SmartMesh WirelessHART
Easy Start Guide
SmartMesh WirelessHART Easy Start Guide
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Table of Contents
1 Introduction _____________________________________________________________________________________ 3
Revision History _____________________________________________________________________________ 3
2 Setup __________________________________________________________________________________________ 4
3 Basic Steps _____________________________________________________________________________________ 5
Step 1: Connect to the Manager CLI ______________________________________________________________ 5
Step 2: Form a Wireless Mesh Network ___________________________________________________________ 6
Step 3: Establish PC Connection to a Mote ________________________________________________________ 6
Step 4: Connect to Mote CLI ___________________________________________________________________ 7
Step 5: Install SDK Software ___________________________________________________________________ 8
Step 6: Join a Mote to the Manager with the API ____________________________________________________ 8
4 Additional Tools _________________________________________________________________________________ 10
5 Steps in a Design ________________________________________________________________________________ 11
6 Troubleshooting ________________________________________________________________________________ 12
References ________________________________________________________________________________ 14
SmartMesh WirelessHART Easy Start Guide
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1 Introduction
The purpose of this document is to get the user a quick-and-easy, positive out-of-the-box experience with the SmartMesh
WirelessHART Starter Kit and Software Development Kit (SDK). More details are discussed in the SmartMesh WirelessHART
Tools Guide. A number of software components are available for demonstrating interaction with your network. In this
document, we will use the components highlighted in gray: FTDI drivers for converting USB connections to virtual COM ports;
a terminal application; and the SmartMesh SDK, which allows the user to interact graphically with mote and manager APIs.
Figure 1: SmartMesh Software Components
1.1 Revision History
Revision Date
03/18/2013 Initial Release
09/30/2013 Added DC9022
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2 Setup
Figure 1 below illustrates the required SDK setup. The kit includes a SmartMesh WirelessHART Manager
(LTP5903CEN-WHR), five Eterna Motes, and an interface board (DC9006A). There are different manager/mote combinations
available, as shown in Table 1.
DC9007A DC9003A-C LTP5903CEN-WHR Eval/Dev Kit with packaged manager
DC9022A DC9018A-C LTP5903CEN-WHR RF Certified Eval/Dev kit with packaged manager
All motes in kits ship with chip antennas. RF Certified devices are available for order individually with MMCX
Mote - DC9018B-C (MMCX connector)
Figure 1: SmartMeshSDK Setup
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3 Basic Steps
There are six steps to get the SDK running:
1. Connect to the Manager CLI
2. Form a wireless mesh network - just power everything on, and a network will form
3. Establish a connection between your PC and a Mote
4. Connect to the Mote CLI
5. Install SDK Software
6. Connect to Manager API and Mote API
Once you've done these 6 steps you'll perform one exercise - you'll use the Mote API to make a Mote join the Manager.
3.1 Step 1: Connect to the Manager CLI
Even though much of the effort associated with this guide involves using the PC, it is important to point out that your PC has
nothing to do with forming a wireless mesh network. It is only there to allow you to visualize the network and interact with it
while it is forming and once it has formed.
The manager command line interface gives you a text-based way to interact with a manager. You will need to connect a DB-9
serial cable between the LTP5903EN-WHR port labeled "Serial 2" and your computer. If you do not have a DB-9 serial port on
your computer, you will need to use a USB-serial adapter (e.g. a Keyspan 19HS) to enable CLI.
Interacting with the CLI requires no software installation on the PC if you are running Windows XP, as it comes with the
Hyperterminal client. If you are running Windows 7, you will need to download a terminal client (such as PuTTY). A list of
other terminal clients can be found in the SmartMesh WirelessHART Tools Guide. The port settings are:
115200 baud, 8 data bits, No parity, 1 stop bit, no flow control
At the prompt within the terminal program, access the Linux login prompt by entering the following username and password:
Username: dust
Password: dust
This will bring you to the Linux prompt. At the Linux prompt ( $ ):
1. Enter: nwconsole
2. Enter the manager CLI user name and password. The default user name and password is:
Username: admin
Password: admin
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3.2 Step 2: Form a Wireless Mesh Network
The network does not need human interaction to form - motes and manager are pre-configured with security and network
information and will form a network by themselves once powered up. To illustrate this, power on the Manager
(LTP5903CEN-WHR). Note the Power LED. That indicates that the Manager is on and is attempting to form a network by
sending out advertisements.
