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LM358 数据手册
IC IC SMD SMD Type Type Single Supply Dual Operational Amplifiers LM358 (KM358) SOP-8 ■ Features ● Short Circuit Protected Outputs ● True Differential Input Stage 1.50 0.15 0.21 -0.02 +0.04 ● Single Supply Operation: 3.0 V to 32 V ● Low Input Bias Currents ● Internally Compensated ● Common Mode Range Extends to Negative Supply ● Single and Split Supply Operation Output A Inputs A VEE/Gnd ■ Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta = 25℃ Parameter Symbol Rating Unit VCC 32 Vdc VCC, VEE ±16 Power Supply Voltages Single Supply Split Supplies Input Differential Voltage Range *1 VIDR ±32 Vdc Input Common Mode Voltage Range *2 VICR -0.3 to 32 Vdc Output Short Circuit Duration tSC Continuous Junction Temperature TJ 150 ℃ Thermal Resistance, Junction-to-Air RθJA 238 ℃/W Storage Temperature Range Tstg -55 to +125 ℃ Operating Ambient Temperature Range TA 0 to +70 ℃ 1 8 2 7 3 4 – + 6 – + 5 VCC Output B Inputs B (Top View) *1 Split Power Supplies. *2 For supply voltages less than 32 V the absolute maximum input voltage is equal to the supply voltage. ■ Representative Schematic Diagram (One–Half of Circuit Shown) Output VCC Q15 Q16 Bias Circuitry Common to Both Amplifiers Q22 Q14 Q13 40 k Q19 5.0 pF Q12 Q24 25 Q20 Q18 Inputs Q9 Q21 Q17 Q2 Q5 Q3 Q23 Q4 Q6 Q26 Q11 Q25 Q7 Q8 Q10 Q1 2.4 k 2.0 k VEE/Gnd www.kexin.com.cn 1 IC IC SMD Type SMD Type LM358 (KM358) ■ Electrical Characteristics Ta = 25℃(VCC = 5.0 V, VEE = Gnd, TA = 25℃, unless otherwise noted.) Parameter Symbol Test c onditions Min Typ Max Unit 2.0 7.0 mV VCC = 5.0 V to 30 V, VIC = 0 V to VCC -1.7V VO Input Offset Voltage VIO Average Temperature Coefficient of Input Offset Voltage IIO Input Bias Current IIB TA = Thigh *5 9.0 TA = Tlow *5 9.0 7.0 5.0 TA = Thigh to Tlow *5 VICR Differential Input Voltage Range VIDR Large Signal Open Loop Voltage Gain AVOL CS Common Mode Rejection CMR Power Supply Rejection PSR μV/℃ 50 150 TA = Thigh to Tlow *5 △VIO/△T TA = Thigh to Tlow*5 Input Common Mode Voltage Range *6 Channel Separation TA = 25℃ △VIO/△T TA = Thigh to Tlow *5 Input Offset Current Average Temperature Coefficient of Input Offset Current 1.4 V, RS = 0Ω -45 -250 -50 -500 10 pA/℃ VCC = 30 V 0 28.3 VCC = 30 V, TA = Thigh to Tlow 0 28 VCC RL = 2.0 kΩ VCC = 15 V, For Large VO Swing, 25 TA = Thigh to Tlow 15 RS ≤ 10 KΩ 100 V V V/mV -120 1.0 kHz ≤ f ≤ 20 kHz, Input Referenced nA dB 65 70 dB 65 100 dB 3.5 TA = Thigh to Tlow *5 VOH Output Voltage-High Limit Output Voltage-Low Limit VOL Output Source Current IO+ Output Sink Current IO- Output Short Circuit to Ground *7 ISC Power Supply Current (Total Device) ICC VCC = 5.0 V, RL = 2.0KΩ TA = 25℃ 3.3 VCC = 30 V, RL = 2.0 KΩ 26 VCC = 30 V, RL = 10 KΩ 27 VCC = 5.0 V, RL = 10 KΩ 28 5 TA = Thigh to Tlow *5 V 20 mV VID = +1.0 V, VCC = 15 V 20 40 mA VID = -1.0 V, VCC = 15 V 10 20 mA VID = -1.0 V, VO = 200 mV 12 50 μA 40 60 mA VCC = 30 V, VO = 0 V, RL = ∞ 1.5 3.0 mA VCC = 5 V, VO = 0 V, RL = ∞ 0.7 1.2 TA = Thigh to Tlow *5 *5 Tlow = 0℃, Thigh = +70℃ *6 The input common mode voltage or either input signal voltage should not be allowed to go negative by more than 0.3 V. The upper end of the common mode voltage range is VCC -1.7 V. *7 Short circuits from the output to VCC can cause excessive heating and eventual destruction. Destructive dissipation can result from simultaneous shorts on all amplifiers. ■ Marking Marking 2 www.kexin.com.cn LM358 IC SMD Type SMD Type LM358 (KM358) Typical Characteristics 。Ω µ Figure 1. Large Signal Voltage Follower Response Figure 2. Input Voltage Range Ω 。 Ω Ω Figure 3. Large–Signal Open Loop Voltage Gain 。 Figure 5. Small Signal Voltage Follower Pulse Response (Noninverting) Figure 4. Large–Signal Frequency Response 。 Figure 6. Power Supply Current versus Power Supply Voltage Figure 7. Input Bias Current versus Supply Voltage www.kexin.com.cn 3
LM358 价格&库存


    •  国内价格
    • 10+0.37239
    • 100+0.29463
    • 300+0.25575
    • 2500+0.21849
    • 5000+0.19516
    • 10000+0.18350
