Lowpass Filter
KR 2297-9
Passband Amplitude
Overall Amplitude
10 dB/DIV
0.5 dB/div
100 KHz
40 MHz
100 KHz
120 MHz
KR Part Number Filter Type Insertion Loss End of Passband ( .5 dB ) Passband Ripple Start of Stopband Stopband Attenuation Source and Load Impedance 2297-9 Lowpass < 1 dB 40 MHz < .5 dB p-p 56 MHz > 45 dB 50 Ω
Outline Drawing
www.krfilters.com 91 Avenel Street Avenel, NJ 07001 732-636-1900
KR Electronics
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Tolerance ±0.010” Pins are 0.01” x 0.02” (14 plcs) Case Tabs are 0.018” x 0.060” (2 plcs) Pin 1 is INPUT Pin 14 is Output Pins 2 thru 13 are Ground Note Pin 1 and 14 are Offset Dimensions in inches