S MD Type
+0.1 1.7-0.1
Unit: mm
Low turn-on voltage Fast switching Microminiature plastic package There devices are protected by a PN junction guard ring against excessive voltage, such as electrostatic discharge. ldeal for protection of MOS devices, steering, blasing,and couplong diodes for fast switching and low logic level applocations.
+0.1 2.6-0.1
Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta = 25
Parameter Continuous Reverse Voltage Forward Current Forward Surge Current, tp = 10 ms Power Dissipation Tc = 25 Thermal Resistance Junction to Ambient Air Junction Temperature Storage Temperature Range Note: 1. Valid provided that electrodes are kept at ambient temperature Symbol VR IF IFSM Ptot RèJA TJ TS Value 30 200 1.0 250(Note 1) 500 150 -65 to +150 Unit Volts mA A mW /W
E le c tric a l C h a ra c te ris tic s T a = 2 5
C h a ra c te ris tic R e ve rs e B re a k d o w n V o lta g e L e a k a g e C u rre n t a t IR = 1 0 0 at V R = 30 V a t I F = 2 .1 m A F o rw a rd V o lta g e a t IF = 1 5 m A a t IF = 1 0 0 m A a t IF = 2 0 0 m A J u n c tio n C a p a c ita n c e a t V R = 1 0 V , f = 1 .0 M H z C to t VF A S ym b o l BVR IR 260 320 420 490 550 15 pF mV M in 30 5 .0 T yp M ax U n it V o lts A
Marking S2
+0.05 0.1-0.02
+0.1 1.3-0.1
+0.05 0.3-0.05
+0.05 0.85-0.05