Type the following command into the manager CLI:
trace motest on
This will cause the manager to print a message every time a mote makes a state transition.
Power on one Mote (DC9003A-C). Wait until you see the mote transition to Operational (Oper). This will take 1-2 minutes.
Power on all the remaining Motes, and within a few minutes you will have a complete wireless mesh network running. The
Manager CLI is a useful interface for diagnostics and debugging - it is worthwhile to familiarize yourself with it. See the
SmartMesh WirelessHART Manager CLI Guide for details on the various commands that are available. The rest of the steps we
go through will give us additional ways to interact with the mesh network we just formed.
3.3 Step 3: Establish PC Connection to a Mote
You will now connect the PC to the Mote through your USB port. First connect the Mote to the DC9006 interface board using
the side connector, if not already done. Next, plug the USB cable into one of your PC USB ports. Note which USB port you are
using. You should consider this your Mote port for all future use with this PC.
Four virtual COM ports should automatically be added. You may have to install FTDI drivers if this doesn't happen
automatically. Refer to the SmartMesh WirelessHART Tools Guide for detailed instructions.
Note the number of these four COM ports, they will be called something like "COM11", "COM12", "COM13" and "COM14". You
will be using the third of the four for CLI and the fourth (highest chronological number) for the API connection. In this case,
COM13 and COM14, correspondingly.
It has been observed in some installations under Windows 7 that the serial ports do not enumerate in order, and the
CLI and API ports may not be the 3rd and 4th ports, respectively. If this occurs, you will need to test each port
using APIExplorer (in the SmartMesh SDK) to find the API port, and use a terminal program to find the CLI port.
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3.4 Step 4: Connect to Mote CLI
Connecting to the Mote CLI is very similar to connecting to the Manager CLI above. Connect to the third of the four COM ports
that were added when you plugged in the Mote. The COM port settings are 9600 baud, 8 data bits, No parity, 1 stop bit, no
flow control
Hit enter a few times to get a ">" prompt, then type the minfo command to get info from the Mote:
> minfo
HART stack ver 1.0.1 #1
UTC time:
reset st:
Now we will "turn on" this Mote's API port. Motes in the kit were shipped to you in master mode. In master mode, the Motes
join on their own, and the API is turned off. We will switch this Mote to slave mode. This mode turns on the API and the Mote
will only join when told to do so by the sensor application. In our case today, the PC plays the role of the sensor application.
You can get the current mode of the Mote with the command:
> get mode
To change the Mote to slave mode, type the two commands:
> set mode slave
> reset
Reset is required for the set mode slave command to take affect.
Verify that you have set the Mote to slave by executing the get mode command again.
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3.5 Step 5: Install SDK Software
While the CLI is designed for direct human interactions through text input, the API is a device interface for interacting with
other processors. The SDK contains applications that perform various useful functions exercising the APIs through a GUI
interface. The SDK is based on Python, but you do not need to install Python to use the pre-compiled applications.
Download the latest rev of SmartMeshSDK zip file.
Unzip the file and a folder by the same name will be created with 4 sub-folders: api, doc, src, and win. Each of these has
sub-folders. The important one is win, where executable versions of the utilities are stored. The SmartMeshSDK folder can be
moved to any convenient location on your computer. NO other installation is required.
3.6 Step 6: Join a Mote to the Manager with the API
In previous steps we connected a Manager and a Mote to the computer. You should have have a terminal window connected
to the CLI of the Manager and the Mote. We will now connect simultaneously to the API of the mote with the application
You can stay connected to the CLI terminal window while you connect to the API in a different application. This is
possible because the CLI uses the third COM port for each device and the API uses the fourth COM port.
