Lowpass Filter
KR Model 2170-S
Passband Amplitude & Group Delay
0.5 dB/div
Overall Amplitude
10 dB/DIV
10 nsec/div
100 KHz
5 MHz
100 KHz
20 MHz
KR Part Number Filter Type Insertion Loss End of Passband Passband Ripple Start of Stopband Stopband Attenuation Group Delay Ripple Group Delay Control to Approximate Group Delay Source and Load Impedance Sampling Frequency 2170-S Video Lowpass < 4.5 dB 5.0 MHz < 0.2 dB 7.25 MHz > 45 dB < 15 nsec 4.5 MHz 550 nsec 75 Ω 12.5 MHz
Outline Drawing
www.krfilters.com 91 Avenel Street Avenel, NJ 07001 732-636-1900
KR Electronics
Metal Can (5 sides) All leads .030” diameter All Dimensions inches [mm]