to be written to, or read from the X79000. Valid values for this byte are from 00h to 3Fh. If the value of the “Memory Address byte” is invalid, the Read or Write operation is aborted. 13 FN8147.0 March 17, 2005 X79000, X79001, X79002 READ OPERATION A Read Operation is selected when the R/W bit in the Identification Byte is set to “1”. During a Read Operation, the X79000 transmits Data Bytes at pin SO, starting at the first falling edge of SCK, following the rising edge of SCK that samples the LSB of the Memory Address Byte. The transmission continues until the CS pin signal goes HIGH. The Data Bytes are from the memory location indicated by an internal pointer. This pointer initial value is the value of the Memory Address Byte, and increments by one during transmission of each Data Byte. After reaching memory location 3Fh, the pointer “rolls over” to 00h, and then it continues incremented by one during each following Data Byte transmission. If bit “NVDAC” is “1” when reading from byte addresses 38h or 39h, the output is the content of the non-volatile DAC initial value register. If bit “NVDAC” is “0”, the output is the current value in the volatile DAC register. See the next section for writing bit “NVDAC”. WRITE OPERATION A “Write Operation” is selected when the R/W bit in the Identification Byte is set to “0”. The memory array of the X79000 is organized in 8 pages of 8 bytes each. A single write operation can be used to write between 1 to 8 bytes within the same page. During a Write Operation, the Data Bytes are transmitted immediately following the Memory Address Byte. The Data Bytes are written to the memory location indicated by an internal pointer. This pointer initial value is the value of the Memory Address Byte, and increments by one during reception of each Data Byte. After reaching the highest memory location within a page, the pointer “rolls over” to the lowest memory location of that page. The page address remains constant during a single write operation. For example, if the Write operation includes 6 Data Bytes, and the Memory Address byte is 5 (decimal), the first 3 bytes are written to locations 5, 6, and 7, while the last 3 bytes are written to locations 0, 1, and 2. If the write operation includes more than 8 Data Bytes, the new data overwrites the previous data, one byte at a time. Bytes at locations 38h through 3Fh are special cases. Bytes at locations 3Ah, 3Bh, 3Dh, and 3Eh, are reserved and must not be written. Reserved bits in other bytes must be set to “0” if writing to those bytes, and should be ignored when read. The DAC register Bytes at locations 38h & 39h must be written together in a single 2-Byte write operation. Location 3Fh contains the “NVDAC” bit. If bit “NVDAC” is “1”, the values of DAC[11:0] are written to non-volatile memory, otherwise they are written into volatile registers. Bit “NVDAC” is a volatile bit that has a “0” value at powerup. The “NVDAC” bit is set to “1” by writing 80h to byte location 3Fh. It is reset to “0” when the device is powered down or by writing 00h to byte location 3Fh. The conifiguration byte at location 3Ch must be written as a single byte. NON VOLATILE WRITE: After a complete write command sequence is correctly received by the device, and if the write operation is to non volatile memory, then the X79000 enters an internal high voltage write cycle that last up to 10 ms. The internal write cycle starts at the rising edge of CS that completes the write instruction sequence. The progress of this internal operation can be monitored through the “Write In Progress”, WIP, bit. The WIP bit is “1” during the internal write cycle and it’s “0” otherwise. The WIP bit is read with a “Write Status Polling Command”. 14 FN8147.0 March 17, 2005 X79000, X79001, X79002 READ OPERATION CS Read Device Address Signal at SI Signal at SO Memory Address Byte 0 1 High Impedance X First Read Data Byte Last Read Data Byte WRITE OPERATION CS Write Device Address Signal at SI Memory Address Byte First Data Byte to Write Last Data Byte to Write Internal High Voltage Write Cycle 0 0 When writing to nonvolatile memory. 