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    IC REG LDO ADJ 7.5A TO247-3

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LT1083CP#PBF 数据手册
LT1083/LT1084/LT1085 7.5A, 5A, 3A Low Dropout Positive Adjustable Regulators Features Description 3-Terminal Adjustable nn Output Current of 3A, 5A or 7.5A nn Operates Down to 1V Dropout nn Guaranteed Dropout Voltage at Multiple Current Levels nn Line Regulation: 0.015% nn Load Regulation: 0.1% nn 100% Thermal Limit Functional Test nn Fixed Versions Available nn Available in 3-Lead Plastic TO-220 and DD Packages The LT®1083 series of positive adjustable regulators are designed to provide 7.5A, 5A and 3A with higher efficiency than currently available devices. All internal circuitry is designed to operate down to 1V input-to-output differential and the dropout voltage is fully specified as a function of load current. Dropout is guaranteed at a maximum of 1.5V at maximum output current, decreasing at lower load currents. On-chip trimming adjusts the reference voltage to 1%. Current limit is also trimmed, minimizing the stress on both the regulator and power source circuitry under overload conditions. nn Applications The LT1083/LT1084/LT1085 devices are pin compatible with older 3-terminal regulators. A 10µF output capacitor is required on these new devices. However, this is included in most regulator designs. High Efficiency Linear Regulators nn Post Regulators for Switching Supplies nn Constant Current Regulators nn Battery Chargers nn DEVICE OUTPUT CURRENT* LT1083 LT1084 LT1085 7.5A 5.0A 3.0A Unlike PNP regulators, where up to 10% of the output current is wasted as quiescent current, the LT1083 quiescent current flows into the load, increasing efficiency. L, LT, LTC, LTM, Linear Technology and the Linear logo are registered trademarks and UltraFast and ThinSOT are trademarks of Linear Technology Corporation. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. *For a 1.5A low dropout regulator see the LT1086 data sheet. Typical Application 5V, 7.5A Regulator VIN ≥ 6.5V IN + LT1083 ADJ 10µF 5V AT 7.5A OUT 121Ω 1% + 10µF* TANTALUM 365Ω 1% *REQUIRED FOR STABILITY 1083/4/5 ADJ TA01 INPUT/OUTPUT VOLTAGE DIFFERENTIAL (V) Dropout Voltage vs Output Current 2 1 0 0 IFULL LOAD OUTPUT CURRENT 1083/4/5 ADJ TA02 108345fh For more information www.linear.com/LT1083 1 LT1083/LT1084/LT1085 Absolute Maximum Ratings (Note 1) Power Dissipation................................ Internally Limited Input-to-Output Voltage Differential C-Grades................................................................30V I-Grades.................................................................30V M-Grades (OBSOLETE).........................................35V Operating Junction Temperature Range (Note 9) C-Grades: Control Section.................... 0°C to 125°C Power Transistor.................. 0°C to 150°C I-Grades: Control Section................– 40°C to 125°C Power Transistor..............– 40°C to 150°C M-Grades: (OBSOLETE) Control Section................– 55°C to 150°C Power Transistor.............. –55°C to 200°C Storage Temperature Range...................– 65°C to 150°C Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 sec).................... 300°C Preconditioning 100% thermal shutdown functional test. Pin Configuration TAB IS OUTPUT FRONT VIEW TAB IS OUTPUT 3 VIN 3 VIN 2 VOUT 2 VOUT ADJ 1 ADJ 1 P PACKAGE 3-LEAD PLASTIC TO-3P θJA = 35°C/W T PACKAGE 3-LEAD PLASTIC TO-220 θJA = 50°C/W OBSOLETE PACKAGE BOTTOM VIEW FRONT VIEW CASE IS OUTPUT VIN 2 TAB IS OUTPUT 1 K PACKAGE 2-LEAD TO-3 METAL CAN θJA = 35°C/W OBSOLETE PACKAGE 3 VIN 2 VOUT 1 ADJ M PACKAGE 3-LEAD PLASTIC DD ADJ 2 FRONT VIEW θJA = 30°C/W* *WITH PACKAGE SOLDERED TO 0.5IN2 COPPER AREA OVER BACKSIDE GROUND PLANE OR INTERNAL POWER PLANE. θJA CAN VARY FROM 20°C/W TO >40°C/W DEPENDING ON MOUNTING TECHNIQUE 108345fh For more information www.linear.com/LT1083 LT1083/LT1084/LT1085 Order Information LEAD FREE FINISH TAPE AND REEL PART MARKING PACKAGE DESCRIPTION TEMPERATURE RANGE LT1083CP#PBF NA LT1083CP 3-Lead Plastic TO-3P Control: 0°C to 125°C Power: 0°C to 150°C LT1084CP#PBF NA LT1084CP 3-Lead Plastic TO-3P Control: 0°C to 125°C Power: 0°C to 150°C LT1084CT#PBF NA LT1084CT 3-Lead Plastic TO-220 Control: 0°C to 125°C Power: 0°C to 150°C LT1084IT#PBF NA LT1084IT 3-Lead Plastic TO-220 Control: –40°C to 125°C Power: –40°C to 150°C LT1085CT#PBF NA LT1085CT 3-Lead Plastic TO-220 Control: 0°C to 125°C Power: 0°C to 150°C LT1085IT#PBF NA LT1085IT 3-Lead Plastic TO-220 Control: –40°C to 125°C Power: –40°C to 150°C LT1085CM#PBF LT1085CM#TRPBF LT1085CM 3-Lead Plastic DD Control: 0°C to 125°C Power: 0°C to 150°C LT1085IM#PBF LT1085IM#TRPBF LT1085IM 3-Lead Plastic DD Control: –40°C to 125°C Power: –40°C to 150°C OBSOLETE PACKAGE LEAD