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    IRIS-F6454R - INTEGRATED SWITCHER - International Rectifier

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IRIS-F6454R 数据手册
Data Sheet No. PD 96941A IRIS-F6454R Features • Oscillator is provided on the monolithic control with adopting On-ChipTrimming technology. • Small temperature characteristics variation by adopting a comparator to compensate for temperature on the control part. • Low start-up circuit current (100uA max) • Built-in Active Low-Pass Filter for stabilizing the operation in case of light load • Avalanche energy guaranteed MOSFET with high VDSS • The built-in power MOSFET simplifies the surge absorption circuit since the MOSFET guarantees the avalanche energy. • No VDSS de-rating is required. • Built-in constant voltage drive circuit • Built-in soft drive circuit • Built-in low frequency PRC mode (≒20kHz) • Various kinds of protection functions • Pulse-by-pulse Overcurrent Protection (OCP) • Overvoltage Protection with latch mode (OVP) • Thermal Shutdown with latch mode (TSD) INTEGRATED SWITCHER Package Outline TO-247 Fullpack (5 Lead) Key Specifications Type IRIS-F6454R MOSFET VDSS(V) 650 RDS(ON) MAX 1. 1 5Ω AC input(V) 230±15% 85 to 264 Pout(W) Note 1 190 92 Descriptions Note 1: The Pout (W) represents the thermal rating at Quasi-Resonant Operation, and the peak power output is obtained by approximately 120 to 140% of the above listed. When the output voltage is low and ON-duty is narrow, the Pout (W) shall become lower than that of above. IRIS-F6454R is a hybrid IC consists from power MOSFET and a controller IC, designed for Quasi-Resonant (including low frequency PRC) fly-back converter type SMPS (Switching Mode Power Supply) applications. This IC realizes high efficiency, low noise, downsizing and standardizing of a power supply system reducing external components count and simplifying the circuit designs. (Note). PRC is abbreviation of “Pulse Ratio Control” (On-width control with fixed OFF-time). Typical Connection Diagram IRIS-F6400 GND Vin D S OCP/FB www.irf.com IRIS-F6454R Absolute Maximum Ratings (Ta=25ºC) Absolute maximum ratings indicate sustained limits beyond which damage to the device may occur. All voltage parameters are absolute voltages referenced to terminals stated, all currents are defined positive into any lead. The thermal resistance and power dissipation ratings are measured under board mounted and still air conditions. Symbol IDpeak IDMAX EAS Vin Vth P D1 P D2 TF Top Tstg Tch Definition Drain Current *1 Maximum switching current *5 Single pulse avalanche energy *2 Input voltage for control part O.C.P/F.B Pin voltage Power dissipation for MOSFET *3 Power dissipation for control part (Control IC) *4 Internal frame temperature in operation Operating ambient temperature Storage temperature Channel temperature Terminals Max. Ratings 3-2 14 3-2 3-2 4-5 1-5 3-2 4-5 9.7 399 35 6 55 2.8 0.49 -20 ~ +125 -20 ~ +125 -40 ~ +125 150 Units A A mJ V V W W W ℃ ℃ ℃ ℃ Note Single Pulse V2-5=0.78V Ta=-20~+125℃ Single Pulse IL peak=4.7 A With infintite heatsink Without heatsink Specified by Vin×Iin Refer to recommended operating temperature *1 Refer to MOS FET A.S.O curve *2 MOS FET Tch-EAS curve *3 Refer to MOS FET Ta-PD1 curve *4 Refer to TF-PD2 curve for Control IC (See page 5) *5 Maximum switching current. Fig.1 V2-5 The maximum switching current is the Drain current determined by the drive voltage of the IC and threshold voltage (Vth) of MOS FET. Therefore, in the event that voltage drop occurs between Pin 2 and Pin 5 due to patterning, the maximum switching current decreases as shown by V2-5 in Fig.1 Accordingly please use this device within the decrease value, referring to the derating curve of the maximum switching current. 