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    通用三极管 PNP 50V 4A TO-220C

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2SB857C 数据手册
isc Silicon PNP Power Transistor 2SB857 DESCRIPTION ·Collector Current: IC= -4A ·Low Collector Saturation Voltage : VCE(sat)= -1.0V(Max)@IC= -2A ·High Collector Power Dissipation ·Complement to Type 2SD1133 ·Minimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust device performance and reliable operation APPLICATIONS ·Designed for low frequency power amplifier applications. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(Ta=25℃) SYMBOL PARAMETER VALUE UNIT VCBO Collector-Base Voltage -70 V VCEO Collector-Emitter Voltage -50 V VEBO Emitter-Base Voltage -5 V IC Collector Current-Continuous -4 A ICM Collector Current-Peak -8 A PC Total Power Dissipation @ TC=25℃ 40 W TJ Junction Temperature 150 ℃ -45~150 ℃ Tstg Storage Temperature Range isc website:www.iscsemi.com 1 isc & iscsemi is registered trademark isc Silicon PNP Power Transistor 2SB857 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS TC=25℃ unless otherwise specified SYMBOL PARAMETER V(BR)CEO Collector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage IC= -30mA ; RBE= ∞ -50 V V(BR)CBO Collector-Base Breakdown Voltage IC= -1mA ; IE= 0 -70 V V(BR)EBO Emitter-Base Breakdown Voltage IE= -1mA ; IC= 0 -5 V VCE(sat) Collector-Emitter Saturation Voltage IC= -2A; IB= -0.2A -1.0 V VBE(on) Base-Emitter On Voltage IC= -1A ; VCE= -4V -1.0 V ICBO Collector Cutoff Current VCB= -50V ; IE= 0 -1 μA hFE-1 DC Current Gain IC= -1A ; VCE= -4V 60 hFE-2 DC Current Gain IC= -0.1A ; VCE= -4V 35 Current-Gain—Bandwidth Product IC= -0.5A ; VCE= -4V fT  CONDITIONS MIN TYP. MAX UNIT 320 15 MHz hFE-1 Classifications B C D 60-120 100-200 160-320 NOTICE: ISC reserves the rights to make changes of the content herein the datasheet at any time without notification. The information contained herein is presented only as a guide for the applications of our products. ISC products are intended for usage in general electronic equipment. The products are not designed for use in equipment which require specialized quality and/or reliability, or in equipment which could have applications in hazardous environments, aerospace industry, or medical field. Please contact us if you intend our products to be used in these special applications. ISC makes no warranty or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does ISC assume any liability arising from the application or use of any products, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation special, consequential or incidental damages. isc website:www.iscsemi.com 2 isc & iscsemi is registered trademark
2SB857C 价格&库存