BASED FINISH TAPE AND REEL PART MARKING PACKAGE DESCRIPTION TEMPERATURE RANGE LT1083CP NA LT1083CP 3-Lead Plastic TO-3P Control: 0°C to 125°C Power: 0°C to 150°C LT1084CP NA LT1084CP 3-Lead Plastic TO-3P Control: 0°C to 125°C Power: 0°C to 150°C OBSOLETE PACKAGE LT1084CT NA LT1084CT 3-Lead Plastic TO-220 Control: 0°C to 125°C Power: 0°C to 150°C LT1084IT NA LT1084IT 3-Lead Plastic TO-220 Control: –40°C to 125°C Power: –40°C to 150°C LT1085CT NA LT1085CT 3-Lead Plastic TO-220 Control: 0°C to 125°C Power: 0°C to 150°C LT1085IT NA LT1085IT 3-Lead Plastic TO-220 Control: –40°C to 125°C Power: –40°C to 150°C LT1085CM LT1085CM#TR LT1085CM 3-Lead Plastic DD Control: 0°C to 125°C Power: 0°C to 150°C LT1085IM LT1085IM#TR LT1085IM 3-Lead Plastic DD Control: –40°C to 125°C Power: –40°C to 150°C 108345fh For more information www.linear.com/LT1083 3 LT1083/LT1084/LT1085 Order Information LEAD BASED FINISH TAPE AND REEL PART MARKING PACKAGE DESCRIPTION TEMPERATURE RANGE LT1083CK NA LT1083CK 2-Lead TO-3 Metal Can Control: 0°C to 125°C Power: 0°C to 150°C LT1083MK NA LT1083MK 2-Lead TO-3 Metal Can Control: –55°C to 150°C Power: –55°C to 200°C LT1084CK NA LT1084CK 2-Lead TO-3 Metal Can Control: 0°C to 125°C Power: 0°C to 150°C LT1084MK NA LT1084MK 2-Lead TO-3 Metal Can Control: –55°C to 150°C Power: –55°C to 200°C LT1085CK NA LT1085CK 2-Lead TO-3 Metal Can Control: 0°C to 125°C Power: 0°C to 150°C LT1085MK NA LT1085MK 2-Lead TO-3 Metal Can Control: –55°C to 150°C Power: –55°C to 200°C OBSOLETE PACKAGE Consult LTC Marketing for parts specified with wider operating temperature ranges. For more information on lead free part marking, go to: http://www.linear.com/leadfree/ For more information on tape and reel specifications, go to: http://www.linear.com/tapeandreel/ 4 108345fh For more information www.linear.com/LT1083 LT1083/LT1084/LT1085 Electrical Characteristics The l denotes the specifications which apply over the full operating temperature range, otherwise specifications are at TA = 25°C. PARAMETER CONDITIONS Reference Voltage IOUT = 10mA, TJ = 25°C, (VIN – VOUT) = 3V 10mA ≤ IOUT ≤ IFULL_LOAD 1.5V ≤ (VIN – VOUT) ≤ 25V (Notes 4, 6, 7) Line Regulation Load Regulation Dropout Voltage Current Limit LT1083 LT1084 LT1085 MIN TYP MAX UNITS 1.238 1.250 1.262 V 1.225 1.250 1.270 V l 0.015 0.035 0.2 0.2 % % M-Grade: 15V ≤ (VIN – VOUT) ≤ 35V (Notes 2, 3) l 0.05 0.5 % C-, I-Grades: 15V ≤ (VIN – VOUT) ≤ 30V (Notes 2, 3) l 0.05 0.5 % (VIN – VOUT) = 3V, 10mA ≤ IOUT ≤ IFULL_LOAD, TJ = 25°C (Notes 2, 3, 4, 6) l 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 % % ∆VREF = 1%, IOUT = IFULL_LOAD (Notes 5, 6, 8) l 1.3 1.5 V (VIN – VOUT) = 5V (VIN – VOUT) = 25V (VIN – VOUT) = 5V (VIN – VOUT) = 25V (VIN – VOUT) = 5V (VIN – VOUT) = 25V l l l l l l l l ILOAD = 10mA, 1.5V ≤ (VIN – VOUT) ≤ 15V, TJ = 25°C (Notes 2, 3) Minimum Load Current (VIN – VOUT) = 25V Thermal Regulation LT1083 LT1084 LT1085 TA = 25°C, 30ms Pulse Ripple Rejection f = 120Hz, CADJ = 25µF, COUT = 25µF Tantalum IOUT = IFULL_LOAD, (VIN – VOUT) = 3V (Notes 6, 7, 8) Adjust Pin Current TJ = 25°C l 8.0 0.4 5.5 0.3 3.2 0.2 60 5 10 mA 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.010 0.015 0.020 %/W %/W %/W 75 55 l Adjust Pin Current Change 10mA ≤ IOUT ≤ IFULL_LOAD, 1.5V ≤ (VIN – VOUT) ≤ 25V (Note 6) Temperature Stability Long-Term Stability TA = 125°C, 1000 Hrs RMS Output Noise (% of VOUT) TA = 25°C, 10Hz = ≤ f ≤ 10kHz Thermal Resistance Junction-to-Case LT1083 Control Circuitry/Power Transistor K Package P Package K Package P Package T Package K Package M, T Package LT1084 LT1085 A A A A A A 9.5 1.0 6.5 0.6 4.0 0.5 l 0.2 l 0.5 0.3 dB 120 µA µA 5 µA % 1 0.003 % % 0.6/1.6 0.5/1.6 0.75/2.3 0.65/2.3 0.65/2.7 0.9/3.0 0.7/3.0 °C/W °C/W °C/W °C/W °C/W °C/W °C/W 108345fh For more information www.linear.com/LT1083 5 LT1083/LT1084/LT1085 electrical characteristics Note 1: Stresses beyond those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. Exposure to any Absolute Maximum Rating condition for extended periods may affect device reliability and lifetime. Note 2: See thermal regulation specifications for changes in output voltage due to heating effects. Load and line regulation are measured at a constant junction temperature by low duty cycle pulse testing. Note 3: Line and load regulation are guaranteed up to the maximum power dissipation (60W for the LT1083, 45W for the LT1084 (K, P), 30W for the LT1084 (T) and 30W for the LT1085). Power dissipation is determined by the input/output differential and the output current. Guaranteed maximum power dissipation will not be available over the full input/output voltage range. 