1- Recommended operating conditions Time for input of quasi resonant signals For the quasi resonant signal inputted to O.C.P/F.B Pin at the time of quasi resonant operation, the signal shall be wider than Tth(2). Tth(2)≧1.0μsec VO.C.P/F.B 0V Vth(2) www.irf.com IRIS-F6454R Electrical Characteristics (for Control IC) Electrical characteristics for control part (Ta=25℃, Vin=18V,unless otherwise specified) Symbol Vin(ON) Vin(OFF) Iin(ON) Iin(OFF) TOFF(MAX) Tth(2) TOFF(MIN) Vth(1) Vth(2) IOCP/FB Vin(OVP) Iin(H) Vin(La.OFF) Tj(TSD) Definition Operation start voltage Operation stop voltage Circuit current in operation Circuit current in non-operation Maximum OFF time Minimum time for input of quasi resonant signals *6 Minimum OFF time *7 O.C.P/F.B Pin threshold voltage 1 O.C.P/F.B Pin threshold voltage 2 O.C.P/F.B Pin extraction current O.V.P operation voltage Latch circuit sustaining current *8 Latch circuit release voltage *8 Thermal shutdown operating temperature MIN 14.4 9 45 0.68 1.3 1.2 20.5 6.6 140 Ratings TYP 16 10 0.73 1.45 1.35 22.5 - MAX 17.6 11 20 100 55 1 1.5 0.78 1.6 1.5 24.5 400 8.4 - Units V V mA µA µsec µsec µsec V V mA V µA V ℃ Test Conditions Vin=0→17.6V Vin=17.6→9V Vin=14V Vin=0→24.5 V Vin=24.5→8.5V Vin=24.5→6.6V *6 Refer to Recommended operating conditions (See page 2) *7 The minimum OFF time means TOFF width at the time when the minimum quasi resonant signal is inputted. *8 The latch circuit means a circuit operated O.V.P and T.S.D. Electrical Characteristics (for MOSFET) (Ta=25℃) unless otherwise specified Symbol VDSS IDSS Definition Drain-to-Source breakdown voltage Drain leakage current MIN 650 - Ratings TYP - MAX 300 1.15 250 0.95 Units V µA Ω nsec ℃ /W Test Conditions ID=300µA V5- 2 =0V(short) VDS =650V V5-2=0V(short) V5-2=10V ID=2.3A RDS(ON) On-resistance tf Switching time θch-F Thermal resistance Between channel and internal frame www.irf.com IRIS-F6454R IRIS-F6454R A.S.O. temperature derating coefficient curve IRIS-F6454R MOSFET  A.S.O. Curve 100 Drain current limit by ON resistance Ta=25ºC Single Pulse 100 A.S.O. temperature derating coefficient[%] 80 0.1ms Drain CurrentD ID [A] 10 1ms 60 1 40 20 0.1 ASO temperature derating shall be made by obtaining ASO Coefficient from the left curve in your use. 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0.01 1 10 100 1000 Drain-to-Source Voltage VDS [V] Internal frame temperature TF [℃] IRIS-F6454R Maximum Switching current derating curve T a=‐ ~+125 ℃ 20              IRIS-F6454R A valanche energy derating curve 100 12.0 DMAX [A] Maximum Switchng Current I 8.0 EAS temperature derating coefficient [%] 10.0 80 60 6.0 40 4.0 2.0 20 0.0 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00 1.10 1.20 V2-5 [V] 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 Channel tem perature T ch [ ℃ ] www.irf.com IRIS-F6454R IRIS-F6454R MOSFET Ta-PD1 Curve 60 PD1=55[W] IRIS-F6454R MIC TF-PD2 Curve 0.6 PD2=0.49[W] 50 With infinite heatsink 0.5 Power dissipation PD2[W] Power dissipation P D1[W] 40 0.4 30 0.3 20 Without heatsink PD1=2.8[W] 0.2 10 0.1 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 Internal frame temperature TF[℃] Ambient temperature Ta[℃] IRIS-F6454R Transient thermal resistance curve 10 Transient thermal resistance θch-c[℃/W] 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 1µ 10µ 100µ ti e t [sec] m 1m 10m 100m www.irf.com IRIS-F6454R Block Diagram 4 Vin START REG. T.S.D O.V.P. LATCH DRIVE 3 D 2 S Vth(1) + 1 OCP/FB O.S.C + Vth(2) 5 GND Lead Assignments Pin No. Symbol OCP/FB S D Vin GND IRIS 1 2 3 4 5 Description Overcurrent / Feedback Pin Source Pin Drain Pin Power supply Pin Ground Pin Function Input of overcurrent detection signal / constant voltage control signal MOSFET source MOSFET drain Input of power supply for control circuit Ground Other Functions O.V.P. – Overvoltage Protection Circuit OCP/FB S D Vin GND T.S.D. – Thermal Shutdown Circuit www.irf.com IRIS-F6454R Case Outline 5.5±0.2 5.5±0.2 3.45±0.2 2 ±0.2 φ3.2 ±0.2 IR 3.3 a b 3.3±0.5 IRIS 23 ±0.3 3.35±0.1 (4) 7 ±0.5 R-end R-end 2-(R1.3) 1.35-0.1 1.75-0.1 0.85-0.1 4xP2.54±0.1=(10.16) +0.2 +0.2 +0.2 0.65-0.1 4.5±0.7 +0.2 15.6±0.2 a:Type Number F6454R b:Lot Number 1st letter:The last digit of year 2nd letter:Month 1 to 9 for Jan. to Sept., O for Oct. N for Nov. D for Dec. 3rd & 4th letter:Day Arabic Numerals 5th letter : Registration Symbol Weight : Approx. 7.5g Dimensions in mm DWG.No.:4B-E01515A 0.5 0.5 12 3 45 Material of Pin : Cu Treatment of Pin : Ni plating + solder dip Data and specifications subject to change without notice. IR WORLD HEADQUARTERS: 233 Kansas St., El Segundo, California 90245, USA Tel: (310) 252-7105 TAC FAX: (310) 252-7903 Visit us at www.irf.com for sales contact information. www.irf.com
1. 物料型号:IRIS-F6454R