We now connect to the Mote API and make it join the Manager.
In the SmartMeshSDK directory, double click on the win/APIExplorer.exe application. This opens the APIExplorer
window. Tell the application you want to connect to a SmartMesh WirelessHART Mote by selecting the following:
network type: SmartMesh WirelessHART
device type: mote
Click the load button – this loads the API for the IP Mote. In the connection frame, enter the following:
port name: your SmartMesh WirelessHART Mote's API COM port (the fourth added)
Recall that this is highest COM port number (the fourth port) you got in STEP 2. Click connect. The fields turn green indicating
the connection is successful.
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This connection to the Mote won't work if the Mote is in master mode. APIExplorer will also fail to open the port if
another application is trying to use the port.
To join the Mote to the Manager, go through these four steps:
1. Issue a getNVParameter.networkId command to verify that your SmartMesh WirelessHART Mote is configured with
the correct network ID (1229 by default)
2. Issue a getParameter.moteStatus command to verify that your SmartMesh WirelessHART Mote is in the Idle state
3. Issue a join command to tell the Mote to search and join the network
4. Repeat the getParameter.moteStatus command a few times over the next 30 seconds or so and you should see the
Mote states proceed through to Operational . You should also see notifications as the mote changes state.
The Mote is now joined to the Manager.
We will now ping one of the Motes in the network using a Manager CLI command, e.g. here to mote 2.
> ping 2
17:38:25] Ping mote 28: reply #1: 3.398s 1 hops [26.0C 3.645V]
[17:38:25] Ping mote 28: sent 1, rcvd 1, 0% lost. Ave.roundtrip: 3.398s hops: 1
The Mote will respond with the round trip delay time, temperature and voltage as described in the SmartMesh WirelessHART
Manager CLI Guide.
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4 Additional Tools
Once you have demonstrated basic network formation and the ability to interact with a Mote and Manager, you are ready to
install the additional tools discussed in the SmartMesh WirelessHART Tools Guide. See the SmartMesh WirelessHART Tools
Guide for installation instructions. These additional tools provide additional visualization and Manager configuration options
(Admin Toolset), support testing of APIs, and to generally aid in application development.
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5 Steps in a Design
With the starter kit, hardware design and software design may be decoupled.
For Software design:
The SmartMesh WirelessHART User's Guide defines basic network terms and concepts, and discusses the use of APIs
at a high level
At a minimum, a mote application needs to:
Configure any parameters needed prior to join (such as joindutycyle)
Use the join API to cause a mote to being searching for a network
Monitor the mote state to see when it is ready to accept data
Request services in order to publish data
The SmartMesh WirelessHART Mote API guide covers other commands to configure the mote
The SmartMesh WirelessHART Mote CLI guide covers using the human interface to observe mote activity
At a minimum, a host application connected to the manager needs to:
Configure any parameters needed prior to join (such as networkID)
Subscribe to notifications to observe mote status and collect data
The SmartMesh WirelessHART Manager API guide covers other commands to configure the manager, e.g.
configure security (use of ACL), or collect detailed statistics from Health Report notifications
The SmartMesh WirelessHART Manager CLI guide covers using the human interface to observe manager
activity (including traces of mote state or data).
Advanced software topics covered in the SmartMesh WirelessHART User's Guide, SmartMesh WirelessHART Tools
guide, and SmartMesh WirelessHART Application Notes include Over-the-Air-Programming, using the TestRadio API
commands for top-level assembly testing, among others
For Hardware design:
Select a hardware platform - modularly certified or chip level?
The hardware integration application notes and integration guides cover the important considerations for robust
hardware development
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6 Troubleshooting
1. When connected to a DC9006 board and a computer, the Mote may appear to be operating in spite of the power switch
being off. The 4 COM ports will appear but you may not be able to communicate with the mote reliably. Make sure that the
power switch on all boards is set to on to ensure proper operation.