6 Note 4: IFULL_LOAD is defined in the current limit curves. The IFULL_LOAD curve is defined as the minimum value of current limit as a function of input-to-output voltage. Note that the 60W power dissipation for the LT1083 (45W for the LT1084 (K, P), 30W for the LT1084 (T), 30W for the LT1085) is only achievable over a limited range of input-to-output voltage. Note 5: Dropout voltage is specified over the full output current range of the device. Test points and limits are shown on the Dropout Voltage curve. Note 6: For LT1083 IFULL_LOAD is 5A for – 55°C ≤ TJ < – 40°C and 7.5A for TJ ≥ –40°C. Note 7: 1.7V ≤ (VIN – VOUT) ≤ 25V for LT1084 at – 55°C ≤ TJ ≤ – 40°C. Note 8: Dropout is 1.7V maximum for LT1084 at – 55°C ≤ TJ ≤ –40°C. Note 9: The LT1083/LT1084/LT1085 regulators are tested and specified under pulse load conditions such that TJ ≅ TA. The C-grade LT1083/ LT1084/LT1085 are 100% tested at 25°C.The I-grade LT1084/LT1085 are guaranteed over the full –40°C to 125°C operating ambient temperature range. 108345fh For more information www.linear.com/LT1083 LT1083/LT1084/LT1085 Typical Performance Characteristics LT1083 Short-Circuit Current 12 INDICATES GUARANTEED TEST POINT TJ = 150°C TJ = 25°C TJ = –55°C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 OUTPUT CURRENT (A) 9 6 –55°C 4 2 0 10 150°C 8 IFULL LOAD GUARANTEED 0 20 30 15 25 5 10 INPUT/OUTPUT DIFFERENTIAL (V) LT1083/4/5 ADJ G01 SHORT-CIRCUIT CURRENT (A) MINIMUN INPUT/OUTPUT DIFFERENTIAL (V) TJ = –55°C TJ = 25°C 1 3 4 2 OUTPUT CURRENT (A) 5 150°C 25°C 6 –55°C 5 4 3 2 0 6 IFULL LOAD GUARANTEED 0 20 15 10 25 30 5 INPUT/OUTPUT DIFFERENTIAL (V) –0.10 –0.15 TJ = –55°C TJ = 25°C 3 2 1 OUTPUT CURRENT (A) 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 TEMPERATURE (°C) LT1083/4/5 ADJ G06 LT1085 Load Regulation 0.10 ∆I = 3A SHORT-CIRCUIT CURRENT (A) MINIMUM INPUT/OUTPUT DIFFERENTIAL (V) –0.05 –0.20 –50 –25 35 6 –55°C ≤ TJ ≤ 150°C 0 0 LT1085 Short-Circuit Current 0°C ≤ TJ ≤ 125°C 0 0.05 LT1083/4/5 ADJ G05 INDICATES GUARANTEED TEST POINT TJ = 150°C LT1084 Load Regulation 8 7 LT1085 Dropout Voltage 1 25 50 75 100 125 150 TEMPERATURE (°C) ∆I = 5A LT1083/4/5 ADJ G04 2 0 0.10 1 0 –0.15 9 0°C ≤ TJ ≤ 125°C 0 –0.10 LT1083/4/5 ADJ G03 10 –55°C ≤ TJ ≤ 150°C TJ = 150°C –0.05 LT1084 Short-Circuit Current INDICATES GUARANTEED TEST POINT 1 0 LT1083/4/5 ADJ G02 LT1084 Dropout Voltage 2 0.05 –0.20 –50 –25 35 OUTPUT VOLTAGE DEVIATION (%) 0 25°C 10 OUTPUT VOLTAGE DEVIATION (%) 0°C ≤ TJ ≤ 125°C 0 0.10 ∆I = 7.5A –40°C ≤ TJ ≤ 150°C 1 LT1083 Load Regulation 4 LT1083/4/5 ADJ G07 OUTPUT VOLTAGE DEVIATION (%) 2 SHORT-CIRCUIT CURRENT (A) MINIMUM INPUT/OUTPUT DIFFERENTIAL (V) LT1083 Dropout Voltage 5 25°C 4 150°C 3 –55°C 2 IFULL LOAD GUARANTEED 1 0 0 20 30 15 25 5 10 INPUT/OUTPUT DIFFERENTIAL (V) 35 LT1083/4/5 ADJ G08 0.05 0 –0.05 –0.10 –0.15 –0.20 –50 –25 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 TEMPERATURE (°C) LT1083/4/5 ADJ G09 108345fh For more information www.linear.com/LT1083 7 LT1083/LT1084/LT1085 Typical Performance Characteristics Minimum Operating Current 8 7 6 5 TJ = 150°C 4 TJ = 25°C 3 2 ADJUST PIN CURRENT (µA) 90 REFERENCE VOLTAGE (V) 1.26 1.25 1.24 TJ = –55°C 0 20 15 10 25 30 5 INPUT/OUTPUT DIFFERENTIAL (V) 35 0 60 40 30 CADJ = 200µF AT FREQUENCIES < 60Hz CADJ = 25µF AT FREQUENCIES > 60Hz IOUT = 7A 20 10 0 10 100 1k 10k FREQUENCY (Hz) 100k 30 0 CADJ = 200µF AT FREQUENCIES < 60Hz CADJ = 25µF AT FREQUENCIES > 60Hz IOUT = 5A 10 100 1k 10k FREQUENCY (Hz) 1083/4/5 ADJ G16 8 7 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 CASE TEMPERATURE (°C) * AS LIMITED BY MAXIMUM JUNCTION TEMPERATURE 8 LT1083/4/5 ADJ G15 LT1084 Maximum Power Dissipation* 60 50 LT1084MK fR = 20kHz VRIPPLE ≤ 0.5VP-P 70 60 40 50 40 30 VOUT = 5V CADJ = 25µF COUT = 25µF 20 0 30 20 10 100k LT1083CK 0 fR = 120Hz VRIPPLE ≤ 3VP-P 90 RIPPLE REJECTION (dB) 30 LT1083CP 10 6 4 3 2 5 OUTPUT CURRENT (A) 1 80 40 10 40 LT1084 Ripple Rejection vs Current (VIN – VOUT) ≥ VDROPOUT 20 50 20 100 50 LT1083MK 60 30 VOUT = 5V CADJ = 25µF COUT = 25µF 20 1083/4/5 ADJ G14 VRIPPLE ≤ 3VP-P VRIPPLE ≤ 0.5VP-P 60 0 70 40 0 100 70 25 50 75 100 125 150 TEMPERATURE (°C) 90 50 10 (VIN – VOUT) ≥ 3V 0 80 60 LT1084 Ripple Rejection 80 20 100 fR = 20kHz VRIPPLE ≤ 0.5VP-P 70 1083/4/5 ADJ G13 90 30 LT1083 Maximum Power Dissipation* 80 (VIN – VOUT) ≥ VDROPOUT 50 40 LT1083/4/5 ADJ G12 fR = 120Hz VRIPPLE ≤ 3VP-P 90 RIPPLE REJECTION (dB) RIPPLE REJECTION (dB) 100 VRIPPLE ≤ 0.5VP-P (VIN – VOUT) ≥ 3V 70 50 LT1083 Ripple Rejection vs Current VRIPPLE ≤ 3VP-P 80 60 LT1083/4/5 ADJ G11 LT1083 Ripple Rejection 90 70 0 –50 –25 25 50 75 100 125 150 TEMPERATURE (°C) LT1083/4/5 ADJ G10 100 80 10 1.23 –50 –25 POWER (W) 1 POWER (W) MINIMUM OPERATING CURRENT (mA) 100 1.27 9 0 RIPPLE REJECTION (dB) Adjust Pin Current Temperature Stability 10 0 1 10 4 3 2 OUTPUT CURRENT (A) 5 1083/4/5 ADJ G17 LT1084CT LT1084CP LT1084CK 0 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 CASE TEMPERATURE (°C) * AS