0 WIP bit When writing to volatile registers only. 1 1 0 0 WRITE STATUS POLLING COMMAND CS Device Address Signal at SI 1 High Impedance 1 X Signal at SO Value of “WIP” (Write In Progress) bit For every byte, the MSB is transmitted first and the LSB is sent last. 15 FN8147.0 March 17, 2005 X79000, X79001, X79002 APPLICATIONS INFORMATION Remote sensing The output opamp included in the X79000 and X79001 is normally configured with a gain of +1, and since the inverting terminal is available externally, can be used for remote load sensing (see Figure 3). This configuration is useful for high accuracy applications which may draw significant current from the DAC output with a finite impedance from the DAC to the load. The inverting terminal must be brought as close as possible to the load, and there must be very low differential in the ground potentials of the two circuits. Output Voltages Greater than 3.025V The opamp output (Vbuf) can drive up to ±1mA and stay within 150mV of ground and the VCC supply. Normally, if the opamp is configured with a gain of +1, Vbuf is limited to 3.10V max, which is the limit of the DAC Vout. If gain is added to the opamp feedback loop, then Vbuf can provide a higher output voltage, up to 4.85V with VCC = 5.00V. Figure 4 shows a circuit with a gain of +2 that is configured for 4.84V max Vbuf, with VH internally set to 2.42V (VH2, VH1, VH0 set to 1,0,0). Care must be taken when increasing the maximum Vbuf output, however, in this example VCC may have a range of ±5%, or 4.75V to 5.25V. The maximum Vbuf can be expected to reach and stay within specifications is 4.75V 150mV = 4.600V. If the output offset of the DAC is included (22mV x 2, worst case), then the max output will be 4.84V + 0.044V = 4.884V. The designer has the option of either realizing that the DAC may miss the higher codes, or change the amplifier gain to a value less than 2 (or 4.60/2.42 = 1.90, for this example) to keep all codes and reduce the maximum Vbuf output. Using the VH and VL pins for multiplying functions When a time-varying waveform is applied at either reference input pin, the output reflects a scaled version of that waveform (see Figure 5). This waveform will follow the DAC output voltage equation when applied to VH: Vbuf = [(VH - VL)(n/4095)] + VL, n = 0 to 4095 (excluding DAC, Reference scaling and opamp errors) This shows that the input range for the waveform is limited to VL on the low side, and by the Vout range (3.10V) on the high side. The output is scaled by the DAC setting to allow for gain control. The maximum output voltage can be increased as shown in Figure 4 using the opamp and Vbuf output. It is advisable that the VH pin be driven by a low impedance source for optimal AC performance. The minimum bandwidth of the circuit is 50kHz over all specified voltage range, temperature and output loading configurations. Note that it is possible to use the VL pin in the same fashion, with VH fixed, but the resulting waveform will have a slightly different transfer function: Vbuf = VH - (VH - VL)[(4095-n)/4095], n = 0 to 4095 Alternatively, the VL input could include a variable reference, such as a temperature sensor, or a shunt reference connected between VH and VL, which would fix their differential (the configuration register must be set for external VH and VL references). This provides a DAC output which varies proportional to temperature, yet can be set to an arbitrary voltage by the DAC for biasing applications. 16 FN8147.0 March 17, 2005 X79000, X79001, X79002 FIGURE 3. REMOTE SENSING VH VL X79000 Variable Gain & Level Shift Variable Gain & Level Shift DAC Core + – Vbuf Bias and Control Circuit VFB FIGURE 4. ACHIEVING HIGHER OUTPUT VOLTAGES VH VL X79000 Variable Gain & Level Shift Variable Gain & Level Shift DAC Core + – Vbuf Vout = 1.21V to 4.84V* 10K VFB 10K *Set Register 3Ch for VH = 2.42V VL = 0.605V → or use a Intersil DCP FIGURE 5. MULTIPLYING DAC CONFIGURATION VIN + – VH X79000 Variable Gain & Level Shift Variable Gain & Level Shift DAC Core + – Vbuf Vout = [(VIN - VL) n/4095] + VL n = 0 to 4095 (VL set to internal reference) VFB VL 17 FN8147.0 March 17, 2005 X79000, X79001, X79002 PACKAGING INFORMATION 20-LEAD PLASTIC, TSSOP PACKAGE TYPE V .025 (.65) BSC .169 (4.3) .252 (6.4) BSC .177 (4.5) .252 (6.4) .260 (6.6) .047 (1.20) .0075 (.19) .0118 (.30) .002 (.05) .006 (.15) .010 (.25) Gage Plane 0° - 8 ° .019 (.50) .029 (.75) Detail A (20X) Seating Plane (1.78) (4.16) (7.72) (0.42) (0.65) ALL MEASUREMENTS ARE TYPICAL .031 (.80) .041 (1.05) See Detail “A” NOTE: ALL DIMENSIONS IN INCHES (IN P ARENTHESES IN MILLIMETERS) All Intersil U.S. products are manufactured, assembled and tested utilizing ISO9000 quality systems. Intersil Corporation’s quality certifications can be viewed at www.intersil.com/design/quality Intersil products are sold by description only. Intersil Corporation reserves the right to make changes in circuit design, software and/or specifications at any time without notice. Accordingly, the reader is cautioned to verify that data sheets are current before placing orders. Information furnished by Intersil is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Intersil or its subsidiaries for its use; nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Intersil or its subsidiaries. For information regarding Intersil Corporation and its products, see www.intersil.com 18 FN8147.0 March 17, 2005
X79000 价格&库存