2. If you are consistent with which USB port you plug the Mote into, the COM port assignments would should remain
consistent. Please mark the physical USB ports on your machine for Mote usage and then do not change its usage.
3. Make sure that the baud rate is set to 9,600 for mote CLI and 115,200 for mote/manager API and manager CLI. As an
example , see Figure 2:
COM 7-10 are for the mote: COM10 is for API at baud rate of 115,200 and COM9 is for CLI at baud rate of 9,600
Figure 2: Device Manager Example
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4. The power "slide" switch is located in corner of the mote (DC9003A-C) board. Make sure to check that the power to
Manager is ON. The 4 COM ports may appear even if the mote is powered OFF, but you will not be able to communicate with
the Mote.
5. To enable and use the API/interface of the Mote board ( DC9003A-C), it must be programmed set to be in slave mode, using
the CLI interface using the set mode command followed by a reset command. Once set in slave mode, you have to
manually execute the join command on the Mote API interface, using APIExplorer in order to join the network. This setting is
6. By default, a Mote joins automatically when it boots if it is in master mode (default mode as shipped from the factory). In
slave mode, a join command must be given.
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6.1 References
The following documents are available for the SmartMesh WirelessHART network:
Getting Started with a Starter Kit
SmartMesh WirelessHART Easy Start Guide - walks you through basic installation and a few tests to make sure your
network is working
SmartMesh WirelessHART Tools Guide - the Installation section contains instructions for the installing the serial
drivers and example programs used in the Easy Start Guide and other tutorials.
User Guide
SmartMesh WirelessHART User's Guide - describes network concepts, and discusses how to drive mote and manager
APIs to perform specific tasks, e.g. to send data or collect statistics. This document provides context for the API
Interfaces for Interaction with a Device
SmartMesh WirelessHART Manager CLI Guide - used for human interaction with a Manager (e.g. during development
of a client, or for troubleshooting). This document covers connecting to the CLI and its command set.
SmartMesh WirelessHART Manager API Guide - used for programmatic interaction with a manager. This document
covers connecting to the API and its command set.
SmartMesh WirelessHART Mote CLI Guide - used for human interaction with a mote (e.g. during development of a
sensor applicaition, or for troubleshooting). This document covers connecting to the CLI and its command set.
SmartMesh WirelessHART Mote API Guide - used for programmatic interaction with a mote. This document covers
connecting to the API and its command set.
Software Development Tools
SmartMesh WirelessHART Tools Guide - describes the various evaluation and development support tools included in
the SmartMesh SDK including tools for exercising mote and manager APIs and visualizing the network.
Application Notes
SmartMesh WirelessHART Application Notes - app notes covering a wide range of topics specific to SmartMesh
WirelessHART networks and topics that apply to SmartMesh networks in general.
Documents Useful When Starting a New Design
The Datasheet for the LTC5800-WHM SoC, or one of the castellated modules based on it, or the backwards compatible
LTP5900 22-pin module.
The Datasheet for the LTP5903-WHR embedded manager.
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A Hardware Integration Guide for the mote SoC or castellated module, or the 22-pin module - this discusses best
practices for integrating the SoC or module into your design.
A Hardware Integration Guide for the embedded manager - this discusses best practices for integrating the embedded
manager into your design.
A Board Specific Integration Guide - For SoC motes and Managers. Discusses how to set default IO configuration and
crystal calibration information via a "fuse table".
Hardware Integration Application Notes - contains an SoC design checklist, antenna selection guide, etc.
The ESP Programmer Guide - a guide to the DC9010 Programmer Board and ESP software used to program firmware
on a device.
ESP software - used to program firmware images onto a mote or module.
Fuse Table software - used to construct the fuse table as discussed in the Board Specific Integration Guide.
Other Useful Documents
A glossary of wireless networking terms used in SmartMesh documentation can be found in the SmartMesh
WirelessHART User's Guide.
A list of Frequently Asked Questions
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