LIMITED BY MAXIMUM JUNCTION TEMPERATURE LT1083/4/5 ADJ G18 108345fh For more information www.linear.com/LT1083 LT1083/LT1084/LT1085 Typical Performance Characteristics LT1085 Ripple Rejection (VIN – VOUT) ≥ VDROPOUT 50 40 30 CADJ = 200µF AT FREQUENCIES < 60Hz CADJ = 25µF AT FREQUENCIES > 60Hz IOUT = 3A 20 10 10 100 1k 10k FREQUENCY (Hz) 60 fR = 20kHz VRIPPLE ≤ 0.5VP-P 50 40 VOUT = 5V CADJ = 25µF COUT = 25µF 20 10 0 100k 0 0.5 LT1085CK 2.0 1.0 1.5 OUTPUT CURRENT (A) 0.4 OUTPUT VOLTAGE DEVIATION (V) 0.6 0.4 0 CIN = 1µF COUT = 10µF TANTALUM –0.4 LOAD CURRENT (A) 8 VOUT=10V VIN=13V PRELOAD=100mA 6 4 2 0 50 TIME (µs) 0 100 LOAD CURRENT (A) OUTPUT VOLTAGE DEVIATION (V) 0.6 –0.2 LT1083/4/5 ADJ G21 LT1085 Load Transient Response 0.3 CADJ = 1µF 0.2 0 –0.2 CIN = 1µF COUT = 10µF TANTALUM –0.4 –0.6 6 VOUT=10V VIN=13V PRELOAD=100mA 4 2 0 50 TIME (µs) 0 100 OUTPUT VOLTAGE DEVIATION (mV) CADJ = 1µF 50 0 –50 –100 VOUT = 10V IIN = 0.2A CIN = 1µF TANTALUM COUT = 10µF TANTALUM 14 13 12 0 100 TIME (µs) –0.1 200 1083/4/5 ADJ G25 CIN = 1µF COUT = 10µF TANTALUM –0.2 –0.3 3 VOUT=10V VIN=13V PRELOAD=100mA 2 1 0 50 TIME (µs) 0 100 LT1085 Line Transient Response 60 CADJ = 0 40 CADJ = 1µF 20 0 –20 –40 VOUT = 10V IIN = 0.2A CIN = 1µF TANTALUM COUT = 10µF TANTALUM –60 INPUT DEVIATION (V) –150 0 1083/4/5 ADJ G24 60 CADJ = 0 CADJ = 1µF 0.1 LT1084 Line Transient Response 150 100 CADJ = 0 0.2 1083/4/5 ADJ G23 LT1083 Line Transient Response OUTPUT VOLTAGE DEVIATION (mV) 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 CASE TEMPERATURE (°C) * AS LIMITED BY MAXIMUM JUNCTION TEMPERATURE 3.0 CADJ = 0 1083/4/5 ADJ G22 INPUT DEVIATION (V) 2.5 LT1084 Load Transient Response CADJ = 1µF LT1085CT 0 1083/4/5 ADJ G20 LT1083 Load Transient Response 0.2 20 10 1083/4/5 ADJ G19 CADJ = 0 LT1085MK 30 30 OUTPUT VOLTAGE DEVIATION (mV) 0 40 fR = 120Hz VRIPPLE ≤ 3VP-P 70 OUTPUT VOLTAGE DEVIATION (V) 60 80 POWER (W) (VIN – VOUT) ≥ 3V 70 50 90 14 13 12 0 100 TIME (µs) CADJ = 0 40 CADJ = 1µF 20 0 –20 –40 VOUT = 10V IIN = 0.2A CIN = 1µF TANTALUM COUT = 10µF TANTALUM –60 INPUT DEVIATION (V) RIPPLE REJECTION (dB) 80 100 VRIPPLE ≤ 0.5VP-P LOAD CURRENT (A) VRIPPLE ≤ 3VP-P 90 RIPPLE REJECTION (dB) 100 LT1085 Maximum Power Dissipation* LT1085 Ripple Rejection vs Current 200 1083/4/5 ADJ G26 14 13 12 0 100 TIME (µs) 200 1083/4/5 ADJ G27 108345fh For more information www.linear.com/LT1083 9 LT1083/LT1084/LT1085 Block Diagram VIN + – THERMAL LIMIT VOUT 1083/4/5 ADJ BD VADJ Applications Information The LT1083 family of 3-terminal adjustable regulators is easy to use and has all the protection features that are expected in high performance voltage regulators. They are short-circuit protected, and have safe area protection as well as thermal shutdown to turn off the regulator should the junction temperature exceed about 165°C. These regulators are pin compatible with older 3-terminal adjustable devices, offer lower dropout voltage and more precise reference tolerance. Further, the reference stability with temperature is improved over older types of regulators. The only circuit difference between using the LT1083 family and older regulators is that this new family requires an output capacitor for stability. Stability The circuit design used in the LT1083 family requires the use of an output capacitor as part of the device frequency compensation. For all operating conditions, the addition of a 150µF aluminium electrolytic or a 22µF solid tantalum 10 on the output will ensure stability. Normally, capacitors much smaller than this can be used with the LT1083. Many different types of capacitors with widely varying characteristics are available. These capacitors differ in capacitor tolerance (sometimes ranging up to ±100%), equivalent series resistance, and capacitance temperature coefficient. The 150µF or 22µF values given will ensure stability. When the adjustment terminal is bypassed to improve the ripple rejection, the requirement for an output capacitor increases. The value of 22µF tantalum or 150µF aluminum covers all cases of bypassing the adjustment terminal. Without bypassing the adjustment terminal, smaller capacitors can be used with equally good results and the table below shows approximately what size capacitors are needed to ensure stability. Recommended Capacitor Values INPUT OUTPUT ADJUSTMENT 10µF 10µF 10µF Tantalum, 50µF Aluminum 22µF Tantalum, 150µF Aluminum None 20µF 108345fh For more information www.linear.com/LT1083 LT1083/LT1084/LT1085 Applications Information Normally, capacitor values on the order of 100µF are used in the output of many regulators to ensure good transient response with heavy load current changes. Output capacitance can be increased without limit and larger values of output capacitor further improve stability and transient response of the