2. 器件简介: - IRIS-F6454R是一种集成开关电源的混合IC,由功率MOSFET和控制器IC组成,专为准谐振(包括低频PRC)反激式转换器型SMPS(开关模式电源)应用而设计。此IC实现了高效率、低噪声、小型化和标准化的电源系统,减少外部元件数量并简化电路设计。

3. 引脚分配: - 1号引脚:OCP/FB - 过电流检测信号/恒压控制信号输入 - 2号引脚:S - MOSFET源极 - 3号引脚:D - MOSFET漏极 - 4号引脚:Vin - 控制电路的电源输入 - 5号引脚:GND - 地

4. 参数特性: - MOSFET VDSS(漏源击穿电压):650V - RDS(ON)最大值:1.15欧姆 - AC输入电压范围:85到264V - 输出功率(Pout):92W(准谐振操作时的热等级,峰值功率输出约为上述值的120%至140%)

5. 功能详解: - 该IC包含多种保护功能,如逐脉冲过流保护(OCP)、过压保护带锁定模式(OVP)、热关机带锁定模式(TSD)等。 - 工作在准谐振模式下,具有内置的软驱动电路和低频PRC模式(约20kHz)。 - 无需VDSS降额,具有内置恒压驱动电路。

6. 应用信息: - IRIS-F6454R适用于需要高效率、低噪声、小型化和标准化的开关模式电源系统。

7. 封装信息: - 采用TO-247 Fullpack(5引脚)封装。 - 引脚材料为铜,表面处理为镀镍和浸锡。
IRIS-F6454R 价格&库存

