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LT6211IDD#TRPBF 数据手册
LT6210/LT6211 Single/Dual Programmable Supply Current, R-R Output, Current Feedback Amplifiers Features Description Programmable Supply Current and Bandwidth: 10MHz at 300µA per Amplifier up to 200MHz at 6mA per Amplifier n Rail-to-Rail Output: 0.05V to 2.85V on 3V Single Supply n High Slew Rate: 700V/µs n High Output Drive: ±75mA Minimum Output Current n C-Load™ Op Amp Drives All Capacitive Loads n Low Distortion: –70dB HD2 at 1MHz 2VP-P –75dB HD3 at 1MHz 2VP-P n Fast Settling: 20ns 0.1% Settling for 2V Step n Excellent Video Performance Into 150Ω Load: Differential Gain of 0.20%, Differential Phase of 0.10° n Wide Supply Range: 3V to 12V Single Supply ±1.5V to ±6V Dual Supplies n Small Size: Low Profile (1mm) 6-Lead ThinSOT™, 3mm × 3mm × 0.8mm DFN and 10-Lead MSOP Packages The LT®6210/LT6211 are single/dual current feedback amplifiers with externally programmable supply current and bandwidth ranging from 10MHz at 300µA per amplifier to 200MHz at 6mA per amplifier. They feature a low distortion rail-to-rail output stage, 700V/µs slew rate and a minimum output current drive of 75mA. n L, LT, LTC, LTM, Linear Technology and the Linear logo are registered trademarks and C-Load and ThinSOT are trademarks of Linear Technology Corporation. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Typical Application The LT6210/LT6211 operate on supplies as low as a single 3V and up to either 12V or ±6V. The ISET pin allows for the optimization of quiescent current for specific bandwidth, distortion or slew rate requirements. Regardless of supply voltage, the supply current is programmable from just 300µA to 6mA per amplifier with an external resistor or current source. The LT6210 is available in the low profile (1mm) 6-lead TSOT-23 package. The LT6211 is available in the 10-lead MSOP and the 3mm × 3mm × 0.8mm DFN packages. Applications Buffers Video Amplifers n Cable Drivers n Mobile Communication n Low Power/Battery Applications n n Small Signal Response vs Supply Current Line Driver Configuration for Various Supply Currents 9 3 IS = 3mA 3 4 6 + 1 LT6210 75Ω 75Ω CABLE VOUT 5 – 2 75Ω RSET –5V RF RG IS 6mA 3mA 300µA RSET 20k 56k 1M RG 887Ω 1.1k 11k RF 887Ω 1.1k 11k RLOAD 150Ω 150Ω 1k 6210 TA01 6 IS = 6mA IS = 300µA 3 –3 0 –3 0 –6 VS = ±5V AV = 2 TA = 25°C VOUT = 100mVP-P –6 0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY (MHz) GAIN AT VOUT (dB) VIN GAIN AT LT6210 OUTPUT (dB) 5V –9 –12 1000 6210 TA01b 62101fc 1 LT6210/LT6211 Absolute Maximum Ratings (Note 1) Total Supply Voltage (V+ to V–)...............................13.2V Input Current (Note 8)......................................±10mA Output Current..................................................±80mA Output Short-Circuit Duration (Note 2)............. Indefinite Operating Temperature Range (Note 3).... –40°C to 85°C Specified Temperature Range (Note 4)..... –40°C to 85°C Junction Temperature (Note 5).............................. 150°C Junction Temperature (DD Package)...................... 150°C Storage Temperature Range ................... –65°C to 150°C Storage Temperature Range (DD Package)...................................... –65°C to 150°C Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 sec)................... 300°C Pin Configuration TOP VIEW OUT A 1 –IN A 2 +IN A 3 ISET A 4 V – 10 V+ – + 5 11 – + TOP VIEW TOP VIEW 9 OUT B OUT A –IN A +IN A ISET A V– 8 –IN B 7 +IN B 6 ISET B 1 2 3 4 5 – + – + 10 9 8 7 6 V+ OUT B –IN B +IN B ISET B MS PACKAGE 10-LEAD PLASTIC MSOP TJMAX = 150°C, θJA = 120°C/W (NOTE 5) DD PACKAGE 10-LEAD (3mm × 3mm) PLASTIC DFN TJMAX = 150°C, θJA = 43°C/W (NOTE 5) EXPOSED PAD (PIN 11) CONNECTED TO V– (PCB CONNECTION OPTIONAL) 6 V+ OUT 1 V– 2 +IN 3 + – 5 ISET 4 –IN S6 PACKAGE 6-LEAD PLASTIC TSOT-23 TJMAX = 150°C, θJA = 230°C/W (NOTE 5) order information LEAD FREE FINISH TAPE AND REEL PART MARKING* PACKAGE DESCRIPTION SPECIFIED TEMPERATURE RANGE LT6211CDD#PBF