LT1083 regulators. pin instantaneously shorted to ground, can damage occur. A crowbar circuit at the input of the LT1083 can generate those kinds of currents, and a diode from output to input is then recommended. Normal power supply cycling or even plugging and unplugging in the system will not generate current large enough to do any damage. Another possible stability problem that can occur in monolithic IC regulators is current limit oscillations. These can occur because, in current limit, the safe area protection exhibits a negative impedance. The safe area protection decreases the current limit as the input-to-output voltage increases. That is the equivalent of having a negative resistance since increasing voltage causes current to decrease. Negative resistance during current limit is not unique to the LT1083 series and has been present on all power IC regulators. The value of the negative resistance is a function of how fast the current limit is folded back as input-to-output voltage increases. This negative resistance can react with capacitors or inductors on the input to cause oscillation during current limiting. Depending on the value of series resistance, the overall circuitry may end up unstable. Since this is a system problem, it is not necessarily easy to solve; however, it does not cause any problems with the IC regulator and can usually be ignored. The adjustment pin can be driven on a transient basis ± 25V, with respect to the output without any device degradation. Of course, as with any IC regulator, exceeding the maximum input to output voltage differential causes the internal transistors to break down and none of the protection circuitry is functional. Protection Diodes In normal operation, the LT1083 family does not need any protection diodes. Older adjustable regulators required protection diodes between the adjustment pin and the output and from the output to the input to prevent overstressing the die. The internal current paths on the LT1083 adjustment pin are limited by internal resistors. Therefore, even with capacitors on the adjustment pin, no protection diode is needed to ensure device safety under short-circuit conditions. Diodes between input and output are usually not needed. The internal diode between the input and the output pins of the LT1083 family can handle microsecond surge currents of 50A to 100A. Even with large output capacitances, it is very difficult to get those values of surge currents in normal operations. Only with a high value of output capacitors, such as 1000µF to 5000µF and with the input D1 1N4002 (OPTIONAL) VIN IN LT1083 OUT ADJ + R1 CADJ 10µF + VOUT COUT 150µF R2 1083/4/5 ADJ F00 Overload Recovery Like any of the IC power regulators, the LT1083 has safe area protection. The safe area protection decreases the current limit as input-to-output voltage increases and keeps the power transistor inside a safe operating region for all values of input-to-output voltage. The LT1083 protection is designed to provide some output current at all values of input-to-output voltage up to the device breakdown. When power is first turned on, as the input voltage rises, the output follows the input, allowing the regulator to start up into very heavy loads. During the start-up, as the input voltage is rising, the input-to-output voltage differential remains small, allowing the regulator to supply large output currents. With high input voltage, a problem can occur wherein removal of an output short will not allow the output voltage to recover. Older regulators, such as the 7800 series, also exhibited this phenomenon, so it is not unique to the LT1083. 108345fh For more information www.linear.com/LT1083 11 LT1083/LT1084/LT1085 Applications Information The problem occurs with a heavy output load when the input voltage is high and the output voltage is low, such as immediately after removal of a short. The load line for such a load may intersect the output current curve at two points. If this happens, there are two stable output operating points for the regulator. With this double intersection, the power supply may need to be cycled down to zero and brought up again to make the output recover. Ripple Rejection The typical curves for ripple rejection reflect values for a bypassed adjustment pin. This curve will be true for all values of output voltage. For proper bypassing and ripple rejection approaching the values shown, the impedance of the adjust pin capacitor at the ripple frequency should be less than the value of R1, (normally 100Ω to 120Ω). The size of the required adjust pin capacitor is a function of the input ripple frequency. At 120Hz the adjust pin capacitor should be 25µF if R1 = 100Ω. At 10kHz only 0.22µF is needed. For circuits without an adjust pin bypass capacitor, the ripple rejection will be a function of output voltage. The output ripple will increase directly as a ratio of the output voltage to the reference voltage (VOUT/VREF). For example, with the output voltage equal to 5V and no adjust pin capacitor, the output ripple will be higher by the ratio of 5V/1.25V or four times larger. Ripple rejection will be degraded by 12dB from the value shown on the typical curve. Output Voltage 12 OUT LT1083 ADJ VOUT VREF R1 IADJ 50µA ( R2 ) VOUT = VREF 1 + R2 + IADJ R2 R1 1083/4/5 ADJ F01 Figure 1. Basic Adjustable Regulator Load Regulation Because the LT1083 is a 3-terminal device, it is not possible to provide true remote load sensing. Load regulation will be limited by the resistance of the wire connecting the regulator to the load. The data sheet specification for load regulation is measured at the bottom of the package. Negative side sensing is a true Kelvin connection, with the bottom of the output divider returned to the negative side of the load. Although it may not be immediately obvious, best load regulation is obtained when the top of the resistor divider R1 is connected directly to the case not to the load. This is illustrated in Figure 2. If R1 were connected to the load, the effective resistance between the regulator and the load would be: ⎛ R2+R1⎞ RP • ⎜ ⎟,RP = Parasitic Line Resistance ⎝ R1 ⎠ VIN The LT1083 develops a 1.25V reference voltage between the output and the adjust terminal (see Figure 1). By placing a resistor R1 between these two terminals, a constant current is caused to flow through R1 and down through R2 to set the overall output voltage. Normally this current is the specified minimum load current of 10mA. Because IADJ is very small and constant when compared with the current through R1, it represents a small error and can usually be ignored. IN VIN IN LT1083 OUT RP PARASITIC LINE RESISTANCE ADJ R1* RL R2* *CONNECT R1 TO CASE CONNECT R2 TO LOAD 1083/4/5 ADJ F02 Figure 2. Connections for Best Load Regulation 108345fh For more information www.linear.com/LT1083 LT1083/LT1084/LT1085 Applications Information Connected as shown, RP is not multiplied by the divider ratio. RP is about 0.004Ω per foot using 16-gauge wire. This translates to 4mV/ft at 1A load current, so it is important to keep the positive lead between regulator and load as short as possible and use large wire or PC board traces. Thermal Considerations The LT1083 series of regulators have internal power and thermal limiting circuitry designed to protect the device under overload conditions. For continuous normal load conditions however, maximum junction temperature ratings must not be exceeded. It is important to give careful consideration to all sources of thermal resistance from junction to ambient. This includes junction-to-case, caseto-heat sink interface, and heat sink resistance itself. New thermal resistance specifications have been developed to more accurately reflect device temperature and ensure safe operating temperatures. The data section for these new regulators provides a separate thermal resistance and maximum junction temperature for both the Control Section and the Power Transistor. Previous regulators, with a single junction-to-case thermal resistance specification, used an average of the two values provided here and therefore could allow excessive junction temperatures under certain conditions of ambient temperature and heat sink resistance. To avoid this possibility, calculations should be made for both sections to ensure that both thermal limits are met. Junction-to-case thermal resistance is specified from the IC junction to the bottom of the case directly below the die. This is the lowest resistance path for heat flow. Proper mounting is required to ensure the best possible thermal flow from this area of the package to the heat sink. Thermal compound at the case-to-heat sink interface is strongly recommended. If the case of the device must be electrically isolated, a thermally conductive spacer can be used, as long as its added contribution to thermal resistance is considered. Note that the case of all devices in this series is electrically connected to the output. For example, using an LT1083CK (TO-3, Commercial) and assuming: VIN (Max Continuous) = 9V, VOUT = 5V, IOUT = 6A, TA = 75°C, θHEAT SINK = 1°C/W, θCASE-TO-HEAT SINK = 0.2°C/W for K package with thermal compound. Power dissipation under these conditions is equal to: PD = (VIN – VOUT )(IOUT) = 24W Junction temperature will be equal to: TJ = TA + PD (θHEAT SINK + θCASE-TO-HEAT SINK + θJC) For the Control Section: TJ = 75°C + 24W (1°C/W + 0.2°C/W + 0.6°C/W) = 118°C 118°C < 125°C = TJMAX (Control Section Commercial Range) For the Power Transistor: TJ = 75°C + 24W (1°C/W + 0.2°C/W + 1.6°C/W) = 142°C 142°C < 150°C = TJMAX (Power Transistor Commercial Range) In both cases the junction temperature is below the maximum rating for the respective sections, ensuring reliable operation. 