LT6211CDD#TRPBF LBCD 10-Lead (3mm × 3mm) Plastic DFN 0°C to 70°C LT6211IDD#PBF LT6211IDD#TRPBF LBCD 10-Lead (3mm × 3mm) Plastic DFN –40°C to 85°C LT6211CMS#PBF LT6211CMS#TRPBF LTBBN 10-Lead Plastic MSOP 0°C to 70°C LT6211IMS#PBF LT6211IMS#TRPBF LTBBP 10-Lead Plastic MSOP –40°C to 85°C LT6210CS6#PBF LT6210CS6#TRPBF LTA3 6-Lead Plastic TSOT-23 0°C to 70°C LT6210IS6#PBF LT6210IS6#TRPBF LTA3 6-Lead Plastic TSOT-23 –40°C to 85°C LEAD BASED FINISH TAPE AND REEL PART MARKING* PACKAGE DESCRIPTION SPECIFIED TEMPERATURE RANGE LT6211CDD LT6211CDD#TR LBCD 10-Lead (3mm × 3mm) Plastic DFN 0°C to 70°C LT6211IDD LT6211IDD#TR LBCD 10-Lead (3mm × 3mm) Plastic DFN –40°C to 85°C LT6211CMS LT6211CMS#TR LTBBN 10-Lead Plastic MSOP 0°C to 70°C LT6211IMS LT6211IMS#TR LTBBP 10-Lead Plastic MSOP –40°C to 85°C LT6210CS6 LT6210CS6#TR LTA3 6-Lead Plastic TSOT-23 0°C to 70°C LT6210IS6 LT6210IS6#TR LTA3 6-Lead Plastic TSOT-23 –40°C to 85°C Consult LTC Marketing for parts specified with wider operating temperature ranges. *The temperature grade is identified by a label on the shipping container. For more information on lead free part marking, go to: http://www.linear.com/leadfree/ For more information on tape and reel specifications, go to: http://www.linear.com/tapeandreel/ 62101fc 2 LT6210/LT6211 Electrical Characteristics (IS = 6mA per Amplifier) The l denotes the specifications which apply over the specified operating temperature range, otherwise specifications are at TA = 25°C. For V+ = 5V, V– = –5V: RSET = 20k to ground, AV = +2, RF = RG = 887Ω, RL = 150Ω; For V+ = 3V, V– = 0V: RSET = 0Ω to V–, AV = +2, RF = 887Ω, RG = 887Ω to 1.5V, RL = 150Ω to 1.5V unless otherwise specified. V+ = 5V, V– = –5V, IS = 6mA SYMBOL PARAMETER VOS CONDITIONS MIN Input Offset Voltage TYP MAX –1 TYP MAX UNITS ±6 ±9 –1 ±6.5 ±10 mV mV –3.5 ±7 ±9 –3 ±6.5 ±8 µA µA –13.5 ±39 ±55 2.5 ±25 ±40 µA µA l IIN+ Noninverting Input Current l IIN– Inverting Input Current V+ = 3V, V– = 0V, IS = 6mA l MIN en Input Noise Voltage Density f = 1kHz, RF = 887Ω, RG = 46.4Ω, RS = 0Ω 6.5 6.5 nV/√Hz +in Input Noise Current Density f = 1kHz 4.5 4.5 pA/√Hz Input Noise Current Density f = 1kHz 25 25 pA/√Hz 1.7 MΩ 2 pF –in = V+ – 1.2V to V– + 1.2V + Noninverting Input Resistance VIN CIN + Noninverting Input Capacitance f = 100kHz VINH Input Voltage Range, High (Note 10) l VINL Input Voltage Range, Low (Note 10) l VOUTH Output Voltage Swing, High RL = 1k (Note 11) RL = 150Ω (Note 11) RL = 150Ω (Note 11) RIN VOUTL Output Voltage Swing, Low RL = 1k (Note 11) RL = 150Ω (Note 11) RL = 150Ω (Note 11) CMRR Common Mode Rejection Ratio VIN = V+ – 1.2V to V– + 1.2V l Inverting Input Current Common Mode Rejection VIN = V+ – 1.2V to V– + 1.2V PSRR Power Supply Rejection Ratio VS = ±1.5V to ±6V (Note 6) –IPSRR Inverting Input Current Power Supply Rejection VS = ±1.5V to ±6V (Note 6) IS Supply Current per Amplifier 2 0.3 2 l 3.8 4.2 –4.2 4.4 4.2 l 46 43 0.15 60 2.85 2.75 0.05 0.1 –4.55 –4.4 ±1.5 ±2 60 V 1.2 V V V V 0.3 0.35 V V V 46 dB dB 0.2 µA/V µA/V 85 dB 2 ±7 ±8 2 ±7 ±8 µA/V µA/V 6 8.5 10 5.8 8.3 9 mA mA l l 2.65 2.6 85 2.2 0.8 50 l l 1.8 –3.8 4.8 4.6 –4.95 –4.8 l –ICMRR 0.5 62101fc 3 LT6210/LT6211 Electrical Characteristics (IS = 6mA per Amplifier) The l denotes the specifications which apply over the specified operating temperature range, otherwise specifications are at TA = 25°C. For V+ = 5V, V– = –5V: RSET = 20k to ground, AV = +2, RF = RG = 887Ω, RL = 150Ω; For V+ = 3V, V– = 0V: RSET = 0Ω to V–, AV = +2, RF = 887Ω, RG = 887Ω to 1.5V, RL = 150Ω to 1.5V unless otherwise specified. V+ = 5V, V– = –5V, IS = 6mA SYMBOL PARAMETER IOUT CONDITIONS Maximum Output Current RL = 0Ω (Notes 7, 11) – MIN l = V+ – 1.2V to V– + 1.2V ROL Transimpedance, ∆VOUT/∆IIN VOUT SR Slew Rate (Note 8) tpd Propagation Delay BW TYP MAX ±75 V+ = 3V, V– = 0V, IS = 6mA MIN TYP MAX ±45 65 UNITS mA 65 115 115 kΩ 500 700 200 V/µs 50% VIN to 50% VOUT, 100mVP-P, Larger of tpd+, tpd– 1.5 2.4 ns –3dB Bandwidth
LT6211IDD#TRPBF 价格&库存