108345fh For more information www.linear.com/LT1083 13 LT1083/LT1084/LT1085 Typical Application 7.5A Variable Regulator T1 TRIAD F-269U L 1mH C30B 20Ω 3 110VAC 20Ω IN T2 1 C1 50,000µF 750Ω* 16k* 560Ω 15V 15k –15V 8 2 3 10k + 4 LT1011 – 200k 7 2.7k –15V NC 15V 7 16k* 11k* 0.1µF – 4 3 1 LT1011 + 1 10k 2 15K GENERAL PURPOSE REGULATOR WITH SCR PREREGULATOR TO LOWER POWER DISSIPATION. ABOUT 1.7V DIFFERENTIAL IS MAINTAINED ACROSS THE LT1083 INDEPENDENT OF OUTPUT VOLTAGE AND LOAD CURRENT 100pF 2N3904 8 –15V 14 LT1004-1.2 1 1N4148 * 1% FILM RESISTOR L: DALE TO-5 TYPE T2: STANCOR 11Z-2003 100µF 2k OUTPUT ADJUST 1N4003 82k 0V TO 35V OA TO 7.5A 2 1N914 1µF 1.5k + LT1004-1.2 C30B 1N4003 OUT ADJ + 1N4003 LT1083 8 6 + 3 – 2 LM301A 7 4 –15V 15V 15V 1µF 11k* LT1083/4/5 ADJ TA05 108345fh For more information www.linear.com/LT1083 LT1083/LT1084/LT1085 Typical Application Paralleling Regulators VIN IN LT1083 2 FEET #18 WIRE* OUT ( ) ADJ VOUT = 1.25V 1 + R2 R1 IOUT = 0A TO 15A 0.015Ω IN LT1083 OUT *THE #18 WIRE ACTS AS BALLAST RESISTANCE INSURING CURRENT SHARING BETWEEN BOTH DEVICES ADJ R1 120Ω LT1083/4/5 ADJ TA03 R2 Improving Ripple Rejection VIN IN + LT1083 OUT VOUT 5V R1 121Ω 1% ADJ 10µF R2 365Ω 1% + + 150µF C1 25µF* *C1 IMPROVES RIPPLE REJECTION. XC SHOULD BE < R1 AT RIPPLE FREQUENCY 1083/4/5 ADJ TA04 Remote Sensing VIN IN LT1083 RP (MAX DROP 300mV) OUT + ADJ 25Ω + 10µF 121Ω VIN 100µF 7 6 – LM301A 1 8 + 4 365Ω VOUT 5V 100pF 2 3 1k RL 5µF + 25Ω RETURN RETURN 1083/4/5 ADJ TA07 108345fh For more information www.linear.com/LT1083 15 LT1083/LT1084/LT1085 Typical Application High Efficiency Regulator with Switching Preregulator 1mH VIN 28V MR1122 IN + LT1083 ADJ 10,000µF 240Ω 470Ω 10k 1N914 28V 1k 1M VOUT OUT 2k 4N28 10k + 1083/4/5 ADJ TA06 LT1011 10k – 28V 1N914 1.2V to 15V Adjustable Regulator VIN IN + LT1083 R1 90.9Ω ADJ C1* 10µF VOUT† OUT + C2 100µF R2 1k *NEEDED IF DEVICE IS FAR FROM FILTER CAPACITORS ( †V R2 OUT = 1.25V 1 + R1 ) 1083/4/5 ADJ TA08 5V Regulator with Shutdown* VIN IN + TTL LT1083 ADJ 10µF 1k VOUT 5V OUT 2N3904 121Ω 1% + 365Ω 1% 100µF 1k *OUTPUT SHUTS DOWN TO 1.3V 16 1083/4/5 ADJ TA09 108345fh For more information www.linear.com/LT1083 LT1083/LT1084/LT1085 Package Description Please refer to http://www.linear.com/designtools/packaging/ for the most recent package drawings. K Package 2-Lead TO-3 Metal Can (Reference LTC DWG # 05-08-1310) .320 – .350 (8.13 – 8.89) 1.177 – 1.197 (29.90 – 30.40) .760 – .775 (19.30 – 19.69) .655 – .675 (16.64 – 17.15) .060 – .135 (1.524 – 3.429) .420 – .480 (10.67 – 12.19) .038 – .043 (0.965 – 1.09) .210 – .220 (5.33 – 5.59) .425 – .435 (10.80 – 11.05) .151 – .161 (3.86 – 4.09) DIA, 2PLCS .167 – .177 (4.24 – 4.49) R .067 – .077 (1.70 – 1.96) .490 – .510 (12.45 – 12.95) R K2 (TO-3) 0801 OBSOLETE PACKAGE 108345fh For more information www.linear.com/LT1083 17 LT1083/LT1084/LT1085 Package Description Please refer to http://www.linear.com/designtools/packaging/ for the most recent package drawings. M Package M Package 3-Lead Plastic DD DD PakPak 3-Lead Plastic (Reference LTC LTC DWGDWG # 05-08-1460 RevRev F) F) (Reference # 05-08-1460 .256 (6.502) .060 (1.524) TYP .060 (1.524) .390 – .415 (9.906 – 10.541) .165 – .180 (4.191 – 4.572) .045 – .055 (1.143 – 1.397) 15° .060 (1.524) .183 (4.648) .330 – .370 (8.382 – 9.398) +.008 .004 –.004 +0.203 0.102 –0.102 ( .059 (1.499) ) .095 – .115 (2.413 – 2.921) .075 (1.905) .300 (7.620) +.012 .143 –.020 +0.305 3.632 –0.508 ( BOTTOM VIEW OF DD PAK HATCHED AREA IS SOLDER PLATED COPPER HEAT SINK ) DETAIL A .050 (1.270) .100 (2.54) BSC .013 – .023 (0.330 – 0.584) .050 ±.012 (1.270 ±0.305) DETAIL A 0° – 7° TYP .080 .420 .350 0° – 7° TYP .420 .276 .325 .205 .585 .585 .320 .090 .100 .100 .070 RECOMMENDED SOLDER PAD LAYOUT NOTE: 1. DIMENSIONS IN INCH/(MILLIMETER) 2. DRAWING NOT TO SCALE 18 .090 .070 M (DD3) 0212 REV F RECOMMENDED SOLDER PAD LAYOUT FOR THICKER SOLDER PASTE APPLICATIONS 108345fh For more information www.linear.com/LT1083 LT1083/LT1084/LT1085 Package Description Please refer to http://www.linear.com/designtools/packaging/ for the most recent package drawings. P Package P Package 3-Lead Plastic TO-3P (Similar to TO-247) 3-Lead Plastic to Rev TO-247)) (Reference LTC TO-3P DWG # (Similar 05-08-1450 A) (Reference LTC DWG # 05-08-1450 Rev A) .515 – .580 (13.08 – 14.73) .305 – .370 (7.75 – 9.40) .560 – .620 (14.22 – 15.75) .187 – .207 (4.75 – 5.26) .620 – .640 (15.75 – 16.26) .265 – .293 (6.73 – 7.44) MOUNTING HOLE 18° – 22° .115 – .145 (2.92 – 3.68) DIA .819 – .870 (20.80 – 22.10) .635 – .720 (16.13 – 18.29) .060 – .081 (1.52 – 2.06) .170 – .215 (4.32 – 5.46) EJECTOR PIN MARKS .105 – .125 (2.67 – 3.18) DIA .580 – .600 (14.73 – 15.24) 3° – 7° .104 – .145 (2.64 – 3.68) .170 (4.32) MAX .780 – .800 (19.81 – 20.32) BOTTOM VIEW OF TO-3P HATCHED AREA IS SOLDER PLATED COPPER HEAT SINK NOTE: 1. DIMENSIONS IN INCH/(MILLIMETER) 2. DRAWING NOT TO SCALE 3. DIMENSIONS ARE INCLUSIVE OF PLATING 4. DIMENSIONS ARE EXCLUSIVE OF MOLD FLASH AND METAL BURR 5. MOLD FLASH SHALL NOT EXCEED .030" (.762mm) .042 – .052 (1.07 – 1.32) .074 – .084 (1.88 – 2.13) .215 (5.46) BSC .113 – .123 (2.87 – 3.12) .087 – .102 (2.21 – 2.59) .020 – .040 (0.51 – 1.02) P3 0512 REV A OBSOLETE PACKAGE 108345fh For more information www.linear.com/LT1083 19 LT1083/LT1084/LT1085 Package Description Please refer to http://www.linear.com/designtools/packaging/ for the most recent package drawings. T Package 3-Lead Plastic TO-220 T Package (Reference DWG #TO-220 05-08-1420) 3-LeadLTC Plastic (Reference LTC DWG # 05-08-1420) .147 – .155 (3.734 – 3.937) DIA .390 – .415 (9.906 – 10.541) .165 – .180 (4.191 – 4.572) .045 – .055 (1.143 – 1.397) .230 – .270 (5.842 – 6.858) .460 – .500 (11.684 – 12.700) .570 – .620 (14.478 – 15.748) .330 – .370 (8.382 – 9.398) .980 – 1.070 (24.892 – 27.178) .520 – .570 (13.208 – 14.478) .100 (2.540) BSC 20 .028 – .038 (0.711 – 0.965) .218 – .252 (5.537 – 6.401) .050 (1.270) TYP .013 – .023 (0.330 – 0.584) .095 – .115 (2.413 – 2.921) T3 (TO-220) 0801 108345fh For more information www.linear.com/LT1083 LT1083/LT1084/LT1085 Revision History (Revision history begins at Rev H) REV DATE DESCRIPTION H 06/15 Obsolete TO-3P package. PAGE NUMBER 2, 19 108345fh Information furnished by Linear Technology Corporation is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed for its use. Linear Technology Corporation makes no representation that the interconnection of its circuits as described herein will not infringe on existing patent rights. For more information www.linear.com/LT1083 21 LT1083/LT1084/LT1085 Typical Applications Automatic Light Control Protected High Current Lamp Driver 12V 5A VIN IN LT1083 OUT ADJ + OUT 1.2k 100µF 10µF LT1083 15V IN ADJ TTL OR CMOS 1083/4/5 ADJ TA11 10k 1083/4/5 ADJ TA10 Related Parts PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION COMMENTS LT1129 700mA Micropower Low Dropout Regulator 50µA Quiescent Current LT1175 500mA Negative Low Dropout Micropower Regulator 45µA IQ, 0.26V Dropout Voltage, SOT-223 Package LT1185 3A Negative Low Dropout Regulator VIN: –4.5V to –35V, 0.8V Dropout Voltage, DD-Pak and TO-220 Packages LT1529 3A Low Dropout Regulator with 50µA IQ 500mV Dropout Voltage LT1580 7A, Very Low Dropout Regulator 0.54V Dropout at 7A, Fixed 2.5VOUT and Adjustable LT1581 10A, Very Low Dropout Regulator 0.63V Dropout at 10A, Fixed 2.5VOUT and Adjustable LT1584/ LT1585/ LT1587 7A/4.6A/3A Fast Response LDOs Fast Transient Response for Microprocessor Applications LT1761 Series 100mA, Low Noise, Low Dropout Micropower Regulators in SOT-23 20µA Quiescent Current, 20µVRMS Noise, SOT-23 Package LT1762 Series 150mA, Low Noise, LDO Micropower Regulators 25µA Quiescent Current, 20µVRMS Noise, MSOP Package LT1763 Series 500mA, Low Noise LDO Micropower Regulators 30µA Quiescent Current, 20µVRMS Noise, SO-8 Package LT1764 3A Low Noise Fast Transient Response LDO 40µVRMS Noise, 5-Lead DD Package LT1962 300mA, Low Noise LDO Micropower Regulator 20µVRMS Noise, MSOP Package LT1963 1.5A, Low Noise, Fast Transient Response LDO 40µVRMS Noise, SOT-223 Package LT1964 200mA, Low Noise, Negative LDO 340mV Dropout Voltage, Low Noise 30µVRMS, VIN = –1.8V to –20V, ThinSOT™ and 3mm × 3mm DFN-8 Packages LT3015 1.5A, Low Noise, Negative Linear Regulator with Precision Current Limit VIN: –1.8V to –30V, VOUT: –1.22V to –29.5V, Dropout Voltage: 310mV, Precision Current Limit with Foldback, Low Output Noise: 60μVRMS (10Hz to 100kHz), TO-220, DD-Pak, DFN and MSOP Packages LT3080/ LT3080-1 1.1A, Parallelable, Low Noise, Low Dropout Linear Regulator 300mV Dropout Voltage (2-Supply Operation), Low Noise: 40µVRMS, VIN: 1.2V to 36V, VOUT: 0V to 35.7V, Stable with Ceramic Caps, TO-220, DD-Pak, SOT-223, MS8E and 3mm × 3mm DFN-8 Packages; "-1" Version Has Integrated Internal Ballast Resistor LT3090 600mA Low Noise Negative LDO with Programmable ILIMIT 22 Linear Technology Corporation 300mV Dropout Voltage, 18µVRMS Output Voltage Noise, Parallelable 50μA SET Pin Current: ±1% Initial Accuracy, Positive/Negative Current Monitors Wide Input Voltage Range: –1.5V to –36V, Rail-to-Rail Output Voltage Range: 0V to –32V 1630 McCarthy Blvd., Milpitas, CA 95035-7417 For more information www.linear.com/LT1083 (408) 432-1900 ● FAX: (408) 434-0507 ● www.linear.com/LT1083 108345fh LT 0615 REV H • PRINTED IN USA  LINEAR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION 1994
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